Chpt 19 : Managing Public Relations

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Crisis management

critical function of the public relation manager

Public relation department role

manage the firm's public image and its relationship with the public

Corporate identity

the way in which an organization presents itself to an audience

Corporate image

the way organizational members believe others see the organization

General public

- Composed of individuals and groups found in society - General public affects the firm through its opinion of the firm's activities or performance, which in turn help shape the firm's public image or reputation - Companies should be aware of public position on impt issues - Companies can affect general public's values, attitudes and actions through various communication channels

Importance of public relations in an emerging digital world

- Effective PR program is fundamental to any organization's relationship with the public o Sends constant stream of info from the company to the public and opens the door for dialogue with stakeholders whose lives are affected by the company's operations - Variety of available channels of communication for PR officers have grown dramatically - Internet-based communication revolution has significantly benefited smaller businesses as well

Effective crisis management plan

- Get ready before crisis hits - Communicate quickly but accurately - Use the internet - Do the right thing - Follow up, where appropriate, make amends to those affected

Media training of employees

- Organizational representative, the words one say take on official meaning o Facial expression, tone, body language can convey posititive or negative impression

Global public relations

- Sensitivity to cultural disparities and similarities when crafting messages - Ensure that sufficient funding is allocated globally for a positive and effect public affairs impact - PR tasks more complex in an international business environment

Corporate crisis

- Significant business disruption that stimulates extensive new media or social networking coverage - Crisis: any event that could potentially negatively affect the health, reputation or credibility of the organization

Brand management

- Use techniques to increase perceived value of a product line or brand - Recognizable brand is one that can immediately signal to stakeholders how the company is different from its rivals - Corporation reputation is captured in a recognized and trusted name

Influencing Public opinion

- Used by biz organizations to enhance their public image, create good will, announce a major change such as a merger, acquisition or a new product line - Ad promote the image or general perception of a product or service rather than promoting its functional attributes - Targets public's emotion and seek to influence their imaginations

A good reputation allows firms to

1. Charge premium prices 2. Enhance their access to capital market and investors 3. Obtain better credit, trust and social ratings

Through media the firm can

1. Establish its reputation 2. Repair a tarnish image 3. Managing its public relations 4. Address and organizational crisis 5. Engage with multiple stakeholders in diff ways

Engaging key stakeholder with specific tactics

1. Executive visibility 2. Corporate advertising - Corporate image adveritise - create favourable predisposition toward the firm - not designed to affect sales, enhace public image, create good will - Advocacy - establish the firm's position on important social, political or environmental issues

Respected organization are generally more successful because

1. Receive more opportunities to advance their interests 2. Give the benefit of doubt in uncertain circumstances 3. Generally more immune to the long-term effects of harsh criticism than their less respected counter parts

Corporate Reputation

Desirable or undesirable qualities associated with an organization or its actors that may influence the organization's relationship with its stakeholders - Relies on collect perceptions of past actions, results and future prospect

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