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What 3 things happened in 1619?

-The first African slaves were brought to Virginia -The House of Bergesses was created -Women came to the Southern colonies

What was the year that settlers came to Roanoke for the first time? The second?

1585 and 1587

How many were left in Jamestown after "The Starving Time"? What did the settlers resort to (give 2 examples)?

60 out of 500 settlers were left. They resorted to cannibalism. They exhumed a buried Native and ate him. Another man ate part of his wife before being caught.

What was Roanoke the first time? The second?

A fort and then a colony.

What was a meeting house used for?

A meeting house was used for churches and town meetings.


A member of the Religous Society of Friends. Didn't believe in violence, and they believed all people were equal. Dissenters

What was Maryland?

A proprietary colony.

What was tobacco?

A self-sufficient crop as well as labor intensive.

What was a village green used for?

A village green was used for livestock, animal grazing, malita drills, and celebrations.


A volunteer army

What did the English eventually colonize?

Abandoned Spanish land.


Anual rent on land paid to the proprieters.

What part of James Ogltherope's plan failed? Why?

As time passed, Georgia got more plantations, so they needed more workers, and tuened to slavery.

What was a major city in New England?


Who founded Jamestown? When?

British Investors (The Virginia Company). The spring of 1607


Congregations that seperated from a Church (like the Churuch of England).

What were the crops in the Middle Colonies?

Corn, wheat, etc were the crops in the Middle Colonies.


English protestant who disagrees with the Church of England.

What were the majority of backgrounds in the colonies?

English, they also had similar socail and economic backgrounds.

True or False: 5 out of 10 of the millionares lived in South Carolina


True or False: Europeans hated tobacco and there was no demand.


True or False: Pennslyvania was a big slave colony when it was founded


True or False:: Jamestown failed and was abondoned.


House of Burgesses

First form of self-government in Virginia. Virginia legislature. Had to be shut down, because it wasn't very effective

Mayflower Compact

First form of self-government in the colonies. Document that governed the Plymouth colony. At the beginning, it was weak and uneffective.

What were the New England industries?

Fishing, rum, triangle trade, shipbuilding, farming, and craftsmen

What did the Jamestown import? From where? Through what?

Food and other supplies from England through Virginia and the other Southern Colonies.

What did James Ogltherope do after establishing Georgia?

He fought the Spanish and defended Georgia in the 1740s. He launched several attacks against Florida, and almost took over St Augustine, but he was forced to withdrawl

What was Penn's goal of his colonies?

He wanted his colonies to be a quaker haven. He also wanted his colonies to be not have plantations or slaves (in fact, slavery was illegal).

When were settlers first sent to Roanoke and by who ?

In 1585 by Sir Francis Drake

What happened in 1681? Why?

In 1681, King Charles II gave William Penn a chunk of North America (Pennsylvania, part of New Jersey, and Deleware), to settle a debt to Penn's father.

When did the English arrive in SC?

In the 1600s.

When was tobacco first planted in the colonies?

In the early 1600s

What was work like in the Middle Colonies (work force, industries)?

Indentured servants & hired workers worked. Family buisnesses and farms, & merchants.

Who made up the New England workforce?

Indentured servants and a few slaves

What was the workforce in the South?

Indentured servants➡Slaves

Correct if Wrong: Jamestown set an example for other British colonies

It is right

What are tobacco's needs? Why?

It needs lots of land and workers, because it's a labor intensive crop.

What was Georgia (3 things)?

It was a safehaven for European debtors, a buffer colony between SC, the French, and the Spanish, and it was supposed to be a small farm colony.

What was the Southern colonies' society built around (2 things)?

It was built around agriculture and plantations.

How was life in the Southern Colonies different from life in the Northern and Middle Colonies?

It was different, because it was plantation centered, also it had less churches, schools, and families.

What was the first form form of self government the Southern Colonies? Where was it?

It was the House of Burgesses in Virginia.

What was the N/A pop. in Jamestown when the settlers first arrived? What was it by 1670?

It went from 20,000 to 2,000.

What changed in laborers in Virginia? Why?

It went from indentured servants to slaves. This was because farmers needed more workers.

Who founded Georgia? When?

James Ogltherope founded Georgia in the early 1700s

Where was Jamestown (geographically)? Why was it there? What area-causesd issues occured?

Jamestown was on a peninsula to prevent conflict with the N/A and the Spanish. It was swampy and a malaria farm, so many colonists died of disease and starvation.

What was the first permanent English settlement?

