Dev Psych ch 1

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In 2017, ______ of children under 18 years of age were living in families with incomes below the poverty line


The ______ period of development is the period of transition from childhood to early adulthood. It begins at approximately 10 to 12 years of age and ends at 18 to 21 years of age.


Which of the following is the leading architect of social cognitive theory?

Albert Bandura

Sharon is becoming more self-sufficient and can follow instructions. She is even learning to identify letters. She is in the ______ period of development.

Early childhood

Joey is 21 years old. He is looking at his career options and who and what he wants to be. These choices are typical of an individual in the stage of ______ adulthood.


Integrity vs despair

Erikson's eighth, final stage (60yrs-onward) in which those near the end of life look back and evaluate their lives

Identity vs identity confusion

Erikson's fifth stage of development, which occurs during the adolescent years; adolescents are faced with finding out who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life.

Trust vs mistrust

Erikson's first stage(first yr) during the first year of life, infants learn to trust when they are cared for in a consistent warm manner

Industry vs inferiority

Erikson's fourth stage (6 yrs- puberty) when the child focuses on knowledge and mastering skills

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

Erikson's second stage (1-3yrs) in which a toddler learns to exercise will and to do things independently; failure to do so causes shame and doubt

Generativity vs. Stagnation

Erikson's seventh stage (20-30yrs) of social development in which middle-aged people begin to devote themselves more to fulfilling one's potential and doing public service

Intimacy vs isolation

Erikson's sixth stage (10-20yrs) in which individuals form deeply personal relationships, marry, begin families

Initiative vs. Guilt

Erikson's third stage (3-5yrs) in which the child finds independence in planning, playing and other activities

______ theory states that behavior is tied to evolution, is strongly affected by biological influence, and is characterized by critical or sensitive periods.


True or false: Research using the life-span perspective is not relevant to social policy issues.


Developmentalists believe that biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes

Interact as people develop

______ stressed that a human infant's attachment to a caregiver over the first year of life has consequences throughout life.

John Bowlby

As adolescents develop romantic relationships, their time with friends may decrease. This is an example of the ______ of development.


Which of the following may include the contextual settings that affect our development? disease mosque family school

Mosque, family, school

According to today's psychoanalytic theories, Freud's theory overemphasized

Sexual instincts

The father of psychoanalytic theory is _____

Sigmund Freud

The father of psychoanalytic theory is ______

Sigmund Freud

The ______ pattern of aging characterizes people who maintain their functioning longer than for most other elderly adults.


The term ______ in development refers to the capacity for change


Erikson's first stage of psychosocial development is the stage of ______ versus ______

trust; mistrust

Normative history-graded influences are A) common to members of a particular generation. B) events that typically occur at the same age for most people. C) unusual occurrences that happen to individual people.

common to members of a particular generation.

An older adult with which of the following personality traits is most likely to be psychologically young?


As compared to Freud, today's psychoanalytic theorists place more emphasis on ______ as determinants of an individual's development.

cultural experiences

Which three of the following are key factors in social cognitive theory?

environment behavior cognition

Biological age is determined by the

functioning capacities of a person's vital organs.

Which four of the following concepts are particularly useful when studying the sociocultural context?

gender socioeconomic status culture ethnicity

One criticism of Bronfenbrenner's theory is that it

gives inadequate attention to the influence of biological and cognitive factors.

According to a recent 150-country study, in those aged 58 and older, which was the best predictor of life satisfaction?


In general, which of the following is the biggest policy concern for older adults

health-care costs and access

What theory of development emphasizes individuals manipulating, monitoring, and strategizing about information?

information-processing theory

Which of the following is an example of a normative history-graded influence? A) integration of the Internet into everyday life B) retirement at the age of 65 in the United States C) pubertal development in middle schoolers D) the death of a parent while someone is young

integration of the Internet into everyday life

Which of the following developmental periods is typically the longest, based on today's population trends?

late adulthood

What are the five stages of psychosexual development, according to Freud?

latency anal phallic oral genital

According to Robert Siegler, an important aspect of development is

learning good strategies for processing information.

As people enter into middle and late adulthood, development tends to involve ______ and regulation of ______. Multiple choice question.

maintenance; loss

Robert Siegler emphasizes the importance of using the ______ method to discover not just what children know but the cognitive processes involved in how they acquired the knowledge.


Most children in the United States start school when they are 5 or 6 years of age. This occurrence is an example of a _____

normative age-graded influence

Events or trends (such as social or economic trends) that are common to members of a particular generation are known as ______ influences.

normative history-graded

What term do Baltes and Smith use to describe adults over about age 85, who show considerable losses in physical and cognitive functioning?

oldest old

At about 2 to 7 years of age children reach what stage of Piaget's cognitive development?


Age has been conceptualized in which of the following ways?

psychologically socially biologically chronologically

What theoretical view holds that behavior, environment, and cognition are the key factors in development?

social cognitive theory

According to Vygotsky, which of the following is crucial to children's cognitive development? Multiple choice question.

social interaction with more-skilled adults and peers

The key aspect of development according to Skinner is ______


Which of the following are theoretical orientations to development?

behavioral and social cognitive ecological ethological psychoanalytic cognitive

Which of the following is often used by the information-processing approach as an analogy to explain the connection between cognition and the brain?

A computer

Which theorist believed that development reflects the influence of five environmental systems?


______ age refers to the number of years that one has lived since birth


processes are changes in an individual's thinking, intelligence, and language.


If a study is "cross-cultural," this means that it _____

Compares multiple cultures

A(n) ______ is a setting where development occurs, such as in the family, peer group, or place of employment. A) context B) dimension C) environment


_______ encompasses the behavior patterns and beliefs that are passed from generation to generation.


Baltes and his colleagues believed that what three goals of human development (which correspond to the three broad stages of life) often conflict and compete with each other?

Growth Maintenance Regulation of loss

Which of the following are reasons why happiness typically increases as people age?

Older adults tend to be more satisfied with what they have. Older people have more satisfying relationships. Older people have more free time.

________ theories view development as being primarily the result of unconscious processes.


According to Erikson, humans develop in ______ stages.


______ age refers to an individual's ability to adapt to change as compared to other people who have lived the same amount of time.


What happened when the income of parents participating in the Minnesota Family Investment program rose?

They did better in school

True or false: Health and well-being is heavily influenced by lifestyle and psychological state.


True or false: Malnutrition and chronic illness are NOT developmental issues related to parenting and education.


True or false: Some studies have indicated that the lowest levels of life satisfaction may occur in middle age.


The brain plays a role in shaping culture and culture plays a role in shaping the brain. This is pointed to as an example of how life-span development is

a co-construction of biology, culture, and the person

Which scientific field focuses on creating machines capable of performing activities that require intelligence when they are done by people?

artificial intelligence

During Erikson's stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt, what do infants begin to do?

assert their independence

Vygotsky maintained that development

is inseparable from social and cultural influences

A person creates a unique developmental path by actively choosing from the environment the things that optimize their life. Which of the following statements describes this process? Multiple choice question.

Development is a co-construction of biology, culture, and the individual.

The idea that development is ______ refers to the fact that some dimensions or components of a dimension expand and others shrink throughout the life spam


According to the life-span perspective, which age dominates development?

No age dominates development.

_____ life events are unusual occurrences that have a major impact on an individual's life, but do not occur to every individual and do not always influence people in the same way.


Who is the behaviorist best known for his theory of operant conditioning


_____ policy is a government's course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens.


______ age refers to connectedness with others and the roles that individuals adopt.


Culture, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status are ______ components of life-span development.


status refers to a person's position within society based on occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.


processes involve changes in an individual's relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality.


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