CNA Exam: Unit 1 and 2

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The normal respiratory rate in a healthy adult is:

14 to 20 respirations per minute

What is the normal heart rate for a healthy adult?

60 to 100 beats per minute

The normal body temperature range for an older adult is:

95 to 98.6 F

Alzheimer's disease is:

A disease of the brain cells that control memory, thinking, judgment, and personality

Which is not types of activity offered by the activity department


Who directs and is responsible for all functions of the long term care community?


Validation therapy:

Allows disoriented people to express their feelings in a safe environment

The most common form of dementia is:

Alzheimer's disease

Mrs. Anderson 81 yr. old, says she needs to get home because it is late and her mother will be worried. As a nursing assistant you use validation therapy and:

Ask her about her mother

If you notice signs or symptoms of abuse or neglect, you should:

Call the Missouri abuse hot line and report your concerns to the supervising nurse immediately

What is rehabilitation?

Health care to help people maintain or return to their highest level of normal activity after an illness or injury

Height and weight, temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure should be taken upon admission and every morning before the patient eats their breakfast.

Ht., wt., vs upon admission and Q AM ac

Which of the following is a correct nursing approach for the resident who is confused?

It is important to create a calm, orderly routine for the resident who is confused.

Patients with a mental health disorder such as schizophrenia or a personality disorder:

May be admitted to a general unit for treatment of a medical problem

When caring for a confused person, the nursing assistant should:

Provide a clock, calendar, and familiar objects in the person's room

Patient's families are a valuable member of the health care team and play an important role by:

Providing support and reassurance for the patients

When caring for people from cultures different from their own, the nursing assistant should:

Respect the different ways people view health care based on their culture

It is 11:00 PM and Mr. Chester insists that it is time to get up and go to work. He is getting very angry with the staff as they try to get him back into bed. To prevent a catastrophic reaction, the nursing assistant should:

Speak with him in a calm, quiet manner about his work

The CNA having attended this class knows that he/she should report any abnormal findings. Which of the following sets of vital signs is within the normal limits for a 79 year old male resident without any significant physical health problems?

T 98.6?, P 68, R 14, BP 120/80

Why is safety a major concern with patients who are confused or mentally ill?

They may make poor decisions or act in ways that are unsafe

The nursing assistant can create a calm, low-stress environment for people with dementia by:

Treating people with respect, not arguing with them

Mrs. Schmitt, a 94 year old nursing home resident with Alzheimer's disease, is very upset and asking for her mother. Which of the following responses would be an example of using validation therapy with Mrs. Schmitt?

You must miss your mother; tell me about her.

Mr. Germaine has Alzheimer's disease. This morning he became angry when the nursing assistant tried to help him wash his face, and he hit her. This is called:

a catastrophic reaction

A sudden damage to the brain due to either hemorrhage or blockage of an artery is called:

a cerebrovascular accident (stroke)

Mrs. Foster points to an empty chair and tells the nursing assistant that she is having dinner with George Washington. This is an example of

a hallucination

What is tachycardia?

a heart rate above 100 beats per minute

What is bradycardia?

a heart rate less than 60 beats per minute

What is the nursing assistant registry?

a record of everyone who certified as a nursing assistant in that state

A person who plans and directs social and recreational activities is a/an:

activity director

Care provided during a short-term illness or injury is:

acute care

To take an accurate blood pressure reading, the nursing assistant should remember to:

allow the patient to rest for 10 to 20 minutes before taking the blood pressure

amb c walker x 2 assist tid to meals, report c/o hip pain means

ambulate with walker with two people assisting three times a day to meals, report complaints of hip pain

Mrs. Knutson has a fear of cats. She does get nervous and will not relax if a cat is in the area. This is called:

an anxiety disorder

What is a stethoscope?

an instrument used to listen to heart or lung sounds

Which of the following is a language difficulty due to brain damage?


The most accurate pulse reading


What does a sphygmomanometer measure?

blood pressure

Religious beliefs and practices do not affect a person's views about:

career choices

The nursing assistants receive their assignments from:

charge nurse

Who does the CNA report to and take direction from?

charge nurse

The nurse assistant is responsible for

checking the activity calendar daily

Mental health disorders can be caused by:

chemical imbalances

Which of the following is a basic right of residents?

choice of physician privacy and confidentiality free from verbal abuse, or any other abuse

A nurse aide refuses to discuss a resident's condition with a neighbor. Which one of the resident's rights is being protected:


A mental state in which people do not know who the people around them are, where they are, or what time period they are in is called:


Spiritual beliefs and needs are:

considered when planning care

Mrs. Hernandez uses herbs and spices to help treat her physical illness. This is an example of which type of practice?


The values, beliefs, and customs of a group of people are known as their:


Who is responsible for supervising all members of the nursing department?

director of nursing

The person with schizophrenia:

does not see reality correctly

You have made an error in charting on a resident's chart. Which one of the following examples below is the procedure for correcting it?

draw one line through it, write the word "mistaken entry" and initial

Giving care only in exchange for gifts or tips is:


A nursing assistant answers the telephone at the nursing station. The doctor who is calling wants to give a verbal order, and the nursing assistant tells the doctor that she is a nurse and can take the order. What has the nurse assistant committed?


ff, @ least 2000/24hr, I & O, VS q shift means

frequent fluids, at least 2000cc in 24 hours. Intake and output, vital signs every shift.

