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The Four Principal Functions

(1) Planning (2) Organizing (3) Leading (4) Controlling

This means an organization must stay ahead in four areas:

(1) being responsive to customers, (2) innovation, (3) quality, and (4) efficiency.

Rewards of Studying Management

(1)Understand how to deal with organizations. (2)Understand how to relate to your supervisors. (3)Understand how to interact with co-workers. (4)Understand how to manage yourself in the workplace.

Rewards of Practicing Management

(1)You and your employees can experience a sense of accomplishment. (2)You can stretch your abilities and magnify your range. (3)You can build a catalog of successful products or services.

Most Valued Traits in Managers

(1)motivate and engage others (2)communicate (3) work experience outside the United States. (4)High energy levels to meet the demands of global travel and a 24/7 world.

human relations movement

(behavioral viewpoint) better human relations can increase worker productivity Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor

beahvioral science

(behavioral viewpoint) relies on scientific research for developing theories about human behavior that can be used to provide practical tools for managers -psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics

Administrative Management

(classical view) concerned with managing the total organization Henri Fayol-first to identify all the fuctions of management (planning organizing leading and controlling) Max Weber

Operations Management

(quantitative view) focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively through rational management of resources and distribution of goods and services, _____ helps ensure that business operations are efficient and effective

Management Science

(quantitative view) focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making stresses rational, science based techniques and mathematical models to improve decision making and strategic planning sometimes called operations research

Max Weber believed _____ about bureaucracy?

-bureaucracy was a rational, efficient, ideal organization based on the principles of logic -and is a most for a company

Porter's four competitive strategies 174

...(also called four generic strategies) are (1) cost-leadership, (2) differentiation, (3) cost-focus, and (4) focused-differentiation.

single-product strategy 175

...a company makes and sells only one product within its market.

SWOt analysis 168

...also known as situational analysis - is the search for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats affecting the organization.

strategic positioning 159

...attempts to achieve sustainable competitive advantage by preserving what is distinctive about a company.

strategic control 166

...consists of monitoring the execution of strategy and making adjustments, if necessary.

organizational threats 169

...environmental factors that hinder an organization's achieving a competitive advantage.

organizational opportunities 169

...environmental factors that the organization may exploit for competitive advantage.

related diversification 176 which an organization under one ownership operates separate businesses that are related to one another.

growth strategy 164 a grand strategy that involves expansion - as in sales revenues, market share, number of employees, or number of customers or (for nonprofits) clients served.

stability strategy 164 a grand strategy that involves little or no significant change.

trend analysis 171 a hypothetical extension of a past series of events into the future.

strategy 156 a large-scale action plan that sets the direction for an organization.

strategic management 156 a process that involves managers from all parts of the organization in the formulation and the implementation of strategies and strategic goals.

forecast 171 a vision of projection of the future.

scenario analysis 171 the creation of alternative hypothetical but equally likely future conditions. Also know as contingency planning or scenario planning.

strategy formulation 165 the process of choosing among different strategies and altering them to best fit the organization's needs.

focused-differentiation strategy 175 to offer products or services that are of unique and superior value compared to those of competitors and to target a narrow market.

unrelated diversification 176

...operating several businesses under one ownership that are not related to one another.

strategy implementation 165

...putting strategic plans into effect.

Porter's model for industry analysis 173

...that business-level strategies originate in five primary competitive forces in the firm's environment: (1) threats of new entrants, (2) bargaining power of suppliers, (3) bargaining power of buyers, (4) threats of substitute products or services, and (5) rivalry among competitors.

organizational weakness 169

...the drawbacks that hinder an organization in executing strategies in pursuit of its mission.

synergy 177

...the economic value of separate, related businesses under one ownership and management is greater together than the businesses are worth separately.

organizational strengths 169

...the skills and capabilities that give the organization special competencies and competitive advantages in executing strategies in pursuit of its mission.

grand strategy 163

...which after an assessment of current organizational performance, then explains how the organization's mission is to be accomplished.

Pyramid Power: Levels of Areas of Management

1) Top Managers (5-7 years) strategic managers 2) Middle Managers - (2-3years) tactical managers 3) First-line managers - (1-52 weeks) operational managers 4) Non management personnel - R&D, Marketing, Finance, Production, HR (Functional Areas)

Proponents of Human relations movement

1. Abraham Maslow 2. Douglas McGregor

Three viewpoints

1. Classical 2. Behavioral 3. Quantitative

Identify the four general decision making styles. Explain the two primary characteristics which define each.

1. Directive: People with a directive style have a low tolerance for ambiguity and are oriented toward task and technical concerns in making decisions. 2. Analytical: People with an analytical style have a high tolerance for ambiguity and are oriented toward task and technical concerns in making decisions. 3. Conceptual: People with a conceptual style have a high tolerance for ambiguity and are oriented toward people and social concerns in making decisions. 4. Behavioral: People with a behavioral style have a low tolerance for ambiguity and are oriented toward people and social concerns in making decisions.

Proponents of Scientific management

1. Frederick W. Taylor 2. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Proponents of Administrative management

1. Henn Fayol 2.Max Weber

Proponents of early behaviorists

1. Hugo Munsterberg 2. Mary Parker Follett 3. Elton Mayo

Two forms of Classical Viewpoint

1. Scientific management 2. Administrative management

Which of the following statements about Xer women are true?

1. Xer women are more highly educated than men 2. Xer women have felt empowered to engage in home improvement projects

Five Positive Burecratic Features

1. a well-defined hierarchy of authority 2. formal rules and procedures 3. a clear division of labor 4. impersonality 5. careers based on merit

Why do Companies Expand Internationally?

1. availability of supplies 2. new markets 3. lower labor costs 4. access to finance capital 5. avoidance of tariffs & import quotas

4 Generic Strategies a Company can follow

1. cost leader (low/high) 2. differentiating value 3. cost focus (low price in narrow market) 4. focus differentiating (sell to a narrow market)

The Contemporary Perspective/ The Quality-Management Viewpoint: Three approaches

1. quality control: strategy for minimizing errors by managing act state of production 2. quality assurance: focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for "zero defects" 3. total quality management: comprehensive approach dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training and customer satisfaction.

Which of the following are factors behind the steady overall growth of population of the United States?

1. significant immigration 2. longer life expediencies 3. the baby boom generation

Barriers to International Trade

1. tariffs: customs duty, or tax, levied mainly on imports 2. import quotas: limits on number of a product that can be imported 3. embargos: complete ban on the import or export of certain products

Define Management

1. the pursuit of organizational goals and efficiently and effectively by 2. integrating the work of people through (get them to work together) 3. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organization's resources

Four Approaches to Deciding Ethical Dilemmas

1. utilitarian: guided by what will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people 2. individual: guide by what will result in the individual's best long term interest, which ultimately are in everyone's self-interest 3. moral-rights: guided by respect for the fundamental rights of human beings 4. justice: guided by respect for impartial standards of fairness and equity

in the traditional management pyramid manager are classified into

3 levels

Define 5 forces model

5 things that can determine your success in an industry 1.barriers to entry 2. buyer power 3. supplier power 4. close substitutes 5. competitive rivalry

Deming proposed that when something goes wrong, chances are __________ that the system is at fault, and __________ that the individual worker is at fault.

85%; 15%

Milton Friedman would have agreed with which of the following statements about social responsibility?

A company will become distracted from its task to maximize profits when it practices social responsibility.

Which of the following is an example of an external stakeholder of an organization?

A customer who purchases a barbecue at Walmart

Which of the following is an example of an external stakeholder for the department store chain Macy's?

A customer who purchases a mattress at Macy's.

business plan 156

A document that outlines a proposed firm's goals, the strategy for achieving them, and the standards for measuring success.

Audrey works for a large electronics company as a payroll manager. She has just attended a software training where she learned new tools that she thinks will benefit her staff. On the plane home Audrey began planning how she would train everyone in order to help her department reach its goals. Audrey's approach is most characteristic of what type of organization?

A learning organization

What is a learning organization? What competitive advantage do learning organizations hold?

A learning organization is one that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge. Learning organizations can adapt more quickly to changing conditions in the environment, and bring the knowledge and experience of a wide range of employees to bear on new problems. Organizations must continually learn new things or face obsolescence.

Travis, an accounting manager at a hospital equipment company, has just attended software training where he learned new processes that could benefit his staff. On the plane home he began planning how he would train everyone in order to help the department reach its goals. Travis's approach is most characteristic of what type of organization?

A management science organization.

The essence of the classical viewpoint is that...

A rational approach can be used to boost productivity.

According to Deming, quality stemmed from a steady focus on the organization's mission and...

A reduction in production variation.

What is a trading bloc? Identify four major trading blocs and the area of the world in which the member countries are located.

A trading bloc is a group of nations in a particular geographic area that agree to join together to remove trade barriers with one another. The major trading blocs are: NAFTA: United States, Canada, Mexico EU: Europe ASEAN: Southeast Asia APEC: countries of the Pacific Rim, including the United States, Canada, and China Mercosur: Latin America CAFTA: Central America

David is an architect, and the steps he takes in designing and drawing commercial buildings would be considered which part of his organization's system?

A transformation process

Which management viewpoint seems to be the most practical because it addresses problems on a case-by-case basis and varies the solution accordingly? A) contingency viewpoint B) behavioral viewpoint C) systems viewpoint D) quality-management viewpoint E) quantitative viewpoint

A) contingency viewpoint

Economic forces are part of an organization's: A) general environment B) microenvironment C) task environment D) controllable forces E) external shareholders

A) general environment

Which of the following is more characteristic of an entrepreneur than a manager? A) high self-confidence B) motivated by organizational rewards C) high need for achievement D) external locus of control E) belief in personal control of destiny

A) high self-confidence

China and Mexico are ______ cultures, relying on nonverbal cues as to another person's official position, status, or family connections. A) high-context B) feminine C) high power distance D) humane oriented E) low assertiveness

A) high-context

To maintain competitive advantage, an organization must stay ahead in which of the following areas? A) innovation B) internal feedback C) speed D) human resources E) marketing

A) innovation

Underlying both Maslow's and McGregor's theories is the somewhat controversial notion that ______ leads to greater worker performance. A) job satisfaction B) conflict management C) a mechanistic workplace D) soldiering E) understanding of rules and procedures

A) job satisfaction

According to Kohlberg, managers who reach the highest level of moral development: A) lead by empowering others B) obey authority to avoid unpleasant consequences C) lead by encouragement and cooperation D) adhere to the expectations of others E) are autocratic in their management style

A) lead by empowering others

A joint venture is also called a: A) strategic alliance B) countertrading C) greenfield venture D) franchise E) dually-owned subsidiary

A) strategic alliance.

Which of the following cultural perspectives leads to the highest long-term financial performance? A. Adaptive perspective B. Fit perspective C. Market perspective D. Conditional perspective E. Strength perspective

A. Adaptive perspective

__________ was concerned with managing the total organization and was pioneered by Fayol and Weber. A. Administrative management B. Operations management C. Management science D. Scientific management E. Contemporary management

A. Administrative management

Which of the following is a stage in the life of an organization? A. Birth B. Decline C. Elderly D. Introduction E. Growth

A. Birth

Daitaro started a tax consulting business with his friend Will. They have a small space in a strip mall and one administrative assistant. At which stage of the organizational life cycle is their business? A. Birth stage B. Introduction stage C. Adolescent stage D. Youth stage E. Midlife stage

A. Birth stage

Katsuro started a tax consulting business with his friend Carey. They have a small space in a strip mall and one administrative assistant. At which stage of the organizational life cycle is their business? A. Birth stage B. Introduction stage C. Adolescent stage D. Youth stage E. Midlife stage

A. Birth stage

______ help you ignore extraneous matters in favor of focusing on what's important, which is realizing the goals on time and on budget. A. Deadlines B. Relationships C. Changes D. Networks E. Options

A. Deadlines

Which of the following is an assumption upon which the rational model of decision making rests? A. Decision makers can logically evaluate the alternatives. B. Consequences of any actions cannot be known. C. Decision makers typically have emotional blind spots. D. A decision maker will choose the option that is most ethical. E. Decision makers are unable to process all of the available information.

A. Decision makers can logically evaluate the alternatives.

______ values are the explicitly stated values and norms preferred by an organization. A. Espoused B. Inherent C. Enacted D. Expressed E. Internalized

A. Espoused

______ values are the explicitly stated values and norms preferred by an organization. A. Espoused B. Inherent C. Enacted D. Expressed E. Internalized

A. Espoused

Which of the following is NOT a rule for brainstorming suggested by IDEO? A. Go for quality over quantity. B. Defer judgment. C. Stay focused on the topic. D. Encourage wild ideas. E. Be visual.

A. Go for quality over quantity.

Because Greg and Karen were having an argument about the order of their respective projects on the website, they were unable to work with the rest of the management team to come up with a staffing schedule. This is an example of what potential problem that occurs in groups? A. Goal displacement B. Satisficing C. Groupthink D. Heuristics E. Availability bias

A. Goal displacement

Camille runs a consulting business that assists in the hiring process, using a team of psychologists to help companies to better understand their specific jobs and the type of employees that are best suited to fill them. Her business relies on the work of which behavioral theory pioneer? A. Hugo Munsterberg B. Douglas McGregor C. Mary Parker Follett D. Frederick Taylor E. Elton Mayo

A. Hugo Munsterberg

Who was known as "the father of industrial psychology"? A. Hugo Munsterberg B. Mary Parker Follett C. Max Weber D. Elton Mayo E. Frederick Taylor

A. Hugo Munsterberg

Which of the following is a cultural dimension in the GLOBE project? A. Humane orientation B. Power seeking C. Ethnic egalitarianism D. Failure avoidance E. Group performance

A. Humane orientation

Diagnosis is used in which stage of the rational decision-making model? A. Identify the problem or opportunity B. Think up alternative solutions C. Evaluate alternatives D. Select a solution E. Implement a solution

A. Identify the problem or opportunity

Jenna manages a retail store and she has been noticing long lines at checkout lately. She is unsure about increasing staffing levels right now, so she chooses to reconfigure the physical orientation of the checkout space to alleviate the problem for the time being. Jenna is using the ________ model. A. Incremental B. coalition C. rational D. predictive E. intuition

A. Incremental

______ focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making. A. Management science B. Behavioral science C. TQM D. Scientific management E. Administrative management

A. Management science

______ is a trading status that describes a condition in which a country grants other countries favorable trading treatment such as a reduction of import duties. A. Most favored nation B. Liberty status C. Protected trade D. Mercosur E. Free trading status

A. Most favored nation

Over 682,000 U.S. workers have lost their jobs because they were moved south of the border as a result of A. NAFTA. B. WTO. C. Mercosur. D. IMF. E. EU.


______ focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively. A. Operations management B. Systems management C. Scientific management D. A learning organization E. Administrative management

A. Operations management

Many investment advisors attribute their successful outcomes to skill, even when it is more likely luck, which is an example of which bias? A. Overconfidence. B. Escalation of commitment bias. C. Hindsight. D. Availability. E. Framing.

A. Overconfidence.

______ emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve productivity of individual workers. A. Scientific management B. Quantitative science C. TQM D. Management science E. Administrative management

A. Scientific management

Which of the following is an implementation principle for evidence-based management described by Pfeffer and Sutton? A. See yourself as outsiders do. B. If all else fails, speed the spread of good practices. C. Reserve evidence-based management for top executives. D. Treat your organization as a trophy. E. Understand what happens when people succeed.

A. See yourself as outsiders do

Which of the following is a discipline that is part of behavioral science? A. Sociology B. Physics C. Computer science D. Biology E. Law

A. Sociology

Which of the following is an example of a nonprofit organization? A. The Humane Society B. The Democratic party C. State Farm Insurance D. American Institute of CPAs E. Teamsters Union

A. The Human Society

Which of the following is an example of a nonprofit organization? A. The Humane Society B. American Medical Association C. The Democratic party D. State Farm Insurance E. Teamsters Union

A. The Humane Society

Which of the following is an event that helped spur the inception of the global economy? A. The opening of Asian markets to foreign investors. B. Improved race relations worldwide. C. The industrial revolution. D. The invention of the Internet. E. The increasing regulation of economies across the world.

A. The opening of Asian markets to foreign investors.

Which of the following can be classified as a mutual-benefit organization? A. Trade association B. Hospital C. Financial company D. Retail company E. College

A. Trade association

Which of the following is a cultural dimension measured in the GLOBE project? A. Uncertainty avoidance B. Hierarchical structure C. Ethnic egalitarianism D. Profit seeking E. Ethical orientation

A. Uncertainty avoidance

Which of the following is characteristic of companies that use analytics? A. Use of predictive modeling B. Having a single, focused application for its use C. Information overload D. Use of competitive intelligence E. Making decisions intuitively

A. Use of predictive modeling

The ______ is controversial because it has been accused of financing projects, which harm the environment and of helping countries that permit sweatshops or suppress religious freedom. A. World Bank B. WTO C. ASEAN D. GATT E. EU

A. World Bank

Which of the following organizations succeeded GATT? A. World Trade Organization B. World Bank C. EU D. International Monetary Fund E. NAFTA

A. World Trade Organization

According to Deming, quality stemmed from a steady focus on the organization's mission and A. a reduction in production variation. B. Theory Y management. C. operations research. D. the Hawthorne effect. E. complexity theory.

A. a reduction in production variation.

Charlie has a reputation for being slow to reach a final decision but being able to decide a reasoned course of action regardless of the uncertainty. He is very thorough in collecting information and evaluating more alternatives than other managers are. Charlie is most likely ______ in his decision-making style. A. analytical B. Behavioral C. Conceptual D. directive E. relaxed

A. analytical

Managers at Thomas Canyon Credit Union have given employees raises year after year based on what they had given the year before, even though now their employees were quite underpaid compared to similar positions with other credit unions. This is an example of a(n) A. anchoring and adjustment bias. B. escalation of commitment bias. C. sunk-cost bias. D. availability bias. E. representativeness bias.

A. anchoring and adjustment bias.

The stores of data so vast that conventional database management systems cannot handle them and which instead require very sophisticated analysis software and supercomputing-level hardware are known as A. big data. B. heuristics. C. information escalation. D. incremental diagnostics. E. boundless resources.

A. big data.

Butterfield Grocers is a medium sized but growing company that works diligently to create a supportive and family-like atmosphere for its employees. It provides superior benefits and involves employees in decisions large and small. Butterfield has a(n) ______ culture. A. clan B. adhocracy C. market D. hierarchy E. espoused

A. clan

Turnbull Software is a medium-sized but growing company that works diligently to create a supportive and familylike atmosphere for its employees. It provides superior benefits and involves employees in decisions large and small. Turnbull has a(n) ______ culture. A. clan B. adhocracy C. market D. hierarchy E. espoused

A. clan

Both the classical management view and the management science perspective consider an organization to be a(n) ________; as a simplification for analysis this may work, but in reality it would open up the organization to spectacular failure. A. closed system B. neutral system C. porous system D. subsystem E. isolated system

A. closed system

The ________ viewpoint emphasizes that a manager's actions should vary according to the situation. A. contingency B. quality-management C. flexible-management D. systems E. scenario

A. contingency

A graph of decisions and their possible consequences is known as a(n) A. decision tree. B. Gantt chart. C. results chart. D. outcome matrix. E. fishbone diagram.

A. decision tree.

A company that is an expert at producing and selling narrowly defined products or services, and which does not tend to seek opportunities outside its present market is known by Miles and Snow as a(n) A. defender. B. analyzer. C. adaptor. D. prospector. E. reactor.

A. defender

Organizational ________ is concerned with devising the optimal structures of accountability and responsibility that an organization uses to execute its strategies. A. design B. structure C. life cycle D. charting E. culture

A. design

Christine prefers not to deviate from the practices she has always used as a U.S. manager, even though she is now working at an Asian subsidiary. She has been heard saying that she is "just ensuring the job gets done right." Christine is most likely a(n) ________ manager. A. ethnocentric B. concentric C. prejudicial D. polycentric E. geocentric

A. ethnocentric

The __________ is the rate at which one country's currency can be exchanged for another country's currency. A. exchange rate B. GATT C. terms of transaction D. interest rate E. return rate

A. exchange rate

Among the jobs titles at Greensboro Regional Hospital are Chief of Medical Services, Director of Administrative Services, and Director of Outpatient Services. Greensboro has a ______ structure. A. functional B. network C. simple D. divisional E. matrix

A. functional

Among the jobs titles at Greensboro Regional Hospital are Chief of Medical Services, Director of Administrative Services, and Director of Outpatient Services. Greensboro has a ______ structure. A. functional B. network C. simple D. divisional E. matrix

A. functional

Amanda was asked by her boss to create a handbook for new hires because several employees had recently complained, saying they felt lost when they first started because procedures didn't seem to be formalized. Amanda herself had not felt that way, perhaps because she has a A. high tolerance for ambiguity. B. value orientation focused on people. C. conceptual decision style. D. high propensity for risk. E. low value orientation.

A. high tolerance for ambiguity.

Classical, behavioral, and quantitative viewpoints about management are collectively referred to as the ________ perspective. A. historical B. scientific C. operations D. contemporary E. systems

A. historical

With a ______ structure, the organization has a central core of key functions and outsources others to vendors who can do them cheaper or faster. A. hollow B. matrix C. spine D. hybrid E. mechanistic

A. hollow

Eli Lilly has agreed to let a South African company manufacture several of Eli Lilly's diabetes drugs and pay Eli Lilly a fee to distribute the drugs with a different brand name in South Africa. Eli Lilly is engaging in A. licensing. B. franchising. C. countertrading. D. a strategic alliance. E. a greenfield venture.

A. licensing.

If you do not have all of the information for a complete plan, you should A. make decisions based on what you have, since perfect information is rare. B. wait until you can get that information to take action you know will be appropriate. C. implement two or more courses of action simultaneously. D. shrink the plan to limit its scope to only areas where you have good information. E. disregard the plan and go with your intuition.

A. make decisions based on what you have, since perfect information is rare.

An organization that contains two command structures, and in which some people actually report to two bosses, is a ______ structure. A. matrix B. bifunctional C. team-based D. hybrid E. network

A. matrix

An organization that contains two command structures, and in which some people actually report to two bosses, is a ______ structure. A. matrix B. bi-functional C. team-based D. hybrid E. network

A. matrix

The International Red Cross is an example of a A. multinational organization. B. multigovernment organization. C. international social corporation. D. multinational corporation. E. global philanthropy.

A. multinational organization.

A ______ structure has a central core that is linked to outside independent firms by computer connections, which are used to operate as if all were a single organization. A. network B. matrix C. technology D. hybrid E. mechanistic

A. network

Which of the following comes LAST when an organization makes a plan? A. operational planning B. mission statement C. strategic planning D. tactical planning E. vision statement

A. operational planning

When a company uses a supplier outside itself to provide goods and services, it is A. outsourcing. B. countertrading. C. franchising. D. licensing. E. privatizing.

A. outsourcing.

One type of standing plan, the __________, outlines the general response to a designated problem or situation. A. policy B. project C. rule D. procedure E. program

A. policy

After setting goals, managers should next A. prepare an action plan for accomplishing the goals. B. propose changes to the goals of same-level managers to bring all into alignment. C. supervise subrdinates closely. D. report failure to meet goals to superiors. E. begin the planning process anew.

A. prepare an action plan for accomplishing the goals.

A single-use plan encompassing a range of projects or activities is a(n) A. program. B. strategy. C. series. D. agenda. E. mission.

A. program.

Statistical sampling to locate errors by testing just some of the items in a particular production run is a ______ technique. A. quality control B. continuous improvement C. reengineering D. quality assurance E. total quality management

A. quality control

When a manager realizes that complete inaction will have negative consequences but opts for the first available alternative that involves low risk, it is called A. relaxed change. B. defensive avoidance. C. postponed action. D. relaxed avoidance. E. delayed decision.

A. relaxed change.

The obligation you have to perform the tasks assigned to you is called A. responsibility. B. accountability. C. delegation. D. authority. E. position power.

A. responsibility

The obligation you have to perform the tasks assigned to you is called A. responsibility. B. accountability. C. delegation. D. authority.

A. responsibility.

Toledo Fashions has decided its industry requires it to move to a more organic structure. Toledo should A. simplify and eliminate rules and procedures. B. centralize authority. C. clearly define job responsibilities. D. disband teams and task forces. E. add one or more layers of management.

A. simplify and eliminate rules and procedures

Montpellier Mediterranean Designs has decided that, as part of the fashion industry, it should move to a more organic structure. Montpellier should A. simplify and eliminate rules and procedures. B. centralize authority. C. clearly define job responsibilities. D. disband teams and task forces. E. focus on improving uniformity.

A. simplify and eliminate rules and procedures.

If you are happiest being a "hands-on" professional rather than becoming a manager, you may prefer a(n) ______ career. A. steady-state B. portfolio C. spiral D. inclining E. linear

A. steady-state

An analytical decision-making style reflects a person who is ______ in his value orientation and ______ in his tolerance for ambiguity. A. task/technical; high B. task/technical; low C. people/social; high D. people/social; low E. managerial; low

A. task/technical; high

The principal organization that provides low-interest loans to developing nations for improving, for example, their transportation or education systems is A. the World Bank. B. the World Trade Organization. C. the International Monetary Fund. D. APEC. E. GATT.

A. the World Bank.

Productivity gains from MBO are higher when an organization has A. top-management commitment. B. few budget problems. C. team rather than individual performance reviews. D. union support. E. nonmanagerial employee support.

A. top-management commitment.

Which of the following can be classified as a mutual-benefit organization? A. Trade association B. Hospital C. Financial company D. Retail company E. College

A. trade association

Public relations firm Crowley Communications has a single full-time employee, Jolene Crowley, who is in charge of contracting teams to work on projects as needed. Teams are spread throughout the United States and are made up of specialists linked by computers and telecommunications equipment. This is an example of a(n) ________ organization. A. virtual B. network C. outsourced D. modular E. hollow

A. virtual

Avon, the world's leading direct seller of beauty products, has a(n) ________ statement, which is "to be the company that best understands and satisfies the product, service, and self-fulfillment needs of women globally." A. vision B. intention C. goal D. mission E. rationale

A. vision

Which of the following is a major trading bloc?


Define the four types of organization in the competing values framework, and describe the characteristics of each.

According to the competing values framework, organizational cultures can be classified into four types: (1) clan, (2) adhocracy, (3) market, and (4) hierarchy (see Figure 8.2). A clan culture has an internal focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control. Like a family-type organization, it encourages collaboration among employees, striving to encourage cohesion through consensus and job satisfaction through employee involvement. An adhocracy culture has an external focus and values flexibility. This type of culture attempts to create innovative products by being adaptable, creative, and quick to respond to changes in the marketplace. Employees are encouraged to take risks and experiment with new ways of getting things done. A market culture has a strong external focus and values stability and control. Because market cultures are focused on the external environment and driven by competition and a strong desire to deliver results, customers, productivity, and profits take precedence over employee development and satisfaction. A hierarchy culture has an internal focus and values stability and control over flexibility. Companies with this kind of culture are apt to have a formalized, structured work environment aimed at achieving effectiveness through a variety of control mechanisms that measure efficiency, timeliness, and reliability in the creation and delivery of products.

__________ was concerned with managing the total organization and was pioneered by Fayol and Weber.

Administrative management

Human skills are important for ________ managers.

All levels of

Describe the typical organization chart. What is a horizontal relationship compared to a vertical one? A solid line versus a dotted one?

