Clinical Level Mock Exam 1

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(Correct) The answer to question 77 is A: Rationale:

A is correct, because the social worker needs to understand why the client wants to leave the group before further steps can be taken. Once the social worker is aware of the reasons, then the client can be better helped. B and D may be helpful to explore at a later time. C would be done as a last resort.

(Correct) The answer to question 6 is A: Rationale:

A is correct, because the social workers' competence needs to be taken into consideration when determining which cases are appropriate for each social worker to take on. While the other factors are also important, they are not the MOST important thing, which is the social worker's competence.

Which of the following therapeutic models include's the child's parent/caregiver as well as individual and parent-child joint sessions to treat the effects of childhood trauma?

A. Prolonged Exposure Therapy B. EMDR C. TF-CBT D. Play Therapy

The answer to question 86 is A: Rational:

A is correct, because it encourages the client's engagement in treatment and acknowledges his bragery for coming in despite the difficult emotions he is experiencing. B, C, and D could be done, but are not as important as acknowledging and validating where he is in this moment, which A will do.

(Wrong) The answer to question 2 is A: Rationale:

A is correct, because it encourages the client's engagement in treatment and acknowledges his bravery for coming in despite the difficult emotions he is experiencing. B, C, and D could be done, but are not as important as acknowledging and validating where he is in this moment, which A will do.

(Correct) The answer to question 12 is A: Rational:

A is correct, because the social worker is taking the client's statement that her boyfriend is always around to make sure she eats and seeing it in a different context (reframing it) to him doing so because he cares about her.

(Wrong) The answer to question 20 is A: Rationale:

A is the best answer, because the social worker needs to FIRST help the client establish a safety plan before other steps can be taken. B would not help the client stay safe. C and D may need to be done, but only after a safety plan has been created.

(Correct) The answer to question 15 is A: Rationale:

A is the best answer, because the social worker needs to seek consultation to address any countertransference issues that may come up in working with someone who has a similar abuse history. B would be important if the social worker did not feel knowledgeable enough to work with the client. C is unnecessary because the client is now an adult--no longer underage. Therefore, the abuse is not reportable at this time. D would be important to do after the social worker has consulted with a supervisor or colleague.

(Correct) The answer to question 24 is A: Rationale:

A is the first responsibility, since social workers are mandated reporters. B is incorrect because regardless of the severity of her hitting her children, she is locking them in their rooms without dinner, which warrants a report. If it didn't specify that this was occurring, we could determine the type and severity of physical punishment; physical punishment is reportable if it is done with anything other than an open hand OR if it leaves any mark.. C and D would be helpful steps to take only after the social worker has reported the client to CPS.

A social worker is conducting an intake interview with a 22-year-old college student who was sexually assaulted at a party a few months ago. The client reports that, since the assault, she has been having difficulty sleeping due to nightmares, she is isolating herself from friends, and she can't focus during class. She tearfully states that she doesn't know what to do and feels helpless. The MOST likely diagnosis for this client is:

A. Acute Stress Disorder B. Major Depressive Disorder C. Persistent Depressive Disorder D. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

A social worker is conducting an intake interview with a 22-year-old college student who was sexually assaulted at a party a few months ago. The client reports that, since the the assault, she has been having difficulty sleeping due to nightmares, she is isolating herself from friends, and she can't focus during class. She tearfully states that she doesn't know what to do and feels helpless. The MOST likely diagnosis for this client is:

A. Acute Stress Disorder B. Major Depressive Disorder C. Persistent Depressive Disorder D. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Social work supervisors engaging in activities to help the supervisee understand agency policies, demands of their job, and how to successfully function within their specific role can be described as which component of supervision?

A. Administrative B. Educational C. Supportive D. Clinical

According to Piaget, the term accommodation refers to when a person:

A. Allows another individual to make decisions for him or her. B. Learns a new language. C. Incorporates new information into his or her existing ideas. D. Alters existing schemas based on new information

What is the most effective treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder?

A. Anti-depressant medication B. Light therapy C. Cognitive therapy D. Solution-focused therapy

The personality disorder in which the individual has no desire for close relationships, experiences a sense of apathy, and may have an internal fantasy world is:

A. Antisocial B. Schizotypal C. Schizoid D. Avoidant

A community counseling center has noticed that a high number of clients either cancel or do not show up for their appointments. The agency conducts a client satisfaction survey, which reveals that clients find it difficult to make their appointments because the agency is not near any public transportation. To address the clients' concern, the administrator should FIRST:

A. Check in with other agency administrators to help establish a plan of action. B. Determine whether it might be necessary to modify existing programs. C. Invite agency workers to organize a team that would be in charge of coming up with viable solutions. D. Provide clients with free shuttle service.

A community counseling center has noticed that a high number of clients either cancel or do not show up for their appointments. The agency conducts a client satisfaction survey, which reveals that clients find it difficult to make their appointments because the agency is not near any public transportation. To address the client's' concern, the administrator should FIRST:

A. Check in with other agency administrators to help establish a plan of action. B. Determine whether it might be necessary to modify existing programs. C. Invite agency workers to organize a team that would be in charge of coming up with viable solutions. D. Provide clients with free shuttle service.

A social worker has noticed over the past few weeks that a co-worker has been drinking alcohol while on her break. Even though the co-worker does not appear intoxicated, she is often responsible for driving clients to various services throughout the day. What is the FIRST action the social worker should take?

A. Check in with the licensing board for further instruction. B. Talk with the co-worker openly about the issue. C. Make a written note regarding the co-worker's drinking each time the social worker notices it. D. Let the staff supervisor know of the social worker's conduct.

A social worker is meeting with a teenage client at a community mental health center. During the session, the client states that he feels like he is constantly getting into sticky situations with other kids at school. The social worker responds by saying, "When you said you feel like you are constantly getting into sticky situations, what did you mean?" In this case, the social worker is responding to the client through the use of:

A. Clarification B. Socratic questioning C. Congruence D. Reflection

A 7-year-old boy is referred to the social worker by the boy's teacher. The teacher reports that the student regularly is sent to school without a lunch, often falls asleep during class, and occasionally has bruises on his body. The student was previously doing well in school and did not present with any behavior problems. What should the school social worker do FIRST in this situation?

A. Contact Child Protective Services (CPS) to file a mandated report. B. Observe the student in class to assess the reported issues. C. Talk to the student. D. Develop a course of action in collaboration with the student's teacher.

While working on a crisis hotline, a social worker receives an anonymous call from someone who believes her friend's substance use is leading her to unsafe choices. She is concerned for her friend's life. During the call, the social worker realizes the friend in question is her client and that the client has never personally shared this information about substance use. The social worker:

A. Collect as much information as possible about the client without revealing the nature of the relationship. B. Terminate the call immediately to avoid a conflict of interest. C. Use the information at the next session. D. Suggest ways that the caller can engage the client directly regarding the concerns.

A social worker supervisor meets with a supervisee who began working with combat veterans two months earlier. Since beginning this work, the social worker reports being in a persistent state of arousal, dreaming about their client's war experiences, having intrusive thoughts about what their clients have shared with them, and feelings of hopelessness regarding their work. The social work supervisor can BEST interpret this as:

A. Compassion Fatigue B. Burnout C. Vicarious Trauma D. Transference

While working with a family, a social worker notices that the family members are continually talking over one another during session providing contradicting information. The BEST way the social worker can enhances the family's ability to understand each other's view is by requesting that they:

A. Concentrate on the most troubled family member. B. Allow other family members to talk without interrupting them. C Find the weak spots in the reasoning of other family members. D. Openly state how they understand the position of every family member.

Which of the following is the FIRST step a social worker should take when developing a new program for an existing client population?

A. Consult with an expert on this population B. Conduct focus groups C. Develop a task force D. Conduct a Needs Assessment

A 41-year-old mother of two reports that she is overwhelmed with her children and their constant fighting. During a session, she admits that she sometimes hits her children and locks them in their room without dinner. The client reports that she feels bad doing this and wants help controlling her temper. The social worker's first responsibility is to:

A. Contact Child Protective Services (CPS). B. Understand how severely she is hitting her children. C. Work with the client on managing her overwhelming feelings to keep the children safe. D. Discuss safe ways in which she can discipline her children without using force.