A person who is confused may become:


When adults are ill and need help to meet their needs, they may feel:


Why have most health care facilities stopped using glass thermometers?

glass thermometers contain mercury, which can be harmful

How is the BP affected by blood loss?

goes down

In the medical record, vital signs are recorded on the :

graphic form

What does a social worker do?

helps organize services to provide care after the patient leaves the hospital

Which is not included on the state nursing assistant registry?

home address

Which of the following conditions would not be a cause of confusion?


Abuse is:

hurting a person physically, emotionally, or sexually

A blood pressure reading above 150/90 is called:


A blood pressure reading below 90/60 mm Hg is called:


Where is an aural temperature taken?

in the ear

Where is the tympanic temperature taken?

in the ear

Where is an oral temperature taken?

in the mouth

Before performing a task, nursing assistants should ask themselves all of the following except:

is the doctor available for supervision and questions

Nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities are called:

long term care facilities

Being involved in clubs, social groups, and activities meets which level of need?

love and belonging

Having close meaningful relationships with other people meets a person's need for:

love and belonging

A person who has stage I dementia or Alzheimer's Disease

may have difficulty concentrating

Which of the following changes is a normal part of the aging nervous system?

mild slowing of response

Which of the following is not part of the normal aging process of the sensory system?

need for decreased lighting

The resident has no water at the bedside. This is


Observing daily that a wound is becoming infected and not reporting it to the charge nurse is:


Which member of the health care team gives hands-on patient care such as bathing and feeding under the supervision of a nurse?

nursing assistant

Who has more direct contact with the patient than any other member of the health care team?

nursing assistant

Mr. Simone did not go to the exercise class today. This is

objective data

What type of information are Mr. Simone's vital signs?

objective data

People who have a fear of dirt and wash their hands over and over until they are red and raw may have:

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Which member of the health care team focuses on fine motor skills and helps residents learn the skills they need to resume activities of daily living such as dressing and grooming?

occupational therapist

Abused and neglected individuals are:

often ill, weak or dependent

Alzheimer's disease is most commonly seen in people:

over 65

Which member of the health care team fills prescriptions and teaches and advises patients about drugs?


Air, water, food, and shelter are examples of:

physical needs

Making sure that your patients have fresh water and receive their meals on time meets which level of need?

physical needs

What is the most basic human need found at the base of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

physical needs

Who helps patients relearn skills such as getting out of bed and how to use equipment such as crutches and walkers?

physical therapist

Care plan is a:

plan of action for each resident to fulfill their basic needs

The nurse assistant can participate in the activity program by

playing checkers with the resident

What is diastolic blood pressure?

pressure in the artery when the heart is at rest

What is systolic blood pressure?

pressure in the artery when the heart is pumping

How is the pulse affected by anxiety, blood loss, or exercise?

pulse rate goes up

What site is most frequently used for taking a pulse?

radial artery

Who is responsible for looking at a patient's nutritional needs and supervising meal planning and preparation?

registered dietitian

Resident is to amb bid in am & pm, then W/C ad lib

resident to ambulate twice a day in morning and evening, then wheel chair as desired

Which skill demonstrates good teamwork and communication?

respecting personal and cultural differences

One of your patients, Ms. Suzie Jones, has a has a temperature of 98.6 F, a pulse of 80 and a respiratory rate of 30. Which findings do you need to report?


Breathing treatments and procedures are performed by the:

respiratory therapist

Health care that helps people to maintain or return to their highest level of normal activity after an illness or injury is:

restorative care

What should you observe when taking a person's pulse?

rhythm, number of beats, strength, vital signs

Centigrade and Fahrenheit are:

scales used for measuring body temperature

When people are creative and fulfill their full potential, they have met the highest level need for:


The care plan is developed by

setting short and long term goals and means of achieving them

Ms. Smith is mildly confused, but she is friendly to those around her and enjoys their company. When you assist her to the weekly Happy Hour on Friday afternoon, she becomes agitated and tries to push the glass of wine out of your hand. Ms. Smith is unable to tell you why she is upset and keeps repeating "NO; it is not allowed" when you ask what is wrong. Why do you think Ms. Smith may be responding this way?

she is Mormon and her religion restricts alcohol

Who would the resident go to see in regard to financial resources?

social worker

A person who has difficulty speaking or a swallowing disorder would be assisted by the:

speech therapist

Someone who continues to be in good physical health but memory loss is apparent, problems begin to present, and may have disorientation to time may be in

stage I

Someone who cannot function alone, becomes increasingly more dependent on caregivers and is disorientated to person, place, and time may have

stage III Alzheimers

Someone who is totally dependent , has severe physical problems, and near end of life may be in ____________ of Alzheimers

stage IV

What piece of equipment is needed to take an apical pulse?


Mr. Simone seems to be depressed. This is

subjective data

After completing the nursing assistant training program, you will be able to:

take a person's temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure

The amount of heat in the body is called:


What are ethics?

the discipline that addresses what is good or bad, and what is moral duty and obligation

An irregular pulse means:

the heart is beating in an uneven pattern

What is the heart rate?

the number of time the heart beats in 1 minute

Signs and symptoms of abuse may include all of the following except:

the person is calm and talks easily to the medical provider

What is the purpose of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation act of 1987(OBRA)?

to improve quality of care for nursing home residents

Where is an axillary temperature taken?

under the arm

Which of the following is an example of unprofessional behavior?

using drugs or alcohol before reporting to work

Slander is:

verbal defamatory false remark that damages the reputation of another

All of the following are forms of nonverbal communication except:


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