Chemistry Quiz Answers

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List the two rows that aren't in the periodic table

-Lanthanides -Actinides

Quiz 3


Quiz 5


Quiz 6


T/F for the next 5


Quiz 1


Quiz 2


Quiz 4






Convert 103.45 kilograms to milligrams using the proper amount of sig figs


Electrons were discovered by Joseph John Thompson in what year?




How many electron configuration notations are there?




What is the symbol for speed of light and what is its value?

3.00 e^8







Elements in which period (s) do not follow the normal electron filling patterns?




The octet rule tells us that atoms want to bond to have _____ electrons in their valence shell




How many protons are in lead?

82- atomic number



What is the difference between Accuracy and Precision?

Accuracy is the closeness to a number. Precision is the closest to the number of trials.

What group is the most reactive metals?


Calculate density. A 12.74g object is dropped in a graduated cylinder reading 22.3 mL and the reading changes to 25.16mL?

Answer: 4.45 Divide object mass by the displacement number to get answer

Wave length is measured from

Any corresponding point

Daltons Theory doesn't include which of the following?

Atoms can be broken down into smaller pieces

What is the amount of a substance that contains as many particles as there are atoms in exactly 12g of carbon-12?

Avogadros number

diboron tetrahydride


Explain how the three branches of research go hand in hand

Basic/ learned is doing the research to learn more about the topic. Applied is used when trying to solve a problem. Without learning about the topic, one couldn't solve a problem.

How can Sulfur have more than 8 valance electrons and list 2 others?

Because it can be happy with more and leaves more for bonding (covalent). 1. Boron 2. Phosphorus

Who stated that electrons share the same principles as wave?


The standard used to compare units of atomic mass is?



Chromium (II)


Cobalt (III)


Copper (I)

What type of bond will Y and Br make?

Covalent bond

What are polyatomic Ions?

Covalent bonds that have a charge


Dilithium Sulfide

What is the orbital with the least amount of energy?


What does Hund's rule state?

Each orbital can hold 2 electrons but you have to fill each one up w/ one before adding a second.

What is used to show the valance electrons of an atom?

Electron Dot

Pure substance are what?

Elements and Compounds

An f energy level can hold 10 electrons?

False 14!

Light only has a wave nature?

False it has a duel nature

The emission of electrons from a metal when light shines on it is known as the electromagnetic effect?

False its the photoelectric effect

T/F Applied research is done everyday for the purpose of increasing our knowledge?

False... Applied research is done everyday for the purpose of solving problems

T/F because isotopes have different masses, they differ significantly in their chemical behaviors?

False... because isotopes have different masses, they differ significantly in their atomic mass.

T/F All element symbols are based off of their English names

False.... latin, greek, and english

T/F Micro stands for 10^-9


T/F Atom is the Greek word of indestructible?


T/F Avogadros number tells you the number of grams in a mole?

False..tells you the number of particles in one mole of a substance

T/F When using the nuclear symbol to write isotopes the superscript indicates the atomic number?

False..when using the nuclear symbol to write isotopes the superscript indicates the atomic mass.

The periodic table is made up of what?

Families, Groups, Periods


Flouride ion

Physical change is

Folding, Smashing, melting

Which is not the amount of energy needed to break a bond?

Formation Energy

What is the electromagnetic spectrum from highest to lowest frequency?

Gamma Rays X-Rays UV rays Visible light Infared Microwaves Radio waves Long waves

List 2 Heterogeneous Mixtures and 2 Homogenous Mixtures

Heterogeneous: salad dressing, salad Homogeneous: salt in water, air

What is hybridization and why is it important?

Hybridization-Instead of becoming chemically different atoms mix to a substance. Important: it causes a change in the outer orbitals

Which is not a noble gas?


Wave length and frequency are?

Inversely proportionate

What type of bond will K and Al make?

Ionic bond

What is the difference between Ionic and covalent bonds?

