children's literature

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three values of realistic fiction

1) Assist children in the process of understanding and coming to terms with themselves-- that they are not the first to face the situation 2) throughout realistic fiction, the readers have the security of being involved without suffering the consequence- travel to a faraway place or time in the past 3) books that portray the realities of life may help children come toward a better understanding of others and their situations. empathy

three major categories

1) historical form 2) contemporary life stories 3) popular fiction

A whistle for willy

Can make connections to famous artists- e.g. this book has illustrations that could see seen as similar to Picasso


Peter Spier Line to move eye Sense of urgency in the line

Green eggs and ham

Sense mixed in with nonsense and rhyme Learning to like something that you think you won't like

The story of little Black Sambo

Use of word "sambo"—racial slur since early 17th century Sensitive retelling of the story Sam and the Tigers 20s and 30s- the time period in which the story was told

Third book called gore

When 6 years old she? Is sold to a man and has to work Despero determined to save the princess, uses thread....... Mouse and princess cannot marry and despero and the princess pea marry?? And have many adventures together Themes: Darkness and light-light is precious in the world of dark, rats aren't supposed to like light, goodness and beauty, Trustworthiness Courage to do the right thing Respect- treat others with respect Be tolerant of differences Be fair Be open-minded and listen to others Don't blame others carelessly Help others in need

David Shannon

Wrote Duck on a Bike Bright color and shapes How illustrators use color

poetic styles

ballads- narrative song or poem that tells a story that often focuses on a heroic love story or tragedy Antarctic antics- all kinds of poetry, made into music "A Hatchling's Song" "Mother Penguin's Vacation" "My Father's feet" "Regurgitate" "I am looking for my mother" "Penguins' first swim" "Predator..." "Be my penguin" learn a lot about penguins in these poems narrative poem tells a story e.g. The night before Christmas- probably the most famous narrative poem for children Limericks A lot of theme are anonymous Very standard five line format Children like limericks Good for children to model after to write their own poems Children often think that if it doesn't rhyme then it's not a poem Concrete poetry Message of poem not only presented in the words but in the arrangement of words "Alphabalance" by Silverstein "Bad Poem" --Silverstein?

From the Mixed up files of Mrs. Basil E Frainweiler

by E L Koningsburg Quirky for its time Survival story of two siblings who run away from home and spend some time in the metropolitan museum of art in New York city Koningsburg same theme Claudia and James (Siblings) Sleeping in famous beds, bathing in fountains and touring with school groups and want to find if angel was really sculpted by Michael Angelo Koiningsburg also wrote a year from Saturday which was also a newberry honor book

Factors to consider when evaluating Informational Books

1) accuracy 2) perspective of the book 3) organization of the information a) sequence or style of information b) parts of the book c) illustration be aware of the new, revised edition want to avoid casual terminology- e.g. "stomach" not "tummy" does the book avoid stereotypes does the book have a table of contents? Informational picture book Sometimes tell a story or present factual information in a story-like way

Three types of historical fiction

1) author weaves a fictional story around an actual event or person from the past example: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry Number the stars: Ellen's friend Annamarie? saves her- they move into their household Sept 29, 1943- found out that Jews would be detained and sent to death camps Lowry learned a lot about that time in Denmark from friend who lived in Denmark during that time Characters important for historical fiction- putting reader in the place of character 2) a fictionalized story set in the past with little or no difference to recorded historical event or real people example: Sarah Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan what it was like to live in mid-american prairie sequel called "Skylark" 3) stories based on personal experiences in person's life author relies on own memory for details Little house series Little house in the big woods Little House on the Prarie Island of the blue dolphins by Scott O'Dell- Newberry award winner "I always visit a place that I'm going to write about." -O'Dell Christopher Curtis The Watson's go to Birmingham, 1963 Family in Michigan, journey to Birmingham, Alabama to visit grandmother Devastating events Differences between being African American and living in Michigan and being African American and living in Alabama Bombing of 16th Avenue Baptist Church Bud Not Buddy

In order to create fantasy- most authors manipulate three elements of a story:

1) setting 2) characters 3) time

realistic fiction

1) stories written as if could really happened in past or today 2) story that resembles real life 3) besides telling a story, realistic fiction satisfies a need

