Close To Famous

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In the book Close to Famous, what is the name of the song Foster's mom wrote for her last year on her birthday

"Foster's Song" p.39

In the book Close to Famous, when Duke bursts into the Helping Hands house, what weapon does he say he has when his wife Val tells him she is not leaving with him

A knife p.217

In the book Close to Famous, where does Lester offer for Foster and her mom to stay at no charge

A mobile home behind their place. p.22

In the book Close to Famous, what prank toy do Barry and Larry use at Angry Wayne's to bother people

A remote-controlled tarantula p.90

In the book Close to Famous, What does Foster tell Huck when he calls and says he is coming to Culpepper

That they moved, that her mom got a real good new job, and that she has a new boyfriend like Foster's daddy. p.196

In the book Close to Famous, what is for sale in Culpepper that has great upset a woman named Percy

The Church of God p.32

In the book Close to Famous, what helpful organization did Percy start

The Helping Hands House p.78

In the book Close to Famous, what organization in Culpepper does Miss Charleena donate her money to

The Helping Hands house p.211

In the book Close to Famous, what are the issues the town has with the prison coming to Culpepper

The Jam & Jelly factory closed down, so many people got laid off, and the prison didn't hire many locals and it is hard to get work in Culpepper. p.53

In the book Close to Famous, what do Kitty and Lester call the Airstream

The Silver Bullet p.26

In the book Close to Famous, where does the graduation ceremony for Foster take place

at Miss Charleena's house p.227

In the book Close to Famous, what is the cupcake called that Foster names after Pearly

Pearly's True Blue cupcakes p.224

In the book Close to Famous, what does Percy's name stand for

Perseverance p.190

In the book Close to Famous, what book does Foster check out from the Bookmobile

Sonny Side Up- Sonny Kroll's cookbook p. 135

In the book Close to Famous, why is the Church of God no longer for sale

Taco Terrific backed out and the deal fell through p.246

In the book Close to Famous, what did the nurse at the health clinic in Culpepper insist on doing after she put an ice pack on Foster's mother's eye

Take a photograph of the eye. p.23

In the book Close to Famous, how many cupcakes does Angry Wayne tell Foster he can move if she's up to it

Two dozen p.165

In the book Close to Famous, why is Foster's mom going to give a concert

To support the Helping Hands house p.226

In the book Close to Famous, what kind of diploma will Foster be receiving at her graduation ceremony

A reading diploma with honors p.226

In the book Close to Famous, what is the name of the little grocery store in Culpepper

FOOD p.31

In the book Close to Famous, what do Foster and Macon decide to do for Sonny Kroll after his accident while he is in the hospital

Film Foster cooking and send it to him along with a letter p.239

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster's mom bring back from her trip to Memphis

Foster's dad's Las Vegas pillowcase p.183

In the book Close to Famous, who else besides Miss Charleena is helping to teach Foster how to read

Foster's mom and Macon p.162

In the book Close to Famous, how did Foster's mom ex-boyfriend Huck figure out that Foster and her mom moved to West Virginia

Foster's mom had some papers from Fish Hardware in her car and he saw them p.185

In the book Close to Famous, who attends the graduation ceremony for Foster

Foster's mom, Macon, Kitty, Lester, Amy, Garland and Percy Wilson p.227

In the book Close to Famous, what is in the box that Miss Charleena asks Foster to bring to her house

Foster's white dress p.204

In the book Close to Famous, what is Percy's son's name

Garland p.62

In the book Close to Famous, who built the Church of God

Garland's late father, Percy's late husband p.96

In the book Close to Famous, when Duke bursts into the Helping Hands house, what does he say he is there to do

Get his family p.215

In the book Close to Famous, how does Foster mostly remember her dad

Happy p.50

In the book Close to Famous, what did Foster's mother's ex-boyfriend Huck do to their house?

He broke their window. p.7

In the book Close to Famous, what did Angry Wayne do when Foster offered to pay for the Helping Hands breakfast out of her cupcake earnings

He did not take her money and paid for it himself. p.146

In the book Close to Famous, what happened to Foster's daddy?

He died in the army. p.10

In the book Close to Famous, what does Macon do when Huck shows up in Culpepper and begins harassing Foster

He films it p.231

In the book Close to Famous, why does Macon ask Foster to go to Miss Charleena's for a few days and do his chores for him

He has a fever and is coughing and has hives. p.94

In the book Close to Famous, what does Macon Dillard say he does, besides be Miss Charleena's assistant

He makes documentary films p.46

In the book Close to Famous, why is Macon angry with Foster after he gets well

He thinks she is trying to steal his job as Miss Charleena's assistant. p.131

In the book Close to Famous, what does Macon say is his problem, which is a problem that everyone can see but can't be fixed

He's short p.160

In the book Close to Famous, what is the funny catch phrase that the horse in Miss Charleena's script says

"Toodles, turkey." p.209

In the book Close to Famous, what percentage of the sales does Angry Wayne agree to give Foster for her cupcakes and muffins

50% p.91

In the book Close to Famous, what kind of singer is Foster's mom?