What type of validity is a measure of how well a particular test correlates with a previously validated measure?

A. Content B. External C. Concurrent D. Predictive

A social worker is measuring the effectiveness of services offered to chronically mentally ill clients at a community clinic. When developing the informed consent for the effectiveness study, the social worker is concerned about the clients' level of competency, which often varies on a daily basis. What should the social worker do?

A. Create a simplified version of the informed consent to ensure understanding. B. Obtain consent only when assured of client's ability to understand. C. Design a rubric to determine various levels of understanding. D. Verbal consent, not written, is sufficient in this situation.

A social worker has been meeting with a 45-year-old client for three months. During the most recent session, the client reports that she believes her husband has been cheating on her. She states that she has called him out on this many times, but each time he denies cheating on her. Upon further exploration, the social worker discovers that the woman has actually been cheating on her husband for the past year. What defense mechanism has the wife been using?

A. Denial B. Rationalization C. Projection D. Sublimation

A young mother meets with a social worker in a community agency for financial assistance. The client dropped out of high school to work at a bakery that closed six months ago, leaving the mother unemployed. Although she has been doing some temp work, the mother cannot find steady employment and is concerned that her family will be evicted and left without resources for food. The social worker should FIRST:

A. Determine if the children are being neglected. B. Inquire as to the employability of the father. C. Complete an eligibility assessment. D. Enroll the mother in vocational training.

An 85-year-old client has been living in a nursing home after her husband passed away and she was no longer able to care for herself. The client declines a medical procedure that has the potential to prolong her life. The client is mentally alert and competent and says that she is happy with the life she has lived. The client's family meets with the social worker, saying that they want the social worker's help to change their mother's mind. The social worker should:

A. Determine whether the family's decision is ethical and oppose it only if it is not. B. Respect the client's right to self-determination. C. Make sure the client understands the consequences behind her choice. D. Agree to let the family make the choice for the client.

A social worker at an outpatient substance abuse treatment center wants to complete a program evaluation of the Intensive Outpatient Program. When setting up a program evaluation, which of the following tasks is the FIRST step?

A. Determining the goals and objectives B. Exploring the available resources C. Creating the methodology D. Selecting the means to measure success

A community program is being created by a social worker to address substance abuse problems in youth. What should the social worker do FIRST to reach the greatest number of at-risk youth?

A. Develop a youth outpatient treatment program. B. Establish an outreach group for youth struggling with substance abuse. C. Create a prevention program for a specific population. D. Start a family therapy group for substance-using youth and their families.

When planning an intervention with a client, the social worker should FIRST assess the client's:

A. Diagnosis B. Emotional needs C. Mental status D. View of the problem

When using the problem-solving process in social work practice, which of the following is involved in the planning phase?

A. Diagnosis of a client according to DSM 5 B. Thorough survey of the cause and the progress of the issue C. Application of assessment tools together with a number of client interviews D. Uncovering of the client's objectives as well as possible solutions of the issue at hand

A social worker at a mental health clinic was recently assigned to work with a client who has severe Anorexia Nervosa. The social worker does not have experience working with this type of client and is not knowledgeable enough in the treatment of eating disorders to provide appropriate services. What should the social worker do in this situation?

A. Discontinue treatment until after the social worker obtains necessary training. B. Employ the use of peer consultation and use their suggestions to guide treatment. C. Employ the use of supervision with someone who specializes in treating eating disorders. D. Determine the best evidence-based treatment method by reading published studies.

A hospital social worker is part of a multidisciplinary team that is developing a discharge plan for a client. The social worker does not agree with the other team members regarding certain aspects of the client's discharge plan. What should the social worker do?

A. Discuss the concerns he has and then go along with what the majority decides. B. Give team members an appropriate explanation before leaving the team. C. Talk over the team's decision with the patient's family. D. Attempt to reach resolution by concentrating on common values and skills.

A 15-year-old is referred by teachers to a school social worker. The teachers have reported that the teenager has become disengaged and unmotivated at school. The student is bright. However, he does not complete his homework assignments and finds it difficult to pay attention in class. His teachers have met with him individually to address his difficulties, but there have been no changes in his behaviors. What should the school social worker do NEXT?

A. Discuss the need for a thorough assessment by an educational psychologist. B. Help the student come up with a self-regulatory behavioral program. C. Discuss the possibility of modifying the student's educational plan. D. Connect the student with the tutoring center.

A community problem was recently brought to the attention of a social worker. The social worker realizes that the general public and lawmakers have little awareness of this problem. What strategy can BEST facilitate the development of policies or programs to correct the problem?

A. Distributing a written petition in the community. B. Working with various forms of media communication. C. Employing the use of client satisfaction surveys. D. Empowering the main players via a training.

A hospital social worker meets with a 85-year-old woman whose husband is currently hospitalized due to early signs of dementia and heart problems. The husband's physician has recommended that he be placed in a nursing home; however, the woman states that she wants to take care of her husband at home. While preparing a discharge plan, the hospital social worker should:

A. Explore home health care options with the wife. B. Explore the wife's resistance to following the physician's recommendation. C. Support the wife in her decision to take her husband's care alone. D. Suggest that the wife discuss the nursing home option with her children.

A 39-year-old professional woman presents for treatment due to work stress and anger. She states that she is an exemplary employee and has received numerous commendations. After telling her supervisor that she will be adopting a child, she was passed over for a promotion. How should the social worker begin treatment?

A. Explore the client's alternatives career options. B. Help the client to process her feelings regarding the loss. C. Validate the client's experience that this action feels discriminatory. D. Explain to the client the difficulty of raising a child while working full time.

When a client deliberately produces or falsifies symptoms of illness for the sole purpose of assuming the sick role, it can BEST be defined as:

A. Factitious Disorder. B. Delusional Disorder. C. Malingering. D. Conversion Disorder.

A social worker at a family agency meets with a single mother and her three children who live next to a mining site. A teacher referred the family because the children were consistently tired and missing school due to illness. The mother reports that she has no medical insurance and works two jobs to support her family but still struggles to get by. The social worker's short-term goal should be to:

A. Find more appropriate living arrangements away from the mine. B. Work with the Department of Health to ensure the safety of the clients. C. Arrange for the family to be seen by a doctor. D. Contact the mining company to see if they are aware of any harmful effects of living close to the mines.

A social worker has recently hired at a community counseling center. The social work supervisor notices that while the social worker eis effective with clients, she has difficulty presenting case information during supervision. In order to enhance the social worker's skills in this area, what is the FIRST thing that he supervisor should recommend?

A. Go over the work of other social workers. B. Make sure that the social worker's caseload if lighter and easier for the first three months. C. Have the social worker present more cases in supervision. D. Take notes after each session with clients in order to get ready for supervision.

A social worker at an outpatient counseling center meets with a client for an intake assessment. The social worker determines that the client's needs would best be met at a substance abuse rehabilitation center. What is the FIRST step the social worker should take in the referral process?

A. Help connect the client with someone who currently resides in the facility and organize a tour. B. Let the client know what she can expect upon admission to the rehabilitation facility, specifically what services and resources are offered. C. Make a written referral report that clearly indicates the services received by the client. D. Arrange for a meeting with a social worker from the rehabilitation facility.

A social worker has been working with a client who recently joined a therapy group for individuals with depression. The group requires a two-month commitment, which the client agreed to. After the second session, the client tells the social worker that she isn't going to attend the group anymore. What should the social worker do FIRST?

A. Identify the basis for client's desire to leave. B. Recap the groups rules, specifically the two-month commitment made by all members. C. Discontinue all services. D. Examine the reasons for the client's inability to assimilate into the culture of the group.

A hospital social worker is part of a multidisciplinary team that includes medical doctors, nurses, and a psychiatrist. The FIRST task of a multidisciplinary team is to:

A. Identify the roles and responsibilities of each team member. B. Deliberate, filter out, and commit to an overall objective. C. Delineate ways in which duties will be carried out. D. Discuss the methods of communication amongst the team members.

