Comm 101 final

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For a 10-minute speech, how much time should be devoted to the introduction?

60 to 90 seconds

Which of the following terms best reflects a key concept of group communication?


Jackson is preparing to give a speech explaining how the layout of the town has changed significantly from the time of the first settlers to the present day. What combination of organizational patterns would be most effective for Jackson's speech?

chronological and spatial

juanita wants to inform her student audience about the concept of service leadership from its theoretical origins to popular contemporary usage. Which of the following would be the best organizational pattern for her to use?

chronological pattern

When preparing to deliver a speech, it is helpful to remember that articulation is focused on ________ and pronunciation is focused on ________.

clarity, correctness

Referring back to a specific concept or phrase in the conclusion that was used in the introduction can make an audience feel that the speech is ________.


What type of word would likely present the most difficulty in terms of using language accurately in a speech?


Using a mixed metaphor during a speech will likely do which of the following?

confuse the audience

The African American practice of signifying can best be described as ________ language.


When opening a speech up to questions-and-answers from the audience, a speaker runs the risk of losing ________.


A useful way to develop an audience-centered speech is to analyze the audience's ________.


Which of the following guidelines should be followed when developing main points for a speech?

develop each point roughly the same amount

Ryan was excited to be flying down from Boston to speak at a conference of guidance counselors in Atlanta. But many members of the audience had difficulty understanding his hard A sounds and dropped Rs. Which term best reflects the cause of this communication problem in the speech?


To ensure that your audience views you as credible, you should cite every claim that you make in a speech.


When using a causal pattern for a speech, it is recommended that you present the cause first, followed by a description of the effects.


When you use a causal pattern for a speech, you inform the audience about a specific set of problems and offer a solution.


The verbal and nonverbal signals an audience gives a speaker are called ________.


Dan is a white American male. Which of the following terms most likely describes his speaking style?


Which of the following words in a speech would be most likely to require a definition?


Which type of visual aid enables a speaker to expand their message beyond the people who attend the speech?


When Khalid learned that his speech was the first one scheduled in a long conference day, he was happy and relieved. Why did Khalid have a positive response to his speaking order?

his attendees will be fresh and alert

A good public speaker will consider their audience when developing a research inventory for a speech. Which of the following is least likely to be factored into a speaker's research inventory?

how the audience will be seated

In his speech about the challenges of constantly relocating as a child of military parents, Jose said, "The stairs leading to my third school in three years were a mountain that I had no energy or desire to climb." What technique did Jose use to add imagery to his speech?


Which of the following would most impact the credibility of a speaker?

mispronounced words

Sasha knows that her speech about discrimination could be considered controversial. She thinks the most effective way to promote understanding of her perspective is to develop a personal connection with the audience. Which of the following will Sasha likely use in her speech?


When someone tells a story as part of a speech, what type of supporting material is the speaker using?


As part of her informative speech about the legislative process, Pam wants to talk a bit about her time as a summer intern for a state representative. Pam should avoid all of the following types of information except which one?


Constructing a complete speech that you present as your own from portions of several different sources is defined as ________.

patch work plagiarism

Political figures who insist on delivering a speech from a high platform to instill a sense of power over the audience are applying the science of ________.


Javier has just completed a substantial interview with a city councilor for his speech on urban youth violence. He was excited to get a lot of detailed information on neighborhood crime statistics.

summarize and clarify his notes

In the conclusion to a speech, a ________ offers the audience a concise restatement of the main points.


Visual aids should play a ________ role when used in public speaking.


The public dialogue is the ethical and civil exchange of ideas and opinions, and is in contrast with the view of public speaking as a contest or a battle.


Using appropriate labels to refer to various cultural groups is a way of demonstrating respect.


What is the maximum number of items you should include in a list being used as a visual aid?


For short-term audience recall, the difference between a speech presented with and without visual aids is about ________.