Jamestown, Virginia

What were the British colonies that struggled?

Jamestown, Virginia, Plymouth, Massachusetts, & The Barbados (Caribbean)

Who left the Roanoke colonists and when did they come back? Why was he delayed? What was there when they got back?

John White left the colonists in 1590. He had to stay, because of a war in England. He found only the word "Croatonan" carved into a tree.

What was life centered around in the Northern colonies?

Life was centered around towns, opposed to plantations in the Northern colonies.

Wht was life about in the Southern Colonies?

Life was plantation-centered.

What was the majority religion in each region?

NE- Puritan MC- Varied SC- Anglican/Especipalian

What was New York?

New York was a major port city in the Middle Colonies, because of it's connection to the Hudson River. It was also a global attraction.

Did Roanoke succeed? Which countries shared a similar fate?

No, Spain & France

What happened to the Roanoke colonists (3 things)?

Nobody knows, but the 3 major therories are: the N/A attacked, the Spanish attacked, and the settlers choose to live with the N/A.

Name the colonies & on the map, show where the cities are.

North: CT, RI, MA, NH Middle: DL, NY, NJ, PN South: GA, SC, NC, VG, MR

What colonies farmed food for the Carribean and Southern slaves.

Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Deleware farmed food for the Carribean and Southern slaves.


Permission to start a colony from a monarch.

What was the motive to come to Maryland?

Religious freedom and a land grant.

What were the motives for the New England settlers?

Religous freedom, chance to own land, & self government.

What were the crops in the south?

Rice, cotton, tobacco, & indigo

What colony was England's first attempt at colonizing the US? Where was it?

Roanoke Island, North Carolina


Separtists who came to the colonies for religious freedom, but weren't religiously tolerant


Separtists who moved to Cape Cod, then went to Plymouth.

What happened in 1662?

Slavery became a law in Virginia.

What were the industries in the Middle Colonies?

Some industries in the Middle Colonies were farming, industries, and trade.

Indentured Servants

Someone who works for 4-10 years for passage to America. If the "owner" of the indentured seravant dies, then the indentured servant goes to their children. Usually white

What was the most ethnically diverse colony? Why?

South Carolina was the most diverse colony, because of a settlement plan introduced in 1730 called Townships.

Who was the wealthiest colony by the start of the American Revolution?

South Carolina was the wealthiest colony.

Headright System

System for giving out land. Way to lure settlers/workers to a colony. Jamestown's system: Give settlers 50 acres of land. Carolina's System: gave the family patriarch 100 acres for every family memberr they had (including servants).

What was a name for the Middle Colonies

The Bread Basket

Who founded Maryland? When? Why?

The Calvert family founded Maryland in 1634 to be a Catholic refuge.

Who came to the Middle Colonies as it grew?

The English, Germans, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh.

What area of colonies was the most diverse?

The Middle Colonies

What crops were the Middle Colonies perfect for growing? Why?

The Middle Colonies were perfect for growing grains, because they had a long growing season and fertile land.

Who used tobacco before the settlers?

The Native Americans.

What in the Northern colonies contributed to manufacturing & overseas trade?

The Northern colonies forests and natural harbors.

What colonies had mandatory schools? When did they become necessary? Why did they have them?

The Northern colonies had mandatory schools, they were neceassary when more than 20 families lived in a town. They had mandatory schools so their citizens could learn to read the bible.

What colonies had the highest literacy rates?

The Northern colonies had the highest literacy rates.

What was required of the Northern colonies' town meetings?

The Northern colonies' town meetings required all adult males and a unanimous decision.

What colonies gave their citizens 150 acres?

The Northern colonies.

Who helped the Jamestown settlers? Did the stop? Why or why not?

The Powhatan Native Americans helped the Jamestown settlers. They stopped, because they grew tired of the settler's commands.

Who formed the Massachusetts Bay?

The Puritans formed the Massachusetts Bay.

Who ironically came to the colonies for religious freedom, then kicked out people who didn't share their religion.

The Puritans.

Who was the Society of Friends? Who was the leader?

The Society of Friends were the Quakers. William Penn was the leader.

What happened in the winter of 1609-1610?

The Starving Time

What cities were the biggest in the colonies?

The bigest cities in the colonies were New York, Philidelphia, Boston, and Charles Town.

What colonies had perfect conditions for colonization and plantations? What were they?

The colonies were the Carolinas and Virginia. They had the perfect soil and climate for colonization and plantations.

Who settled New York?

