COMMS 235 Exam 2

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Characteristics of goals

"Maintain profitability" "increase use of social programs" "regain public trust"

Web Analytics

# of visitors to a site and # of page views. Helps set measurable objectives or measure efficiency of site. On site and off Site measurements. Data / Research. Measure Behavior. Use it to show how PR Tactics / Activities are contributing to purchases/ awareness of brand.


(Federal Communications Commission) regulates the television and radio industry, grants licenses to television and radio stations, and blocks monopolies.

Crisis Planning


8-Step Strategic Communications Planning Matrix

1) Background 2) Situation Analysis 3) Core Problem/Opportunity 4) Goal and Objectives 5) Big Idea, Key Publics, Messages, Strategies, and Tactics 6) Calendar and Budget 7) Communication Confirmation 8) Evaluation Criteria and Tools

The five-stage adoption process

1. Awareness 2. Interest 3. Evaluation 4. Trial 5. Adoption

The Strategic Communications Planning Matrix

1. Background 2. Situation Analysis 3. Core Problem/Opportunity 4. Goal and Objectives 5. Big Idea, Key Publics 6. Calendar & Budget 7. Communication Confirmation 8. Evaluation Criteria and Tools

Questionnaire construction

1. Carefully consider wording 2. Avoid loaded questions 3. Consider timing and context 4. Avoid the politically correct answer 5. Give a range of possible answers 6. Use scaled answer sets

5 Communication Elements

1. Source 2. Encoder 3. Signal 4. Decoder 5. Destination -Must be a field of shared experience -Messages occur in a continual loop

Writing for clarity

1. Use Symbols, Acronyms and Slogans 2. Avoid Jargon 3. Avoid Cliches and Hype Words - "unique", "breakthrough", "one of a Kind!" 4. Avoid Euphemisms - Right sizing, skill-mix adjustment, career relocation. 5. Avoid Discriminatory Language - Police Officers, not Policemen. Black instead of African American.

The four questions at the heart of the matrix planning process

1. What do we need to do to meet the challenge or overcome the problem? 2. Who do we need to reach and motivate to accomplish that? 3. What messages do we need to send to them in order to gain their cooperation? 4. How do we most effectively send those messages so the public chooses to perceive and act out on them?

Types of digital analytics

1. web analytics, 2. social media monitoring tools, 3. social media participatory research Crimson Hexagon ( social media monitoring / listening tool) Cookies. Google.

Invasion of Privacy

4 areas: 1. Employee Communication 2. Photo Releases 3. Product Publicity and Advertising 4. Media Inquiries about Employees.


A major occurrence with a potentially negative out come affecting the organization, company, as well as it's publics, products, services, or good name.

Libel and Defamation

A published false statement that is harmful to a person's reputation. Libel=written. Slander = Oral. Defamation = modern.

Service Mark

A trademark that is used to distinguish the services (rather than the products) of one person or company from those of another.

Influentials/opinion leaders

A trusted individual to whom one turns for advice because of his/her greater knowledge or experience regarding the issue at hand.

Issues related to lawyers and public relations professionals

A.Employee communication -just because a person is an employee doesn't mean they waives their rights to privacy. -keep focus on the organization-related activities releases -organization must have a signed release on file if it wants to use the photographs or comments of its employees and other individuals in product publicity. -PR Departments should take the precaution of 1.storing all photographs electronically them the context of the situation. C. product publicity and advertising -example of NFL using retired player's film reels, pictures and names to help market the league. -ALWAYS GET PERMISSION!!

Image Restoration

ATTACK the accuser: confront accusers DENIAL: explain there is no crisis EXCUSE: org. minimizes responsibility for crisis. JUSTIFICATION: minimized with statement that no serious damages/injuries resulted INGRATIATION: actions are taken to appease the publics involved CORRECTIVE ACTION: steps are take to repair damage/prevent from happening again FULL APOLOGY: org takes responsibility and asks forgiveness, compensation or aid is often included.