Ionic bonds-take electrons Covalent bonds-share electrons

A nuclide is a general term for what?


When a number ends in 5 and needs to be rounded to meet sig figs you do what?

Make it even

Metals are

Malleable, Ductile, Conductors

Weight is based off of

Mass and Gravity

Law of conservation of mass states

Matter cannot be created, destroyed, physically changed, chemically changed

Which will have the highest melting point?

Metallic Bonds

P Block contains


To remove an electron from a positive ion you need _______energy than removing one from a neutral atom


Who was responsible for Periodic Law

Moseley Mendeleev

dinitrogen trioxide

N2 O3


NItrogen trihydride

Nitrogen monoxide


Sodium cyanide


Isotopes have a different number of?



Nitride ion

Hydrogen bonding involves molecules where hydrogen is bonded to?

Nitrogen Fluorine Oxygen

What does the Pauli exclusion principle state?

No 2 electrons will have the same 4 quantum numbers

Through the loss and gain of electrons atoms want to be like what?

Noble gas

7 steps of the scientific method

Observation Question Hypothesis Experiment Collect data/analyze Repeat Draw conclusions

phosphorous pentaflouride


What is the difference between Polar and non polar covalent bonds and what is the electronegative difference that defines both?

Polar has an electronegativity from 1.7-.3 and non polar has an electronegativity from .3-0 Difference: One has a stronger pull

What is a cation?

Positive ion

What are the 4 quantum numbers and what do they tell you?

Principle Quantum #: electrons will fill each energy level. Angular momentum: shape of orbital Magnetic Quantum #: orientation of orbital Spin Quantum #: direction electrons are spinning.

Chemical changes do what?

Produce a product and converts into a different substance

The atomic number is the number of______ in each element?

Protons Electrons

Valence Electrons are only the ____orbital's?

S and P

What is the number of orbitals per each orbital type?

S-1-can hold 2 electrons P-3-can hold 6 electrons D-5-can hold 10 electrons F-7-can hold 14 electrons


Sodium Bromide


Sodium ion

The conference in Germany came up with a standard for?

The atomic mass

Which is not a main branch of chemistry?

Thermodynamic Chemistry

Hydrogen emission spectrum has a line that shows up in the UV spectrum and cannot be seen?


Noble gas notation uses the noble gas that comes before the element?


T/F Average atomic mass is the weighted average of atomic masses.


T/F Chemistry is the study of composition, structure and properties of matter?


T/F The SI unit for Temperature is kelvin?

True or celsius

What theory do we use for determining Molecular Geometry and what does it stand for, give one example and its bonding angle?

VSEPR Valance Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Linear -180 Tetraplanear-120 Tetrahedral-109.5 H-O-H

Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that you cannot know the ___ of an electron?

Velocity Position

What is a Resonance Structure?

When the atoms can't be represented by the Lewis Structure

What is electronegativity?

ability of an atom to attract electrons from another atom

What is ionization?

any process that results in the formation of an ion

What is an ion?

atom or group of bonded atoms that have a positive or negative charge

When a negative magnet is on top of a cathoray tube the beam does what?

bends down


calcium ion

Extensive properties

depend on the amount of matter


diberyllium hydroxide


diphosphorous tetrabromide

Valence electron?

electrons available to be lost, gained or shared.

What is electron affinity?

energy change that occurs when an electron is gained by a neutral atom

What is Ionization Energy?

energy required to remove 1 electron from a neutral atom

How is Plank's constant represented?

h=6.626 e^-34

What is atomic radii?

half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together

Ionic bonds join together to form a crystal ______ structure.



lead (V)

Intermolecular is between _____and intramolecular is between _____

molecules atoms

What is an anion?

negative ion

Quantum Numbers give you properties of?

number of electrons

Atoms are at their lowest energy when they are______

stable and have a full valence shell

A double bond is ____then a triple bond and has a _____bond length

weaker, longer

P orbitals have 3 orientations that revolve around the?

x, y, z axis

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