15 percent

How does long-term audience recall of information for a speech without visual aids compare to recall for a speech that includes visual aids?

Audience recall with visual aids is six times more than without aids.

Inez is rehearsing her closing argument, in which she needs to convince the jury that the defendant is guilty of a gruesome murder and should be sentenced to the most harsh punishment under the law. What type of gesture should Inez use as she makes her final point?


Devonne has to give a speech to the senior class next week. Even though she knows most of the students, she is still filled with anxiety. What does Devonne most likely fear will happen during her speech?

Her hands will shake

Which of the following affirmations will be least effective in easing someone's public speaking anxiety?

I'm going to give the best speech ever

Soraya enjoys running because she can be alone and think through challenges from work in her head. What is Soraya engaging in?

Intrapersonal communication

Which of the following online resources would be most likely to offer information that lacks credibility on a particular topic?

Miguels many musings blog

April, a white middle-class woman, is scheduled to give a presentation on financial planning strategies to members of the Hispanic Community Center. Based on her audience, she decides to modify her standard presentation by simplifying the language and leaving out a few of the more complex concepts. Is April responding appropriately to the audience for this speech?

No because she is acting on stereotypes

In his 2004 speech to the Democratic convention, Barack Obama used the phrase "if you feel the same energy that I do, if you feel the same urgency that I do, if you feel the same passion that I do, if you feel the same hopefulness that I do, if we do what we must do..." Which term best describes the technique he used to help the audience remember his speech?


Which of the following people can appropriately be called Indian?

Serita, who was raised in New Dehli

Olivia is nervous about her upcoming six-minute speech, so a friend suggested that she create some charts and work them into her presentation. How will using charts help to reduce Olivia's nervousness?

She will be more prepared to deliver it.

When she read her speech in front of a mirror, Ling felt silly at first. But after a few times she realized that she was less anxious and felt more confident that she would give a good speech next week. What helped Ling overcome her anxiety?

Systematic desensitization

When speaking at lengthy events, Carmen likes to be scheduled for the last slot of the day. Why does Carmen likely have this preference?

The audience will remember her speech

Which of the following statements should Darla avoid using in the introduction to her speech on education equity for children?

The lack of adequate funding for inner city schools is a damn shame!"

Which of the following best describes the application of main points, subpoints, and sub-subpoints in a preparation outline?

broad to detail

When developing her manuscript speech, why would Nancy read the sentences aloud?

To listen for oral speaking style

Which font should you use to label items on a colorful map to be shown during a speech?

Univers bold

Surlene is developing a survey to understand the audience for her upcoming speech on climate change. Which of the following survey questions will best enable participants to provide in-depth information to Surlene?

What do you think is the greatest cause of climate change?

For his speech about the impacts of space travel on the human body, Taye wants to include some peer testimony. Which of the following will suit Taye's needs?

a paraphrase from an astronaut who traveled to the moon

In stage plays, there is an old adage that if a gun appears in the first act, then it will reappear in the final act. In a speech, the same can be said for __________.

a question

Which of the following would not be considered an informative speech?

a request for community residents to sign a petition

When conducting research for a speech, what is a primary concern regarding the information found on the internet?


Terrell knows that good speakers make a connection with the audience. But he tends to get nervous and just stare at his notes whenever he gives a speech. What should Terrell do to modify his behavior and connect with his audience?

add delivery cue to his outline

How can you lose your audience in the introduction to a speech?

by not stating the core topic of the speech

____________ is the placement of words and phrases in contrast or opposition to one another.


How can you encourage active listening by the audience in the introduction to your speech?

ask a compelling question

When including testimony in a speech, what two factors must always be considered by a speaker?

bias and credibility

Using a quotation in the introduction to a speech ________.

borrows credibility of an expert

The information gathered during audience analysis must be considered when developing a speech introduction because __________.

early audience connection is critical

If you have a long list of main points, you should combine some of them to create a more manageable list while fitting as much information as possible into the speech.


