Critical Paradigm: Warrants
Coherence: degree to which arguments are logical, connections between social situtations and claims Positionality: what is worthy to study, situation circumstances
Discovery Paradigm: Forms of Argument
Demonstrating Causality: Time order, Covariation, Control over rival hypothesis, Necessity, Sufficiency
Critical Paradigm: Forms of Argument
Demonstrating Ideological (set of ideas that structure society) Need for Change, showing that hegemonic (priveledge to one group) oppression exists
Interpretive Paradigm: Forms of Argument
Demonstrating multiple realities
Discovery Paradigm: Values
Precision (accuracy), Power (broadness), Parsimony (succinctness)
Discovery Paradigm: Warrants
Reliability: consistency over time *noise=random error, threat Validity: accuracy, internal and external validity, bias=threat, constant error
Interpretive Paradigm: Warrants
Researcher Credibility (emic,etic), Plausibility of Interpretations (Adequacy of evidence, coherence), and Transferable Findings (Confirmability, Relevance)
Interpretive Paradigm: Values
Subjectivity, Rich Description
Truth: Critical Paradigm
Truth is individual, not at same time, place
Truth: Discovery Paradigm
Truth is objective and verifiable, hence the need for validity and reliability
Truth: Interpretive Paradigm
Truth is subjective, needs for multiple viewpoints because it is not completely personal
Critical Paradigm: Values
Voice (participation), Liberation (securing of rights)