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interaction model

-2 way -incorporates feedback -includes noise @ any stage -sender/receiver --> message/channel --> sender/receiver --> feedback --> sender -LESS focus on message --> more on interaction -physical context = environmental (size, temp, light) -psychological context = mental and emotional factors ( stress, anxiety)

tag question

-A short question at the end of a declarative statement, often used by women to soften the sting of potential disagreement or invite open, friendly dialogue ie) he was rude, wasn't he

improve communication

-ACTIVE listening -listen to eyes, ear and gut --> more than words -UNDERSTAND while being understood (open to other person) -AWARE of perceptual filters (culture, community family, don't assume your perception is objective truth)

language organizes and classifies

-CREATE and EXPRESS some sense of order -group words that represent concepts --> create categories --> lead to bias/ingrained assumptions that are wrong -system of organization is NOT part of natural world but an EXPRESSION of our view about the natural world

NVC in relational context

-interpersonal advantage = popularity, large social network, less likely to be lonely -messages are MORE meaningful if they are accompanied by congruent NV cues -NVC convey emotional meaning --> being able to decode others -helps maintain relationship --> communicate emotions and seek/provide support -competence communicators know when it is appropriate to express emotions when self-regulation is needed -shofthand form of communicating --> bond over familiarity of NVC

how to assimilate to organizational culture

-RESEARCH --> environment (physical setting, running themes, mission statement, story, what is not said) -interview company people *take it with a grain of salt and ask questions delicately -how people spend their time *long hours, volunteer, time off


-SES, social background, goals --> status and credibility -dress for the position you want -artifacts

linguistic relativity theory

-Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. - words a culture uses or does not use INFLUENCES thinking ie) English is gender neutral vs. Spanish


-belief in the superiority of one's cultural group and tendency to view another culture through the lens of own culture -diff than pride b/c it expresses bias on behalf of own culture --> treat others as INFERIOR -learning about culture in business is NO LONGER optional -trapped by cultural stereotypes --> negative repercussion

physical characteristics

-body shape, facial shape, height -can convey status and credibility --> make judgment about person's personality or behavior based on physical characteristics -->quick to note that theses are often inaccurate -hard to change -be comfortable with your self is a big part of presentation

importance of communication

-builds on common sense -see the values --> apply your learning --> find ways to help you -essential to your personal and professional success


-clear point of view involving theories, law, and/or other generalization that provide a framework for understanding, tend to form and become set around key validity claims, or statements = how things should work -shifts can be painful

language can be an obstacle to communication

-cliche -jargon -slange -sexist & racism language -euphemism -double speak

NVC and status

-clothes, size and location of person's office, where a person sits at the table, handling of time ie) size and location depends on relationship and situation ie) where a person sit --> by who, does it happen regularly sitting on the edge vs. middle ie) handling of time --> staying late to listen to your boss

interpersonal needs

-communicate to fulfill BASIC NEEDS -not met by just 1 person -Maslow -Schutz

nonverbal congruence

-consistency among different nonverbal expression within a cluster -more credible and effective than ambiguous -used to strategically manipulate behavior = ie) smoking to get a tip

NVC culture

-contact culture (Latin America) --> rely more on touch as communication vs. -non contact culture (Japan) --> avoid touch, minimize touch

fundamental differences

-context --> information that surrounds event -type of cultures (high vs low context, individualizing vs collect, high power distance vs low)

weak verbal cues

-controlled movement -bowed posture -tense -hesitant to stand up or more easily -sitting very forward -playing with object -nervous shaking -can be HABITUAL --> should practice powerful communication ie) stand up straight

improving verbal communication

-define your TERMS -precise WORDS (paint as vivid and accurate a mental pure as possible) -consider your AUDIENCE (context clues, use jargon followed by common reference, use transition, follow time limit) -take control of your TONE (match tone/voice to intent, read outlaid, seek feedback) -check for UNDERSTANDING --> feedback -be RESULTS orientated (key to know when fuser revision will not benefit)


