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A Microsoft product with which you can make voice calls, make video calls, transfer files, or send messages—including instant message and text messages—over the Internet.


A button that can be turned on by clicking it once, and then turned off by clicking it again.

Embed code

A code that creates a link to a video, picture, or other type of rich media content.

Style Set

A collection of character in paragraph formatting that is stored in named is a:

Date and time command

A command with which you can automatically insert the current date and time into a document in a variety of formats is the:

Date and Time

A command with which you can automatically insert the current date and time into a document in a variety of formats.

Left Alignment

A commonly used alignment of text in which text is aligned at the left margin, leaving the right margin uneven.


A designer-quality graphic used to create a visual representation of information.


A document structure that opens a copy of itself, opened, unnamed, and is used as the starting point for another document

Page break indicator

A dotted line with the text Page Break that indicates where a manual page break was inserted.

Live layout

A feature that reflows text as you move or size an object so that you can view the placement of surrounding text.


A feature used to automate the correction of common typing errors.


A group of formatting commands, such as font, font size, font color, paragraph alignment, and line spacing that can be applied to a paragraph with one command


A list of cited works in a report or research paper; also referred to as Works Cited, Sources, or References, depending upon the report style.

bulleted list

A list of items with each item introduced by a symbol such as a small circle or check mark, and which is useful when the items in the list can be displayed in any order.

Style Guide

A manual that contains standards for the designs and writing of documents

Tab stop

A mark on the ruler that indicates the location where the insertion point will be placed when you press the Tab key.


A note, inserted into the text of a research paper that refers the reader to a source in the bibliography

Complimentary Closing

A parting farewell in a business letter.

A thesaurus

A research tool that provides a list of synonyms.

Dot leader

A series of dots following a tab that serve to guide the reader's eye


A small box with an upward- and downward-pointing arrow that lets you move rapidly through a set of values by clicking.

Drag and Drop

A technique by which you can move, by dragging, selected text from one location in a document to another.


Additional documents included with a business letter

blue wavy underline

Alert for a grammar error

The placement of paragraph text relative to the left and right margin is referred as


justified alignment

An alignment of text in which the text is evenly aligned on both the left and right margins.


An arrangement of data made up of rows and columns.

manual column break

An artificial end to a column to balance columns or to provide space for the insertion of other objects.


An image of an active window on your computer that you can paste into a document

Hanging indent

An indent style in which the first line of a paragraph extends to the left of the remaining lines and that is commonly used for bibliographic entries.


An object such as a line, arrow, box, callout, or banner

The relative lightness of a picture is it's


Formatting marks

Characters that display on the screen, but do not print, indicating where the Enter key, the Spacebar, and the Tab key were pressed; also called nonprinting characters.

Rich/Interactive media

Computer interaction that responds to your actions; for example by presenting text, graphics, animation, video, audio, or games.

Interactive media

Computer interaction that responds to your actions; for example by presenting text, graphics, animation, video, audio, or games. Also referred to as rich media.

Artistic effects

Formats applied to images that make pictures resemble sketches or paintings.

Picture Styles

Frames, shapes, shadows, borders, and other special effects that can be added to an image to create an overall visual style for the image.


In a Word table, each cell behaves similarly to a


In a research paper, a note place at the bottom of the page


In a research paper, a note placed at the end of a document or chapter


In a research paper, information that expand on the topic, but that does not fit well in the document text

parenthetical reference

In the MLA style, a citation that refers to items on the Works Cited page, and which is placed in parentheses; the citation includes the last name of the author or authors, and the page number in the referenced source.

Works cited

In the MLA style, a list of cited works placed at the end of a research paper or report.

Picture, formatting options that control the manner in which text wrapped around a picture or other object

Layout options

Characters that display on the screen to show the location of paragraphs, tabs, and spaces, but that do not print, are called:

Non printing characters

placeholder text

Non-printing text that holds a place in a document where you can type.

American Psychological Association (APA)

One of two commonly used style guides for formatting research papers


Pictures, charts, or drawing objects.

A feature that enables you to change all colors in the picture to shades of a single color is:


A portion of a document that can be formatted differently from the rest of the document is a:


A font effect, commonly used in titles, that changes lowercase text into uppercase letters using a reduced font size is.

Small caps

A pre-formatted document that you can use as a starting point and then change to suit your needs


A movable, resizable container for text Work graphics

Text box


Text symbols such as small circles or check marks that precede each item in a bulleted list.

manual page break

The action of forcing a page to end and placing subsequent text at the top of the next page.


The box at the intersection of a row and column in a table

No Paragraph Space Style

The built-in paragraph style—available from the Paragraph Spacing command—that inserts no extra space before or after a paragraph and uses line spacing of 1.

Line spacing

The distance between lines of text in a paragraph.


The first line in a business letter that contains the current date and which is positioned just below the letterhead if a letterhead is used.

Text wrapping

The manner in which text displays around an object.

inside address

The name and address of the person receiving the letter and positioned below the date line.

Writer's identification

The name and title of the author of a letter, placed near the bottom of the letter under the complimentary closing—also referred to as the writer's signature block.

Subject line

The optional line following the inside address in a business letter that states the purpose of the letter.


The personal or company information that displays at the top of a letter.


The space between the text and the top, bottom, left, and right edges of the paper.

Normal template

The template that serves as a basis for all Word documents.


The text of a letter

Find command

To locate a specific text in a document quickly

Office Presentation Service

To present your Word document to others who can watch in a web browser, use


Using drag and drop to move text is most useful when both a text and the destinations are on the same

Text or graphic that displays behind text



When you create a table, the width of all of cells in the table is

The feature that moves text from the right edge of a paragraph to the beginning of the next line as necessary to fit within the margins


To end a line before the normal end of the line, without creating a new paragraph, hold down the SHIFT key while pressing the:

[ENTER] key

Cover letter

a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience

The symbol that indicates the paragraph to which an image is attached is an


The non printing symbol that displays where a manual line break is inserted is the

bent arrow

The difference between the darkest and lightest area of a picture is the


A command that removes unwanted or unnecessary areas of a picture.


A punctuation symbol used to indicate an explanation or emphasis.

em dash

A command that creates a reverse image of a picture or object:


Column text that is aligned to both the left and right margins is referred to as:


The banner on the front page of a newsletter that identifies the publication is the


A symbol with which you can rotate a graphic to any angle and that displays above the top center sizing handle

rotation handle

The command that resizes a picture to a percentage of its size is:


Word feature that hides header and footer information, including the page number, on the first page of a document



the greeting of a letter

red wavy underline

word not in the dictionary and is misspelled

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