COMM 101 Midterm - Paige Kee Harding

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which of the following statements is true of body art such ar tattoos and piercings

All of these are true of body modification.

during ashlees speech she talks with the same inflections, pauses and other qualities as when she is talking to her friends ubt it is well thought out and rehearsed this is called

a conversation style

a speech community is

a small group that speaks a common dialect

communication is effective when it

achieves its goals

lang changes when..

all of these

miriam stays in a dormitory with students from various ethnic groups. one of the students ask miriam if she knows the way to the school canteen. miriam looks confused because she identifies the canteen with the word caf. in this story which of the follwoing barriers to intercultural communications is miriam facing

incompatible communication norms

.. refers to a gap between self perception and reality


when you are really interested in another person your eye contract with that person is likely to


which of the following best defines the term phonology

it refers to the sounds used to pronounce word

which of these is an example of a vocalized pause

jane says um when she is thinking

George is an octogenarian. Every time he visits his granddaughter, he finds that she uses strange and new words like YOLO and tweeting. Likewise, his granddaughter misinterprets some of his vocabulary, and both of them end up explaining their vocabulary to each other. Which of the following characteristics of language is indicated in this scenario?

language is constantly changing

raul is an ambitious man who values self reliance and material success. however he e xpects his wife to stay home and attend to house hold chores and raising their children. based on this information raul can be said to be from a

masculine culture

which of the following is true of intercultural communications

messages are formed and interpreted in different ways

.. is the practice of paying attention to what is happening at any given moment during conversation


.... is any stimulus that interferes with the process of achieving shared meaning.


.. includes the voiced parts of communication that go beyond the words themselves


ronnie had a violin recital at his school. he played beautifully but the acoustics int he room were so bad that only the people in the first few rows could hear him. this is an example of failed communication because ronnie did not take into account the

physical context

sex consists of

physical traits that are biologically determined

sadies voice rose during an interview . what is this


during her interview kaitlin began to discuss he previous work experience the interviewer leaned forward to show interest. this movement is best described as a change in..


... is the system of shared values, beliefs , attitudes and norms that guides that us considered appropriate among identifiable group of people


when katie moved to boston to london, she has a difficult time adapting to the new culture. she felt unable to relate to the new customs that were required of her. in this story, it can be noticed that elizabeth is

culture shock

madison looks up the dictionary to find the meaning of the word restitution in this case she is looking go the ... of the word

denotative meaning

an .. is a special form of a more general lang. spoken by a specific culture of co culture


which of these statements is an example of using inclusive lang.

each student should sign the honor pledge on his or her exam

.. are textual images that symbolize the senders mood or facial expressions


The main role of feedback is to avoid semantic noise?


When we know we want to be at a dinner party on time, we are operating under polychronic time orientation.


a person's culture has very little influence on his or her self perception


an indirect verbal style is characterized by lang. that openly states a speakers intention in a straightforward and unambiguous way


denotative meanings reflect our emotions and experiences whereas connotative meanings reflect the dictionary definition


direct eye contact is univesally accepted as communication


emoticons are a type of verbal communication


intercultural communication cannot occur within ones own culture


interpersonal communication usually occurs through mass media?


jargon and slang are appropriate in most situations


members of polychronic culture are less likely to be late for appointments


people who experience traitlike communication apprehension feel anxious about speaking only with a certain person or group of people?


physical apperance does not communicate and nonverbal message


we are most likely to self monitor when we are familiar with a situation


when we cross into an unfamiliar cultural environment everything about the unfamiliar culture will be different from our own


which of the following is true of self esteem

families are central to the development of positive self esteem in an individual

which of the following is true of out elf concept

feedback changes the manner in which we think about ourselves

ashlee prefers taking care of her children to being a working mother. she also volunteers in service organizations. it can be inferred that she is likely to be from a .. culture


which of the follwoing phrases is an idiom

i am sick as a dog

an .. refers to what we would like to be

ideal self concept

every persons .. is unique to him or herself


dawson and em go to the same high school. em is very pretyy and outgoing. on seeing her, dawson assumes that she is also smart and popular. in this story dawson assumption is an example of

implicit personality theory

.. does not use words that apply only to one sex race or other group as though they represent everyone

inclusive language

... typically involves three to 20 people who come together to communicate with one another

small group communication

sara's family meet every weekend for dinner. when they meet they talk about each other and what happened during the weel. in this case, sara's family is involved in

small group communication

according to the textbook non verbal communication

the primary way we convey our emotions

which of the following is true of bulling and cyber bullying

they are aggressive behaviors that damage self esteem

which of the following is true of effetive facial expressions

they can help in animating a speech

which of the following statement is true about prejudices

they can lead to the discrimination of people

which of the followinf statements is true of speaking notes

they contain the fewest words possible

which of the following is true of people who belong to high uncertainty avoidance cultures

they create systems of formal rules to provide more security and reduce risk

which of the following is true of vocalized pauses

too many vocalised pauses can distract listeners

Synchronicity is the extent to which a channel allows for immediate feedback?


