Chemistry- Chapter 6- Ionic Compounds and Metals

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Which of these ionic compounds are named correctly?

1. MnO2, manganese(IV) oxide 2. NaIO4, sodium periodate 3. Fe2(SO4)3, iron (III) sulfate 4. LiBr, lithium bromide

When naming chlorine oxyanions, the oxyanion with the greatest number of oxygen atoms is named using the prefix ________, the root of the nonmetal, and the suffix ____.

Blank 1: per- or per Blank 2: -ate or ate

One type of chemical bond forms by the attraction between BLANK1 ions and BLANK2 ions

Blank 1: positive or cat Blank 2: negative or an

A formula unit represents the simplest __________ of the ions that make up an ionic compound.

Blank 1: ratio or whole number ratio

Sodium chloride forms when a ___ atom transfers its valence electron ___ to a ___ atom and the oppositely charged ions attract each other in a(n) ___ bond.

Blank 1: sodium Blank 2: chlorine Blank 3: ionic

Ionic crystals are hard and rigid because the ionic bonds holding the ions in position are relatively ________.

Blank 1: strong

The physical properties of ionic compounds are determined by the nature of the bonds between ions and the unique physical _______ that form as a result.

Blank 1: structures

Bicycle frames are sometimes made of an alloy of _______ that also contains aluminium and vanadium.

Blank 1: titanium

Elements that commonly have more than one possible ionic charge are ________ metals and metals from groups ________ 14.

Blank 1: transition Blank 2: 13 or thirteen

The bonding in both metals and ionic compounds is based on the attraction of particles with ________ charges.

Blank 1: unlike

A positive ion forms when an atom loses one or more BLANK1 electrons in order to obtain a BLANK2 BLANK3 configuration

Blank 1: valence Blank 2: noble Blank 3: gas

Which statements about the formation of ionic bonds in sodium chloride are true?

1. A sodium atom transfers its valence electron to a chlorine atom. 2. The oppositely charged ions attract each other in an ionic bond.

Match each group with the charges of the ions they commonly form.

1. Group 15 metals > [noble gas]ns^2np^3 > 3- when three electrons are gained 2. Group 16 metals > [noble gas]ns^2np^4 > 2- when two electrons are gained 3. Group 17 metals > [noble gas]ns^2np^5 > 1- when one electron is gained.

Which properties do metals and ionic compounds share?

1. They involve bonding that is based of the attraction of unlike charges 2. They form lattice structures in the solid state.

Which name-formula pairs are correct?

1. ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4 2. magnesium carbonate, MgCO3 3. calcium phosphate, Ca3(PO4) 2

Which of the following best describes a reason that ionic compounds tend to be brittle?

A force strong enough to push ions out of alignments result in like-charged ions being next to each other.

Which group of elements commonly forms ions that have a charge of 2+?

Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba

In an ionic compound containing Br- as the anion, the anion is named _________.

Black 1: Bromide

To designate an anion formed when an atom gains one or more electrons, the ending BLANK1 is added to the root name of the element.

Blank 1: -ide or ide

Noble gases are unreactive because, except for helium, they have a stable arrangement of blank1 valence electrons in the outer energy level. This arrangement is called a(n) blank2.

Blank 1: Eight Blank 2: Octet

The compound FeCl3 is called _____ chloride, while the compound FeCl2 is called _________ chloride.

Blank 1: Iron( III) or Ferric Blank 2: Iron (II) or Ferrous

When writing formulas for binary ionic compounds, the symbol for the __________ is always written first. The number of ions of each element in a formula unit is represented by ___________.

Blank 1: cation Blank 2: subscripts

The naming system for ionic compounds must account for both positive ions, or ________, and negatic ions, or __________.

Blank 1: cations Blank 2: anions

To attain a stable outer electron configuration, nonmetals BLANK1 one or more electrons.

Blank 1: gain, accept, or need

Ions with larger positive or negative charges generally result in a __________ lattice energy.

Blank 1: greater, larger, or higher

The electrostatic force that holds oppositely charged particles together in an ionic compound is referred to as a(n) _____ _____.

Blank 1: ionic Blank 2: bond

Compounds that contain ionic bonds are __________

Blank 1: ionic Blank 2: compounds

The formula for the ionic compound that contains calcium and oxygen is ______.


How do you name a Ca2+ ion when writing the name of an ionic compound that contains that cation?