Harry Potter

1997- in England called Arbra Cadabra and issued in the US with a different title why are these books so popular taking everything kids think about and fantasize about and throwing it into one glob- "garbage can" phenomenon that Sendak writes about kids like reading about growing up- the characters get older as the series goes on 35.8% increase in sales of children's books with the sales of Harry potter Harry potter books on the best seller list

Frog on his own

A lot of detail Humorous Young boy and his adventures with his dog and a frog

The Tenth good thing about Barney

About a cat that died Boy can only think about 9 good things about Barney Wouldn't have the same meaning if it was more cartoon-y Not the typical story time book


Big in concept books e.g. "Counting Wildflowers" By Bruce McMillan

Personified toys

Carlo Lorenzini- Pinocchio The adventures of Pinocchio Rome 1881, then translated into English and translated into a story of a puppet Story of a wooden puppet made by gepeto and he is a bad puppet and turns into a real boy and everytime he tells a story to the blue fairy, his nose grows longer A.A. Mine-Winnie the Pooh, etc. Winnie the Pooh (1926) A.A. Milne read to his son Christopher Robbin Milne about his favorite stuffed animals Tiger doesn't come until the house on pooh corner book New york public library Display of the real stuffed animals

The Napping House

Color, size and placement Hierarchy

Sheep in a jeep

Illustrated like a story book Doesn't have controlled vocabulary format- has stilted language but is a humorous story Sheep sweeped the heap

Impressionism, folk-art, surrealism

Impressionism is a late 19th century folk art movement Relies on play of light on an object or scene Use of color and light, using splashes or speckles Owl moon Example of impressionism

Three Little Pigs by Wiesner

Looking down onto something? Flat cartoons mixed with more 3D-looking characters

The Napping house

Non traditional color use Not too overpowering

Animal stories

Provide children with experience of giving love and receiving devotion from an animal Can be sad, deal with maturity and responsibility Author often has knowledge of animal behavior- e.g. Julie of the Wolves The Yearling- by Marjorie Rawlings- what it's like to raise a pet deer, kids want to have a wild animal for a pet Shiloh- by Phyliss Renolds Naylor, story about animal abuse, newberry award winner, bluebonnet winner, sequel- Shiloh's season, last book called "Saving Shiloh"

I see

Rachel Isadora Simple language "I see my belly button. Tickle Tickle."


Rachel Isadora Can use these books to compliment real-life experiences "I touched the sand. The sand is rough."

Dr. Suess—Theodore Geisel (his real name) and to think that I saw on Mulberry Street (1936)

Rhymed narrative makes him a classic The places you'll go- the last book he wrote- popular graduation book Song of the zubblewump My many colored days- written like a picture story-book His wife wrote a book called "oh baby the places"? When Suess died in '91 there was an editorial cartoonist who still writes Ben Sargent—wrote a poem for him

Elements of poetry-

Rhythm Pattern produced by emphasis and duration of notes in music or by long or short syllables in words Jane Yolen has a poem called knock knock- example of change in rhythm and change in mood Rhyme e.g. the little turtle acting through- motions children like rhyming Shel Silverstein's book "Falling up" poem called "Nope" Imagery "masticating molars" Personification "Catch a little rhyme" by eve Merryman "Snowball" by Silverstein Onomatopoeia Use of words that sound like action "I speak I say I talk" alliteration repetition of same sounds "Cynthia in the snow" Quintillion brooks


Romances are often stereotypical Often involve magic

Baba Yaga

Russian folk tale Troublesome, wicked witch

Big Anthony

Story of big pasta pot When Strega Nona has gone to visit a friend Three kisses can stop the pasta pot

Julie of the Wolves

by Jean Craighead George Newberry award winner Julie runs away from home and realizes that she is lost and has nowhere to go, there is only a pack of wolves for companionship Artic research laboratory Good job explaining wilderness, flora and fauna George has a science background, science as a theme

My dentist

by Rockwell Realistic even though illustration Dentist not wearing gloves

Shapes and Things

by Tana Hoban Wordless book Reverse photography

peter spear's rain

comic book style story of a brother and a sister playing on a rainy day a lot of action