What is considered competent communication in one culture may not be true of another culture?


altruistic people focus on the needs and contribution of both parties involved in a converstation


body movements can be used to take the place of a word or phase


concrete words are sense related. we use concrete words to describe what we can see smell touch hear or taste


in high context cultures much of the speakers message is conveyed indirectly and can be accurately interpreted only by referring to unwritten cultural rules and subtle nonverbal behaviors


in the process of interpretation the brain assigns meaning to information


non verbals male up 65 % of the meaning in face to face communcaiton


sharing meaning can be difficult because lang. is arbitrary, abstract, and constantly changing


trying to decide for oneself on what food to eat is an example of intrepersonal communication?


we can improve our messages by choosing word that make our meanings clear and lang that makes a messsage memorable and demonstrates sensitivity


we choose to pay attention to information that is relevant to us


which of the following is an effective stategy to develp speaking notes?

writing the information in large lettering

Which of the following is an effective strategy to use speaking notes during speeches?writing

writing ther informtaion in large lettering

when you practice a speech

you should rehearse out loud

visualization involves picturing

yourself giving a great speech

in the perception process through attention and selection..

we reduce the number of stimuli our brains must process

a monotone is achieved by changing pitch volume and rte..


even a well written speech can bore an audience unless its delivery is intellible.


speaking notes do not include cues about delivery


you should use presentational aids when you would like to cover material that you think is important but youre not sure youll have time to cover in your speech


your attire will not affact you speech one way or another


... are defined as moments of silence strategically used to enhance meaning


delivery is how a message is communicated orally and vizually through the use of voice and body


having some fear or apprehension makes us better speakers


public speaking appregension is the level of frea we experience when anticipating or actually speaking to an audience


lucia travelled from the US to Kwan Islands. When she went to a restaurant she expected to find a full breakfast in the menu but she was disapointed because only a few restaurants served a full breakfast in this story lucias disappoinment is due to ..

assumed similarity

wade leaves his home in cal. to visit his pen pal who live sin asia. though his friends family speaks english. wade notices that his host speak very politiely but slightly ambiguously. wade is used to people saying exactly what they mean and getting to the point quickly. which of the following cultural distinctions is seen in teh given story


.. refers to altering linguistic and nonverbal patterns to conform to the dominant or co culture

code switch

the... is the surge of anxiety we feel as we begin delivering a speech

confrontation phase

while playing marcie exclaimed "ouch" she slipped in the mud and fell down . marvin immediately asked "are you okay" when she said no he said " okay this is all new to me. why dont we go clean it off"

constructed message

before interviewing one of the candidates for a position in his company. ben was informed that the candidate performed really well on her test for the job. during the interview ben saw the girl in a very positive light althouhgh she made a feww mistakes he passed them off . his perception of the girl was based on his


A(n) _____ is one that is researched and planned ahead of time, but the exact wording is not scripted and will vary somewhat from presentation to presentation.

extemporaneous speech

when low context communicators interact with high context communicators

gestures should be given more importance than verbal messages

pedro is giving a speech about marine life. he has prepared may presentational aids like slides and models. in this story which of the following strategies will help pedro to effectively handle his presentational aids

he should display the aids that everyone in the audience can see them

markus did not understand the meaning of the new ones because he did not know the .. of their communication

historical context

which of the following is true of low power distance cultures

inequalities in power and status are muted

.. means imaginatively placing yourself in another persons cultural world and attempting to exprience what he or she is experiencing

intercultural empathy

which of the following is a difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication

interpersonal communication occurs between two people, when intrapersonal communication takes place in our minds

in the context of paralang. the varity melody or inflection in ones voice


unlike public communication mass communication

is delivered to large segments of the population at the same time

which of the following is true of self perception

it influences how we have converstations about others to ourselves

each verbal lang. consists of a.. a collection of works and expressions


during class adam could not concentrate on the lecture because he was thing of a movie that he watched the previous night. In this scenario, Adam is distracted from the lecture due to ...


while giving a speech beatrice used pauses good but in the end spook too fast. she need to moderate her..


ethical communicators

refrain from gossiping, bullying, and spreading rumors

in the perception process we are likely to miss the stimuli that

relate to what we do not expect to see

a ... is an inaccurate perception of a skill, characteristic or situation that leads to behaviors hat perpetuate that false perception as true

self fulfilling prophecy

while still learninf to drive jane acciently drove into another car although still considers herself to be a poor driver. as a result she has not driven since. in this story it can be said that janes experience has affected her..

self perception

... is the internal conversation we have with ourselves in our thoughts

self talk

saying 3 bedroom ranch instead of house is a matter of word


for a word to have meaning it must

stand for a particular object idea or feeling

craig gets upset because people intered his... space


which of the following is true of people in collectivist cultures

the act in the best interest of their group and group harmony

which of the following is true of people with interdependent self perceptions

the demonstrate appropriate abilities and personality characteristics based on situation

people in polychronic cultures

values relationships more than schedules

in contect of haptics touching behavior

varies with situations

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