Advertising Value Equivalency - Calculate the value of a new story of broadcast mention by comparing it to what the space or time would cost in advertising.


Also known as Omnibus, which means something that serves more than one purpose. Buying space for questions in a bigger, public survey.


Always get insurance.


An act passed into law by Congress in 2002 to establish strict accounting and reporting rules in order to make senior managers more accountable and to improve and maintain investor confidence. Made in wake of ENRON and WORLDCOM scandals. Apparently it didn't work, BC 2009 recession. For PR, Ignorance is no excuse before the law.

Triggering Event

An event that transforms "Readiness to Act" into "Actual Behavior." occurrence of situation that requires certain action i.e. the triggering event for giving out the GPL is face-to-face meeting.


Artistic/ Literary focus. the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.

Attitude change and behavior change

Attitude Change- the audience believes and makes a verbal/mental commitment to change behavior as a result of message. Change in Behavior - Change behavior, purchase product

Symmetrical Communication

Balanced Communication between sender and receiver.


Beginning a message with something that will make the hearers lives' easier, or benefit them in some way.

Receiving the message

Best way is two way Symmetrical. Most organizations have mixed motives when engaging in two way dialogue with targeted audiences & have an Asymmetrical Motive. Two way face to face = most effective.


Big Idea: Creative, overarching strategy/message that appeals to all publics you will target. 1 sentence. 3 Bullets follow- Strategy, Message, and Visual representation. (slogan = possible 4th) Key Publics: Description of each group that must be reached in order to fulfill goals/objectives. Identify... -Objectives accomplished by key publics -Demographics & Psychographics -Relationship w/ Organization or issue -Opinion Leaders -Motivating Self Interest -Viable Communication Channels Messages: Public specific, focused on self interest Strategies: Identify what a public must do to fulfill an objective and the channels through which messages will be sent to motive that action. multiple strategies OK per public Tactics: Creative Elements and tools used to deliver messages through specific channels. Eg. Story placements, you-tube vids, tweets, special events, info-graphics, websites or blogs.

Changing ethnic and age demographics in the United States

Biggest Minorities - In 2050 these groups < 50% -HISPANICS- 16% -BLACKS - 12% -ASIANS - 5% BOOMERS - 1946-1964 (BUYING POWER) GEN X - 1965 - 1980 MILLENNIAL'S- 1980-1995 Gen z - 1995-200


Brand focus. A symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.


Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms - oversees everything according to the name


Calendar: Show when each tactic begins and ends and the relationship of the tactics to each other in a time continuum. Organized by public and strategy to show work required. Gantt chart recommended. Budget: Also organized by public and strategy. Projects the cost of each tactic. Accounts for donations and sponsorship. Subtotals for both Public and Strategy.

Religious groups in the United States

Catholics (largest single group), Southern Baptist Convention, United Methodist Church, Jews, Muslims, "predominantly Christian nation"


Checks logic of you whole plan with table: Key Publics > Objectives > Strategies > Self-Interests > Primary Messages > Opinion Leaders > Strategies > Tactics

Formal Research

Collecting primary data directly from the marketplace using qualitative or quantitative methods. MATRIX - Data gathering structured according to accepted rules of research.

Primary Research

Conducting research to collect new data to solve a marketing information need. Firsthand information gathered specifically for your current purpose.

Qualitative Research

Deeper Insight into attitudes and motivations but don't have statistical significance.

Understanding the message

Effective use of language / writing for clarity. Communication can only take place


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Enforces laws to prevent unfair treatment on the job due to sex, race, color, religion, national origin, disability, or age.


Evaluation Criteria are the desired results established by the objectives Tools are the methodologies you use to gather the data. Must be included in the calendar and budget.

Message exposure, dissemination, acceptance

Exposure - PR provides materials/ info to Mass media, websites, newsletters. Audiences are exposed. Dissemination - Information stays accurate/simple as it travels through editors/other channels. Acceptance- Audience retains message & accepts it as valid.


