Civics Final Exam Part 2

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What tax does the following describe? This state and local tax is paid by individuals when they purchase a good or service in the state of North Carolina.

Sales Tax

Which of the following statements BEST describes how the President of the United States is elected?

Whichever candidate earns a majority of electoral votes wins

How many senators does North Carolina have?


How is the number of representatives determined for each state?

Based on the United States Census, which is taken every ten years

What does reading the paper to learn the views of a candidate best exemplify?

Being part of an informed electorate

Which court case decided that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional, and began the civil rights movement?

Brown v. Board of Education

Which choice best describes the relationship between the three branches of government?

Checks & Balances

What word best describes someone who is to the right in the political ideology?


Which of the following would disqualify a citizen from voting in North Carolina?

Convicted of a felony

Which branch of government makes the first presentation of a budget?

Executive Branch

Third parties usually impact government by:

Identifying issues of concern that may be ignored by the two major parties

What is the name of powers not stated in the United States Constitution, but are "necessary and proper" to assure the efficient operation of the country?

Implied Powers

How did the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution affect the states?

It forced the states to comply with all provision in the United States Constitution and forbid states to pass laws abridging those rights.

How is the number of electoral voters allotted to each state?

It is based on the total number of a state's population, according to the most recent census.

Which Supreme Court case requires police officers to read suspects their rights when they are arrested?

Miranda v. Arizona

What term best describes a "Middle of the Road" political ideology?


Which amendment was passed as a result of the women's suffrage movement in 1920?


In 2003, California citizens passed a ballot initiative to remove Governor Gray Davis from office. This is an example of which type of election?

Recall Election

New Jersey v. TLO ruled:

Students can be searched under reasonable suspicion rather than probable cause.

Which amendment guarantees equal protection under the law?

The Fourteenth

Who sets the boundaries of counties, cities, and towns in North Carolina?

The General Assembly

What is a right of citizenship that state governments can deny a convicted criminal?

The right to vote

Why did the framers of the Constitution make amending the Constitution so difficult?

They wanted the Constitution to be able to change, but only if it was widely agreed upon.

Which normally describes the political party system in the United States?


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