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Daniel Webster's famed Seventh of March speech in 1850 resulted in a. Senate rejection of a fugitive-slave law. b. a shift toward compromise in the North. c. condemnation by northern commercial interests. d. charges of accepting bribes. e. a movement to draft him for the presidency.


During the debate of 1850, ____________________ argued that there was "higher law" than the Constitution that compelled him to demand the exclusion of slavery from the territories. a. William H. Seward b. Henry Clay c. Daniel Webster d. Stephen A. Douglas e. Zachary Taylor


For a short time in the 1850s William Walker, an American adventurer, seized control of a. Nicaragua. b. Cuba. c. Japan. d. El Salvador. e. Puerto Rico.


For his position in his Seventh of March speech, Daniel Webster was viciously condemned by a. northern Unionists. b. northern banking and commercial interests. c. abolitionists. d. Henry Clay. e. John C. Calhoun.


Harriet Tubman gained fame a. by helping slaves to escape to Canada. b. in the gold fields of California. c. as an African American antislavery novelist. d. as an advocate of the Fugitive Slave Law. e. by urging white women to oppose slavery.


In the debates of 1850, Senator William H. Seward, as a representative of the northern Young Guard, argued that a. the Constitution must be obeyed. b. John C. Calhoun's compromise plan must be adopted to preserve the Union. c. Christian legislators must obey God's moral law. d. compromise must be achieved to preserve the Union. e. African Americans should be granted their own territory.


John C. Calhoun's plan to protect the South and slavery involved a. a constitutional amendment permanently guaranteeing equal numbers of slave and free states. b. southern secession from the Union. c. support of Henry Clay's proposed concessions by both the North and the South. d. repealing the president's veto power. e. the election of two presidents, one from the North and one from the South.


Many northern states passed "personal liberty laws" in response to the Compromise of 1850's provision regarding a. slavery in the District of Columbia. b. slavery in the territories. c. restrictions on free blacks. d. the interstate slave trade. e. runaway slaves.


Presidential candidates in the 1848 election included a. Martin van Buren b. Henry Clay c. Lewis Cass d. Zachary Taylor e. Winfield Scott


Southern delegates met at a convention in Nashville in the summer of 1850 to a. plan southern secession. b. plan ways to acquire more slave territory. c. propose a series of constitutional amendments. d. denounce Daniel Webster as a traitor to the South. e. condemn the compromises being worked out in Congress.


Southerners insisted that the first transcontinental railroad should run through the southwest because a. construction would be less difficult there b. the railroad would pass through already organized territory of the US c. it was a shorter distance d. southern states were prepared to pay the full cost of construction e. it would provide a barrier against mexican insurrection


Stephen A. Douglas proposed that the question of slavery in the Kansas- Nebraska Territory be decided by a. popular sovereignty. b. making Kansas a free territory and Nebraska a slave territory. c. the Supreme Court. d. admitting California, Kansas, and Nebraska to the Union as free states. e. the winner of the next presidential election.


The Free Soilers argued that slavery a. was unsuited to the West. b. would cause more costly wage labor to wither away. c. would, through its profits, enable small farmers to buy more land. d. should be gradually abolished. e. an immoral institution.


The Wilmot Proviso, if adopted, would have a. prevented the taking of any territory from Mexico. b. required California to enter the Union as a slave state. c. overturned the Fugitive Slave Law. d. prohibited slavery in any territory acquired in the Mexican War. e. all of the above.


The consequences of the Kansas Nebraska Act inluded the a. organization of the know-nothing party b. splitting of the democratic party c. demise of the whig party d. organization of the republican party e. rise of the free soil party


The election of 1852 was significant because it a. saw the victory of a pro-South northerner. b. marked the return of issues-oriented campaigning. c. saw the rise of purely national parties. d. marked the end of the Whig party. e. saw the emergence of an antislavery third party.


The event that brought turmoil to the administration of Zachary Taylor was the a. passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. b. influx of immigrants to the west coast. c. attempt to acquire Cuba. d. growth of lawlessness in California. e. discovery of gold in California.


The fatal split in the Whig party in 1852 occurred over a. the nomination of General Winfield Scott or Daniel Webster. b. slavery. c. the Gadsden Purchase. d. homestead laws. e. the transcontinental railroad route.


The key issue for the major parties in the 1848 presidential election was a. personalities. b. slavery. c. expansion. d. Indian removal. e. the economy.


The most brazen scheme for territorial expansion in the 1850's was expressed in the a. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. b. Wilmot Proviso. c. Kansas-Nebraska Act. d. Gadsden Purchase. e. Ostend Manifesto.


The prime objective of Manifest Destiny in the 1850's was a. Panama. b. Nicaragua. c. Cuba. d. Hawaii. e. the Dominican Republic.


The public liked popular sovereignty because it a. stopped the spread of slavery. b. fit in with the democratic tradition of self-determination. c. provided a national solution to the problem of slavery. d. supported the Wilmot Proviso. e. upheld the principles of white supremacy.

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