-difference among people -effective communication we must UNDERSTAND and APPRECIATE people who are different

gender differences haptics

-differences in touch in cross-gender interactions are small -women do engage in more touching while interacting with same conversational partner -men read MORE into sexual intent in touch

situational context

-different situations call for different speech repertoires -code switching: switching from one repertoire to another ie) talking with you business colleagues vs. friends

ways to minimize culture shock

-doing research in advance -approach the situation with humor, open mind, and positive attitude -enlist a friend/colleague who have been there --> learn from their experiences

high context culture

-drive meaning from not just words spoken but the context surrounding those words -wording meaning convey subtly in order to maintain social harmony -use of context clues (time, place, situation, relationship) to interpret meaning and send messages ie) Japan, Korea, African countries, Latin America, China

organization culture

-each organization has their own culture -this culture exists and plays a role on behavior -exact definition, influence, change is still being researched

international business

-employers should train if they are going to work internationally -US assume other countries behave the SAME, not culturally sensitive -different DOES NOT mean wrong

social comparison theory

-evaluate ourselves base don how we COMPARE to others -decide who is superior, determine if values are sam/diff, disclose fantasies to see if accept/not

high level abstraction allows for

-evasion = AVOID specific details -equivocation = using UNCLEAR/MISLEADING words to possible avoid uncomfortable situations ie) that hair cut is chic, vs. saying whether you like it or not) -euphemism = INOFFENSIVE words/phrases that can substituted for potentially upsetting words ie) passed on vs. died

innate facial emotions

-even blind people use these *sadness *anger *disgust *fear *interest *surprise *happiness

transactional model

-expands on interaction -communication as process in which communicators generate social realities within context -not just exchange message --> create relationships, form intercultural alliance, shape self-concept etc. -no sender/receiver --> just communicator -verbal and nonverbal messages --> simultaneously sending -recognize context (social, relational, cultural) + physical and psychological

why do we communicate

-express affiliation (association with people) ie) by hugging -maintain relationships (what we do/say effect others and vice versa) - influence others (both intentionally or unintentionally) ie) asking someone to do the dishes vs. avoiding eye contact which displays lack of confidence

indirect language

-expressing the content of statements, questions or other utterances, without quoting them explicit ie) he is coming vs. I am coming


-eye contact, eye expression and movement -MOST EXPRESSIVE part of the face -listen/speaker can show interest with eye contact, look away when forming a thought and look back for feedback -overly long eye contact = uncomfortable, even express anger, insubordination in some cultures -VARY CULTURE TO CULTURE


-find expected and unexpected thing salient -has to reach threshold of inference of salience ie) expect something from a routine, don't expect something out of routine -based on previous experience

influences on NVC

-gender -situation -status

gender and NVC

-gender --> CULTURAL diff not bio -WOMEN engage in more EYE CONTACT and PAY ATTENTION to V and NV cues and interpret

improving NVC competence

-gestures = illustrations help, adaptors hurt -eye contact = maintain eye contact, civil inattention -facial expression = magnate expression -vocalics = verbal fillers hurt, vocal variety helps -proxemics = reduce intimacy --> civil inattention and reduce eye contact (NV adjustment) -chronemics = talk little longer helps, quality of time must be budgeted

gender differences kinesics

-gestures = women use MORE, men use physical adopters and larger gestures -posture = women more likely FACE TO FACE, men more likely to lean in -eye contact = Woman MORE and get looked at more -facial expression = women reveal more emotions through FE and more frequently and accurately, men more likely to display angry facial expression -woman are better at sending NVC

inflammatory language

-hate speech -labeling -biased language


-help manage interactions or control the flow of conversation (control, maintain, discourage) ie) raising your hand when you would like to speak, putting your hand up to stop converse


-high level abstraction -non standard language used by a particular group of people during a specific time & place -differs from jargon b/c it is used in INFORMAL context -can be put-downs of people belonging to various groups


-high level abstraction to those not in the profession, but low level abstraction for those members -technical language that is specific to professions or interest group


-how we do something and understanding why things are done the way we are -gained through observation and evaluating actions of others

improving perception

-improve self-perception (self-monitoring & reflection ) -avoid reliance on rigid schema -be critical of socializing factors (family, friends, norms, media) -be aware of self-fulfilling prophecy -create supportive interpersonal relationship (surround yourself with pos people) -beware of distorted pattern of thinking/acting -empathetic listener -be are of stereotype and prejudice -check perception

