Cog Neuro Exam 2

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With regard to the two main output pathways from the occipital lobe, _____ is to _____ as dorsal is to ventral.

"where"; "what"

Which characteristics of brain activity is promising for the potential to decode dreams in the future?

Activity patterns during perception resemble those generated when people imagine the same object

Peng and colleagues manipulated the behavior of mice by activating differential regions of the gustatory cortex. Based on their findings, which of the following scenarios is MOST plausible if translated to human behavior?

Alena frequently chooses to drink coffee at her favorite dessert bar, even if she isn't eating dessert

Which of the following is NOT a type of corpuscle used for somatosensation?


You are walking down the street and talking to a friend when suddenly, you realize that the song you have been humming was from the concert you went to together. This is an example of _____ attention

Endogenous, overt

The _____ ERP is associated most closely with the direction of attention to spatial location of a visually presented object


Which of the following would show the most severe signs of extinction?

When the objects on each side of the person are identical

With regard to perception, the term feature refers to

a fundamental component of a visual pattern, such as edge, orientation, or color

Joan is a patient who had a stroke in her left parietal lobe and has extinction as a result of her injury. When placed in a driving simulator she would be most likely to miss which stimulus when stopped at a virtual crosswalk and staring straight ahead?

a pedestrian on the passenger side when a second pedestrian is on the driver side at the same time

Which of the following is NOT one of the basic tastes?


When a person who has learned to read proficiently subsequently develops reading problems as a result of brain injury, this deficit is called

acquired alexia

If you have a client that has a lesion in V5 due to a stroke, what type of deficit would that person exhibit?


A patient who has difficulty matching pictures of the same object taken from different vantage points may be showing which dysfunction?

apperceptive visual agnosia

When a picture of a hammer is placed in front of Patient H, she is unable to identify it, How can you determine if her difficulty is in recognizing the object or in simply remembering its name?

ask her to demonstrate its use rather than identifying it

In ERP studies of performance on the dichotic listening task, Hilliard and colleagues (1973) found that _____ signals are accompanied by negative-polarity waveform that is relatively large and peaks at approximately 180 milliseconds after stimulus presentation


If you are trying to find a specific key in the drawer of your desk, and are filtering out all other non-key objects out of your visual system, you are using the process called


Treisman (1969) proposed that unattended information is not completely excluded from higher analysis, but is merely ______


Which of the following disorders may be associated with impaired facial perception?

autism spectrum disorder

High-frequency sounds primarily activate hair cells at the _____ of the cochlea, whereas low-frequency sounds primarily activate the hair cells at the _____ of the cochlea

base (thicker end); apex (thinner end)

Studies of cortical organization in blind people have shown that compared to sighted people,

blind people show increased activity in the occipital cortex when given tactile discrimination tasks but not when idly swiping their fingers over rough surfaces

You are working on trying to get both your calculus homework and cognitive neuroscience homework done by a midnight deadline. You accidentally write your calculus answer in your neuroscience homework. This is most likely due to an error in which attentional system?

both the ventral system and the dorsal system

The term associative visual agnosia is reserved for patients who

cannot recognize objects despite having normal perceptual representations

A review of outcomes compared children who had received cochlear implants at ages ranging from 6 months to 6 years. Which of the following best describes the findings of this review?

children who received the implant before 12 months of age had superior communication outcomes

In the auditory system, the basilar membrane is located within the


Konishi's model of spatial hearing in the barn owl posits that interaural time is computed using _____, whereas interaural intensity differences are computed using _____

coincidence detectors; relative rate of firing

The highest density of _____, or color-sensitive photoreceptors, can be found in the _____ of the retina

cones; fovea

You are looking for a friend who is supposed to meet you in a crowded lecture hall. You know that she is wearing a grey sweatshirt and glasses. Which kind of visual search best describes the situation?

conjunction search

What is a major problem with Balient syndrome?

contralesional objects

Your attentional networks sometimes are focused on different things than your eyes, especially if you are trying to pay attention to more than one thing at a time. To do this, you use

covert attention

Optic ataxia is to associative visual agnosia as _____ lesions are to _____ lesions

dorsal pathway; ventral pathway

A stimulus does not have to be completely analyzed before it can be either selected for further processing or rejected as irrelevant is explained by the _____ theory

early selection

Results of the Posner spatial cueing task showed that cueing participants to the location of an upcoming target decreased their reaction time to detect it because attention enhanced perceptual processing for the target. This finding is most consistent with _____ models of attention.