An organization chart is a box-and-lines illustration showing the formal lines of authority and the organization's official positions or work specializations (see Figure 8.4). Two kinds of information that organization charts reveal about organizational structure are (1) the vertical hierarchy of authority—who reports to whom, and (2) the horizontal specialization—who specializes in what work. Line positions (authority to make decisions) are indicated on the organization chart by a solid line (usually a vertical line). Staff positions (authority functions that provide advice, recommendations, and research) are indicated on the organization chart by a dotted line (usually a horizontal line).

What are the advantages to your career of working overseas?

Anyone with international experience is likely to have a leg up, higher salary, and be more marketable. Foreign experience demonstrates independence, resourcefulness, and entrepreneurship, according to management recruiters. People who have worked abroad can generally move quickly and are nimble with inquiring minds. People who have worked and supported themselves overseas tend to be adaptive and inquisitive—valuable skills in today's workplace.

Which of the following is NOT one of the principles proposed by Fredrick Taylor to eliminate soldiering?

Apply rule-of-thumb methods to the study of the task

Which of the following approaches is characteristic of a manager using the contingency viewpoint?

Assessing the characteristics of particular situation before deciding what to do.

In which of the following situations would OD techniques be the most helpful?

Assisting employees in dealing with stressful situations.

The trading block of which Brazil and Argentina are part is called: A) APEC B) Mercosur C) ASEAN D) CAFTA E) NAFTA

B) Mercosur

______ processes are the organization's capabilities in management and technology that are applied in converting inputs into outputs. A) Production B) Transformation C) Administrative D) Feedback E) Change

B) Transformation

Demographic forces are influences on an organization arising from changes in: A) human relationships and values B) characteristics of a population C) government regulations D) technology E) economic conditions and trends

B) characteristics of a population

Availability of supplies and new markets are among the reasons that companies: A) prefer geocentric managers B) expand internationally C) create new and improved products D) worry about their competition E) implement import quotas

B) expand internationally

Hugo Munsterberg suggested that psychologists could contribute to industry by: A) determining psychological tactics to enhance job satisfaction. B) identifying psychological conditions under which employees do their best work. C) ascertaining psychological strategies to persuade customers to buy products. D) helping managers understand the benefits of empowerment. E) detecting worker characteristics that lead to workplace violence.

B) identifying psychological conditions under which employees do their best work.

The purpose of a nonprofit organization is to: A) make money through offering products or services. B) offer services to some clients. C) break even in offering its products or services. D) professionally manage charitable giving. E) advance member interests.

B) offer services to some clients.

Which of the following is a major trading bloc? A. GATT B. APEC C. GLOBE D. IMF E. WTO


Which of the following is NOT a recommended option when you discover that an action is not working after a decision? A. Give the chosen solution more time. B. Abandon the solution in favor of the status quo. C. Try another alternative. D. Go back to the beginning of the decision-making process. E. Change the chosen solution slightly.

B. Abandon the solution in favor of the status quo.

__________ means that managers must report and justify work results to managers above them. A. Liability B. Accountability C. Delegation D. Hierarchical control E. Position power

B. Accountability

Which of the following is not one of the mechanisms used to embed culture into an organization? A. Slogans or sayings. B. Accounting practices. C. Leader reactions to crisis. D. Titles or bonuses. E. Organizational structure.

B. Accounting practices.

Which of the following is an example of an observable artifact of organizational culture? A. Mission statements B. Awards ceremonies C. Basic assumptions D. Codes of ethics E. Core beliefs

B. Awards ceremonies

Which of the following viewpoints emphasized the importance of understanding human actions and of motivating employees toward achievement? A. Qualitative viewpoint B. Behavioral viewpoint C. Classical viewpoint D. Contingency viewpoint E. Management science viewpoint

B. Behavioral viewpoint

Which of the following is a characteristic of a simple structure? A. Comprehensive set of rules. B. Centralized authority. C. High work specialization. D. Extensive division of labor. E. Tall hierarchy.

B. Centralized authority.

Jordan, a sales manager, met with his staff to discuss that they were only a third of the way to their sales goal, but halfway through the sales period. He was looking for suggestions to improve second-half performance. Which part of the planning/control cycle is Jordan doing? A. Benchmarking against competitors. B. Controlling the direction. C. Making the plan. D. Carrying out the plan. E. Updating the plan.

B. Controlling the direction.

Of the following, which is one of the functions of management described by Fayol? A. Accommodating B. Coordinating C. Arbitrating D. Collaborating E. Tasking

B. Coordinating

Which of the following is an advantage of group decision making? A. Groupthink B. Deeper commitment to the decision C. Less thought required D. A quicker decision E. More flexibility in the final decision

B. Deeper commitment to the decision

__________ is the practice of a foreign company exporting products abroad at a lower price than the price in the home market or even below the costs of production in order to drive down the price of the domestic product. A. Export crashing B. Dumping C. Predatory selling D. Loss transaction E. Alien advantage

B. Dumping

Which of the following is a factor that helps participative management work? A. Top management is occasionally involved. B. Employees trust managers. C. PM is implemented without interference from TQM. D. Employees work in interdependent jobs. E. Employees need more training.

B. Employees trust managers.

__________ managers believe that their native country, culture, language, and behavior are superior to all others. A. Expatriate B. Ethnocentric C. Geocentric D. Polycentric E. Global

B. Ethnocentric

The "HP Way" at Hewlett-Packard fostered a culture of integrity, teamwork, and innovation that complemented the high-technology industry of the time. This is an example of which perspective? A. Strength perspective B. Fit perspective C. Match perspective D. Conditional perspective E. Adaptive perspective

B. Fit perspective

The "HP Way" at Hewlett-Packard fostered a culture of integrity, teamwork, and innovation that complemented the high-technology industry of the time. This is an example of which perspective? A. Strength perspective B. Fit perspective C. Match perspective D. Conditional perspective E. Adaptive perspective

B. Fit perspective

The ________ has had a role in trying to shore up some weaker European countries during the recent financial crisis, including making loans to Greece, Portugal, and Ireland. A. World Bank B. IMF C. WTO D. EU E. GATT


Which of the following is a step in the rational decision-making model? A. Seek consensus among leadership. B. Identify the problem or opportunity. C. Improve the chosen solution. D. Test solutions on a small scale. E. Implement a holding pattern.

B. Identify the problem or opportunity.

Which of the following is a primary reason that companies expand internationally? A. Political expediency B. Lower labor costs C. Higher tariffs D. More diverse employees E. Prevention of counterfeiting

B. Lower labor costs

MBO stands for A. Management by Observation. B. Management by Objectives. C. Management by Ownership. D. Management by Obligation. E. Management by Organization.

B. Management by Objectives.

The idea that the work process should be under the control of workers with the relevant knowledge, rather than that of managers, who should act as facilitators, was developed by A. Lillian Gilbreth. B. Mary Parker Follet. C. Max Weber. D. Hugo Munsterberg. E. Elton Mayo.

B. Mary Parker Follet.

Xerox Corporation is currently in what stage of its organizational life cycle? A. Decline stage B. Maturity stage C. Adolescent stage D. Youth stage E. Adult stage

B. Maturity stage

Xerox Corporation is currently in what stage of its organizational life cycle? A. Birth stage B. Maturity stage C. Adolescent stage D. Youth stage E. Adult stage

B. Maturity stage

Which of the following is a stage in the life of an organization? A. Introduction B. Midlife C. Decline D. Adolescent E. Growth

B. Midlife

Which of the following is an example of an observable artifact? A. Enacted norms B. Myths about the company C. Basic assumptions D. Core values E. Internal values

B. Myths about the company

Research on the effects of participative management (PM) on employees' performance and satisfaction indicates that A. PM has no effect on either. B. PM has a small positive effect on both. C. PM has a large effect on satisfaction, but a small effect on performance. D. PM has a large positive effect on both. E. PM has a large effect on performance, but no significant effect on satisfaction.

B. PM has a small positive effect on both.

Which of the following countries is a member of Mercosur? A. China B. Paraguay C. Greece D. Panama E. Mexico

B. Paraguay

Which of the following is a type of objective for MBO? A. Profitability B. Personal development C. Market share D. Social responsibility E. Ethics

B. Personal development

The contemporary perspective includes which of the following viewpoints? A. Behavioral B. Systems C. Quantitative D. Classical E. Rational

B. Systems

________ goals are set by and for middle managers and focus on the actions needed to achieve ________ goals. A. Strategic; operational B. Tactical; strategic C. Strategic; tactical D. Tactical; operational E. Operational; tactical

B. Tactical; strategic

According to productivity expert Odette Pollar, which of the following should a manager delegate? A. Emergencies. B. Tasks that challenge subordinates. C. Special tasks your boss has asked you to do. D. Personnel matters. E. Confidential matters.

B. Tasks that challenge subordinates.

Amanda was a tough manager and made it a regular practice to check up on her staff, looking for cheating on timesheets and people coming back late from lunch. Her employees were often dissatisfied with Amanda since she was a(n) ________ manager. A. operations B. Theory X C. soldiering D. Hawthorne E. administrative

B. Theory X

Which of the following is an example of a mutual-benefit organization? A. Federal Bureau of Investigation B. United Steelworkers of America union C. University of California at Berkeley D. U.S. Postal Service E. Public Broadcasting System

B. United Steelworkers of America union

Which of the following is not a component of TQM? A. Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems. B. Urge employees to strive for "zero defects." C. Make continuous improvement a priority. D. Get every employee involved. E. Listen to and learn from customers and employees.

B. Urge employees to strive for "zero defects."

The __________ is designed to monitor and enforce trade agreements. A. World Bank B. WTO C. IMF D. GATT E. EU


The essence of the classical viewpoint is that A. resources are limited. B. a rational approach can be used to boost productivity. C. people are self-interested. D. people will take on responsibility if it is offered to them. E. workers behave how you expect them to.

B. a rational approach can be used to boost productivity.

__________ means that managers must report and justify work results to managers above them. A. Liability B. Accountability C. Delegation D. Hierarchical control E. Position power

B. accountability

Which of the following is NOT one of the mechanisms used to embed culture into an organization? A. Formal statements B. Accounting practices C. Leader reactions to crisis D. Training and coaching E. Measurable activities

B. accounting practices

Nicole and other managers in her firm have some ties to Europe and are investigating opportunities for global expansion. They are struggling to understand the risks, given the complexity of world markets today and recent global instabilities. The difficulty Nicole's team is facing prevents perfectly rational decision making, and is an example of A. risk aversion. B. bounded rationality. C. groupthink. D. defensive avoidance. E. anchoring and adjustment.

B. bounded rationality.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a simple structure? A. Comprehensive set of rules B. Centralized authority C. High work specialization D. Extensive division of labor E. Tall hierarchy

B. centralized authority

Many technology companies are hesitant to involve customers in the development of their products, since they are trying to protect their latest products and ideas from competitors' attempts to replicate them. This typically results in a fairly ______ system. A. responsive B. closed C. distinctive D. stable E. intelligent

B. closed

Behavioral science research suggests that ________ doesn't necessarily promote excellence, and actually can make people hostile. A. the Hawthorne effect B. competition C. soldiering D. industrial espionage E. integration

B. competition

The study of how order and pattern arise from very complicated, apparently chaotic systems is known as A. total quality management. B. complexity theory. C. quality assurance. D. systems analysis. E. transformation process.

B. complexity theory.

Maz has examined the environment in which his organization operates and has determined that currently the market demands an organic and integrated structure. Maz did this as part of his A. environmental analysis. B. contingency design. C. life cycle analysis. D. Diversification plan. E. Integration plan

B. contingency design

Rashid has examined the environment in which his organization operates and has determined that currently the market demands an organic and integrated structure. Rashid did this as part of his A. environmental analysis. B. contingency design. C. life-cycle analysis. D. diversification plan. E. integration plan.

B. contingency design.

A company that barters goods for other goods is involved in A. outsourcing. B. countertrading. C. importing. D. exporting. E. franchising.

B. countertrading.

A nation's __________ is the shared set of beliefs, values, knowledge, and patterns of behavior common to its people. A. economic policy B. culture C. social pattern D. demography E. political process

B. culture

Technical specialization and division of labor in an organization lead to A. bureaucracy. B. differentiation. C. integration. D. conglomeration. E. decentralization.

B. differentiation

Technical specialization and division of labor in an organization lead to ________ in an organization. A. bureaucracy B. differentiation C. integration D. conglomeration E. decentralization

B. differentiation

The arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people is called an organization's A. coordinated effort. B. division of labor. C. span of control. D. chain of command. E. matrix structure.

B. division of labor.

Import quotas are designed to prevent A. embargoes. B. dumping. C. exports. D. tariffs. E. outsourcing.

B. dumping.

Customers lined up for hours to be among the first to purchase the new iPad. The excitement for the product would be considered ______ in the system. A. an input B. feedback C. an output D. affirmation E. a transformation process

B. feedback

Joseph Juran defined quality as ________, which meant that a product or service should satisfy a customer's real needs. A. value orientation B. fitness for use C. need fulfillment D. functional capacity E. feature superiority

B. fitness for use

According to management recruiters, ______ demonstrates independence, resourcefulness, and entrepreneurship to potential employers. A. importing goods from another country B. foreign work experience C. holding school leadership positions D. speaking a second language E. studying the fine arts

B. foreign work experience

Pizza Hut provides the use of its name plus operating know-how to companies in Costa Rica in return for a fee plus a percentage of profits. Pizza Hut is A. exporting. B. franchising. C. countertrading. D. involved in a strategic alliance. E. involved in a greenfield venture.

B. franchising.

The movement of goods and services among nations without political or economic obstruction is called A. trade policy. B. free trade. C. trade protectionism. D. privatization. E. trade embargo.

B. free trade.

The trend of the world economy toward becoming a more interdependent system is called A. international cooperation. B. globalization. C. world partnership. D. economic defragmentation. E. international unification.

B. globalization.

Casey has a simple rule that he follows when it comes to new hiring; if four or more of his staff are working 20% or more overtime, he hires another employee. Casey is using A. relaxed change. B. heuristics. C. the Delphi technique. D. rational models. E. brainwriting.

B. heuristics.

Gary Hamel believes that identifying and challenging debilitating core beliefs that people have about an organization can be helpful in improving management A. rewards. B. innovation. C. restructuring. D. planning. E. motivation.

B. innovation.

The ______ a group is, the ______ the quality of the decision. A. more diverse; lower B. larger; lower C. more confident; higher D. more knowledgeable; lower E. more creative, lower

B. larger; lower

In a(n) ______, shared meanings are primarily derived from written and spoken words rather than situational cues. A. core values system B. low-context culture C. expatriate system D. societal value system E. high-context culture

B. low-context culture

With a ______ structure, an organization can become a boundaryless organization, with extensive operations but a small core that keeps payroll and overhead down. A. functional B. network C. simple D. team-based E. matrix

B. network

The goal to "improve the quality of customer service by instituting follow-up telephone calls this month" is not a SMART goal because it is A. unlikely to align with higher level goals. B. not measurable. C. too simplistic. D. not results oriented. E. unlikely to result in improvement to customer service.

B. not measurable.

Portia is meeting with her subordinates to determine which workers from her department need training in order to handle production increases expected during the next nine months. Portia is involved in A. vision development. B. operational planning. C. controlling. D. tactical planning. E. developing an MBO.

B. operational planning.

The constant feedback loop of the ______ is designed to ensure plans stay headed in the right direction. A. means-end chain B. planning/control cycle C. control system D. project management method E. project planning sequence

B. planning/control cycle

In the current broadband environment, consumers are able to download products like music, movies, and books. Netflix was aggressive in taking advantage of this fact, offering web streaming and game console access to its customers before competitors. According to Miles and Snow, Netflix would be a(n) A. reactor. B. prospector. C. analyzer. D. defender. E. executor.

B. prospector.

When a manager decides to take no action in the belief that there will be no great negative consequences, she is engaged in A. limited reaction. B. relaxed avoidance. C. relaxed change. D. decreased involvement. E. defensive avoidance.

B. relaxed avoidance.

Management instituted a new ______ in Yichao's workplace that "employees who are more than 15 minutes late to work without calling a supervisor will be given a written warning." A. policy B. rule C. procedure D. project E. program

B. rule

The tendency of a group to settle on a decision that is "good enough" is called A. goal displacement. B. satisficing. C. groupthink. D. heuristics. E. pseudo-optimization.

B. satisficing.

Behavioral science relies on __________ for developing theories about human behavior that can help managers. A. rules of thumb B. scientific research C. intuition D. simulations E. trial and error

B. scientific research

A SMART goal is one that is A. specific, maintainable, affordable, realistic, and timely. B. specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and has target dates. C. specific, maintainable, achievement-oriented, in real time, and timely. D. specific, measurable, affordable, realistic, and has target dates. E. specific, maintainable, aligned with other goals, realistic, and timely.

B. specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and has target dates.

Southwest Airlines employees all know about when CEO Herb Kelleher visited one of the airline's hangars in the middle of the night in a dress with a purple boa—just to liven things up. In fact, this is part of Southwest's history. This is an example of using a ________ to impart organizational culture. A. myth B. story C. ritual D. rite E. value

B. story

Southwest Airlines employees all know about when CEO Herb Kelleher visited one of the airlines' hangars in the middle of the night in a dress with a purple boa - just to liven things up. In fact, this is part of Southwest's history. This is an example of a A. myth. B. story. C. ritual. D. rite. E. value.

B. story

Because of the frequency with which world competition and information technology alter marketplace conditions, a company's ________ may have to be done closer to every 1 or 2 years than every 5. A. management planning B. strategic planning C. tactical planning D. operational planning E. implementation planning

B. strategic planning

Alita is participating with other division heads in a discussion about new international competition for the firm and what the organization's goals should be for the next three years. She is participating in A. tactical planning. B. strategic planning. C. operational planning. D. controlling. E. writing a mission statement.

B. strategic planning.

The ______ perspective assumes that the strength of a corporate culture is related to a firm's long-term financial performance. A. market B. strength C. fit D. objective E. adaptive

B. strength

One of the typical devices for transmitting culture, a(n) ______ is an object, act, quality, or event that conveys meaning to others. A. icon B. symbol C. sign D. representation E. ritual

B. symbol

One of the typical devices for transmitting culture, a(n) ______ is an object, act, quality, or event that conveys meaning to others. A. icon B. symbol C. sign D. representation E. ritual

B. symbol

The EU has recently agreed to cut the taxes it charges on bananas imported from Central and South America. This tax is a type of A. embargo. B. tariff. C. import quota. D. predatory selling. E. boycott.

B. tariff.

According to productivity expert Odette Pollar, which of the following should a manager delegate? A. Emergencies B. Tasks that challenge subordinates C. Special tasks your boss has asked you to do D. Personnel matters E. Confidential matters

B. tasks that challenge subordinates

Anders has assembled a task force that is composed of people who don't know each other well. He should expect this group to make better decisions if A. it is a large group. B. the members have common knowledge. C. the group is very confident. D. time pressure is high. E. individuals have unique, specialized knowledge.

B. the members have common knowledge.

Polo Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, and Wrangler manufacture jeans at plants in Mexico, thanks to the inexpensive labor there and various tax breaks from the Mexican government. These companies are A. repatriating. B. using maquiladoras. C. countertrading. D. franchising. E. licensing.

B. using maquiladoras.

The arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people is called an organization's A. coordinated effort. B. work specialization. C. span of control. D. chain of command. E. matrix division.

B. work specialization

Explain the three primary barriers to free trade that can exist, and why a country might erect such barriers. Give an example of each.

Barriers include protective tariffs, import quotas, and embargoes. Countries often use such barriers as a form of trade protectionism, the use of government regulations to limit the import of goods and services, to protect their domestic industries against foreign competition. The justification they often use is that this saves jobs. Tariffs are duties or taxes levied on imports. Tariffs may be used to raise money for the government (revenue tariffs) or to protect domestic production (protective tariffs). An example of the second type is the U.S. tariff on Chinese tires. Import quotas are limits on the numbers of a product that can be imported. These also protect domestic industries. The United States has also used this technique to protect domestic steel production against Japanese competition. Embargoes are complete bans on import or export of particular products. This may be done to protect domestic production or for reasons of foreign policy or protection of technological secrets. For example, the United States has banned the import of Cuban cigars and sugar for political reasons.

______ managers tend to believe that they can export the managers and practices of their home countries to anywhere in the world and that they will be more capable and reliable. A) Unicentric B) Polycentric C) Ethnocentric D) Concentric E) Geocentric

C) Ethnocentric

______ dimensions of diversity are those human differences that exert a powerful, sustained effect throughout every stage of our lives. A) Permanent B) Transformative C) Internal D) Enduring E) External

C) Internal

Which management pioneer touted the positive aspects of bureaucracy? A) Frederick Taylor B) Lillian Gilbreth C) Max Weber D) Elton Mayo E) Mary Parker Follett

C) Max Weber

A(n) ______ consists of a formal written set of ethical standards guiding an organization's actions. A) ethical climate B) mission statement C) code of ethics D) corporate credo E) values assessment

C) code of ethics

When an organization uses _________, every aspect of running the business is facilitated by the Internet. A) collaborative computing B) project management software C) e-business D) databases E) e-commerce

C) e-business

To be ______ means to use resources including people, money and raw materials, wisely and cost-effectively. A) resourceful B) proficient C) efficient D) effective E) competent

C) efficient

Which of the following is an interpersonal managerial role? A) negotiator role B) monitor role C) leader role D) spokesperson role E) disturbance handler role

C) leader role

The two branches of quantitative management are management science and: A) quality management B) contingency management C) operations management D) systems management E) production management

C) operations management

Employees, owners, and ______ are an organization's internal stakeholders. A) customers B) lenders C) the board of directors D) unions E) partners

C) the board of directors

Job instability, economic insecurity, and a sense of turmoil are among the negatives of: A) partnering with a foreign company B) avoiding tariffs C) the global economy D) e-commerce E) megamergers

C) the global economy

Which of the following is NOT a description of organizational culture? A. A system of shared beliefs and values B. "Social glue" binding members together C. A system of reporting relationships D. An organization's personality E. A system that guides the behavior of organizational members

C. A system of reporting relationships

Which of the following is not a description of organizational culture? A. A system of shared beliefs and values. B. "Social glue" binding members together. C. A system of reporting relationships. D. An organization's personality. E. A system that guides the behavior of organizational members.

C. A system of reporting relationships.

The economic community that includes China and Thailand is the A. NAFTA. B. EU. C. ASEAN. D. Mercosur. E. IMF.


Karl is very creative and prefers to look at the long-term issues when making a decision. He considers a wide variety of possible actions based on an open mind about the possibilities. Sometimes his coworkers find him indecisive because of these tendencies. Karl is probably ______ in his decision-making style. A. analytical B. Behavioral C. Conceptual D. directive E. relaxed

C. Conceptual

Which of the following is a consequence of decentralized authority? A. Greater uniformity B. Decreased efficiency C. Greater flexibility D. Slower decisions E. Decreased duplication of work

C. Greater flexibility

Which of the following is a consequence of decentralized authority? A. Greater uniformity B. Decreased efficiency C. Greater flexibility D. Slower decisions E. Decreased duplication of work

C. Greater flexibility

Elizabeth works with the gaming production team at her job, so the leader of that group often assigns her work, but she also has a boss in the marketing department. Which of the following is most likely true? A. There is likely to be a lack of common purpose among her managers. B. Her workplace has too much division of labor. C. Her work arrangement violates the unity of command principle. D. Because of her cross-functional team, her work can be done without coordinated effort. E. Her production team leader has too wide a span of control.

C. Her work arrangement violates the unity of command principle.

Kristi has been struggling with her weight, and one of her coworkers suggested that she make a SMART goal for herself. Which of the following is the best example of a SMART goal for Kristi? A. I want to lose a lot of weight. B. I want to look better in a swimsuit. C. I want to lose 20 pounds over the course of one calendar year. D. I want to start losing weight soon. E. I want to lose 30% of my body mass by next month.

C. I want to lose 20 pounds over the course of one calendar year.

Which of the following would best describe MBO? A. It works at the highest levels of an organization. B. It works at the lowest levels of an organization. C. Its purpose is to motivate employees. D. Its purpose is to control employees. E. It effectively benchmarks HR practices against competitors.

C. Its purpose is to motivate employees.

Which of the following statements is good advice for those transitioning upward in an organization? A. Don't try to manage upward or sideways. B. Invent your own kind of management style. C. Maintain good relationships with other departments. D. Enjoy the solitude of upper management positions. E. Focus on the rights and privileges of your new job.

C. Maintain good relationships with other departments

Which of the following statements is good advice for those transitioning upward in an organization? A. Don't try to manage upward or sideways. B. Invent your own kind of management style. C. Maintain good relationships with other departments. D. Enjoy the solitude of upper management positions. E. Focus on the rights and privileges of your new job.

C. Maintain good relationships with other departments.

At which stage of the organizational life cycles does lack of flexibility and innovation become the danger to the business? A. Adult stage B. Birth stage C. Maturity stage D. Adolescent stage E. Youth stage

C. Maturity stage

At which stage of the organizational life cycles does lack of flexibility and innovation become the danger to the business? A. Adult stage B. Birth stage C. Maturity stage D. Adolescent stage E. Youth stage

C. Maturity stage

Which level of management is most often engaged in tactical planning? A. Working-level employees B. First-line managers C. Middle managers D. Top managers E. Consultants

C. Middle managers

______ time is a preference for doing one thing at a time. A. Singular B. Unichronic C. Monochronic D. Absolute E. Unitary

C. Monochronic

Which of the following characteristics of groups may lead to groupthink? A. Too little information available to the group B. Errors in the information available to the group C. Overconfidence D. Disagreements among the members E. Diversity in the group \

C. Overconfidence

Which of the following is one of the organizational responses organizations make when confronted with uncertainty, as identified by Miles and Snow? A. Aggressor B. Investigator C. Reactor D. Planner E. Leader

C. Reactor

Which of the following responses to a challenge would be considered most like satisficing? A. Panic B. Relaxed avoidance C. Relaxed change D. Decreased involvement E. Defensive avoidance

C. Relaxed change

The concept of "bounded rationality" is most closely related to the _________ model of decision making. A. classical B. rational C. Satisficing D. Incremental E. intuition

C. Satisficing

Which of the following is NOT a device through which culture is typically transmitted to employees? A. Symbols B. Stories C. Strategic plan D. Heroes E. Rites and rituals

C. Strategic plan

Which of the following is not a device through which culture is typically transmitted to employees? A. Symbols B. Stories C. Strategic plan D. Heroes E. Rites and rituals

C. Strategic plan

Which form of technology was exploding when the notion of a "global village" was first developed? A. Newspapers B. Telephones C. Television D. Cell phones E. The Internet

C. Television

Which of the following is NOT a reason why it is hard to bring the best evidence to bear on your decisions? A. Stories are more persuasive than evidence. B. People are trying to mislead you. C. The evidence leads to an unethical solution. D. The evidence doesn't quite apply. E. There's too much evidence.

C. The evidence leads to an unethical solution.

Which of the following is true about women investors? A. They tend to trade more often than men. B. They do less research before investing than men. C. Their portfolios have a higher average gain than men's. D. They are increasingly being drawn to careers in finance. E. They tend to chase "hot tips."

C. Their portfolios have a higher average gain than men's.

Which of the following is the way culture becomes embedded in an organization? A. Writing a strategic plan B. Performing competitive analysis C. Using a teaching process D. Conducting formal market research E. Following legal requirements

C. Using a teaching process

Which of the following is the way culture becomes embedded in an organization? A. Writing a strategic plan. B. Performing competitive analysis. C. Using a teaching process. D. Conducting formal market research. E. Following legal requirements.

