chinese 好词好句(part 1)

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-in a disturbance innocent by standers get into trouble. -you can't escape responsibility for your actions


Refers to training and education as a challenging lifelong process

不二法门 (bú èr fǎ mén)

the one and only way

草木皆兵 (cǎo mù jiē bīng)

a state of extreme nervousness


an utterly inadequate measure

百折不挠 (bǎi zhé bù náo)

be undaunted by repeated setbacks, keep on fighting in spite of all the setbacks


detach oneself from reality and do things without considering the actual conditions


disappear without a trace

杯弓蛇影 (bēi gōng shé yǐng)

extremely suspicious


for months and years

不劳而获 bù láo ér huò

gain or profit without working for it


gemoan the state of the univers and pity the fate of mankind

半途而废 ( bàn tú ér fèi )

give up halfway; leave sth. unfinished 没有坚持到底


incurable, hopeless

长袖善舞cháng xiù shàn wǔ

money and power will help you in any occupation 指人很机灵,会处理关系


not engaged in a proper job; has no concern for one's responsibilities

不耻下问 bù chǐ xià wèn

not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates

不自量力 (bù zì liàng lì)

overestimate one's ability


there can never be too much deception of war


time brings great changes to the world


to be at a loss

爱屋及乌 (ài wū jí wū)

to love and accept someone completely

班门弄斧 (bān mén nòng fǔ)

to show off one's talent or skill before an expert


too numerous to mention individually

按部就班 (àn bù jiù bān)

Follow the proper procedures

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