Magic is always waiting for those who know how to use it

e.g. Big Anthony misused magic enchanted people being put under a spell, helps to complicate a plot e.g. Beauty and the beast, snow white, sleeping beauty

popular fiction

five main types: 1) funny stories--Judy Moody was in a Mood by Megan McDonald, Judy Blume "Fudge" books, Amelia Bedelia books 2) Animal stories-----The yearling by Marjorie Rawlings, Shiloh by Phyliss Reynolds Naylor 3) sports stories--famous author Matt Christopher 4) Mysteries- help with the skill called silent rabid reading (reading words silently without mouthing the words (a)- Encyclopedia Brown 5) School stories (a) Amazing grace by Mary Hoffman

contemporary life stories

four main themes 1) family -----a) little women -----b) books by beverly cleary 2) peers -----a) Are you there God? It's me, Margaret by Judy Blume -----b) Molly's pilgrim 3) Human Condition ------a) Bridge to Terebithia ------b) through Grandpa's Eyes ------c) Mockingbird 4) Survival ------a) Julie of the Wolves ------b) From the Mixed up files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler: story of siblings who run away and find themselves living at the Met Museum in NYC

structure to folk and fairy tales

intro, learn about characters, the setting once upon a time....., long long ago,.... Bridge, castle, forrest


poetry collection for a classroom Want to have classics and favorites as well as authors like Silverstein Does poetry collection respond to child's preferences? Does the poetry collection allow children to develop a greater appreciation for the genre? Want to provide visual and auditory options for poetry Encourage children to write and record their own poetry

wordless books

shapes and things by Tana Hoban Tuesday David Weisner

Stevie by John Steptoe

16 years old when wrote Stevie everything is boldly outlined vertical and horizontal lines 1960s, starting to see African Americans doing everyday things in books- not just seen in Africa

Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine

2010 National book award winner—about equal of an award to newberry award in terms of prestige girl with Asperger's struggling with death of brother(?) who died in a school shooting characters- Kaitlyn Anne Smith- the narrator, has asperger's, enjoys drawing and reading her dictionary, wants to make a friend and find closure her dad Harold is also trying to find closure and helps Kaitlyn with her Asperger's syndrome counselor-Ms. Brook trying to get Kaitlyn to find empathy Michael Schneider- Kailyn's first friend who also wants to find closure Josh- one of the antagonists, doesn't want to be judged, puts up front though Devon-Kaitlyn's brother who was killed and her best friend Person with Asperger's sees the world in black and white Michael has lost his mother and sees Ms. Brook in working through issues Josh is chosen to be Josh's reading buddy? Kaitlyn's dad doesn't want to go into Devon's room- it has become a shrine but there is a place where Kaitlyn hides? In his room Chest- eagle scout project for devon and Kaitlyn and her dad finish the project and the project gives them closure Use Kaitlyn's drawings for the project Once the chest is finished, they donate the chest to devon's middle school as a special ceremony Kaitlyn is able to come to terms with loss through counseling and her efforts To Kill a Mockingbird- similar to the way in which Kaitlyn sees herself


Allusiveness about poetry Encyclopedia Britannica- concrete and artistic expression of emotional and rhythmic language Poetry for children a little different from poetry for adults Adults and children are both sad but for different reasons Imagery should relate to child's world Poem- cat kisses- sandpaper kisses on a cheek or chin... Poetry for children not generally nostalgic or passionate Poetry for children should not be confused with poetry about children Shel Silverstein and Jack Proluski? Both masters of creating humorous narrative poems

Bones, Bones, Dinosaur bones Byron Barton

Also wrote little red hen Phonetic alphabet at the end Misconception that children require bright colors Color can set the mood e.g. Smoky night and the napping house red and yellow more exciting and blues and greens are more calm

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes

Another school story, wanting to change name Finds that she doesn't like her name once goes to school


Appeal to the imagination Spiritual or supernatural episodes Anonymous stories, longer than a fable Roots in primitive beliefs... Pourqui? Tales Questions like- why do tides ebb and flow? how did the earth begin? Some myths are too adult for children Planting the seed, the basic introduction that makes a difference ARTICLE Retelling myths for children Tale of Persephone- Retold for children It's hard to retell this story for children that is appropriate and is not oversimplified Telling of the seasons Roman retelling Why should we share myths with children? Better that children know.... than not


Author made doodles and gave the book as a Christmas present to his niece Won Caldecott honor book There have since been many different Olivia books and toys Olivia likes to sing, dance, indecisive in terms of fashion

Perennial picture books, betsy hearn, professor in library science

Background in folklore, storyteller, quaker Committee caldecot 1981-1985... talks a lot about society and children's books religious, social and economic values seen a lot in children's literature