When using the psychosocial model, which of the following techniques is central to the caseworker process?

A. Interpretation of transference B. Advice giving C. Sustaining procedures D. Encouragement of catharsis

A social worker is meeting with a 25-year-old client who has an intellectual disability. During the session, the client discloses that, during a recent doctor's visit, she was touched inappropriately by the nurse. The social worker discusses the incident further with the client to obtain more details. What should the social worker do NEXT?

A. Investigate the veracity of the accusation. B. Suggest the client contact her attorney. C. Contact the appropriate authorities. D. Contact the nurse in question to understand what happened.

A social worker at a local prison is providing a treatment group for fathers who are substance abusers. The group is composed of 10 participants who are of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. After the second session, the social worker notices that very few of the inmates are willing to speak during the group. Which statement MOST likely explains the members' reluctance to talk in the group?

A. It is often the case that prisoners carry an antagonistic view of people from the outside and such attitude can hinder disclosure. B. Revealing information about oneself in the group goes against the values of the prison culture. C. Friction amongst various ethnic populations hampers open interaction in a group setting. D. Frequently, inmates refuse to admit to having a substance abuse problem.

A therapist at a family agency meets with a couple and their 16-year-old son who has been dealing with social and school performance difficulties. While the mother is discussing that the teenager is having, the boy seems anxious and overwhelmed. What is the social worker's MOST appropriate response in this situation?

A. Join with the boy by acknowledging the stressful situation and his bravery for coming. B. Direct the focus away from the boy to make him more comfortable in session. C. Assess when this behavior first began. D. Empathize with the parents over the difficulty of their situation.

A therapist at a family agency meets with a couple and their 16-year-old son who has been dealing with social and school performance difficulties. While the mother is discussing the difficulties that the teenager is having, the boy seems anxious and overwhelmed. What is the social worker's MOST appropriate response in this situation?

A. Join with the boy by acknowledging the stressful situation and his bravery for coming. B. Direct the focus away from the boy to make him more comfortable in session. C. Assess when this behavior first began. D. Empathize with the parents over the difficulty of their situation.

Which medication is MOST likely to be used in treating Schizophrenia?

A. Lithium B. Prozac C. Zoloft D. Clozaril

Which of the following instruments is used to measure capacity of a child?


Which of the following instruments is used to measure the intellectual capacity of a child?


A disturbance of one's thinking in which ideas and thought patterns become vague, fragmented, and lack any logical sequences is called?

A. Magical thinking B. Ideas of reference C. Looseness of association D. Dissociative fugue

A social worker currently works in a group home for teenagers who have been in foster care. During a meeting with the social worker, a 15-year-old resident states that she doesn't want to go on home visits anymore because, when she does, her uncle physically abuses her. The social worker's FIRST response should be to:

A. Mandate for visits to take place only in the group home. B. Confirm that the uncle is not going to be present at any future visits. C. Make a child abuse report together with the teen. D. Explore the legitimacy behind the resident's accusations.

While meeting with a Native American client, a social worker supervisor at a community mental health center learns that he was referred to Alcoholics Anonymous by an agency case manager even though he does not have a substance abuse problem. When this is brought up with cse managers, the supervisor learns that all Native American/First Nation clients are being referred to Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon for services without appropriately assessing their need for those services. How can the supervisor effective address this practice?

A. Mandate that from now on all referrals have to be made with supervisor's consent. B. Make sure the agency workers are aware of services and resources provided by Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. C. Discuss disciplinary action against case managers for basing their treatment decisions on stereotypes. D. Organize an all-staff educational seminar that addresses cultural competency.

A Cherokee couple bring their 5-year-old son to a local hospital due t oan ongoing illness. The family brought their son to a traditional Cherokee healer before bringing him to the hospital. When the family meets with the non-Cherokee physician and nurse, the family is criticized for initially seeking out "inappropriate medical care." This behavior is BEST understood in what context?

A. Medical personnel is experiencing high level of stress. B. The doctor is worried about the mental health of the parents. C. Institutional discrimination D. Medical personnel is alarmed about possible medical neglect.

During supervision, a social worker describes a particular client whom the social worker has been struggling with due to a lot of resistance from the client. The supervisor provides the social worker with a theoretical model that may help the social worker better understand the client. The supervisor is providing:

A. Mentoring. B. Analysis. C. Education. D. Support.

A 52-year-old man has been meeting with a social worker for six months due to a difficult divorce that the client has been experiencing. Recently, the social worker was contacted by the client's spouse's attorney, who is obtaining a subpoena to request records regarding the client and his work with the social worker. The social worker should:

A. Not release records until ordered to do so by the judge. B. Allow the attorney to have access to all necessary records. C. Ask the client for a written release of information. D. Cooperate with the attorney but provide the information only verbally.

A school social worker has been meeting with a 16-year-old boy who has been experiencing academic difficulties at school. During the second meeting, the teen reports that he has been having difficulties concentrating in school due to an intimate relationship with another male classmate. The student states that he hasn't told his parents he is gay and is afraid to do so. The teen's parents have provided written authorization for the social worker to provide treatment to the student and recently submitted a request for a copy of his records. The social worker had made note in the record of the boy's relationship with his classmate. What should the social worker do FIRST?

A. Obey all the applicable jurisdictional regulations. B. Tell the parents that it is only possible to read selected sections of the record to them. C. Give the parents full access to the records. D. Submit carefully chosen portions of the record.

A social worker is performing an intake assessment with a client who reports that her anxiety started 6 months earlier. The client reports difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, and constant worrying over little things. Upon further exploration, the social worker learns that the client had a miscarriage seven months ago. What should the social worker do FIRST?

A. Provide a referral for a grief and loss group. B. Use the Beck Depression Inventory to identify whether the client is depressed. C. Inquire about the significance of miscarriage to the client. D. Teach the client relaxation techniques to help with muscle tension.

A social worker at a community counseling center meets with a Latino client for an intake assessment. The social worker, who is Caucasian, notices that the client is very anxious, hostile, and defensive when asked questions. After some discussion, it becomes apparent that there may be cultural differences that are making it difficult for the social worker to establish rapport with the client. What should the social worker do?

A. Provide a referral to a Latino social worker. B Challenge the client's preconceived notions about Caucasians. C. Consider the client's concerns and validate them. D. Prove that the social worker is knowledgeable about the principles of Latino culture.

A community social worker is meeting with a group of local citizens who are concerned about an increase in marijuana use among teens. During the initial meeting, the parents suggest that more youth should be involved in extracurricular activities that will keep them busy. They also want the local police department to be more involved with the youth. What should the social worker encourage the group to consider FIRST?

A. Putting teens on probation if they are caught with substance. B. Inviting members of the police force to the next meeting so they can educate the public on policies and procedures C. Quantifying existing information on youth crime D. Having a dialogue between teens and concerned citizens in order to better understand the youth's perspective.

During the change-oriented phase of therapy, a client becomes silent for long periods of time and seems to have nothing to say. Which of the following concepts best describes the client's behavior?

A. Readiness for termination B. Resistance C. Need for control D. Confusion

When preparing to develop a 5-year strategic plan for a nonprofit social worker agency, what should be the FIRST step in the process?

A. Reassess the agency's mission and vision statements, making sure that they mirror the values that are most important to the agency. B. Evaluate the impact of community environment, such as areas for growth, assets, prospects, and hazards. C. Organize the Board of Directors' meeting with the aim of identifying a long-term design of financial outflow. D. Evaluate the agency's internal environment, including the impact of employment and retention record.

A 45-year-old man meets with a social worker for an intake assessment and reports that he thinks he is depressed. During the interview, the client also reports difficulties sleeping, neckaches, backaches, headaches, and vomiting. The FIRST action the social worker should take in this situation is:

A. Refer the client to an MD. B. Gather an in-depth social history from the client. C. Assess for a substance abuse issue. D. Collaborate with the client on creating reachable objectives.

A 14-year-old girl discloses to a social worker that she has been in a physical relationship with another girl at school. The girl states that she does not want her parents to know about it because they will not understand due to their religious views. The social worker should FIRST:

A. Refer the girl to an LGBT youth group. B. Explore her concerns regarding telling her parents. C. Remind the girl that, because she is a minor engaged in sexual activity, the parents must be informed. D. Suggest the parents come into session to tell them together.

