Chapters 4,5, & 6 - Mastering A&P

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Which cells are commonly found wedged between simple columnar epithelial cells?

goblet cells

Which tissue type is formed by many cells joining together, each contributing a nucleus?

skeletal muscle

Intercalated discs and striations are both characteristic of skeletal muscle.


The first step in tissue repair involves ________.


Select the correct statement regarding the stem cells of connective tissue.

"Blast" cells are undifferentiated, actively dividing cells.

The composition of the secretions of the eccrine glands is ________.

99% water, sodium chloride, trace amounts of wastes, and vitamin C

Which glands produce ear wax?

Ceruminous glands

Which of the following statements is true of connective tissue?

Collagen fibers provide high tensile strength.

Which of the following cells and their functions are correctly matched?

Dendritic cells activate the immune system

Which of the following is true about epithelia?

Endothelium provides a slick surface lining all hollow cardiovascular organs.

A major characteristic of fibrocartilage is its unique amount of flexibility and elasticity.


Cartilage has good regenerative capacity, while most epithelial tissues do not.


Cells in the stratum corneum undergo mitosis to keep the layer thick and protective.


Connective tissues that possess a large quantity of collagen fibers often provide the framework for organs such as the spleen and lymph nodes.


Endocrine glands are often called ducted glands.


Fibrocartilage is also known as gristle.


Healing of a surgical incision through the body wall will tend to increase the amount of areolar tissue.


Joe just burned himself on a hot pot. and the burn is quite painful. Joe's burn would best be described as a third-degree burn.


Merocrine glands produce their secretions by accumulating their secretions internally until the cell ruptures.


Nervous tissue consists mainly of neurons and collagen fibers.


Salivary glands exhibit simple tubuloalveolar glandular arrangement.


Tendons and ligaments are composed mainly of dense irregular connective tissue.


The basic difference between dense irregular and dense regular connective tissues is in the amount of elastic fibers and adipose cells present.


The protein found in large amounts in the outermost layer of epidermal cells is collagen.


The reason that the nail bed appears pink is the presence of a large number of melanocytes in the underlying dermis.


The skin is not able to receive stimuli because the cells of the epidermis are not living and therefore there are no sensory receptors in the skin.


Thick skin has a more extensive dermal layer than thin skin.


When a patient is said to have "third-degree burns," this indicates that the patient has burns that cover approximately one-third or more of the body.


When an individual is exposed to extremely cold air the dermal blood vessels will dilate so that more blood will be brought closer to the outside surface of the skin.


How is hyaline cartilage different from elastic cartilage or fibrocartilage?

Fibers are not normally visible.

Which of the following is not one of the functions of the skin?

Gives the body its overall shape, loss of this function can be seen with the drooping of skin with age.

Water loss through the epidermis could cause a serious threat to health and well-being. Which of the following protects us against excessive water loss through the skin?

Glycolipids that are secreted by keratinocytes into extracellular spaces.

Which of the following would be of most importance to goblet cells and other glandular epithelia?

Golgi apparatus

All of the following will help the skin to fight infection but one. Which of the following will have little effect on the skin's ability to fight infection?

Greater production of melanin.

The surge of sex hormones that accompanies puberty has a wide range of effects on the body. One of those effects is to enhance the activity of the sebaceous glands, increasing the production of sebum. Which of the following is the most likely to result from the increased sebaceous activity?

Increased oily appearance and more acne.

Select the correct statement regarding tissue repair.

Inflammation causes capillaries to dilate and become permeable.

In addition to protection (physical and chemical barrier), the skin serves other functions. Which of the following is another vital function of the skin?

It converts modified epidermal cholesterol to a vitamin D precursor important to calcium metabolism.

Select the correct statement regarding adipose tissue.

Its primary function is nutrient storage.

Which statement correctly explains why hair appears the way it does?

Kinky air has flat, ribbonlike hair shafts.

Which of the following is a skin sensory receptor for touch?

Meissner's corpuscle

Select the most correct statement concerning skin cancer.

Melanomas are rare but must be remove quickly to prevent them from metastasizing.

Which of the following is true about the mode of secretion of exocrine glands?

Merocrine glands are not altered by the secretory process.

Which of the following statements indicates the way in which the body's natural defenses protect the skin from the effects of UV damage?

Pronlonged exposure to the sun induces melanin dispersion, which in turn acts as a natural sunscreen.

________ epithelium appears to have two or three layers of cells, but all the cells are in contact with the basement membrane.

Pseudostratified columnar

Which of the following examples listed below illustrates homeostasis maintained by a negative feedback?

Release of sweat by eccrine glands in response to heat.