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory

-individualistic -basic survival, safety, love and belonging (companionship), elf esteem, self-actualization (realizing power and control over context), innate need to know (drive us to learn and grow), appreciate senes of self that extends beyond immediate expriences


-is BASIC need -undersoical (less likely to seek interaction, small groups) vs. over social (crave spotlight, seek belonging bad) SOCIAL PERSON: healthy baleen

Johari window

-known to others and know to sense 1. OPEN = know to self and others 2. HIDDEN = know to self and not to others (engage in self-disclosure to get to open --> shared reality 3. BLIND = know to others but not self (we are unaware) 4.UNKNOW = not known to self or others (must break out of comfort zone)

double speak

-language that is meant to be evasive or conceal ie) downsized = fired loss of job - used in bureaucratic communication --> cast a person or organization in an unfavorable light -dangerous when used to purposefully OBSECURE meaning

truth bias

-leads us to believe that a person is telling the truth, especially if we like them

transmission model

-linear, one way -sender intentionally SENDS message -includes noise

distorted pattern of thinking

-low self esteem tend to overcompensate for feeling - set reasonable goals -lack accurate information (intentional or not) --> find balance between ignoring criticism and ignoring pos. feedback

gender differences proxemics

-men are implicitly socialized to take up AS MUCH room as possible -women are socialized to take LEAST amount of room -women interact in CLOSER proximity -men do not respond as well in situations involving crowding


-mental structures that help us put together bits of information to form patterns -anticipate how tings should work (person, place, things) -can CHANGE -changing can be hard, stressful, requires effort = sign of complexity -guide our interpretation, interactions (behaviors) interpret other's behaviors


-merit social rewards ie) jurors who find defendant attractive --> less likely of sentence e ie) more likely to get a job, attention from teacher


-more deliberate and conscious step -selecting/organizing are FAST, interpreting is SLOW -where we ASSIGN MEANING to our experiences using schemata


-new information is incorporate into pre-exisiting schema ie) seeings hairless cat --> not all cats are furry

good listener

-nonverbal competence & nonverbal feedback ie) nodding, eye contact, posture -avoid distracting movement

process of disclosure

-observation (what we have done), thoughts & feelings (judgement of those experiences) -more likely to disclose deep information with a person who you will NOT see again -can be UNPLANNED -HOW --> face to face (genuine) vs. mediated (text, take time to craft message)


-once-clever word or phrase that has lost its impact through overuse -can sound silly/boring -symptoms of lazy communication -lose of impact b/c reader/listener glosses over it

emotional imbalance

-one relational partner expresses too much emotion in way that become a burden for the other person -spread emotion distress amongst many people


-opposite of self-selfing bias POS = external, chance NEG = internal, own character


-orientation to time, time is seen as a commodity that can be budgeted, saved, spend and WASTED -schedule in advance, set beginning/end ie) US, Western European countries

clue to organization culture

-patterns/how things are done -how people are incentivize (best predictor of how people behave) -story --> narrative, values, ritual s -morals --> behavioral norms *right and wrong -how it operates in broader society --> broader cultural values

behavior in speech

-pauses in speech, vocal quality, accents, voice rate, rhythm

narrow perspective

-people see things through their own perspective

informal-formal dimension

-personal or impersonal situations ie) behaving differently when your at a birthday vs. funeral

public-private dimension

-physical space that affects nonverbal communication ie) taking food off BF plate at home (okay), but not at restaurant (not okay)

effects of disclosure on relationship

-process is circular (discloser looks at reaction of receiver) -primary attribution is interpersonal = relationship intimacy & closeness will be reinforced -psychological effects (reduced stress, feeling of social support) -physical effects (less likely to have health problems --> weight change, teaches, depression, suicide)

language and meaning

-process semantics and pragmatics instinctively and able to notice when the meaning of a something ins't right


-process through how we interpret our experiences and come to our unique understanding -selection --> organization --> interpretation

environment (proxemics)

