Chemistry review

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"bundles" of energy that make up light

density separating mixtures

"sink vs float". Perhaps a centrifuge; decant to pour off liquid

percent error equations

(error/accepted value) x 100 OR (observed-accepted)/accepted X100

electron mass

0 amu

neutron mass

1 amu

proton mass

1 amu

The Decimal number on the periodic table refers to

1 average atom (AAM)

magnet separating mixtures

1 substance contains iron

How to shorthand electron configuration

1. Put the symbol of noble gas that precedes the element in brackets 2. Continue writing the election configuration

Conclusions of the Rutherford's gold leaf experiment (nuclear model)

1. atom is mostly empty space 2. positive particles are concentrated at the nucleus 3. negative particles orbit the nucleus

The SI system is based on multiples of ____


How many types of atoms are there?


Number of orbitals per energy level (n^2)

1:1; 2:1,3, 3:1,3,5, 4:1,3,5,7

Number of electrons per sublevel

1:2, 2:2,6, 3:2,6,10, 4:2,6,10,14

write the electron configuration of N

1s^2 2s^2 2p^3

Net charge of 38 P, 50 N, 36 E


Contrast 24k gold and 14k gold

24: 24/24 atoms are gold. 14: 14/24 atoms are gold (homogenous)

Chemical reaction example

2Na + H2O --> H2 + Na2O

Number of electrons per main energy level formula


C= speed of light =

3.00 x 10^8 m/s

Velocity for electromagnetic waves is

3.00 x 10^8 m/s

Less than _____ error is good, _____ is okay

5%, 10%

molar mass

6.02 x !0^23

h= Planck's constant =

6.63 x 10^-34 J/Hz

how many valence electrons are in Kr= [Ar] 4s^2 3d^10 4p^6



A perspective a person uses to view and interpret the world

Biblical worldview sees the world that is based on what God has told us in His Word. Assumes the existence and involvement of the...


Naturalists believe there is no _____. Humans are not accountable to God


Science is a great problem solver, but it cannot solve the biggest problems in life. The greatest wrongs in this world can be made right only by its...


Density formula




What properties depend on a substance?


Hund's rule

For equal energy orbitals each must have one electron before any take a second

Science alone can't answer questions. But God's Word gives us the perspective we need to use science in ways that _____ _____ and are truly...

Glorify God; helpful to those who bear his image

God has revealed Himself in both...

His Word and His world


How it looks, smells, behaves, etc.

What properties do not depend on a substance?


Energy is measured in

Joules (J)

Kilo symbol and number

K, 1000

unit and quantity for Kelvin

K, Temperature

Liters cannot be cubed, instead...

L=dm^3, mL=cm^3

Symbol and quantity for meter

M, length

Chemistry is all about..


What did Chadwick discover about neutrons

No charge and are hard to detect, purpose is stability of the nucleus (bigger atom, more neutrons)

Ion symbol of 15 P, 16 N, 18 E


Developing a Biblical worldview steps

Recall Biblical teaching, Explain Bible teaching, Evaluate Contrary Thinking, Formulate a Christian understanding, Applying Christian understanding to life

What is the only way to be rescued?

Repent and Believe

What is a powerful tool for us to use in God's world?



Statements or ideas that are not proven but are used as a basis for reasoning

What happens to particles during a chemical reaction?

The particles are not created or destroyed, but rearranged



Pauli Exclusion Principle

Two electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins

C=λf is the same as


velocity wavelength formula


Why are people valuable?

We are made in God's image

John Dalton, law of multiple proportions

When two different compounds have same two elements, equal mass of one element results in integer multiple of mass of other

Creationists have faith in God and His _____


Is there a change in energy associated with a chemical reaction?

Yes; heat, light, sound, feel cold

What is made up of what you believe about the most important things in life?

Your Worldview

Write the SEC of Co

[Ar] 4s^2 3d^7

List the orbital diagram of oxygen

^v (1s) ^v (2s) ^v ^ ^ (2p)


a basic building block of matter


a charged atom


a homogenous mix of metals


a negative ion where more electrons than protons; formed when we gain electrions


a neutral group of bonded atoms


a number followed by a unit


a positive ion where more protons than electrons; formed when we lose electrons

conversion factors

a ratio of equivalent values having different units

chemical reaciton

a rearrangement of atoms such that "what you end up with"(product) differs form "what you start with"(reactants)

Atomic Emission Spectrum

a set of frequencies of electromagnetic waves given off by atoms of an element; consists of a series of fine lines of individual colors

dimensional analysis

a systematic approach to problem solving that uses conversion factors to move or convert from one unit to another

scientific model

a tool constructed by the scientist based on all the known experimental evidence about a particular thing