The dutch

Why was there conflict in SC?

The growing slave population & backcountry led to conflict.

What was the major city in colonial SC? Why?

The main city was Charles Town, because it had ports.

What was the motive for settlers that moved to North Carolina?

The motive for settlers to move to NC was religious freedom.

Why did people live longer in the Northern colonies than people in the Southern ones?

The people in the Northern colonies lived longer than the people in the Southern ones, because in the Northern colonies had a cold climate that stopped the spread of diseases. Also, they ate better.

What were the port cities in the Middle Colonies?

The port cities in the Middle Colonies were New York, Philidelphia, Boston, and Charles Town.

What was the problem with the New England colonies, if any?

The problem that the Northern colonies faced was that their climate was cold, thin and rocky soil. This made farming difficult.

What were the quaker beliefs?

The quakers believed were that everyone was equal before god, also they were pacifists.

What was the ratio of slaves to whites in SC by 1740.

The ratio was 4:1

What a result of the Northern colonies' problems?

The result was subsustence farming.

Who settled Deleware?

The swedes

Who settled New Jersey

The swedes

Correct if Wrong: Therewas a breifoverthrow of the Calvert family in Maryland, because they broke they went from indentured servants to slavery

There was a breif overthrow of the Calvert family, but it was because tensions were high

What the New England land/climate like?

They had a very short growing season and they had rocky soil

How long did the people Southern colonies live?

They lived to be about 45.

How long did the people Northern colonies live?

They lived to be about 70.

How did Virginians meet the land-needs of tobacco? What was the reusult?

They moved from the interior of Virginia to the exterior by pushing the N/A from their land. The N/A fought back, but lost because of European disesases and weapons.

Why did many Southern Colonies turn into slave societies?

They turned into slave societies, because they believed slaves were necessary for plantations.

What did the people that were kicked out of the Massachusetts form?

They went form Conneticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.

What were the people like in New England?

They were 95% English, independent, and lived in family groups.

What were the major cities in the middle colonies?

They were Philidelphia, Baltimore, and New York City

Were the quakers disseters or separtists?

They were dissenters.

Where were Southern settlers from?

They were from Scotland and England. The slaves were from the West African Cost.

Who were the people in the Middle Colonies?

They were mostly immigrants. Dutch- New York. Germans and Scot/Irish- Pennslyvania

Who were the first Southern settlers?

They were single young men

What were the majority of Southern colonists?

They were small farmers.

What were Georgia's cash crops, if any?

They werer tobacco, rice, and indigo

Correct if Wrong: Maryland eventually used slaves, but had good relations with the N/A

This is right

Correct if Wrong: The people in the Northern colonies lived longer than people in the Southern colonies.

This is true.

What was the goal of Jamestown? What were the problems with this?

To make money, also to loot ships. The settlers didn't know how to, so they looked for nonexistent gold instead of preparing for winter. They also didn't know how to take care of themselves, and few settlers were skilled at farming and hunting.

What became the first cash crop in the colonies? What was it called?

Tobacco, Leafy Gold.

What were the crops in the South? Where were they grown?

Tobacco, rice, cotton, and indigo was grown. Tobacco was grown in NC and parts of Virginia. Rice, indigo, and sea island cotton was grown on the coastal zone of SC and the barrier islands of Georgia.

What made the Northern colonies unnique?

Town meetings made the Northern colonies unique.

True or False: Each area of the colonies developed its own culture, economy, and history.


True or False: The Southern colonies had a high death rate and lived to be 45-ish


True or False: William Penn paid the N/A for their land.


By 1760, which colony had the most slaves? The second most?

Virginia, then South Carolina.

What was the cause of the turning point for the colony of Jamestown?

When they planted tobacco.

How did Maryland backfire? Why?

While it was supposed to be a Catholic refuge, but because it promised religious freedom, more protestants came to Maryland than Catholics.

Correct if Wrong: Slavery did not exist in the Middle Colonies

While slavery existed in the Middle Colonies, the slave population in the Middle Colonies was much smaller than the slave population in the Southern Colonies

What did William Penn found?

William Penn founded Pennsylvania.

Who made plans for Philidelphia? What does it mean?

William Penn named Philidelphia. It is greek for "Brotherly Love"

What colonies had good relations with the N/A, and were anti-slavery?

William Penn's original colonies.

Correct if Wrong: By mid-1600 the colonies exported 9 million pounds of tobacco pe year.

Wrong, the colonies exported 10 million lbs of tobacco per year

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