Which type of skin cancer appears as a scaly reddened papule and tends to grow rapidly and metastasize?

Squamous cell carcinoma

Select the correct statement regarding epithelia.

Stratified squamous epithelia are present where protection from abrasion is important.

The friction ridges seen in finger, palm and foot prints are different among various people but very similar between identical twins. This evidence suggests which of the following?

That friction ridges are genetically determined.

Despite its apparent durability, the dermis is subject to tearing. How might a person know that the dermis has been stretched and/or torn?

The appearance of visible, silver-white scars is an indication of stretching of the dermis.

The papillary layer of the dermis is composed of loosely packed connective tissue with numerous peg-like projections that provide a great deal of surface area connecting the dermis to the epidermis. Which of the statements below do not represent benefits provided by the papillary layer's anatomy?

The looseness allows for easy separation of the dead cell layer of epidermis to be shed.

A light skinned person who is very cold may have a pale appearance. Which of the following is the best explanation for why this might be so?

The person's blood vessels in the dermis have undergone vasoconstriction (narrowing).

Which of the following examples listed below illustrates homeostasis maintained by a negative feedback?

The secretion of antibacterial compounds in sebum.

Changes in the color of skin are often an indication of a homeostatic imbalance. Which of the following changes would suggest that a patient is suffering from Addison's disease?

The skin takes on a bronze or metallic appearance.

Which of the following examples listed below illustrates homeostasis maintained by a negative feedback?

Thickening of epidermis to form a callus in places where the skin is exposed to friction.

A smooth muscle cell has a central nucleus but lacks striations.


Blood is considered a type of connective tissue.


Cartilage tissue tends to heal less rapidly than bone tissue.


Depending on the functional state of the bladder, transitional epithelium may resemble stratified squamous or stratified cuboidal epithelium.


During the regressive phase of hair growth, the matrix dies and the follicle atrophies.


Elastic connective tissue is found in the walls of the large arteries that leave the heart.


Epithelial tissues always exhibit apical-basal polarity; meaning that cell regions near the apical surface differ from those near the basal surface.


For a doctor, simply looking at a patient's skin can help in making a diagnosis.


Functions of connective tissues include binding, support, insulation, and protection.


Goblet cells are found within pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.


Macrophages are found in areolar and lymphatic tissues.


Regardless of race, all human beings have about the same number of melanocytes.


Simple cuboidal epithelia are usually found in areas where secretion and absorption occur.


Squamous cells are flattened and scalelike when mature.


The action of the arrector pili muscle is very similar in humans as it is in other mammals but its beneficial functions differ.


The apocrine sweat glands are not the primary gland involved in thermoregulation.


The dense fibrous connective tissue portion of the skin is located in the reticular region of the dermis.


The dermis contains blood vessels and nerve fibers while the epidermis does not.


The pinkish hue of individuals with fair skin is the result of the crimson color of oxygenated hemoglobin (contained in red blood cells) circulating in the dermal capillaries and reflecting through the epidermis.


The role of brown fat is to warm the body; whereas, the role of white fat is to store nutrients.


The shock-absorbing pads between the vertebrae are formed of fibrocartilage.


The skin cancer most likely to metastasize is cancer of the melanocytes.


Melanocytes and keratinocytes work together in protecting the skin from UV damage when keratinocytes ________.

accumulate the melanin granules on their superficial portion, forming a UV-blocking pigment layer

Generally speaking, connective tissues are largely non-living extracellular matrix. Which of the following is an EXCEPTION?


Which tissue type would likely function to hold the kidneys in place?


The function of the root hair plexus is to ________.

allow the hair to assist in touch sensation

Edema (swelling) occurs when ________.

areolar tissue soaks up excess fluid in an inflamed area

The arrector pili muscle's predominant, useful function in humans is to ______.

assisting in the release of sebum from nearby sebaceous glands

A splinter penetrated into the skin of the sole of the foot.almost to the papillary region of the dermis. Which layer of the epidermis would be the final layer injured?


Which of the following is NOT found in cartilage but is found in bone?

blood vessels

What tissue has lacunae, calcium salts, and blood vessels?

bone (osseous tissue)

The sebaceous glands are simple alveolar glands that secrete a substance known as sebum. The secretion of sebum is stimulated ________.

by hormones, especially androgens

Burns are devastating and debilitating because of loss of fluids and electrolytes from the body. How do physicians estimate the extent of burn damage associated with such dangerous fluid loss?

by using the "rule of nines"

What is the first threat to life from a massive third-degree burn?

catastrophic fluid loss

Cell type NOT found in areolar connective tissue.