A back up singer. p.10

In the book Close to Famous, what kind of book does Macon make Foster look at in the Bookmobile to help her overcome one of her fears

A book about Elvis p.176

In the book Close to Famous, what kind of ceremony does Miss Charleena decide to have for Foster

A graduation ceremony p.226

In the book Close to Famous, what was the first type of food Foster cooked for Charleena

A hamburger p.108

In the book Close to Famous, what is hanging above the sink in the Silver Bullet that belonged to Lester's father

A stuffed fish p.27

In the book Close to Famous, what t-shirt do people begin wearing in Culpepper to protest Taco Terrific buying the Church of God

A taco t-shirt with an X though it p.201

In the book Close to Famous, what kind of garden do Kitty and Lester have in the yard next to the Silver Bullet

A tomato garden p.26

In the book Close to Famous, what part in a script that Miss Charleena's agent Stan sent her does he want her to read so she can get back into acting

A voice-over for a horse in a feature cartoon p.207

In the book Close to Famous, what bad and upsetting news does Lester tell Foster he heard on the news

That Sonny Kroll was in a bad accident p.156

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster tell Lester about her dad while they are fishing

That he was brave and real responsible. p. 181

In the book Close to Famous, what does Miss Charleena say to Foster when she first meets her at Miss Charleena's house

That she is not too impressed with her p.68

In the book Close to Famous, what is Foster's middle name

Akilah p.49

In the book Close to Famous, what kind of trailer do Kitty and Lester own and let Foster and her mom live in

An Airstream p.25

In the book Close to Famous, what awards has Miss Charleena won or been nominated for

An Emmy, a Golden Globe and was nominated for 2 Oscars. p.46

In the book Close to Famous, what happens when Duke leaves the Helping Hands house

Angry Wayne makes a citizen's arrest of him p.222

In the book Close to Famous, where does Foster take chocolate chip muffins and vanilla cupcakes to see if they can be sold there

Angry Wayne's Bar & Grill p.85

In the book Close to Famous, what new cupcake does Foster make for Cool Tool Saturday that no one in Culpepper has ever eaten

Chocolate malt p.166

In the book Close to Famous, in one of her Cook's Tips, Foster says if you want to be remembered, you should do what

Bake p.127

In the book Close to Famous, what activity does Foster have the kids participate in with her to keep them out of everyone's hair

Baking cupcakes p.212

In the book Close to Famous, what was the first recipe out the Sonny Kroll cookbook that Miss Charleena helped Foster read

Banana Cake with Fudge Frosting p.148

In the book Close to Famous, what does Macon tell Foster that a doc filmmaker does

Be angry for the world p.170

In the book Close to Famous, Foster says there's something about a cupcake that gets inside of people and helps them be what

Be the best they can be. p.222

In the book Close to Famous, what kind of role models does Foster tell Marietta Morningstar she is looking for?

Cooking role models p.3

In the book Close to Famous, what is the name of the city in West Virginia that Kitty and Lester live in and Foster and her mom decide to drive to

Culpepper p.16

In the book Close to Famous, what is the little girl's name who is staying at the Helping Hands house who asks for scrambled eggs and grape jelly

Delilah May Canning p.141

In the book Close to Famous, name 2 items in Foster's father's pillow case-

His dog tags from the army, the special award he got for getting killed, the letters he sent Foster, his cuff links from when he and Foster's mom got married, his little flag of Ireland, his donkey key ring that you press and get a hee-haw sound. p.30

In the book Close to Famous, how did Foster's daddy die in the Army

His helicopter got shot down. p. 21

In the book Close to Famous, who bursts into the Helping Hands house while everyone is there working on the house

Duke, who is Pearly and Babcock's dad and Val's husband p.215

In the book Close to Famous, what was the name of Foster's best friend back in Memphis

Eddington Carver p.40

In the book Close to Famous, what is the name of Lester and Kitty's cat?

Elvis p.28

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster say she has a fear of, besides reading

Elvises p.175

In the book Close to Famous, where in Culpepper does Foster's mom get a job

Fish Hardware p.61

In the book Close to Famous, where does Lester take Foster while her mom is away in Memphis

Fishing at the lake p.178

In the book Close to Famous, what is the main character's name?

