Color Powers/ Wisps
A move only used in one of the Boss Battles.
Color Powers
A variety of powers that depend on the corresponding color.
Unlimited Colors
Can be obtained by ether collecting: LAZER, DRILL, ROCKET, HOVER, CUBE, SPIKES, and FRENZY, or by collecting: BURST, ROCKET, DRILL, LAZER, and VOID. Gives Sonic the FINAL COLOR BLASTER power.
Destroys every thing in the screen if used. It also turns Blue rings into cubes, and vise versa.
White Wisp
Doesn't give Sonic a color power, but helps Sonic run faster.
Indigo Wisp
Gives Sonic the ASTEROID power.
Red Wisp
Gives Sonic the BURST power
Blue Wisp
Gives Sonic the CUBE power.
Yellow Wisp
Gives Sonic the DRILL power.
Green Wisp
Gives Sonic the HOVER power.
Cyan Wisp
Gives Sonic the LAZER ability.
Ivory Wisp
Gives Sonic the LIGHTNING power.
Gray Wisp
Gives Sonic the QUAKE power.
Orange Wisp
Gives Sonic the ROCKET power.
Pink Wisp
Gives Sonic the SPIKES power.
Sonic can connect and hold on to electric circuits.
Sonic can roll on walls and ceilings and can damage enemies on contact.
Sonic can turn enemies into cubes that surounds him. The more he collects, the higher he jumps.
Sonic flotes gently into the air. If there is a line of rings, he will be 100% invincible and can make him damage enemies.
Sonic is 90% invincible, digs in the ground, swims underwater, but dies if he turns back to normal while underground.
Sonic is on fire and can explode at will, damaging all enemies on the screen.
Sonic rockets up into the sky destroying every thing above him. Isn't it OBVIOUS?!
Sonic turns into a Lazer and shoots at a chosen direction. He can only change direction when he hits a wall, runs into a prism, or goes into an electrical circuit.
Sonic turns into a beast that can eat anything in the way. The more he eats, the bigger he gets.
Sonic turns into a black hole and can suck in anything in his way. The more he sucks, the bigger he gets.
Sonic turns into a boulder that can defeat every thing he touches. when he jumps, he makes an earthquake.
Purple Wisp
The Nega Wisps that give Sonic the FRENZY power.
Violet Wisp
The Nega Wisps that give Sonic the VOID power.
Nega Wisps
The Wisps that had their energy drained and crave for food/ energy.
The aliens that give you the color power that you can use in the game, "Sonic Colors".