Chapters 12,14,15

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Noticing that you have difficulty concentrating during and after periods of prolonged stress exemplifies how stress can have a negative __________ impact .A. cognitive B. emotional C. physical D. social

A. cognitive

What is the major flaw in the Asch conformity study?

Asch ignored the importance of several factors influencing conformity—including race, class, and gender.

Which of the following is a good example of a response-based definition of stress?

Bruce experiences stress because his heart rate increased when he noticed Jack had a knife.

Factory worker, supermarket cashier, and short-order cook are all examples of occupations with high levels of __________.A. career stressB. employee burnoutC. job strainD. worker fatigue

C. Job strain

Which of the following is an example of a stimulus-based definition of stress?

Caroline experiences stress because she is home alone and hears unusual noises outside.

Who developed biofeedback as a technique to treat combat stress?

Gary Schwartz

Who suggested that men have womb envy because they cannot give birth?

Karen Horney

Which of the following is an example of the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

Latricia has been lost in the woods for days. After such a long period of anxiety and fear, Latricia collapses by a tree.

The ________ is composed of a series of true and false questions in order to establish an individual's clinical profile.

Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of histrionic personality disorder?

Phoebe feels uncomfortable when she is not the center of attention, and she has alienated friends by demanding excessive amounts of their attention.

Which of the following best exemplifies prosocial behavior?

Tyler visits his aunt once a week to bring her groceries.

Jessica believes that she succeeds in high school because she works hard, earned a place on the basketball team because she practices constantly, and cooks well because she takes cooking classes. Julian Rotter would say that Jessica has ________.

an internal locus of control

If parents are too lenient in the ________ stage, the child might become messy, careless, disorganized, and prone to emotional outbursts.


A stressor is likely to be appraised as a threat when someone ________.

anticipates that it could lead to some kind of harm, loss, or other negative consequence

Piper is diagnosed with agoraphobia because she experiences intense fear and anxiety of ________.

being outside the home alone

Phyllis cannot be alone. Her moods and behaviors are unstable, as are her relationships with other people. She often displays inappropriate and intense anger. Recently, Phyllis wrote a suicide note and offered to show it to her husband. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for her personality?

borderline personality disorder

The Milgram experiment required the participation of a(n) ________ to play the part of the person being shocked because the experiment would be invalidated if the participant realized the electric shock treatment was faked.


Ina can no longer read the street signs, but she refuses to admit she needs glasses to drive. Which defense mechanism does this exemplify?


The ________ model suggests that people with a predisposition for a disorder are more likely to develop the disorder when faced with adverse environmental or psychological events.


Mona works at a bank. When Luis, a Colombian man, arrives to drop off his paycheck she pretends to be busy and directs him to another teller. She does this whenever a non-White person wants assistance. This is an example of ________.


Oleksiy is an adjunct professor in the Department of Fine Arts. He applied for a full-time job recently, which he did not get. He tries to put this situation in a positive light, reminding himself that he will have more time to produce artwork if he is not working a full-time job. He also reminds himself that some of his friends from grad school can't find work related to art in any way. Which type of coping approach is Oleksiy using?

emotion focused

A(an) ________ locus of control is the belief that our outcomes are outside of our control; an ________ locus of control is the belief that we control our own outcomes.

external; internal

Jade hears a rattle. When she turns around she sees a rattlesnake inches from her leg. Her pupils dilate, her heart pounds, and she begins to sweat. This response is called the ________ response.

fight or flight

________ is the strengthening of an original group attitude after the discussion of views within a group.

group polarization

A(an) ________ complex refers to the feeling that one lacks worth and doesn't measure up to the standards of others or of society.


The ________ hypothesis is the ideology common in the United States that people get the outcomes they deserve.

just- world hypothesis

When Fay feels anxious, she retreats to her closet with a flashlight, using the closet as a private hideaway. What coping strategy is Fay using?

moving away from people

What kind of symptoms involves reflecting noticeable decreases and absences in certain behaviors, emotions, or drives?

negative symptoms

If Laura has bipolar disorder, then she ________.

often experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania

Which type of persuasion involves an indirect route that relies on association of peripheral cues to associate positivity with a message?

peripheral route

When it comes to social psychology, a script is a ________.

person's knowledge about the sequence of events in a specific setting

Carl Jung referred to the ________ as the mask we adopt.


Schizophrenia is considered a ________ disorder.


Heather and Mike share the household chores as equally as possible. They take turns with the cooking and driving their son to daycare. Both of them work outside the home, and each of them takes responsibility for child care one night a week to give the other one a break. We can say that their relationship has ________.


Which psychological disorder is characterized by major disturbances in thought, perception, and behavior?


________ is a subtype of depression in which a person experiences the symptoms of major depressive disorder only during a particular time of year.

seasonal pattern

According to Abraham Maslow, the highest need is ________.

self- actualization

Following an outcome, ________ are those attributions that enable us to see ourselves in favorable light.

self-serving bias

A demanding or threatening event is often called a(n) ________.


Peripartum onset depression is a kind of depression ________.

that applies to women who experience an episode of major depression either during pregnancy or in the four weeks following childbirth

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