Comm Exam #2

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Adrian is developing a presentation on touring the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast region, examining the devastation state by state. Which organizational pattern has she selected for her topic? 1) Cause-and-effect 2) Chronological 3) Transitional 4) Spatial


Jess is presenting a problem-solution speech where she has just noted the problem NASA is facing with funding, and she is moving into an area discussing viable solutions. Which sentence(s) best fulfill the requirements of an effective transition for that speech? 1) "Now that I've established the problem, I'll look at possible solutions." 2) "Let's now look at possible solutions that will keep us going 'where no man has gone before.'" 3) "As I've just said, NASA needs approximately $60 million to continue the construction of the space station because we are so far behind schedule. NASA also is working with less money than ever before due to competition with other government agencies and programs. But we can find money in any number of places, and specifically through taxes, cuts in military funding, and from our partners in the project." 4) "The point is simple-NASA is strapped for cash and the space station project is in jeopardy. This need not be the case. As I will suggest, there are three funding alternatives that will allow us to continue our quest in space."

"The point is simple-NASA is strapped for cash and the space station project is in jeopardy. This need not be the case. As I will suggest, there are three funding alternatives that will allow us to continue our quest in space."

Bryant's specific purpose for his speech is that he wants his listeners to understand, and accept as valid, the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Given this purpose, which of the following comprises the best thesis statement for Bryant's speech? 1) A plant-based diet is heavily championed by environmentalists. 2) Residents of Oregon have led the way in championing a plant-based diet. 3) A plant-based diet is also widely known as a Vegan diet. 4) A plant-based diet is a major component in living a healthy life.

A plant-based diet is a major component in living a healthy life.

Which of the following comprises the best main point in a speech advocating a plant-based diet as the best diet for one's health? 1) Typical American's diet-unhealthy and expensive! 2) Plant-based diet-healthy and inexpensive! 3) A plant-based diet is better for the circulatory system. 4) Plant-based does not have to mean eating bland food.

A plant-based diet is better for the circulatory system.

Jessica's introduction begins with the following statement: "We've all walked across campus at night, taking the shortcuts that get us to the library in the shortest amount of time. We've walked in the pathways behind the student union?you know, the ones by the chapel? It's dark, and a bit scary at times, but campus is a safe place, right? Guess again. Last week, on that same path I've taken time and time again over the past two years, a female student was attacked and robbed. Her name is Jessica, and she's in my Algebra class. Two men jumped her, hit her, and stole her backpack, wallet, and jewelry. They took more than Jessica's 'stuff,' though; they stole her sense of security, and they took mine, too." What goals of an introduction did Jessica achieve with this introductory statement? 1) Attention and purpose 2) Attention and credibility 3) Credibility and preview 4) Attention, credibility, purpose, and preview

Attention and credibility

Alec's main contention in his persuasive speech is: "Marijuana should be legalized." He develops four independent claims to support the contention: 1) prohibition doesn't work; 2) marijuana has medicinal qualities; 3) revenue can be generated from taxes; and 4) various products can be made/manufactured. By examining these aspects, Alec has employed which organizational pattern? 1) Cause-and-effect 2) Chronological 3) Narrative 4) Categorical


Marika selected the following topic for her informative speech: "Working Women in Contemporary America." She concentrated on three main areas in the presentation: the current status of women in the labor force; the impact of working women on marriage patterns; and male reactions to the increasing number of women in management. Which pattern of organization most clearly describes this specific speech pattern? 1) Categorical 2) Chronological 3) Spatial 4) Cause-to-effect


Rae's main contention in her persuasive speech is: "Trees protect our environment in many ways." She develops three independent claims to support the contention: 1) trees improve the quality of our air; 2) trees lessen our energy demands; and 3) trees protect and enrich our soil. By examining these aspects, Rae has employed which organizational pattern? 1) Cause-and-effect 2) Chronological 3) Categorical 4) Spatial


____ is an organizational pattern where several distinct yet interrelated ideas are used to advance a larger idea. 1) Spatial 2) Causal 3) Categorical 4) Chronological


