Cold War and Civil Rights Movement

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A new Soviet Leader


The Second World/Warsaw Pact

1955 Soviet Union, Poland, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and East Germany Made countries feel more secure Increased risk that a small dispute could trigger WW3 with terrifying new weapons

Berlin Wall

1961-built wall to prevent East Germans fleeing to West Germany guards stood ready to shoot

Arms Control

1963-Limited Test Ban Treaty banned nuclear testing in the air, ocean, and outer space

Communism Collapses

1989-Poland=non-communist tore down Berlin Wall Soviet Union=no communism China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba=communist

Arms Race

A competition to develop and manufacture more and more powerful weapons

Soviet Union

After Russian Revolution, Bolsheviks were inspired by Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx Power was in gov not workers Joseph Stalin, became dictator and took over all businesses To protect power, Stalin used police Killed many people Containing Communism Soviet Gov was trying to spread communism Harry S. Truman 1945-1953- responded with containment


An economic system based on privately owned farms and businesses


An economic system based on the idea that farms and businesses should be owned in common by the workers who do the labor

Importance of Martin Luther King

Bus Boycott I have a Dream/March on Washington Birmingham/Children's Marches Sit ins/Nonviolent Protests Black Churches/Grass Root Campaigns NAACP


Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed segregation in public facilities banned discrimination in employment Voting Rights Act outlawed literacy tests

Non-aligned Nations

Countries that refused to side with either the US or the Soviet Union during the Cold War


East Germany-Soviets West Germany-US


Fear of communist spies after USSR tested successful bomb in 1949 Senator Joseph McCarthy accused many people of being communists with no proof Ruined people's reputations


March on Washington 1st: speech, press, assembly 14th: citizens need to be treated as citizens: must give equal protection under law, must respect constitutional rights, cannot deny right to vote Arrests and Convictions 8th: bails/fines must be reasonable Brown Vs Board of Education 6th: Right to fair trial 11th: cannot sue a state if citizen of a different state or country Children's March 1st: speech, assemble, press 5th: cannot be tried twice for same crime, cannot be forced to testify against themselves, cannot be jailed or lose property except for proper legal actions 8th: bails/fines must 14th Sit in 1st: assemble 14 Literacy Test 15th: States cannot deny anyone right to vote Montgomery Bus Boycott 1st: speech, assembly, petition, press Little Rock 14 NAACP 1st: speech, petition, assemble


Mutually Assured Destruction Based on the belief that Soviet leaders would not order a nuclear attack on the United States if doing so meant certain destruction of their own country Whoever shoots first dies second

The First World/NATO

North Atlantic Treaty Organization April 1949 US, Germany, GB, W. Germany, France, Mexico, S. Vietnam, S. Korea, S. America, Canada Big step for US-involvement Shifted from economic to military assistance

War of Races

Nuclear Arms Race insurance policy lose-lose situation MAD Whoever shoots first dies second Space Race NASA superior world power Economic Race Communism Vs. Capitalism


Organized around two opposite extremes

Supreme Court Decisions

Plessy vs Ferguson Separate but Equal Brown vs Board of Education no segregation in schools

Famous People

Presidents Pro-Civil Rights Anti-Civil Rights Eisenhower: 1953-1961 sent troops to Little Rock Martin Luther King Jr.: led boycott, speeches peaceful protest Orval Faubus: Arkansas Governor, called National Guard to block students JFK: 1961-1963 Birmingham, Alabama Oliver Brown: Brown Vs. Board of Education Bull Connor: Alabama Chief of Police, arrested thousands, dogs and hoses LBJ: 1963-1969 signed Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964 Thurgood Marshall: lawyer from NAACP to fight in Brown Vs Board James Earl Ray: assassinated Martin Luther King Jr Lincoln: 1861-1865 ended slavery Rosa Parks: worked for NAACP, started MBB White's Citizens Council Daisy Bates: NAACP, helped Little Rock 9 Mother's League Jo Ann Robinson: made fliers for boycott KKK NAACP Little Rock 9 Malcolm X Marcus Garvey: Black Panthers

Black Power

Rejected all things white and talked of building a separate black nation Nation of Islam blacks were superior to whites hostility between races Malcolm X take pride in being black African inspired clothing food music