Choose which tissue would line the uterine (fallopian) tubes and function as a "conveyer belt" to help move a fertilized egg towards the uterus.

ciliated simple columnar epithelium

The fiber type that gives connective tissue great tensile strength is ________.


The reason that intervertebral discs exhibit a large amount of tensile strength, which allows them to absorb shock, is because they possess ________.

collagen fibers

The salivary glands are a good example of a(n) ________ exocrine gland.

compound tubuloalveolar

A needle would pierce the epidermal layers of the forearm in which order?

corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale

Which of the following is a modification of the simple columnar epithelium that allows for efficient absorption along portions of the digestive tract?

dense microvilli

Sudoriferous (sweat) glands are categorized as two distinct types. Which of the following are the two types of sweat glands?

eccrine and apocrine

The shape of the external ear is maintained by ________.

elastic cartilage

Skin, lung, and blood vessel walls have which tissue characteristic in common?

elastic fibers

Mesenchymal cells are most commonly found in ________ connective tissue


Glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather than through ducts are classified as ________.


Arteries, veins, and lymphatics keep clots from sticking as long as their ________ is intact and healthy.


A substance received or given off by your body will likely pass through which tissue type?

epithelial tissue

The major regions of a hair shaft include all of the following except ________.

external root sheath

Eyebrow hairs are always shorter than hairs on your head because ________.

eyebrow follicles are only active for a few months

Your instructor gives you an unknown organ for you to examine and identify through microscopy. What should you do first with the sample?

fix it with preservative

A surgeon opens her patient by cutting the integument parallel to the cleavage lines of the dermis (tension lines). This will result in ________.

faster healing of the skin and less scarring

Connective tissue extracellular matrix is composed of ________.

fibers and ground substance

The primary blast cell for connective tissue proper is the ________.


The dermis is a strong, flexible connective tissue layer. Which of the following cell types are likely to be found in the dermis?

fibroblasts, macrophages, and mast cells

Which of the following is NOT a step in tissue repair?

formation of new stem cells

A patient has skin that is slightly blue in color. A likely treatment for this person might be ________.

giving the patient supplemental oxygen by mask

What are the three main components of connective tissue?

ground substance, fibers, and cells

Which is true concerning muscle tissue?

highly cellular and well vascularized

Choose which tissue type likely functions to add support to an organ.

hyaline cartilage

Apocrine glands, which begin to function at puberty under hormonal influence, seem to play little role in thermoregulation. Where would we find these glands in the human body?

in the axillary and anogenital area

Heart muscle cells would tend to separate without ________

intercalated discs

A ciliated version of pseudostratified columnar epithelium containing mucus-secreting goblet cells

lines most of the respiratory tract

What are the most important factors influencing hair growth?

nutrition and hormones

The single most important risk for skin cancer is ________

overexposure to UV radiation

A dendritic or Langerhans cell is a specialized ________.

phagocytic cell

Cells of the stratum spinosum have many interlocking desmosomes that will remain between the cells as they migrate to the stratum corneum. These cell junctions serve the body by ________.

preventing mechanical stress or trauma from damaging the epidermis

Inability to absorb digested nutrients and secrete mucus might indicate a disorder in which epithelial tissue?

simple columnar

Which of the following epithelia forms the walls of the air sacs across which gas exchange occurs in the lungs?

simple squamous

Which tissue in the wall of the uterus is required for labor contractions?

smooth muscle

A many-layered epithelium with cuboidal basal cells and flat cells at its surface would be classified as ________.

stratified squamous

The epidermis consists of five layers of cells, each layer with a distinct role to play in the health, well-being, and functioning of the skin. Which of the following layers is responsible for cell division and replacement?

stratum basale

Which layer of the epidermis will be supplied with the highest levels of oxygen from the blood?

stratum basale

Which layer of skin is LEAST protected by melanin?

stratum corneum

A light skinned person may appear pink when they become over heated. The best explanation for this is ________.

the blood vessels of the dermis have undergone vasodilation, bringing a greater volume of blood to the skin

The reason the hypodermis acts as a shock absorber is that ________.

the major part of its makeup is adipose, which serves as an effective shock absorber

The dermis has two major layers. Which layer constitutes 80% of the dermis and is responsible for the tension lines in the skin?

the reticular layer

William has a cut that is superficial, painful but not bleeding. Based on this information you would predict that the cut has penetrated to ________.

the stratum basale but not the dermal layers

Groups of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common or related function form a(n)


Which statement best describes connective tissue?

usually contains a large amount of matrix

Chondroblasts ________.

within the cartilage divide and secrete new matrix

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