-produces emotional response too -color, light, oder, noise, room size, furniture

situation and NVC

-public-private dimension -informal-formal dimension -if NVC doesn't fit the situation = leads to stares, makes people UNCOMFORTABLE


-purposeful disclose of personal information to another person (doesn't always have to be deep) -small talk is key in INITIATING relationship --> move on to be deeper

NVC in professional context

-rarely trained --> mixed messages come from managers can hurt business -must be aware of how context, status/power interest with specific hanger of NVC -NVC helps create supportive climate --> rapport and consciously mirroring the NVC of their employees (put at ease) -being able to take turns speaking --> contribute to conversation --> get feedback


-reaction to time -CULTURALLY determined --> normative expectations of adherence (or ignorance) of time -how "late" is late = frustration when time-sensitive culture does match with expectations ie)US (stick to the plan) vs. Latin American --> more relaxed about time ie) try to honor time limit during speeches and stop speaking before audience stops listening, balance of time for each point


-refers to a person's general way of thinking, feeling, behavior based on underlying motivation and impulses -focus on personality traits in others that we feel are important to our own personality *like in ourselves what we like in others, dislike in ourselves as we dislike in others*

communication is strategic

-relational = building, maintaining, and ending relationships -instrumental = practical things we want to achieve -identity management = how we want to present ourselves

low power distance

-rely little on no hierarchy -does not have anxiety when talking to those with a higher status ie) US, Germany, Canada -social equality -relaxed attitude about title and status


-remarks that diminish a statement's importance --> discounts you before you start -(well, I might be wrong.., it's probably true but)

NVC principles

-requires knowledge of sender's frame of reference, cultural background, and specific situation

facial emotions

-responsible for the MOST MEANING in NVC -used for emotions -most vary across culture ie) US very open vs. asian control surpassed -can be manipulated through masking

types of competence

-unconscious incompetence (NOT aware you are incompetent) -conscious incompetence (KNOW you are not doing it as well as you could be) -unconscious competence (communicate successfully without straining) -conscious competence (communicating well which will add to experience to draw on in the future)

why is NVC important

-understanding, detecting and sending NVC = integral skill

low context culture

-use of direct language, rely on explicit terms to communicate -rely less on situations factors ie) US, Canada, Australia and most of N Europe


-use of touch to send message --> understanding the appropriate amount of touch, when it is appropriate ie) touch arm = friendship warmth types --> (functional-professional, social polite, friendship warmth, love intimacy, sexual arousal) -influenced by culture, family to family -most greeting in interpersonal context = handshake but NOT all =social polite NV

implicit personality theory

-used to generalize a person's overall personality from the traits we can perceive -use previous experience to guess other people's personality traits ADVAN. = increases interaction b/c we feel less uncertain more like we know this person DISADVAN = aren't always correct, persuasive and enduring

individualistic culture

-value invidivual achievement, satisfaction and independent thinking, autonomy with preferences for competition -place value on autumn, personal space, privacy -low attention to hierarchy -rely on low context


-vocalic behaviors that communicate meaning along with verbal behavior *pitch *tone *volume *behavior *vocalization (uptalk, nonword filers, back channel cues)

self-serving bias

-we overemphasis the external and underestimate the internal causes of behavior we see in ourself -POS = internal, own character -NEG = external, chance -judge ourselves as MORE FAVORABLE the others

culture and perception

-we tend to FAVOR those who exhibit SIMILAR cultural or personality traits (more trustworthy, friendly, honest), -schema are influenced by culture --> schemata of cultural identity group have similarities -culture affect how we interpret sight, sound, touch, tase, smell, more complicated constructs -people who we see as different we are ore likely to use internal attribution

gender differences vocalics

-women are more socialized to use more vocal variety -women tend to end their sentences with upward inflection (implies lack of certainty)

biased language

-word choice that suggests prejudice or preconceptions about other people -perpetuate differences, affect how other perceive you ie) causal sex for MEN = player for WOMAN = easy

verbal communication

-words -verbal fillers (mhm, ah, oh)