Foster McFee p.3

In the book Close to Famous, what deal do Foster and Miss Charleena work out to help each other

Foster will give Miss Charleena cooking lessons and Miss Charleena will help Foster with her reading. p.110

In the book Close to Famous, after Foster tapes a paper underneath Lester's daddy's stupid, dead fish that she has written the alphabet and new words she is learning on, what does Foster say to it every night before bed

Guard these words and letters. I'm counting on you. p. 164

In the book Close to Famous, what is the first book Foster wants Miss Charleena to help her learn how to read

Her Sonny Kroll cookbook, Sonny Side Up p.142

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster say happens when she opens a book

Her brain closes up. p.37

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster's mom's ex-boyfriend call Foster to tell her he has

Her dad's pillowcase full of his belongings p.55

In the book Close to Famous, when they are unpacking their belongings in the Silver Bullet, what does Foster realize is missing

Her father's pillowcase with his belongings in it p.30

In the book Close to Famous, why did Miss Charleena leave acting and Hollywood

Her husband dumped her for a super model named Bliss. p.48

In the book Close to Famous, why did Foster's mom stop the car on the side of the road when they reached West Virginia?

Her mom is very tired and the fog is too thick to see through. p. 12

In the book Close to Famous, what does Miss Charleena want Foster to wear to her graduation ceremony

Her white dress p.227

In the book Close to Famous, when Duke is angry and in the Helping Hands house, what day does he say it is

His birthday p.221

In the book Close to Famous, what kind of sweet foods does Miss Charleena especially like

Ho Ho's and Ding Dongs p.72

In the book Close to Famous, what does Lester call the bass he catches in the lake

Horace p.180

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster's finally tell her actually happened to her arm while she was in Memphis

Huck grabbed her arm and yanked it hard when she was leaving. p.199

In the book Close to Famous, what is the name of the Elvis impersonator who is chasing Foster and her mother?

Huck p.1

In the book Close to Famous, in Foster's first Cook's Tip, why does Foster say you should bake every day?

If you have to leave town fast, you'll always have something good to eat in the car. p.6

In the book Close to Famous, where does Foster keep her father's belongings

In a pillow case from Las Vegas. p. 21

In the book Close to Famous, what is the meaning of Foster's middle name Akilah

Intelligent one who reasons p.49

In the book Close to Famous, where was Foster's father stationed before he died

Iraq p.21

In the book Close to Famous, what does the Helping Hands House do to help people

It gives families a place to stay for a few days when they come to visit their loved ones in prison. p.78

In the book Close to Famous, when Foster and her mother wake up after stopping on the side of the road in West Virginia, what does a lady who has approached them tell them about the location of their car?

It is an inch from the side of a cliff. p. 14

In the book Close to Famous, what does the apron look like that Foster's mom made for her

It is green with a shooting star on it. p. 5

In the book Close to Famous, when the doctor is checking on Miss Charleena because she says she is dying, what does the doctor say about her temperature and breathing

It's normal. p. 124

In the book Close to Famous, who is the author?

Joan Bauer

In the book Close to Famous, what are the names of the man and woman who tow Foster and her mom's car away from the edge of the cliff

Kitty and Lester p. 15

In the book Close to Famous, who lived in the Silver Bullet for 8 years until he keeled over in the kitchen one day and died

Lester's daddy p.27

In the book Close to Famous, what object does Foster talk to when she is practicing her cooking shows

Lester's daddy's stupid, dead fish p.41

In the book Close to Famous, what is the name of the muffin queen of Memphis?

Marietta Morningstar p.3

In the book Close to Famous, what word comes to Foster's mind when she sees or thinks of her white dress

Limited p.194

In the book Close to Famous, what is the name of the short boy Foster meets in the grocery, who is Miss Charleena's assistant

Macon Dillard p.47

In the book Close to Famous, as the story begins, what city are Foster and her mother fleeing from?

Memphis p.1

In the book Close to Famous, what is the name of the most famous person in Culpepper

Miss Charleena Hendley p. 47

In the book Close to Famous, what does Miss Charleena tell Foster that they have in common

Miss Charleena used to have a terrible time with reading p.109

In the book Close to Famous, what was Marietta Morningstar's main muffin truth?

Never take a fine muffin for granted, it can open doors to the deepest recesses of the human heart. p.5

In the book Close to Famous, what does Macon ask Foster to do as his assistant with his movie making

Nod and take notes p. 75

In the book Close to Famous, how did Kitty and Lester charge Foster's mom for towing their car away from the edge of the cliff?

Nothing, there was no charge. p.16

In the book Close to Famous, how does Foster say she is going to make the world a better place

One cupcake at a time. p.250

In the book Close to Famous, what is in Miss Charleena's that she says is awful

Papers and magazines about Miss Charleena's husband cheating on her with super model Bliss p.205

In the book Close to Famous, what does the blackboard sign say that Angry Wayne puts out front of his restaurant

Prepare to meet your baker p.223

In the book Close to Famous, what flavor of muffin did Foster take for Marietta Morningstar to taste when she first met her?

