COM 104 chapter 4

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which of the following describes language that disguises the speakers true intentions through strategic ambiguity


which of the following describes the expectation that you will help someone who ha helped you in the past?

the norm of reciprocity

the semantic triangle helps us understand

the relationship between words and their denotative and connotative meanings

which persuasive strategy maintains that people will comply with requests if they believe that others are also complying?

the social validation principle

which of the following describes terms or phrases intended to mislead listeners by implying something that they don't actually say?

weasel words

which of the following are true about how peoples names define and differentiate them?

-a name provides clues about a persons ethnicity -a name is a way that people represent themselves to others -a name is an importent of a persons sense of self

which of the following describes statements that we can interpret to have more than one meaning?

-ambiguous language

which of the following accurately describe language?

-ambiguous language can be interpreted in more than one way -it varies in clarity

which of the following are true about the difference between opinions and factual claims?

-an opinion expresses a personal judgement or preference that we could agree and disagree with - factual claim makes an assertion that we can verify with evidence and show to be true or false -an opinion is not true or false inn an absolute sense

language is bound by which of the following?

-context -culture

which of the following ways of using language can be abusive or beneficial, depending on how they are used?

-criticism -profanity

which of the following is true about hate speech?

-it can be based on race, disability status, religion, or sexual orientation -it is meant to degrade, intimidate, or dehumanize people -it involves calling people derogatory names and advocating violence against them

Which of the following are true about language?

-it is bound by context -it is sometimes unclear -it is governed by rules

which of the following is true about communication affection?

-it is good for relationships -it is good for people

Language is which of the following?

-it is used to communicate meaning -it is a system of symbols -it uses symbols called words

which of the following are functions of language?

-it motivates action -it expresses who we are -it connects us to others

which of the following are true about how language connects us with others?n

-language enables us to share social information -language enables us to meet new people -language enables us to stay connected with those we already know

which of the following are true about language?

-language is bound by culture -use of language varies in culture -the values of a society are selected in its use of language

which of the following statements are true about language?

-language is symbolic -words represent objects

which of the following have occurred in language as a result of new technologies?

-new words have been generated to help communicate about them -existing words have developed new meanings

which of the following are criticisms of the sapir-whorf hypothesis?

-people who don't acquire language because of cognitive deficiencies are able to think and interact with other -it is possible that our thoughts shape and constrain our language -people can have an experience even if they don't have a word for that experience

which of the following are examples of language that is used to motivate action?

-persuasion -a slogan

which of the following are primary social functions of language?

-providing comfort and support -expressing affection -sharing social information

the basic rules that govern language apply to which of the folloing?

-what words mean -how words are placed in a sentence or phrase -how words are pronouncced

the basic rules that govern language apply to which of the following?

-what words mean -how words are pronounced -how words are placed in a sentence or phrase

according to communication accommodation theory, which of the following is true regarding the relationship between dialect and credibility?

-when we speak to an audience with a different dialect, they may view us as outsiders and therefore question our credibility -we gain credibility with our audience when we speak to them in a familiar dialect

which of the following statements about words are true?

-words are arbitrary, having only the meaning that users of the language give them -we use words to refer to objects, events, and ideas

which of the following are principles that can help you distinguish between opinions and factual claims?

-you can agree or disagree with an opinion -you can verify a factual claim

which of the following are true about how to improve your language use?

-you should avoid using language that is too simple for your audience -you should avoid using language that is too complex -you should try to speak at an appropriate level of complexity for your audience

which of the following are you-statements?

-you're making me mad -you hurt my feelings -your're not listening to me -you don't known what you're doing

a word that refers to a broad category or organizing concept objects is describes as


which of the following describes a statement implying a claim is true without exception?

an allness statement

which persuasive strategy starts with an unreasonably large request then moves to a smaller request that looks good in comparison

anchor and contrast

which meaning of the word love is reflected in the saying, "love means never having to say you're sorry"?


one of the primary social functions of language is that it........socail information.


language expresses who we are by naming and identifying us and by enhancing our


which of the following describes the extent to which others perceive us to be competent and trustworthy?


which of the following describes language that harms a persons reputation or gives that person a negative image?


a words literal meaning, which is how a directionary defines the word,is known as the words........meaning


which of the following describes the language variations shared by people of a certain region or social class?


when a speaker uses language that is inappropriate simple for the audience, the speaker is talking

down to people

a vague mild expression that substitutes for something that is harsher or more blunt is known as


which of the following is informal talk that is typically judgmental about people who are not present in the conversation?


which of the following describes the technical vocabulary of a certain profession that allows members of the occupation or profession to communicate with one another precisely and efficiently?


which of the following is defined as a structured system of symbols used for communicating meaning?


because many words suggest ideas that are different from what they literally mean

language has layers of meaning

which of the following describes the principle that people see the world differently depending on which language they speak?

linguistic relativity

using the term "death panel" for a group that reviews the medical procedures a person can have under his or her health care coverage is an examlple of ......language


loaded languages illustrates the layers of meaning of a word by

making use of the connotative and denotative meanings of the world

it is important for a speaker to seperate.....from factual claims


when you use a speakers facial expressions and tone of voicee to determine that persons meaning, you are using

pragmatic rules

some social groups have recognized that they can....of certain profane terms by using the terms themselves, or reclaiming the terms

reduce the negative affects

in the semantic triangle, the denotative meaning of a word is called the.....and the connotative meaning is called the....

referent; reference

negative campaign advertisements are an example of the use of language to

separate people from each others ideologically

which of the following describes a defamatory statement that is made aloud, within earshot of others?


which of the following describes how a word represents an object or idea but does not constitute the object or idea?


the language rule that dictates the proper order of words within phrase or clause is the

syntactic rule

al calls his friend kris sly after kris convinces his boo to give him a raise. kris complains that sly has more of a negative than positive meaning. kris is focusing on

the connotative meaning of the word sly

because words are only symbols of objects and ideas and can mean whatever we choose them to mean, language is

usually arbitrary

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