Christian scriptures chapter 10

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Why do some Christians have difficulty experiencing Jesus as present in the Eucharist?

They make little or no attempt to recall and live out the message of Jesus, who make no effort to reach out in love to others in their daily life.

the Eucharist is.......

the central saving act for Catholics, the core of the church's life in Christ

Without the appearances, the empty tomb could be

Considered a trick

4 pieces of evidence given to support the reality of Jesus' resurrection

Consistent belief in the early church, the empty tomb, Jesus' post-Resurrection appearances, a courageous community

A courageous community

A thoroughly shattered band of Jesus' followers was transformed in to a community of courageous witnesses after the resurrection. This may be the most important evidence of all. The total conviction with which the disciples proclaimed the risen jesus as a sign of joy and hope is undeniable. After all, only such a conviction can explain the beginning of the church.

VALUE OF RESURRECTION: If the resurrection reveals the truth of Jesus' divine claim, then it also shows the truth of his other claims and teaching about God:

- his claim of God's unconditional love for each of us is true - his promise that we can find fullfillement in loving God and others is true - his rejection of of empty religious ritual and his commitment to a prayerful and personal relationship with God is true - his conviction that forgiveness of one another will always be more life-giving and enriching than revenge is true - his call for respect and special affection for the outcasts of society is true - his teaching that the rich must share with poor is true His absolute refusal to accept anything that would separate people from one another(Social status, sexual/racial discrimination, economic standing, political affiliation, religious beliefs) is true All of this is affirmed by res

COMMON POINTS IN THE GOSPEL ACCOUNTS: After Jesus' burial, each evangelist offers his own version of what happened but the accounts have the following points in common

-various people go to the tomb and discover that the body of jesus is no longer there - the people who go to the tomb find out-wither on their own or through one or more messengers of God - that Jesus is no longer dead but alive, and that he will reveal himself to them again soon -the initial reactions of the witnesses are, quite naturally, shock and then fear

A shattered band of disciples who had followed Jesus during his lifetime was transformed into ....

A community of faith through Jesus' death, Resurrection, Ascension, and gift of the Spirit .

The resurrection and church's constant commitment to belief in Resurrection as the central characteristic of Christian faith, makes it unacceptable for Christians to see Jesus as merely an extraordinary human being. Jesus was one of 3 things:

A lunatic, a con artist, or exactly who he professed to be

The gospels themselves-Christianity as a recognized religion- wouldn't even exist were it not for what happened_____________

After the death of Jesus

Meaning of Christ /messiah

Anointed one

Only if God actually raised Jesus from the dead is the truth of..

Both jesus and his message confirmed. Only then is the gospel proclamation truly good news and not a lie/hoax, or a fantasy to be rejected

paschal mystery in pain experiences

Christians believe, for ex, that much of the pain encountered in life can serve as an invitation to and opportunity for new growth, when seen with the eyes of faith. when a friend is suffering, an act of love can bring new life to our friend and to ourselves. this is not to say that pain and suffering should be sought. enough of it comes inevitably with life. through the resurrection, God lets us know that ultimately, pain and suffering are not what life is about. when responded to with love, etc, pain and suffering can provide the ground from which new life springs.

All four gospels agree that after Jesus dies, his body was......

Claimed by a wealthy disciple of Jesus' named Joseph of Arimathea. Joseph had asked Pilate fro the right to take the body and give it a decent burial

Why was referring to Jesus as *The Lord* or *our lord* a radical step for early Christians?

During prayer the Jewish people often proclaimed "Hear O Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is one. . ." The oneness of God was a central belief of the Jewish people. Calling Jesus Lord seemed to some Jews to be saying that Jesus was a god separate from the one true God. For by calling Jesus Lord, they were proclaiming a divine identity for Jesus, a unity with God that was then- and ina real sense, remains- absolutely beyond our understanding.

The risen jesus is the most consistently proclaimed reality in the.....

Entire New Testament

Resurrected life is not merely a continuation, after death, of the kind of earthly life we experience. It is, rather, an.......

Entirely new way of living, a new relationship in and with God , something completely beyond our imagination


Father, Son, Holy Spirit

The main lesson that the scriptural authors wished to teach by describing the Ascension was this:

Following his Resurrection , Jesus passed totally into the presence of God, and in doing so, he moved beyond our experience of space and time. When we reflect on where God is, we realize that it's not right to speak and think of God as "out there" somewhere. The entire message of Jesus hinges on precisely the opposite realization-that the Kingdom of God is among us, that God is not "out there" but rather "right here."

What was the main lesson that the scriptural authors wished to teach by describing the ascension?

Following his resurrection, Jesus passed totally into the presence of God, and in doing so, he moved beyond our experience of space and time

Why is viewing Jesus as just an extraordinary man rather than the Christ an unacceptable position for christians?

If you believe he is God than you believe everything he ever said.

The Gift of the Spirit

Incident occurred during the Jewish feast of the Pentecost. For Christians, this event that followed ten days after the Ascension is itself called the Pentecost. At that time, the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured our upon the frightened disciples, suddenly transforming them into courageous witnesses of the risen Jesus.

What is the key criterion for being a Christian?

Is whether the person is willing to let his or her life be shaped and led by the power of Jesus' life and message.