While meeting with the prospective adoptive parents of a 10-year-old girl, the social worker overhears the parents calling the child a "moron" and "dumb" for not understanding her homework. When the social worker asks the parents to not use these negative comments, the parents continue to do so, saying, "She knows we don't really mean it." The social worker should:

A. Refer the parents to a group for adoptive parents. B. Educate the parents about the destructive impact of such language. C. Contact Child Protective Services to report emotional abuse. D. Terminate the process of adoption.

A social worker has been meeting with a client with an eating disorder for 3 months. During the most recent session, the client states that she is tired of her boyfriend always wanting to be with her to make sure she is eating. The therapist responds by saying, "It sounds like your boyfriend really cares about you." Which of the following techniques is the social worker using?

A. Reframing B. Empathy C. Interpretation D. Collaboration

When providing supervision to another social worker, the supervisor becomes aware that the supervisee is sexually involved with a client. What is the INITIAL responsibility of the social work supervisor?

A. Report the supervisee to the state social work board. B. Speak directly with the supervisee regarding their concerns. C. Refer the client to another social worker. D. Terminate the supervisee's employment with the agency.

A school social worker has been getting frequent reports from teachers regarding a student who has been verbally intimidating towards other kids. The teachers also report that the student is often late to class or absent, lies about completing his homework, and is failing out of three of his classes. What should the social worker do FIRST to assess the situation?

A. Request that the teachers document the reasons for their alarm. B. Bring up the concerns raised by the teachers individually with the student. C. Refer the student to the nearby outpatient community clinic. D. Invite the parents to come in and discuss the concerns raised by the teachers.

A social worker who was a victim of sexual abuse as a child meets with a 25-year-old client who also experienced childhood sexual abuse. The social worker is concerned about working effectively with this client due to her similar experience. The social worker should FIRST:

A. Seek consultation. B. Refer the client to someone who specializes in sexual abuse. C. Contact Child Protective Services. D. Monitor any countertransference during session.

Which of the following MOST accurately describes the systems approach in social work?

A. Series of standards for family intervention. B. Method through which the client can change the client's situation. C. A way of understanding the client's issues D. Relational structure amongst key players

A social worker is hired by a social welfare agency to complete a program evaluation. After reviewing the goals and objectives of this program, what should the social worker do NEXT?

A. Set program goals and objectives B. Develop a task force C. Identify what criteria is being used to measure success D. Disseminate the results of the program evaluation

A 9-year-old girl is referred to the school social worker due to stealing other student's food, poor hygiene, and falling asleep during class. What should the social worker assess for FIRST?

A. Sibling rivalry at home B. Oppositional Defiant Disorder C. Child Abuse D. Marijuana Abuse

A social worker meets with a 6-year-old boy whose mother reports that he is inattentive and often stares off in a trance-like state. The mother took the boy to the doctor who ruled out any medical conditions. While obtaining a family history from the mother, the social worker learns that the child recently witnessed the death of his father. The child's behaviors MOST likely represent:

A. Signs that he may have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). B. Behavior intended to empower his control of the environment. C. Dissociation and a triggered response to certain stimulus. D. Initial signs of depression evidenced by his difficulty concentrating.

A mental health clinic has recently taken on several new cases. In determining caseload assignments for the social workers, the clinical director's MOST important consideration should be the:

A. Social workers' competence and training in relation to the cases. B. Issue of whether the social worker is licensed or needs supervision. C. Temperament of each social worker relative to the client. D. Clients' stated preferences.

A social worker is working with a family whose son was sexually abused by his father. In order for positive change to occur, the MOST important step within the family is the:

A. Son's ability to work through his trauma to forgiveness. B. Son's ability to confront the father in a safe environment. C. Father's genuine acceptance of sole responsibility for the incest. D. Mother's acknowledgement of her part in allowing the incestuous relationship to exist.

A social worker is completing a psychosocial assessment with a 45-year-old woman. While asking about the client's current stressors, the social worker learns that the client has been out of work for the past year and recently moved from another state with her husband so she has no social or family supports. The client also reports that she has been emotionally and physically abused by her spouse. The social worker should FIRST help the woman to:

A. Stay safe by developing a plan of action should the abuse escalate. B. Collaborate on ways to manage the husband's anger. C. Process her sadness and sense of isolation. D. Re-establish her sense of self-worth and independence by finding employment.

An adoption social worker meets with a same-sex couple who has lived together for 15 years. The couple has expressed a desire to have children and would like the social worker to help them in adopting a child. What should the social worker do FIRST?

A. Suggest one person be the adoptive parent to ease the legal process. B. Understand current laws on adoption. C. Refer the couple to an attorney who will assist in the adoption process. D. Explore the easier option of adoption of a special needs or older child.

A social worker is employed as a case manager at a mental health clinic. While meeting with a client, the social worker learns that the client is being evicted from public housing because her recently estranged husband was convicted as a sexual offender. What should the social worker do FIRST?

A. Suggest that the client file a complaint against the housing authority. B. Provide the client with referrals to attorneys to help her complete the divorce process. C. Help the client through the process of appealing the housing authority's decision. D. Identify alternative housing options with the client.

A social worker has been meeting with a client who lost their husband a year ago. The client had trouble maintaining her fiances, since her husband was one who took care of the bills when he was alive. The client is now two months behind in the payment of fees and has no ability to pay soon. Professional ethics allow the social worker to:

A. Suggest the client find a more appropriate therapist who can accommodate a lower fee. B. Terminate therapy if it is clear that the client is not a danger of self or others. C. Inform the client that she can come back once the bill is paid. D. Terminate therapy only if it the client's wish to do so.

A social worker has been meeting with a client who lost her husband a year ago. The client has had trouble maintaining her finances, since her husband was the one who took care of the bills when he was alive. The client is now two months behind in the payment of fees and has no ability to pay soon. Professional ethics allow the social worker to:

A. Suggest the client find a more appropriate therapist who can accommodate a lower fee. B. Terminate therapy if it is clear that the client is not a danger to self or others. C. Inform the client that she can come back to therapy once the bill is paid. D. Terminate therapy only if it the client's wish to do so. Question 22 A 14-year-old girl discloses to a social worker that she has been in a physical relationship with anot

A nursing home social worker was informed by a nurse that one of the residents has not been participating in the activities offered by the facility. The client used to be an active participant in recreational activities but has more recently been complaining about trouble sleeping and feeling down. The client was previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The social worker should FIRST:

A. Suggest the client try yoga or meditation before bed. B. Discuss a different choice of activity that might engage the client. C. Determine if the client has been taking his medication. D. Talk to the client's doctor about changing the client's medication.

A social worker meets with a 45-year-old client who has a history of being violent for an intake assessment. During the intake assessment, the client states that his wife claims to have been visiting family for the past week but he believes she is lying to him. When probed further, he says that he thinks she is actually having an affair with someone. The client says that he plans on hurting her when she gets home so that she doesn't do this again. What is the MOST appropriate action for the social worker to take?

A. Suggest the possibility of bringing the wife to session to explore the client's concerns. B. Determine the level of pathological paranoia in the client. C. Inform the client that his threat must be reported to the authorities. D. Discuss the reasons for his suspicions to help the client with reality testing.

A social worker is meeting with the parents of a 19-month-old girl. The mother states that she is frustrated because the daughter no longer wants to play by herself and is clinging to the mother, even during the activities she used to comfortably do by herself. The father notes that last time they left their daughter with her favorite babysitter, the child had a fit after the parents left and was still awake when they came home at 10:30p.m. The BEST way for the social worker to explain the toddler's behavior to the parents is to describe it as?

A. Symbiosis phase B. Rapprochement C. Separation individuation D. Practicing

A medical social worker is consulted after a foster parent brings their foster child to a doctor for a non-emergency medical procedure requiring written consent. Which of the following individuals should sign the consent for treatment paperwork for the child?

A. The child's foster parent B. The child's CPS case worker C. Follow all jurisdictional regulations D. The child's CPS case worker's supervisor.