In his presentation, Albert cited leading authorities who found that burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and oil along with disappearing forests (due to clearing, wildfires, and insect infestation) have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere. The increase in carbon dioxide, in turn, Albert noted, has resulted in rising temperatures on the Earth's surface. He then examined the consequences, citing such sources as the World Health Organization which predicts that deaths from global warming will double in just 25 years-to 300,000 people a year. Which pattern of organization has Albert used? 1) Categorical 2) Transitional 3) Chronological 4) Causal


In her presentation, Selma reviewed the lack of progress in the issue of equal pay for women, examining how long the problem has persisted. She began in the mid 1880s and moved forward in time, noting the various efforts women had made to be paid wages or a salary comparable to their male counterparts and how, even today, women typically earn less for doing the same job. Which pattern of organization has Selma used? 1) Spatial 2) Categorical 3) Transitional 4) Chronological


In his presentation, Jeffrey noted, decade by decade over the last 50 years, how deforestation, coupled with emissions from burning fossil fuels, correlate with measurable changes in the Earth's atmosphere and the increased temperature of the Earth's surface. Which pattern of organization has Jeffrey used? 1) Spatial 2) Categorical 3) Transitional 4) Chronological


In the introduction of his persuasive speech on the advantages of geothermal energy, Jose says, "Geothermal energy can supply much of the United States` electric needs at competitive prices." What function does this part of Jose's introduction serve? 1) Establishing his credibility 2) Clarifying his purpose by advancing his thesis 3) Grabbing the audience's attention 4) Previewing his main points

Clarifying his purpose by advancing his thesis

According to researchers, where should a speaker place her or his most powerful argument? 1) first in the speech 2) in the middle of the speech 3) last in the speech 4) either first or last in the speech

either first or last in the speech

In the introduction of his persuasive speech on the use of drone attacks in warfare, Bernard says, "Drones have provided some victories, but they come with a price we have yet to pay." What function does this part of Bernard's introduction serve? 1) Establishing his credibility 2) Clarifying his purpose by advancing his thesis 3) Grabbing the audience's attention 4) Previewing his main points

Clarifying his purpose by advancing his thesis

Bosco offered the following points, in the following order, in a speech advocating flossing daily to promote one's health. Which organizational pattern has Bosco used? I. Flossing regularly promotes healthy teeth. II. Flossing regularly promotes healthy gums. III. Flossing regularly promotes a healthy heart. 1) Spatial 2) Narrative 3) Climactic 4) Chronological


Yan offered the following points, in the following order, in a speech advocating the development/use of clean energy sources. Which organizational pattern has Yan used? I. Continued dependence on fossil fuels is economically unwise. II. Continued dependence on fossil fuels is politically irresponsible, prompting conflicts around the globe that will only worsen over time. III. Continued dependence on fossil fuels is nothing short of insane when one contemplates the environmental effects and their consequences. 1) Spatial 2) Narrative 3) Climactic 4) Chronological


Which of the following comprises the best main point in a speech advocating fiscal responsibility by Congress? 1) Congress needs to dramatically reduce spending on members' pet projects. 2) Congress spent too much on prescription drug benefits and on the Energy Bill. 3) This year's spending levels exceeded the prescribed caps of four percent growth, at a whopping eight percent. 4) Any economist will tell you, you cannot have this level of debt and increasing deficits without eventually affecting interest rates and inflation

Congress needs to dramatically reduce spending on members' pet projects.

