Computers Concepts Training B

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The type of AI application that performs cycles of tasks and learns from each cycle is called ___ intelligence


Software used to create animated graphics in SWF format

Adobe Flash

Web sites such a NexTag and PriceGrabber are called __ sites because they organize data from other Web sites and transmit it to consumers


Most e-commerce actually occurs between businesses and is called the __ model


Using a physical feature such as a fingerprint to verify someone's identity is also called __


Type of graphic image where colors are assigned to individual screen pixels


Craigslist is a popular __ Web site


Software used by architects, scientists, designers, and engineers to create technical drawings


Formal references to published works are called __


The type of AI application that takes advantage of a computer's ability to use logic is called ____________.

Conventional AI

A(n) __ is a tiny special-purpose computer included as a component in a larger product

Embedded computer

The moral principles that govern people's behavior are called __


Hosted ad on a Web site

How a third-party cookie can end up on your computer

__ browsing lets you surf the internet without leaving cookies, history files, or personal data on the computer.


An airport or hotel might provide a (n) __ you can use to check in or find travel information


__ is an example of a professional networking site where you keep in touch with business contacts


Type of compression used in JPEG files where some of the original file data is discarded


Create synthesized music files


A company's computers monitor assembly lines and equipment with __ communications


A processing technique an operating system can use if the computer has many processors


A processing technique an operating system uses to process many parts of a single program


Technology often used in head-mounted displays to display the game and respond to motion


A(n) __ is usually a 3-to-4 digit number used to access your ATM account


A(n) __ should contain at least six characters and use letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols such as # or $


Using the work or ideas of someone else and passing them off as your own is called __


Work that is not subject to copyright is in the __

Public domain

A(n) __ is a data format used to provide frequently updated Web content delivered to your browser or e-mail software

RSS feed

Determine how a Web site uses your browsing history

Read the Terms of Use and Privacy statements

A virtual world with a currency system that has an official market-driven exchange rate

Second Life

Steps you can take to protect personal information

Shred documents and monitor accounts

Kits that contain tools for creating drawings, game-playing interfaces, and multiplayer control

Software Development Kit (SDK)

Using two distinct items such as a debit card along with a PIN to authenticate someone's identity is called __

Two-step verification

Authors of _____ mainly post video clips.


In a(n) __, participants can use a chat window to send typed messages to each other

Web conference

A(n) __ is a type of online conference where a presenter provides some type of instructional activity


Listen to music files on your computer

Windows Media Player

Why should you read statements from your health insurance plan?

You should make sure the claims paid match the care you received

To bring an object to life or to give the appearance of motion or activity


The type of software you use most directly to perform tasks such as writing a screenplay

application software

Because a blogger doesn't need to be online at the same time that readers are, a blog is considered _____ communication.


Eliminate unwanted background noise from your sound file

audio editing

The __ is the worldwide collection of blogs


What an OS uses to hold data from one device in memory before transferring the data to another device


Companies streamline production and perform tasks too dangerous or monotonous for humans using _____ manufacturing.


Businesses participate in social networks to encourage _____ to post messages with questions, comments, and ratings.


Online shopping sites track items that you select using __


Uses Web technologies to humiliate, torment, or badger an individual


A small program that tells the OS how to interact with a hardware resource

device driver

The gap between people who can access digital information and those who cannot is called the _____.

digital divide

A series of image frames displayed quickly enough for us to perceive them as continuous motion

digital video

When you make purchases over the Internet, you are engaging in __


The computer network a business uses to let employees communicate with customers, vendors, and other employees is referred as __

enterprise computing

The type of software that lets you copy, move, rename, and delete files and folders

file management software

Entertainment media where animation is done ahead of time and then incorporated into the finished product


Crime usually committed by identity thieves

financial fraud

Technology used in game controllers that lets users feel resistance in response to their actions

force feedback

A self-driving car uses a rooftop sensor and a (n) __ system to navigate

global positioning

Controlling systems such as heating, cooling, and security to increase comfort and quality of life is called __

home automation

Technique where you create a sequence of bitmap images with one or more objects changed slightly between each image


Legal rights protecting those who create works such as photos and music are called __ property rights


The core of an OS


A key task that operating systems perform to use RAM efficiently

memory management

Members of a(n) _____ such as Twitter can post messages of up to 140 characters or links to Web pages.


Type of game console used by doctors to practice their fine motor skills

motion sensitive

The type of AI that computers can use to generate and understand human speech is called ___ processing

natural language

A social network is a Web site that links people to form a(n) __ with shared interests and experiences

online community

A processing technique an operating system uses to divide one task among many processors

parallel processing

Flicker, Shutterfly, and Photobucket are ________ social networks.

photo sharing

A(n) __ is an audio file stored online that can be distributed via download


A test the computer performs during the boot process to check crucial system components

power-on self test (POST)

Popular presentation software that includes a video player


On a social network, you create an online form to create a virtual identity, or __, which includes information you choose to describe yourself


A component the OS requires to perform work


The area of AI that focuses on practical uses for machines that can move automatically is called ___________.


Device that converts a printed document into a bitmap file and assigns colors to each cell


A collection of major operating system updates

service pack

On a mass transit system, you can use a(n) ____________ instead of a ticket or token.

smart card

Talk into a microphone to "write" a report


Technology that transfers only a segment of a video file at a time from the Web to your computer

streaming video

The software that runs a computer

system software

An arrangement that employees who need flexible work schedules use to work from home is called __


Create a voice-over narrative from a written script.

text to speech

Method used in editing video, using separate tracks for video and sound


The type of software that performs a specific, limited task, usually related to managing or maintaining a computer system

utility software

Type of graphic image based on simple objects that can be grouped and layered


A(n) __ allows people at two or more locations to meet electronically using a network to transmit video and audio data

video conference

Part of the hard drive that the operating system uses as additional RAM

virtual memory

A computer-simulated, 3-D environment that you can explore and manipulate is called __

virtual reality

A digital video camera that captures video and sends it directly to a computer

web cam

Everyone in your group can access and edit a collaborative Web site known as a(n) _____.


A 3-D object composed of individual lines, used in animation


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