A couple meets with a social worker for marital problems centering on intimacy and parenting differences. During the assessment, the social worker notes that both individuals demonstrate a high degree of self-reflection and openness and are able to set realistic goals. In developing a treatment plan, the social worker should emphasize:

A. The couple's conflict resolution skills. B. Common characteristics of marital problems. C. The differences in family histories of the two partners. D. Building on the couple's strengths and competencies.

Which of the following factors is MOST important for the social worker and client to establish when clarifying expectations in the social worker/client relationship?

A. The respectful attitude that the client and the social worker have towards each other B. The framework of the relationship, such as the location and schedule of the meetings C. The degree to which the issues the client is bringing are impacting his/her functioning D. Mutual roles and responsibilities

A couple reports increased marital conflicts. The husband notes that his wife has become irritable, isolative, and lethargic since she was laid off from her job three months ago. The wife states she is tired of her husband's constant nagging for her to be more helpful around the house. Both report a lack of physical emotional intimacy but express a desire to resolve their problems. Which of the following areas should the social worker assess first to identify the degree to which current stressors are impacting the relationship?

A. The wife's work history and her prognosis for re-employment. B. The couple's styles of coping and their degree of effectiveness. C. The effect of socioeconomic factors on the couple's problems. D. The effect of dysfunctional patterns in the couple's communication.

A social worker has been providing individual therapy for a client who was sexually abused as a child and never developed strong relationships. As the relationship with the social worker begins to deepen, the client becomes more wary of the social worker, saying "I'm not sure I can trust you anymore." What is this an example of?

A. Transference B. Displacement C. Rationalization D. Regression

A social worker is struggling with a conflict regarding a current client that puts the social worker between two conflicting ethical choices. Upon further exploration, the social worker realizes that each ethical principle requires a different course of action. What is the BEST way for the social worker to resolve the dilemma?

A. Use a solution tree. B. Determine the relative impact of each course of action. C. Follow the course of action that least compromises the social worker's values. D. Choose the course of action that is most truthful.

A client was recently hospitalized due to noncompliance with his medication. When the hospital social worker meets the client, the client reports that he does not want to take his medication because he believes God, not the medication, will help him. How should the social worker respond FIRST?

A. Use motivational interviewing to help the client see that managing his illness is beyond a spiritual issue. B. Ask the client why God would not want the client to be compliant. C. Discuss the health impacts of being noncompliant so the client can make an informed decision. D. Ask the client to explain the role that religion

A social worker meets with a 23-year-old woman who recently found out she is pregnant. The client reports that she is considering having an abortion but wants to weigh her options. The social worker is against abortion. The social worker's BEST course of action is to:

A. Use the countertransference to inform the therapy. B. Disclose the conflict of interest and let the client decide if she wishes to continue therapy. C. Refer the client to a therapist whose values are more in line with the client's. D. Help the client without bias.

When is it appropriate for a social worker to share a client's case record without the client's permission?

A. When the social worker discusses th ecase with a colleague at a different agency B. When the social worker's supervisor asks for the copies of case notes during supervision. C. When the client's medical insurance company demands copies of the record for billing purposes D. When the social worker is subpoenaed by the client's lawyer

A lesbian client who is a cashier at a local grocery store reports that she has been receiving negative and discriminatory comments from another cashier. What is the best course of action for the social worker to take?

A. Work with the client on finding a more supportive work environment. B. Suggest that the client determine the store's sexual harassment policy by asking Human Resources (HR). C. Encourage the client to meet with a lawyer to discuss her rights. D. Refer the client to a civil rights advocacy organization.

When determining optimal placement of a Native American child in a foster home, preference should be given to all of the following EXCEPT:

A. a member of the child's extended family B. a licensed foster care family outside of the tribe C. other members of the child's tribe D. other American Indian families

(Wrong) The answer to question 17 is B: Rational:

B is the best answer, because consent should only be obtained when the client is mentally competent to understand what he is agreeing to. So if you are working with individuals with a mental illness in which their levels of competency varies day-to-day, you do not need to make the informed consent simpler, buy need to ensure you are reviewing it during a time when they are mentally competent. If a client is mentally ill and has a day when they lack competency, it wouldn't be appropriate to give even a simpler version; we should wait until a time when they are able to understand and give their informed consent for treatment.

(Wrong) The answer to question 25 is B: Rationale:

B is the best option here because the social worker needs to help empower the client to address the sexual harassment by speaking with HR (B). A and D may be important if the sexual harassment is not addressed by HR. C would not be a necessary action at this time.

(Correct) The answer to question 8 is C: Rationale:

C is correct, because it is necessary due to mandated reporting laws for dependent adults that the social worker contact the appropriate authorities to report the allegations. It is because the client has an intellectual disability that this needs to be reported.

(Correct) The answer to question 4 is C: Rationale:

C is correct, because the immediate needs, including family safety, need to be taken care of before other options can be explored. Even though they don't have insurance, due to the consistent tiredness and illness, we need to help them find a way to see a doctor. This may be a free or low cost clinic, or getting the kids enrolled in free/low cost insurance, etc.). A, B, and D can only be explored once C has been completed.

(Correct) The answer to question 3 is C: Rationale:

C is correct, because the parents' statements are emotionally abusive and they must be reported by the social worker as a mandated reporter. While emotional abuse laws vary state to state, for the purposes of the exam (which is nationwide), you can consider emotional abuse reportable. If there is an answer option that says something like "report according to state guidelines" that would be an even better answer option since there is some variance state to state. Because we've already talked to them about this behavior and it has continued despite this, it needs to be reported.

(Wrong) The answer to question 45 is C: Rational:

C is the MOST important requirement for positive change to occur, because it allows for the son to see that the father is taking full responsibility and acceptance for what has occurred. If we are doing therapy that involves that survivor and the perpetrator of abuse, the perpetrator must accept full responsibility. While the other steps are important and may need to occur at some point, they are not the MOST important thing. If you are engaging in therapy with both the survivor and the perpetrator of abuse, the MOST important thing is for the perpetrator to accept responsibility.

(Correct) The answer to question 40 is C: Rational:

C is the best answer in order to see what has been going on for the student at school and what has precipitated these behaviors. A would be inappropriate to do until the social worker has further explored the details of his behaviors. There are other reasonable explanations for the things described in the question stem aside from abuse or neglect, so we want to talk to the student to gather more information. We may end up doing A if there is abuse or neglect reported, but we need to learn more first. If it said something like, "he has wounds on his body in various stages of healing" or "he has bruising resembling belt marks" we could go ahead and jump to A. But in this case, there are several reasonable explanations aside form abuse or neglect that could explain the symptoms in the question stem. For example, he may not have a lunch because he forgets it on the counter. He may fall asleep in class because he has nightmares. And it says 'occasional' bruises; these could be from sports, fights at school, etc. For these types of questions , you want to ask yourself, "could there be a reasonable explanation for these things beside abuse or neglect?" If so, we want to gather more information FIRST. If not (or if abuse or neglect has been observed or explicitly stated), then we would report. B and D may be helpful to do later, but only after the social worker has spoken directly to the boy.

(Correct) The answer to question 14 is C: Rationale:

C is the best answer, because noncompliance with medication would explain why a behavior change has occurred. A and B may be helpful, but only after C has been done. D would be important to do, if it was discovered that the client was taking her medication and it was no longer effective.

(Correct) The answer to question 48 is B: Rational:

Consent must be proved by the client in order to have their case record shared in the situations described in A, C, and D. B is the only situation listed in which permission is not required; a social worker can share a client's case record with their agency supervisors without permission from the client.

(Wrong) The answer to question 28 is C: Rational:

Creating a prevention program for a specific population would help reach the greatest amount of at-risk youth. The question specifically states that the program is being created to reach at-risk youth. C is the only answer option in which the youth are still at-risk. If they are in treatment (A) or using substances (B and D), they are no longer 'at-risk.'

(Wrong) The answer to question 42 is D: Rationale:

D is correct, because the social worker need to start where the client is and assess the client's view of the problem FIRST.

