Chapter 9: Emotional Intelligence

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anger Sadness Fear Enjoyment love surprise disgust shame

Eight main families of emotions (Goleman)


Element present when one is fighting some overwhelming anxiety, a defeatist attitude or depression

Daniel Goleman

Emotional intelligence as "the ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations, to control impulse and delay gratification,to regulate one's moods and keep distress from swamping the ability to think, to emphatize and to hope

Verbal-linguistic Mathematical-logical Spatial Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Natural (added) Spirit(added)

Emotional intelligence could be part of the seven key varieties namely

Physical and mental health Work performance Relationships

Emotional intelligence directly affects

Happiness Joy relief Contentment Bliss delight amusement pride Sensual pleasure thrill raputure gratification satisfaction euphoria whimsy ecstasy Mania

Enjoyment (members)

Organizing groups

Examples of people with this talent are orchestra conductors, military officers, stage conductors, Leadership skill essential

Anxiety apprehension nervousness concern concentration misgiving Wariness qualm edginess dread fright terror phobia and panic

Fear (members)


Important in maintaining relationships

Flight ir fight response

Instinctive nature for survival that both humans and animals have


Keeps a memory bank of previous experiences related to emotions This memory may even go way before us and is imprinted in our genetic codes

Emotional intelligence

Lies between the interaction of the amygdala and the pre-frontal cortex

Acceptance friendliness trust Kindness affinity devotion adoration infatuation agape

Love (members)


Major indicator of emotional intelligence

Knowing one's emotiona and being aware of oneself Managing one's emotions Motivating oneself Recognizing emotions in others Handling relationships

Mayer and salovey's five domains that can serve as a guide in developing ine's emotional intelligence

Daniel Goleman (Author of Emotional Imtelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, 1995)

"All emotions are, in essence, impulses to act, the instant plan for handling life that evolution has instilled in us."

Organizing groups Negotiating solutions Personal connection Social analysis

4 Components of social intelligence (Howard Gardner, proponent of multiple intelligence, and Thomas Hatch

Optimism (Goleman)

A great motivator ,provides a person with expectations that things will turn out better or right, when faced with adversity

'Hijacking of amygdala'

A phenomenon when small amounts of pulses coming from the thalamus escape to the amygdala, which triggers the knee-jerk reaction to a situation, happening even before the information was processed by the rational part of the brain

Amygdala Neocortex Frontal lobes

Parts of human brain primarily involved in creation of emotions according to neuroscientists

Emotional intelligence

Ability to recognize, assess, and understand one's emotions and manage them accordingly resulting in positive physical and mental health, excellent work performance and healthy interpersonal relationships

Neuriscientist Dr. Joseph LeDoux, 1992

According to --------- the amygdalahas become the center of action, the emotional sentinel that can take control of our actions even before the neocortex could assess what to do

fury Outrage resentment wrath exasperation indignation vexation acrimony animosity annoyance irritability hostility hared Violence

Anger (members)

Dolf Zillmann

Anger is triggered by something that endangers a person's life or status, or even one's balance

peter salovey

Concept of emotional intelligence was first introduced by ----

Contempt disdain scorn abhorrence aversion Distaste revulsion

Disgust (members)

Attunement (Daniel stern)

The capacity of an individual to emphatize is.linked to the individual's need for others to recognize amd receive their emotions and respond to them


The capacity to recognize the others


The root cause of our capacity to emphatize

Social analysis

The talent to step out of a situation and objectivity form insights about the way people feel and behave. Therapists are gifted with this talent

Robert plutchik Adoration Ecstasy anticipation rage disgust grief surprise fear

Theorized that emotions are multi-dimensional, or having various intensities Identified as

Personal connection

This is the talent where empathy and connecting with another person's emotions are manifested. Teachers usually have this natural talent

Negotiating solutions

This talent bring people in conflict to talk and come up with a solution is usually found amonh mediators of disputes

Daniel Goleman

Traces the origins of emotions from human race's survival instinct to sense, detect, assess, and act on any threat to its life and survival, also called 'flight or fight' response

Knowing one's emotions or self-awareness Managing emotions Motivating oneself Recognizing emotions in others Handling relationships

Five domains of emotional intelligence acc. To salovey

Self-awareness Self-Management Self-motivation Empathy Social relationships

Five domains of emotional.intelligence

Grief sorrow cheerlessness gloom melancholy Self-pity loneliness dejection despair Depression

Sadness (members)

Guilt embarrassment Chagrin remorse humiliation regret mortification contrition

Shame (members)

Shock astonishment amazement wonder

Surprise (members)


thr basis of a person's set of.moral principles that give rise to one's ethics and values like compassion

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