Cognitive Neuroscience Quizzes 5-8

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With regard to the two main output pathways from the occipital lobe, ________ is to ________ as dorsal is to ventral.

"where" ; "what"

Which region of the brain is primarily affected in Parkinsons disease?

Basal Ganglia

Which of the following statements about central pattern generators (CPGs) is incorrect? CPGs can produce multiple related movements such as walking and running CPGs underlie stereotyped behaviors such as chewing and vomiting CPGs are groups of neurons in the spinal cord and brainstem CPGs require cortical input or external feedback

CPGs require cortical input or external feedback

Patients diagnosed with apraxia have ... [select all that apply]

Difficulties performing complex gestures (e.g., saluting) lesions in secondary motor areas

What are center-surround receptive fields of ganglion cells useful for?

Enhancing contrast

Receptive fields of cells in the primary visual cortex are larger than receptive fields in the inferotemporal regions.


True or False: Biological motion is processed in V5.


A patient suffering from apraxia

Has difficulties linking individual movements together to perform meaningful actions

Which of the following statements explains why some patients are visually agnostic for living (animate) things but not nonliving (inanimate) things?

Inanimate objects may activate kinesthetic representations that animate objects do not

Which of the following are true? Initiating few movements may result from an abnormally inactive direct pathway Initiating too many movements may result from an overactive indirect pathway Initiating too many movements may result from an abnormally inactive indirect pathway Initiating few movements may result from an overactive direct pathway

Initiating too many movements may result from an abnormally inactive indirect pathway Initiating few movements may result from an abnormally inactive direct pathway

Which of the following is true of the direct pathway of the basal ganglia?

It allows for the intended movement to be released from inhibition and in turn to be carried out

Why is binocular disparity important?

It helps to determine depth.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the visual word form area?

It is located bilaterally in occipitotemporal regions

What is true about morphemes?

Morphemes are the smallest unit of language that has definable meaning or grammatical function

Which of the following would be needed to kick out the left leg in response to a command by your doctor.

Motor Neurons, Right motor cortex, and Lateral corticospinal tract

The medial pathway linking the brain to the muscles controls what kind of movements?

Movement of the trunk

Before entering the brain, each optic nerve splits into two branches so that information from the ________ half of each retina crosses to the opposite side of the brain.


Which of the following symptoms is NOT associated with Broca's aphasia?

No awareness of the disorder

A patient has an injury to the optic nerves, such that the branches of each optic nerve that normally cross to the opposite side of the brain at the optic chiasm are severed. The remaining branches, which do not cross to the other side of the brain, are intact. Which of the following best describes the effect of this injury on his vision?

Only the signal for half the visual field of each eye is processed by the brain.

What is hemiplegia?

Paralysis of one side of the body because the motor cortex has been damaged

The premotor cortex ....

Prepares movements based on external contingencies

Which cortical region is responsible for controlling the force and/or direction with which the motor plans are executed?

Primary motor cortex

Blindsight sometimes occurs in patients with damage to which area of the brain?

Primary visual cortex

Simple, complex, and hyper-complex (or end-stopped) cells have receptive fields that are responsive to bars of light oriented in particular ways. Where are they found?

Primary visual cortex

Binocular integration occurs in _____________________ . Binocular disparity is caused by _______________________ .

Primary visual cortex; each eye providing a slightly different view of the world

Compared to right hemispheric damage, someone with damage to the ventral stream in their left hemisphere would have more deficits in which of the following.


Which of the functions below would be impossible without the geniculostriate pathway?

Reading (by using your eyes) and Conscious visual perception

Which of the following functions does NOT rely on the cerebellum?


Which hemisphere of the brain plays a predominant role in recognizing other people's faces?


Due to a defect in one type of photoreceptor, Susan has poor vision at night, when light levels are relatively low. Which type of photoreceptor is defective?


Where are rods and cones located?

Rods are distributed in the periphery of the retina, whereas cones are distributed in the center or fovea.

Which statement about photoreceptors is correct?

Rods are sensitive to very small amounts of light, cones function in broad daylight.

The lateral occipital cortex (LOC) is particularly important for the processing of ...

Shape information

Neurons forming networks described as Central Pattern Generators are located in ...

Spinal Cord & Brainstem Motor Interneurons

Which of the regions below is one of the main regions of the brain that plays a role in planning and preparing movements?

Supplementary motor cortex, Premotor cortex

Which of the following statement is NOT true about the McGurk illusion?

The illusion is exaggerated when TMS is applied over the superior temporal sulcus

Which of the following statements is true about the visual system? [select all that apply]

The optic chiasm is the sight in the brain where part of the information received by each eye crosses over to the contralateral hemisphere. Information from the right nasal retina is processed in the left primary visual cortex

Language Processing: Which sentence would result in a P600 effect in event-related potentials?

The player catched the ball

Which statement about mirror neurons is incorrect? they were first discovered in monkeys neurons are active when a specific action is performed and when the same action can be inferred from acoustic information neurons are active when a specific action is performed and when the same action is observed visually they were first detected in the parietal lobe

They were first detected in the parietal lobe

Statistical learning is a form of implicit learning that is assumed to help identify words in a continuous stream of speech input.


True or False: Cells in posterior regions of the ventral visual processing stream respond to relatively simple stimuli, whereas cells further along in more anterior regions fire only in response to much more complex visual stimuli.


The retina contains photoreceptor cells that are sensitive to wavelengths corresponding to the colors

blue, green, red

The motor cortex controls movements on the ______________________ side of the body; and the cerebellum affects movements on the ____________________ side of the body.

contralateral ; ipsilateral

Someone with associative agnosia would be able to __________ but would have difficulties with ________.

copy objects ; naming objects

Achromatopsia is due to

cortical lesions in area V4

In fMRI studies, when a stimulus is repeated, the BOLD response can be ________ for the second presentation compared to the first. This is known as the ________.

decreased ; repetition suppression effect

Face recognition is localized to the _________________ and scene recognition is localized to the _______________.

fusiform area ; parahippocampal area

Someone with apperceptive agnosia ... [select all that apply]

has difficulty forming a percept, has damage to occipital regions, has difficulty copying line drawings

Patients with phonological dyslexia...

have difficulties reading pronounceable non-words

Patients with Wernicke's aphasia have damage/lesions in the

left posterior region of the temporal lobe

The primary visual pathway is best described as

retina → optic nerve → optic chiasm → thalamus → occipital lobe.

When an object is presented again from a different viewpoint, the ____________________________ treats the object like a repetition of the same object. This has been tested using the __________________________ effect in fMRI, and is evidence for ____________________________ coding in object recognition.

right ; repetition suppression ; viewpoint-independent

ERP experiments show dissociations between the elicitation of the P600 and N400 components believed to reflect __________ and ____________, respectively.

syntactical violations, semantic violations

Which of the following brain damage profiles would result in Pure Alexia?

the posterior part of the corpus callosum and left occipitotemporal regions

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