The answer to question 89 is D: Rational:

D is correct, because the social worker needs to start where the client is and assess the client's view of the problem FIRST.

(Correct) The answer to question 13 is D: Rational:

D is the best answer, because it is the only ethical answer that maintains client confidentiality while also providing support to the caller. There are a few things we need to keep in mind in a situation like this. First and foremost, we have to maintain client confidentiality. Second, we want to provide help to the caller like we would any other caller. Some people call on behalf of concern for friends/family, and we want to give them tools and resources to be supportive. And lastly, we don't wants to exploit this situation in any way ( so we don't want to treat the caller any different than any other caller, including using them to get more information about the client for future use). So C is out, because it would be breaking the confidentiality of the caller and would an inappropriate use of information gathered on the call. B is wrong because we still need to provide support to the caller (if answer B said "transfer the call to another qualified hotline worker" that would be an oka answer option). And A is out because it is inappropriately using the relationship with the caller to learn more about the client than you need-there is no reason to "collect as much information as possible about the client" as this wouldn't be protocol for a crisis hotline.

(Correct) The answer to question 16 is D: Rationale:

D is the best answer, because the social worker should not let her values interfere with her work with the client. A is not the best course of action as using countertransference in therapy is inappropriate. B would also be inappropriate to do, as we should not be sharing our values with our clients. C is unnecessary, because it shouldn't matter if a client and social worker's values are the same for therapy to be effective.

(Wrong) The answer to question 69 is D: Rational:

D is the only step here that would help the social worker gain more clarity when trying to get ready for supervision. If the social worker takes notes after each session when the case is fresh in her mind. It may help her when she needs to present the information. Presenting more cases (C) will not necessarily help with the difficulty she is having presenting. A and B may be helpful things to do, but would not specifically enhance her skills related to case presentations.

(Correct) The answer to question 53 is D: Rationale:

D must be clarified at the start of the social worker/client relationship. A and C may all occur as the relationship progresses. B would also occur during the first session, but is not the MOST important factor to clarify.

(Wrong) The answer to question 79 is C: Rationale:

Developing a team to come up with viable solutions would be the best FIRST step to take, because it directly involves those who are in the agency (C) as opposed to starting by speaking with agency administrators who are more removed from the issue.

The answer to question 92 is C: Rational:

Developing a team to come up with viable solutions would be the best FIRST step to take, because it directly involves those who are in the agency (C) as opposed to starting by speaking with agency administrators who are more removed from the issue.

(Correct) The answer to question 61 is D: Rationale:

Each member of a multidisciplinary team has an important role. Therefore, it's important to reach a resolution by focusing on common values and skills in order to create an appropriate discharge plan for the client (D). When there is a disagreement in a multidisciplinary team, attempting to reach resolution is better than going with the majority (A). There is no need to do B at this time. We would only do C after coming to an agreement regarding the discharge plan.

(Wrong) The answer to question 49 is A: Rational:

Factitious Disorder is not for the purposes of personal gain, rather, the person has an ingrained and unreasonable attachment to the idea of being ill or acting as the caretaker of another ill person (for example, a person acts sick because they like the attention or pity they receive for being in the role of the patient). Delusional Disorder (B) and Conversion Disorder (D) would both be described differently. With malingering (C), the person is intentionally creating or exaggerating physical or psychological problems for personal gain, which we are not seeing in this question (for example, inmates may malinger mental illness to od "easier time").

(Wrong) The answer to question 76 is D: Rational:

If change is going to occur, it's important that the teens are involved in that dialogue so they have the chance to voice their opinion as well regarding the problem (D). A, B, and C may all be helpful but can only be done as a later step.

(Wrong) The answer to question 11 is B: Rationale:

In order to resolve the ethical dilemma, it's important to explore the impact that each course of action has (B). A, C, and D are not specific enough steps to resolve the dilemma and will are not the BEST way to resolve the dilemma.

(Wrong) The answer to question 80 is C: Rational:

Inquiring about the significance of the miscarriage is an important first step to understanding the client's symptoms (C). A, B, and D may all be done later.

(Correct) The answer to question 84 is D: Rationale:

It is a common cultural stereotype that Native Americans abuse alcohol, so it is likely because of this stereotype and a lack of cultural competence that these inappropriate referrals are being made. Providing an educational seminar is an effective way to address cultural competency for the entire organization (D) and most directly addresses this issue. If that is not effective, then other measures can be taken.

(Wrong) The answer to Question 33 is D: Rational:

It's important that the client's religious values are explored based on the comment that he makes (D). This is about meeting the client where they're at. The question is asking what you should do FIRST. D responds to what the client just shared with us and stays in the moment. Understanding the role that religion plays in the client's life may be an important aspect of helping the client. A is incorrect because the client's spirituality should be incorporated into the treatment if it's important to him. B would not be done before FIRST doing D. C May be important later, so that the client is aware of the health impacts of his decision, but does not respond as directly and in the moment to what the client has just shared with us as D does.

(Correct) The answer to question 22 is B: Rationale:

It's important to FIRST explore why the girl is afraid to tell her parents and what her feelings are around this (B). A and D may be helpful for the student at a later point, once her fears have been addressed. C may also be appropriate later depending on local statutory laws, but understanding why she is concerned to tell them based on what their religious views are is where we should start.

(Correct) The answer to question 57 is B: Rational:

It's important to use many forms of media communication in order to create more awareness within the community (B). The question stem states that both the general public and lawmakers have little awareness about the problem. So using various forms of media communication is going to BEST and most directly bring awareness to the problem. A, C, and D may all play into the strategy, but are not the best options.

(Wrong) The answer to question 65 is B: Rational:

Knowing what can be expected upson admission is necessary so that the client is aware of the services and resources that are offered in teh agency (B). After you let them know what to expect, a meeting can be set up (D). It wouldn't make sense to reverse the order and arrange a meeting before letting the client know what they can expect. From there A and C may occur.

(Correct) The answer to question 9 is B: Rationale:

Light therapy (B), also known as phototherapy, has been shown to be the most effective treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year (often during the fall/winter months when less daylight occurs). Light therapy is a common, effective treatment for this specific type of depression (and is more effective than Cognitive therapy or antidepressants for this specific type of depression). In severe cases, both A and C could be used in conjunction with light therapy.

(Wrong) The answer to question 78 is C: Rational:

Meeting with a supervisor who specializes in eating disorders would be the most appropriate step to take for a social worker who is not knowledgeable in this area (C). A is not necessary and says nothing about referring to another provider skilled in this area. Discontinuing treatment until the social worker obtains necessary training (which could take months or longer) without an appropriate referral could constitute client abandonment. B may be helpful, but only after a supervisor has been consulted. D would also be helpful but would not take the place of meeting with a supervisor. The key to this question is that we can only choose an answer out of the answer options available to us. If there were an option to refer to someone who specializes in eating disorders, that would be the best answer by far. Ideally we do not want to treat outside of our areas of competence. Since this question does not provide us with the answer option to refer out to someone who specializes in eating disorders, we have to choose the best answer out of the answer options available to us.

(Correct) The answer to question 29 is C: Rational:

People with Schizoid, as the question stem states, may have an internal fantasy world. Because of their lack of close friendships/relationships and engagement in introverted activities, they will sometimes develop internal fantasies. An internal fantasy world looks like escaping inwardly, could involve excessive daydreaming, etc. This is different from the magical thinking characteristic of Schizotypal Personality Disorder. Magical Thinking is believing that one event happens as a result of another without a plausible link of causation. For example: "I got up on the left side of the bed today; therefore it will rain."

(Correct) The answer to question 5 is C: Rationale:

Projection is a defense mechanism where a person misdirects her thoughts, feelings, or impulses onto another person who does not have those thoughts, feelings, or impulses.

(Correct) The answer to question 68 is C: Rationale:

Since social workers are mandated reporters, a report must be made. By making the child abuse report with the teen, the social worker helps to encourage self-determination and gives the teen some control in the situation.