Federal Trade Commission. Protects consumers from misleading and fraudulent business practices, such as false advertising. Reviews advertising claims. Can order a company to change their ad


Food and Drug Administration. The agency that is responsible for determining if a food or drug is safe and effective enough to be sold to the public.

You are the public relations director for the Utah State Division of Prisons. The state is building a new prison in a small town in central Utah. The site is surrounded by homes and is less than a mile from an elementary school, a middle school and a small hospital. It is on a main highway that connects the town with I-15. You need to quickly generate community support for the project because the construction company will break ground in one month and opposition could cause costly delays. What are your objectives? Who are your key publics? What are the primary messages for those publics and how will you send those messages? Provide a brief timeline of your efforts.

GOAL - Generate community support for project OBJ - Inform key publics of the project within the week. -

The company you work for has a manufacturing plant in Pleasant Grove, Utah, that it has decided to relocate to Athens, Georgia. You are responsible for the announcement of the closing and all PR surrounding the relocation. Identify your three most important key publics and what primary and secondary messages you would send to each of those publics.

GOAL - Move smoothly to new location OBJ. M- Have 80% of employees move with company by nov 2. -Company loses no more than 10% of shares in course of move, by nov 22. I - Notify key publics of move by 10-10 KP -Employees -Customers -Investors

You have been hired by the Huntsman Cancer Institute with a goal to raise $100 million dollars in the next 12 months. What are your objectives to support that challenge? Who are your key publics? What are your messages to those publics and how will you deliver the messages?

GOAL- Raise Money for Cancer Center- 100k in 12m OBJ - Receive 50k each 6 months.


Goal: One sentence statement of overall result needed to solve problem/seize opportunity. Objectives: Numbered, statements of specific results that will lead to achievement of the goal. Specific, Written, Measureable, Attainable, Time-Bound, Cost-Conscious, Efficient and Mission Driven.

Identify the two largest and fastest growing minority groups in the United States. Outline a general demographic and psychographic profile for each group that could be used to effectively reach them during a campaign.


Attention Getting Concepts

Hook - using a "need" factor. Beginning a message with something that will make the audiences' lives easier or better in some way Channeling - Beginning a message with a statement that reflects the audiences values or predispositions. Use prior knowledge/ interests

Gantt charts

Horizontal chart, like a bar chart, developed as a production control tool. Provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project.

Key publics and their profiles

Identify... Objectives accomplished by Key publics Demographics / Psychographics Relationship W/ Organization or issue Opinion Leaders Motivating Self Interests Viable Communication Channels

Regulatory Agencies

Independent agencies governed by an appointed and confirmed commission. Examples include the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Initial Public Offering

Possible legal problems facing companies

Libel and Defamation, Invasion of Privacy, Copyright Law, Trademark Law, Regulations by Government Agencies, Other Federal Regulatory Agencies, Corporate Speech, Employee Speech, Liability for Sponsored Events

Asymmetrical Communication

Not balanced - a company trying to convince an audience.


One sentence statement of main difficulty or opportunity. Includes consequences if not resolved/realized.

Investor Relations

PR activities such as annual and quarterly reports aimed at a firm's investors PR folks are always involved here; there are many rules to follow, IR are often very well paid

Conflict management life cycle

PROACTIVE -Environmental Scanning -Issues Tracking -Issues Management- make changes /plans to address issue -Crisis Planning- getn' ready 4 the worst, ahead of thunder STRATEGIC -Risk Communication- dangers or threats are conveyed -Conflict Positioning- Anticipate litigation, boycott, suits. -Crisis Management Plan- prep 4 worst. REACTIVE -Crisis Communication- implementing crisis plan, meet public needs -Litigation PR- employs comms strategies and publicity in support of legal action / trials. -Conflict Resolution - used to bring heated situations to a favorable resolution RECOVERY -Reputation Management- research status and improve it -Image Restoration-

