Chemistry Chapter 7 Ionic Bonding Test Review

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In terms of electrons, why does a cation have a positive charge?

A cation has a positive charge since it has lost valence electrons.

Describe cation formation.

A positive ion (cation) forms when an atom loses electrons.

Which of the following pairs of elements will not form ionic compounds? A. sulfur and oxygen B. sodium and calcium C. sodium and sulfur D. oxygen and chlorine

A, B, D

Which of the following compounds are most likely not ionic? A. H_2O B. Na_2O C. CO_2 D. CaS E. SO_2 F. NH_3

A, C, E, F (they are not composed of metals and nonmetals)

Which of the following pairs of atoms would you expect to combine chemically to form an ionic compound? A. Li and S B. O and S C. Al and O D. F and Cl E. I and K F. H and N

A, C, E. Ionic compounds form between atoms of metals and nonmetals.

Write the ratio of ions for the following: A. potassium chloride B. barium sulfide C. magnesium bromide D. lithium oxide

A. 1:1 B. 1:1 C. 1:2 D. 2:1

Write electron configurations for the following atoms and ions, and comment on the result. A. N^3- B. O^2- C. F^- D. He

A. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 B. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 C. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 D. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 All of them have the electron configuration of Neon, a noble gas.

Write electron configurations for the following atoms and ions, and comment on the result. A. Ar B. Cl^- C. S^2- D. P^3-

A. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 B. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 C. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 D. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 All of them have the electron configuration of Argon, a noble gas.

Write electron configurations for the 3+ cations of these elements. A. chromium B. manganese C. iron

A. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 3d^1 B. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 3d^2 C. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 3d^3

Write electron configuration for the 2+ cations of these elements. A. Fe B. Co C. Ni

A. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 3d^6 B. 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 3d^7 C. 1s^2 2^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 3d^8

How many electrons must an atom of each element lose to attain a noble-gas electron configuration? A. Ca B. Al C. Li D. Ba

A. 2 electrons B. 3 electrons C. 1 electron D. 2 electrons

How many electrons must be gained by each of the following atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration? A. N B. S C. Cl D. P

A. 3 electrons B. 2 electrons C. 1 electron D. 3 electrons

Write electron dot structures for the following elements. A. C B. Be C. O D. F E. Na F. P

A. 4 valence electrons B. 3 valence electrons C. 6 valence electrons D. 7 valence electrons E. 1 valence electron F. 5 valence electrons

Write electron dot structures for each of the following elements: A. Cl B. S C. Al D. Li

A. 7 valence electrons B. 6 valence electrons C. 3 valence electrons D. 1 valence electrons

Write the symbol for the ion formed when each of the following atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration? A. aluminum B. lithium C. barium D. potassium E. calcium F. strontium

A. Al3+ B. Li+ C. Ba2+ D. K+ E. Ca2+ F. Sr2+

Write complete electron configurations for the following atoms and ions. For each group, comment on the results. A. Ar, K^+, Ca^2+ B. Ne, Na^+, Mg^2+, Al^3+

A. Ar; 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 K^+; 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 Ca^2+; 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 All the atoms/ions have the same electron configuration. B. Ne; 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 Na^+; 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 Mg^2+; 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 Al^3+; 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 All the atoms/ions have the same electron configuration.

Write the formulas for each ionic compound that can be made by combining each of pair of ions. A. Ba^2+ and Br^- B. Al^3 and S^2- C. K^+ and N^3-

A. BaBr_2 B. Al_2S_3 C.K_3N

Write the symbol for the ion formed when each element gains electrons and attains a noble-gas electron configuration. A. Br B. H C. As D. Se

A. Br^- B. H^- C. As^3- D. Se^2-

To which group in the periodic table does each of the following elements belong? How many valence electrons do atoms of each element have? A. nitrogen B. lithium C. phosphorus D. barium E. bromine F. carbon

A. Group 15; 5 valence electrons B. Group 1; 1 valence electrons C. Group 15; 5 valence electrons D. Group 2; 2 valence electrons E. Group 17; 7 valence electrons F. Group 14; 4 valence electrons

What is the formula of the ions formed when atoms of the following elements gain or lose valence electrons and attain noble-gas configurations? A. sulfur B. sodium C. fluorine D. phosphorus

A. S2- B. Na+ C. F- D. P3-

Write the name and symbol of the ion formed when; A. a sulfur atom gains two electrons B. an aluminum atom loses three electrons C. a nitrogen atom gains three electrons D. a calcium atom loses two electrons

A. sulfide ion; (anion); S^2- B. aluminum ion; (cation); Al^3+ C. nitride ion; (anion); N^3- D. calcium ion; (cation); Ca^2+

Why does an anion have a negative charge?

An anion has a negative charge since it has gained electrons.

Describe anion formation.

An atom gains one or more electrons to become negative.

What is a valence electron?

An electron in the highest occupied energy level of an atom.

How can you describe the arrangement of atoms in metals?

Atoms in metals are arranged in a compact and orderly manner.

Why do nonmetal atoms tend to form anions when they react to form compounds?

Atoms of nonmetallic elements attain noble-gas electron configurations more easily by gaining electrons than by losing them.

Explain why molten MgCl2 does conduct an electric current although crystalline MgCl2 does not.

Cations can migrate freely to one electrode and anions migrate to the other. When melted, the orderly crystal structure breaks, allowing movement of the ions.

Explain briefly why metals are good conductors of electric current.

Electrons can flow freely in the metal. As electrons enter one end, an equal number of electrons leaves the other end.

Name the first four halogens. What group are they in, and how many valence electrons does an atom of each element have?

Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine Group 17 7 valence electrons

Explain why ionic compounds are electrically neutral.

Ionic compounds are composed of cations and anions. The total positive charge of cations equal the total negative charge of anions. The number of electrons given is equal to the number of electrons gained.m

The atoms of the noble gas elements are stable. Explain.

The atoms of the noble gas elements are stable since they have a filled valence electron orbital.

Metallic cobalt crystallizes in a hexagonal close-packed structure. How many neighbors will a cobalt atom have?

The cobalt atom will have 12 neighbors

Define an ionic bond.

The electrostatic attraction that binds oppositely charged ions together.

If ionic compounds are composed of charged particles (ions), why isn't every ionic compound either positively or negatively charged?

The total positive charge balances out the total negative charge.

Show the relationship between the electron dot structure of an element and the location of the element in the periodic table.

The valence electrons of the element corresponds to its group in the periodic table.

Most ionic substances are brittle. Why?

Their network of electrostatic attractions and repulsions form a rigid structure that can only break when hit with a force.

How can you describe the arrangement of sodium ions and chloride ions in a crystal of sodium chloride?

every sodium ion is surrounded by negative chloride ions, an an alternating 3D pattern of the ionic crystal

Describe how the sea-of-electrons model is used to explain the physical properties of metals.

in the electron sea model, electrons are not held by any particular atom. They are delocalized and move freely in metals. This allows many of the physical properties we see in metals.

What type of elements typically compose an ionic compound?

metal and nonmetal

Why is it possible to bend metals but not ionic crystals?

metals have delocalized electrons that allow the metal cations to slide freely past each other

Atoms of which elements tend to gain electrons? Atoms of which elements tend to lose electrons?

metals tend to lose electrons, nonmetals tend to gain electrons

Why do ionic compounds conduct electric current when they are melted or dissolved in water?

the ions dissociate into free moving charged particles (ions) that allow the conduction of electricity

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