C. Using a teaching process.

Which of the following statements about biased decision making is true? A. Hindsight helps you correctly assess what you should have known beforehand. B. When you are making a decision and you have considerable experience in that area, you are then most likely to be overconfident. C. When confronted with a choice, people with strong prior beliefs tend to make their decisions based on their beliefs even if their beliefs are false. D. Sometimes a single event can allow you to determine the trend. E. You could confidently make a decision about something by asking 20 of your friends and deciding based on their preferences.

C. When confronted with a choice, people with strong prior beliefs tend to make their decisions based on their beliefs even if their beliefs are false.

In what stage of the organizational life cycle does a firm increase its hiring, create some division of labor and begin setting rules? A. Midlife B. Maturity C. Youth D. Growth E. Birth

C. Youth

In what stage of the organizational life cycle does a firm increase its hiring, create some division of labor, and begin setting rules? A. Midlife B. Maturity C. Youth D. Growth E. Birth

C. Youth

Cara was enthusiastic about the new decision technique being used at her office. Everyone gathered in a room with their computers and typed responses anonymously. These appeared on the screen in the front of the room. Cara felt comfortable participating fully even though she was new to the company, and by the great number of comments, it seemed that everyone else did, too. Cara participated in A. the Delphi technique. B. collaborative management. C. a group-driven computer-aided system. D. a chauffeur-driven computer aided system. E. brainstorming.

C. a group-driven computer-aided system.

Digital Globe is a technology company that provides advanced high-resolution satellite pictures of the earth, digitalized for electronic use. As the military, governments, and others demand clear pictures, Digital Globe provides them immediately with its innovative and responsive products. Digital Globe is most likely an example of a(n) ______ culture. A. inventive B. clan C. adhocracy D. market E. hierarchy

C. adhocracy

Digital Globe is a technology company that provides advanced, high-resolution satellite pictures of the earth, digitalized for electronic use. As the military, governments, and others demand clear pictures, Digital Globe provides them immediately with its innovative and responsive products. Digital Globe is most likely an example of a(n) ______ culture. A. inventive B. clan C. adhocracy D. market E. hierarchy

C. adhocracy

A company producing cameras and video cameras prefers to focus its resources on a fast imitation program to reverse-engineer new features from competitors and add those, rather than implementing truly inventive features. Miles and Snow would call this company a(n) A. reactor. B. prospector. C. analyzer. D. defender. E. imitator.

C. analyzer.

On GLOBE dimensions, the U.S. managerial sample scored high on A. power distance and uncertainty avoidance B. in-group collectivism and future orientation C. assertiveness and performance orientation D. institutional collectivism and uncertainty avoidance E. masculinity and humane orientation

C. assertiveness and performance orientation

Savannah is a warm and likeable manager who is extremely supportive of her employees, but she sometimes doesn't say no when she needs to and is somewhat passive in enforcing her decisions. Her decision-making style is most likely A. analytical. B. heuristic. C. behavioral. D. conceptual. E. directive.

C. behavioral.

At Birney Electronics, all purchasing, hiring, and production decisions are made by top management. Birney has ______ authority. A. classical B. wide C. centralized D. for-profit E. matrix

C. centralized

At Caldwell Organic Grocers, all purchasing, hiring, and production decisions are made by top management. Caldwell has ______ authority. A. classical B. wide C. centralized D. for-profit E. matrix

C. centralized

In terms of difficulty, the best goals are A. just beyond what is achievable, to maximize motivation. B. easy to attain, so failure will not hurt morale. C. challenging but realistic. D. impossible to really reach, because they are meant only to be idealistic and inspirational. E. easy or hard, since both work equally well.

C. challenging but realistic.

Scientific and administrative management are part of the ________ viewpoint. A. behavioral B. contingency C. classical D. quantitative E. quality

C. classical

Over her years as a manager, Rose has had a very diverse group of employees; some were very interested in the financial rewards the company offered while others really would prefer extra time off or even to be recognized at the monthly department meetings. Rose should consider the ______ viewpoint of management in this case. A. behavioral B. systems C. contingency D. variance management E. classical

C. contingency

Erik has been putting off a decision about firing several workers who have been ignoring safety regulations on the factory floor. After all, he thinks, his boss will eventually notice and take action. Erik is experiencing a(n) ______ reaction. A. relaxed change B. relaxed avoidance C. defensive avoidance D. unresponsive E. delayed change

C. defensive avoidance

) The process of assigning meaningful authority and responsibility to managers and employees lower in the hierarchy is called A. designation. B. accountability. C. delegation. D. authority. E. allocation.

C. delegation

The process of assigning meaningful authority and responsibility to managers and employees lower in the hierarchy is called A. designation. B. accountability. C. delegation. D. execution. E. allocation.

C. delegation.

Melissa runs a residential-cleaning service and has noticed that some of her staff are much more efficient than others and can clean a house in about half the average time. She would like to reward these workers with a higher wage by implementing what would be known by Taylor as a(n) A. sliding scale system. B. incentivized wage system. C. differential rate system. D. productivity wage system. E. merit pay system.

C. differential rate system.

South Korea recently lifted its ban on beef and beef products imported from Canada, one that had originated because of cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) among Canadian cattle. The ban is an example of a(n) A. revenue tariff. B. boycott. C. embargo. D. protective tariff. E. import quota.

C. embargo.

Jill, a native of New Orleans, was living in Berlin and working for a U.S. news magazine. Jill would best be termed a(n) A. countertrader. B. franchisor. C. expatriate. D. outsourcer. E. refugee.

C. expatriate.

Among the organizational cultures thought to enhance business performance, the ______ perspective assumes that the strength of a corporate culture is related to a firm's long-term financial performance. A. market B. strength C. fit D. objective E. adaptive

C. fit

Spencer talked with Allie after their task force meeting, and they discovered that neither of them had been in favor of dropping some items from next year's budget, yet neither spoke up. Both wanted to be supportive of the group instead. This is an example of A. goal displacement. B. satisficing. C. groupthink. D. heuristics. E. self-selection.

C. groupthink

An organization's ______ is a control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time. A. central command B. division of labor C. hierarchy of authority D. span of control E. strategic plan

C. hierarchy of authority

An organization's ______ is a control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time. A. central command B. division of labor C. hierarchy of authority D. span of control E. strategic plan

C. hierarchy of authority

At Clarkson Farm Equipment, specialists from marketing, manufacturing, and engineering departments work closely together on new tractor designs. Clarkson is an example of a ______ organization. A. highly differentiated B. centralized C. highly integrated D. mechanistic E. bureaucratic

C. highly integrated

At Harvestar Farm Equipment, specialists from marketing, manufacturing, and engineering departments work closely together in cross-functional teams on new professional planting and harvesting equipment designs. Harvestar is an example of a ______ organization. A. highly differentiated B. centralized C. highly integrated D. mechanistic E. bureaucratic

C. highly integrated

Galen is temporarily working with a group with membership from different departments in his company on a special project, yet he still has all of responsibilities of his regular job and still reports to the same manager. This is an example of A. matrix structure. B. work dispersion. C. horizontal design. D. hybrid workgroups. E. network clustering.

C. horizontal design.

Seref purchases handcrafted Turkish rugs overseas and brings them to the United States to sell in his retail store. He is involved in A. outsourcing. B. countertrading. C. importing. D. franchising. E. exporting.

C. importing.

Marcus works on an assembly line for a U.S. automobile manufacturer. He would be considered a(n) ______ of this system. A. participant B. feedback mechanism C. input D. transformation process E. output

C. input

A formal chain of command, standardization of rules and procedures, and use of cross-functional teams enhance an organization's A. assimilation. B. differentiation. C. integration. D. decentralization. E. centralization.

C. integration

Among the recommendations of Mary Parker Follett was that A. motion studies should be made of every job. B. managers should design and control the work process. C. integration should occur in organizations when conflicts arise. D. a competitive environment is most conducive to productivity. E. everyone should understand their roles: managers as order-givers, and employees as order-takers.

C. integration should occur in organizations when conflicts arise.

A formal chain of command, standardization of rules and procedures, and use of cross-functional teams enhance an organization's A. assimilation. B. differentiation. C. integration. D. decentralization. E. centralization.

C. integration.

Making a choice without the use of conscious thought or logical interference is called A. reactive decision. B. irrational insight. C. intuition. D. instinctual choice. E. heuristics.

C. intuition.

China does not allow foreign car manufacturers to sell vehicles independently in its country but instead requires them to partner with a Chinese company. This type of partnership is known as a A. franchise agreement. B. countertrade. C. joint venture. D. maquiladora. E. greenfield venture.

C. joint venture.

When a company allows a foreign firm to pay it a fee to make or distribute the first company's product or service it is called A. outsourcing. B. franchising. C. licensing. D. countertrading. E. a joint venture.

C. licensing.

The tools of ______ are useful for UPS and FedEx in deciding how many employees and aircraft should be scheduled during the month of December. A. scientific management B. soldiering C. management science D. the Hawthorne studies E. efficiency management

C. management science

Matt has developed a mathematical model for the film distribution company that employs him. The model will help in determining release dates and the desirable number of screens for new movies. This model is an application of A. scientific management. B. behavioral science. C. management science. D. contingency management. E. administrative management.

C. management science.

Avery Micro has tight requirements and very detailed procedures for creating small machine parts through an injection molding process. Avery is a(n) ______ organization. A. hybrid B. integrated C. mechanistic D. flat E. organic

C. mechanistic

Rorschach Composites has precise requirements and very detailed procedures for creating small machine parts through an injection molding process. Because of the sensitive processes, employees are tightly monitored. Rorschach is a(n) ______ organization. A. hybrid B. integrated C. mechanistic D. flat E. organic

C. mechanistic

A system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more people is known as a(n) A. operation. B. culture. C. organization. D. structure. E. adhocracy.

C. organization.

Billie runs a successful cell-phone accessory store online. She loves designing and marketing the products, and she manages others who do the production, but the shipping had become a real problem. She decided to contract with FedEx to handle this logistical part of her business. Billie is A. countertrading. B. franchising. C. outsourcing. D. licensing. E. privatizing.

C. outsourcing.

Robin is very worried about potentially having to lay off several of her staff. She can't sleep well, her stomach is bothering her, and she snaps at her employees. She doesn't know what to do but won't talk with anyone about it. Robin is experiencing a ______ reaction to a challenge. A. relaxed change B. defensive avoidance C. panic D. deciding to decide E. heuristic

C. panic

A person with a conceptual decision-making style is __________ in her value orientation and __________ in her tolerance for ambiguity. A. managerial; high B. task/technical; low C. people/social; high D. people/social; low E. managerial; low

C. people/social; high

NASA's Curiosity Rover, employed to investigate a large crater on Mars, is an example of a A. policy. B. rule. C. project. D. procedure. E. program.

C. project.

Alexis manages a clothing store in the mall. They were understaffed, and she thought she would have to work all day and help close the store that evening until a young man came in for an application around noon. Alexis told him he could have the job if he could come back at 4 p.m. to begin work. Here, Alexis was engaged in A. relaxed avoidance. B. confirmation bias. C. satisficing. D. heuristics. E. analytics.

C. satisficing.

In a functional structure, people with ______ are grouped together. A. similar levels of authority B. temporary jobs on the same project C. similar occupational specialties D. jobs related to similar products E. jobs in the same geographic region

C. similar occupational specialties

In a functional structure, people with ______ are grouped together. A. similar levels of authority B. temporary jobs on the same project C. similar occupational specialties D. jobs related to similar products E. jobs in the same geographic region

C. similar occupational specialties

A career that is upwardly mobile, with a number of jobs that are fundamentally different yet still build on one another is known as a(n) ______ career. A. steady-state B. portfolio C. spiral D. inclining E. linear

C. spiral

On an organizational chart, a dotted line indicates a(n) A. outside company. B. line position. C. staff position. D. temporary employee. E. non-managerial employee.

C. staff position

On an organizational chart, a dotted line typically indicates a(n) A. outside company. B. line position. C. staff position. D. temporary employee. E. nonmanagerial employee.

C. staff position.

At which level of planning must managers be paying attention to the environment outside the organization, be future oriented, and deal with uncertain and competitive conditions? A. tactical B. organizational C. strategic D. front-line E. operational

C. strategic

Even though the Russian government is inefficient in the way it collects taxes, it is still an example of a(n) A. transformational process. B. environment. C. system. D. output. E. therblig.

C. system.

Managers at Cimarron Saddlery expect to meet profitability goals for the company by cutting costs through a 70% increase in global sourcing of leather and other materials over the next two years. This is an example of a(n) A. supervision objective. B. operational goal. C. tactical goal. D. maintenance objective. E. strategic goal.

C. tactical goal.

Aurelia is working with a group from different departments in her company on a special project, yet she still has all of responsibilities of her regular job and still reports to the same manager. Aurelia is working in a ______ structure. A. matrix B. work cluster C. team-based D. hybrid E. network

C. team-based

In an organic organization, A. authority is centralized. B. bureaucracy is essential. C. the need to respond to unexpected tasks is common. D. many rules and procedures exist. E. success is possible only when the environment is stable. In an organic organization, authority is decentralized, there are fewer rules and procedure

C. the need to respond to unexpected tasks is common.

When conducting business in English in Asia, if the answer to a question is "yes," one should assume that means A. with certainty. B. no. C. the question is understood. D. I can be persuaded. E. this is fair.

C. the question is understood.

In an organic organization, A. authority is centralized. B. communication is formal. C. the span of control is wide. D. tasks are highly specialized. E. many rules and procedures exist.

C. the span of control is wide

In deciding to decide about a problem or opportunity, a manager should evaluate the importance of the situation, the credibility of the information, and A. the equitability of the outcomes. B. the availability of heuristics. C. the urgency of the situation. D. the cost of the solution. E. the ethics of making no change.

C. the urgency of the situation.

The earliest forms of communication, the hallmark of great civilizations, were based on A. personal relationships. B. technology. C. transportation. D. warfare. E. agriculture.

C. transportation.

Skoda Auto, originally a Czech company and one that still manufactures there as well as in other international locations, is one of the largest automakers in Central Europe. In 2000, its acquisition by Germany's Volkswagen Group was complete, and it is now one of four brands for that company. Skoda is now a ______ of Volkswagen. A. maquiladora B. strategically C. wholly owned subsidiary D. greenfield venture E. licensee

C. wholly owned subsidiary

The nation to which the United States exports the most is which of the following countries?


Which of the following is an assumption of the rational decision-making model?

Choice is the best decision for the organization and not the individual

Which of the following is an example of a proactive change?

Ciara explores improvements in bonus structures with her staff and begins to implement them despite the fact that her employees are generally content.

Which of the following was a positive feature of bureaucracy, according to Max Weber?

Clear division of labor

Many technology companies are hesitant to involve customers in the development of their products, since they are trying to protect their latest products and ideas from competitors' attempts to replicate them. This typically results in a fairly ______ system.


The study of how order and pattern arise from very complicated, apparently chaotic systems is known as ______.

Complexity theory

The study of how order and pattern arise from very complicated, apparently chaotic systems is known as _______.

Complexity theory

Despite the appeal of the opportunity, Samantha decided to delay taking her product to foreign markets because she felt that her current personnel did not have enough international experience. She was exhibiting ______ skills.


The ability to think analytically is associated with ______ skills.


Systems, contingency, and quality-management viewpoints are part of the ________ perspective.


The systems, contingency, and quality-management viewpoints are part of the ________ perspective on management.


Over her years as a manager, Rose has had a very diverse group of employees; some were very interested in the financial rewards the company offered while others really would prefer extra time off or even to be recognized at the monthly department meetings. Rose should consider the ______ viewpoint of management in this case.


Aziz immediately halted production at his facility after seeing a report indicating the last batch had a high level of product defects, and restarted work only when the problem was discovered and fixed. Aziz is engaged in which management function?


Monitoring performance and taking corrective action as needed is called ______.


Of the following, which is one of the functions of management described by Fayol?


Kelly runs a growing business in Birmingham and wants to do more than lead a successful and law-abiding company. She intends to make a difference in her community by helping with issues like poverty and high unemployment. Kelly believes in...

Corporate social responsibility

Which of the following is most likely to help build a learning organization?

Create a psychologically safe environment.

__________, an important stakeholder group, pay to use an organization's goods and services.


When a college of medicine discovers that nursing student enrollments are down from the previous years, and decides to update the courses offered, it is performing which of the functions of management? A) correcting B) planning C) leading D) controlling E) organizing

D) controlling

Joseph Juran defined quality as ______, meaning a product or service should satisfy a customer's real needs. A) real serviceability B) functional worth C) user-friendly D) fitness for use E) useable value

D) fitness for use

A business firm with operations in several countries is known as a(n): A) multinational organization B) global operation C) international organization D) multinational corporation E) global firm

D) multinational corporation

The management process includes which of the following management functions? A) advising B) innovating C) implementing D) organizing E) discovering

D) organizing

The historical perspective of management includes three viewpoints: classical, behavioral and: A) quality B) systems C) contingency D) quantitative E) management science

D) quantitative

Engaging in ______ can give businesses a favorable public image and may even help head off government regulation. A) cost-benefit analysis B) ethics C) philanthropy D) social responsibility E) utilitarianism

D) social responsibility

A trade barrier in the form of a customs duty, or tax, levied mainly on imports in known as a(n): A) import quota B) embargo C) tax protection D) tariff E) fair trade levy

D) tariff

Which of the following is NOT one of the primary areas that must be well understood in order to bridge cross-cultural gaps? A) language B) interpersonal space C) communication D) trade barriers E) time orientation

D) trade barriers

Which ethical approach are managers using when among alternatives they prefer the option that results in the best financial performance? A) moral-rights approach B) impartiality approach C) individual approach D) utilitarian approach E) justice approach

D) utilitarian approach

What is the time frame of an operational plan? A. 2-10 years B. 1-5 years C. 6-24 months D. 1-52 weeks E. 1-90 days

D. 1-52 weeks

Which of the following is a good reason to avoid delegating tasks? A. A wish to keep subordinates from taking risks. B. To avoid making subordinates deal with a difficult client. C. A desire to keep an enjoyable part of the job. D. A fear that sensitive personnel matters will not be kept private. E. A concern that subordinates could do a better job.

D. A fear that sensitive personnel matters will not be kept private.

Which of the following is a good reason to avoid delegating tasks? A. A wish to keep subordinates from taking risks B. To avoid making subordinates deal with a difficult client C. A desire to keep an enjoyable part of the job D. A fear that sensitive personnel matters will not be kept private E. A concern that subordinates could do a better job

D. A fear that sensitive personnel will not be kept private

If a business lacks insight or fails to use the adaptive cycle properly, it is likely to be which of the following? A. A prospector B. An analyzer C. A defender D. A reactor E. An imitator

D. A reactor

"Mindfulness" is characterized by which of the following attributes? A. Acting from a single perspective. B. Automatic behavior. C. Belief in one right way. D. Active engagement. E. Protecting traditional ideas.

D. Active engagement.

Which of the following is a form of trade protectionism? A. A trade bloc B. A countertrade C. A revenue tariff D. An embargo E. Outsourcing

D. An embargo

Which of the following approaches is characteristic of a manager using the contingency viewpoint? A. Purchasing new technology to improve efficiency. B. Simplifying the steps of the work process. C. Using motivational techniques to boost worker productivity. D. Assessing the characteristics of particular situation before deciding what to do. E. Performing a motion study.

D. Assessing the characteristics of particular situation before deciding what to do.

Which of the following is a decision-making style based on the dimensions of value orientation and tolerance for ambiguity? A. professional B. personal C. technological D. Behavioral E. Mechanical

D. Behavioral

The competing values framework classifies organizational cultures into which of the following? A. Stable, flexible, and laddered cultures B. Observable, flexible, competitive, and driven cultures C. Symbolic, heroic, and basic cultures D. Clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy cultures E. Observable, espoused, and core cultures

D. Clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy cultures

The competing values framework classifies organizational cultures into which of the following? A. Stable, flexible, and laddered cultures. B. Observable, flexible, competitive, and driven cultures. C. Symbolic, heroic, and basic cultures. D. Clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy cultures. E. Observable, espoused, and core cultures.

D. Clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy cultures.

Which of the following was a positive feature of bureaucracy, according to Max Weber? A. Generalists in the workplace. B. A flat organization with little hierarchy of authority. C. Hiring and promotion based on social status. D. Clear division of labor. E. Flexible rules and procedures.

D. Clear division of labor.

Improving future plans is part of which step in the planning/control cycle? A. Making the plan. B. Carrying out the plan. C. Benchmarking against competitors. D. Controlling the direction. E. Updating the plan.

D. Controlling the direction.

Which of the following is associated with operational planning? A. Determining the overall direction of the organization. B. Examining the environment outside of the organization. C. Implementing policies and plans of top management. D. Directing daily tasks of nonmanagerial personnel. E. Making decisions under highly uncertain conditions.

D. Directing daily tasks of nonmanagerial personnel.

________ management means translating principles based on best evidence into organizational practice, bringing rationality to the decision-making process. A. Total quality B. Operations C. Administrative D. Evidence-based E. Scientific

D. Evidence-based

Which of the following is one of the challenges of planning? A. Assigning the right people to tasks. B. Determining the correct budget. C. Measuring results with accuracy. D. Finding the time to plan. E. Motivating employees.

D. Finding the time to plan

_______ group activities around defined regional locations. A. Functional structures B. Locality divisions C. Site networks D. Geographic divisions E. Matrix organizations

D. Geographic divisions

Which of the following is not a part of Frederick Taylors's work in scientific management? A. Elimination of soldiering B. Motion studies C. Differential rate system D. Hierarchy of human needs E. Raising productivity

D. Hierarchy of human needs

Which of the following is one of the phases in the development of the behavioral viewpoint? A. Human resource management B. Operations management C. Operations research D. Human relations movement E. Administrative management

D. Human relations movement

Jerome's accounts payable department is behind schedule as the month-end close is approaching. This has been happening every month, but he hasn't found time to provide additional training. Instead he asks all of his employees to work eight hours of overtime that week and reassigns some tasks. This is an example of using the ________ model. A. rational B. predictive C. intuition D. Incremental E. coalition

D. Incremental

John recently received his CPA license and plans to run a small tax consulting business, so he just put up a website. What advantage does his business have over larger competitors? A. It has greater access to capital. B. It has superior distribution. C. It has more access to young talent. D. It can change direction quicker. E. It has well-defined bureaucratic systems.

D. It can change direction quicker.

Which of the following is a negative effect for the United States of global economic interdependency? A. Decreased economic activity B. Poorer quality goods C. Lower standards of living D. Loss of well-paying jobs E. More expensive products

D. Loss of well-paying jobs

Who proposed the hierarchy of human needs as a theory of motivation? A. McGregor B. Weber C. Munsterberg D. Maslow E. Mayo

D. Maslow

Which of the following is the correct order of planning steps within an organization? A. Strategic planning, mission statement & vision statement, operational planning, tactical planning B. Strategic planning, mission statement & vision statement, tactical planning, operational planning C. Strategic planning, operational planning, mission statement & vision statement, tactical planning D. Mission statement & vision statement, strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning E. Mission statement & vision statement, strategic planning, operational planning, tactical planning

D. Mission statement & vision statement, strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning

Which of the following is NOT one of the suggestions for decision making recommended by management consultant Odette Pollar? A. Decide in a timely fashion. B. Don't agonize over minor decisions. C. Separate outcome from process. D. Never stop gathering facts. E. When overwhelmed, narrow your choices.

D. Never stop gathering facts.

Goodwill Industries, a charity that provides training and employment services to the disabled, is which type of organization? A. Clan B. For-profit C. Mutual-benefit D. Nonprofit E. Market

D. Nonprofit

Which of the following is not one of the principles proposed by Fredrick Taylor to eliminate soldiering? A. Give workers the training and incentives to do the task properly. B. Carefully select workers with the right abilities for the task. C. Study each part of the task scientifically. D. Reward employees equally and consistently. E. Use scientific principles to plan the work methods.

D. Reward employees equally and consistently.

Which of the following is one of the nonrational models of decision making? A. Boundary B. Classical C. Goal displacement D. Satisficing E. Attitudinal

D. Satisficing

The term learning organization was coined by A. Shewart. B. Deming. C. Juran. D. Senge. E. Mayo.

D. Senge.

Apple has a plan to generate buzz for its new products by maintaining secrecy about them. Apple has learned that strong measures are required to protect such mysteries, so it has enhanced its security and even fired and sued employees for leaking news about the products. These efforts would be considered which part of the planning/control cycle? A. Making the plan. B. Carrying out the plan. C. Comparing results. D. Taking corrective action. E. Benchmarking competitors.

D. Taking corrective action.

An optimistic view of workers that envisions them as capable of accepting responsibility and working in a self-directed manner is representative of A. hierarchy of accountability. B. hierarchy of needs. C. Theory X. D. Theory Y. E. self-fulfilling prophecy.

D. Theory Y.

Which of the following is a practical guideline in determining whether to use group decision making? A. When it can encourage satisficing B. When it can increase speed C. When it can produce groupthink D. When it can increase development E. When a decision occurs infrequently

D. When it can increase development

Good job design requires matching the level of responsibility to the level of A. liability. B. dependability. C. delegation. D. authority. E. position power.

D. authority

Good job design requires matching the level of responsibility to the level of A. liability. B. dependability. C. delegation. D. authority. E. position power.

D. authority.

As Janine prepares to perform Ian's performance review, she carefully reviews notes she made throughout the year, rather than relying just on what she remembers. Janine is attempting to avoid the ______ bias. A. sunk-cost B. adjustment C. representativeness D. availability E. escalation of commitment

D. availability

Managers tend to give more weight to more recent behavior. This is due to the A. heuristic bias. B. halo effect. C. recency effect. D. availability bias. E. representativeness bias.

D. availability bias.

Hollow, modular, and virtual structures lead to a ________ organization. A. functional B. network C. simplistic D. boundaryless E. matrix

D. boundaryless

Redbox uses the large amount of data that it collects at its video and game rental kiosks to determine ways to improve customer retention and to encourage multiple rentals at the same time. The chain is using A. quantitative decision making. B. data correlation. C. heuristics. D. business analytics. E. the Delphi technique.

D. business analytics.

The rational model of decision making is also called the ______ model. A. Balanced B. satisficing C. Incremental D. classical E. intuitional

D. classical

Management at the Pauly Recreational Products has recognized that the firm is much slower than the competition at getting new designs to market. The problem seems to stem from coordination problems between the various functional departments involved in the recreational vehicle design process. Pauly should A. improve technical training for employees. B. formalize the division of labor. C. relax its rules and procedures. D. create cross-functional teams for development. E. cancel all social events for employees.

D. create cross-functional teams for development

Management at the De la Garza Recreational Products has recognized that the firm is much slower than the competition at getting new designs to market. The problem seems to stem from coordination problems between the various functional departments involved in the recreational vehicle design process. De la Garza should A. improve technical training for employees. B. formalize the division of labor. C. relax its rules and procedures. D. create cross-functional teams for development. E. cancel all social events for employees.

D. create cross-functional teams for development.

David was feeling very anxious, confused, and out of place since he arrived for his new job in Taipei, Taiwan. It seemed like just about everything was different from what he was used to. David was experiencing A. overseas difficulties. B. sociological struggles. C. complexity issues. D. culture shock. E. adjustment pains.

D. culture shock.

According to Harvard professor Constance Bagley, ethical decisions can be facilitated with a(n) A. goal statement. B. improved legal department. C. cross-department task force. D. decision tree. E. brainstorming session.