At a Veteran?s Day celebration, Ed has been asked to speak to a local citizens group about American involvement in World War II. He begins his presentation like this: From the time I was very young, I wanted to learn to fly. My family was very poor and so flying lessons were out of the question. But, when America became involved in the War, I immediately enlisted in the Air Force. There I learned to fly and during the course of the war I flew 56 bombing missions. I was honored to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross, and it was an even greater privilege to have played a small role in freeing those who had suffered at the hands of the Nazis. Which of the following is Ed doing in this part of his introduction? 1) Establishing the purpose of his speech 2) Showing his respect for the audience 3) Establishing his credibility 4) Adapting the topic to the audience

Establishing his credibility

After alerting listeners to the likelihood of a natural disaster in their area, Wren is going to help them see the need for a disaster-preparedness kit, learn what it should consist of, and then visualize how they and their loved ones' survival and comfort can result from something as simple as preparing the kit. If Wren proceeds in this fashion, which organizational pattern will she use? 1) Spatial 2) Narrative 3) Chronological 4) Motivated Sequence

Motivated Sequence

Listeners were shocked when the speaker reported the costs for repairs and maintenance to their aging school buildings, as well as the hazards to their children. They were pleasantly surprised to learn that the cost of a new school was more easily achievable than they had imagined. The speaker then had them envision the safer, more appealing surroundings in which their community's youth would learn and grow-for generations to come, and how their town would set a fine example for others to follow. Presenting his remarks in this fashion, the speaker employed which organizational pattern? 1) Narrative 2) Chronological 3) Motivated Sequence 4) Spatial

Motivated Sequence

Organizing a speech is very important to achieving the specific purpose of the speech. Which of the following is a true statement about speech organization? 1) Most speeches could benefit from a categorical pattern of organization. 2) The pattern of organization should be devised while you deliver your speech. 3) The most commonly used organizational patterns are spatial and chronological. 4) Most topics can be appropriately organized using more than one pattern.

Most topics can be appropriately organized using more than one pattern.

In a speech to inspire students at a school assembly to serve in their community, the speaker paid tribute to a recent graduate of the school, Pam Greer, suggesting that she was the perfect example of one dedicated to helping others. He recalled, in detail, how Pam was an honor roll student and a star athlete but still managed time to tutor at-risk students-even on the weekends. He told how, during college, she continued tutoring, plus served as a Big Sister for all four years, and also volunteered at the Veterans' Home. He noted that Pam now works hard in her career, but also delivers Meals on Wheels on the weekends and some evenings, and also collects and restores donated computers for needy households. By sharing these various stories and exploring each in some depth, the speaker has employed which organizational pattern? 1) Narrative 2) Chronological 3) Motivated Sequence 4) Problem-solution


In his speech on the destruction of the rain forest, Omar advanced the following main ideas in this order. Which organizational pattern has Omar used? I. The world's rain forests are disappearing at an astonishing pace. II. To curb this destruction, we must come up with solutions for both commercial interests and those of indigenous people. III. Four possible solutions could help meet these competing needs. IV. Developing alternative forms of forestry is the most viable alternative. 1) Problem-solution 2) Causal 3) Categorical 4) Narrative


Dustin researched the effects of violent content in movies and video games. He found that experts continue to warn that the content increases the likelihood and intensity of violent behavior as well as lessens the valuing of human life. His research also suggests that government regulations need to be tightened and parents need to be vigilant/protective. In light of these findings, which organizational pattern makes the best sense for Dustin to use while advocating that we must take action to address this concern? 1) Climactic order 2) Narrative pattern 3) Sequential order 4) Problem-solution order

Problem-solution order

At the public forum, Tyler described what the recreational trail would feature, from start to finish, using the following points. Which organizational pattern has she used? I. The section between River Road and Elm Street will be quite popular, given its gentle grade and rest areas. II. Fitness buffs will love the section through Arena Park for its moderately challenging hills and various exercise stations along the trail. III. The side loop through Cedar Hills will test even the most serious athletes. IV. The section along Penn's Creek will be a favorite stroll for nature lovers. 1) Spatial 2) Categorical 3) Transitional 4) Chronological


In his speech, Keenan underscored how AIDS was a widespread problem, offering the following points. Which organizational pattern has he used? I. AIDS is a problem in our urban areas. II. AIDS is a problem in our suburbs. III. AIDS is a problem in our small towns. 1) Spatial 2) Categorical 3) Transitional 4) Chronological


Which of the following is sound advice to follow when you develop the conclusion of any speech? 1) The conclusion is an excellent place to mention any information that you neglected to provide earlier. 2) The conclusion can be short or fairly long, depending on what you need to cover. 3) The conclusion should be relatively brief. 4) Some speeches don't need formal conclusions; rather, it might be best to just stop speaking and go directly to questions.

