Chapter 9 - service

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Kitchen staff guidelines

Bare hand contact: fh must wear single use gloves whenever handling ready to eat food. Also with spatulas, tongs, deli sheets or other utensils. Acceptable to handle ready to eat foods when dish does not contain raw meat, seafood or poultry and cooked at least 145. Serving utensils: use separate utensils for serving each food item. Clean and sanitize them after each serving task. If using continuously clean and sanitize every four hours. Utensil storage: store serving utensils in food with handle extended above the rim of container. If you are serving a non tcs food item you can also place them on a clean and sanitized food contact surface. Spoons or scoops used to serve food such as ice cream or mashed potatoes can be stored under running water that is at least 135. Refilling take home containers: - if they were designed to be reused - they were provided to guest by operation - are cleaned and sanitized correctly Take Home beverage containers can also be refilled as long as the beverage is not a tcs food and the container will be refilled for the same guest. Conditions: - can be effectively cleaned at home and in the operation. - will be rinsed with fresh, hot water under pressure before refilling - will be refilled by staff in the operation or by the guest using a process that prevents contamination.

Self service areas

Can be contaminated easily. Protection: food on display can be protected from cont. using sneeze guards also by placing it in display cases or by packaging it to protect it from contamination. Labels: label food located in self service areas. Raw and ready to eat food. Raw unpackaged meat, poultry, and seafood cannot be offered for self service. Exception: -ready to eat food at buffets or salad bars that serve food such as sushi or raw shellfish. - ready to cook portions that will be cooked and eaten immediately on the premises like Mongolian barbecues. - raw, frozen, shell on shrimp or lobster. Refills: - do not let guests refill dirty plates or use dirty utensils at self service areas. Assign staff member to monitor guests. Posts signs reminding guests not to reuse plates and utensils. Utensil: - stock food displays with correct utensils for dispensing food. Might include tongs, laddles, or deli sheets. Ice: - ice used to keep food or beverages cold should never be used as ingredient.

Hot food

Can hold without temp control for up to four hours if: - hold food at 135 or higher before removing from temp control. - label food with time you must throw it out. Discard time on label must be four hours. - sell, serve, or throw out food within four hours.

Study questions - which may be handled with bare hands?

Chopped tomatoes for soup

Which may be handled with bare hands?

Chopped tomatoes for,soup

What item must guests take each time they return to a self service area for more?

Clean plate

Tcs food may be held without temp control under what conditions?

Cold food must be held at 41 or lower before it is removed from refrigeration. Then the food temp. Must not get higher then 70. If does or food is not served or sold within six hours, must be thrown away. Hot food must be held at 135 or higher before removed from temp control. Then must be served, stored, or thrown away within four hours. Both cold and hot food must be labeled with discard time. Operations that primarily serve high risk populations should never hold food without temp control.

Chapter summary - policies for holding and discarding food?

Cover food or use sneeze guards. Hold TCS food at correct temps. Never use hot holding equip. To reheat food unless it is built to do so.

What practices should be followed to serve catered food off site?

Ensure there is safe water for cooking, dishwashing and handwashing - make sure garbage is stored away from food prep, storage and serving areas. - store food properly. Use insulated containers to hold tcs food. Wrap raw meat and store it on ice. Deliver dairy products in a refrigerated vehicle or on ice. Store ready to eat food separately from raw meat, poultry and seafood. - serve cold food in containers on ice or in chilled, gel filled containers. Or hold the food without temperature control according to guidelines. - label any leftovers given to guests. Provide instructions on storage and reheating and a discard date.

Off site service - catering

Food must be protected from contamination and tta. Facilities clean and sanitary. Food prepared and served correctly and staff must follow good personal hygiene practices. Guidelines: Utilities: makee sure service site has correct utilities - safe water for cooking, dishwashing and hand washing. - garbage containers stored away from food prep, storage, and serving areas. Insulated containers: use insulated containers to hold tcs food. Raw meat should be wrapped and stored on ice. Delver milk and dairy products in a refrigerated vehicle or on ice. Cold food: serve cold food in containers on ice or in chilled, gel filled containers. Ready to eat food: store seperate from raw food Leftovers: if given to guests provide instructions on how they should be handled. Info such as a discard date and the foods storage and reheating instructions should be clearly labeled on the container.