Changes Changes

By Pat Hutchins Blocks, making them into different shapes Wordless Critics see it as the man doing the bulk of the "manly" work and the female on the side

Amelia Bedelia

By Peggy Parish and pictures by Fritz Siebel Maid that works for Roger's family Literal in her thinking When she is asked to draw the drapes, she draws a picture of them

Sylvester and the magic pebble

Caldecott award winner Watercolor Respectful of intelligence, thought that there was a lot adults could learn from children Controversy that police portrayed as pigs- derogatory term for police in '70s

George and Martha by James Marshall

Characters are based on the names in Who's afraid of Virginia Wolf Best friends and have a series of books together Hides split-pea soup in his loafers b/c doesn't like it

Lewis Carroll

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) Lectured at Church in England Passion for young (little) girls and did drugs Pedophile that didn't act on his desires Alice's adventures in wonderland 1862 1865- Alice's adventures on wonderland was published story- follows a white rabbit down a rabbit hole story is difficult to read is a dark story interpretation of story- a lot of influence on illustrations companion book- Through the Looking Glass Dodgson never wanted to be known as Lewis Carol- wanted to be known as a successful theorist of Mathematics

C.S. Lewis

Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950) Four children enter the world of Narnia through a Wardrobe Children become kings and queens and return home to own world to discover that they missed nothing? CS lewis also a writer of Christian Theology


Conclusion is never abstract in folk and fairy tales Deed is done, enemy is outwitted, conclusion is obvious Traditionally live happily ever after A lot of story tellers will have signature endings

Smoky night by Eve Bunting

Contrasts use of line with harshness of the collage objects Fire displaces them, get to know each other through experience, despite cultural differences, learning together through crisis

Controlled vocabulary readers

Controlled number of words and sounds Not a lot of plot lots of times 1950s- goal to create interesting story along with controlling vocabulary learning The cat in the hat very popular, 1957 Harper Collins started the "I can read series" in 1957

Danny the Dinosaur

Controlled vocabulary reader Timeless story

Saint George and the Dragon

Dragon and hero and the beautiful girl Romance as well as action Religious undertones Theme of baptism Caldecot award winner

Mr. Gumpy's outing

Example of crayon and pencil

The tortoise and the hare

Famous aesops fable Retold by Janet Stevens Stevens makes slightly different fairy tale version Slow and steady wins the race

Strega Nona

Film Strega Nona= grandma witch Cannot touch pasta pot Big Anthony doesn't know how to control the pasta pot Anthony was punished- had to eat all of the pasta

Ox-Cart Man

Folk art Hard to generalize Best for fairy tales Illustrated by Barbara Clooney Colors are fitting for style

The Big Dipper

Franklin Branley Makes science books about astronomy and earth sciences Let's read and find out science series Franklin Branley also wrote "What Makes a Magnet?"

Giants and Ogres

Giants can be good or bad Ogres are generally bad and cruel

Tale of Despero

Graphic novel, newberry award-winning Humor is subtle Surprise Fall in soup Princess talking to a mouse Despero loses spool of thread in attempt to save princess 2004 newberry medal winner style compared to Charles dickens first book- a mouse is born- small, sickly, has big ears and falls in love with princess pea and goes against the mouse code and speaks to the princess sent to dungeon and earns life back telling a story to Gregory the jailer

Bird in a box by Andrea Davis

Happy ending Told in alternating chapters between three adolescent African American children ? wrappers of treats that his dad gave him Willie only has crippled hands and bad memories- his dad? Burned his hands in a pot of grits so he could no longer fulfill his dream of being a boxer Joe lewis famous boxer Willie's mother shows up at orphanage Humorous tone Each chapter has an image of high heels, boxing gloves or radio- giving each adolescent a voice Set in 1936 Otis Willie and Hibernia Author's notes Lack of ethnicity in children's books About 90% of characters in books are white Many Newberry award winners have been historical fiction Timeless in many ways

All fall down

Helen Oxenbury

J.R.R. Tolkien

Hobbit, 1938? 1988? Lord of The Rings Some critics compare Harry Potter books to Lord of the Rings Professor of authority on myth and saga Creates middle earth

Why teach historical fiction?