The conclusion should be relatively brief.

Which of the following comprises the best main point in a speech advocating universal health care for citizens in the United States? 1) Present system-cost and access. 2) The number of citizens with no coverage or insufficient coverage is alarming. 3) The 2003 U.S. Census found that the number of uninsured rose to 45 million and another 16 million were underinsured. 4) The U.S. needs to address the shortage of nurses through various incentives.

The number of citizens with no coverage or insufficient coverage is alarming.

____ escort the listener through the speech, connecting ideas while simultaneously reinforcing those ideas. 1) Supporting materials 2) Preview statements 3) Main points 4) Transitions


Zack's specific purpose for his speech is that he wants his listeners to understand, and accept as valid, the drawbacks of using gaming as a revenue stream. Given this purpose, which of the following comprises the best thesis statement for Zack's speech? 1) Gaming is frequently used by states and municipalities to generate revenue. 2) Over half of the states allow gaming establishments so to generate revenue. 3) Gaming has often been associated with organized crime and corruption. 4) Using gaming to produce revenue presents several noteworthy drawbacks.

Using gaming to produce revenue presents several noteworthy drawbacks.

Kiera is drafting the conclusion of her speech-a speech advocating that elderly drivers be tested annually to determine their ability to operate a vehicle safely. What would be an appropriate and powerful way to conclude this speech which calls for important change? 1) Review statistics stating the likelihood that an older driver will cause an accident. 2) Quote law officers who have cited older drivers as being at fault in an accident. 3) Quote elderly persons who admit that they have no business behind the wheel. 4) Visualize how the elderly persons, themselves, will be safer, as will others.

Visualize how the elderly persons, themselves, will be safer, as will others.

"It's clear, then, that there are two major disadvantages to cigarette smoking: cost and inconvenience to the smoker and to people around him or her. There is a third disadvantage, however, that outweighs the others: smoking endangers your health." The above device is an example of ____. 1) a signpost 2) a transition 3) a narrative 4) an example

a Transition

Bryant is drafting a speech advocating the health benefits of a plant-based diet. He asks you to critique the draft of his first point, which states: "A plant-based diet can be good for the circulatory system as well as for one's digestive system, and it can easily and inexpensively be grown without pesticides and herbicides in one's own backyard." What feedback would you provide Bryant? 1) The point seems nicely balanced and suggests a defensible thesis statement. 2) The point seems appropriate to the classroom setting as it is helpful and new. 3) You will want to sort out the various ideas and focus separately on each. 4) What you present is actually supporting material rather than a point.

You will want to sort out the various ideas and focus separately on each.

A(n) ____ reviews information and reinforces ideas, before moving on to the next part of the message, to help keep the audience mentally on track. 1) signpost 2) verbal marker 3) internal preview 4) internal summary

internal summary

In her speech, Makiko argued that cutting physical education programs in school had resulted in lethargic students who could not concentrate as well in class and also contributed to the significantly higher obesity rates among our nation's youth. Her basic pattern of organization is the ____. 1) climactic order 2) narrative pattern 3) causal order 4) problem-solution order

causal order

Jasmine is composing a speech in which she will discuss how the trend of more women earning degrees will yield profound changes in the world of business and politics. Her basic pattern of organization is the ____. 1) narrative pattern 2) categorical order 3) causal order 4) problem-solution order

causal order

Malik is composing a speech in which he will discuss how some individuals become homeless. His basic pattern of organization is the ____. 1) narrative pattern 2) causal order 3) categorical order 4) problem-solution order