Catering, mobile units., temporary units, and vending machines pose their own challenges to food safety.

Food served by these sources must be treated with same care as any other food served to guests. Pack, label, reheat, hold and store food properly. Make sure delivery vehicles are clean and holding equipment keeps food at the correct temp. Practice good personal hygiene. Make sure the service site has the correct utilities. Temporary units must be built to keep food safe from weather, dirt and pests. Mobile units may need to have a special permit or license to operate. Check the shelf life of food in vending machines daily. Learn and follow any regulatory requirements that may apply to your operation.

Holding food without temp control

If you primarily serve high risk population, do not hold tcs food without temp control. Food can be held without temp control: - when displaying food for a short time, such as at an off site catered event - when electricity is not available to power holding equip.

What are the requirements for using time rather than temperature as the only method of control when holding tcs food?

It is not for a primarily high risk population. Cold food: - it was held at 41 degrees or lower before removing it from refrigeration. - it does not exceed 70 while it is being served - it has a label that specifies both the time it was removed from refrigeration and the time it must be thrown out. - it is sold, served, or thrown out within six hours. Hot,food: - it was held at 135 or higher before removing it from temperature control. - it has a label that specifies when the item must be thrown out. - it is sold, served, or thrown out within four hours

When holding tcs food for service

Keep hot food at 135 or higher. Keep cold food at 41 or lower. Check internal temp of food at least every four hours. Throw food out if not at correct temp and cannot be restored to a safe condition.

Labeling bulk food

Label bulk food in self service areas. Label must be in plain view of guest. You can include the manufacturer or processor label provided with food. As alternative, you can provide this information using a card, sign, or other labeling method. Bulk unpackaged food, such as bakery products and unpackaged food portioned for guests, does not need to be labeled if it meets these conditions: - product makes no claim raga riding health or nutrient content. - no laws requiring labeling - food is manufactured or prepped on premises - food is manufactured or prepped at another food operation or processing plant owned by the same person. Operation must also be regulated.

Mobile units

Portable facilities ranging from concession vans to elaborate field kitchens. Those serving only frozen novelties, candy, packaged snacks, and soft drinks need to meet basic sanitation requirements. Mobile kitchens prepping and serving tcs food need to follow the same rules required of permanent foodservice kitchens. Both types of operations might be required to appky for a special permit or license from the regulatory authority.

Self service areas cans be contaminated by staff and guests

Protect food on display with sneeze guards, packaging or other tools designed to keep food safe. Post self service rules. Make it clear to guests that clean plates must be used for refills. Put the correct labels on displayed food and bulk food available for self service. Make sure equip. Holds food at correct temp.

Reserving food safely

Returned menu items: do not re-serve food returned by a guest Plate garnishes: never re-serve plate garnishes such as fruit or pickles. Throw out served but unused garnishes. Condiments: serve condiments in original containers or in containers designed to prevent contamination. Offering condiments in individual pavkets or portions can also help keep the, safe. - never reserve incovered condiments - do not combine leftover condiments withe fresh ones - throw away opened portions of condiments after serving them to guests. Salsa, butter, mayo, and ketchup examples. Bread and rolls: do not re serve uneaten bread or rolls to other guests. Change linens used in bread baskets after each guest. Prepackaged food: you may re-serve only unopenrd prepackaged food in good condition. This includes condiment packets and wrapped crackers. You may also re-serve bottles of ketchup, mustard, and other condiments. Containers must remain closed between uses.

When a utensil is stored in water between uses, what are the requirements?

Running water at any temp, or,a container of water at 135 or,higher.

When a utensil is stored in water between uses?

