chp 15 qs cont pt2

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. In non-right-to-work states, employees at unionized workplaces are required to pay agency fees, equal to a large percent of union dues, if they refuse to pay union dues. According to the Supreme Court, a union may: a. collect agency fees from non-members to use for political purposes since that is a "basic union activity" b. collect agency fees from non-members for political purposes only if they fully disclose how the funds are spent c. collect agency fees from non-members, but must explain how fees are determined so that the non-members do not have to pay fees used for political purposes d. not collect agency fees from non-members if the union is involved in any political activities e. none of the other choices are correct


A collective bargaining agreement ends and the union and management continue to bargain for a new contract while the workers go on strike. Management hires new workers to replace the union workers on strike. By law, when the strike ends: a. all union workers must be returned to their previous positions b. all replacement workers must be dismissed unless the union agrees to accept them c. the replacement workers must become union members and be paid union wages d. the new collective bargaining agreement must provide higher wages than the previous contract and the new wage level will apply to all workers e. none of the other choices are true


A grievance arbitration clause means: a. disputes arising under a collective bargaining agreement must be resolved by an internal grievance procedure b. disputes arising under a collective bargaining agreement must go first to federal court for relief c. a grievance is an internal matter and is never to be arbitrated by an outside labor arbitrator d. disputes arising under a collective bargaining agreement must be settled by the National Labor Relations Board e. none of the other choices


A secondary boycott, in general, is: a. a strike or other action by a union against the employer of the employees whose collective bargaining agreement is in question b. a strike or other action by an employer in retaliation for the primary boycott c. an attempt to force others to stop doing business with an employer not directly involved in the labor dispute d. a strike or action against indirect buyers e. none of the other choices


An airline hired new flight attendants when current attendants went on strike when the collective bargaining agreement ended. When the strike was over, the airline only called back a few of the attendants who had been on strike. The union claimed the striking attendants had to be rehired with seniority and the new flight attendants fired. About the replacement workers, you would expect the court held the union was: a. wrong; the airline had acted within its rights b. right only with respect to union members who worked during the strike⎯they had to be replaced with union members who had been on strike c. right only with respect to non-union workers hired during the strike⎯they had to be replaced with union members according to seniority d. right that both non-union workers hired and union members who had crossed the picket line had to be fired in favor of senior attendants who had been on strike e. none of the other choices


An unfair labor case is filed with the National Labor Relations Board and goes before an administrative law judge for resolution. If one of the parties is unhappy with the decision of the judge, they may appeal to: a. the National Labor Relations Board b. U.S. Court of Appeals c. the administrative appeals law judge d. U.S. federal district court e. no appeal is allowed


An unfair labor case is filed with the National Labor Relations Board and goes before an administrative law judge for resolution. If one of the parties is unhappy with the decision of the judge, they may: a. file an exception b. file a secondary complaint c. file a remedial complaint d. file a case with the U.S. Court of Appeals e. none of the other choices are correct


An unfair labor practice case is decided by the National Labor Relations Board. If one of the parties to the case is unhappy with the decision or refuses to comply with the order, the appeal will go to: a. an administrative law judge b. U.S. federal district court c. U.S. magistrate d. U.S. Court of Appeals e. no appeal is allowed; enforcement is by U.S. marshal


As illustrated by the Supreme Court ruling in the Beck case, where non-union workers at AT&T were required by a union to pay "agency fees," instead of union dues, to contribute to the expense of representing these workers in collective bargaining: a. unions are free to use dues from members on political action b. unions are not free to use due equivalents from nonmembers on political action c. unions may never use any dues or agency fees for political action d. unions may not require agency fees e. unions may not require members to pay dues


Collective bargaining refers to the process by which the: a. union solicits support for itself b. employees solicit support for unionization c. employer solicits support for non-unionization d. employer and the union negotiate an employment contract e. employer and the union negotiate a right-to-work law


For the NLRB to oversee a representation election, at least what percent of employees must request an election? a. 20% b. 30% c. 50% d. 66.6% e. 80%


If 30% or more of the employees of a company sign authorization cards collected by a union organizer then the organizer will request a(n) from the NLRB. a. bargaining election b. representation election c. union election d. employment manager election e. leader election


If a dispute between an employer and the union representing workers cannot be resolved by the standard internal grievance procedure, then most collective bargaining agreements call for the dispute to go to: a. federal district court b. the National Labor Relations Board c. an outside labor arbitrator d. the Labor-Management Resolution Board e. none of the other choices


If over half of the employees at a workplace vote for union representation, the NLRB will: a. hold an election to determine which union workers want to represent them b. certify the union as the exclusive bargaining agent for all employees in the bargaining unit c. certify the union as the exclusive bargaining agent for all employees and require all employees to join the union d. certify the union as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees who voted for the union, whether they join the union or not e. certify the union as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees who voted for the union and require those who voted for the union to join it


