Comprehensive Stress Management- Chapter 1, 2, 3, 11

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A cachetolamine secreted by the adrenal medulla

Cerebral Hemorrhage

A rupture of blood vessel in the brain

Hydrochloric acid

A substance found in the digestive system that helps break down food for digestion

Thyroid gland

An endocrine gland that secretes the hormone thyroxin




Clogging of the coronary arteries

Endocrine system

Comprised of hormones that regulate physiological functions

Friedman and Rosenman

Coronary Heart Disease


Debris that clogs the coronary arteries

Myocardial infarction:

When a part of the heart dies because of a lack of oxygen

Progressive relaxation

a relaxation technique that involves contracting and relaxing muscle groups throughout the body

Vogt, Schultz, Luthe

autogenic training


bad things to which one has to adapt and that can lead to a stress reaction


biofeedback for relief from headaches


A catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla


A foreign substance irritating the body


A hormone secret by the pituitary gland


A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland


A lack of oxygen to the brain resulting from a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel, also called stroke

Reticular Activating System

A network of nerves that conncect the mind and the body


A physical disease caused by emotional stress without a microorganism involved

Autoimmune response

A physiological response in which the body turns on itself

autogenic training

A relaxation technique that involves a sensation of heaviness, warmth and tingling in the limbs

Relaxation Response

A series of bodily changes that reverse the effects of the stress reaction

B cells

A type of lymphocyte that produces antibodies


A type of white blood cell whose purpose is to destroy substances foreign to the body

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Activate the adrenal cortex to secret corticoid hormones

Neuromuscular Relaxation

Anoter term for progressive relaxation


Cancer causing agents

Memory T and B cells

Cells left in the bloodstream and the lymphatic system to recognize and respond to future attacks to the body by the same invader

Autonomic Nervous System

Control such body processes as hormone, balance, temperature, and width of blood vessels

Lazarus, De longis

Daily hassles


Part of the diencephalon that activates the autonomic nervous dystem


Part of the diencephalon that relays sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex

Large Intestine

Part of the digestive system that receives unusable food substances from the small intestine


Part of the subcortex responsible for coordination


Part of the subcortex responsible for regulating sleep


Part of the subcortex responsible for regulation of emotions

Medulla oblongata

Part of the subcortex responsible for the regulation of the heartbeat and breathing

Hot reactors

People who react to stress with an all out physical reaction

Limbic system

Produces emotions, the seat of emotions


Regulate the balance between sodium and potassium


Regulates metabolism of glucose

Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)

Released by hyoothalamus and result in the release of adrenocorticotropic hormones

Thyritropic hormone releasing factor

Released by hypothalamus and stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete thyrotropic hormone

Holmes and Rahe

Significant life changes


Something with the potential to cause a stress reaction

Thyrotropic hormone

Stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxin


Substance in the mouth that start to break down food


Substances produced by the body to fight antigens


Synonym with prodrome


Synonym with psychosomatic

High-density lipoprotein

Term bad cholesterol, too much HDL leads to clogging of the arteries therefore related to the development of coronary heart disease

Gastrointestinal system (GI)

The body system responsible for digestion


The combination of a stressor, stress reactivity and strain


The constriction phase of a migraine headache, also called preattack

allostatic load

The cumulative biological wear and tear that results from responses to stress that seek to maintain body equillibrium

Galvanic skin response (GSR)

The electrodermal response or the electrical conductance of the skin

Anal opening

The exit point for unusable food substances


The food pipe

Adrenal Medulla

The inner portion of the adrenal gland that secrets catecholamines


The lower part of the brain responsible for various physilogical process necessary to stay alive

Adrenal Cortex

The part of the adrenal gland that secrets corticoids


The part of the brain that "sounds the alarm" that stress is present

Diastolic blood pressure

The pressure of the blood against the arterial walls when heart is relaxed


The primary glucocorticoid secreted from the adrenal cortex that is responsible for an increase in blood glucose


The primary mineralocorticoid secreted from the adrenal cortex that is responsible for an increase in blood pressure


The study of the illness-causing and healing effects of the mind on the body

Cerebral Cortex

The upper part of the brain responsible for thinking functions


Unnecessary muscle tension


Visualization in treatment of cancer

gray matter

cerebral cortex


condition that have both mind and body component


contraction of muscles for no obvious purpose


good things to which one has to adapt and that can lead to a stress reaction

Small Intestine

part of the digestive system into which the esophagus empties


progressive relaxation (neuromuscular relaxation)


relaxation techniques to treat high blood pressure and relaxation response

Low-density lipoprotein

term good cholesterol, LDL helps to remove cholesterol from the body thereby lowering the chances of developing coronary heart disease

fight-or-flight reponse

the body's stress reaction that includes an increase in heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and serum cholesterol


the physical, psychological, and behavioral outcomes for stress reactivity


the production of glucose from amino acids by the liver

general adaptation syndrome

the three stages described by Hans Selye: Alarm Reaction, Stage Resistance, Stage of Exhaustion

Parasympathetic nervous system

Part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for conserving energy

Sympathetic Nervous System

Part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for expending energy


Ulcerative coliditis

Wolf and Wolff


Hans Selye

General Adaptation Syndrome: Alarm Reaction, Stage of resistance, stage of exhaustion


Insufficient social support to respond effectively


Digestive function

Walter Cannon

Discovered fight or flight response

Harold Wolff

Emotional Stress in Japanese vs. German war

Hardiness Theory

Emphasis on one's attitude rather than number of events


High level of cholesterol in the blood

Essential hypertension

Hypertension with no known cause

A.T.W Simeons

Importance of symbolic stressor and their possible relationship to psychosomatic disease


Loss of elasticity of the coronary arteries

Skeletal Muscle

Muscles attached to bones

Smooth Muscles

Muscles that control the contraction of internal organs

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