Chp.9 sec.3-4 (mr.tash's s.s.)

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Who were the "good emperors", and what did they accomplish?

-Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian (HAY • dree • uhn), Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius The five "good emperors" did not abuse their power. They were among the most devoted and capable rulers in Rome's history. They improved Roman life in many ways, naming trained officials to carry out their orders.

Crassus , J.C., Pompey

1st Triumvirate.

Who was Cicero?

A middle-class political leader who pleads to return to republican balance, speaks out about reform and republican values


A political alliance of three people

Who is Augustus?

Agustus is another title used by Julius Caesar's son Octavian.

How did the battle of Actium affect the history of Rome?

Antony comes back to Alexandria after a humiliating defeat in the Battle of Actium. Antony thinks Cleopatra is dead so he commits suicide. Cleopatra is still alive. After being captured by Octavian, Cleopatra commits suicide, herself, with the help of a few servants.

Changes Augustus brought

Better army and government

What is Common currency?

Common currency is a system of money.


Huge estates owned by wealthy families


Julius Caesar's grandnephew, later known as Augustus. By defeating Mark Antony, he gained rule of all roman lands. He was Rome's first true emperor.

What did Nero play while Rome burned that led him to commit his own death?

Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned and later on committed suicide.

"Crossing the Rubicon"

No turning back. And is important because that's what J.C. did which led to civil war.

Is Ostia at the chin or mouth of the Tiber river?

Ostia is at the mouth of the Tiber river.


Roman Emperor who was the adoptive son of Trajan

Julius Caesar

Roman general and dictator. He was murdered by a group of senators and his former friend Brutus who hoped to restore the normal running of the republic.


Roman general under Julius Caesar in the Gallic wars

What does Pax Romana mean?

Roman peace

How did Cicero influence the writers of the constitution?

Showed that government should be fair to all.

At the battle of Actium what happened and who won?

The Battle of Actium was the war that ended the Roman Republic. Octavian won the battle in 31 B.C, and was declared the first Roman Emperor four years later in 27 B.C.

The Danube and Rhine river

The Danube and Rhine river are in Europe's eastern boundaries.

One of Rome's significant influences on our world today?

The Legal System and way government works.

Who did Roman republic become under rule of? And why?

The Roman republic became under rule of Augustus. This is because it had weakened by civil wars.

Why is Rubicon important?

The Rubicon river, in Caesar's time, was the boundary between Gaul and Italy. Caesar had been ordered by the senate to disband his army and come to Rome for trial. This was an insult to Caesar and to his army. When Caesar crossed the Rubicon into Italy he began the civil war which, at its conclusion, left Caesar in supreme power.

How did slavery weaken Roman republic?

The slaves took the farmers jobs and than the farmers had no work and didn't have a living.

Why did Brutus,Cassius,and others kill Caesar?

They feared that Caesar wanted to be king and become overpowering.

What is a human made channel for carrying water long distances?

This is an Aqueduct.

Who was Caligo?

aligula was the third Julio-Claudian emperor. He is known for his erratic actions and immaturity. Some say he was mad. Most significant for the empire, though, was that he was the first emperor to be assassinated, the beginning of a dangerous trend in the Praetorian Guard.

What is a Foundation?

an institution supported by an endowment

What change did Marius make to Roman army?

changed army from volunteers to paid professional soldiers.

What products came from the farms of Italy,Gaul,and Spain?

farmers produced grapes and olives. The making of wine and olive oil became big business


one of the largest port cities in Italy on the Bay of Naples

What Reforms did J.C. introduce to Rome?

paying army, tax reforms, bread & circus.

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