Derived unit

a unit that is defined by a combination of base units

accepted (true) value

a value that is considered true

Biblical worldview

a view of the world based on what God has told us in His Word


amount of matter


an electric current was passed through gases at low pressure

noble gas

an extremely unreactive group 18 element

chemical change

any change that results in the production of one or more substances that differ in chemical properties and composition from the original substances. Occurs only when chemical reactions take place


anything that has mass and takes up space

smallest particles that make up every object in our natural world


where is atomic number on an element

bottom left

Centi symbol and number

c, .01

Molecules can be altered by _____ means

chemical (chemical reactions, chemical changes)

Naturalists believe Love, happiness, justice, peace, and life itself are nothing more than...

chemical reactions

Physical properties can be observed without...

chemically changing the substance

______ is a powerful tool for us to use in God's world


sorting mixtures

color, shape, texture, etc.

Use chemical reaction separating for...


polyatomic elements

consist of several like atoms bonded together

monatomic element

consist of unbonded like atoms


contain two or more different types of atoms and have properties that are different from those of their constituent elements

We have limited understandings because we are...


Derived unit for volume is the ________

cubic meter

Deci symbol and number

d, .1


definite shape, definite volume

gas to solid change


What is on the right side of a mass spectrum graph?

diatomic element atoms ( the element naturally has 2 atoms)


different composition and properties in the same sample; unevenly mixed


different forms of the same element in the same state of matter


different varieties of an element's atoms. Have a different number of neutrons and some are radioactive

God gave Adam the job to have ____ over creation



effect of gravity on mass

The first discovery (William Crookes) of a subatomic particle resulted from experiments into the nature of the relationship between...

electricity and matter

Lewis dot structure

electron dot structures used to represent valence electrons

Niels Bohr's theory

electrons can possess only certain amounts of energy, and can therefore be only certain distances from the nucleus (planetary model)

Aufban principle

electrons will take the lowest energy orbital first

What two things count as pure substances

element, compound

What is released in the excited state of an atom

energy (heat, light, electricity, etc.)

Joseph Proust, Law of definite proportions

every compound has a fixed proportion

Naturalists developed the theory of ____ to explain the chance existence of elements, plants, animals, people, and ultimately the universe


If the right amount of energy is absorbed by an electron, it can jump to a higher energy level. This unstable momentary condition is called the..

excited state

When we study from a biblical worldview, we have the perspective to..

expose error in science

A biblical worldview is not the only one that must by accepted by...


True or false: Elements are made of indivisible particles called atoms


True or false: atoms of the same element are exactly alike; in particular, they have the same mass


How does chemistry affect us every day?

food, clothes, car, medicine

In empty space, all light has the same speed, but the amount of energy depends on its...


Units for density are often

g/mL or g/mc^3

When Christians love others they...

glorify God by showing a suffering world that their Christianity is real

When electrons are in lowest possible energy state, an atom is in the..

ground state

What is water made of

groups of 2H's and 1 O's

Pure Substances

have a fixed composition and fixed properties

As energy level increases, electrons...

have more energy and are farther from the nucleus

What two things count as mixture

homogenous, heterogeneous

Chemical properties tell...

how a substances reacts with other substances


how close a measured value is to an accepted value (average)

valence electrons

in outer energy levels (s and p sublevels) (involved in chemical bonding)


indefinite shape, definite volume


indefinite shape, indefinite volume

kernel electrons

inner energy levels, closest to nucleus

Separating mixtures

involves physical means, or physical changes

symbol and quantity for kilogram

kg, mass

Examples of measurement

kilometers, meters, grams

Naturalists believe helping people is just preserving one's ____ as produced by evolution


Chemical reactions have reactants on the _____ side and products on the _______ side

left; right

When electrons fall back to a lower energy, more stable orbital atom releases the right amount of energy as...


Milli symbol and number

m, .001

What is the speed of light measured in


What is copper made of

many copper atoms

after being used by a mass spectrometer, ions are sorted by...


AAM formula

mass a (percent abundance of A as decimal) + mass B (percent abundance of B as decimal)

Extensive properties are measured with...

mass, length, volume, heat content

Naturalists assume that _____ is all that exists and that human reasoning informed by science is the only reliable path to truth


All scientists assume...

matter exists and that it can be measured. Nature is orderly and worthy of study

Greek atom

matter is discontinuous (comes from atomos; indivisible)

Law of Conservation of Mass

matter is neither created nor destroyed. Total mass of products is equal to the total mass of reactants (Pmass=Rmass)

God's word helps us see not only the fallen nature of the world but also the fallen nature of our...


unit and quantity for mole

mol, amount of substance (counting number, how many)

Naturalists believe there is no absolute code of ____


Naturalistic worldview sees the world as a series of...