(Correct) The answer to question 52 is A: Rationale:

Records should not be released until a judge has ordered them to be. It is important to note that C doesn't say "determine the client's wishes" or "ask the client what they want" it says to ask them for a written release of information. We don't need a written release of records from the client, as we are not going to release the records to the client's spouses attorney; we are going to exert privilege. We only release records if it is court ordered (ordered by a judge). If there was an option that JUST said "speak with the client to determine their wishes" that would be okay, but we would not ask them to sign a release, since we are going to exert privilege and not release records until ordered to do so by a judge. It isn't going to benefit the client to share their records with their spouse's attorney during divorce proceedings.

(Correct) The answer to question 63 is B: Rational:

Self-disclosure is not a value among inmates and is generally looked down upon. Therefore, B is the MOST likely explanation for the inmates reluctance to talk in a group setting. B is a better answer than C because even if there were a group made up of prisoners who all share the same race and ethnicity, there still could be issues with opening up due to self-disclosure being looked down upon in prison culture.

(Wrong) The answer to question 56 is B: Rational:

Since a multidisciplinary team includes many different professionals, it's important that an overall objectives is created FIRST before you can assign roles and responsibilities of each team member. The roles and responsibilities assigned will be for the purpose of working towards the identified objective, so you need to know the objective first in order to appropriately assign roles and responsibilities.

(Correct) The answer to question 39 is C: Rationale:

Since the client has reported intent to hurt his wife, it's the social worker's responsibility to let the client know that his threat must be reported to the authorities (C). A would not be appropriate. B and D may be helpful steps to follow but only once the threat has been reported.

(Correct) The answer to question 71 is B: Rationale:

Since the stem states that the client is competent and mentally alert, there is no reason for her wishes to not be respected (we never want to make assumptions based on age that a client is not competent to make decisions). Thus, B is correct.

(Wrong) The answer to question 23 is D: Rational:

Social work practice is strength based. Answer D relates to what the social worker noted in the assessment and is a good place to start to instill hope. A might be part of the treatment plan but is not as important to emphasize as D, B and C do not make sense as an emphasis in the treatment plan.

(Wrong) The answer to question 75 is C: Rational:

Socioeconomic factors should be addressed first, since the recent job loss seems to be impacting their relationship significantly. Once that has been explored, the other options could be addressed.

(Wrong) The answer to question 67 is C: Rational:

Systems approach can apply to family systems therapy, but is also a much broader concept than that. The systems approach observes and analyzes all of the systems that contribute to a person's behavior and wellbeing and looks at the ways in which clients react to their environments. Thus, C is the best answer.

(Correct) The answer to question 72 is B: Rationale:

The FIRST action that should always be taken when a conflict occurs with a colleague is to address the conflict with the colleague (B). Once that has been done, other steps may be taken, including A, C, and D.

(Correct) The answer to question 7 is C: Rational:

The Psychosocial Approach looks at an individual's psychological development in and interaction with their social environment. Sustaining procedures are just anything we do to facilitate the relationship between the social worker and the client. Examples: eye contact, reflective listening, validating, unconditional positive regard, etc. Different from clinical work, case work doesn't involve engaging in psychotherapy. When doing case work, a social worker will still engage with the client, gather history/assess, and identify (and prioritize) client needs. Then, rather than engaging in psychotherapy/clinical interventions, the work itself involves identifying resources in the community and getting the client connected to those resources to meet identified needs.

(Correct) The answer to question 43 is A: Rationale:

The activities described fall into the administrative component of supervision described by the NASW and ASWB's document on the Best Practice Standards in Social Work Supervision

(Wrong) The answer to question 74 is B: Rationale:

The behavior described in the question is a typical manifestation of resistance (attempts made by the client to avoid moving forward in treatment) (B). This behavior does not typically signify a readiness to terminate as is suggested in A. There is no indication of C or D.

The answer to question 91 is B: Rational:

The behavior described in the question is a typical manifestation of resistance (attempts made by the client to avoid moving forward in treatment) (B). This behavior does not typically signify a readiness to terminate as is suggested in A. There is no indication of C or D.

(Wrong) The answer to question 66 is C: Rational:

The behavior of the physician and nurse illustrates discriminatory behaviors that occur on an institutional level, this case being in the hospital (C). Bringing a child to a traditional Cherokee healer is not medical neglect. The belief that doing so is medical neglect is indicative of institutionalized racism in our culture. If they took the child to a traditional Cherokee healer, it didn't heal, and they then failed to seek other medical attention, then they would be engaging in medical neglect. But taking a child to a faith healer first is not medical neglect.

(Correct) The answer to question 26 is C: Rationale:

The boy's behaviors best represent symptoms of dissociation, which were most likely triggered by witnessing his father's death (C). A, B, and D are incorrect, because the boy is not displaying behaviors that would fit any of those options.

(Correct) The answer to question 41 is C: Rationale:

The client is coming in to apply for financial assistance, and, while there are several issues presented in the question, eviction and food security are the most important. So our FIRST step needs to be completing an eligibility assessment to determine what supports they are eligible to receive. A is inappropriate, since there is no indication in the stem that the children are being neglected; B and D may be appropriate later, but only after the eligibility assessment is completed.

(Wrong) The answer to question 18 is B: Rational:

The correct answer is B. The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978 is a federal law that governs the removal/out-of-home placement of American Indian children who are in a state's custody. ICWA placement prioritizes place children with relatives, members of the child's tribe, or other American Indian families.

(Correct) The answer to question 82 is C: Rationale:

The correct answer is C. Laws on this vary state to state, so for this national exam, if there is an option to 'follow jurisdictional regulations', that is the answer you want to go with on the exam.

(Correct) The answer to question 31 is C: Rationale:

The correct answer is C. TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment for children and adolescents used to treat the effects of trauma. It has an individual component with the child, as well as work with the parent(s) and joint parent-child sessions.

(Wrong) The answer for question 32 is C: Rational:

The first concern that needs to be addressed is the client's eviction. The best way to address this is by helping the client appeal to the housing authority (C). The client is being evicted because of her estranged husbands sex offender conviction. Given that they are recently estranged, it is appropriate to help the client appeal the decision. If the husband and the client are estranged (and he is no longer living there), there is no reason the client needs to be evicted. A is incorrect, because filing a complaint does not cause any actions to take place that will get the client her housing back. B and D may be helpful to do after an appeal has been filed.

(Correct) The answer to question 54 is A: Rational:

The most important FIRST step to take is A, because all agencies are based off of the mission and vision statements. Once those have been reassessed, the agency can then develop a 5-year plan. B, C, and D are all important parts of the process but not the FIRST step to take.

(Correct) The answer to question 37 is B: Rational:

The question stem states that this is an ADOPTION social worker. So the social worker needs to FIRST and foremost understand adoption laws before any further actions would be taken (B). This is about the social worker (as an adoption social worker) knowing the laws for the area they are practicing in. Once the social worker has an understanding of adoption laws, the other options would be reasonable steps to take.

(Correct) The answer to question 51 is B: Rationale:

The social worker needs to FIRST address the situation with the student before other actions can be taken (B). Once the social worker has spoken with the student, C or D may be done. A is unnecessary at this time, since the teachers have expressed their concerns vocally.

(Wrong) The answer to question 38 is A: Rational:

The social worker should support the client's wife in her efforts to care for her husband at home by providing her with home health care options that can assist her (A). The client wants her husband at home, so home health care is a way to both meet the husband's medical needs and honor her self-determination. B and D undermine the client's right to self-determination. C is incorrect, because, while it is what the client wants, the social worker needs to find ways to help support the wife in caring for her husband.

The answer to question 90 is D: Rational:

The stem states that the assault occurred a few months ago and includes symptoms such as nightmares, isolating herself and feeling helpless. All of these symptoms lead us to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (D). If the assault had occurred less than a month ago, the client would be been diagnosed with Acute Stress Disorder (A).

(Wrong) The answer to question 50 is D: Rationale:

The stem states that the assault occurred a few months ago and includes symptoms such as nightmares, isolating herself, and feeling helpless. All of these symptoms lead us to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (D). If the assault had occurred less than a month ago, the client would have been diagnosed with Acute Stress Disorder (A).