If the National Labor Relations Board determines that an employer has committed an unfair labor practice, which of the following remedies may it impose on the employer? a. force the employer to provide back pay for lost wages b. issue an order requiring the employer to bargain with the union c. issue a cease and desist order against the employer d. post notices in the workplace of the employer's unfair practices e. any of the other choices


If the National Labor Relations Board determines that an employer has committed an unfair labor practice, which of the following remedies may it not impose on the employer? a. force the employer to provide back pay for lost wages b. it may not impose jail time for order violations c. issue a cease and desist order against the employer d. post notices in the workplace of the employer's unfair practices e. none of the other choices


If the union refuses to take an employee's concern to arbitration, the employee must sue the union for violation of the: a. duty of real representation b. duty of union representation c. duty of fair representation d. duty of legitimate representation e. duty of equal representation


In Chicago Teachers Union, regarding agency fees paid by nonunion workers to unions at unionized workplaces, the Supreme Court held that the union must: a. provide an explanation for how the fees are being spent b. allow challenges to the amount of fees charged c. refund any fees challenged by workers as being used for political purposes d. provide an explanation for how the fees are being spent and allow challenges to the amount of fees charged e. provide an explanation for how the fees are being spent and allow challenges to the amount of fees charged and refund any fees challenged by workers as being used for political purposes


In Chicago Teachers Union, regarding agency fees paid by nonunion workers to unions at unionized workplaces, the Supreme Court held that which of the following requirements must be fulfilled with regard to agency fees paid by nonunion workers: a. an adequate explanation of the basis for the fee b. a reasonably prompt explanation of the basis for the fee c. an opportunity to challenge the fee before an impartial decision maker d. an escrow account for the amounts in dispute while challenges are pending e. all of the other specific choices are correct


In the Beck case, where non-union workers at AT&T were required by a union to pay "agency fees," instead of union dues, to contribute to the expense of representing these workers in collective bargaining. The Supreme Court held that the union: a. violated the First Amendment rights of non-union workers b. violated the Taft-Hartley Act c. acted legally because Congress had ruled courts may not place restrictions on union dues d. impermissibly interfered with interstate commerce e. had improperly spent agency fees on political action


Non-union workers left work without permission because there was no heat at work and it below freezing in the plant. The company fired them. With respect to this joint action by the workers, you would expect the courts to hold that the workers were: a. wrong; as non-union workers, the NLRA does not apply to them; they were at-will workers who could be fired b. wrong; they must proceed with grievance procedures if they want to have the protection offered by the NLRA c. right; in case of intolerable working conditions workers have the right to protect themselves without being fired d. right; the NLRA holds management responsible for "fair working conditions" e. none of the other choices


The National Labor Relations Board is composed of members chosen by: a. Congress and is considered to be quite political b. the President and it considered to be quite political c. unions and management in equal numbers and so tends to have many internal disputes d. the Supreme Court and is considered to be independent of politics e. the Civil Service Board based on merit and experience with the agency itself


The National Labor Relations Board's composition changes based on: a. whether the current President of the United States is "pro-labor" or "pro-management" b. whether the current President of the United States is in his first or second term c. whether Democrats or Republicans have a majority in the Senate d. whether Democrats or Republicans have a majority in the House of Representatives e. the NLRB's composition does not change because there must always be a balance of "pro-labor" and "pro- management" members


The Supreme Court has held in several cases that unions are not to use agency fees for political purposes without permission. As a result: a. unions generally ignore the law b. the National Labor Relations Board has developed a procedure to ensure that the Court's ruling is upheld c. unions have generally quit using agency fees for political purposes d. such fees have been redirected to charitable purposes e. there never was such a ruling by the Supreme Court, so this question is not relevant


The result of the decision from the Supreme Court's Chicago Teachers Union and Beck decisions has been that: a. unions no longer spend agency fees on political activities b. unions generally ignore the rulings and they are hard to enforce c. non-union members no longer have to pay agency fees d. Congress repealed the Taft-Hartley Act e. none of the other choices


Union certification is granted by the NLRB if: a. more than 50 percent of the employees of a company vote for the union b. more than 30 percent of the employees of a company vote for the union c. the manager of the company applies for it d. the union organizer applies for it e. none of the other choices are correct


Unions and employers who negotiate contracts have a duty to bargain in good faith. This means both sides must do all of the following except: a. come to a final agreement b. must be willing to make proposals c. must explain reasons behind certain proposals d. must consider proposals of the other party e. all of the other choices are elements of good faith bargaining


When an employer, union or employee files a labor practice complaint with the National Labor Relations Board it goes to: a. federal court for resolution if the NLRB staff finds there to be merit in the complaint b. either federal or state court for resolution if the NLRB staff finds merit in the complaint c. an administrative law judge for final resolution d. an administrative law judge for resolution if the NLRB staff finds merit in the compliant e. a panel of three NLBR members in Washington, D.C. for resolution


Which of the following could be a union bargaining unit: a. all workers at a company b. the workers at one plant c. workers in certain skills at one or more work sites d. all of the other specific choices are correct e. none of the other specific choices are correct

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