Measuring production, exposure, awareness, attitudes, action

PRODUCTION EXPOSURE - quantity over quality. measure how many news releases, stories, tweets, photos, etc. MESSAGE EXPOSURE -Clippings- Most widely practiced form of evaluating PR = print/broadcast mentions or CLIPS. US and EU still heavily rely on clippings. -Media Impressions- How many people POTENTIALLY see message -Web Analytics - look for hits/ visits -AVE- Compare PR message to space/time/cost it would have been for Advertising. -Systematic Tracking - Media placement analysis. -Requests & 800 #s- Look how many people want more info - ROI- Determine the cost of reaching each person. AUDIENCE AWARENESS -Surveys- members of the target audience must be asked about the message and what they remember about it. AUDIENCE ATTITUDES -Pre and Post-test research- AUDIENCE ACTION -Ultimate goal is to achieve objectives.


Paid Earned Shared Owned


People who choose weather information goes on or not.

Paying attention to the message

People will pay attention if it entertains/ gratifies. Uses mass media for 1. Surveillance. 2. entertainment/Diversion. 3. Reinforcement of opinion, and 4. Decision making about buying a product or service. Seeing = 83%. Hearing = 11%. Passive vrs Active Audiences. Triggering Events

Primary and secondary messages

Primary Messages- What you want the public to understand, believe, or do. Short self interest appeal. Short summary statements similar to sound bites. Secondary Messages - meat or evidence to support and validate the primary messages. Include facts, testimonials, and other info or arguments.


Primary/Secondary Research. Info on industry, client, issue. Market analysis. Segment Demographics and Psycographics. Resources such as staffing, facilities and intervening publics identified.

Reputation management and image restoration

RM - Public owns this. -3 Foundations of Reputation 1. Economic performance 2. Social Responsibility 3. Ability to deliver value to stakeholders IR - Takes a while. #1 Strategy = quickly disclosing details Post-crisis, Should apologize and put events in past ASAP. (Warren Buffett)

Remembering the message

Repetition NEEDED 1. Not all members of audience see or hear at same time 2. Reminds the audience, no failure of memory. Prevents erosion of opinion change. 3. Helps remember message. 4. Leads to improved learning/penetration of indifference or resistance.

Quantitative Research

Research methods that yeild statistical Data

Characteristics of objectives


Research using library and online databases

Secondary source of research where you can find articles and polls from other people. Common sources include the Gallup Polls and the census Reference books, academic journals, trade publications. Online databases like LexisNExis. Statistical Abstract of USA. Gallup Poll. Simmons Study Media and MArkets - annual survey looking for how we are using media.


Securities and Exchange Commission, an independent federal agency that oversees the exchange of securities to protect investors

Primary message

Short summary statements similar to sound bites. They identify a category of information and/or communicate what action you want a public to take. They also tie the desired action to a public's self-interest.


Show when each tacticc begins and ends and the relationship of tactics to each other. Organized by public and strategy. Gantt chart recommended.

Believing the message

Source Credibility, tough on big companies. Sleeper Effect - over time people forget their mistrust of a company Context - US convention with 'made-in-china' coffee mugs. Audience Predispositions- "Cognitive Dissonance" CD - People won't believe a message contrary to their predispositions unless presented with with info that causes them to question their beliefs. Can tell when circumstances have changed Can inform about new developments Involvement- It can raise interest or concern for an issue


Strategies: Identify WHAT A PUBLIC MUST DO to fulfill an objective and the CHANNELS through which messages will be sent to motive that action. multiple strategies OK per public

Trademarked product names, logos and services can be very valuable assets. Explain the three main guidelines that should be followed when using trademarks, what companies do to protect their trademarks and give several examples of brand names that have lost their trademark protection

THREE MAIN GUIDELINES -proper adjectives and should be capitalized followed by a generic noun or phrase -should not be pluralized or used in possessive form -never verbs Saying "American Express's credit card" is improper. ""The client FedExed the package" violates the rule. HOW TO PROTECT TRADEMARKS Companies need to monitor the use of their Trademark! Organizations adamantly insist on the proper use of their trademarks in order to avoid the problem of the name BRAND NAMES THAT LOST THEIR TRADEMARKS ex. of brand names who have lost their brand name trademark. -- cornflakes, aspirin, band-aid, coke,


Tactics: Creative ELEMENTS and TOOLS used to deliver messages through specific channels. Eg. Story placements, you-tube vids, tweets, special events, info-graphics, websites or blogs.