D. decision tree.

A person who is oriented toward task and technical concerns and has a low tolerance for ambiguity is ______ in his decision-making style. A. analytical B. Behavioral C. Conceptual D. directive E. heuristic

D. directive

The most significant flaw in the classical viewpoint is that it A. overemphasizes mathematical techniques. B. is impractical in the workplace. C. does not address productivity. D. discounts the importance of human needs. E. does not account for irrational behavior.

D. discounts the importance of human needs.

Hisoka took a new job at a small consulting firm and was surprised to find that most employees had no job titles. A coworker explained that top management wanted to create a level playing field, allowing motivated employees to seek leadership roles on a project by project basis. No job titles, here, is an example of A. stabilizing structure. B. measuring activities. C. increasing accountability. D. embedding culture. E. reinforcing hierarchy.

D. embedding culture

Hiromi started a new job with a growing consulting firm and was surprised to find that most employees had no job titles. A coworker explained that the founders wanted to create a level playing field, allowing motivated employees to seek leadership roles on a project-by-project basis. No job titles, here, is an example of A. stabilizing structure. B. measuring activities. C. increasing accountability. D. embedding culture. E. reinforcing hierarchy.

D. embedding culture.

In the final stage of the rational model of decision making, you should A. provide justification for the choice. B. select a solution. C. seek high-level support. D. evaluate the results. E. identify the winners and losers.

D. evaluate the results.

"True is better than new" is one of the truths of A. scientific management. B. the human relations movement. C. operations management. D. evidence-based management. E. management science.

D. evidence-based management.

A company that is producing goods domestically and sells them outside the country is involved in A. countertrading. B. outsourcing. C. importing. D. exporting. E. franchising.

D. exporting.

If your Chinese coworker in Hong Kong tells you that you have gained weight, you should interpret this comment as A. an insult. B. flirtation. C. a misunderstanding. D. friendliness. E. too personal.

D. friendliness.

The Federal Reserve Bank has 12 separate districts around the United States, which means it is using ______ in its organizational structure. A. functional constituencies B. locality divisions C. site networks D. geographic divisions E. matrix regions

D. geographic divisions

A Ritz-Carlton beach attendant who surprised a couple with flowers, candles, and champagne for the man's proposal would be considered a _________. A. champion. B. key employee. C. potential manager. D. hero. E. superior.

D. hero

A Ritz-Carlton beach attendant who surprised a couple with flowers, candles, and champagne for the man's proposal was able to transmit the culture of the luxury hotel to other employees, so he would be considered a A. champion. B. key employee. C. potential manager. D. hero. E. superior.

D. hero.

How much pride and loyalty people should have for their family or organization is a cultural dimension in the GLOBE project known as A. institutional collectivism. B. power distance. C. social egalitarianism. D. in-group collectivism. E. human egalitarianism.

D. in-group collectivism.

Managers at Montaigne Prefecture Glass needed to take some important steps to get out ahead of the growing competition. Recently, new talent had been hired, the training and development budget had been doubled, and cross-functional teams were added to improve information flow. It appears that Montaigne is attempting to become a ______ organization. A. closed system B. Theory Y C. contingency D. learning E. virtual

D. learning

Kia Motors takes a very aggressive stance to fire executives who don't meet sales goals, which makes the company an example of a(n) ______ culture. A. clan B. target-driven C. adhocracy D. market E. hierarchy

D. market

Kia Motors takes a very aggressive stance to fire executives who don't meet sales goals, which makes the company an example of a(n) ______ culture. A. clan B. target-driven C. adhocracy D. market E. hierarchy

D. market

Arnos Engineering has a functional structure throughout the company but also has a second chain of command based on the part of the United States where one works. This organization has a ______ structure. A. bifunctional B. hybrid C. network D. matrix E. team-based

D. matrix

Purcell Natural Gas Co. has a functional structure throughout the company but also has a second chain of command based on the part of the U.S. where one works. This organization has a ______ structure. A. bi-functional B. hybrid C. network D. matrix E. team-based

D. matrix

Hilton Hotel's statement expressing its purpose as "to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality" is a(n) A. vision statement. B. intention statement. C. goal statement. D. mission statement. E. rationale statement.

D. mission statement.

In a ______ structure, a firm assembles portions of product provided by outside contractors. A. compilation B. network C. outsourced D. modular E. hollow

D. modular

In a ______ structure, a firm assembles product chunks, or modules, provided by outside contractors. A. compilation B. network C. outsourced D. modular E. production

D. modular

Oxfam International is a nonprofit that works in 90 countries on issues of poverty advocacy and eradication, as well as disaster relief. Oxfam is a(n) A. multinational corporation. B. global aid firm. C. international philanthropy. D. multinational organization. E. global charity.

D. multinational organization.

When managers must be closely involved with their subordinates, they should have a ______ span of control. A. flexible B. wide C. flat D. narrow E. lean

D. narrow

When managers must be closely involved with their subordinates, they should have a ______ span of control. A. flexible B. wide C. flat D. narrow E. lean

D. narrow

A polycentric manager believes that A. organizations should maximize the number of managers from different countries in foreign operations. B. her country and culture are superior. C. managers in foreign countries should follow corporate procedures. D. native managers in foreign offices best understand native personnel and practices. E. managers in foreign countries should use whatever techniques are most effective.

D. native managers in foreign offices best understand native personnel and practices.

Goodwill Industries, a charity that provides training and employment services to the disabled, is which type of organization? A. Clan B. For-profit C. Mutual-benefit D. Nonprofit E. Market

D. nonprofit

A(n) _______ system continually interacts with its environment. A. networked B. integrated C. active D. open E. porous

D. open

Alyssa works for a large amusement park and is in charge of scheduling the sizable staff, including ride attendants, food service and janitorial employees, and character actors, in an effective manner. This work is typical of A. operations research. B. contingency planning. C. quality management. D. operations management. E. qualitative analysis.

D. operations management.

Information-technology companies such as Motorola favor a(n) ______ structure because they constantly have to adjust to technological change. A. mechanistic B. bureaucratic C. formalized D. organic E. tall

D. organic

Information-technology companies such as Motorola favor a(n) ______ structure because they constantly have to adjust to technological change. A. mechanistic B. bureaucratic C. formalized D. organic E. tall

D. organic

Curran Investments has had a very profitable year in its business of providing financial advice. The profit would be considered a(n) ______ of the system. A. by-product B. input C. transformational process D. output E. feedback loop

D. output

Dayton Construction has a ________ for processing invoices, which includes coding them by job number and construction phase, and matching them with the correct purchase order. A. program. B. policy. C. rule. D. procedure. E. project.

D. procedure.

When White Castle specifies exactly how to dress a hamburger, including the order of the condiments, this is called a A. program. B. policy. C. rule. D. procedure. E. project.

D. procedure.

When a firm responds to uncertainty in its environment as a(n) ________, its continual pursuit of product and market innovation may lead to a loss of efficiency, but is likely to make competitors nervous. A. reactor B. analyzer C. defender D. prospector E. executor

D. prospector

A good reason for studying theoretical perspectives of management is that it A. provides an understanding of the competitors' strengths. B. eliminates the need for in-depth analysis. C. correctly guides the writing of a mission statement. D. provides clues to the meaning of your managers' decisions. E. acts as an encyclopedia of solutions.

D. provides clues to the meaning of your managers' decisions.

The fact that employees often have no control over work process design limits their ability to achieve zero defects, or A. quality control. B. continuous improvement. C. reengineering. D. quality assurance. E. total quality management.

D. quality assurance.

Applying techniques like statistics and computer simulations to management are characteristic of the ______ viewpoint. A. classical B. behavioral C. managerial D. quantitative E. contingency

D. quantitative

Ethnocentrism among international managers has been linked to A. higher performance by foreign subsidiaries. B. lower turnover among employees in foreign subsidiaries. C. fewer lawsuits over personnel policies within foreign subsidiaries. D. recruitment difficulties for foreign subsidiaries. E. poor-quality products from foreign subsidiaries.

D. recruitment difficulties for foreign subsidiaries.

Carla heard from a client that a product similar to a popular one at her retail store was now at Walmart, imported from China, and costing just over half of her sales price. But Carla isn't really worried because she believes in her customers' loyalty, so she has no plans to make changes. Carla is practicing A. relaxed change. B. defensive avoidance. C. postponed action. D. relaxed avoidance. E. delayed decision.

D. relaxed avoidance.

It has been discovered that an overseas manufacturing facility your company uses has been employing child labor despite your position against it. You are contemplating relocating your manufacturing to another country where costs are somewhat higher but workplace standards are more tightly controlled. In using Bagley's ethical decision tree, you determine it would be unethical NOT to relocate, so you should A. relocate the facility, but don't tell shareholders about potentially smaller profits. B. warn the manufacturer that you will relocate should a violation occur again. C. continue to use the facility, despite your objections, because this will maximize shareholder value. D. relocate the facility, and tell the shareholders how this will affect their returns. E. continue to use the facility, because it is benefitting your company, and all workers, even underage ones.

D. relocate the facility, and tell the shareholders how this will affect their returns.

Angelina is interviewing for an open position since she recently let go an employee for excessive absenteeism. Though she thinks that Ivy is the best candidate for the job, she has small children, which seemed to be the source of the last employee's absenteeism. Angelina is reluctant to hire Ivy, which is a(n) ______ bias. A. anchoring and adjustment B. confirmation C. availability D. representativeness E. escalation of commitment

D. representativeness

A duty imposed on imported goods designed simply to raise money for the government is known as a(n) A. protective tariff. B. income quota. C. income embargo. D. revenue tariff. E. import quota.

D. revenue tariff.

Sultan is a new manager, and he is using MBO for the first time with his subordinates. It is essential for Sultan to A. decide on goals for employees and clearly inform them of these goals. B. ask the employee to commit the goals to memory. C. set goals that are just out of the subordinate's reach. D. reward employees when they meet objectives. E. review an employee's performance once, at the end of the performance period.

D. reward employees when they meet objectives.

The activities and ceremonies, planned and unplanned, that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments in the organization's life are known as A. myths. B. stories. C. conventions. D. rites and rituals. E. values.

D. rites and rituals

The activities and ceremonies, planned and unplanned, that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments in the organization's life are known as A. myths. B. stories. C. conventions. D. rites and rituals. E. values.

D. rites and rituals.

Planning is defined as A. formulating a method to allocate resources effectively. B. motivating employees. C. coping with obstacles to past performance. D. setting goals and deciding how to achieve them. E. implementing strategic goals.

D. setting goals and deciding how to achieve them

According to Lawrence and Lorsch, the _____ determine(s) the degree of differentiation or integration that is appropriate. A. resources available to an organization B. governmental pressures on an organization C. organization's culture D. stability of an organization's environment E. size of the organization

D. stability of an organization's environment

According to Lawrence and Lorsch, the ______ determine(s) the degree of differentiation or integration that is appropriate. A. resources available to an organization B. governmental pressures on an organization C. organization's culture D. stability of an organization's environment E. size of the organization

D. stability of an organization's environment

A U.S. company agrees with a foreign company to start a new enterprise together in a foreign country, sharing the risks and the rewards. This is called a A. countertrade. B. greenfield venture. C. wholly owned subsidiary. D. strategic alliance. E. maquiladora.

D. strategic alliance.

The incremental model of decision making suggests that managers make decisions by A. using processes that have worked in past experience. B. experimenting with alternatives in a controlled setting, one by one. C. choosing something that is "good enough." D. taking small steps to alleviate a problem. E. involving several lower-level employees.

D. taking small steps to alleviate a problem.

In a mechanistic organization, A. most communication is informal. B. many teams and task forces are operating simultaneously. C. authority is decentralized. D. tasks and rules are clearly specified. E. employees are loosely supervised.

D. tasks and rules are clearly specified

In a mechanistic organization, A. most communication is informal. B. many teams and task forces are operating simultaneously. C. authority is decentralized. D. tasks and rules are clearly specified. E. employees are joined through technology.

D. tasks and rules are clearly specified.

The idea that decision makers find the notion of an actual loss more painful than giving up the possibility of a gain is called A. a heuristic. B. an availability bias. C. a representativeness bias. D. the prospect theory. E. satisficing.

D. the prospect theory.

Another term for the chain of command of an organization is A. reporting linkage. B. span of control. C. horizontal specialization. D. vertical hierarchy. E. network structure.

D. vertical hierarchy

Another term for the chain of command within an organization, as represented on an organizational chart, is A. reporting linkage. B. span of control. C. horizontal specialization. D. vertical hierarchy. E. network structure.

D. vertical hierarchy.

To create a learning organization, managers must perform three key functions or roles: build a commitment to learning, work to generate ideas with impact, and A. minimize stress with positive talk. B. be fair to employees. C. stir conflict before implementing new ideas. D. work to generalize ideas with impact. E. work to create chaos to generate new ideas.

D. work to generalize ideas with impact.

Miles and Snow suggest that organizations responding to uncertainty in the environment do so with one of four approaches. Name and describe these approaches, and provide an example of each.

Defenders are expert at producing and selling narrowly defined products or services. Often they are old-line successful enterprises, such as Macy's and JCPenney, which in the 2010 era of consumer frugality found themselves losing customers to discounters like Walmart. They do not tend to seek opportunities outside their present markets. They devote most of their attention to making refinements in their existing operations, such as slashing prices. A company described as "aggressive" is often a Prospector organization. Prospectors focus on developing new products or services and in seeking out new markets, rather than waiting for things to happen. An example of a Prospector company is Gap, which announced it would look for new sales by expanding abroad. Another such company is Apple. Analyzers take a "me too" response to the world. Analyzers let other organizations take the risks of product development and marketing and then imitate (or perhaps slightly improve on) what seems to work best. For years, Microsoft has been accused of taking this approach. Reactors make adjustments only when finally forced to by environmental pressures. In the worst cases, they are so incapable of responding fast enough that they suffer massive sales losses and are even driven out of business. Kmart, for instance, failed to respond to Walmart's development of its distribution and inventory management competencies, resulting in stalled growth and a significant reduction in market share. Kmart's core business never recovered from this reactive strategy.

Give at least four reasons that it is difficult to use evidence-based decision making

Despite your best intentions, it's hard to bring the best evidence to bear on your decisions. Among the reasons: (1) There's too much evidence. (2) There's not enough good evidence. (3) The evidence doesn't quite apply. (4) People are trying to mislead you. (5) You are trying to mislead you. (6) The side effects outweigh the cure. (7) Stories are more persuasive, anyway

are characterized by high ethnic diversity, declining divorce rates, economic uncertainty, and their inability to remember a time before computers and cell phones

Digital Natives

The most significant flaw in the classical viewpoint is that it...

Discounts the importance of human needs.

Colin takes notes at executive council meetings and prepares summaries to present to middle managers and supervisors at a monthly meeting. This task is part of a(n) _______ role.


For convenience, you purchase tickets to see the Black Keys through StubHub rather than from the venue itself. In this case, StubHub acts as a __________.


Jocelyn's staff is upset because they normally receive their paychecks or direct deposits on Fridays and occasionally on Thursdays if there is a holiday. Tomorrow is Friday, July 4, and the bank did not process payments today as expected, so Jocelyn is on the phone trying to get the situation resolved as part of which managerial role?

Disturbance handler

Which of the following statements regarding workplace diversity is true? A) The earnings gap between men and women no longer exists. B) Whites have the highest median income. C) Unemployment rates for disabled people are lower than for other populations. D) The median age of the American worker is dropping. E) In many states homosexuality is a legitimate legal basis for firing an employee.

E) In many states homosexuality is a legitimate legal basis for firing an employee.

Building a commitment to learning and working to generate ideas with impact help you to: A) attract an educated workforce. B) eliminate the need for knowledge workers. C) slow the pace of workplace change. D) eliminate social distractions on the job. E) create a learning organization.

E) create a learning organization.

A "director of research and development" is what type of manager? A) top manager B) general manager C) utility manager D) first-line manager E) functional manager

E) functional manager

According to productivity expert Odette Pollar, "If you truly like people and enjoy mentoring and helping others to grow and thrive, A) do not seek multiple promotions." B) you will have to pay your dues first." C) management may be too stressful for you." D) resist the temptation to switch jobs frequently." E) management is a great job."

E) management is a great job.

A(n) ______ system continually interacts with its environment. A) feedback B) relational C) cooperative D) complex E) open

E) open

The National Organization for Women is an example of which type of stakeholder? A) local community B) employee organization C) government regulator D) financial institution E) special-interest group

E) special-interest group

The rise of the "global village" and electronic commerce reflect the near virtual collapse of: A) the transcontinental rail system B) ancient civilizations C) trade barriers D) unstable foreign governments E) time and distance

E) time and distance

Though many advantages have been linked to e-business, studies show that employees are less productive when dealing with excessive ______ volume.


Deming proposed that when something goes wrong, chances are __________ that the system is at fault, and __________ that the individual worker is at fault. A. 15%; 85% B. 35%; 65% C. 50%; 50% D. 65%; 35% E. 85%; 15%

E. 85%; 15%

Travis, an accounting manager at a hospital equipment company, has just attended software training where he learned new processes that could benefit his staff. On the plane home he began planning how he would train everyone in order to help the department reach its goals. Travis's approach is most characteristic of what type of organization? A. A bureaucratic organization. B. An operations research organization. C. A systems organization. D. A management science organization. E. A learning organization.

E. A learning organization.

China and the United States are both part of what trading bloc? A. NAFTA B. EU C. ASEAN D. Mercosur E. APEC


What cultural perspective assumes that the most effective cultures help organizations anticipate and adapt to environmental changes? A. Strength perspective B. Fit perspective C. Adjustment perspective D. Conditional perspective E. Adaptive perspective

E. Adaptive perspective

What cultural perspective assumes that the most effective cultures help organizations anticipate and adapt to environmental changes? A. Strength perspective B. Fit perspective C. Adjustment perspective D. Conditional perspective E. Adaptive perspective

E. Adaptive perspective

Which of the following cultural perspectives leads to the highest long-term financial performance? A. Strength perspective B. Fit perspective C. Market perspective D. Conditional perspective E. Adaptive perspective

E. Adaptive perspective

Hard-working people at insurance giant AIG joked that "thank heavens it's Friday because that means there are only two more working days until Monday." This is characteristic of which layer of organizational culture? A. Enacted norms B. Invisible artifacts C. Symbolic culture D. Heroic mores E. Basic assumptions

E. Basic assumptions

A person who is oriented toward people and social concerns and has a low tolerance for ambiguity is ______ in her decision-making style. A. analytical B. relaxed C. Conceptual D. directive E. Behavioral

E. Behavioral

McDonald's ability to deliver food quickly and inexpensively has its roots in which management theory? A. Management science viewpoint B. Behavioral viewpoint C. Mathematical viewpoint D. Systems viewpoint E. Classical viewpoint

E. Classical viewpoint

Which of the following is most likely to help build a learning organization? A. Direct staff to avoid failure at all costs. B. Create chaos to support new-idea generation. C. Restrict training to save expenses and improve the balance sheet. D. Encourage heated debates on every proposed idea. E. Create a psychologically safe environment.

E. Create a psychologically safe environment.

Passing the buck or procrastinating about a decision are examples of which type of reaction to a challenge? A. Panic B. Relaxed avoidance C. Relaxed change D. Decreased involvement E. Defensive avoidance

E. Defensive avoidance

When evaluating a solution in decision making, answering yes to which of the following questions should cause you to reconsider choosing it? A. Is there enough time? B. Are the costs reasonable? C. Is it ethical? D. Is the technology available? E. Do you consider it merely "good enough"?

E. Do you consider it merely "good enough"?

Which type of culture has an internal focus and values stability and control over flexibility? A. Clan B. Adhocracy C. Market D. Classical E. Hierarchy

E. Hierarchy

Which type of culture has an internal focus and values stability and control over flexibility? A. Clan B. Adhocracy C. Market D. Classical E. Hierarchy

E. Hierarchy

Megan met with her supervisor for a formal review of her job performance over the past year. Though Megan had agreed to complete five training modules during the course of the year, she only did two. At this stage, which part of the planning/control cycle would be applicable to her manager going forward? A. Carry out the plan. B. Improve feedback. C. Correct deviations in the plan. D. Benchmark against other employees. E. Improve future plans.

E. Improve future plans.

Which of the following is NOT a hindrance to perfectly rational decision making? A. Conflicting goals B. Imperfect information C. Information overload D. Limited cognitive capacity E. Lack of intuition

E. Lack of intuition

Which of the following is a way to become a world citizen? A. Dress comfortably and casually, so you are ready for any activity. B. To gain an early upper hand, be very vocal and assertive. C. Be and think globally. D. Speak English at all times since it is the world's language. E. Learn rituals of respect.

E. Learn rituals of respect.

Which of the following statements about group decision making is true? A. Individuals are always better than groups in decision making. B. Groups are always better than individuals in decision making. C. Groups minimize satisficing. D. Groups are faster at making decisions. E. Managers should utilize groups for decision making on a selective basis.

E. Managers should utilize groups for decision making on a selective basis.

During which managerial function do you make a blueprint for action that describes what you need to do to realize your goals? A. Organizing B. Leading C. Controlling D. Defining E. Planning

E. Planning

Which of the following is a benefit of planning? A. Planning allows you to spend little time preparing for the future. B. Planning allows you to make all decisions without consulting superiors. C. Planning helps you compare your results to your competitors'. D. Planning helps the company to be spontaneous. E. Planning helps you cope with uncertainty.

E. Planning helps you cope with uncertainty

_______ group activities around similar products or services. A. Output structures B. Matrix organizations C. Offering divisions D. Functional structures E. Product divisions

E. Product divisions

_______ group activities around similar products or services. A. Output structures B. Matrix organizations C. Offering divisions D. Functional structures E. Product divisions

E. Product divisions

Which of the following is a disadvantage of group decision making? A. Lower commitment to the decision B. Lower levels of confidence in judgments C. Different perspectives D. Greater discomfort with the final decision E. Satisficing

E. Satisficing

Fredrick Taylor and the Gilbreths were proponents of which of the following? A. Scientific management and administrative management, respectively B. Management science and human relations management, respectively C. Human relations D. Management science E. Scientific management

E. Scientific management

Which of the following questions about a proposed action is NOT a key question in Bagley's ethical decision tree? A. Is it legal? B. Does it maximize shareholder value? C. Is it ethical? D. Would it be ethical not to do it? E. Should the effect of it be disclosed to shareholders?

E. Should the effect of it be disclosed to shareholders?

In which type of culture do employees adhere to the organization's values because they believe in its purpose? A. Fit B. Strategic C. Conditional D. Adaptive E. Strong

E. Strong

Which of the following best represents the strategic planning time frame that Jeff Bezos of Amazon prefers? A. Six months or less B. One to two years C. Three to five years D. Five to seven years E. Ten to twenty years

E. Ten to twenty years

_________ uses physically dispersed experts who fill out questionnaires to generate ideas and the judgments are combined into an expert consensus. A. Brainstorming B. PM C. TQM D. Brainwriting E. The Delphi technique

E. The Delphi technique

Which research, though flawed, drew attention to the idea that managers using good human relations could improve worker productivity? A. Maslow's hierarchy of human needs B. Operations research C. Theory Y D. Fayol's administrative management E. The Hawthorne studies

E. The Hawthorne studies

Which of the following is an example of a mutual-benefit organization? A. Federal Bureau of Investigation B. University of California at Berkeley C. U.S. Postal Service D. Public Broadcasting System E. United Auto Workers union

E. United Auto Workers union

Scott works for an organization that describes itself as a "learning organization." As a manager, which of the following actions is Scott most likely to take while working for this organization? A. Scott encourages his employees to work alone and attempt to fix problems themselves for maximum efficiency. B. Scott likes to promote from within because those folks know how "it has always been done." C. Scott avoids the high costs of training and development since his employees are already familiar with standard procedures. D. Scott puts all of his time into running his part of the organization, and feels that reading trade journals is a big time waster. E. When Scott needs another employee, he deliberately looks for someone who will bring something new to the organization.

E. When Scott needs another employee, he deliberately looks for someone who will bring something new to the organization.

David is an architect, and the steps he takes in designing and drawing commercial buildings would be considered which part of his organization's system? A. an input B. feedback C. an output D. an affirmation E. a transformation process

E. a transformation process

The core values of an organization's culture are represented by its A. enacted norms. B. invisible artifacts. C. symbolic culture. D. heroic mores. E. basic assumptions.

E. basic assumptions

As an organization goes through the stages of the life cycle, it becomes more A. informal. B. centralized. C. unstable. D. organic. E. bureaucratic.

E. bureaucratic

As an organization goes through the stages of the life cycle, it becomes more A. informal. B. centralized. C. unstable. D. organic. E. bureaucratic.

E. bureaucratic.

A person with high tolerance for ambiguity has A. a high need for structure or control. B. a strong people orientation. C. an analytical mind. D. defensive avoidance tendencies. E. comfort with uncertain situations.

E. comfort with uncertain situations.

Systems, contingency, and quality-management viewpoints are part of the ________ perspective. A. behavioral B. scientific C. historical D. quantitative E. contemporary

E. contemporary

Recently, the Chinese government exchanged 212 railway trucks full of mango juice for a passenger jet from a Russian company. The Russian company is involved in A. importing. B. franchising. C. pseudo-exporting. D. outsourcing. E. countertrading.

E. countertrading.

Among the functions of organizational ________ are that it gives members an organizational identity and it promotes social-system stability. A. design B. structure C. life cycle D. charting E. culture

E. culture

Durant Security operates across Florida and Georgia with a variety of products and services. It has a unit located in Tampa that provides home security to its clients, and another unit in Atlanta that provides security for businesses, in particular banks and high-technology firms. This is a ______ structure. A. functional B. simple C. geographic divisional D. matrix E. customer divisional

E. customer divisional

Herndon Security operates across Florida and Georgia with a variety of products and services. It has a unit located in Tampa that provides home security to its clients, and another unit in Atlanta that provides security for businesses, in particular banks and high-technology firms. This is a ______ structure. A. functional B. simple C. geographic divisional D. matrix E. customer divisional

E. customer divisional

Elizabeth is a good manager but she is also a perfectionist. She often feels that she is the only one who can handle her division's special clients, so she frequently has problems with A. responsibility. B. allocation. C. accountability. D. authority. E. delegation.

E. delegation

Jennifer's staff enjoys working for her but thinks she is a perfectionist. She often thinks that she is the only one who can handle her division's difficult clients or handle some of the most sensitive issues, so she frequently has problems with A. responsibility. B. allocation. C. accountability. D. authority. E. delegation.

E. delegation

Ryan is an efficient manager who is very good at meeting his deadlines and quite decisive. Still, his employees find him to be too controlling at times and unable to see the long-term consequences of his actions. Ryan is most likely ______ in his decision-making style. A. analytical B. autocratic C. Behavioral D. Conceptual E. directive

E. directive

Wheat producers in the United States claim that the Canadian Wheat Board is selling wheat imported into the United States at unreasonably low prices, and they fear depression of their own prices. The U.S. producers are accusing the Canadians of A. creating an embargo. B. unfair foreign advantage. C. export crashing. D. loss transactions. E. dumping.

