Communication 130

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Vocalic qualities include which of the following?

- pitch -rate of talking - conversational rhythm

Which statement is true about cultural differences in territoriality?

-Cultures can differ in the range of possible places or spaces about which they are territorial. -Cultures can differ in the general degree of territoriality that its members tend to exhibit. -Cultures can differ in the typical reactions to invasions or contaminations of the territory that are exhibited.

Which of the following is/are true of a monochronic time system?

-Time is viewed as a commodity. -Things should be done one at a time. -Time is segmented into precise, small units.

The contact hypothesis theory describes includes which conditions that are likely to lead to positive attitudes as a result of intercultural communication?

-When someone has support from the higher status individuals. -When those involved have a personal stake in the outcome. -When intercultural contacts are constructive. -When the outcome achieved is beneficial to all parties involved in the interaction.

Which time system includes agreements among the members of a culture on important issues such as the extent to which time is regarded as valuable and tangible?

-none of these formal time systems informal time systems technical time systems

Given that all cultures have distinct beliefs, values, norms, and social practices, it follows that

-symbols do not have universal interpretations -the interpretations will not have the same degree of favorability -symbols do not have universal interpretations

Rules of interaction include which of the following?

-what to wear -what is acceptable to talk about -the sequence of events

Display rules govern

-when various nonverbal expressions are required, preferred, permitted, or prohibited -when and how often to look at others in the conversation and when to look away. -how far apart people should stand while talking

Assimilation into a new culture will occur when an individual

-wishes to take on the values and beliefs of a new culture -deems it relatively unimportant to maintain his or her original cultural identity. - believes it important to establish ties with other cultures.

Which is NOT one of the universal aspects of nonverbal communication identified in the text?

24 - 36 inches of personal space

Which of the following has/have an effect on the intercultural communication events in which one participates?

A) Feelings B) Intentions C) Skills

The term face refers to

A) a social image. B) an impression held by others C) desired favorable social attributes.

Which of the following need to be taken into consideration to develop interpersonal and intercultural competence?

A) behaviors that are deemed proper and suitable by the culture of people B) the constraints of the specific situation C) the nature of the relationship between the interactants

Emotional consequences of uncertainty and anxiety management may include

A) increased levels of self-disclosure B) heightened interpersonal attraction. C) more frequent nonverbal displays of positive emotions.

Competence in developing and maintaining intercultural relationships requires which of the following?

A) knowledge of differences B) a willingness to consider and try alternatives C) the skill to enact alternative relational dynamics

Which is an example of culture-specific knowledge?

A)Knowledge about the forces that maintain the culture's uniqueness. B)Knowledge about the predominant cultural patterns. C)Knowledge about the specific customs that govern interpersonal communication in a culture.

__________ defines how the people of a culture view human events and the expression of self through one's deeds.

Activity orientation

Lustig and Koester describe seven interactions among individuals. Whose interaction did they label as most intercultural on the continuum of interculturalness?

Anibal and Dele when they first arrived in the United States.

The authors discussed five types of changes in perceptions and behaviors that most likely occur as a relationship moves from an initial acquaintance to a close friendship. Which of the following was NOT listed by the authors?

As a result of increased time together, the people will begin having minor to major conflicts to handle.

In what country do family's live in compounds where four generations contribute to members financial security health care, day care, education, and spiritual identity making it difficult to leave?


Which term reflects a political and social consciousness of Mexican-Americans?


What does it mean when the book refers to communication as a transactional process?

Communication is a process in which all participants work together to create meaning.

In the article, The Meaning of Culture, what did the author mean when he wrote, "Culture may be pulling itself apart from the inside, but it represents, in its way, a wish"?

Culture in the United States could come to mean a collective attitude of individuals and institutions that seek to further everyone's individual growth

From the list below, which value is emphasized in a feminine focused culture according to Hofstede's taxonomy?

Defining less prescriptive roles behaviors for women and men.

How does Smriti Aggarwal's describes being bi-cultral in her essay?


A term used to refer to a wide variety of groups who share a language, historical origins, religious traditions, and identification with a cultural system is


Which statement does NOT apply to all cultures, according to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck?

Every member of a culture must agree with and abide by one solution to each problem.

"Becoming" is the dominant characteristic of European Americans.


A belief is how a group of people determines what it regards as important.


A culture's social relations orientation has little effect on the style of interpersonal communication that is most preferred by its members.


Activation behaviors are those that convey a sense of closeness, that communicate interpersonal warmth and accessibility, and that encourage others to approach.


An example of an unconscious process in the communication model is speaking.


An interpersonal relationship with large status differences among the participants is not likely to be face-threatening.


Aversive racism is based on the fear that one's basic values are threatened by members of another cultural group.