Running water at any temp. or container of water at 135 or higher.

Serving food safely

Service staff guidelines - hold dishes by the bottom or edge. - hold glasses by the middle, bottom or stem - do not touch food contact areas of dishes or glassware. - carry glasses in a rack or on a tray to avoid touching the food contact surfaces. - do not stack glasses when carrying them. - hold flatware by the handle - do not hold flatware by food contact surfaces. - store flatware so that servers grasp handles not food contact surfaces. - avoid bare hand contact with food that is ready to eat - use ice scoops or tongs to get ice. - never scoop ice with your bare hands or a glass. A glass may chip or break. Preset tableware - might include wrapping or covering items Do not need to be wrapped or covered if: - they are removed when guests are seated - they remain on the table, they are cleaned and sanitized after guests have left.

Bare hand contact

Staff should be trained to avoid bare hand contact with ready to eat food. Also trained to use and maintain utensils correctly. Use separate utensils for different food items. Clean and sanitize after each task and after four hours of continuous use. Store serving utensils correctly to avoid contamination.

Correct ways for handling service items and tableware.

Teach staff correct ways for handling service items and tableware. Staff should also be trained on rules for throwing away and reserving food that was served to guests. This should address food returned by guests and unused condiments, bread, garnishes and prepackaged foods. Make sure delivery vehicles are clean and holding equip keeps food at correct temp. Practice good personal hygiene. Make sure service site has correct utilities. Temporary units must be built to keep food safe from weather, dirt and pests. Mobile units may need to have a special permit or license to operate. Check shelf life of food in vending machines daily.

Holding food for service

Temperature: hold tcs food at correct internal temperature - hold hot food at an internal temp of 135 or higher - hold cold food at an internal temp of 41 or lower Thermometer: use thermometer to check temps. Never use the temp gauge on a holding unit to check foods temp. Gauge does not check internal temp of food. Time: chrck food temp every 4 hours. - throw out food that is not being held at correct temp - you can al so check temp every two hours. Will leave time for corrective action. (Tcs food that has been held below 135 can be reheated and then placed back in the hot holding unit. Reheating food: Never use hot holding equipment to reheat food unless built to do so. Mist hot holding equipment does not pass food through temp danger zone quickly enough. Reheat food correctly. Then move it to holding unit. Food covers and sneeze guards: to protect from contaminants. Will help maintain a foods internal temp. Policies: about how long operation will hold food and whe it will be thrown out.

Off site service - delivery

The longer the time between preparation and consumption, the greater the risk food will be exposed to contamination or tta. Follo these procedures: - containers: pack food in insulated food grade containers. Should be designed so food cannot mix, leak or spill. At service site use appropriate containers or equipment to hold food at the correct temp. - labels: label food with use by date and time and reheating and service instructions for staff at off site locations. - Delivery vehicle: clean inside of delivery vehicle regularly. - personal hygiene: practice good personal hygiene when distributing food. - internal food temps: check internal food temps. If containers or delivery vehicles are not holding food at correct temp, reevaluate length of the delivery route or the efficiency of equipment being used. - storage: store raw meat, poultry, and seafood separate from ready to eat items. (Store raw chicken separate from ready to eat salads).

What hazards are associated with the transportation of food and how can they be prevented?

The longer the time between preparation and consumption,tv he greater that food will be exposed to contamination or time temperature abuse. The prevent: - pack food in insulated food grade containers. They should be designed so food cannot mix, leak, or spill - clean the inside of delivery vehicles regularly - practice good personal hygiene when distributing food. - check internal food temps. If containers or delivery vehicles are not maintaining the correct temps, reevaluate the length of the delivery route or the efficiency of the equipment being used. - label food,with a use by date and time and with reheating and service instructions for staff at off site locations. - store raw meat, poultry and seafood and ready to eat items separately.