A positive charged ion is called a(n)


True or false: Smaller ions produce weaker interionic attractions and smaller lattice energies.


Match each group with the correct electron configuration.

Group 1 Metals > [noble gas]ns^1 Group 2 Metals > [noble gas]ns^2 Group 13 Metals > [noble gas]ns^2np^1

What are compounds that contain ionic bonds called?

Ionic Compounds

Which statement about how ion charge affects lattice energy is true?

Larger charges generally result in a greater lattice energy.

Which is the formula for sodium sulfate?


Ions made up of more than one atom are called _______ ________.

Polyatomic ions.

Which statement about how ion size affects lattice energy is true?

Smaller ions produce greater lattice energies.

Which is any three-dimensional geometric arrangement of particles in which each positive ion is surrounded by negative ions and each negative ion is surrounded by positive ions?

a crystal lattice

What is the term for the chemical formula for an ionic compound, which represents the simplest ratio of the ions involved?

a formula unit

A mixture of elements that has metallic properties is called a(n)


What is a mixture of elements that has metallic properties called?


A negatively charged ion is a(n)


The naming system for ionic compounds must account for both ______.

anions and cations

These diagrams show why ionic compounds tend to be ________.


What is a positively charged ion called?


According to the electron sea model, the melting points of metals are not as extreme as the boiling points because ______.

cations and anions are mobile in a metal, so they can move past each other relatively easily, even though they are strongly attracted to each other.

According to the electron sea model, the melting points of metals are not as extreme as the boiling points because ________.

cations and anions are mobile in a metal, so they can move past each other relatively easily, even though they are strongly attracted to each other.

What is the force that holds atoms together?

chemical bond

What is the name for the electrons involved in metallic bonding that are free to move easily from one atom to the next throughout the metal and are not attached to a particular atom?

delocalized electrons

What is an ionic compound whose aqueous solution conducts an electric current?


Noble gases are unreactive because they have

filled outer energy levels

Transition metals tend to be harder and stronger than alkali metals because atoms of transition metals ______.

have a greater number of delocalized electrons

What is the term for the electrostatic force that holds oppositely charged particle together in an ionic compound?

ionic bond

In terms of energy change, the formation of ionic compounds from positive ions and negative ions _______.

is always exothermic.

A positive ion forms when an atom

loses one or more valence electrons in order to attain a noble gas configuration

What is the attraction of a metallic cation for delocalized electrons called?

metallic bond

Most transition metals and group 13 and 14 metals have _______.

more than one possible ionic charge

Metals conduct heat and electrical current well due to the ______ of delocalized electrons.

movement from place to place

For an element in an ionic compound, the number of electrons transferred from the atom to form the ion is the ______ number.


The two main types of ionic compounds are

oxides and salts

What are polyatomic ions that are composed of an element, usually a nonmetal, bonded to one or more oxygen atoms?


What are ions made up of more than one atom called?

polyatomic ions

Electrons in groups 11 through 14 loses electrons to form an outer energy level containing full s, p, and d sublevels. What are these relatively stable electron arrangements called?

psuedo- noble gas configurations

Compared with the properties of the primary element or elements they contain, the properties of alloys are ______,

somewhat different

Which is the model that proposes that all the metal atoms in a metallic solid contribute their valence electrons to form a "sea" of electrons that surrounds the metal cations in the lattice?

the electron sea model

Metals are malleable and ductile because ______.

the mobile particles involved in metallic bonding can be pushed or pulled past each other

A polyatomic ion composed of an element, usually a nonmetal, bonded to one or more oxygen atoms is called a(n) ______________ .

Blank 1: oxyanion

Which statements about formula units and the composition of ionic compounds are true?

1. The chemical formula for an ionic compound represents a formula unit. 2. The formula unit represents the simplest ratio of the ions in an ionic compound 3. The overall charge of a formula ratio is zero.

Which statements describe how to write formulas for binary ionic compounds?

1. The sum of the oxidation number of each ion multiplied by the number of ions in a formula unit must equal zero. 2. If no subscript is written, it is assumed to be one. 3. Subscripts represent the number of ions of each element in a formula unit of the compound.

Select all that apply Which of these statements about transition metals and their ions are true?

1. Transition metals commonly lose their two valence electrons, forming 2+ ions. 2. Many transition metals form ions with 2+ or a 3+ charge. 3. In general, transition metals have an outer energy level of ns^2.