E. dumping.

Although managers may wish to affect employees with explicitly stated values, they are frequently more influenced by ______ ones. A. subversive B. expressed C. espoused D. adopted E. enacted

E. enacted

Although managers may wish to affect employees with explicitly stated values, they are frequently more influenced by ______ ones. A. subversive B. expressed C. espoused D. adopted E. enacted

E. enacted

The adaptive cycle portrays businesses as continuously cycling through three kinds of business decisions: entrepreneurial, ______, and administrative A. leadership B. alignment C. organization D. production E. engineering

E. engineering

Having just spent $1,500 for a new engine for his old car, Danilo now learns his transmission needs to be replaced. He decides to junk the car now, rather than repair it. Danilo has avoided the __________ bias. A. anchoring and adjustment B. confirmation C. availability D. representativeness E. escalation of commitment

E. escalation of commitment

The tendency for decision-makers to be influenced by the way a situation or problem is presented to them is known as the ________ bias. A. overconfidence. B. escalation of commitment bias. C. hindsight. D. availability. E. framing.

E. framing

Meredith is a seasoned American manager, currently working in Brazil. She has noticed that some of her management techniques work well in her overseas position, but sometimes she finds it more effective to defer to the practices of her Brazilian counterparts. Meredith can be described as a(n) ______ manager. A. parochial B. ethnocentric C. expatriate D. polycentric E. geocentric

E. geocentric

Hernandez Construction Supply has product divisions for lumber, hardware, electrical supplies, and plumbing supplies. Each has its own production facility and sales staff. Hernandez is A. tightly integrated. B. team-based. C. functionally organized. D. a matrix organization. E. highly differentiated.

E. highly differentiated

Fonseca Construction Supply has product divisions for lumber, hardware, electrical supplies, and plumbing supplies. Each has its own production facility and sales staff. Fonseca is A. tightly integrated. B. bureaucratic. C. functionally organized. D. a matrix organization. E. highly differentiated.

E. highly differentiated.

The first step in the MBO process is to A. determine rewards for meeting goals. B. give a performance appraisal. C. develop an action plan. D. periodically review performance. E. jointly set objectives.

E. jointly set objectives.

Organizations that actively create, acquire, and transfer knowledge within themselves and are able to modify their behavior to reflect this new knowledge are called __________ organizations. A. Hawthorne B. information C. Theory Y D. TQM E. learning

E. learning

According to technology philosopher Nicholas Negroponte, the global market driven by electronic information results in an increase of minifirms and A. multinational corporations. B. unstable governments. C. nonprofit organizations. D. intercorporate conflict. E. megamergers.

E. megamergers.

McKesson Corp., a U.S. pharmaceutical distributor, has a(n) ________ statement, which is "to provide comprehensive pharmacy solutions that improve productivity, profitability and result in superior patient care and satisfaction." A. purpose B. vision C. intention D. goal E. mission

E. mission

The statement which expresses the purpose of an organization is called a(n) A. goal statement. B. rationale statement. C. vision statement. D. intention statement. E. mission statement.

E. mission statement.

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth identified 17 basic units of ______, each of which they called a "therblig." A. time B. distance C. energy D. data E. motion

E. motion

BHP Billilton is an Australian mining company with operations in Brazil, Canada, South Africa, and the United States, among other countries. This company is a A. multiregional conglomerate. B. multinational organization. C. global concern. D. multiregional firm. E. multinational corporation.

E. multinational corporation.

A narrow view in which people see things solely through their own perspective is known as A. concentrism. B. polycentrism. C. geocentrism. D. expatriatism. E. parochialism.

E. parochialism.

The process of involving employees in setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, and making changes is called A. conjoint management. B. escalation of commitment. C. satisficing. D. goal displacement. E. participative management.

E. participative management.

Bradley was working for the summer in Costa Rica. He had made arrangements with a business associate to give him a ride to a nearby town at 10 a.m. He was very upset when his ride had still not appeared by 10:30. Bradley did not understand that ______ time is common in Latin America. A. variable B. monochronic C. multitask D. delayed E. polychronic

E. polychronic

The strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production is called A. TQM. B. six sigma. C. quality assurance. D. zero defects. E. quality control.

E. quality control.

Meg hired a great candidate from UCLA who has a big career ahead, and every year since Meg insists on going on a recruiting visit to that campus. Meg is convinced that hiring from UCLA in the future will produce the same level of success. This is an example of a(n) A. heuristic bias. B. professional effect. C. anchoring effect. D. availability bias. E. representativeness bias.

E. representativeness bias.

Taylor called the tendency for people to deliberately work at less than full capacity A. loafing. B. underachieving. C. underperforming. D. therbliging. E. soldiering.

E. soldiering.

MBO works by cascading objectives down through the organization, and these objectives become more ______ at lower levels of the organization. A. measurable B. challenging C. results-oriented D. attainable E. specific

E. specific

Cimarron Saddlery expects to improve profitability of the organization by 15% over the next three years. This is an example of a(n) A. supervision objective. B. operational goal. C. tactical goal. D. maintenance objective. E. strategic goal.

E. strategic goal.

There are three levels of planning. Their order, from first to last, is A. operational, tactical, and strategic. B. strategic, operational, and tactical. C. tactical, operational, and strategic. D. tactical, strategic, and operational. E. strategic, tactical, and operational.

E. strategic, tactical, and operational.

In which type of culture do employees adhere to the organization's values because they believe in its purpose? A. Fit B. Strategic C. Conditional D. Adaptive E. Strong

E. strong

When managers add up all the money already spent on a project and conclude it is too costly to simply abandon it, it is known as a(n) ________ bias. A. anchoring and adjustment B. confirmation C. availability D. representativeness E. sunk cost

E. sunk cost

The ______ viewpoint sees organizations as entities made up of interrelated parts known as inputs, outputs, transformation processes, and feedback. A. classical B. closed loop C. contingency D. quality-management E. systems

E. systems

Southwest Airlines acquisition of rival AirTran Airways may have been responsible for a sharp decline in on-time arrivals, which is one of Southwest's ________ goals, supporting a larger goal of being highly profitable. A. dependant B. strategic C. operational D. facilities E. tactical

E. tactical

Executive management has recently decided to acquire a small company with a complementary product line, so Craig, a marketing manager, is meeting with other managers to discuss how to implement policies to support the acquisition over the next year. He is participating in A. mission development. B. strategic planning. C. controlling. D. operational planning. E. tactical planning.

E. tactical planning.

The comprehensive approach dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction is known as A. quality rating. B. quality assurance. C. reengineering. D. quality control. E. total quality management.

E. total quality management.

When a government uses measures like tariffs and import quotas, it is called A. ethnocentrism. B. free trade. C. a trade bloc. D. an embargo. E. trade protectionism.

E. trade protectionism.

A supervisor of an assembly line has 45 employees that report to her; this would be considered a(n) ______ span of control. A. unsustainable B. tall C. deep D. complex E. wide

E. wide

A supervisor of an assembly line has 45 employees that report to her; this would be considered a(n) ______ span of control. A. unsustainable B. tall C. deep D. complex E. wide

E. wide

Inflation is an example of ______ forces in an organization's general environment.


Which of the following forms the base of Carroll's global corporate social responsibility pyramid?

Economic responsibility

Which of the following forms the base of Carrolls global corporate social responsibility pyramid?

Economic responsibility

Management is defined as the pursuit of organizational goals in what manner?

Efficiently and effectively

Kotter proposed which of the following for organization change?

Eight steps for leading organizational change.

Which of the following is the factor that most reduces an organization's ability to learn from failure?

Employees that blame others for failure.

Which of the following is a factor that helps participative management work?

Employees trust managers.

To inspire innovation, Jinyuan encourages his employees to devote one afternoon a month to work on pet projects, just to spend time in the lab experimenting and thinking freely. He is acting in the ______ role.


Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons, founders of Yelp, a website with reviews of businesses, created a new type of business that did not exist before their efforts. They would best be described as ______.


_________ means taking risks to try to create a new enterprise.


Jack is working overseas, and has been asked by a superior to present a government official with a cash payment in order to secure a contract. This makes Jack uncomfortable since he does not feel it is right, yet he worries about upsetting his boss. Jack is facing a(n) ________.

Ethical dilemma

As a sales manager, you would have to decide how much leeway to give your subordinates in giving gifts to prospective clients in foreign countries. This is an example of the challenge of managing for ________.

Ethical standards

Describe ethnocentrism and the dangers of being an ethnocentric manager when working overseas, and discuss what other approach may be superior.

Ethnocentric managers believe that their native country, culture, language, and behavior are superior to all others. Ethnocentric managers tend to believe that they can export the managers and practices of their home countries to anywhere in the world and that they will be more capable and reliable. Ethnocentrism can be bad for business. A survey of 918 companies with home offices in the United States, Japan, and Europe found that ethnocentric policies were linked to such problems as recruiting difficulties, high turnover rates, and lawsuits over personnel policies. Successful international managers are geocentric instead; that is, they accept the differences and similarities between domestic and foreign people and cultures and use whatever management techniques are most effective in particular situations.

Among the recommendations of Mary Parker Follett was that...

Everyone should understand their roles: managers as order-givers, and employees as order-takers.

________ management means translating principles based on best evidence into organizational practice, bringing rationality to the decision-making process.


Explain evidence-based decision making. Name at least four of the seven implementation principles identified by Pfeffer and Sutton to help companies that are committed to evidence-based management

Evidence-based decision making means managers make decisions based on what actually works. They face the hard facts and use the best evidence to help navigate the competitive environment. Pfeffer and Sutton identify seven implementation principles to help companies that are committed to using evidence-based management: 1. Treat your organization as an unfinished prototype. 2. No brag, just facts. 3. See yourself and your organization as outsiders do. 4. Evidence-based management is not just for senior executives. 5. Like everything else, you still need to sell it. 6. If all else fails, slow the spread of bad practice. 7. The best diagnostic question: what happens when people fail?

T or F: urban revitalization has had no effect on the American lower classes.


An information organization has three parts: creating and acquiring knowledge, transferring knowledge, and modifying behavior.


A bike messenger company that operates in the downtown area of a large city recently set the following goal: "All deliveries should be completed as quickly as possible." This example meets the criteria for a SMART goal


A clan culture has an external focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control


A company with a formalized, structured work environment aimed at achieving efficiency, timeliness, and reliability in the creation and delivery of products has a clan culture


A cost-benefit matrix is a graph of decisions and their possible consequences and is used to create a plan to reach a goal


A directive individual takes longer to make a decision than an analytical one


A disadvantage of group-aided decision making is that groups tend to suppress an individual's intellectual stimulation and creativity


A foreign subsidiary that is totally owned and controlled by an organization is called a multinational


A formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinate and motivate an organization's members is known as an organizational configuration.


A greenfield venture is a foreign subsidiary created to exploit previously untapped natural resources in another country


A mission statement expresses what the organization should become and where it wants to go strategically


A multinational corporation is a nonprofit organization with operations in several countries


A parochial manager is able to consider decisions and events from a variety of viewpoints


A policy includes more specifics that does a rule


A recent study says that the world's information is doubling every seven years


A revenue tariff is designed to protect domestic products from foreign imports by raising the price of the latter.


A ritual is a narrative based on true events, which is repeated and sometimes embellished upon to emphasize a particular value of an organization


A steady-state career entails a slow-but-steady growth in level of responsibility and compensation


A tariff is a limitation on the numbers of products allowed into a country, imposed by its government to protect domestic industries


A transitory career path involves a series of alternating promotions and demotions


According to Miles and Snow's basic strategy types, a defender protects its strong position in an industry by constantly seeking new opportunities for growth


Administrative management is most concerned with the jobs of individuals


Allowing business-casual dress in the workplace is an example of the espoused values portion of organizational culture


Amazon's statement in which it states its desire to "be the earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online" is a mission statement


Among cultural patterns of which one should be aware is the importance of making direct eye contact most of the time with Japanese businesspeople.


Among the negative effects of global interdependency are outsourcing and higher-priced goods.


An import quota is a trade barrier in the form of a customs duty, or tax, levied mainly on imports


An important source of information about quality in total quality management is competitors.


An organization is said to be flat when there are only a few levels with wide spans of control.


An organization with different groupings of people based on its products, customers, or geographic regions has a functional structure


Arabs prefer a larger interpersonal space when communicating than Americans.


Ariel is an employee in a manufacturing plant who works the graveyard shift, midnight to 8am. One night, she saw one of her managers dumping some chemicals down a storm drain in the parking lot. When she confronted him, he said this was standard procedure for some waste materials to avoid other costly disposal measures. When Ariel wrote a letter about it to the local newspaper she was a(n)


As a result of recent negotiations, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is expected to supersede the WTO by 2015.


As of 2011, the United States was the world's top exporter


As part of the planning process, businesses set what are known as targets, which are specific commitments to achieve measurable results within a stated period of time


As part of the scientific management viewpoint, Taylor suggested paying all employees doing the same job the same wage.


Bay-traders are those who trade seafood from the Chesapeake Bay for other goods rather than selling it on the open market.


Because of radical changes to modern business practice, theoretical perspectives of management provide a historical context but unfortunately do not enhance understanding of the present.


Behavioral science research has shown that competition is superior to cooperation in promoting achievement and productivity.


Blockbuster Video was slow to adapt to the latest trends in its industry, such as DVD-by-mail and movie downloads online. When it tried to incorporate the same into its business model, it was well behind competitors like Netflix. Blockbuster might be defined as a defender, according to Miles and Snow


Business founders and subsequent managers primarily use power and coercion to embed the culture into the organization


Companies that must respond to fast-changing customer tastes often favor a mechanistic structure to an organic one


Corporate culture is as also known as organizational structure


Countertrading refers to a company producing goods domestically and selling them outside the country


Customers who experience poor customer service are more likely to tell the company about it than to tell family or friends


Director of accounting is an example of a staff position


Douglas McGregor was one of the pioneers of early behaviorism.


Elian, a manager at a busy restaurant, was very careful about how he scheduled his personnel, making sure everyone was busy during work, and he carefully watched his other costs too, getting competitive bids from suppliers on a regular basis. Elian would best be described as a(n) _____ manager.


Espoused values represent the values and norms actually exhibited in the organization


Evidence shows that firms that announce layoffs have higher stock prices than their peers, both in the near term and over time


Evidence-based management means translating principles from promising new theories into organizational practice.


Facilities management is concerned with work scheduling, productions planning, and optimal levels of inventory.


Fast-food companies including McDonald's have used job specialization, and time and motion studies to increase productivity. This reflects the important contributions of the quantitative viewpoint of management.


Fawaz is contemplating a couple of new options for the order takers that he manages. There is no great urgency in the situation; he just needs to have a procedure in place within a couple of months. Fawaz would be wise to make this decision by himself


For a jewelry designer, gold and silver rings, earrings, and bracelets are considered system inputs.


For international expansion, joint ventures have a lower level of risk than franchising.


Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were chief proponents of administrative management.


Geocentric policies have been linked to recruiting difficulties and high turnover


Globalization is defined as the elimination of all trade barriers worldwide.


Group-driven computer-aided decision systems ask participants to answer predetermined questions on electronic keypads or dials


Heuristics is a technique in which members of a group come together over a computer network to generate ideas and alternatives


Horizontally on an organizational chart are the various companies outside of the firm, such as suppliers and distributors


If a marketing person reports to both the vice president of marketing and also to the project manager for the Ford Mustang, she works in a network organization.


If you can describe a job precisely, or write rules for doing it, it is protected against offshoring


If your boss asked you to take care of a task, productivity expert Odette Pollar says it is still OK to delegate it


In MBO, objectives that employees fail to meet should be put aside for the next period in favor of ones that they can achieve


In a closed system, an organization's outputs are recycled to become inputs.


In an organization's approach to planning, its mission and vision statements should be created once the strategic planning process is complete


In single-use plans, a program is another name for a project


In the planning/control cycle, carrying out the plan is one of the control steps


In this time of Internet connections and speedy-access computer databases, one typically has complete information for planning and decision making


Jaclyn is a manager who keeps a tight rein on her staff since she thinks they would not work without supervision. She doubts their commitment to the company and even to their own development. She is a Theory Y manager.


Keep in mind the importance of maintaining group relations; don't stand in the way of a group trying to reach consensus


Lawrence and Lorsch's term for the tendency of an organization's parts to disperse and fragment is dissolution


MBO was developed by Frederick Taylor as part of scientific management


Maquiladoras are manufacturing plants allowed to operate in South and Central America with special privileges in return for employing citizens in these countries.


Most managers have just one dominant decision-making style


Most of what we know about our native culture we have learned through formal education


Motivating employees toward achievement is a focus of the classical viewpoint of management.


Nonrational models of decision making describe how managers should make decisions rather than how they actually do


One advantage of decentralized organizations is that procedures are uniform and thus easier to control


One of the problems with the classical viewpoint is that its principles are too focused on human needs rather than on organizational ones.


One reason for the success of the Tommy Hilfiger clothing brand in the 1990s was maintaining a closed system with respect to young consumers' feedback by conducting research in music clubs.


Only for-profit organizations can be meaningfully represented by an organization chart


Operational goals are set by middle managers and focus on the actions needed to achieve strategic goals.


Operational planning is normally performed by middle management


Opportunities should be identified in the alternative evaluation stage of the decision-making process


Organizational culture appears as three layers: observable artifacts, token values, and foundational beliefs


Organizationwide, the best structure for objectives in MBO is known as a diversity pattern


Participative management has a large effect on job performance and job satisfaction


People with a low tolerance for ambiguity and an orientation toward task and technical concerns in making decisions have an analytical decision-making style


Perpetuation objectives are one type of objective used in MBO


Planning helps managers to cope with events that can be predicted but id not particularly helpful when conditions are uncertain


Planning occurs only at the highest levels of an organizations, being done by top managers


Policies, procedures, and rules are types of single-use plans


Polycentric managers accept that there are differences and similarities between home and foreign personnel and practices and that they should use whatever techniques are most effective.


Portfolio analysis is an example of the incremental model of decision making


Power distance refers to how loosely or tightly people are socially bonded.


Putting questions to a vote is a good method to help a group reach consensus


Quality control focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for "zero defects."


Relaxed change is one type of effective response for a manager to take when confronted with a challenge


SMART is an acronym that represents characteristics necessary to motivate employees in their periodic reviews


Satisficing occurs when a manager takes small, short-term steps to alleviate a problem.


Sharing stories, legends, or myths are good ways to develop an organizational structure


Smart phones, e-mail, and videoconferencing have all but eliminated the need for international business travel.


Sometimes an organizational structure can be strong enough to take the place of organizational culture


Southwest Airlines' goal of being highly profitable is a tactical goal


Tactical planning is done by first-line managers, who look forward to the next 1-8 weeks


Tariffs are common today and still growing in number since they have a long history of successfully protecting jobs in this country.


The "R" in SMART goal stands for "reachable"


The "social glue" that binds customers to a particular firm is called organizational culture


The GLOBE project is a large, ongoing effort to find technological improvements to assist world trade.


The Hawthorne studies have been criticized for poor design and a lack of empirical data to support the conclusions, so the findings cannot be applied to modern management.


The Internet has made it more difficult for small firms to get started because now everyone must compete on a global scale.


The Mercosur is composed of countries in southeast Asia


The Red Cross is an example of a mutual-benefit organization


The United States exports more to China than to any other nation


The behavioral science approach to management has its roots in techniques created for American and British military personnel and equipment in World War II.


The central assumption in classical management is that people are self-interested.


The classical viewpoint emphasized ways to manage work more independently.


The conceptual style of decision making is the most people oriented of the styles


The contemporary perspective of management includes three viewpoints: systems, behavioral, and quantitative.


The contingency viewpoint began to develop when managers discovered that a variety of different mathematical models can be applied for problem solving and decision making.


The division of labor means that an employee should report to no more than one manager


The first stage of in an organization's life cycle is known as the creation stage


The first step in an MBO program is for the manager to set objectives for her subordinate


The first step in the rational decision making process is to think up alternative solutions


The fit perspective assumes that the most effective cultures help organizations anticipate and adapt to environmental changes


The four stages of organization life cycle include birth, growth, stability, and maturity


The functional structure is the most typical type for small firms


The global economy refers to the heightened economic regulation of many national markets as they protect themselves from one another.


The hierarchy of authority, or who reports to whom, is shown with horizontal lines on an organization chart.


The management theory that draws from the disciplines of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics is the management science approach.


The operating plan defines the course of action needed to achieve a stated goal


The pink Cadillac that Mary Kay presents to the best salespeople of its cosmetic line is an example of an emblem


The planning/control cycle has three planning steps and three control steps


The process of a business cycling through decisions first to select products and markets, then about producing and delivering the products, and finally to establish roles and processes is known as the discovery cycle FALSE


The process of fitting the organization to its environment is called incidental design


The process of identifying and choosing between alternative courses of action is known as option evaluation


The purpose of granting "most favored nation" status to another country is to promote tourism


The rate at which one country's currency can be swapped for another country's currency is called the substitution rate.


The rational model of decision making assumes that managers will choose the available alternative that best supports their existing beliefs


The rational model works well even with the incomplete information and uncertainty about consequences that managers often face


The religion with the most followers worldwide is Hinduism.


The tendency for group members to agree for the sake of unanimity and thus avoid accurately assessing the decision situation is called satisficing


The term global village refers to the tendency for various cultural groups to cluster in small pods throughout the world.


The total ability of a product or service to meet customer needs is known as functionality.


The two branches of the classical viewpoint of management are rational and bureaucratic.


To be compliant with current federal legislation, all for-profit companies are required to have an ethics officer


To effectively use evidence-based management, the more evidence you can gather, the better


Trade protectionism is a term for government measures that promote and preserve free trade globally.


Two of the reasons companies expand internationally are to take advantage of the availability of suppliers, or to charge tariffs or impose import quotas


Under the differential rate system proposed by Frederick Taylor, employees should be paid on the basis of seniority.


Unless you work outside of the United States, international management is likely to have little relevance during your career.


When DuPont agrees to let a Brazilian company make its product Teflon, the nonstick coating, in its local market for a fee it is called franchising.


When evaluating alternatives in decision making, you must assess cost and quality and also ask the question, "Is it simple?


When managers use information that is readily available from memory to make judgments, it is known as a confirmation bias


When then-president of Chrysler Bob Lutz ordered the development of the Dodge Viper without supporting research but because it "just felt right," he was using the incremental model of decision making


Yichao, a manager of a downtown hair salon, has been procrastinating about a problem. Over the past year, his company has seen a high rate of customer defections, and even the loss of some of its best stylists. Still, he hasn't even begun to investigate the issue. This is an indicator of relaxed avoidance.


You have surveyed all of your close friends, and they all prefer ice cream to frozen yogurt. Thus you should be confident that everyone prefers ice cream; that is, this is a representative sample of adequate size


A product innovation is a change in the way a product or service is conceived, manufactured, or disseminated.


Adaptive change involves introducing a practice that is new to an industry.


An OD intervention that worked in the United States is likely to work equally well around the world because the practices are very fundamental to human nature.


BP handled the 2010 oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico in a proactive manner.


Benchmarking is a technique that can be used in the refreezing stage of Lewin's change model.


Changes in power structures that occur with administrative and technological changes are generally embraced by employees because of the new opportunities they present.


Chicago Cutlery reinstituted a sales contest with the same rules as the one that it used five years ago. This is an example of a process innovation.


Employee problems are one type of outside force for change in the organization.


Employees that are angered by the CEO compensation package that is hundreds of times what they receive are expecting ethical behavior with a moral-rights approach.


Hard data about absenteeism, turnover, and profitability are used in the intervention stage of the OD process.


Having employees that experiment may limit an organization's ability to learn from failure.


In the context of change, technology refers to computer technology used to gain a competitive advantage.


In the refreezing stage of change of Lewin's change model, employees need to be given new information, perspectives, and models for behavior.


Information is rapidly becoming the new competitive advantage.


Innovation can be fostered by withholding raises or promotions from those whose attempts to innovate are not successful.


Innovation most often happens in a "eureka" moment of epiphany.


Innovative change is the least threatening type of change and is therefore least likely to create resistance.


Kotter's research reveals that management of organizational change is more essential than leadership throughout it.


Most organizations experience innovation as a matter of course; it happens naturally as part of everyday business.


OD focuses specifically on the technology aspects of change


Patagonia was satisfied with its OD intervention to become greener.


People are generally comfortable with and embrace change, even change in apparently major matters


People changes in an organization are not required until that organization reaches about 20 people in size, when the level of specialization reaches a critical point.


Putting an end to servant leadership is a change that is likely to improve manager-employee relationships.


Reactive change is carefully thought out.


Successful large companies are more able than other firms to survive and prosper in an environment of radically innovative change.


The first step of the OD process is evaluation, which uses employee surveys, interviews, and observation to ascertain attitudes and problem areas.


The marketplace is becoming more homogeneous and moving toward more similar products.


The most effective way to handle rewards for innovation is to provide them at the end of a successful project.


The need for change comes solely from outside the organization.


The recent structural trend is toward a taller organizational hierarchy.


The three most important ways to encourage innovation are by providing the right organizational culture, a team-based structure, and creative talent.


The two types of change are practical and theoretical.


While customers may act as a force for change, shareholders support stability.


The three steps of the OD process are diagnosis, experimentation, and adaptation.

False OD managers and consultants follow a medical-like model

Customers lined up for hours to be among the first to purchase the new iPad. The excitement for the product would be considered ______ in the system.


Matthew, the president of a diesel engine research firm, was welcoming potential partners from a large automobile corporation in Europe. Before handing them off to his technical counterpart, he gave them an extensive tour of his laboratory and field-testing operations as part of which managerial role?


Managers who make short-term operating decisions and direct the daily tasks of the nonmanagerial employees are called ________.

First-line managers

Joseph Juran defined quality as ________, which meant that a product or service should satisfy a customer's real needs.

Fitness for use

Discuss the three things that must happen for MBO to be successful.

For MBO to be successful, three things have to happen: 1. Top management must be committed. "When top-management commitment [to MBO] was high," said one review, "the average gain in productivity was 56%. When commitment was low, the average gain in productivity was only 6%." 2. It must be applied organizationwide. The program has to be put in place throughout the entire organization. That is, it cannot be applied in just some divisions and departments; it has to be done in all of them. 3. Objectives must "cascade." MBO works by cascading objectives down through the organization; that is, objectives are structured in a unified hierarchy, becoming more specific at lower levels of the organization. Top managers set general organizational objectives, which are translated into divisional objectives, which are translated into departmental objectives. The hierarchy ends in individual objectives set by each employee.

Who was known as "the father of industrial psychology"?

Frederick Taylor

motion studies

Frederick Taylor broke down components of each workers job into basic physical motions and use methods of their best performing coworkers

A ______ manager is responsible for just one organizational activity.


Demographic forces are part of the __________ environment of organizations.


The first American generation to face the issue of reduced expectations because limited wages and job opportunities for young people is

Generation X

Which generation in the United States, also known also known as the echo boom, is autonomous, strongly independent, diverse, intellectually expressive, curious, innovative, and unlikely to be swayed by marketing hype?

Generation Y

A generation that was born between 1995 and 2009 in the United States that has been labeled Digital Natives, Generation @, and the Net Generation is

Generation Z

The concept of a "flat" world means...

Globalization has leveled the playing field for emerging economies.

Last summer a representative of OSHA, the agency responsible for enforcing health and safety regulations, visited one of Emilio's construction sites and his company, Gutierrez Construction, was fined for several violations. To this company, OSHA represents a ______, part of an organizations' ______.

Government regulator; general environment

Which of the following is an effective way to deal with change and innovation?

Have the courage to follow your ideas.

Which of the following is not a part of Frederick Taylors's work in scientific management?

Hierarchy of human needs

Research has shown that all of the following are characteristics of an entrepreneur except which?

Highly experienced

Classical, behavioral, and quantitative viewpoints about management are collectively referred to as the ________ perspective.


Two perspectives about management?