If you have a patient with significant photoreceptor loss, what is the BEST treatment available that you can offer?

epiretinal implants

Patients with _____ are unable to detect a visual stimulus presented on the contralesional side of space if this stimulus is presented at the same time as a stimulus on the ipsilesional side of the visual field


Prosopagnosia is to alexia as _____ is to _____

face recognition; reading

Which of the following BEST describes why facial perception is unique compared to object or word recognition?

facial recognition requires a sum of parts

In target visual tasks, the amount of time it takes to find a target among distracters is dependent on the number of distracters if the target can be identified by a single feature


In one of the earliest studies of visual attention, Helmholtz (1894) constructed a screen on which letters were painted at various distances from the center. Following a brief illumination, where could he remember the letters the best?

from the center

The primary olfactory cortex is located at the junction of the _____ and the _____ lobes

frontal; temporal

In the auditory system, the conversion of sound waves into action potentials occurs in the

hair cells

Which area of the body has the greatest amount of representation in the human primary somatosensory cortex?


A patient like G.S. who had visual object agnosia would have difficulty in identifying an object unless

he was permitted to touch the object before making a response

Information about the left hand is processed

in the right hemisphere for the primary somatosensory cortex and bilaterally for the secondary somatosensory cortex

The "what" versus "where: distinction is supported by single-cell recording studies showing that neurons in the _____ lobes have receptive fields that are almost always located in the fovea, where high-acuity vision takes place

inferior temporal

Cells that respond to the human hand are located in the _____, and their responsive firing rate is high regardless of the hand's _____

inferior temporal cortex; orientation

The primary gustatory cortex is located in the


A major source of evidence against the idea that faces are processed in a special neural region in humans is that the candidate region

is recruited when people have to make discriminations among highly familiar stimuli

Vision is the audition as the _____ is to the _____

lateral geniculate nucleus; medial geniculate nucleus

Neurons in the inferior temporal (IT) cortex rarely respond to _____. Rather, they respond to _____

lines or spots; human hands

In the function magnetic resonance imagining (fMRI) studies, when a stimulus is repeated, the BOLD response can be _____ for the second presentation compared to the first. This is known as the _____

lower; repetition suppression effect

Using equipment such as EEG and fMRI, it is possible that in the future, _____ will assist the detection of psychopathy, lies, terrorism, and murder

mind reading

How many types of receptors are there in the olfactory epithelium?

more than 5

There are various issues with the idea that single neurons encode the mental representations for all possible complex visual stimuli. Which of the following is NOT one of these issues?

neurophysiological evidence that visual cells respond to specific types of stimuli is lacking

An undercover agent notices a green car parked outside her apartment building when she leaves for work at 8:00 a.m. Later she notices the same car in a store parking lot and becomes suspicious that she is being followed. The agent's ability to recognize the car under these two different circumstances is an example of

object constancy

_____ is the ability to recognize an object under many different viewing conditions and in many different contexts

object constancy

Pool (1973_ conducted a study of the "what" and "where" pathways in brain-lesions monkeys using two different tasks: an landmark discrimination task, which required a visual spatial judgement, and an object discrimination task, which required object recognition. He found that monkeys with temporal lobe lesions became severely impaired in learning the _____ task but not the _____ task. Monkeys with posterior parietal lesions showed the _____ pattern of performance

object discrimination; landmark discrimination; opposite

According to ensemble theories of object recognition, it is possible to confuse similar-looking objects because

objects that appear similar activate overlapping network of cells

Information about which of the following senses does NOT pass through the thalamus on the way to the cortex?


The orbitofrontal cortex is considered a secondary cortical area for which of the following senses?


The orbitofrontal cortex is an integration area for which two senses?

olfaction and gustation

A researcher wishes to investigate the visual processing of bodies in the human brain using TMS. Where should he/she stimulate?

on the border of the occipital and temporal lobes

You are sitting outside, enjoying the weather. You hear a bird sing nearby, and try to find where he is so you can identify what kind of bird he is. What attentional process are you using here?


