Consumer Behavior Test 3 (13-17)

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Scenario: Affective

As a consumer shops at a local store, one camera catches her eye: she examines it, looking at the lines and overall look. She thinks the camera looks sleek, modern, and cool. She examines another camera but thinks it looks too serious and boring. After a few more minutes of contemplation about what a great impression she would make using the first camera to take pictures at parties and weddings, she decides to buy the first camera.

Upscale Clicks and Bricks (online shopper segments)

68% more likely than average to have bought online in past 12 months' high income middle age, heavy online research prior to buying


: Organizational culture reflects and shapes organizational needs and desires, which in turn influence how organizations make decisions.

Store image

A given consumer's or target market's perception of all the attributes associated with a retail outlet

Preference Strategy (marketing)

extended decision making, involves several brands, many attributes- must structure an information campaign with attention to appropriate sources

Affective choice

tends to be more holistic in nature

Virtual Shoppers (online shopper segments)

10% more likely than average to have bought online in last 12 months, younger and split between high/low income, use internet to find good deals (largest group, 26% of online shoppers)

Mall Maniacs (online shopper segments)

15% less likely than average to have bought online in last 12 months, middle income, likes to try new things, enjoys shopping

Just the Essentials (online shopper segments)

27% less likely than average to have bought online in last 12 months, older/middle income, only looking for functional necessity

Status Striver (online shopper segments)

4% more likely than average to have bought online in last 12 months, younger and heavily female, sees shopping as fun/recreational, like to browse trends (highest mall shoppers)

Original Traditionalists (online shopper segments)

55% less likely than average to have bought online in last 12 months, older/lower income, brand and store loyal (highest catalog shoppers)

Scenario: Attribute

After consulting the Internet to determine what features she is most interested in, the consumer then goes to her local electronics store and compares the various brands on the features most important to her—namely, camera size, zoom, automatic features, and storage size. She mentally ranks each model on these attributes and her general impression of each model's quality. On the basis of these evaluations, she chooses the Olympus Stylus.

Online satisfaction and dissatisfaction

Consumer satisfaction is a mild, positive emotional state resulting from a favorable appraisal of a consumption outcome. Consumer dissatisfaction can be defined as a mild, negative affective reaction resulting from an unfavorable appraisal of a consumption outcome


Disposition of the product or the product's container may occur before, during, or after product use. Or for products that are completely consumed, such as an ice cream cone, no disposition may be involved.

External search

If a resolution is not reached through internal search, then the search process is focused on external information relevant to solving the problem.

When does consumer behavior occur?

Occurs when individuals consume & dispose of products as they satisfy their needs; applies to Marketing strategy, Regulatory policies, Social marketing, and Creating informed individuals

Consumer choice process

The buying decision process is the decision-making process used by consumers regarding market transactions before, during, and after the purchase of a good or service. It can be seen as a particular form of a cost-benefit analysis in the presence of multiple alternatives. ... Decision-making is a psychological construct

Scenario: Attitude

The consumer remembers that her friend's Olympus Stylus worked well and looked "good"; her parents had a Kodak Easyshare that also worked well but was rather large and bulky; and her old Fujifilm FinePix had not performed as well as she had expected. At her local electronics store she sees that the Olympus and Kodak models are about the same price and decides to buy the Olympus Stylus.

Time related dimensions - relating to internet

The factor of time in shopping is often easily reduced by internet because the search is faster over a much wider base of information

Product life cycle

The process wherein a product is introduced to a market, grows in popularity, and is then removed as demand drops gradually to zero. There are four stages in the product life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. 1. The introduction stage of the product life cycle is where a new product is launched into a market. 2. In the growth stage of the product life cycle, the market has accepted the product and sales begin to increase. 3. In the maturity stage of the product life cycle, sales will reach their peak. 4. In the decline stage of the product life cycle, sales will begin to decline as the product reaches its saturation point. **There is no set schedule for the stages of a product life cycle.


The store being temporarily out of a particular brand, obviously affect a consumer's purchase decision. The consumer must then decide whether to buy the same brand but at another store, switch brands, delay the purchase and buy the desired brand later at the same store, or forgo the purchase altogether. Can also produce negative attitudes and/or word-of-mouth concerning the original store or positive attitudes and/or word-of-mouth concerning the substitute store or brand

Consumer moods

These emotions have a bearing on the moods that are emotional states specific to a stimulus, and like emotions, they are good or bad, positive or negative; can be induced through marketing communication, point-of-purchase stimuli and service encounters.

Evoked set

also called the consideration set) is composed of those brands or products one will evaluate for the solution of a particular consumer problem

Customer complaints

an expression of dissatisfaction on a consumer's behalf to a responsible party." It can also be described in a positive sense as a report from a consumer providing documentation about a problem with a product or service

Capture Strategy (marketing)

consumers engage in limited search and only evaluate on few criteria such as price and availability


has an emotional attachment to the brand or firm. The customer likes the brand in a manner somewhat similar to friendship. Consumers use expressions such as "I trust this brand," "I like this outlet," and "I believe in this firm" to describe their commitment

Maintenance Strategy (marketing)

if brand is purchased habitually by target market- requires attention to quality, distribution, and reinforcement advertising (ex. Budweiser, Crest, Morton salt)

Attitude based choice

involves the use of general attitudes, summary impressions, intuitions, or heuristics; no attribute-by-attribute comparisons are made at the time of choice

Inept set

is composed of those brands consumers are aware of and view negatively.

Store atmosphere

is influenced by such attributes as lighting, layout, presentation of merchandise, fixtures, floor coverings, colors, sounds, odors, and the dress and behavior of sales and service personnel.

Blind tests

is one in which the consumer is not aware of the product's brand name

Disrupt Strategy (marketing)

marketer must disrupt existing decision pattern- requires major product improvement and attention attracting ads (free samples, coupons, tie-in sales)

Intercept Strategy (marketing)

must intercept consumer during search for info on evoked set or during search for related info- point of purchase displays, package design, must focus on capturing attention because consumers are not seeking

Internal search

once a problem is recognized, relevant information from long-term memory is used to determine such things as (1) if a satisfactory solution is known (2) what the characteristics of potential solutions are (3) what appropriate ways exist to compare solutions

Elimination by aspects

requires the consumer to rank the evaluative criteria in terms of their importance and to establish a cutoff point for each criterion

Attribute based choice

requires the knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made, and it involves attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands

Acceptance Strategy (marketing)

similar to preference strategy but target market is not seeking information- must motivate audience to learn something about brand

Nominal decision making

sometimes referred to as habitual decision making, in effect involves no decision per ... a problem is recognized, internal search (long-term memory) provides a single preferred solution (brand), that brand is purchased, and an evaluation occurs only if the brand fails to perform as expected. Nominal decisions occur when there is very low involvement with the purchase.

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