Ascension of Jesus

It happened forty days after Easter. It is when his Body and Soul went up to Heaven.

What human limitation makes it difficult to understand the ascension?

It's beyond human comprehension

In what sense can a memory be "alive and present"?

It's events or experiences that help shape every moment of our life

Why was the first Pentecost a significant happening in the life of the early church?

It's referred to as the birthday of the church. It's whe the disciples began a whole new way of living in communion with one another.

But in the light of the Resurrection, the cross takes on new significance. Because of the Ressurection, Christians can claim that...

Jesus' death freed humanity from sin.

Jesus' post-resurrection appearances

Many claimed to have seen risen jesus. Gospels disagree on who saw him and where, but the appearances follow a common patter: - everyone whom the risen jesus appears is downcast, distressed, sparely convinced that he is dead - jesus then takes the initiative and reveals himself to them, usually greeting them with the statement that they should be unafraid and at peace -jesus gives a command to spread the word. The knowledge of jesus risen is not to be kept a secret, as a private revelation. Those who know him are clearly called to share that knowledge with others

Who was present during resurrection?

No one

At the first Pentecost, the disciples were apparently filled with such joy that people accused them.....

Of being drunk

The death of jesus was historical in that even nonbelievers would have been able to see him crucified. But only .....

People of faith experienced Jesus after his resurrection

Without the empty tomb, the appearances of Jesus could be...

Regarded as hallucinations, and the fantasies of depressed people

No element in the Christian faith is more central to our understanding of the Christ of faith than the..........


Jesus' 3 names after death

Son of God, the Christ, our Lord

Empty tomb

Testifies reality of resurrection, all accounts agree it was empty, romans would have produced his corpse if they found it to destroy resurrection, disciples didn't steal it because several of disciples dies as martyrs rather than deny faith, gospels identify women as major witnesses but un that time period women weren't legal witnesses, and if an author was seeking to convince an audience of something untrue they wouldn't use women

By celebrating the Eucharist with the believing community, Catholics are reminded of a constant reality....

That the risen jesus is with us

What three titles reflect the core of the early Christian community's post-resurrection, post-Pentecost understanding of Jesus?

The Christ, The Son of God, and our Lord

Pentecost is...

The birthday of the church because at the first Pentecost, the disciples began a whole new way of living in communion with one another

What does the Church teach about Jesus in terms of the Trinity?

The church explains the relationship to the Father in its official teaching by describing Jesus as one of 3 divine persons-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-in the one God.

Why was the resurrection of Jesus not a historical event in the usual sense?

The death of jesus was historical in that even nonbelievers would have been able to see jesus crucified. Bit only people of faith experienced jesus after his resurrection.

Story of day of the first Pentecost

The disciples were all together in one place, a rush of violent wind came into the house , divided tongues like fire rested on each of them , all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages.

Most pivotal event proclaimed in the gospels

The resurrection

Consistent belief in the early church

The resurrection was a consistent belief in early church, letters of Saint Paul, sermons in acts of the apostles, and 4 gospels mention it; experiencing risen Jesus was a key qualification for being accepted as one of the apostles

Basic lesson about the gospels

The small details in the accounts are not significant or essential to what is being revealed through them

For the first believers, and for Christians today, the Resurrection demonstrated ......

The truth of Jesus' divine claim

according to Matthew's gospel, why did Pontius Pilate assign roman soldiers to guard the tomb of jesus?

To prevent Jesus' disciples from stealing the body

Origin of title Son of God

Used in reference to the kings of the israelite nation, and it was not unheard of for the Jews or refer to any particularly good man as a son of God. The first-century writers of the New Testament, unless using title in this broad sense, often changed the significance of the term by referring to Jesus as "the Son of God," indicating his divine relationship to the Father.

What happens in the breaking of the bread?

We recognize Jesus.

The Emmaus story is about....

What it means to recognize the risen Jesus

What is the message of the story of the first Pentecost?

When disheartened and frightened people encounter the Spirit of the risen Jesus, they are transformed by the experience

what fact about the Resurrection is of most significance to Christian faith?

if Jesus' mission ended at the cross, there would be no Christian religion today

paschal mystery in nature

much of nature reflects a repeating cycle of death and rebirth. for ex, many plants flourish during the summer, then wilt and "die" in the fall and winter, only to bloom again in spring. animals are born , grow to maturity, generate new life, die, only to decay and provide nourishment for new life

catholic faith teaches that jesus is encountered in a special way in

the Eucharist, or the mass

the paschal mystery(origin)

the whole series of events by which Jesus saved humanity(from giving Eucharist at last supper, death, resurrection , to outpouring of Holy Spirit on first Christians) is known as the paschal mystery. It's is paschal because through those events, Jesus, the "new paschal lamb," established a new Passover. This new Passover saves us from death, frees us from the slavery of sin, and starts us on a journey toward the "Promised Land" of new life. its a mystery in the way that love is a mystery- a deep reality to be lived rather than a problem to be explained

how do Christians continue to reveal the Kingdom of God?

when they imitate Jesus' example and work together to make the world the just and peaceful place that God always meant it to be

paschal mystery in everyday life

whenever they see the power of new life being released from an experience of suffering or death. the themes of dying and rising in everyday life help Christians understand the redemptive meaning of the paschal mystery

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