Personal experience is not a source you should use in doing research on your speech topic.


Rehearsing a speech more than a few times often leads a speaker to sound stilted and unnatural.


Research on visualization has revealed that it is not a very effective way to impact communication apprehension.


Speakers can review the latest research to select technology tools that will help optimize their delivery of a speech.


Speakers often use outliers in a speech because they are powerful tools to illustrate complex concepts.


To avoid confusing the audience, a speaker should maintain the same delivery style until the speech is concluded.


In his speech on emergency preparedness, Ahmad plans to tell a story about being caught on the highway in a Midwestern blizzard. Which of the following phrases should Ahmad use to describe the blizzard?

howling white monster

A speaker who presents select portions of a single speech as their own is committing an act of ________.

incremental plagiarism

With smartphones and the internet and traditional media, we can easily take in more things than our minds can readily process - a situation Alvin Toffler called ________.

information overload

Which of the following connectives is effective in helping the audience remember points that a speaker has already discussed?

internal summary

Lamont's professor encouraged students to use concrete language in their speeches. To satisfy this guideline, which of the following should Lamont avoid using in his speech?


Which of the following is most important when creating graphs for a speech?


Which of the following is a likely risk for someone who uses a manuscript delivery for a speech?

lack of connection

Lucas is going to present his corporate budget review to the Board of Directors at the annual meeting. Which method of delivery is Lucas likely to use?


The significant positions a person occupies within a society that affect that person's identity in almost all social situations are known as __________.

master statuses

Cherelle wants to make sure that the speech she gives at the youth conference brings her topic to life. As a guideline, she should remember to use information that is ________.

relevant and engaging

In a speech about a process, the main points will likely follow what type of order?


Marlena is researching a speech on planning an "Autumn in New York" weekend, and has gathered a list of online articles as sources. Which of the following resources should Marlena reject as being irrelevant to her speech topic?

skin Care Tips to Look Fabulous After Flying

Which of the following visual aids is more interactive and supports audience participation?


Kenji is describing to classmates the impact of the 2011 tsunami on his province in Japan. What type of informative speech is Kenji delivering?

speech about an event

On Memorial Day, you would be least likely to hear which type of informative speech?

speeches on a process

Tenisha wants to present an informative speech about Eleanor Roosevelt. Because she won't have time in a speech to discuss all there is to know about the person, Tenisha should focus on communicating the ____________ of the former First Lady.


Citing that 4 out of 5 dentists recommend a certain toothpaste is an example of a(n) ________.


Which of the following is not one of the important time considerations to think about when making a speech?

the time length of the speakers stamina

Audience-centered speakers adapt to audience expectations. These expectations focus on all of the following except ________.

the time of day

Which of the following is a benefit when speaking to voluntary audiences?

they have similar interest

In her speech, Ella stated that the media landscape in America is undergoing massive changes. She then said, "For example, the 2016 Olympics added hundreds of hours of live, streaming coverage. Many major city newspapers have shut down over the past decade. And finally, drama programs on the traditional TV networks received no Emmy nominations." How is Ella using examples in her speech?

to build a case

What is the primary goal of the various organizational patterns that can be used to develop informative speeches?

to put key points in logical order

A phrase that indicates a speaker is finished with one point and moving on to a new one is a(n) _______


A person who doesn't organize information for a speech is neglecting their responsibility to the audience.


According to the guidelines for gender-inclusive language, the following sentence is problematic: "To properly staff the project, a foreman needs to employ appropriately trained personnel."


Delivered effectively, speeches about events can be like history lessons for the audience.


Which of the following situations is most likely to cause a speaker to lose credibility with the audience?

using incorrect data in a chart

Communication styles differ across cultures. For example, research on Native American cultures found that having multiple perspectives on an issue is ________ and competition is ________.

welcome, discouraged

When implementing Toulmin's model of reasoning for a speech, what question should you ask to determine the grounds?


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