(Correct) The answer to question 81 is A: Rationale:

The stem states that the student is bright but unmotivated, which is a clue that the student may have a learning disorder and would benefit from an assessment being completed (A). This would need to be done before the other options could be explored.

(Correct) The answer to question 83 is C: Rationale:

The supervisor is providing the social worker with a theoretical model to understand the client and is thus providing education to the social worker (C).

(Correct) The answer to question 10 is D: Rationale:

This is a factual recall item that requires knowledge of medications and their uses.

(Correct) The answer to question 35 is D: Rational:

This is a factual recall question regarding knowledge of accommodation.

(Correct) The answer to question 55 is C: Rationale:

This is a factual recall question regarding knowledge of child abuse.

(Correct) The answer to question 30 is A: Rationale:

This is a factual recall question regarding knowledge of intervention techniques.

(Wrong) The answer to question 34 is A: Rationale:

This is a factual recall question regarding knowledge of program evaluation. When doing an evaluation of a program, we FIRST need to know what the goals and objectives for the program were in order to determine whether or not they were met.

(Correct) The answer to question 46 is D: Rational:

This is a factual recall question regarding knowledge of the planning phase in the problem-solving process. For those looking for more information regarding the problem-solving process, here is some additional information on the stages of the problem-solving process: 1. Engage the client and develop rapport. 2. Collect information from the client that are relevant to the challenges that led them to seek services. 3. Assess the client's needs with this information. 4. Set goals/create a plan for treatment. Always place the client's needs first, including their references in regards to both what challenges to address and how they want to address those challenges. Self-determination is key. 5. Evaluate the progress that has been made towards the goals (including the process, methods, and progress made). 6. Terminate with the client in a way that supports their continued needs.

(Correct) The answer to question 1 is C: Rationale:

This is a factual recall question requiring knowledge of cognitions. Magical thinking is when a client believes one event happens as the result of another, with no plausible link for causation. For example: I ate Captain Crunch for breakfast, so it is going to storm today. Ideas of Reference are when a client believes coincidences have personal significance ( the idea that everything that happens directly relates to himself/herself). For example: A person thinks every person they pass on the street is talking about them. Looseness of association is when a client's responses lack logical sequence. They often do not relate to the interviewer's questions, or one paragraph, sentence, or phrase is not logically connected to those that occur before or after. Dissociative fugue is a disorder in which people temporarily lose their sense of personal identity and impulsively wander/travel away from their homes, places of work, ec. They may also be confused about who they are.

(Wrong) The answer to question 36 is D: Rationale:

This is a factual recall that requires knowledge of assessment tools. The MMPI is covered in the Psychological Tests quick study in step 3. The BEERY VMI (Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration), helps assess visual-motor skills in children and adults. The TOWL-3 (Test of Written Language) is a diagnostic test of written expression used with children ages 9-11. The WISC-R (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is an intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16.

The answer to question 88 is D: Rational:

This is a factual recall that requires knowledge of assessment tools. The MMPI is covered in the Psychological Tests quick study in step 3. The BEERY VMI (Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-motor Integration), helps assess visual-motor skills in children and adults. The TOWL-3 (Test of Written Language) is a diagnostic test of written expression used with children ages 9-11. The WISC-R (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is an intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16.

(Correct) The answer to question 64 is C: Rationale:

This is a recall question. Concurrent validity is a measure of how well a particular test correlates with a previously validated measure.

(Wrong) The answer to question 73 is D: Rational:

This isn't asking what you are doing FIRST, but is asking what is the BEST way to help enhance their ability to understand one another. D gives each family member the chance to see if he or she understands what another family member is trying to say. This helps to clarify statements and gives each family member the opportunity to speak. A would only scapegoat a family member and would not be an effective way to address the problem. B would clearly not work based on the stem's information that each family member is talking over one another. While it may give everyone a chance to speak, that does not necessarily mean that they will understand each other's views, which is what the question is asking. C would not be effective and would be very invalidating to do.

The answer to question 87 is B: Rational:

This question asks what "professional ethics allow" (not what we could or should do-just what our code allows us to do). As long as the client is not a danger to herself or others, the Code of Ethics states that a social worker can terminate with a client if the client is no longer able to pay for therapy (B). We would want to make sure to document bot the lack of payment and that they are not currently in crisis, and should provide referrals to low/no cost services if we choose to terminate in this type of situation.

(Wrong) The answer to question 21 is B: Rationale:

This question asks what "professional ethics allow" (not what we could or should do-just what our code allows us to do). As long as the client is not a danger to herself or others, the Code of Ethics states that a social worker can terminate with a client if the client is no longer able to pay for therapy (B). We would want to make sure to document both the lack of payment and that they are not currently in crisis, and should provide referrals to low/no cost services if we choose to terminate in this type of situation.

(Correct) The answer to question 19 is D: Rationale:

This question specifies that we are developing a new program with an existing client population. Because we are already working with this population, it is not necessary to consult with an expert on this population (A); this is something we could do if we were creating a program for a population we have not worked with before. Our FIRST step should be to conduct a needs assessment (D). Focus groups (B) may be a part of the needs assessment, but would not occur before the needs assessment. After the needs assessment is conducted and the needs are identified, a team or task force (C) could be brought together to develop the program.

(Correct) The answer to question 70 is B: Rationale:

This question tests recall knowledge of Mahler's psychosocial stages of human development. Both symbiosis (A) and practicing (D) occur early in development, before 18 months of age. Separation individuation (C) is a broad term for one of Mahler's stages of development, and the stem is describing one of the sub-phases of separation individuation, specifically rapprochement (B).

(Correct) The answer to question 59 is C: Rationale:

Validating the client's concerns is the most important step to take, because it allows the client to feel heard and understood (C). Once this has been done, the social worker can assess if further steps need to be taken.

(Wrong) The answer to question 58 is C: Rational:

Validating the client's concerns is the most important step to take, because it allows the client to feel heard and understood (C). Once this has been done, the social worker can assess if further steps need to be taken.

(Wrong) The answer to question 44 is C: Rational:

Validating the client's experience is the most appropriate first step to take, because it shows that the client is being understood (C). While the client doesn't use the word discrimination, what she describes is a scenario in which discrimination took place. Part of therapy is identifying what the client is communicating (sometimes helping them put words to it) and validating their experience. A, B, and D may all be helpful next steps to take.

(Correct) The answer to question 60 is C: Rationale:

What is being described is vicarious trauma as the social worker is experiencing trauma symptoms resulting from hearing trauma stories and witnessing the trauma symptoms of their clients (C). In contrast, if the question stem said they were feeling exhausted, not wanting to go to work, and unable to re-energize inside or outside of work, it would more likely be compassion fatigue. In general, burnout is something that happens over a longer period of time in the field. Transference refers to emotional reactions that are assigned to current relationships but originated in earlier experiences (often the feelings a client has toward a therapist).

(Correct) The answer to question 47 is A: Rationale:

What is happening in the question is transference (A)-the client has a history of abuse and does not develop strong relationships and this pattern begins to play out in the therapeutic relationship. As the client's relationship with the social worker deepens, the client becomes wary and mistrustful. This is mirroring what occurs in the client's life and relationships outside of session, so can be described as transference. Any of the other answer options would be described differently. Displacement (B) and rationalization (C) are not described in any way by the scenario. Regression (D) is when a person reverts to an earlier stage of development, which is not described in the question stem.

(Correct) The answer to question 62 is A: Rationale:

When a client presents with physical symptoms, it is always important to FIRST refer the client to an MD before taking further steps (A).

(Wrong) The answer to question 27 is C: Rational:

When conducting a program evaluation, the FIRST thing a social worker needs to do is identify what the program goals and objectives are. Since the question stem states this has already been done, the NEXT thing to do is to look at what tools are used to measure whether or note those goals/objectives are met (C). (A) and (B) both occur during the program development process, not during program evaluation which is what this question is asking about. (D) may occur after the program evaluation is completed.

(Correct) The answer to question 85 is B: Rational:

While A, C, and D are all possible answer options, the question asks what is the INITIAL responsibility of the social work supervisor. Before doing anything else, the social work supervisor should FIRST speak directly with the supervisee about this situation. From there, A, C, or D could occur.

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