causal order

During her speech examining the similarities between kidnapped victims and victims of domestic violence, many in Kao-Ping's freshman audience puzzled over what she meant by "Stockholm Syndrome," terminology she never explained as she continued her remarks. As a speaker, Kao-Ping should have ________. 1) used a contemporary example, rather than one dating back to 1973 2) used domestic examples from the U.S., rather than Euro-centric ones 3) considered the level of complexity appropriate to the listener and context 4) considered the ethnocentric nature of her audience and adapted accordingly

considered the level of complexity appropriate to the listener and context

During her speech examining the way revenue is generated in the United States, many in Kao-Ping's freshman audience puzzled over what she meant by "regressive tax," terminology she never explained as she continued her remarks. As a speaker, Kao-Ping should have ________. 1) used a contemporary example, rather than one dating back to 1942 2) used an example from Wall Street rather than one from the world market 3) considered the level of complexity appropriate to the listener and context 4) considered the ethnocentric nature of her audience and adapted accordingly

considered the level of complexity appropriate to the listener and context

In the body of her speech, Jackie will offer three main points to support her thesis. She wishes to emphasize one point more strongly than the rest. Where should she place it in order to give it special emphasis? 1) as her first point 2) as her second point 3) as her third point 4) as either her first or third point

either first or last in the speech

According to scholars' studies, a carefully organized speech will _____. 1) enhance credibility and promote learning but have little impact on retention 2) enhance credibility but have little impact on learning or retention 3) enhance credibility as well as promote learning and retention 4) promote learning and retention but have little impact on credibility

enhance credibility as well as promote learning and retention

Yusef organized his speech carefully. As a result, according to scholars' studies, his careful organization will _____. 1) enhance credibility and promote learning but have little impact on retention 2) enhance credibility but have little impact on learning or retention 3) enhance credibility as well as promote learning and retention 4) promote learning and retention but have little impact on credibility

enhance credibility as well as promote learning and retention

Your local chapter of Women in Communications has invited a very distinguished businesswoman to address your group at its annual awards banquet. During her introduction, she tells the group about how she spent most of her formative years in a community near your school, earned some college credits from your school while in high school, and has many fond memories of those years. By sharing this story, the speaker is ____. 1) providing a preview to orient her listeners 2) establishing common ground with the audience 3) advancing her speech's thesis or purpose statement 4) providing startling information to grab the audience's attention

establishing common ground with the audience

As the authors of the text observe, a ____ "introduces your main ideas, offering a roadmap so that listeners can more easily follow your speech." 1) thesis statement 2) specific purpose 3) preview 4) summary


Heather's speech is designed to convince her audience that organic farming is a superior way to farm. As she articulates the reasons for her position, she says, "First," "Second," and "A final reason." When she uses this kind of language to introduce her reasons, she is using _______. 1) signposts 2) a preview 3) a summary 4) a categorical device


The ____, one of the most common techniques used in the conclusion of a speech, reinforces your ideas and reminds the audience of your most important points. It is especially important when the speech is complex or rather long. 1) emotional appeal 2) challenge 3) summary 4) quotation


In a speech examining how America transports its goods, Scott offered as his thesis that "America relies on four principal modes of transport." In his preview he noted that those modes consisted of rail, water, truck, and air, and that he would discuss each in turn. In the body of his speech he discussed rail and truck at great length but provided little development for water and air. Scott needs to rethink the organization of his speech in terms of _____. 1) strategy 2) symmetry 3) placement of ideas 4) suitability to the situation


In a speech examining how the President had campaigned for office, Ross offered as his thesis that "The President employed four principal campaign media." In his preview he noted that those types consisted of speeches at rallies, television advertisements, social media, and electronic messages, and that he would discuss each in turn. In the body of his speech he discussed television advertisements and social media at great length but provided little development for speeches at rallies and electronic messages. Ross needs to rethink the organization of his speech in terms of _____. 1) strategy 2) symmetry 3) placement of ideas 4) suitability to the situation


Even when an audience finds a speech interesting, they will wonder about its relevance to them. At what point in the speech should you establish the significance of your topic? 1) The introduction 2) The transition to the body 3) The first main point 4) The conclusion

the introduction

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