Communication often breaks down between people.


Cultural patterns are consciously taught in academic-type settings.


Culture exists solely in people's minds.


Cultures that subscribe to planning and goal setting for people to accomplishs miracles, change, and grow value a past orientation according to KLuckhohn and Strodtbeck.


Social identity refers to one's sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.


The cultural identity search stage is characterized by a clear, confident acceptance of oneself.


The cultural pattern of self-orientation is found in only those cultures that value independence and individuality.


The display of respect is the only BASIC skill that is demonstrated similarly by all cultures.


The forces that promote cultural differences are largely independent of each other.


The outgroup homogeneity effect results in a tendency to regard all members of a particular group as much more different from one another than they actually are.


The similarity-attraction hypothesis suggests that we like people who are less similar to ourselves but that we find more attractive than ourselves.


The statement, "Kathryn is late for everything" best denotes the "description" tool in the Interaction Tool Model (D-I-E).


The term beliefs refer to what a group of people defines as good and bad or what is regarded as important.


The word "comforted" contains three morphemes.


There are a wide range of cultural expectations for acquaintances and friendships but not for romantic relationships.


There is a prescribed set of characteristics that one can learn to guarantee competence in a broad range of intercultural contexts.


Uncertainty reduction strategies do not come into play in relationships that are moving from an acquaintance to friendship.


When Kathi refers to Brad's ethnicity, she is referring to his skin color.


When individuals neither retain their cultural heritage or maintain positive contacts with other groups, seclusion has occurred.


World orientation describes how people's identities are formed.


The unique experiences that are a part of a culture's collective wisdom are a culture's


The ____________ context refers to the expectations people have about behaviors of others based on the relationship between them.


The belief that humans are subjugated to nature is largely held by ___________ cultures.


Which theory suggests individuals who do not belong to a dominant group are often silenced by a lack of opportunity to express their experiences, perceptions, and worldviews?

Muted group theory

Which term refers to rules for appropriate communication behaviors within a culture?


The ____________ context includes the actual location of the interactants.


__________ occurs when members of a more politically and economically powerful cultural group do NOT want to have contact with certain cultural groups.


How a person's identity is formed relates to which cultural orientation described by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck?


Which statement will help you use your knowledge of nonverbal communication to improve your intercultural competence?

Skillful interpretation includes observation of general tendencies; therefore, focus on what the members of the other culture prefer and the ways in which they typically behave.

Which term stands for or represents a unit of meaning?


Communication is defined as

Symbolic A process Involving the creation of shared meanings

How does Laurie Lopez Charles define her cultural background in her essay in Ch. 1?


Who ultimately determines whether someone has communicated competently in an intracultural context?

The actual participants in the communicative event.

Which of the following is the best definition for the term code switching?

The choice of language in a particular interaction by people who can speak multiple languages.

What was the issue that US Americans didn't embrace regarding Peter Nwosu's family Igbo tradition?

The men in his family practice polygyny.

Which statement is NOT true about touch?

There is universal agreement on where people can be touched.

A culture's values do not necessarily describe its actual behaviors and characteristics.


According to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, a culture's orientation to the importance and value of activity can range from passive acceptance of the world to direct intervention.


According to the Interaction Tool (D-I-E), descriptive statements allow you to consider alternative hypothesis or interpretations of an event.


All cultures have a tendency to be ethnocentric


An example of a nonverbal message is how close you stand to another person.


Communication is symbolic and requires that people work to create shared meanings with each other.


Cultural identities are multifaceted.


Cultures that emphasize formality are more likely to adhere to a hierarchical social relations structure during interactions.


During the unexamined cultural identity stage, one's cultural characteristics are taken for granted.


Friendships usually occur between people who see themselves as similar in some important ways and who belong to the same social class.


In intercultural communication, the degree to which a person can predict another's behavior is decreased.


In the African and African American worldview, human beings live in an interactive state with the natural and spiritual world.


Lustig and Koester suggest that the terms subculture and co-culture are problematic and should not be used.


Many people who speak multiple languages switch their linguistic codes based on the culture and gender of their conversational partners.


Personal identity refers to one's unique characteristics, which may differ from those of others in their cultural group.


The term "intracultural" refers to communication between culturally similar individuals.


Regarding something as good or bad, clean or dirty, or fair or unfair, is an example of a


According to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, which of the following is NOT a question that each culture must address?

What is the relationship of humans to space?

Which of the following can be a symbol?

Words Actions Objects

How a person measures her/his self in relation to the spiritual world, nature, and other living things relates to which cultural orientation described by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck?

World orientation

Distinguishable marks of pronunciation are called


The competent intercultural communicator

acknowledges the existence of negative feelings about other cultures.