Cold food

You can hold cold food without temp control for up to 6 hours if: - hold food at 41 or lower before removing it from refrigeration - label food with time you removed it from refrigeration and time you must throw it out. - make sure food temp does not exceed 70 while it is being served. Throw out any food that exceeds this temp. - sell, serve or throw out food within six hours

Something to think about - what did Jill do wrong?

- She packed the deliveries in cardboard boxes - she failed to makes sure that the internal temp of the food on the serving line was checked at least every four hours. This would have alerted her to the fact that the steam table was not maintaining the correct temp and that the casserole was in the temp danger zone.

At what minimum temp should hot tcs food be held?


An operation is located in a jurisdiction that allows it to hold tcs food without temp control. How many hours can it display hot tcs food without temperature control before the food must be sold, served or thrown out?


An operation had a self service salad bar with 8 different items on it. How many serving utensils are needed to serve the items on the salad bar?


Vending machines

- check product shelf life daily. Often have expiration or use by date. If expired throw out asap. Throw out refrigerated food prepped on site if not sold within 7 days of preparation. - keep tcs food at correct temp. It should be held at 41 or lower or at 135 or higher. Machines must have controls that prevent tcs food from being dispensed if temp stay in danger zone. For a specified amount of time. This food must be thrown out. - dispense tcs food in its original container - wash and wrap fresh fruit with edible peels before putting it in a machine.

Discussion questions - What can be done to minimize contamination in self service areas?

- protect food on display using sneeze guards, display cases, or packaging. - label food located in self service areas - do not let guests refill dirty plates or use dirty utensils at self service areas - stock food displays with the correct utensils for dispensing food.

What should she have done?

- she should have packed the food in food grade insulated containers - she should have checked the temp of the food on the service line at least every four hours. Doing it this way means that any food not at the correct temp would need to be thrown out. Because the casserole was only 130 she should have thrown it out. As an alternative , Jill could have checked the temp of items on the serving line every two hours. This would have left time for corrective action.

What should she have done?

- she should not have tasted food for guests plate - she should have washed her hands after clearing the table and before she touched the water glasses - when cleaning tables between guest seatings, if food,bits or spills are present, Megan should use the correct cleaning tool, such as a cloth towel, to remove the debris. Megan should have then cleaned the table with a clean cloth that was stored in a sanitizer solution. - she should, have used tongs or an ice scoop to get ice - she should have served a fresh basket of bread and butter - she should have washed her hands immediately after scratching the sore.

Megan's day - what errors did Megan make?

- she tasted the food on the guests plate - she failed to wash her hands after clearing the dirty dishes from the table - she failed to clean the table correctly after busing it. Megan should not have wiped the table with the cloth she kept in her apron. - she incorrectly scoped ice into glassware. Megan should not have used the glass itself to retrieve ice from the bin. Use a glass this way could cause it to chip or break in the ice - she reserved bread and butter that had been previously served to a guest. Uneaten bread or rolls should never be reserved to other guests - she failed to wash her hands after scratching a sore. By scratching it and not washing her hands afterward, she could easily have contaminated everything else she touched.

How often must you check the temp of food that is being held with temp control.

Every four hours

At what maximum internal temp should cold tcs food be held?


Study questions - which part of the plate should a food handler avoid touching when serving guests?


Temporary units

Typically operate in one location for less than 14 days. Food service tents or kiosks set up for food fairs, special celebrations, or sporting events may be temporary units. Usually serve prepackaged food or food requiring limited prepping like hot dogs. Best to keep menu simple to limit amount of onsite food prep. Guidelines: - should be constructed to keep out dirt and pests. If floors made of dirt or gravel cover them with mats or platforms to control dust and mud. Construct walls and the ceiling with materials that will protect food from weather and windblown dust. - safe handling rules discussed throughout this book apply to food prep in temporary units. - safe drinking water also needs to be available for cleaning , sanitizing, and handwashing. Use disposable single use items.

A pan of lasagna at 165 was packed in a heated cabinet for offsite delivery. What is the minimum information that should be on the pan label?

Use by date and time and reheating and service instructions

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