language is arbitrary and symbolic

-words can have multiple meaning -connotative vs. denotative -humans GIVE meaning to words and meaning can CHANGE

language is abstract

-words represent aspects of our environment --> labeling a word simplifies and distorts our concept (can loose meaning) -should not PREVENT communicators from attempting to address difficult issues --> force us to seek clarification -can be used as GROUP IDENTIFICATION -high (general/vague meaning) vs. low (specific meaning) abstraction ie) transportation VS 2006 red convertible

gender and language

WOMAN = conversation is a NEGOTIATION for CLOSENESS and CONNECTION MEN = conversation is CONTROL, INDEPENDENCE, and HIERARCHY -when status is EQUAL, MEN interrupt more than women -WOMEN use more --> intensifiers, qualifiers, hedges, disclaimers, tag questions, indirect language B/C it's what is acceptable for women


YOU meeting your need for security by adapting something about your in a way ti was NOT designed to do ie) playing with your hair, chewing your finger nails


given prominence to a certain word or syllable HIGH or LOW

undue influence

gives information greater credibility than it truly warrants -leads to prejudice -holding certain beliefs --> existing schema may cause you to interpret situation incorrectly


habitual movements, satisfy physical or psychological need, used as comfort (self-adaptor vs. object adapter) ie) rubbing eye when tired, playing with hair when nervous


heighten/intensify topic ie) VERY happy


how loud or soft

expectancy violation theory

how people respond when the nonverbal expectation they are waiting for or expect are NOT met ie) walk in elevator and face the people --> will make people uncomfortable


how the voice is modulated --> express feeling or mood


how we use words for ourselves and others, constricts communication ie) being labeled an academic


impression of a group of people that is fixed, apply test of perceptions on entire group p


include cues that give us information about emotional and physical state ie) yawning, crying, sighing *vocal quality --> nasally, rhythm of speech, accent *uptalk --> at the end of each sentence raise voice *nonword fillers --> shh..., clearing throat * back channel cues --> signals that you want to talk or encourage other to talk (mhmm, yeah)


intentional movement that reinforce the verbal messages and help visually explain what is being sad --> ADD or clarify ie) holding up hands as gesture of how big fish was + saying the fish was this big


intentional movements that have a direct verbal translation and can be used as a SUBSTITUTE or reinforce words ie)thumbs up for okay

object adaptor

involves use of an OBJECT in a way that it was not designed ie) tapping on pencil, chewing on eraser

communication competence

knowledge of effective and appropriate communication patterns and the ability to use and adapt that knowledge in various contexts --> can be LEARNED

distorted perception

lead us to judge based on information that is most vidi to use or what stands out ie) headlines in newspaper

recency effect

leads us to put more weight not he most recent impression we have of a person's communication over earlier impression -POS beginning can be tarnished by NEG end


learned system of thought and behavior that typifies a large group of people --> beliefs, values, practices -applies to any group -includes, NVC, conscious behavior and verbal language -including topics we SHATRE and in what setting and how we INTERPRET


level of negative thoughts regarding himself for herself -high = insecure, experience emotional distress, unstable -low = more relaxed and have less emotional swings and perceived as more stable


level of self organization and motivation -high = methodical, motivated, dependable -low = less focused, less careful, less dependable


meaning of words and how to interpret them


new schema is formed as you learn new information or have new experiences --> better adjust ie)new experience of hairless cat --> not all cats are adorable

semantic noise

noise that occurs in the encoding and decoding process when participants do not understand a symbol ie) words having multiple meanings

big 5 personality

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism


order of words in a sentence (flexible or not, open to style)


organize information base don difference --> things that look or act different from the rest don't belong

cultural myopia

people FAIL to consider the other culture perspective, believe own culture is appropriate and relevant in ALL situations


person's interests in interacting with others ie) introvert vs.extrovert


person's level of trustworthiness and friendliness -high = cooperative and likable -low = suspicious of others and sometimes aggressive


person's willingness to consider nw ideas and perspectives -high = creative and open minded -low = rigid and set int their thinking --> set int their way

relational context (Trans)

previous interpersonal history and type of relationship we have with a person ie)difficult relationship = avoid communication or text instead of face to face communication