What is the preferred term for the process that takes place when an individual goes through changes as a result of intercultural contacts?


The stereotyping error called the outgroup homogeneity effect occurs when

all members of a particular group are regarded as much more similar to each other than they actually are

Which term refers to a specialized language that is used by a large group within a culture to define their boundaries from others who are perceived as holding more powerful positions in society?


What kind of racism is expressed when an individual is friendly to a culturally different co-worker but ignores this same co-worker at a social gathering?

aversive racism

People with a(n) __________ orientation are predisposed to think of ways to change themselves as a means of changing the world.


The Behavioral Assessment Scale for Intercultural Competence (BASIC) is based on the premise that others will determine a person's level of intercultural competence by focusing on


A person who has a competent interaction posture is able to respond to others without

being judgmental

What are the four components of cultural patterns?

beliefs, values, norms, and social practices

Which term describes the range of topics that are revealed during self disclosure?


Interpersonal communication typically involves

clearly identified participants.

Meanings that are more personal, emotionally charged, private, and specific to a particular person are called

connotative meanings

Which of the following are the three primary dimensions used by people throughout the world to interpret interpersonal communication messages?

control, affiliation, and activation

Which three kinds of face needs are suggested by Tae-Seop Lim?

control, approval, and admiration

Which term typically refers to studying comparisons of interactions among people of different cultures?

cross-cultural communication

One's sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group is called one's

cultural identity

Shared interpretations about what the world is, what it should be, how people should behave, and people's predictable behavior patterns are called

cultural patterns

Hofstede's indulgence versus self-restraint dimension implies that

cultures high on restraint discourage excess consumption.

According to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, the extent to which a culture encourages a sense of responsibly for other members depends on where it is placed on a continuum of


A statement that has NOT been distorted by opinion is


Versions of a language with distinctive vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, which are spoken by particular groups of people within specific geographical regions, are called


The ability to show positive regard for another person is the BASIC skill

display of respect

The term used to describe nonverbal behaviors that have a direct verbal counterpart is


The tendency to use the categories and values of one's own culture to evaluate the actions of others is called


According to the D.I.E. model, the claim, "His behavior offends me" is a statement of


To those who have never learned of the Internet, an attempt to translate the sentence "Tonight I'm going to surf the web" will likely have problems with _________ equivalence.


Cultural identity search refers to the

exploration of one's culture in order to understand the implications of membership.

According to Taylor's definition, racism can only happen at the institutional level.


Communication scholars believe that all intercultural contacts are beneficial.


Culture shock can only occur when a person enters an unfamiliar cultural environment.


Cultures high on uncertainty avoidance will tend to tolerate dissent.


Members of collectivistic cultures do not draw a strong distinction between ingroup and outgroup members


People process nonverbal messages with more awareness than they process verbal messages.


Re-entry shock happens when an individual leaves home and lives in another country for more than one month.


The knowledge function of prejudices helps people to maintain their sense of self-esteem.


The meanings of nonverbal messages are usually more precise than are those of verbal codes.


The study of body movements is known as proxemics.


When visiting a different culture, people should never behave in a way that displays their own cultural identity.


The author's write that people organize their perceptions of their environment. Which aspect of the environment refers to the heightened sense of decorum and politeness?


Because the Hopi language lacks verb tenses, translating from Hopi to English will likely have problems with _________ equivalence.


High-context cultures place greater emphasis on

group membership

According to Hall's Low - High Context Taxonomy, which cultural context rely heavily on nonverbal code systems?

high context cultures

According to Hofstede, cultures that believe people should be judged on the basis of their achievements tend to have

high masculinity scores

Cultures that develop in warm climates are characterized by

higher levels of interpersonal involvement.

The study of pragmatics focuses on

how language is actually used

The term used to describe nonverbal behaviors that are used to emphasize, explain, or support words or phrases is


High-context cultures transmit messages whose meanings are

implied from the physical surroundings

Cultural relativism is the belief that

individual cultures must be judged within their own set of values.

Which dimension of Hofstede's taxonomy focuses on the degree to which a culture relies on the allegiance to the self or a group?

individualism vs collectivism

What kind of racism inhibits Latinos/Latinas and African Americans from being admitted to certain public schools and universities?


The settings or situations within which social episodes occur are called

interaction contexts

The recurring, repetitive topics that people talk about in social conversations are called

interaction scenes

Which is NOT a component of social episodes?

interaction treaties

Which information-gathering strategy to reduce the level of uncertainty actually involves conversing with the other person?