Pumpkin spice with walnuts p.4

In the book Close to Famous, what did Foster's mother's ex-boyfriend Huck do to physically hurt Foster's mom?

Punched her in the eye p.8

In the book Close to Famous, what is Foster's mother's name

Rayka McFee p.31

In the book Close to Famous, what does Delilah May Canning ask Foster to do after breakfast that Foster cannot do

Read her a story p.141

In the book Close to Famous, what sport does Garland participate in

Running p.62

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster ask Angry Wayne for when she learns that the Helping Hands house is out of food

She asks for bread, eggs and grape jelly so she can make them breakfast. p.138

In the book Close to Famous, why can't Foster do the chores on the list Miss Charleena gave her

She can't read. p.99

In the book Close to Famous, what excuse does Foster give Miss Charleena for why she can't read the chore list

She didn't bring her glasses. p.100

In the book Close to Famous, why did Macon get upset with Foster and fire her as his assistant

She didn't take notes during an interview for his movie. p. 79

In the book Close to Famous, what reason does Foster's mom give for her arm being black and blue

She fell down p.183

In the book Close to Famous, after Foster's graduation ceremony, what is she finally able to do with one of her dad's letters

She is able to read it by herself p.229

In the book Close to Famous, what "bomb" does Foster's mom drop on her

She is going back to Memphis for a few days to take care of a few things. p.171

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster do when she realizes that Macon has been watching and listening to her learn how to read with Miss Charleena

She runs out of the house p.150

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster say when Mrs. Dupree asks her if she is looking forward to starting school

She says no ma'am, not one bit. P.82

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster tell the reporter from the West Virginia Star about cupcakes after the Duke incident at the Helping Hands house

She says you don't know the power of a cupcake until your life depends on it. p.222

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster do to distract Duke after he bursts into the Helping Hands house and becomes angry

She talks to him about baking cupcakes p.217

In the book Close to Famous, how did Miss Charleena figure out that Foster can't read

She tricked her by telling her the chore list said to feed her bird when there actually is no bird p.102

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster's mom say when she calls the nurse at the health clinic after Huck has shown up in Culpepper

She wants to press charges against Huck p.233

In the book Close to Famous, why is Miss Charleena famous

She was a movie and TV actress p.45

In the book Close to Famous, after Huck calls to tell Foster he has her dad's pillow case, what food does Foster prepare for her and her mom

Smiling pizzas for sad days p.57

In the book Close to Famous, who is Foster's favorite Food Network cook?

Sonny Kroll p.9

In the book Close to Famous, how does Foster's mom eye look at the beginning of the story?

Swollen p.2

In the book Close to Famous, what does Miss Charleena tell Foster on July 31st that Foster wants her to write down and sign

That Foster has had a serious breakthrough with her reading p.192

In the book Close to Famous, who wants to buy the Church of God

The Taco Terrific restaurant chain p.96

In the book Close to Famous, what club did Foster and Eddington Carver form

The Two Kids Cooking Club p.40

In the book Close to Famous, what is the ultimate cool tool that Amy displays on Cool Tool Saturday

The Uber Tool p.167

In the book Close to Famous, who is Mrs. Dupree

The middle school principal p.82

In the book Close to Famous, what scary sounding place does Lester say is in Culpepper

The prison p.16

In the book Close to Famous, what does Miss Charleena tell Foster that she has learned about her new school

They have a reading teacher named Mrs. Vick who specializes in what Foster needs. p.226

In the book Close to Famous, who shows up as Foster and Macon are yelling at Huck to leave them alone

The sheriff p.232

In the book Close to Famous, what is Foster's mom's favorite book of all time

To Kill a Mockingbird p.93

In the book Close to Famous, what does Amy Fish tell Foster that her dream is, even though Amy thinks it is dumb

To be a singer p.154

In the book Close to Famous, what advice does Percy give Foster about what to do when you've got a big problem

To just start somewhere and do one little thing to make it better. p.190

In the book Close to Famous, what is Macon's dream

To make a movie about the prison coming to Culpepper p.52

In the book Close to Famous, when Lester is giving Foster advice about waiting while they are fishing, he says that you learn to wait and listen, and what else

To not be afraid of the quiet. p.181

In the book Close to Famous, what does Foster's favorite Food Network Star Sonny Kroll say at the end of every show

We're on this road together. p.118

In the book Close to Famous, after Foster and her mother flee from Memphis, what state do they end up in?

West Virginia p.12

In the book Close to Famous, what advice did Foster's mother give her that convinced her to show up at Marietta's muffin shop and ask her if she could work there?

You can't just wait for things to happen, you've got to get out there and make your own breaks. p.3

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