Forms of Protest

Sit ins March on Washington Children's Marches in Birmingham Montgomery Bus Boycott LR9 Central High school rejected 9 students NAACP filed lawsuit still had to wait 'til next semester Students were blocked by National Guard Next Day, students got in, but had to leave Pres. Eisenhower sent troops to protect them were still tormented couldn't fight back

Cuban Missile Crisis

Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles to Cuba Oct. 1962, US spy planes photographed secret missile bases in Cuba built by the Soviets JFK demanded the missiles be removed declared any attack by Cuba would be considered as one from the USSR ordered a naval blockade to prevent Soviet ships from delivering any more missiles to the island ordered the US military to prepare for an invasion of Cuba to remove the missile bases by force if necessary ready to start a nuclear war, but USSR agreed to remove missile bases if JFK agreed to not invade Cuba

Berlin Blockade

Soviets demanded that Allies leave West Berlin Stalin ordered a blockade in 1948 Tried to starve Allies out of city by closing all railroads and roads that lead to West Berlin Allies airlifted food and supplies Soviets did not shoot them down b/c they didn't want war Hoped that Allies could not afford to continue to fly in supplies Airlift cont. for 10 months Soviets gave up and removed Blockade


The US policy of fighting the spread of communism by limiting it to countries where it already existed

Cold War

The global struggle for power and influence between the US and the Soviet Union that followed WW2

Vietnam War

Vietnam won independence from France in 1954 elections in 1956 to determine who would rule the new country most likely winner was a supporter of communism elections were never held US took control of South Vietnam and USSR N. Vietnam Johnson decides to send more troops to Vietnam used reports of a North Vietnamese attack on an American destroyer Nixon promised to get US out of Vietnam brought most of troops home secretly expanded war into Laos and Cambodia US dropped bombs all over Southeast Asia when the air raids were public, there were massive protests Jan. 1973-peace treaty created troops withdrew 1975-reunified Vietnam as a communist country huge loss lost faith in gov lost war

Proxy Wars

Wars in which the superpowers backed different sides that acted as substitutes or proxies for the superpowers themselves


a form of peaceful protest in which people occupied seats in a segregated facility, where they would stay until they were served or arrested


a limit based on numbers or proportions-for example, the proportion of a country's population allowed to immigrate to the US


a person who is present at an event but does not participate or take action, especially because they don't want to draw negative attention towards themselves

The Marshall Plan

created by George Marshall US spent $$$ to 16 countries in Europe to rebuild cities, railroads, factories Appeal of Communism weakened Major setback when China became communist in 1949


discrimination against people at a certain age group


expression of objection to something a person is powerless to avoid


having an abundance of wealth


lacking a home or country


naval base invested heavily 1959-rebels led by Fidel Castro took control of the Island President Eisenhower tried to keep friendly relations with the gov and supported Castro but then Fidel Castro declared himself a communist and seized control of US farms & businesses broke off relations with Cuba CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) began training Cuban exiles living in the US for an invasion of Cuba hoped it would trigger a revolt against Castro JFK approved plan April 16, 1961 Cuban exiles landed on a beach in the Bay of Pigs Invaders did not revolt and were captured

Third World/Non-aligned Nations

neutral poor Latin America, Africa, Asia Geographic location

Equal Opportunity

practices in employment and other areas that do not discriminate against people because of their race, skin color, age, sex, and national origin


someone who takes action on the behalf of others, even though it might draw negative attention towards themselves

The Korean War

started in 1950 UN forces pushed communist invaders back into North Korea almost as far as its border with China Chinese soldiers poured into North Korea and drove UN troops back into South Korea President Truman feared a WW3, so he pushed for peace agreement that ended war left Korea as it started: divided


the acceptance of people who had different opinions, practices, races, and religion


the blending of all people as equals

Affirmative Action

the encouragement of increased representation of women and minority groups, especially in employment


the feeling of being weighed down or held back be severe and unfair forces

Civil Rights

the rights that the Constitution entitles all people to as citizens, especially equal treatment under the law


the social separation of groups of people, especially by race

Social Injustice

unfairness in a society where privileges are not equally distributed

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