CNA Chapter 5

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True/False: A nursing assistant should use her hands to pick up large pieces of broken glass and use a broom and dustpan for smaller pieces


True/False: Blood circulation increases as a person ages


True/False: Handwashing will not help control the spread of MRSA


True/False: Infections are less dangerous in the elderly than they are in younger people


True/False: Nutrition is not normally a factor in preventing infections


True/False: Once vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) is established it is relatively easy to get rid of


True/False: The elderly are less likely than younger people to have healthcare-associated infections


True/False: The elderly have a lower risk for infection than younger people


True/False: Under Standard Precautions, body fluids do not include saliva


True/False: Waste containing blood or body fluids should be disposed of in the resident's trash can and the housekeeping department should be notified


True/False: Waste that contains blood can be disposed of in the regular trash can


True/False: disinfectant should be placed directly on the spilled fluid before absorbing and removing the fluid


Droplet precautions

For Diseases that are spread by droplets in the air. Normally do not travel more than 6 ft. Ex. Influenza

contact precautions

For diseases spread by direct contact with a person or an object. Ex. Conjunctivitis (pink eye), C. Diff

Contact protections

Gloves, Gown, resident isolation

If blood or body fluids may be splashed or sprayed into the eye area, proper protection for the eyes is


Which of the following is true of hepatitis B (HBV)

HBV can be transmitted through blood or needles that are contaminated with the virus

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal government agency that protects workers from

Hazards on the job

The bloodborne pathogens standard is a federal requirement which states that

Healthcare employers must have a written exposure control plan designed to eliminate or reduce employee exposure to infectious material

Employers must offer a free vaccine to protect nursing assistants from

Hepatitis B

What type of personal protective equipment may be needed when caring for a resident with a respiratory illness

Mask and goggles

The word resistant in multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) means that

Medications can no longer kill the specific bacteria

The following are necessary links in the chain of infection. Which link is broken by wearing gloves, thus preventing the spread of disease

Mode of transmission (a way for a disease to spread)

Airborne precautions

Prevent the spread of pathogens that can be transmitted through the air after being expelled ex. tuberculosis

how should sharps such as needles be disposed of?

Sharps should be placed in biohazard containers

When a resident is in isolation

She needs to feel that her feelings are understood by care team members

By getting a vaccination shot for hepatitis B, which link will a person affect to prevent him from getting this disease

Susceptible host

Why is it important for an employee to report any potential exposures immediately

To protect the employees health and the health of others

Nursing assistants play an important role in protecting elderly residents from infections


True/False: A nursing assistant should wash her hands before donning (putting on) gloves


True/False: Following Standard Precautions means treating all blood, body fluids, non-intact skin, and mucous membranes as if they were infected


True/False: Frequent hand washing can help prevent the spread of VRE


True/False: Frequent handwashing can help prevent the spread if VRE


True/False: Giving mouth care is one task that requires a nursing assistant to wear gloves


True/False: It is normal for a person's immune system to grow weaker as he or she ages


True/False: Limited Mobility increases the risk of pressure injuries among the elderly


True/False: MRSA can be spread through indirect contact by touching objects contaminated by a person with MRSA


True/False: Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is almost always spread by direct physical contact


True/False: VRE causes life threatening infections in people with weak immune systems


True/False: an absorbing powder may be used to absorb the spill before removing it


A nursing assistant (NA) will come into contact with microorganisms

Every time the NA touches something

True/False: A nursing assistant can usually tell if someone is infectious just by looking at him


True/False: A nursing assistant does not need to wear gloves to clean up a very small spill


True/False: A nursing assistant should carefully recap using syringes before putting them in a biohazard container