Binary ionic compounds ______. Select all that apply

1. contain cony two different elements 2. contain a metallic cation and a nonmetallic anion

Which formula is correct for the binary ionic compound made of the given elements?

1. magnesium and sulfur, MgS 2. sodium and fluorine, NaF 3. calcium and bromine, CaBr2

Which of these ionic compounds are binary?

1. sodium chloride, NaCl 2. magnesium oxide, MgO 3. magnesium chloride, MgCi 2

Chemical Bonds form by the attraction between

1. the positive nucleus of one atom and the negative electrons of another atom 2. positive and negative ions

Elements tend to react to acquire... Select all that apply

1. the stable electron structure of a noble gas 2. a filled outer energy level

The force that holds two atoms together, both in the attraction between ions and in the attraction between the nucleus of one atm and the electrons of another, is called a(n) BLANK1 BLANK2.

Blank 1: chemical Blank 2: bond

A three-dimensional geometric arrangement of particles in which each positive ion is surrounded by negative ions and each negative ion is surrounded by positive ions is called a(n)

Blank 1: crystal Blank 2: lattice

Compared with alkali metals, transition metals are harder and stronger because their mobile electrons include inner _______ electrons in addition to outer ________ electrons.

Blank 1: d or d block Blank 2: s or s block

Metals are good thermal and electrical conductors because their __________ electrons can move around within the solid.

Blank 1: delocalized

The electrons in the outer energy levels of the bonding metallic atoms that are free to move easily from one atom to the next throughout the metal and are not attached to a particular atom are called ________ ______.

Blank 1: delocalized Blank 2: electrons

An ionic compound whose aqueous solution conducts an electric current is called a(n) ________.

Blank 1: electrolyte

The model that proposes that all the metal atoms in a metallic solid contribute their valence electrons to form a "sea" of electrons that surrounds the metal cations in the lattice is called the _______ _______ model.

Blank 1: electron Blank 2: sea

Binary ionic compounds contain only two different ______. They contain a metallic ________ and a metallic ______.

Blank 1: elements or ions Blank 2: cation Blank 3: anion

Every chemical process is either exothermic or endothermic. The formation of ionic compounds from positive ions and negative ions is always __________.

Blank 1: exothermic

The chemical formula for an ionic compound, which represents the simplest ratio of the ions involved, is called a(n) __________ __________.

Blank 1: formula Blank 2: unit

The energy required to separate 1 mol of the ions of an ionic compound is referred to as the ______ _______

Blank 1: lattice Blank 2: energy

When an ionic compound is in the _______ state or is dissolved in a _________, it conducts electricity because the ions are free to move around. Ionic compounds in the _________ state do not conduct electricity because the ions are locked in position.

Blank 1: liquid Blank 2: solution, solvent, or liquid Blank 3: solid

The attraction of a metallic cation for delocalized electrons is a(n) _____ ______.

Blank 1: metallic Blank 2: bond

According to the electron sea model, the melting points of metals are not as extreme as the boiling points. This is because the cations and electrons are ________ in a metal. It does not take much energy for a solid to become liquid. But metallic bonds are very ________, so it does require a lot of energy to separate atoms from the cations in their sea of electrons.

Blank 1: mobile or moveable Blank 2: strong

Metals are malleable and ductile because the cations and electrons involved in metallic bonding are ___________ and can be pulled or pushed past each other.

Blank 1: mobile, delocalized, or moveable

When naming oxyanions containing sulfur or nitrogen, the ion with __________ oxygen atoms has the suffix -ate. The ion with _________ oxygen atoms has the suffix -ite.

Blank 1: more or greater Blank 2: fewer or less

Elements tend to react to acquire the stable electrons structure of a(n) BLANK1 BLANK2.

Blank 1: noble Blank 2: gas

In terms of electron configuration, a neutral sodium atom differs from the noble gas neon by BLANK1 valence electron(s).

Blank 1: one or 1

For an element in an ionic compound, the number of electrons transferred from the atom to form the ion is the ___________ ___________

Blank 1: oxidation Blank 2: number

If ionic bonds occur between metals and nonmetal oxygen, ____ form. Most other ionic compounds are called ____.

Blank 1: oxides Blank 2: salts

A one-atom ion is called a(n) ________________ ____.

monatomic ion

What term identifies a one-atom ion, such as Mg2+ or Br-?

monatomic ion

What is the energy required to separate 1 mol of the ions of an ionic compound?

the lattice energy

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