Pilot Testing

Test message and key copy points. Common in Marketing PR BC it limits costs and allows maximum exposure. Allows company to fine tune and swap channels.


The conduit or medium through which messages are sent to a specific public to accomplish specific purpose.

Environmental Scanning

The constant reading, listening, and watching of current affairs with an eye to the organization's interests.


The fundamental motivation for an individuals' behavior.

Informal Research

The second step in the research process, designed to explore a problem by reviewing secondary data and interviewing a few key people with the most information to share. Also called exploratory research. MATRIX - Less structured exploratory information gathering.


Two paragraphs. 1. Statement of currents situation and description of challenge or opportunity based on research. 2. Identifies potential difficulties

Role of PR in managing conflict

Two sources of friction = Government and Activist groups Try to stop business with excessive safety regulations etc. Reducing conflict is ideal. Organizational and Situational factors must be considered before addressing a conflict.

Misappropriation of personality

Unauthorized use of well-known entertainers, professional athletes, and other public figures in an organization's publicity and advertising materials

Focus Groups

Used to Identify attitudes and motivations of publics. Use them to pretest messages and communication strategies before publicizing them. 8-12. MATRIX - A strategy to obtain data from a small group of people using interview questions


WILCOX - Split into two Categories. 1. Staff Time - 70% 2. Out-of- Pocket Expenses (OOP) - News Releases, Media Kits, Brochures, VNR's, Video Production, Web Programming. MATRIX - Budgets are also organized by public and strategy. The budget projects the cost of each tactic. It also indicates where costs will be offset by donations or sponsor. Subtotals are provided for each strategy and public.

Fair comment and truth as a defense against libel

When companies and individuals voluntarily display their wares to the public for sale or consumption, they have no real recourse against criticism done with honest purpose and lack of malicious intent

crisis management

a coordinated effort to handle all the effects of unfavorable publicity or another unexpected unfavorable event

Annual Report

a yearly statement of the financial condition, progress, and expectations of an organization

Communicating during a crisis

a. Be accessible (especially CEO) b. Put public first c. Take responsibility d. Set up central info center e. Never say "no comment" f. Be honest and accurate g. designate a spokesperson h. constant flow of info i. be familiar with media deadlines j. Take responsibility

Copyright and trademark law

a. Copyright: protection of creative work from unauthorized use. b. Published works are copyrighted and permission is required to reprint. c. "fair use" allows for limited quotation d. Trademark: a word, symbol, or slogan identifying a product's origin that can be registered with US Patent and Trademark Office. e. Trademarks are always capitalized and used as adjectives rather than nouns or verbs.

Evaluation criteria and tools

a. Evaluation Criteria: the desired results established by the objectives b. Tools: the methodologies you use to gather the data i. must be included in the calendar and budget

Corporate and employee speech protections

a. Increase in employee comments and criticisms but there are more and more guidelines and monitoring about what employees say online i. Monitoring of employee email 1. Must be aware they are being monitored 2. Monitored because of concerns about being held liable for racial slurs, sexual harassment, or the creation of a hostile environment 3. Concerned about the release of company information (trade secrets, plans, development of new products) ii. Monitoring of internet usage 1. Concerned about the loss of productivity 2. Companies can be sued for what employees do online iii. Employee Blogs 1. Clear policy for what should and shouldn't be said online

Different kinds of interviewing in research

a. Intercept interview/ convenience poll b. focus group c. personal interview

Issues related to sponsored/special events

a. Require detailed planning b. Consideration must be given to: i. disruptions created by the group, logistical planning, amount of staffing required ii. Liability insurance is necessary

Different gender and lifestyle groups

a. Women: Make more than 80% of household purchases. btwn ages 25-54 are "super-consumers" - very fast to embrace new media. Spend average of 12 hours per week on social media. b. LGBT Community: Internet is good way to reach this group, about 80% are online. Not a "one-size-fits-all" group. Very diverse in ages, gender identities, racial and ethnic groups.