It piques kids' curiosity It levels the playing field Teaches a time and place A more detailed picture of a time Presents complex issues in an understandable way Promotes multiple perspectives Connects to curriculum Teaching time and place and how people live and what their speech was like and how they dressed Puts people back into history Text book history focused on coverage of history rather than depth Presents complex issues in an understandable way Historical fiction promotes multiple perspectives, dealing with different situations Can connect to the curriculum Some historical fiction is more fiction than history and vice versa

Humorous or funny stories

Judy Moody was in a Mood by Megan McDonald First one in series of books about Judy Moody and the Moody family and also school Judy= main character Older sister? Younger brother- "Stink" Dad and mom Mouse- the family cat Rocky- Judy's best friend Frank? Mr. Tod? Starting fourth grade and doesn't have a lot of hopes for the year Rocky gets to bring pizza for lunch Frank bothering Judy to come to his birthday party Mouse isn't going to be her favorite pet so she chooses a venus fly trap and she feeds the fly trap too much hamburger and it collapses and stinks Has to make a "me" collage One of the questions: "do you belong to a club?" Frank has his birthday party and Judy is the only girl and she stays late to see his collection Stink gets to go to D.C. Stink spills juice on collage and Judy changes it to a picture of Vermont and her collage is a success *good for kids making a leap into chapter books Fudge: Tales of a fourth Grade nothing- Judy Blume and other Fudge books- looking at the life of Hatcher(?) family Amelia Bedelia books

Joanna Cole

Magic school bus series Teaching moment about science in many of her books The magic school bus inside of the earth Busy, like a hunting we will go

Swamp Angel- tall tale set in Tennessee

Main character-Angelica, (a giant) resourceful Fights bear Doubt her because she is female She wins the bear fight and everyone has bear meat for the winter

Sports stories

Matt Christopher Most children will experience sports in some way growing up Well-written sports stories can be hard to find Female athletes in books often viewed as cliché Matt Christopher- writes sports stories for elementary school students, looks at stuff beyond winning the game, has written books on all major sports Controlled vocabulary readers

In the night kitchen (Maurice Sendak)

Middle book in trilogy Concern throughout country about one page that read "Cock a doodle do!" with nudity

David Macaulay

Mosque Written many books Quite prolific Middle upper elementary and middle school students Underground- one of his older books Can have picture book style biographies- Can span the person's entire life or a part of their life (partial biography)

School stories

Mrs. Nelson is missing Classic characters- bully, teacher, principal, custodian Help kids feel like they are not the only one School stories focus on school acceptance-e.g. molly's pilgrim Tales of a fourth grade nothing will appeal to 2nd and 3rd graders- marketing technique- Amazing Grace- by Mary Hoffman Grace is African American- and the students say that she cannot be Peter Pan because she is African American and female, she ends up getting the role of Peter Pan after auditioning, when Grace is concerned her Grandmother from Trinidad takes her into the city and they go to a ballet where friend is playing Juliet- she is African American, giving Grace inspiration and hope Emphasis on problem novels More balance on characters with normal more complex lives More books with cultural diversity needed Next week: historical fiction and poetry, poetry lists in course packet

Frog and toad are friends by Arnold Lobel

National book award and calecot honor winner Source of inspiration from the author- went out to find frogs and toads growing up Frog and toad have very different personality types

Artistic styles

Not essential to look at a picture book and see impressionism for example Difficult since it's a combination Important to expose children to a variety of different styles

Fable, myth and epics

Not usually as popular and not as often introduced to children in elementary school Important that they do get a brief introduction

Rosie's Walk

Picture book with lots of different animal noises Editor wanted a simple book Reduced it to 32 words

Bill Peet

Shadows of Dr. Suess Never made it especially big Also from California Start for Walt Disney Peet drew Dumbo and worked on fantasia and song of the south? Began to write Children's books in 1964 Life span same is Theodore Geisel/ Suess He may have had a falling out with Disney Possible that Captain cook and peter pan symbolized their relationship Created non-sense characters like Dr. Suess Used rhyme Imaginative names for characters Zella Zack and Zodiac Maurice Sendak- one of the most famous children's author's and illustrators 1964 caldecot award for "Where the Wild Things are" first true genius of 20th century children's literature originally going to be called "where the wild horses are" when sendak was a boy the linburg baby was kidnapped which had an influence on his writing (e.g. max where the wild things are)

