Chapter 8 Group and teams

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-Icebreakers -Mutual trust is low

In stage 1 of tuckmans five stages, what is happening here?

-Time of testing -Testing leader policies and assumptions about power dynakic of the group

In stage 2 of tuckmans five stages, what is happening here?

-Group has a more cohesive "we feeling"

In stage 3 of tuckmans five stages, what is happening here?

-Activity focused on problem solving -Climate of open communication and cooperation

In stage 4 of tuckmans five stages, what is happening here?

-Work completed; group moves on to other activities

In stage 5 of tuckmans five stages, what is happening here?


Individual issues such as "What's my role here?" and group issues such as "Why are we fighting over who is in charge and who does what?" are part of which stage of group development? A)Forming B)Storming C)Norming D)Performing E)Adjourning

Limiting group size

We can counter social loafing by....

Team charters

What positional term within a team describes how somone will make the team will operate, such as processes for sharing information and decision making?


Franco is part of a group which must resolve a quality control issue at his company. Franco is worried about what the group expects from him and is not sure who is in charge. What stage of group development is the group likely in at this time? A)Forming. B)Storming. C)Norming. D)Performing. E)Adjourning.

Lower quality of work

Free riders have social loafing that leads to...


Marion is frustrated with her OB project group. She frequently asks: "What's the problem with our group? We don't seem to be getting anywhere." This is a(n) ________ function. A)Peripheral B)Informal C)Task D)Maintenance E)Formal

Team preformance strategies

What term within a team describes how someone will make deliberate plans that outline what exactly the team needs to do?

Team composition

What term within a team describes the collection of jobs, personalities, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience of team members?


A feeling of team spirit is sometimes experienced during the ________ stage because members believe they have found their proper roles. Group cohesiveness, defined as the "we feeling" that binds members of a group together, is a principal by-product of Stage 3. A)Forming B)Storming C)Norming D)Conforming E)Performing

-Leadership -Accountability -Purpose -Problem solving -Effectiveness

A group becomes a team when...

-Emerge on their own -Can be purposefully created

Creation of norms can...

C)Formal; informal

________ groups are assigned by organizations or managers, while ________ groups form when the members' purpose of getting together is friendship or a common interest. A)Organizational; individual B)Departmental; divisional C)Formal; informal D)Focus; interest E)Task; mainenance

A)Committed, collaborative, and competent

Norman is elected president of the debate club. He is known as a team player. That means that Norman is A)Committed, collaborative, and competent B)Committed, controlled, and collaborative C)Controlled, capable, and content D)Committed, capable, and competent E)Committed, capable, and consistent

-Group or organization survival -Clarifiaction of behavioral expectations

Norms are reinforced for many purposes such as...


T/F Norms are shared phenomena, and apply to group, team, or organization


T/F in group roles, there are expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole


T/F the 5 stages are not necissarily of the same duration or intensity

-Committed -Collaborative -Competent

Team players are...

-Contribute to the work -Constructively interact with team member -Keep team on track

Team players will...

-Purpose -Duration -Level of member commitment

Teams can be differentiated by...

1.Contractual 2.Communication 3.Competence

Trust is thought to come in three forms, what are they?

B)Initiator, orienter, energizer

Which three roles are especially important to groups? A)Energizer, harmonizer, gatekeeper B)Initiator, orienter, energizer C)Coordinator, procedural technician, gatekeeper D)Compromiser, commentator, evaluator E)Opinion seeker/giver, standard setter, initiator

C)Jeannie's boss sometimes mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor.

Jeannie belongs to a formal work group with established norms. All the following would be considered norms for her group EXCEPT: A)Meetings always start on time. B)Meetings are limited to two hours. C)Jeannie's boss sometimes mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor. D)Members take turns bringing snacks. E)No cell phones are allowed during the meeting.

B)Decide against using a cross-functional team because she assumes the problem can be solved by one department.

Kierra is trying to quickly establish a team to find the root cause of a quality issue involving defective air bags in her company, which also involves suppliers and dealers. Which of these should she NOT do? A)Clearly explain the purpose of the team is to locate the root cause of the problem and suggest corrections. B)Decide against using a cross-functional team because she assumes the problem can be solved by one department. C)Have each member share details about their experiences. D)Establish how information will be shared. E)Explain how conflicts in decision making will be resolved.

-Lack of face-to-face interactions -Leadership may be difficult to build rich relationships -Diversity differences are difficult to appreciate

What are some challanges that virtual teams may face?

-Initiator -Information seeker, giver -Opinion seeker, giver -Elaborator -Coordinator -Orienter -Evaluator -Energizer -Procedural Technician -Recorder

What are some group roles that are formed in a formal group setting?

1)Forming 2)Storming 3)Norming 4)Preforming 5)Adjouring

What are tuckmans five stages of group development?


What is one of the most important aspects of teams which determines the extent to which members are dependent on each other to accomplish their worK?

Virtual teams

What team type describes when a team works together over time and distance via electronic media to combine effort and achieve common goals?

Self-managed teams

What team type has a groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains such as planning, scheduling, monitoring, and staffing.

Work teams

What team type has a well-defined purpose, and are typically permanent, which usually require full commitment from members.

Project teams

What team type is assembled to address specific problem, task, or project?

Cross-functional teams

What team type occurs when specialists from different areas are put on the same team?


What term describes two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms and goals and have a common identity?


What term describes a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable?


What term from group roles and norms the individual level, and pertains to a specific job or situation?


What term from group roles describes the attitudes, opinions, feelings, or actions shared by two or more people that guide behavior?

Formal groups

What term from groups are assigned by an organization to accomplish specific goals?

Informal groups

What term from groups are overriding the purpose for meeting is friendship or common interest.


What term within a team is crucial when meeting changing demands, and to effectively transition membors in and out?

-Reduce work-life conflicts for employees -Enable organiations to leverage diverse knowledge, skills, and experience accross geography and time

When is it best to use a vitrual team?

B)The five stages are not necessarily of the same duration or intensity.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about Tuckman's five-stage model of group development? A)Tuckman's five-stage model of group development has limited practical application. B)The five stages are not necessarily of the same duration or intensity. C)The five stages of group development represent the punctuated equilibrium model. D)The five stages model establishes periods of stable functioning until an event causes a dramatic change in norms, roles, and/or objectives. E)The five-stage model includes forming, storming, elaborating, evaluating and energizing.

D)Group roles and norms

________ are powerful forms of social control that influence group and member behavior. A)Group and team cohesiveness B)Common identities C)Outcomes D)Group roles and norms E)Cross-functional rules


________ is the act of sharing information and coordinating efforts to achieve a collective outcome. A)Contracting B)Capacity C)Composition D)Charting E)Collaboration


__________ teams are created with members from different disciplines within an organization, such as finance, operations, and R&D. A)High extraversion B)High introversion C)Self-managed D)Virtual E)Cross-functional

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