formal time

professional situations in which we are expected to be on time or even early

complement NVC

reinforcing verbal communication


replace an expression that shows true feeling with an expression that shows a different feeling ie)actors, servers at restaurants

horn effect

when finial negative perceptions lead us to view later interactions as negative ie) showing up late to interview

halo effect

when the initial positive perceptions lead us to view later interactions position ie) being recommend by highly regarded teacher

research on paralanguage

whiny voices are perceived as ANNOYING

primary effect

why first impressions are enduring -hard to go from NEG to POS

gender difference self-presentation

woman = accentuate their physical attractiveness -men = accentuate signs of status & wealth -difference exaggerate exist biological differences

fundamental attribution error

we overestimate the internal and underestimate the external cues of behaviors in OTHERS

NVC and deception


NVC in culture

-INNATE b/c it's universally recognized ie) eyebrows flash when we see someone we know, smiling (but what triggers that smile varies culture to culture) -DIFF in eye contact, touch, space

why we disclose

-NEEDS *self-focused = catharsis *others = inform/educate * interpersonal = maintain trust/intimacy friendship *situational = other person is available, directly asking, involved/affect by info


-a generalized (sometimes accurate but often overgeneralized) belief about a group of people -schemata that are taken too far as they reduce individuality --> lack of information -FIX BY: gain exposure


-a qualifier, such as probably, that makes a statement ambiguous - I feel, I guess


-a word or phrase that clarifies, modifies, or limits the meaning of another word or phrase ie) kinda, maybe

decode turn-taking

-ability to decode turn-taking signals can help ensure smooth convo -better competence = in control conversation -interrupting should be avoided --> try gestures instead


-ability to influence people and events (vary by context) -autocratic (self directed) vs. abdicate (shift burden of responsibility to others for control) DEMOCRAT: share the need between individual and group

nonverbal communication

-accounts for more than 1/2 of meaning of message meaning -important for professional communication -convey message WITH and WITHOUT words -spontaneous and unintentional -can be ambiguous ie) tearing up --> happy or sad tears -believe NV over verbal

intercultural challenges

-anxiety --> about how they will be perceived (more POS experience, more confident with interacting ) -ethnocentrism -discrimination


-appoints can be overlapping, can miss events for appointment and family obligations ie) Spain and Mexico


-appreciation is BASIC to all humans --> recognized and feel like we belong -underpersonal (limited interaction) vs. over personal ( strong need to be liked and constantly seek attention) -PERSONAL INDIVIDUAL --> healthy balance

language has rules

-arranged according to syntax -code of symbols, letters, word with arbitrary meaning

impression and interpretation

-as we perceive others, we make impressions about personality, likability, attractiveness and other characteristics -brain is predictive --> impression fill this need --> allow us to determine how we will proceed with an interaction after quick assessment -more social skilled people have hight accuracy prediction interaction base don first impression

Social Penetration Theory

-as you get to know someone, we engage in reciprocal process of self-disclosure that changes in breadth (range of topics) and depth (how sensitive) -PEEL THROUGH THE LAYERS OF AN ONION

physical appearance

-attractiveness -physical characteristics -clothing --> artifacts

why do people believe NVC over VC

-b/c you can't control NVC

Schutz's interpersonal needs

-basic needs on a continuum for each person -affection -control -belonging

improving perception

-be THOUGHTFUL when seeking explain -look BEYOND first impression -QUESTION your assumption --> don't assume you know what others thing based on group affiliation

improving NVC

-be aware of Expectancy violation theory and immediacy behavior --> think about the CONTEXT and frame of reference of others -aware of nonverbal behavior -ask for FEEDBACK about your nonverbal -take time to ASSESS the nonverbal behaviors of others

improving competence

-be mindful --> active and fluidly process info, sensitive to communication context and multiple perspectives, able to adapt to novel situations