Cultural patterns play a vital role in shaping judgments about

intercultural competence

When individuals move beyond the feelings and behaviors of their own cultures and incorporate other cultural realities, a process of __________ takes place.

intercultural personhood

What are the four spatial zones identified by Edward Hall that affect communication?

intimate, personal, social, and public

As one of the three primary dimensions used by people throughout the world to interpret interpersonal communication messages, affiliation

is used by members of a culture to interpret the degree of friendliness and social warmth.

Time is highly structured in low-context cultures because

it takes more effort for people to understand each others' messages.

A set of words or terms that are shared by those with a common profession or experience is called


Nonverbal codes can be used to fulfill which of the following functions?

managing impressions and regulating interactions.

Which of the following is an example of a competent relational role behavior?

mediating conflicts

The smallest units of meaning in a language are called


What term refers to a government's set of formal and legal mechanisms that have been established to regulate the political behavior of its people?


The term "Hispanic" refers to

native speakers of the Spanish language with Spanish surnames.

The term that refers to socially shared expectations of appropriate behaviors is


Competent interpersonal relationships among people from different cultures

occur as a result of the knowledge and perceptions that people have about one another.

The term dominant culture can be perceived negatively by people in the United States because it might suggest that

one culture is superior to other cultures

Which one of the BASIC skills is reflected in the statement "I find New York a difficult place to visit"?

orientation to knowledge

Low-context messages are


The three general strategies to gain information and reduce the level of uncertainty are

passive, active, and interactive

A consequence of stereotyping is that often

people will expect all members of a group to behave in a particular way.

Beliefs that refer to matters of personal likes and dislikes are called

peripheral beliefs

The basic sound units of language are called


People who ignore evidence that is not consistent with their own viewpoint may be called


Interpretation refers to the:

process of orally moving from one language code to another

One benefit of interaction within one's own culture is that it

reduces uncertainty.

In Chapter 5, Lustig and Koester caution cultural taxonomies are a guide and that "individual members of a culture may vary greatly from the pattern that is typical of that culture." Based on this idea, they propose that you do what?

reflect on how your own culture fits into the pattern.

Syntactic is concerned with the

relationship of the words to one another in a particular language

The study of the meaning of words is called


According to the "softer" version of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, language ___________ someone's pattern of thinking.

shapes and influences

Countries low on power distance, such as Denmark and Israel, tend to believe that power

should only be used for legitimate purposes

The term that refers to the predictable behavior patterns that members of a culture typically follow is

social practices

A verbal code is a set of rules about the use of words in the creation of

spoken or written messages

Fears that the outgroup will achieve economic or social success, along with a simultaneous loss of economic or social status by the ingroup, is an example of

symbolic racism

What does an idiosyncratic interpretation for nonverbal behavior mean?

that nonverbal behaviors are unique to specific individuals or relationships.

When a person acts deviantly, it most often means that

the person is often disliked and is regarded as interpersonally unattractive.

The self orientation of a culture, as described by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, refers to

the responsibilities that individuals have to others.

Which human information process presents an obstacle to intercultural competence?

the simplification of information

Which dimension of Hofstede's taxonomy focuses on the degree to which a culture considers long term and short term issues of life and work.

time orientation

A universal aspect of nonvebal communication is the need to be territorial.


According to Hofstede's theory, masculine cultures believe in achievement and ambition.


Affect displays may be unconscious and unintentional, such as a startled look of surprise, a blush of embarrassment, or dilated pupils due to pleasure or interest.


Cultural patterns are best understood as a unique whole rather than as an isolated characteristic of a specific culture.


Eric Weiner in his "Cultural Connection" essay asserts that the food chain, McDonald's, hasn't changed India, but Indai has changed McDonald's.


Highly individualistic cultures believe that people are only supposed to take care of themselves and perhaps their immediate families.


In low-context cultures, messages tend to be direct and explcit.


In order to improve intercultural competence, each person must examine the various ways in which he or she stereotypes and categorizes people.


Logic is culturally relative.


Most forms of nonverbal communication can be interpreted only within the framework of the culture in which they occur.


One universal value that David Kale argues for is the protection of the worth and dignity of the human spirit.


The process of adaptation includes physical, biological, and social changes.


The process of stereotyping is a necessary human function.


The term discrimination refers to the behavioral manifestations of one's prejudice.


The time orientation dimension refers to a person's point of reference about life and work.


Which dimension of Hofstede's taxonomy focuses on the degree to which a culture feels threatened by ambiguous situations?

uncertainty avoidance

What must an individual do in order to escape the negative consequences of ethnocentrism?

understand the forces that shape individual cultures.

Translation refers to the

use of verbal signs of one language to make sense of the verbal signs in another language.

Which term refers to whether a value is seen as positive or negative?


It has been said that there is no word for "efficiency" in Russian, so attempts to translate this word from English to Russian will likely have problems with _________ equivalence.


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