Historical. The historical perspectiveIn contrast to the contemporary perspective, the view of management that includes the classical, behavioral, and quantitative viewpoints, includes three viewpoints—classical, behavioral, and quantitative. Contemporary. The contemporary perspectiveIn contrast to the historical perspective, the business approach that includes three viewpoints—systems, contingency, and quality-management, also includes three viewpoints—systems, contingency, and quality-management

Early Beahviorists

Hugo Munsterberg Mary Parker Follet Elton Mayo-hawthorne effect

Tyler has coffee with one of his direct reports almost daily. He does this to inquire in an informal way about progress on the job, and to provide coaching and support, as well as appropriate congratulations for special efforts. Tyler is exhibiting which type of managerial skill?


______ skills consist of the ability to work well in cooperation with other people to get things done.


Which of the following is one of the phases in the development of the behavioral viewpoint?

Human relations movement

What are a manager's options if the action she decided to take isn't working? Why should a manager resist the urge to "stick it out" when feedback is negative?

If the action is not working, a manager should consider giving it more time, changing the decision or its implementation slightly, trying another alternative, or starting over. But a manager should recognize that "sticking it out" may reflect a sunk-cost or escalation of commitment bias.

Which of the following is not one of the primary uses of OD?

Improving recruitment

Which of the following statements about the mass media is true?

In a crisis, the media should be used to communicate frequently and honestly with the public.

Customers are likely to put up with poor-quality products only if your organization is...

In a very competitive industry

Which of the following is not an inside force that indicates organizational change might be needed?

Increased competition

Which of the following is one of the nonrational models of decision making?


Which of the following is not an area in which change is often needed?


Which of the following is not a supertrend shaping the future of business?

Information becoming a competitive advantage.

Marcus works on an assembly line for a U.S. automobile manufacturer. He would be considered a(n) ______ of this system.


The belief that you control your own destiny is called

Internal Locus of Control

The belief that you control your own destiny is called...

Internal locus of control

According to Mintzberg's work, which of the following is one of the three broad types of roles that managers play?


The development of Google News by Google employees experimenting with ways to facilitate browsing news from several sources is an example of?


How is management both an art and a science?

Intuition, judgment, and experience are part of the successful mix of effective management. These factors are more "art" than science, and may exist in a manager without actual training in management. However, management also uses the scientific method; it observes and gathers facts, makes decisions based on the facts, makes predictions of future events, and tests the prediction under systematic conditions. These are parts of the "science" of management.

Peter Drucker

Inventor of modern management

Upper Class

It is divided into three groups on the basis of occupation and social affiliation, and it comprises 14 percent of all Americans.

Lower Class

It is divided into two groups on the basis of proximity to the poverty level, and it comprises 16 percent of All Americans.

Middle Class

It is divided into two groups, both of which have average incomes, and it form 70 percent of the American population

Which of the following is an accurate statement about marketing to the lower classes in the United States?

It is often controversial, especially when it comes to marketing "sin" products.

Aaron is a manager at a local live music venue. He is developing a new online system for advance ticket sales. Some of the shows have been so popular that tickets sell out quickly and regular patrons have complained that with a slow Internet connection they have no chance to purchase. In an effort to be fair to all prospective customers, Aaron is using what approach to ethical behavior?


Tonya is a structural engineer who works for a large international firm. She designs the concrete and steel structures that support even the largest and most complex buildings. Because of her high level of technical skills, Tonya is best referred to as a ______.

Knowledge worker

Which of the following is not a leading reason that employees resist change?

Lack of personal ethics

Discuss the cultural differences in language, interpersonal space, time orientation, and religion. Why are these factors important to successful international business?

Language: Only 20% of the people of the world speak English, and over 3,000 different languages are spoken. Even when speaking English, how particular words are to be interpreted can vary. Interpersonal space: People of different cultures have different ideas about what is acceptable interpersonal space—that is, how close or far away one should be when communicating with another person. This can lead to cross-cultural misunderstandings and discomfort. Time orientation: Individuals in cultures with monochronic time prefer doing one thing at a time, and perceive time as being limited, precisely segmented, and schedule driven. Those with polychronic orientation find multitasking acceptable, and view time as flexible and multidimensional. This can lead to cross cultural misunderstandings. Religion: Major religions include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Chinese traditional religions; members of these religions vary widely in their most important work-related values.

After a large chemical fire, Eric took responsibility publicly for the failure of his employees to follow workplace safety standards, and indicated that several of them had been placed on leave. Here, Eric was acting in a ______ role.


A general manager at a department store is giving an important presentation to several departments to engage the whole staff in a new customer retention effort beginning this month. This is an example of ______.


Managers at Montaigne Prefecture Glass needed to take some important steps to get out ahead of the growing competition. Recently, new talent had been hired, the training and development budget had been doubled, and cross-functional teams were added to improve information flow. It appears that Montaigne is attempting to become a ______ organization.


Organizations that actively create, acquire, and transfer knowledge within themselves and are able to modify their behavior to reflect this new knowledge are called __________ organizations.


________ are in an organizations external task environment.


Which of the following is not an interacting factor that affects the level of resistance to change?

Longevity of the change agent.

Inside forces for change include which of the following?

Low productivity

The general environment of an organization is also known as its ________.


One way to think of ______ is "the art of getting things done through people."


The pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by integrating the work of people through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organization's resources is called ________.


What is MBO? Describe the process by which MBO is done as well as its purpose.

Management by objectives (MBO) is a four-step process in which (1) managers and employees jointly set objectives for the employee, (2) managers develop action plans, (3) managers and employees periodically review the employee's performance, and (4) the manager makes a performance appraisal and rewards the employee according to results. The purpose of MBO is to motivate rather than control subordinates.

Matt has developed a mathematical model for the film distribution company that employs him. The model will help in determining release dates and the desirable number of screens for new movies. This model is an application of...

Management science

The tools of ______ are useful for UPS and FedEx in deciding how many employees and aircraft should be scheduled during the month of December.

Management science

______ focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making.

Management science

Which of the following statements about group decision making is true?

Managers should utilize groups for decision making on a selective basis.

Seven Challenges to Being a Star Manager

Managing- (1) Competitive Advantage (2) Diversity (3) Globalization (4) Informational technology (5) Ethical Standards (6) Sustainability (7) Own happiness and life goals

Who proposed the hierarchy of human needs as a theory of motivation?


Explain the concepts of mechanistic and organic organizations. What kind of organization should be in place when an organization's environment is changing quickly and unpredictably?

Mechanistic organizations are characterized by: centralized authority, many rules and procedures, specialized tasks, formalized communication, few teams or task forces, narrow spans of control, and taller structures. Organic organizations are characterized by: decentralization of authority, few rules and procedures, shared tasks, informal communication, many teams and task forces, wider span of control, and flatter structures. For a changing environment, organizations are best served by an organic structure, which is more flexible and can react more quickly as needed

The trading block of which Brazil and Argentina are part is called:


Melissa runs a residential-cleaning service and has noticed that some of her staff are much more efficient than others and can clean a house in about half the average time. She would like to reward these workers with a higher wage by implementing what would be known by Taylor as a(n)...

Merit pay system

Managers who implement the policies and plans determined at the highest levels and coordinate the activities of lowest-level managers are called ________.

Middle managers

In a ______ role, you should be constantly alert for useful information, whether gathered from newspaper stories about the competition or discovered in conversations with subordinates.


Issues like privacy, health and safety, due process that are described as basic rights are typically tied to which of the following approaches to deciding ethical dilemmas?

Moral rights

Between the years 2010 and 2030, the number of U.S. citizens over the age of 65 is expected to...

More than double

Which of the following statements about a manager's worklife is not among the . findings of management scholar Henry Mintzberg?

Most managerial tasks require lengthy periods of time for completion.

What is the current status of people who belong to the Depression generation in the United States?

Most of them are retired.

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth identified 17 basic units of ______, each of which they called a "therblig."


The _________ effect states that a manager's influence on the organization has implications far beyond the results that can be achieved by one person acting alone.


After her divorce, Jillian had to go back to work. While she interviewed to return to her previous accounting profession, she began a custom wedding invitation business. Jillian would best be described as a(n) ______.

Necessity entrepreneur

Armed with a stack of market research, Jalen, a marketing department manager, is in the research and development manager's office attempting to convince him to eliminate two features his engineers plan to add to a product, and replace them with two others based on customer preference. Jalen is operating in the ______ role.


Which of the following is NOT one of the suggestions for decision making recommended by management consultant Odette Pollar?

Never stop gathering facts.

A commonweal organization offers services to a more complete group of clients than other types of ________ organizations.


A(n) _______ system continually interacts with its environment.


Alyssa works for a large amusement park and is in charge of scheduling the sizable staff, including ride attendants, food service and janitorial employees, and character actors, in an effective manner. This work is typical of ________.

Operations management

Alyssa works for a large amusement park and is in charge of scheduling the sizable staff, including ride attendants, food service and janitorial employees, and character actors, in an effective manner. This work is typical of...

Operations management

______ focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively.

Operations management

A group of people who work together to achieve some specific purpose is/are called a(n) ______.


A group of people who work together to achieve some specific purpose is/are called a(n) ________.


Which of the following is NOT a hindrance to perfectly rational decision making?

Organizational loyalty

Explain the four common elements of organizations proposed by Edgar Schein

Organizational psychologist Edgar Schein proposed the four common elements of (1) common purpose, (2) coordinated effort, (3) division of labor, and (4) hierarchy of authority. The common purpose unifies employees or members and gives everyone an understanding of the organization's reason for being. The common purpose is realized through coordinated effort, the coordination of individual efforts into a group or organizationwide effort. Division of labor, also known as work specialization, is the arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people. The hierarchy of authority, or chain of command, is a control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time.

Curran Investments has had a very profitable year in its business of providing financial advice. The profit would be considered a(n) ______ of the system.


People who can claim an organization as their legal property are called ________.


Research on the effects of participative management (PM) on employees' performance and satisfaction indicates that

PM has a small positive effect on both.

Google made a pledge to investors when it went public to reserve 1% of its profit and equity to "make the world a better place." This is an example of corporate ______.


Which of the following is not one of Scott Berkun's seeds of innovation for organizations?


Setting goals and deciding how to achieve them is called ______.


List the four benefits of planning.

Planning provides a means to check on progress toward goals. Planning helps to coordinate activities between people and/or departments. Planning helps in thinking ahead and anticipating problems or opportunities. Planning helps one cope with uncertainty.

In general, planning has many benefits. However, planning also has two cautions of which one must be aware. Discuss these.

Planning requires time, including that to involve others (subordinates, peers, staff, competitors, markets, etc.). Also, some decisions have to be made without a lot of time. While you shouldn't shoot from the hip in making decisions, often you may have to "go with what you've got" and make a decision based on a plan that is perhaps only three-quarters complete. Sometimes the need to make a decision quickly outweighs the benefit of having more complete information.

American companies may be more willing to sue competitors to gain competitive advantage than those in other countries, which is an example of which type of force?


Only about fifth of American managers reach which level of personal moral development?

Post conventional

______ is the illegal buying or selling of a company's stock by people using confidential company information.


A good reason for studying theoretical perspectives of management is that it...

Provides clues to the meaning of your managers' decisions.

Focusing on the performance of workers and urging employees to strive for zero defects is called ______.

Quality assurance

The comprehensive approach dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction is known as ________.

Quality assurance

Statistical sampling to locate errors by testing just some of the items in a particular production run is a ______ technique.

Quality control

The strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production is called ______.

Quality control

Applying techniques like statistics and computer simulations to management are characteristic of the ______ viewpoint.


Management science and operations management are the two branches of ______ management.


Scientific and administrative management are part of the ________ viewpoint.


Which of the following sequences best describes how a manager can foster innovation in an organization?

Recognize problems, gain allies, overcome resistance, execute well

A state government offered a German solar research company a tax break if it located its U.S. headquarters in that state because of the new jobs that would be created. Unfortunately, problems occurred, resulting in little company growth and few new jobs. As a result, the state instituted a ______ by rescinding the tax breaks.


The Contemporary Perspective/ The Systems Viewpoint:

Regards the organization as systems of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose

Which of the following is the most likely reason for the decline in fortunes of American newspapers, and their inability to exploit their competitive advantage?

Relying too heavily on advertising, rather than customer subscriptions, for revenue.

________ is an emotional/behavioral response to real or imagined threats to an established work routine.

Resistance to change

Two different project teams recently submitted proposals for very promising ideas, but the budget will not allow both to go forward this year. Amanda is making the tough decisions about which should be the focus this time, as a part of her ______ role.

Resource allocator

Which of the following is an example of a decisional role that managers play?

Resource allocator

Which of the following is not one of the principles proposed by Fredrick Taylor to eliminate soldiering?

Reward employees equally and consistently.

Define the components of the acronym SMART in goal setting. Provide an example of a SMART goal and demonstrate that it meets all criteria.

SMART goals are: specific (rather than vague), measurable (quantifiable), attainable (challenging but realistic and attainable), results-oriented (support the vision), and with target dates (deadlines). An example of a SMART goal is "Ninety percent of planes should arrive within 15 minutes of the scheduled arrival time by December 2013."

Fredrick Taylor and the Gilbreths were proponents of which of the following?

Scientific management

_____ emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve productivity of individual workers

Scientific management

______ emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve productivity of individual workers.

Scientific management

Behavioral science relies on __________ for developing theories about human behavior that can help managers.

Scientific research

The term learning organization was coined by ______.


According to a Fortune article, the scarcest, most valuable resource in business is not financial capital but...

Skilled, effective managers

Which of the following is an example of a force for change originating outside the organization?

Social pressures

Which of the following is a discipline that is part of behavioral science?


Taylor called the tendency for people to deliberately work at less than full capacity ________.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an example of which type of stakeholder for some organizations?

Special-interest group

Explain the difference between standing plans and single-use plans. Define the three types of standing plans, the two types of single-use plans and give examples of each.

Standing plans are plans developed for activities that occur repeatedly over a period of time. Standing plans consist of policies, procedures, and rules. A policy is a standing plan that outlines the general response to a designated problem or situation. Example: "This workplace does not condone swearing." This policy is a broad statement that gives managers a general idea about what is allowable for employees who use bad language, but gives no specifics. A procedure (or standard operating procedure) is a standing plan that outlines the response to particular problems or circumstances. Example: White Castle specifies exactly how a hamburger should be dressed, including the order in which the mustard, ketchup, and pickles are applied. A rule is a standing plan that designates specific required action. Example: "No smoking is allowed anywhere in the building." This allows no room for interpretation. Single-use plans are plans developed for activities that are not likely to be repeated in the future. Such plans can be programs or projects. A program is a single-use plan encompassing a range of projects or activities. Example: The U.S. government space program (which was to be closed by the end of 2010) had several projects, including the Challenger project and the Hubble Telescope project. A project is a single-use plan of less scope and complexity than a program. Example: The space shuttle Discovery was one project in the government's space program.

Explain the different types of planning for the different levels of management. Include the typical time frame for which each plan is created.

Strategic planning is done by top management. Using their mission and vision statements, top managers do strategic planning—they determine what the organization's long-term goals should be for the next 1-5 years with the resources they expect to have available. It should communicate not only general goals about growth and profits but also ways to achieve them. Tactical planning is done by middle management. The strategic priorities and policies are then passed down to middle managers, who must do tactical planning—that is, they determine what contributions their departments or similar work units can make with their given resources during the next 6-24 months. Operational planning is done by first-line management. Middle managers then pass these plans along to first-line managers to do operational planning—that is, they determine how to accomplish specific tasks with available resources within the next 1-52 weeks.

Explain the three perspectives of organizational culture that may enhance economic performance. Which perspective was found to provide the highest level of long-term financial performance?

Strength, fit, and adaptive culture may enhance economic performance. The strength perspective assumes that the strength of a corporate culture is related to a firm's long-term financial performance. The fit perspective assumes that an organization's culture must align, or fit, with its business or strategic context. A correct fit is expected to foster higher financial performance. The adaptive perspective assumes that the most effective cultures help organizations anticipate and adapt to environmental changes. An investigation of 207 companies from 22 industries during the years 1977-1988 partly supported the strength and fit perspectives. However, findings were completely consistent with the adaptive perspective. Long-term financial performance was highest for organizations with an adaptive culture.

A U.S. paper mill purchases wood from a Canadian logging company to make wood pulp in its production of paper, so in this case the logging company is a __________.


Which of the following circumstances is likely to increase the success of OD?

Support of top managers.

Economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is known as ______.


The contemporary perspective includes which of the following viewpoints?


A "therblig," a term coined by Frank Gilbreth, is a unit of motion in the workplace.


A formal vertical hierarchy shows a company's most typical channels of communication


A functionally organized company can also use cross-functional teams to work on particular problems


A good organizational culture can facilitate a low turnover rate


A hero is a person whose accomplishments embody the values of the organization.


A hollow structure is often called a network structure


A learning organization is one that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify itself to reflect new knowledge.


A market culture has a strong external focus and values stability and control


A marketing plan is an example of an action plan


A person with a directive decision style is efficient, logical, practical, and systematic in her approach to solving problems


A procedure is a standing plan that outlines the response to particular problems or circumstances


A set of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose is called a system.


A spiral career path depends on having jobs that, while fundamentally different, build on one another


A vision has a clear sense of the future and the actions needed to get there


A wholly owned subsidiary is the global expansion strategy with the highest risk and investment.


Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor were theorists in the human relations movement.


Abraham Maslow would say that some human needs must be satisfied before others.


According to Harvard psychology professor Ellen Langer, one barrier to flexibility is mindlessness.


According to the GLOBE project, the United States is among the countries highest in the cultural dimension of performance orientation.


Air travel and electronic media have made the global village phenomenon possible.


Among Mary Parker Follett's most important contributions to management was her belief that conflicts within organization should be resolved to mutual satisfaction through a process called integration.


Among the functions of a manager in a learning organization are generating and generalizing ideas with impact.


An adhocracy culture attempts to create innovative products by being adaptive, creative, and quick to respond to the environment


An advantage in using centralized authority is that there is less duplication of work, because fewer employees perform the same task


An example of a trading bloc is the European Union.


An inherent weakness of the European Union is that stronger countries may have to rescue weaker ones that are in financial crisis.


An investigation of companies with different organizational cultures showed that long-term financial performance was highest for those with an adaptive culture


An organization chart typically takes on a family-treelike pattern, with many boxes and lines showing official positions and reporting relationships


An organization is said to be flat when there are only a few levels with wide spans of control.


An organization's basic assumptions are difficult to change


An organization's goals arranged in a hierarchy from low level to high level can be termed a means-end chain


Analytics have been used in baseball and basketball to find undervalued players that could help teams that had limited resources to pay superstars


Analyzing the underlying causes of a problem or an opportunity is called diagnosis


As you are promoted to higher levels in an organization, you may have to actively resist isolation.


Because it is unrealistic for SMART goals to be accomplished overnight, they should have target dates


Because the human relations movement was considered too simplistic for practical use, it has been superseded by the behavioral science approach to management.


Becoming a world citizen includes learning how not to be an "ugly American."


Being "loss adverse" and hating to admit you're wrong can contribute to the escalation of commitment bias.


Bombardier builds eight-passenger business jets from 12 separately sourced portions which can be put together in four days. This firm has a modular organizational structure


Brainstorming is a technique used to help groups generate multiple ideas and alternatives for solving problems.


Bureaucracy, as conceptualized by Max Weber, was his ideal way to structure an organization.


By definition, an organization can be composed of as few as two people


Capital One uses predictive modeling by conducting experiments to evaluate which customers will sign up for credit cards and pay back their debt


Confidential matters and issues involving discipline cannot be effectively delegated


Consensus occurs when group members are able to express their opinions and reach agreement to support the final decision


Continuous learning in an organization is more likely to occur in an open system than in a closed one.


Cuban cigars and sugar cannot legally be imported into the United States because of a trade embargo


Danilo opened a new restaurant in Phoenix called El Barrancón. He wanted to be sure a culture of service and excellence was embedded in his new organization so he posted the values of the organization in the kitchen and in the dining room. Danilo is teaching his organization the culture through this action


Deadlines can help one concentrate the mind, in order to make decisions rather than put them off


Decisions that are predictable, following a well-defined set of procedures, are typical of operational planning


Deglobalization is a trend to move production back to the United States over fears about geopolitics or energy prices.


Deming and Juran were part of the quality-management movement.


Determining an organization's mission is the responsibility of top management and the board of directors


Dumping is the practice of a foreign company exporting products abroad at a lower price than the price in the home market, or even below the costs of production, in order to drive down the price of the domestic product.


E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of products and services through computer networks.


Eastman Kodak, though it actually invented the digital camera, was slow to move into the production of this product as well as digital printers. Its continued reliance untraditional 35mm film production and processing, which resulted in its bankruptcy, makes it a reactor accruing to Miles and Snow


Ethnocentrism is a form of parochialism


Experts may make irrational decisions because they are unable to see things from an outsider's perspective


Facebook strives to be on the cutting edge of social media and is experiencing phenomenal growth. It encourages what it calls a "hacker" mindset, always looking to break down the old in favor of something better. Of Miles and Snow's basic strategy types, Facebook would be described as a prospector.


Feedback is one of the four parts of a system.


For IKEA, whose vision is "to create a better life for the many," the inexpensive LACK side table would be considered a symbol


For implementation of a chosen solution in decision making to be successful, you need to plan carefully and be sensitive to those affected


Ford Motor Co. has what is known as a divisional structure because it has different divisions for passenger car dealers, large trucking customers, and farm products customers


Free trade is the movement of goods and services among nations without political or economic obstruction


Gary Hamel, cofounder of the Management Innovation Lab, believes than management innovation can be improved by identifying and sometimes challenging core beliefs that people have about an organization.


General Motors working with Shanghai Automotive Industry Group to build Buicks in China is an example of a strategic alliance.


Great communications systems have been a hallmark of great civilizations.


Groups make better decisions than most individuals acting alone


Heuristics are strategies that simplify the process of making decisions


Hierarchy of authority is also referred to as the chain of command


Hugo Munsterberg suggested that psychologists could contribute to industry by studying jobs and determining which people are best suited to specific jobs.


If Toys R Us provides the use of its name plus its operating know-how to a company in Poland in return for an upfront fee plus a percentage of the profits, Toys R Us would be participating in franchising.


If a chosen alternative is implemented and it does not appear to be working, you may need to give it more time


If a country's currency drops dramatically and it is unable to import the goods it needs, then an exporter who trades with that country may turn to countertrading.


Importance of the situation, the credibility of the information about it, and the urgency of it should be considered in the decision about whether to decide


In China, it is permissible for office colleagues to inquire about the size of your apartment and your salary.


In an organization, culture exists on both visible and unobservable levels


In general, organizations become more bureaucratic over their lifetimes


In order for MBO to be successful, it must be implemented throughout the entire organization


In polychronic time, time is viewed as being flexible and multidimensional.


In the planning/control cycle, comparing the results with the plan is one of the control steps


In the planning/control cycle, part of the control process can be to improve future plans


In time-critical situations, satisficing may be a good approach to decision making


Integration is the tendency of the parts of an organization to draw together to achieve a common purpose


Intuition based on feelings rather than expertise, or the involuntary emotional response to those feelings, is known as automated experience


Jobs that requires face-to-face or physical contact, or those that require recognition of complex patterns, are unlikely to be offshored.


Knowing the cultural tendencies of foreign business partners and competitors can give you a strategic competitive advantage.


Managers who take the view that native managers in foreign offices best understand native personnel and practices, and so the home office should leave them alone, are called polycentric managers


Max Weber felt that impersonality was a positive attribute of an organization that would lead to better performance.


Mergers have surged in the past 20 years because many industries are not suited to midsize or small companies


Mexico is part of NAFTA


Microsoft has been accused of adapting competitors' products after those firms spent the resources and took the risks to develop them. Companies with this strategy are known as analyzers by Miles and Snow


Middle and supervisory managers may be a source of resistance in participatory management


Motion studies were used to assess and improve efficiency as part of the classical viewpoint


Netflix's business suffered when it failed to use an open system in its decision to introduce a large price increase while simultaneously splitting its DVD mail service from its streaming one.


Offshoring is defined as using suppliers outside the home country to provide labor, goods, or services


One advantage of small companies over large ones is the former's ability to change direction faster.


One problem with the incremental model is that temporary steps may actually impede a beneficial long-term solution


One way to avoid a tariff is to create a subsidiary to produce the product in the foreign country imposing that tariff


Organizational culture can vary widely across organizations on dimensions of treatment of employees, teamwork, and risk taking


Oscar is a manager of a downtown hotel and is currently considering the pricing of rooms for the upcoming holiday season. He would be wise to use the mathematical tools of management science to help him with this decision.


Over the years, Toyota has used a variety of operations management-based "lean management" techniques to sell its cars on the basis of superior quality.


Part of evidence-based management is understanding the potential danger in conventional wisdom about management.


Peter Drucker was the author of The Practice of Management and has been described as the creator and inventor of modern management.


Peter was having a hard time concentrating on work on Friday afternoon. He had friends visiting for the weekend and he kept checking his phone and his Facebook page to solidify his plans. He certainly wasn't working as hard as he could have been, something that scientific management theorist Frederick Taylor would have called "soldiering."


Planning and strategic management derive from an organization's mission and vision about itself


Planning gives you expectations against which you can compare your performance


Politics has provided evidence that appeals to emotion are more effective than appeals to logic in decision making


Proponents of evidence-based management would say there are few really new ideas


Recently, the International Monetary Fund has had a high-profile role in assisting some weaker European countries, including making loans to Greece, Portugal, and Ireland.


Research shows that organizations with market cultures report higher profits and financial growth


Risk propensity is the willingness to gamble or to undertake risk for the possibility of getting an increased payoff


SMART goals that are challenging yet can be met within the available scope of time, equipment, and financial support are known as attainable, the "A" in SMART


Sales data would be considered feedback in a system.


Sandra did an Internet search for Jamaican hotels when she was setting up her vacation, but found over 7 million results, of which she could only handle looking at about two pages. Sandra is operating under conditions of bounded rationality


Shanice recently took a management job in the book publishing industry, which is undergoing dramatic change. She should study theoretical perspectives of management to help her predict some of the probable outcomes of this change and help her decide on potential strategy going forward.


Smaller-sized groups make higher-quality decisions


Southwest Airlines' goal of making arrival times more reliable is a tactical goal


Staff personnel have authority functions in that they provide advice, recommendations, and research to line managers


Strategic goals focus on objectives for the organization as a whole


Strategic planning determines goals for an organization for a period of 1-5 years


Studies show that even severe life events have a negative impact on one's sense of well-being for no more than about three months


Studying theoretical perspectives of management can be a source of new ideas.


Successful international managers are most likely to be geocentric rather than ethnocentric or polycentric


Telecommunication company Cisco Systems abandoned its "management councils" experiment, which had replaced a traditional hierarchical structure, because the councils slowed decision making.


The GLOBE cultural dimension that examines the extent to which a society should minimize gender discrimination and role inequalities is known as gender egalitarianism.


The U.S. government space program is an example of a single-use plan


The World Health Organization is an example of a multinational organization


The administrative part of the adaptive cycle focuses on establishing roles and organizational processes


The application to management of techniques such as statistics and computer simulations is known as quantitative management.


The career path that most resembles the traditional view of climbing the stairs in a corporate hierarchy is called the linear career


The drawback of using the intuition model of decision making is that it can be difficult to convince others that your decision makes sense


The final step in the rational decision-making process is to implement and evaluate the chosen solution


The first person to identify the major functions of management was Henri Fayol.


