Common Test Status Designations
NPO "nothing by mouth" prior to surgery or anesthesia proc.
Priority: N/A
Routine; relating to established procedure used to diagnosis or monitor patient's progress
Priority: none collect in a timely manner EX; CBC Chem. profile
Timed; collect at a specific time. test for which timing is critical for results
Priority: Second EX: 2-hr PP GTT, cortisol cardiac enzymes TDM blood cultures (record time collected)
Med Emergency (same As STAT)
Same As Stat
postop "after operation" asses patient condition after operation
Priority: same as ASAP Ex: H&H
Fasting; no food or drink except water for 8-12hrs to eliminate diet effects on test resuts
Priority; 4th Ex; glucose cholesterol triglycerides. Conditions: check if patient is fasting if not check if its still ok to take specimen
ASAP; as soon as possible test needed to respond to serious condition but patient is not critical
Priority: 2nd or 3rd depending on test Ex; electrolytes glucose H&H
STAT; immediately test results are urgent on critical patients
Priority: First Ex: Glucose, H&H, Electrolytes, Cardiac Enzymes
PREop "before operation" to determine patient eligibility for surgery.
Priority: same as asap Ex: CBC PTT platelet function studies