Influence of Walt Disney on folk and fairy tales

Snow white, Pinocchio, The little mermaid,....... Must be realized that Disney did not create these stories Disney- some of the originals- more true to story in early stories like snow white, later ones not as true to the story (e.g. Beauty and the Beast)

A chair for my mother

Story told in first person Illustrations are what sets the mood of the story Chair is a metaphor for hope and happiness

Math Curse

Surrealism Attempts to convey subconscious through imagery Juxtaposes reality with... Bluebonnet award Disturbing


Takes place under water Muted colors Swimmy is a fish that swims with a group of fish and a big fish comes and eats all of the fish except for swimmy Put paint on a doily and stuck it on the page to create a forest of seaweed Value-thought driven process

life cycle books

The harlequin moth: its life story by Millicent E. Selsam Starting life: Butterfly by Claire Lelwellyn

The three robbers by tomy unger

The shapes of the robbers become the towers of the town Use of color red and darkness Dark and scary story Maurice Sendak says that kids need to be scared, need to know world isn't perfect

Big differences

The way the story starts and ends with rescuro on a ship at sea The novel- begins with the birth of despero and ends with the princess being saved Rescuro tells princess about dungeon and they re-unite as she becomes his princess in the book the mouse cannot marry the princess Addition of a genie- baldo- genie and chef argue over a bottle of wine Novel- merlot takes despero to learn how to nibble paper Despero goes to mouse school before he speaks to princess Mouse counsel is a major part of the graphic novel How despero gets out of dungeon is different Despero ends up getting covered in white dust Baldo re-appears and helps despero to save the princess and princess forgives family................. A lot of changes


Things glued together Fixing paper and other materials to a canvas The snowy day by Ezra Jack Keats African American characters in his books He grew up in New York and used to visit story time Augusta Baker, African American story-teller, where he got a lot of his ideas One of his books was dedicated to her Smoky night, mouse count, chicka chicka boom boom are also collage Paint- pigment, usually powdered, spreadable, acrylic, gouche and so on

Lunch by Denise Fleming

Turning eating vegetables into fun thing Made her own paper and made collage Colors and shape

Hans Christian Andersen

Ugly duckling Concept that it's okay to be different Steadfast Tin soldier Published first book for children in 1835 called fairy tales for children Re-telling of traditional fairy tales Original writings became to be known as literary fairy tales Readers feel empathy for these characters Andersen's characters were not stereotyped

Miss Nelson (James Marshall)

Ultimate reward- story time Marathon, TX- where James Marshall's grandparent's from Wanted to be buried near marathon under water tower

Beauty and the beast

Unique Written by a woman Merrer mayer and Marianna Meyer?

Goodnight moon

Use of contrast Small parts of grey Very popular Companion book called "My world"- out of print for 30 yrs Take-offs using language and style of this book e.g. "Goodnight I pad"

Mystery books have always been popular

Values Reluctant readers will often pick up a mystery Skill- silent rapid reading- Mouthing of words growing up and some point stop saying the words and read silently Often when something is suspenseful, forget that you're not mouthing the words- helps kids get over this developmental hump Mysteries can encourage kids to challenge their reading levels Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy books are still popular 80s and 90s made silly bad stories of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys

Getting to Know Maurice Sendak

Video "finest truth you're capable of" Selma lanes, the author of "the art of Maurice sendak" Sendak wanted to work and get away from family Lessons learned over 20 years- where the wild things are, night kitchen,.... Where the wild things are- Sendak's first picture book, full color Originally called where the wild horses are until sendak discovered that he could not draw horses- so he drew "things"- represented his uncles and aunts—difficult to create the book Have got to make children want to turn the page more than adults because adults are more likely to continue to read a book they don't want- Sendak In the night kitchen, 1970 Took the form of a comic book Because he had comic books when he was a child Story of food, sunshine bakers- Kid who gets up at night and hears what's going on Energy and zest of mickey mouse Meant more to sendak than where the wild things are Made animated version of night kitchen Outside over there Most personal of Sendak's books When he was two years old the child of Charles lindberg was kidnapped His father slept on the floor of his room to protect them against kidnappers Book about arbitrariness of life and about loss How do children get through a 24 hour period with mis-information and to use guts and brain to get through a time period Children generally have to make up logic for gaps in life Ida- furious that she has to take care of child


by Emily McCulley Large mouse family Story of a typical family

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