What type of personal protective equipment is used most often by caregivers


The CDC defines hand hygiene as

handwashing with soap and water and using alcohol based hand rubs

Mode of transmission

how a pathogen travels

Transmission-based precautions are used

in addition to standard precautions

Alcohol-based hand rubs are used

in addition to washing with soap and water


in health care, objects that have not been contaminated with pathogens

Bloodborne diseases can be transmitted by

infected blood entering the bloodstream

Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)

infections acquired in healthcare settings during the delivery of medical care

infection prevention

methods practiced in healthcare facilities to prevent and control the spread of disease


occurs when pathogens invade the body and multiply

Standard precautions should be practiced

on every single person under a nursing assistant's care

How many times can disposable equipment be used before it needs to be discarded

one time


only to be used once and then discarded

Causative agent

pathogen that causes disease

Why should a nursing assistant not wear artificial nails to work

they harbor bacteria and increase risk of contamination

True/False: hand washing and proper handling of contaminated wastes can help prevent C. diff


transmission-based precautions

used in addition to standard precautions for patients with suspected infection Include airborne, droplet, or contact precautions

Standard precautions include the following measures

wearing gloves if there is a possibility of coming into contact with blood, body fluids, mucous membranes, or broken skin


where pathogens live and multiply

5 Chains of infection

1. Causative Agent 2. Reservoir 3. Portal of exit 4. Mode of transmission 5. Portal of entry 6. Susceptible host

What is the correct order for doffing PPE (gloves, mask, goggles, gown)

1. Gloves 2. Goggles, 3. gown 4. mask

What is the correct order for donning PPE (gloves, mask, goggles, gown)

1. Gown 2. Mask 3. Goggles 4. Gloves

How long should a nursing assistant use friction when lathering and washing her hands

20 seconds

Standard Precautions

A strict form of infection control that is based on the assumption that all blood and other body fluids are infectious.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

How should dirty linen be rolled or folded?

Dirty area is inside


In health care, objects that have been contaminated with pathogens

In what type of environment do microorganisms grow best

In warm, dark, moist places

How does the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affect the body

It weakens the immune system so that the body cannot fight infection

Airborne protection

N95 or HEPA mask

What does OSHA consider a significant exposure

NA is stuck by a needle, mucous membrane contact, a cut from an object containing infectious body fluid (bites), Non-intact skin (including acne)

Which of the following is true of wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) while caring for residents in isolation

Nursing assistants would remove PPE before exiting a resident's room


Occupational Safety and Health Administration

How many times can a gown be work before it needs to be discarded

One time

According to OSHA employers must give all employees, residents, and visitors


Actions that cause droplets

Talking, coughing, sneezing, laughing, singing, suctioning

Which of the following is the primary route of disease transmission within healthcare settings

The hands of healthcare workers

Which of the following is true of Transmission-Based Precautions

They are practiced in addition to standard precautions

TB disease is more likely to develop in people

Who have weakened immune systems


a harmful microorganism


a living thing that is only visible under a microscope


a measure that destroys all microorganisms, including pathogens


a process that kills pathogens but does not destroy all pathogens

tuberculosis is

an airborne disease

systemic infection

an infection that is in the bloodstream and spread throughout the body

localized infection

an infection that is limited to a specific location in the body

Susceptible host

an uninfected person who could become ill

Portal of exit

any body opening on an infected person that allows pathogens to leave

Portal of entry

any body opening on an uninfected person that allows pathogens to enter

Tuberculosis may be transmitted

by coughing

A person with TB disease

can infect others

someone with latent TB infection

cannot infect others

Dirty linen should be

carried away from the NA's uniform

In health care, the most common way to get a blood borne disease is by

contact with infected blood or certain body fluids

Dedicated equipment refers to

equipment that is only used by one resident

Droplet protection

face mask, covering mouth during sneezing, washing hands, distancing

Chain of Infection

factors that lead to the transmission or spread of disease

True/False: Increasing the use of antibiotics helps lower the risk of developing C. diff diarrhea


True/False: both hand sanitizers and washing hands with soap and water are considered equally effective when dealing with C. diff


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