-behavior towards a person or group based only on their membership in a particular group, class, or category -when these attitudes negatively impact how you behavior towards that group or class

immediacy behavior

-behaviors that promote a sense of closeness through specific verbal, vocal, and visual behavior -great leaders use these immediacy behaviors to great affect ie)touch, eye contact, tone of voice

characteristics of effective communication

-being strategic (purposeful, audience oriented, persuasive) -professionalism (appropriate to the situation/context, clear and concise, ethical) -being adaptable (culturally sensitive, collaborative)

relational context

creating status, understanding between or among individuals ie) using titles like my BF or my manager

reality is shaped by language

-see the world thought a shade of what you've been taught, learned, experienced -paradigms


-select stimuli that pass through our perceptual filters -depends on salience

why we don't disclose

-self-focused = fear of REJECTION, loss of privacy -other focused= they can't protect info -interpersonal = fear of losing relationship, info is not necessary -situational = lack of time, lack of suitable environment -timing = how the other person is feeling

language in context

-situational vs. relation context

communication apprehension

-someone's fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication (varies person, context, situation) -15-20% have high CA vs. 70% some CA ie) fear of public speaking, but not just that

space and NVC

-space between objects and people -diverse cultures have DIFF normative space expectations -social rank = who gets the corner office, heard of table

unintentional NVC

-still send message to others even if you don't mean to ie) sending a facial expression, not waving back to someone

strong verbal behaviors

-strong = power -confidant movement and good posture gives off CONFIDENCE and COMFORT -relaxed behavior in their space/group -even by VIOLATING other people's personal space --> intimidating (negative) -DEMANDING of space --> man spreading, shows toughness vs. women should be accommodating of space

high power distance

-strong hierarchy based on class, birth order, job, order among group --> differ between superior and subordinate -anxiety when talking to people from high class ie) India, China, Japan


-structuring of inflation into a timeline to determine cause and effect of our communicate interactions (interpersonally) -differences of this ESCALATE conflict ie) joe start project friday, mary start monday --> to avoid conflict they need to match their punctuation (where the conflict started)


-study of how we use and communicate with space -informal distance and space can VARY by culture, family and individual -territoriality and environment


-system of symbols (words) that we use to think about and communicate -symbolics that represent people, ideas, or things (only humans) -agreed upon by a community -symbols alone are NOT enough

ways to treat PSA

-systematic desensitization -cognitive restructuring -skills training

hidden dimension of space

-territory = CONROL (willing to defend, responsible) -personal space = space surrounding each individual --> VARYS by culture (contact vs. non contact)

Interpersonal attribution

-the assumption that another person is doing something because of her or his character or disposition ie) b/c you are friends

collectivist culture

-the good of the group before their own individual interest, obligation -group perspective = cooperation, harmony, decision making, longterm friendships -emphasis on hierarchy ie) Latin American, Arab, Asian


-the study of body motions as a systematic mode of communication -tied to culture (emblems, illustrators, regulators, adaptors, affect displays)


-transMISSION model doesn't account for (throw a ball) -transACTION model accounts for (play catch) -send/receive message through subjective lens based on past experiences

nature of communication

-unavoidable strategic -irreversible -a process

NVC is....

1. fluid --> involves entire body, always in motion, NEVER the same, IRREVERSIBLE 2. FAST --> give out thoughts/feelings away before we are even aware --> intentional/not 3. add to or replace verbal (kinesics ) 4. UNIVERSAL --> may not look the same or get use din the same way, but it still will be NVC in function/display 5. confusing and contextual --> need context clues and prior knowledge 6. intentional or not intentional 7. communicate feeling/attitude --> react faster than you think, first reaction is NOT true reaction (it can change) --> use of words to clarify 8. MORE THAN VERBAL --> more confident in NVC> VC 9. speaker/audience relationship --> adds to first impression and expectations

influences on perception

1. physical (style of dress, body features) *dress --> Milgram experiment --> white coat = authority *attractive people are evaluated more positive 2.environment --> material objects that surround a person -furniture, posters 3.selective distortion --> adapt information that conflicts without earlier impression ignorer to make it fit within the frame we have established earlier

theories of self-disclosure penetration 2. social comparison 3. johari window


93% of the time we communicate emotions NV and 55% with facial gestures


A negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority.