A patient's ability to represent the spatial layout of their environment has become disturbed. The patient most likely has damage in the _____ lobe


Sobel and colleagues (Gelstein et al., 2011) asked male participants to rate pictures of women's faces in terms of sexual attraction. While rating the photos, they instructed the participants to sniff either tears from "donor women" or an odorless saline solution. Which of the following best summarizes the findings of this study?

participants rated faces as less sexually attractive when sniffing tears compared to when they were sniffing the saline solution

As a neurologist, you have a patient with prosopagnosia, and the patient has also lost the ability to read. Which of the following are you LEAST likely to report after examining this patient?

patient shows signs of a lesion in the inferior parietal lobes

Which of the following visual searches would require a conjunction search?

picking up your Honda Accord from the Honda dealership after a service appointment

In the circle illusion, a central circle appears smaller if closely surrounded by distant, larger circles than if it is surrounded by near, smaller circles. The percentage of discrepancy is directly due to the size of your

primary visual cortex

Neurons in the olfactory bulb demonstrate an extensive amount of convergence and divergence. This means that neurons in this system

project to, and receive input from a large number of other neurons

_____ is to _____ as face recognition is to object recognition

prosopagnosia; agnosia

The basic term umami is experienced when eating foods rich in


Which of the following are the two categories of attention?

reflexive and voluntary

If a patient were demonstrating characteristics of unilateral neglect, which of the following would best explain the patient's symptoms?

right hemisphere structures contain a full map of visual space, whereas left hemisphere structures contain only a map of ipsilateral space

If you are choosing specific sensory inputs for further information processing but at the same time ignoring others, you are engaging in _____

selective attention

Which of the following sequences best represents the processing order of the cochlea implant?

sound waves are converted into electrical signals --> electrical signals are converted into digital representations --> digital representations are transmitted as radio waves --> radio waves are reconverted into electrical signals that travel to the cochlea

The ability to engage in visual attention at a particular location in the visual field uses the areas of the brain called

spatial attention

The primary auditory cortex is located in the

superior temporal lobe

All of the following are common across each sensory system, EXCEPT

system nerves terminate either monosynaptically or disynaptically in different parts of the thalamus

Each of the following are factors that currently restrict our ability to decode information from the brain, EXCEPT

the availability of necessary data for building decoding models

After a long day at Rowan, you empty your pockets onto your desk, and a penny starts rolling towards the edge of the desk. You want to catch it before it falls to the ground. Which brain area are you LEAST using to grab that pesky penny?

the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Visual search is fastest when the focus of attention is driven by voluntary, controlled search

the focus of attention is driven by the sensory information

Of the following choices, the strongest evidence for a link between the sense of smell and the triggering of memories is the observation that

the olfactory cortex has direct connectivity to the limbic cortex

In which of the following brain areas might you expect an expert taster such as a chef or sommelier to have unique patterns of neural connectivity?

the orbitofrontal cortex

After modeling the quick habituation found in the olfactory system, Sobel's fMRI research suggested that

the primary olfactory cortex is related to sniffing and smell, whereas the orbitofrontal cortex is related to smell but not sniffing

Why do wheels of cars in commercials sometimes appear to be rotating slowly, or backwards?

the rotation rate is slightly faster than the sample of rate of the visual system

Suppose you injected an anterograde tracer into taste-specific regions of the thalamus. Which of the following are you LEAST likely to find?

the sour cluster may be distributed over multiple pathways

Which of the following statements does NOT explain why some patients are visually agnostic for living (animate) things versus nonliving (inanimate) things?

there are more familiar animate objects in the environment than inanimate objects

Which of the following results would be expected for an individual experiencing the most common form of synesthesia?

they show interference effects when asked to identify the colors of letters if the colors are inconsistent with their synesthetic experiences

In endogenous cuing, the orienting of attention to the cue is driven primarily by the participant's goals


Optic ataxia is an inability to

use visual information to guide movements

You are paying attention to a math problem on the board in class, but you also see that your phone has a new message from your friend Cindy without looking at your open laptop below. How are you able to do this?

you are using covert attention

You sign up for a perceptual study where you will be fitted with a helmet that records your ERP activity when responding to various colors of shapes. For a baseline control. You simply watch red and green shapes appear and disappear while your ERP activity is recorded. Then you undergo the actual experiment: If you see a red shape, you are supposed to press a button as fast as you can. If you see a green shape, you are supposed to ignore it. What should we see if we compare your experimental ERP activity between red and green shapes?

your brain activity to red shapes stays the same, but your activity for green shapes goes down

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