The founder of McDonald's, Ray Kroc, intended that a Big Mac should taste the same anywhere, and accordingly, the company has many specific procedures, making it a mechanistic organization


The global economy has had a revitalizing effect on some parts of industrial America.


The global economy refers to worldwide conditions by which goods, people, and money can move more freely.


The idea that workers become more productive if they think that managers care about their welfare is called the "Hawthorne Effect."


The incremental model is a nonrational model of decision making


The manager following the contingency viewpoint would ask, "What management method is the best to use under these particular circumstances?"


The operating plan identifies clear targets such as revenues and cash flow


The organization that assists in smoothing the flow of money between nations is the International Monetary Fund


The practice of management is both an art and a science


The purpose of MBO is to motivate subordinates


The quantitative viewpoint on management is part of the historical perspective.


The reasons that companies expand internationally typically have to do with making or saving money.


The recent recession has caused an increasing number of Americans to look for work overseas


The type of training provided to new hires and the frequency of performance evaluations contribute to their understanding of the organization's culture


Turnover rates are higher among managers returning from overseas assignments than for those who do not go abroad.


Understanding how to use failure is an important implementation principle for evidence-based management


When Pfizer Pharmaceuticals manages failure and disappointment and helps drug researchers live for the small victories in discovering new drugs for various diseases, it is focusing on the adhocracy aspects of its culture


When QVC experiments with which products it will sell on its television shopping network and follows this up with analysis of why some sell and others don't, it is using evidence-based management


When U.S. companies hire UPS to conduct some of their logistics functions for them it is known as outsourcing


When a manager makes a decision based on the strong beliefs she already has, she is guilty of a prior-hypothesis bias


When employees are forced to adhere to an organization's values through extensive procedures and bureaucracies, its culture is said to be weak


When the National Football League annually presents the winners of the Super Bowl with rings in a ceremony, it is an example of a ritual


Where time is of the essence, in most cases an individual should make the decision rather than a group


Women investors make trades much less often than men, do a lot more research, and have better returns on average


You can increase your ability to influence others by being aware of decision-making styles


In seeking competitive advantage, the first law of business is to...

Take care of the customer

Distributors are part of the ______ environment of organizations.


______ skills consist of the job-specific knowledge needed to perform well in a specialized field.


The music industry has been changed dramatically by consumers ability to download songs from the internet. This is an example of ________ forces in an organizations ________ environment.

Technological; general

The music industry has been changed dramatically by consumers' ability to download songs from the Internet. This is an example of ______ forces in an organization's ______ environment.

Technological; general

Behavioral science research suggests that ________ doesn't necessarily promote excellence, and actually can make people hostile.

The Hawthorne effect

Which research, though flawed, drew attention to the idea that managers using good human relations could improve worker productivity?

The Hawthorne studies

Which of the following is not a chief skill companies seek in top managers today?

The ability to give a wide range of orders authoritatively.

Conceptual skills needed by managers include

The ability to understand how parts of the organization work together.

Conceptual skills needed by managers include...

The ability to understand how parts of the organization work together.

Explain the various ways that companies can expand internationally. List them in order of lowest to highest risk and investment.

The alternatives are: 1. Global outsourcing: using suppliers outside the country to provide goods and/or services. 2. Importing, exporting, and countertrading: buying foreign products for domestic resale, selling domestic products outside the country, or trading for goods. 3. Licensing or franchising: allowing a foreign company to distribute a good or service for a fee, or allowing a foreign company to use a brand name and organizational know-how in return for a fee and percentage of profits. 4. Joint venture: allying with a foreign company to start a new enterprise together in a foreign country. 5. Wholly owned subsidiary: buying or starting a foreign subsidiary.

Identify the assumptions of the rational decision-making model. Do these hold true in most situations?

The assumptions are: 1. There is complete information and no uncertainty. 2. Logical and unemotional analysis is possible. 3. The best decision for the organization will be chosen. The assumptions may not hold true in most situations. According to the research by Herbert Simon, managers cannot truly act logically because of bounded rationality. Constraints include complexity, time, cognitive capacity, and imperfect or too much information, among others

Explain the ideas emphasized by the behavioral viewpoint. List the three phases of development of the behavioral viewpoint and discuss at least one major contribution and its pioneer from each of the first two phases.

The behavioral viewpoint emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement. The three phases include the early behaviorism, the human relations movement, and behavioral science. Students should describe at least one of the following: The three people who pioneered behavioral theory were Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Elton Mayo. Hugo Munsterberg was the first to apply psychology to industry and is called "the father of industrial psychology." Mary Parker Follet believed that organizations should become more democratic, with managers and employees working cooperatives. She anticipated some of today's concepts of "self-managed teams," "worker empowerment," and "interdepartmental teams." Elton Mayo conducted the Hawthorne studies, which demonstrated the Hawthorne effect, in which employees worked harder if they received added attention, if they thought that managers cared about their welfare or that supervisors paid special attention to them. Students should describe at least one of the following: The two theorists who contributed most to the human relations movement, which proposed that better human relations could increase worker productivity, were Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor. Abraham Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs in his research to study motivation. Douglas McGregor developed Theory X versus Theory Y to explain managers' attitudes toward employees.

Identify at least three benefits for companies of expanding internationally, and provide an example of each.

The benefits include: 1. Availability of supplies. For years oil companies, for example, have expanded their activities outside the United States in seeking cheaper or more plentiful sources of oil. 2. New markets for old products. Sometimes a company will find, as cigarette makers have, that the demand for their product has declined domestically but that they can still make money overseas. 3. Lower labor costs. For example, the rationale for using maquiladoras, manufacturing plants allowed to operate in Mexico with special privileges in return for employing Mexican citizens, is that they provide less expensive labor for assembling everything from appliances to cars. 4. Access to financial capital. Sometimes a foreign government will offer a subsidy in hopes of attracting a company that will create jobs, as Ireland did in the 1970s for Lotus sports-car maker John DeLorean. 5. Avoidance of trade barriers. For example, Japan imposes tariffs on agricultural products, such as rice, imported from the United States. To avoid these penalties, a company might create a subsidiary to produce the product in the foreign country.

Describe the fundamental ideas underlying the classical viewpoint to management, and give at least one example of a modern practice that has its roots in this view. Compare and contrast its two approaches.

The classical viewpoint is based on the assumption that people are rational. The essence of the classical viewpoint was that work activity was amenable to a rational approach, that through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specialization it was possible to boost productivity. The classical viewpoint also led to such innovations as management by objectives and goal setting, as we explain elsewhere. The two major approaches are the scientific management approach and the administrative approach. Scientific management emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers. Two of its chief proponents were Frederick W. Taylor and the team of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. Taylor used motion studies and suggested using a differential rate system. The Gilbreths expanded on Taylor's motion studies. Administrative management is concerned with managing the total organization. Among the pioneering theorists were Henri Fayol, who identified the major functions of management, and Max Weber, who advocated five positive bureaucratic features.

The primary measure of success of a nonprofit organization is typically...

The effectiveness of the services delivered.


The ends. Effectiveness is the organization's ends, the goals. To be effectiveTo achieve results, to make the right decisions, and to successfully carry them out so that they achieve the organization's goals means to achieve results, to make the right decisions and to successfully carry them out so that they achieve the organization's goals.

What is meant by the term global economy? How will it positively and negatively affect the United States?

The global economy refers to the growing tendency of the economies of the world to interact with one another as one market instead of many national markets. This positively affects the United States by providing additional markets for U.S. products, which will mean domestic growth. In addition, foreign firms are building plants in the United States, revitalizing parts of industrial America. Foreign direct investment makes up 15% of the country's gross domestic product (total value of all goods and services). Companies based overseas provide jobs for approximately 10% of the U.S. workforce. It negatively affects the United States because economic problems in other parts of the world are more likely to affect the U.S. economy. There are risks associated with financially intertwined markets. Another negative effect is the movement, or outsourcing, of formerly well-paying jobs overseas as companies seek cheaper labor costs, particularly in manufacturing.

Describe the history of communication and how it has been important to great civilizations through the modern day, and the concept of the "global village."

The hallmark of great civilizations has been their great systems of communications. In the beginning, communications was based on transportation: the Roman Empire had its network of roads, as did other ancient civilizations, such as the Incas. Later the great European powers had their far-flung navies. In the 19th century, the United States and Canada unified North America by building transcontinental railroads. Later the airplane reduced travel time between continents. Transportation began to yield to the electronic exchange of information. Beginning in 1844, the telegraph ended the short existence of the Pony Express and, beginning in 1876, found itself in competition with the telephone. The amplifying vacuum tube, invented in 1906, led to commercial radio. Television came into being in England in 1925. During the 1950s and 1960s, as television exploded throughout the world, communications philosopher Marshall McLuhan posed the notion of a "global village," which refers to the "shrinking" of time and space as air travel and the electronic media have made it easier for the people of the globe to communicate with one another. Then the world became even faster and smaller. Fifteen years ago, cell phones, pagers, fax, and voice-mail links barely existed. Then came the Internet, the worldwide computer-linked "network of networks," of which there were an estimated 1.7 billion users throughout the world in late 2000. The arrival of the Web quickly led to e-commerce, or electronic commerce, the buying and selling of products and services through computer networks.


The means. Efficiency is the means of attaining the organization's goals. To be efficient. Using resources—people, money, raw materials, and the like—wisely and cost-effectively means to use resources—people, money, raw materials, and the like—wisely and cost-effectively.

Describe the boundaryless organization and three organizational structures that are common forms of it.

The opposite of a bureaucracy, with its numerous barriers and divisions, a boundaryless organization is a fluid, highly adaptive organization whose members, linked by information technology, come together to collaborate on common tasks. The collaborators may include not only coworkers but also suppliers, customers, and even competitors. This means that the form of the business is ever-changing, and business relationships are informal. Three types of structures in this class of organizational design are hollow, modular, and virtual structures. In the hollow structure, often called the network structure, the organization has a central core of key functions and outsources other functions to vendors who can do them cheaper or faster. The modular structure differs from the hollow structure in that it is oriented around outsourcing certain pieces of a product rather than outsourcing certain processes (such as human resources or warehousing) of an organization. In a modular structure, a firm assembles product chunks, or modules, provided by outside contractors. One consequence of the Internet is the virtual organization, an organization whose members are geographically apart, usually working with e-mail, collaborative computing, and other computer connections, while often appearing to customers and others to be a single, unified organization with a real physical location

Describe the planning/control cycle.

The planning/control cycle has two planning steps (1 and 2) and two control steps (3 and 4), as follows: (1) Make the plan. (2) Carry out the plan. (3) Control the direction by comparing results with the plan. (4) Control the direction by taking corrective action in two ways—namely, (a) by correcting deviations in the plan being carried out, or (b) by improving future plans.

Explain the emphasis of the quantitative viewpoint. Describe the two major approaches to this viewpoint.

The quantitative viewpoint emphasizes that mathematically based techniques can help managers be more effective. The two approaches of quantitative management are management science and operations management. Management science focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making. Operations management focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively.

Identify the steps of rational decision making

The steps are: Identify the problem/opportunity. Think up alternative solutions. Evaluate the alternatives and make a decision. Implement and evaluate the solution chosen.

Explain what centralization and decentralization of authority mean. Would you rather be a manager in a centralized or a decentralized organization? Why?

The student should define both terms and then give a logical explanation of their preference. With centralized authority, important decisions are made by higher-level managers; while with decentralized authority, important decisions are made by middle-and supervisory-level managers. An advantage in using centralized authority is that there is less duplication of work, because fewer employees perform the same task; rather, the task is often performed by a department of specialists. Another advantage of centralization is that procedures are uniform and thus easier to control; all purchasing, for example, may have to be put out to competitive bids. An advantage in having decentralized authority is that managers are encouraged to solve their own problems rather than to buck the decision to a higher level. In addition, decisions are made more quickly, which increases the organization's flexibility and efficiency.

Explain what a matrix structure is, and draw an organization chart that depicts a matrix (including appropriate job titles). Explain what you think it would be like to be a manager in a matrix organization

The student should explain the matrix structure, draw a chart similar to the one shown in the text, and give his or her opinion of working in a matrix. In a matrix structure, an organization combines functional and divisional chains of command in a grid so that there are two command structures, vertical and horizontal. The functional structure usually doesn't change It is the organization's normal departments or divisions, such as finance, marketing, production, and R&D. The divisional structure may vary, as by product, brand, customer, or geographic region. One of the difficulties of the matrix is reporting to two managers who may have different priorities, or as a manager, to compete with another manager for an employee's services. This is a violation of the unity of command principle. For an example of a drawing of a matrix organization, see Figure 8.9 (students may vary labels, but should still show a similar matrix reporting structure).

Define organizational culture, and explain three layers in which it appears. Choose an organization with which you have some experience (for example, an employer, one of your schools, your church, a club) and use it to illustrate the layers of culture

The student should first define organizational culture and then provide examples for the visible and invisible levels of culture of the organization he or she chooses. Organizational culture is the system of shared beliefs and values that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members. Organizational culture appears as three layers: (1) observable artifacts, (2) espoused values, and (3) basic assumptions. Each level varies in terms of outward visibility and resistance to change, and each level influences another level. At the most visible level, organizational culture is expressed in observable artifacts—physical manifestations such as manner of dress, awards, myths, and stories about the company, rituals and ceremonies, and decorations, as well as visible behavior exhibited by managers and employees. Espoused values are the explicitly stated values and norms preferred by an organization, as may be put forth by the firm's founder or top managers. Basic assumptions, which are not observable, represent the core values of an organization's culture—those that are taken for granted and, as a result, are difficult to change.

Describe the systems viewpoint and provide examples of each of the four associated parts using a real or fictitious company.

The systems viewpoint sees organizations as a system, either open or closed, with inputs, outputs, transformation processes, and feedback. Inputs are the people, money, information, equipment, and materials required to produce an organization's goods or services. Example: For a jewelry designer—designer, money, artistic talent, gold and silver, tools, marketing expertise. Transformational processes are the organization's capabilities in management and technology that are applied to converting inputs into outputs. Example: Designer's management skills (planning, organizing, leading, controlling), gold and silver smithing tools and expertise, website for marketing. Outputs are the products, services, profits, losses, employee satisfaction or discontent, produced by the organization. Example: Gold and silver rings, earrings, bracelets, and the like. Feedback is the information about the reaction of the environment to the outputs, which affects the inputs. Example: Web customers like African-style designs or dislike imitation Old English designs.

Identify and discuss the purpose of the three principal organizations designed to facilitate international trade.

The three organizations are the WTO, the World Bank, and the IMF. The WTO (World Trade Organization) serves as a forum for agreements between nations about international trade, and a means to resolve disputes in that area. The World Bank provides low-interest loans to developing countries for improving their infrastructure, including transportation, education, health, and communications. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) assists in the flow of money between nations, and operates as a last-resort lender that makes short-term loans to countries in financial difficulties.

Alling outgoers

Their physical abilities are limited by their health problems, but they maintain a positive outlook that helps them remain active


Theory X- a pessimistic, negative view of workers. considered to be irresponsible, resistant to change, lack ambition, hate work and want to be led rather than lead Theory Y- positive view of workers. capable of accepting responsibility, self direction, and self control AVOID THE SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY

An optimistic view of workers that envisions them as capable of accepting responsibility and working in a self-directed manner is representative of ________.

Theory Y

Why should one study different theoretical perspectives about management? Give at least three reasons.

There are five good reasons for studying theoretical perspectives. The student may give any three of the following: (1) understanding of the present, (2) guide to action, (3) source of new ideas, (4) clues to meaning of your managers' decisions, (5) clues to meaning of outside events.

multi-item indexes

These consider many variables simultaneously and weight these according to a scheme that mirrors societal perceptions.

Single-item indexes

These estimate social status on the basis of one dimension such as occupation, education, or income, and are usually lower in accuracy

Healthy Indulge

They are healthy, both physically and mentally, and seek to enjoy life actively and independently

Health Hermits

They are physically healthy but have a reduced self-concept because of significant life events that have made them withdrawn.

Frail Recluses

They have accepted their old age and have adjusted their lifestyles to mirror their decreased physical abilities and social roles.

Give five examples of mechanisms used by organizations to embed its culture

Those who found a business, and the managers who follow them, essentially use a teaching process to embed the values, beliefs, expectations, behaviors, and business philosophy that constitute the organization's culture. Among the mechanisms used are the following: Formal Statements: The first way to embed preferred culture is through the use of formal statements of organizational philosophy, mission, vision, and values, as well as materials used for recruiting, selecting, and socializing employees. Slogans & Sayings: The desirable corporate culture can be expressed in language, slogans, sayings, and acronyms. Stories, Legends, & Myths: These can illustrate values. Leader Reactions to Crises: How top managers respond to critical incidents and organizational crises sends a clear cultural message. Role Modeling, Training, & Coaching: They illustrate goals and values. Physical Design of workplaces is often complementary to the culture. Rewards, Titles, Promotions, & Bonuses: These demonstrate what is valued. Organizational Goals & Performance Criteria: Many organizations establish organizational goals and criteria for recruiting, selecting, developing, promoting, dismissing, and retiring people, all of which reinforce the desired organizational culture. Measurable & Controllable Activities: An organization's leaders can pay attention to, measure, and control a number of activities, processes, or outcomes that can foster a certain culture. Organizational Structure: The hierarchical structure found in most traditional organizations is more likely to reinforce a culture oriented toward control and authority compared with the flatter organization that eliminates management layers in favor of giving employees more power. Organizational Systems & Procedures: Companies are increasingly using electronic networks to increase collaboration among employees, to increase innovation, quality, and efficiency.

Which of the following is more characteristic of an entrepreneur than a manager?

Tolerance for risk

A senior vice president is an example of what level of manager?


The comprehensive approach dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction is known as...

Total quality management

Describe total quality management, and list at least three of the four components of it that are used by organizations to implement it.

Total quality management (TQM) is a comprehensive approach, led by top management and supported throughout the organization, dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. The four components of TQM are as follows: 1. Make continuous improvement a priority. 2. Get every employee involved. 3. Listen to and learn from customers and employees. 4. Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems

A change agent is a behavioral sciences consultant who helps organizations deal with old problems in new ways.


According to Jim Collins, researcher of enduring great companies, hubris and denial are among the stages of institutional decline.


According to Lewin, for unfreezing to take place, people need to become dissatisfied with the old way of doing things.


According to Scott Berkun, the search for wealth is one of six seeds of innovation.


An important component of dealing with change is to allow grieving over the loss of old ways


An organizational culture that celebrates failure helps foster innovation


China and India are changing the way American companies work, in part, through substantial labor savings


Coleman Natural Foods began selling natural beef back when most shoppers were unaware of the term. This is an example of proactive change.


Conventional electric vehicle batteries use a liquid electrolyte but an Orlando start-up is developing a solid-state lithium-ion battery with improved stability and lifetime. This is an example of incremental innovation.


Demassification refers to a trend of customer groups being segmented into smaller, specialized groups responding to narrowly targeted messages.


During the refreezing stage of Lewin's change model, managers should model the change themselves, as well as coach employees and reinforce the desired behaviors.


Entrepreneurs tend to be tolerant of ambiguity.


Even when it comes to technology-induced change, OD can be helped by opening communication and dealing with stress.


Hasbro's move to create a version of its Monopoly game for iPad for technology-obsessed children is an example of proactive change


In 1961, Procter & Gamble introduced the first affordable, readily-available disposable diaper called Pampers. At that time, Pampers were an example of a radical innovation.


In OD, combined interventions have been found to work better than single interventions


In the OD process, feedback is used to refine the diagnosis.


Innovation differs from creativity or invention in that it requires useful application.


Innovative change is the introduction of a practice that is new to the organization.


Intervention is the treatment phase of OD in which problems are corrected.


Job dissatisfaction within an organization can be an indicator that change is needed.


Kotter's change step of anchoring new approaches in the culture corresponds to refreezing in Lewin's model.


Managers' behavior is one type of inside force for change in the organization.


Mistrust between change agents and employees can cause failure of well-conceived changes


One of the primary situations in which OD is used is when adapting to mergers.


One of the reasons employees resist change is fear of the unknown.


One of the strengths of Virgin Group Ltd. is its ability to enter new businesses quickly.


One step for fostering innovation is gaining allies by communicating your vision.


Proactive change involves making carefully thought-out changes in anticipation of possible or expected problems or opportunities.


Radical innovation is the creation of products, services, or technologies that replace existing ones.


Sabotage can be a form of resistance to change in the workplace.


Secondhand shops suffering from a recession-induced decline in thrift store donations is an example of an outside force for organizational change.


The current percentage of people living in a rural area is the lowest ever, which is a demographic force.


The four areas in which change is most apt to be needed are people, technology, structure, and strategy.


The most complex, costly, and uncertain kind of change is known as radically innovative change.


The self-serving bias can lessen an employee's ability to learn from failure.


True or False: American social class system is composed of a series of status continua


Creighton Bicycles and Repair conducted a survey and discovered that among customers who had tried both bike shops, its successful cross-town competition was preferred about 80% of the time. The most frequently cited reason was customer service. This information would be most helpful to introduce to employees during which stage of Lewin's change model?


In labor disputes, hourly workers are typically represented by ________, while salaried workers are represented by professional associations.


Which of the following is not a component of TQM?

Urge employees to strive to "zero effect".

The __________ is designed to monitor and enforce trade agreements.


Why study management?

We all have interest in making organizations better. If not going to be managed, you will be managed.

Scott works for an organization that describes itself as a "learning organization." As a manager, which of the following actions is Scott most likely to take while working for this organization?

When Scott needs another employee, he deliberately looks for someone who will bring something new to the organization.

Jessica is an employee in a manufacturing plant who works the graveyard shift, midnight to 8 a.m. One night, she saw one of her managers dumping some chemicals down a storm drain in the parking lot. When she confronted him, he said this was standard procedure for some waste materials to avoid other costly disposal measures. When Jessica wrote a letter about it to the local newspaper she was a(n) ______.


Why is the contingency viewpoint important?

Why is the contingency viewpoint important? The contingency viewpoint is important because it seems to be the most practical of the viewpoints. It addresses problems on a case-by-case basis and varies the solution accordingly.

Which of the following is not a way to encourage innovation?

Withholding raises and promotions when innovation attempts don't work out.

To create a learning organization, managers must perform three key functions or roles: build a commitment to learning, work to generate ideas with impact, and...

Work to generalize ideas with impact.

The defining difference between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur is that the latter...

Works within an existing organization, using its resources to exploit an opportunity.

Three Organizations need to know:

World Trade Organization - set up and monitor trade agreements World Bank provide loan interest loans to countries who need them International Monterey Fund - ease the transfer of funding

Which of the following is not a reward for practicing management?

You can become exempt from many society's ethical standards.

Which of the following is the most likely payoff of studying management as a discipline?

You will understand how to relate to and interact with your supervisors and co-workers.


a group of people who work together to achieve some specific purpose

BCG matrix 177

a means of evaluating strategic business untis on the basis of (1) their business growth rates and (2) their share of the market.

ethical dilemma

a situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you or your organization but that is unethical or even illegal.

Geocentric managers

accept that there are differences and similarities between home and foreign personnel and practices that they should use whatever techniques are most effective

At Hartford Toy Depot, employees know that during the month of December they are generally required to work different schedules, often with some overtime, to support the holiday shopping season. This is an example of a(n) ______ change.


The reintroduction of a familiar practice within the same organization is called a(n)

adaptive change.

The Human Resources manager at the Apex Golf and Tennis Club has just calculated the employee absenteeism rate for 2012, and it is 25% higher than it was in 2010 and 2011. He should

address job design and ways to deal with work overload.

__________ was concerned with managing the total organization and was pioneered by Fayol and Weber.

administrative management

A group of persons who have experienced a common social, political, historical, and economic environment is known as a(n) _____ or a generation

age cohort

contingency planning 171

also know as scenario planning and scenario analysis - is the creation of alternative hypothetical but equally likely future conditions.

As part of her overall stock portfolio, Erica bought a few shares of Google. In this context, she would best be described as ______ of Google.

an internal stakeholder

A group of people who work together to achieve some specific purpose is/are called

an organization

learning organization

an organization that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge

People with a(n) ______ decision-making style are careful decision makers who take longer to make decisions but who also respond well to new or uncertain situations.


Indra is a new manager for a software company, and she doesn't like to be bored at work. But neither does she enjoy _____, such as when she had to explain the new product her team is developing to the CEO and several board members. As psychologist Csikzentmihalyi predicts, her ideal state would be an emotional zone between the two.



application of e-business concepts to all organizations

Quantitative Viewpoint

applies quantitative techniques to management

international forces

are changes in the economic, political, legal, and technological global system that may affect an organization.

political-legal forces

are changes in the way politics shape laws and laws shape the opportunities for and threats to an organization.

self-interest groups

are groups whose members try to influence specific issues, some of which may affect your organization.

sociocultural forces

are influences and trends originating in a country's, a society's, or a culture's human relationships and values that may affect an organization.

demographic forces

are influences on an organization arising from changes in the characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, or ethnic origin.

technological forces

are new developments in methods for transforming resources into goods or services.


are the relatively permanent and deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behavior, such as the belief that "Fairness means hiring according to ability, not family background." Values and value systems are the underpinnings for ethics and ethical behavior.


are the standards of right and wrong that influence behavior.

Internal dimensions of diversity

are those human differences that exert a powerful, sustained effect throughout every stage of our lives: gender, age, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, physical abilities


are those who pay to use an organization's goods or services.


arrange tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work

Which of the following is a GLOBE dimension for which U.S. managers score highly?


Cedric is a well-liked manager who is extremely supportive of his employees, but he hates conflict and sometimes has trouble saying no to them. His decision making style is most likely


Which of the following viewpoints emphasized the importance of understanding human actions and of motivating employees toward achievement?

behavorial viewpoint

Ethnocentric managers

believe that their native country, culture, language, and behavior are superior to all others

The process by which a company compares its performance with that of high-performing organizations is called


Deferring judgment, building on the ideas of others, and encouraging wild ideas are suggestions to improve


Adaptive Cycle

businesses are continuously cycling through decisions about three kinds of business problems: entrepreneurial, engineering, and administrative

Since multi-item indexes were created to measure a person's or a family's overall social status wtihin a community, they

cannot reveal associations between individual status dimensions and the consumption of certain products

environmental scanning 168

careful monitoring of an organization's internal and external environments to detect early signs of opportunities and threats that may influence the firm's plans.

Organizational development is often put into practice by a

change agent.

graphic forces are influences on an organization arising from changes in

characteristics of a population

top management

chief executive officer, president, vice president, general managers, division heads. Managers need to pay attention to environment outside the organization, be future oriented, deal with uncertain and highly competitive conditions

Which of the following titles would be held by a top manager?

chief operating officer

Scientific and administrative management are part of the ________ viewpoint.


There are four stages in the _________ model of decision making, the first of which is to identify the problem or opportunity.


An ethical _________ represents employee's perceptions about the extent to which work environments support ethical behavior.


A(n) ______________ receives very little feedback from the outside.

closed system

A(n) ______ consists of a formal written set of ethical standards guiding an organization's actions

code of ethics

Staying ahead of competitors in customer responsiveness, innovation, quality, and efficiency will result in

competitive advantage

The ability of an organization to outperform others by producing goods or services more effectively than its competitors is called its

competitive advantage

The study of how order and pattern arise from very complicated, apparently chaotic systems is known as

complexity theory

Mary Parker Follet

concept of "self managed teams" "worker empowerment" and "interdepartmental teams"

Ian is very creative and prefers to look at the long-term issues when making a decision. He considers a wide variety of possible actions based on an open mind about the possibilities. Sometimes his coworkers find him indecisive because of these tendencies. Ian is probably ______ in his decision-making style.