natural processes

Thomson concluded that electrons were..

negatively charged subatomic particles present in atoms of all elements

Example of all disciples working together to make progress of our stewardship responsibility

neuroscientists and computer programmers and those in prosthetics create hearing aids to allow a person to regain a lost sense of hearing

Is Chemistry the ultimate solution for all the problems we have now


Final zeroes are _____ if a decimal is not written. They are placeholders.

not significant

Leading zeroes are ______. They are placeholders.

not significant

Atoms can only be altered by _______ means


When adding and subtracting derived quantities, the answer should be rounded off to contain the same __________ with the least number of decimal places

number of decimal places

superscript in an electron configuration

number of electrons in those sublevels

coefficient in an electron configuration

number of energy levels

mass number

number of protons and neutrons added together (counting number)

atomic number

number of protons that determines the identity of an atom

When multiplying and dividing quantities, the answer should be rounded off to contain _________ as found in the LEAST accurate of values

number of total digits

A key word of science is...


Science relies on our ______ of the world. But we are limited in our ability to observe and to ____ and ____ what we observe

observations; relate; explain

physical change

occurs when a physical property of a substance changes without any change in the substances chemical properties or composition.

filter mixtures

particle size is different

Homogenous (solution)

particles are mico; sample has the same composition and properties throughout; evenly mixed

Thomson model

plum pudding model

Max Planck's theory

proposed that mounts of energy are quantized (only certain values are allowed)



to find the net charge on an atom, consider the...

protons and neutrons

God's world was perfect and evidence of design. We were created with beauty and a ______


What model of the atom do we now use

quantum mechanic model

in radioactive isotopes, the nucleus attempts to attain a lower energy state by releasing extra energy as

radiation (a particles, B particles, gamma rays)

C-14 atoms are...



ratio that compares the mass of an object to its volume


refers to how close a series of measurements are to one another (individual trials)


regions of space where an electron may be found

Cubic meters is used for solids with ______ dimensions but is not good for solids with irregular shapes



relates energy and frequency


relates speed, frequency, and wavelength

how are mass spectrum graphs measured

relative intensity and mass

Hearing is not enough to be saved. We must ____ our _____

restore; relationship

Substances in mixtures are not chemically bonded and they....

retain their individual properties

To remove placeholder zeroes...

rewrite the number is scientific notation

sublevels in energy level 1


sublevels in energy level 2

s p

sublevels in energy level 3

s p d

sublevels in energy level 4

s p d f

unit and quantity for second

s, time

____ is a tool for enhancing the quality of people's lives



separating by boiling points

Consequences of our sin is ______ from _____

separation; God


settles over time

All final zeroes are ______ if a decimal is written


Non zero numbers are always...


Zeroes between nonzero numbers are always...


counting numbers and defined constants have an infinite number of _______ figures


states of matter

solid, liquid, gas

People can serve others by...

solving real world problems

chromatography separating mixtures

some substances dissolve more easily than others


space matter occupies

quantum number

specify the properties of atomic orbitals and the properties of the electrons in orbitals

C-12 atoms are...


Solid to gas change


Naturalists believe science is a method of _______, a way to preserve or improve the current human way of life. We determine our destiny


Principle quantum number

symbolized by n, indicates the main energy level occupied by the electron


the difference between an experimental value and an accepted value (error=observed-accepted)


the number of wave cycles per second (Hz) (S^-1 or 1/S)

percent error

the ratio of an error to an accepted value


the space occupied by an object


the study of matter and the changes it undergoes

In distillation, no reactions are needed because...

the substances are not bonded

octet rule

the tendency for atoms to want 8 electrons

half life

the time needed for half of a radioactive sample to decay into stable matter

Average Atomic Mass

the weighted average mass of all atoms of an element measured in amu

What is our purpose?

to worship and walk with Him

Where is mass number on an element

top left

where is charge on an element

top right

Intensive properties are always...


true or false: compounds are formed by the joining of atoms of two or more elements in fixed, whole number ratios



two or more substances physically mixed together of varying composition and properties

In chemistry you must use...


mass spectrometry

used to detect isotopes and provide evidence for their existence

mass spectrometer

uses an ionizing beam of electrons to analyze a sample of an element by turning atoms into positive ions

Noble gases have full _____ shells


observed (measured) value

values measured during an experiment

examples of derived units

volume, density, speed

To find the volume of an irregular solid, we can use a process called ____________

water displacement


what matter is made of

Creationists believe that when science contradicts the Bible, it is not nature contradicting the Bible but a scientist's model affected by his ______ that contradicts the Bible


The Bible gives us a distinct _____ to live by. Like a pair of glasses, the Bible brings every part of the world into focus.


wavelength symbol

λ (lambda).

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