Reasons and justifications for doing PR research

a. provides the info required to understand the needs of publics and develop powerful messages b. lead to greater accountability and credibility with upper management c. defines audiences and segment publics d. helps formulate strategy e. test messages f. help management keep in touch g. prevent crisis h. monitor the competition i. sway public opinion j. generate publicity k. measure success

Plant/facility tours

always a good idea to have liability insurance to eliminate risk

Advertising Equivalency

calculating the value of message exposure by converting stories in regular news columns and on the air into equivalent advertising costs. This approach is somewhat suspect due to the differences between advertisements and PR campaigns.

Semantic Noise

distractions aroused by certain symbols that take our attention away from the main message type of disturbance in the transmission of a message that interferes with the interpretation of the message due to ambiguity in words, sentences or symbols used in the transmission of the message

three triggers for crisis

financial irregularities unethical behavior executive misconduct

Communication Audits

help establish communication goals and objectives, to evaluate long term programs, to identify strengths and weaknesses, and to point out any areas which require increased activity. -Analysis of all communication activities -Informal interviews with all employees -Informal interviews with community leaders, media gatekeepers, and industry influential.

Copy Testing

measuring the effectiveness of advertising messages by showing them to consumers; used for all forms of advertising

Risk Communications

part of strategic phase of conflict management; dangers or threats to people or organization are conveyed to forestall personal injuries, health problems, & environmental damage

Secondary Research

past research which has already been performed and often already published. Information gathered for other purposes you can adapt to your needs.

Issues Management

proactive and systematic approach to predict problems, anticipate threats, minimize surprises, resolve issues, and prevent crises MATRIX - A Long term approach to identifying and resolving issues before they become problems or crises.

Contingency continuum

represents stances from pure advocacy to pure accommodation Pure advocacy - Competing Pure accommodation - Apology/Restitution Things don't stand still, stuff is always going to change. Gotta keep up with the times. -range of responses to conflict on a continuum from pure advocacy to pure accommodation. pure advocacy: hard-nosed, complete disagreement, threats of a competitor about an issue, and ignoring contending publics. pure accommodation: organization agrees with critics, changes its policies, makes restitution, and even full apology. there can be in the middle too with litigations and compromise. -the key point is that it identifies the stance of an organization toward a given public at a given time, also showing dynamism of PR. Public Opinion can shift, changing stances.


return on investment


should only give news reporters basic information: 1. confirmation that the person is an employee 2. person's title and job description 3. date of beginning employment/termination DO NOT GIVE: salary home address marital status number of children organizational memberships job performance

Issue management

the active management of public issues once they come to the attention of a business organization PR counselors Chase and Jones defined process in five steps: 1) issue identification, 2) issue analysis, 3) strategy options, 4) an action plan, and 5) the evaluation of results.


the characteristics of a population with respect to age, race, and gender.


the official count of a population. collection of information from a very large group of people. could be demographic

Crisis Management

the process of managing a company's reputation when some negative event threatens the organization's image MATRIX- The process of anticipating and mediating problems that could affect an organizations environment and profitability.


the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research.

Ethnographic Research

the study of human behavior in its natural context; involves observation of behavior and physical setting

Systematic Tracking

tracking media placements in a more sophisticated way--> provides continuing and regular feedback -can provide a baseline to determine whether an organization's publicity efforts paid off in terms of placements and mention of key messages -essentially is a measurement of audience response before, during and after a public relations campaign. -could also compare the number of news releases sent with the number actually published and in what kinds of periodicals published it and who to use in the future. Trying to understand deep into the data


word-of-mouth marketing, which relies on satisfied customers recommending products to others

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