situational attribution

attributing behavior to the environment ie) b/c you went to lunch

dispositional attribution

attributing behavior to the person's disposition and traits ie) b/c they are nosy


accessories we use to decorate the body, can communicate information ie) pursues, watches, engagement rings, tattoos -CAN CHANGE OVER TIME ie) thoughts about tatoos in the work place

gender differences

all differences are small and culturally learned

self-fulfilling prophecy

an expectation that causes you to act in ways that make that expectation come true.

environmental noise

any physical noise present in a communication encounter --> transmission of the message ie) noise in a restaurant


anything that interferes with the message being sent between participants in a communication encounter

external attribution

attributing behavior to outside a personal control

internal attribution

attributing behavior to personality


context in which words are used

impress management

control NV expression and competently encode them

affect display

convey feels, moods, reactions ie) slumping in your chair b/c your in trouble, raise a fist when you score a goal

information time

causal and interpersonal relationships in which there is more more variation in time in terms of expectation of promptness

challenges with schema

cause use to exclude important information, focus on thins that confirm our preexisting ideas/beliefs --> stereotypes or misinformation schema -mindlessness, selection perception, distorted perception, undue influence

perceptual barriers

challenges we may encounter that gives rise to barriers in competent communication -narrow perspective, cultural myopia, stereotyping, prejudice

denotative meaning

commonly accepted definition

intercultural communication

communication between people from different cultures who have different worldview --> expectations and interpretation -must be aware how diverse cultures influence communication

improving communication

competence = vocabulary and tone confidence = build skill and apply knowledge

power distance

considers the way power and status is divided among individuals and how cultures perceive inequality and authority


we claim an area through continuous occupation of that area even in a public space ie) sitting at the same desk every class, parking spot = feel irritation if someone takes our spot


deep seated feeling of unkindness and ill-will for entire group or individual --> based on negative stereotypes


degree to which something attracts our attention -content of message, fits our needs, interests us - as communicator = clearly states how it fits our needs, adapt topic to interest, minimize distractions, reliever message enthusiastically

connotative meaning

emotional or attitudinal response people have to a word

selection perception

select information based on existing schema usually in a biased manner ie) handpicking facts that only support thesis

pregnant pause

silence between verbal messages that is full of meaning -pause speaks volume

civil inattention

social norm that leads us to avoid making eye contact with people in situations that deviate from the expected social dorm ie) not helping when someone falls, ignoring when someone is crying


sort and categorize information that we perceive based on innate and learned cognitive partners (schema) -proximity, similarity, difference -simplicity isn't a bag thing, without it we wouldn't be able to function -brain INNATELY categorizes and files info and experiences alter it for retrieval -judgement placed on partners and categories are NOT natural

cultural context (trans)

specific to culture to culture (race, gender, nationality etc) ie) direct vs. indirect communication

social context (Trans)

stated rules or unstated norms that guide communication ie) raise your hand in last to be called on vs. talking with a group of friends

perception checking

strategy to help us monitor our reactions to and perception about people -internal (what is influencing my perception) vs. external (using others for feedback to verify perception )


subconscious practices using nonverbal cues in a way that match those around us -implicit function (help fit into a group_ -innate and subconscious

nonverbal codes

symbolics we use to send message without or in addition to verbal messages

assumed similarity

tendency to perceive others as similar to us -b/c we don't have enough info about a person to know personality --> we fill in gaps -assume that people have similar attitudes or likes or dislikes as us -research finds people with similar personalities group together


things that are close together go together ie) assuming two people in line are in the same order when they aren't


things that are similar acting/looking belong together

public speaking anxiety

type of CA that produces PHYSIOLOGICAL, cognitive, and behavioral abreaction in people when faced with real or imagined presentation

nonverbal leakage

unconscious spillover of emotions into nonverbal behavior


uncritical passive information processing -reduced cognitive activity -inaccruate recall -un-critical evaluation

hate speech

uses words to deride a person or group, language offends, threatens, insults, does so based on identifiable characteristics


using personal characteristics to try to explain behavior internal vs. external


volume we speak at is specific context is more generally influenced by culture ie) US enjoy personal space talk loud vs. societies that don't value personal space

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