The ability to think analytically is associated with ______ skills.


internal stakeholders

consist of employees, owners, and the board of directors, if any.

conceptual skills

consist of the ability to think analytically, to visualize an organization as a whole and understand how the parts work together.

economic forces

consist of the general economic conditions and trends—unemployment, inflation, interest rates, economic growth—that may affect an organization's performance.

technical skills

consist of the job-specific knowledge needed to perform well in a specialized field

code of ethics

consists of a formal written set of ethical standards guiding an organization's actions.

external dimensions of diversity

consists of the personal characteristics that people acquire, discard, or modify though out their lives include an element of choice

When members of the lower-upper class find that they are unable to be members of clubs exclusive to the upper-upper class or even be accorded the same level of social respect, they respond by engaging in ______ to demonstrate

conspicuous consumption

Systems, contingency, and quality-management viewpoints are part of the ________ perspective.


The systems, contingency, and quality-management viewpoints are part of the ________ perspective on management.


The ________ viewpoint emphasizes that a manager's actions should vary according to the situation.


Which management viewpoint seems to be the most practical because it addresses problems on a case-by-case basis and varies the solution accordingly?

contingency viewpoint

open system

continually interacts with its environment most organizations

Monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed is the management function known as


monitering performance and taking corrective action as needed is called


The system of governing a company so that the interests of corporate owners and other stakeholders are protected is known as

corporate governance

A company that barters goods for other goods is involved in


Building a commitment to learning and working to generate ideas with impact help you to:

create a learning organization.

In making decisions, ethical concerns need to be considered. Identify and explain how a decision tree would assist the manager in making ethical decisions

decision tree is a graph of decisions and their possible consequences, and is used to help with ethical decision making. The manager would ask several questions: Is the proposed action legal? If yes, does the proposed action maximize shareholder value? If yes, is the proposed action ethical? If no, would it be ethical NOT to take the proposed action?

Mintzberg defined three broad managerial roles: interpersonal, informational, and


According to Jim Collins, undisciplined pursuit of more and grasping for salvation are stages of organizational


action plan

defines the course of action needed to achieve the stated goal


deliberately working at less than full capacity

The increasing diversity of the American workforce is an example of a(n) ______ force for change.


strategic allies

describes the relationship of two organizations who join forces to achieve advantages neither can perform as well alone.


designates specific required action

operating plan

designed for a one year period, defines how you conduct your business based on the action plan, identifies clear targets such as revenue, cash flow, and market share

Caleb, an OD consultant, is designing a survey of employee attitudes to be given to workers at Tandem Investments. Caleb is conducting the ______ stage of OD.


A __________ is a person or organization that helps another organization sell its goods and services to customers.


operational planning

done by first line managers, determine how to accomplish specific tasks with available resources within the next one to fifty two weeks

tactical planning

done by middle managers, determine what contributions their departments or similar work units can make during the next six to twenty four months

Strategic planning

done by top managers, determine what the organizations long term goals should be for the next one to five years with the resources they expect to have available

__________ is the practice of a foreign company exporting products abroad at a lower price than the price in the home market or even below the costs of production in order to drive down the price of the domestic product.


Wheat producers in the U.S. claim that the Canadian Wheat Board is selling wheat imported into the U.S. at unreasonably low prices and they fear depression of their own prices. The U.S. producers are accusing the Canadians of


Inflation is an example of ______ forces in an organization's general environment.


human captial

economic or productive potential of employee knowledge, experience, and actions

In the United States, _____ is increasingly necessary to obtain a family wage ob.


The factors that are strongly associated with occupation are

education and income

To be ______ as a manager means to make the right decisions and successfully carry them out to achieve goals.


Korean has a complete ban on beef and beef products imported from Canada. This is an example of a(n)


Behavioral Viewpoint

emphasis on importance of understanding human behavior and motivating and encouraging employees toward achievement

Classical Viewpoints

emphasis on ways to manage work more efficiently

Classical Viewpoint

emphasized finding ways to manage work more efficiently, two branches SCIENTIFIC and ADMINISTRATIVE assumes that people are rational emphasis on ways to work more efficiently

Scientific management

emphasized scientific study of work methods to improve productivity of individual workers

behavioral viewpoint

emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement 1) early behaviorism 2) the humans relations movement 3) behavioral sciences Hugo Munsterberg Mary Parker Follet Elton Mayo-hawthorne effect

behavioral viewpoint

emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement.

scientific management

emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers.

scientific management

emphasized the specific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers Frederick W Taylor Frank and Lillian Gilbreth (classical view)

The Contemporary Perspective/ The Contingency Viewpoint

emphasizes that a manager's approach should vary according to the individual and environmental situation

contingency viewpoint

emphasizes that a manager's approach should vary according to---be contingent on---the individual and the environmental situation most practical of the viewpoints discussed so far because it addresses problems on a case-by-case basis

contingency viewpoint

emphasizes that a manager's approach should vary according to—that is, be contingent on—the individual and the environmental situation.

Wal-Mart may have supported stockholder interests at the expense of what other stakeholder group?


Hawthorne effect

employees workers harder if they received added attention (Mayo, Fritz)


encompasses a range of projects or activities

Amanda gives all of her employees one afternoon a month to work on pet projects, just to spend time in the lab experimenting and thinking freely. She is acting in the ______ role.


_________ means taking risks to try to create a new enterprise


Which of the following is not an area in which an organization must stay ahead of its competitors to achieve competitive advantage?

enviromental action


establishing roles, relationships, and organizational processes

Which of these is a situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you or your organization but that is unethical or even illegal?

ethical dilemma

Standards of right and wrong that influence behavior are known as


__________ managers believe that their native country, culture, language, and behavior are superior to all others.


Marc, an OD consultant, is visiting Cassidy Engineering a year after he assisted them in making changes to their employee incentive plan. Now he is comparing sales and turnover data from the last three years to the current year. Marc is in the ______ stage of OD.


________ management means translating principles based on best evidence into organizational practice, bringing rationality to the decision-making process.


The __________ is the rate at which one country's currency can be exchanged for another country's currency.

exchange rate

Once you have been able to gain allies and overcome employee resistance, excellent ______ will be a key to fostering innovation.



expert at producing and selling narrowly defined products.

A company that is producing goods domestically and sells them outside the country is involved in


Mission Statement

expresses the purpose of the organization

When it comes to failure in the innovation process, Procter & Gamble CEO A. G. Lafley suggests that the key is to

fail early, fail cheaply, and don't make the same mistake twice.

In the implementation of evidence-based management, the best diagnostic question is, "What story will sell this idea?"


While segmenting a market according to age groups, it is important to keep in mind that people often

feel younger than their chronological age

Max Weber

felt a bureaucracy was a rational, efficient, ideal organization based on principles of logic organizations should have 1) A well-defined hierarchy of authority 2) Formal rules and procedures 3) A clear division of labor with parts of a complex job being handled by specialists 4)Impersonality, without reference to a specific person 5) Careers based on merit

Managers who make short-term operating decisions and direct the daily tasks of the nonmanagerial employees are called

first-line managers

boundaryless organization

fluid, highly-adaptive organization whose members, linked by information technology, come together to collaborate on common tasks; the collaborators may include competitiors, suppliers, and customers


focus on developing new products and in seeking out new markets, rather than waiting for things to happen.

operations management

focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively

Operations management

focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively.

quality assurance

focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for "zero defects."

Management science

focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making

Nonmanagerial employees at Kennedy Steel belong to a union. The union has come close to striking several times over the years, and labor negotiations have recently been very tense. Kennedy likely needs to focus on changing

forces originating inside the organization.

Customers prefer meat that is labeled as "85% lean" instead of "15% fat," though both are technically the same. This is an example of a(n) ________ bias.


The movement of goods and services among nations without political or economic obstruction is called

free trade

A ____ manager is responsible for just one organizational activity.


middle management

functional managers, product line managers, department managers. Implement policies and plans of top management, supervise and coordinate activities of first line managers below, make decisions often without base of clearly defined information procedures.

Demographic forces are part of the __________ environment of organizations.


Economic forces are part of an organization's

general environment.

During Lewin's changing stage, managers should

give employees new models for behavior.

The trend of the world economy toward becoming a more interdependent system is called


interpersonal skills

got to play well with others.

Last summer a representative of OSHA, the agency responsible for enforcing health and safety regulations, visited one of Armando's construction sites and his company, Build Your Dream, Inc. was fined for several violations. To this company, OSHA represents a _____, part of an organizations'_____.

government regulators; task environment

Peter, the owner and lead accountant at a tax preparation firm, is changing the work schedule of his long-term employees for the months of March and April, the company's busiest time. He is requiring work on weekends for everyone, using the same basic schedule as last year. Peter should expect that his employees will be

hardly upset or not upset at all.

closed system

has little interaction with the environment, recieves little feedback classical management considers and organization a ________ __________


has same ideas and motivations but uses them within a company


heirarchy of needs physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self actualization


his ideas lead to the field of industrial psych, the study of human behavior in workplaces

according to the GLOBE project, power distance is

how much the people of a society expect power to be unequally shared

In the context of the income factor of demographics, subjective discretionary income measures

how wealthy a person feels while making a purchase

who was known as "the father of industrial psychology"?

hugo munsterberg

According to researcher Robert Katz, which of the following is one of three principal skills acquired by experienced managers?


______ skills consist of the ability to work well in cooperation with other people to get things done.


which of the following is one of the phases in the development of the behavioral viewpoint?

human relations movement

middle managers

implement the policies and plans of the top managers above them and supervise and coordinate the activities of the first-line managers below them

Cole purchases handcrafted marble containers and decorator pieces in India and brings them to the U.S. to sell in his retail store. He is involved in


Which of the following is a practice by which countries try to exert trade protectionism?

imposing import quotas

External dimensions of diversity

include an element of choice; they consist of the personal characteristics that people acquire, discard, or modify throughout their lives: educational background, marital status, parental status, religion, income, geographic location, work experience, recreational habits, appearance, personal habits.

Organizational dimensions

include management status, union affliction, work location, seniority, work content, and division

general environment

includes six forces: economic, technological, sociocultural, demographic, political-legal, and international.

Historical Perspective

includes three viewpoints, classical, behavioral, and quantitative

Which of the following dimensions is an example of a secondary dimension on the diversity wheel?


The creation of products, services, or technologies that modify those that already exist is called ______ innovation.


Finding ways to deliver new or better goods or services is called


Great Plains Credit Union has decided that tellers must rotate through a new weekend shift on Saturday afternoons since several of its competitors in the area have recently begun to offer these hours to customers. This is a(n) ______ change.


A change that represents the introduction of a new practice to an organization but that is not new to the industry is called a(n)

innovative change.

Four parts of a system

inputs, outputs, transformation processes, feedback

______ is the illegal buying or selling of a company's stock by people using confidential company information.

insider trading

An organization's board of directors is part of its ______ environment.


Employees of an organization are considered to be

internal stakeholders.

The ________ is designed to assist in smoothing the flow of money between nations, often operating as a last-resort lender to some.

international monetary fund

The question "What shall we do about the problem?" would most likely be asked during the ______ stage of OD.


Tirzah, an OD consultant, is working with members of with a cross-functional team to help them build cohesiveness and practice skills to function better as a team. Tirzah is conducting the ______ stage of OD.


Total quality management (TQM)

is a comprehensive approach—led by top management and supported throughout the organization—dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction.

social responsibility

is a manager's duty to take actions that will benefit the interests of society as well as of the organization.


is a person or an organization that helps another organization sell its goods and services to customers.


is an employee who reports organizational misconduct to the public

learning organization

is an organization that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge

ethical behavior

is behavior that is accepted as "right" as opposed to "wrong" according to those standards.

administrative management

is concerned with managing the total organization


is defined as the stable physical and mental characteristics responsible for a person's identity.

quality control

is defined as the strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production

justice approach

is guided by respect for impartial standards of fairness and equity

moral-rights approach

is guided by respect for the fundamental rights of human beings

utilitarian approach

is guided by what will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

individual approach

is guided by what will result in the individual's best long-term interests, which ultimately are in everyone's self-interest.

general managers

is responsible for several organizational activities.

competitive advantage

is the ability of an organization to produce goods or services more effectively than competitors do, thereby outperforming them.


is the belief that one's native country, culture, language, abilities, or behavior is superior to that of another culture.

cost-focus strategy 175

is to keep the costs, and hence prices, of a product or a service below those of competitors and to target a narrow market

cost-leadership strategy 174

is to keep the costs, and hence prices, of a product or service below those of competitors and to target a wide market

differentiation strategy 174

is to offer products or services that are of unique and superior value compared with those of competitors but to target a wide market.

Which of the following is true of the classical viewpoint of management?

it is concerned with improving efficiency

management by objective (MBO)

jointly set objectives, develop action plan, periodically review performance, give performance appraisal and rewards if any

The ______ to ethics is guided by respect for impartial standards of fairness and equity.

justice approach

The ______ a group is, the ______ the quality of the decision.


According to Kohlberg, managers who reach the highest level of moral development

lead by empowering others.

According to Kohlberg, managers who reach the highest level of moral development:

lead by empowering others.

34. Organizations that actively create, acquire, and transfer knowledge within themselves and are able to modify their behavior to reflect this new knowledge are called __________ organizations.


Creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge are among the required activities for

learning organizations

Employees are likely to see an adaptive change as

least threatening.

total quality management

led by top management and supported throughout the organization, dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction 1) make continuous improvement a priority 2) get every employee involved 3) listen to and learn from customers and employees 4)use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems

______ are in an organization's external task environment.



let other organizations take the risks of product development and marketing and then imitate what seems to work best.

When a company allows a foreign firm to pay it a fee to make or distribute the first company's product or service it is called


Vision Statement

long term goal describing what an organization wants to become, clear sense of the future and the actions needed to get there

The individual approach is guided by what will result in the individual's ________ best interests, which ultimately are in everyone's self-interest.


The American ____ class is characterized by very low incomes, minimal education, and long periods of unemployment, being the primary recipient of government support.


The general environment of an organization is also known as its



make adjustments only when finally forced to by environmental pressures

top managers

make long-term decisions about the overall direction of the organization and establish the objectives, policies, and strategies for it.

first-line managers

make short-term operating decisions, directing the daily tasks of nonmanagerial personnel, who are, of course, all those people who work directly at their jobs but don't oversee the work of others.

the planning/control cycle

make the plan, carry out the plan, control the direction by comparing results with the plan, control the direction by taking corrective action in two ways; correcting deviations and improving future plans

The pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by integrating the work of people through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organization's resources is called


______ focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making.

management science

During the recession and its accompanying high levels of unemployment, Giordano Construction has had its choice of employees to support its growth. This is an example of a(n) ______ force for change.


who proposed the hierarchy of human needs as a theory of motivation?


competitive intelligence 167

means gaining information about one's competitor's activities so that you can anticipate their moves and react appropriately.

evidence-based management

means translating principles based on evidence into organizational practice, bringing rationality to the decision making process facing the facts about what works and what doesn't (Jeffery Pfeffer and Robert Sutton)

An American social class that consists of highly paid blue-collar workers and white-collar workers who usually have some college education and an average income is the ____ class


Managers who implement the policies and plans determined at the highest levels and coordinate the activities of lowest-level managers are called

middle managers

An innovative change involves ______ complexity, cost, and uncertainty.



monitor performance, compare it with goals, and take corrective action as needed

differential rate system

more efficient workers earn higher wages

Between the years 2010 and 2030, the number of U.S. citizens over the age of 65 is expected to

more than double

______ is a trading status that describes a condition in which a country grants other countries favorable trading treatment such as a reduction of import duties.

most favored nation

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth identified 17 basic units of ______, each of which they called a "therblig."



motivate, direct, and otherwise influence people to work hard to achieve the organization's goals

A business firm with operations in several countries is known as a(n):

multinational corporation.

Estevez- Richmond, Inc. is a large civil engineering firm with operations in the U.S., Mexico, Costa Rica and Guatemala. The company is a

multinational corporation.

Great Challenge is a nonprofit organization that assists several African nations with large infrastructure development projects. Great Challenge is a(n)

multinational organization.

The _________ effect states that a manager's influence on the organization has implications far beyond the results that can be achieved by one person acting alone.


diagnostics skills

must be able to identify, react, analyze, and solve problems. Hard choices, must make a decision. Those are looked upon with respect.

political skills

must be well aware and use politics to your advantage. Must know whats going on. You can still be ethical and political.

Will is thinking about joining a professional organization for accountants since he was recently hired at a prestigious firm and his dues will be paid. This is an example of a(n) ______ organization.



narrow view in which people see things solely through their own view

A polycentric manager believes that

native managers in foreign offices best understand native personnel and practices.

A commonweal organization offers services to a more complete group of clients than other types of ________ organization



of an organization consist of all those who can claim it as their legal property

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

often shortened to SarbOx or SOX, established requirements for proper financial record keeping for public companies and penalties of as much as 25 years in prison for noncompliance

A(n) _______ system continually interacts with its environment.


diversification 176

operating several businesses in order to spread the risk.

defensive strategy 164

or a retrenchment strategy is a grand strategy that involves reduction in the organization's efforts.


or electronic commerce—the buying and selling of goods or services over computer networks

virtual organization

organization whos members are geographically apart, usually working with email, collaborative computing, and other computer connections-while often appearing to customers as a single unified organization

The set of techniques used for implementing planned change to make people and organizations more effective is called

organizational development.

Which of the following is one of the four principal functions of management, also known as the management process?



outlines the general response to a designated problem or situation


outlines the response to a particular problem or circumstances


output (product, services) over input (labor, raw material)

when a company uses a supplier outside itself to provide goods and services, it is


People who can focuse an organization as their legal property are called


A narrow view in which people see things solely through their own perspective is known as



people or organizations that compete for customers or resources

Employees might feel they are being underpaid for what they do, even if pay and benefits are superior to the competition. Here, managers must change


Maid to Clean is considering implementing a system that will pay its cleaning workers based on the number of completed residential jobs, coupled with satisfactory ratings on random inspections to ensure quality. Managers believe that this will reduce labor costs. Maid to Clean is focusing on changing employee


Justifications for cheating are mainly

personal and emotional

Google made a pledge to investors when it went public to reserve 1% of its profit and equity to "make the world a better place." This is an example of corporate



plan of less scope and complexity than a program

setting goals and deciding how to achieve them is called


Functions of management

planning, leading, organizing, controlling

single use plans

plans developed for activities that are not likely to be repeated in the future

standing plans

plans developed for activities that occur repeatedly over a period of time, consist of policies, procedures, and rules.

Customers are likely to put up with ______ only if your organization is the only one of its kind.

poor quality products

According to Kohlberg, the highest level of personal moral development is


Tanya is a new manager, and she is always threatening her employees with a variety of punishments in order to get them to follow the rules. The level of personal moral development at which Tanya is operating is the ______ level according to Kohlberg.


Hodgson's general moral principles for managers help to ensure that their decisions are

principled, appropriate, and defensible.

Walmart's implementation of RFID, a type of technology that allows it to improve inventory tracking, is an example of a(n) ______ change.


A managerial innovation that improves the efficiency of a company's cross-functional teams would be considered a(n) ______ innovation.


A(n) ______ innovation is a change in the way a product or service is conceived, manufactured, or disseminated.


The management department at a local university began posting all assignments and other class materials to a course management website instead of creating a packet for students to purchase each term. This is a(n) ______ innovation.



producing and delivering the products

A technological innovation that improves the speed of a computer's microprocessor would be considered a(n) ______ innovation.


Human relations movement

proposed better human relations could increase worker productivity

Focusing on the performance of workers and urging employees to strive for zero defects is called

quality assurance.

The strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production is called

quality control

Applying techniques like statistics and computer simulations to management are characteristic of the ______ viewpoint.


Management science and operations management are the two branches of ______ management.


Researchers working on hydrogen fuel cells hope that this could be a(n) ______ innovation, leading to a clean, renewable energy source, and reducing dependence on depleting fossil fuels with their adverse impact on the global environment.


Evanston Cable Television has decided to offer a one-hour appointment window for customers needing installation or repair of its service, which will require them to have several technicians on call. Evanston hopes this practice will give them an advantage over the competition, none of whom have adopted such a practice. It is introducing a(n) ______ change.

radically innovative

Introducing a practice that is new to the industry is called a(n) ______ change.

radically innovative

A change that is made in response to arising problems or opportunities is called

reactive change.


refers to the total ability of a product or service to meet customer needs.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

reflects on how workers respond to managers and the type of worker they will be reflects on how they are rested or seen

systems viewpoint

regards the organization as a system of interrelated parts organization is a 1) collection of subsystems 2) part of the larger environment

government regulators

regulatory agencies that establish ground rules under which organizations may operate

During Lewin's refreezing stage, managers should

reinforce the desired change in the employees.


relatively permanent and deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behavior

Brittany must consider whether to change prices at her coffee shop in response to a new competitor on the next block, but she decides to take no action because she believes the new store really won't affect her business. Brittany is practicing

relaxed avoidance.

Behavioral science approach

relies on scientific research for developing theory to provide practical management tools


represents all the ways people are unlike and alike—the differences and similarities in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background

ethical climate

represents employees' perceptions about the extent to which work environments support ethical behavior.


rescinding the tax breaks when firms don't deliver promised jobs?

which of the following is an example of a decisional role that managers play?

resource allocator

A duty imposed on imported goods designed simply to raise money for the government is known as a(n

revenue tariff

Hollywood Hair recently introduced a new acai berry moisture shampoo. Wenling, director of new product development, has just reviewed the dismal results. It appears that her team did adequate research on the product's acceptance by consumers prior to its introduction and is confused by the outcome. Wenling should

reward her team for their effort.


s a person or an organization that provides supplies—that is, raw materials, services, equipment, labor, or energy—to other organizations.

functional managers

s responsible for just one organizational activity.

The tendency of a group to settle on a decision that is "good enough" is called


Both Taylor and the Gilbreths conducted motion studies as a part of their efforts in ________ management.


Fredrick Taylor and the Gilbreths were proponents of which of the following?

scientific management

Behavioral science relies on _____ for developing theories about human behavior that can help managers

scientific research


selecting and making adjustments of products and markets

The term learning organization was coined by


operational goals

set by and for first line managers and are concerned with short term matters associated with realizing tactical goals

tactical goals

set by and for middle managers and focus on the actions needed to achieve strategic goals

strategic goals

set by and for top management and focus on objectives for the organization as a whole


set goals and decide how to achieve the


set of activities that includes planning, leading, organizing, and controlling aimed at an organization's financial, physical, human, and information resources with an aim of achieving goals in an efficient and effective manner


set of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose

ethical dilemma

situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you or your organization but that is unethical or even illegal

Managers at Lucky Peach magazine are in the process of cross training entry-level employees to be able to take phone orders or answer customer questions, and to process orders in overflow situations. The company is changing its


Saitou Insurance is about to install a new computer system that will change the way claims adjusters settle claims. Adjusters will be able to do the adjustment and issue the check right at the scene of the accident. Saitou most likely needs to focus on changing employee


Arizona Pottery is having a difficult time finding inexpensive labor, which it attributes to an unfriendly climate toward Hispanics since passage of tough illegal immigration legislation in that state. This is an example of a(n) ______ force for change.

social or political

Recently many older workers who had planned to retire soon decided to keep working longer. This is an example of a(n) ______ force for change.

social or political

A manager's duty to take actions that will benefit the interests of society as well as of the organization is known as

social responsibility

Engaging in ______ can give businesses a favorable public image and may even help head off government regulation.

social responsibility

A person's position in society that is relative to others and is based on one or more dimensions valued by society is known as

societal rank

________ forces are influences and trends originating in human relationships and values that may affect an organization


which of the following is a discipline that is part of behavioral science?


Taylor called the tendency for people to deliberately work at less than full capacity



someone who has an interest in your company


someone who starts a new company that grows

knowledge worker

someone whos occupation is principally concerned with generating or interpereting information as opposed to manual labor using their brains rather than the sweat of their brows

After the disastrous oil spill in the gulf, many consumers decided to avoid BP products, many even joining a popular "Boycott BP" Facebook page. Stuart runs an independent BP gas station in Louisiana and his business suffered from this consumer response. In this instance, boycotters would be considered a _____, part of the gas station's ______ environment.

special-interest group; task


specific commitment to achieve a measurable result within a stated period of time, also known as an objective, strategic, tactical, operational


standards of right and wrong that influence behavior

An individual is said to have a high degree of ______ when he or she is consistent on all status dimensions that are valued by a society

status crystallization

A U.S. company agrees with a foreign company to start a new enterprise together in a foreign country, sharing the risks and the rewards. This is called a

strategic alliance

Two organizations who join forces to achieve advantages neither can perform as well alone would be called

strategic allies

The record industry has been forced into a ______ change because of the prevalence and ease of illegally downloading music.


quality control

strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production developed by Walter Shewart-used statistical sampling to locate errors

A consumer's estimate of how much money is available to spend on nonessentials is known as

subjective discretionary income

Economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is known as?


The economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is known as


The ______ viewpoint sees organizations as entities made up of interrelated parts known as inputs, outputs, transformation processes, and feedback.


The contemporary perspective includes which of the following viewpoints?


Contemporary Viewpoint

systems, contingency, quality management

Why is it important for a manager to understand organizational culture? What functions does organizational culture serve?

t is important for a manager to understand organizational culture for two reasons: culture can powerfully shape an organization's long-term success, and culture can serve as a control mechanism, substituting for organizational structure. An organization's culture has four functions: It gives members organizational identity. It facilitates collective commitment. It promotes social-system stability. It shapes behavior by helping employees make sense of their surroundings.

In seeking competitive advantage, the first law of business is to

take care of the customer

Polycentric managers

take the view that native managers in the foreign offices best understand native personnel and practices, and so the home office should leave them alone

______ skills consist of the job-specific knowledge needed to perform well in a specialized field


Skills to be a manager

technical, interpersonal, conceptual, diagnostics, political

The invention of a machine to make plastic corks for wine bottles has severely affected companies that produce traditional cork. This is an example of a(n) ______ force for change.


New developments in methods for transforming resources into goods or services are called

technological forces.

Mattress Emporium has had several incidents lately in which its drivers became lost when attempting deliveries. The drivers have no GPS or other access to computerized information and rely on the customers themselves for directions. Mattress Emporium probably needs to change its


Frisco Recreational Vehicles recently instituted cross-functional teams to develop new products. Team members are spread across the country, so it is expensive and time consuming for people to travel to headquarters to meet. The company would benefit most from a change in ______ involving

technology; teams meeting "virtually" through electronic media.

Hawthorne effect

that employees worked harder if they recieved adequate attention, if they thought that managers cared about their welfare and supervisors paid special attention to them good human relations can increase productivity

Competitive advantage

the ability of an organization to produce goods or services more effectively than competitors do, thereby outperforming them

quantitative management

the application to management of quantitative techniques, such as statistics and computer simulations. Two branches are Management Science Operations Management

quantitative management

the application to management of quantitative techniques, such as statistics and computer simulations. Two branches of quantitative management are management science Sometimes called operations research; branch of quantitative management; method of solving management problems by using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making and operations management A branch of quantitative management; effective management of the production and delivery of an organization's products or services.

A generation in the United States born between the end of World War II and 1964 and was characterized by high birthrates is

the baby boom generation

Employees, owners, and ______ are an organization's internal stakeholders.

the board of directors


the differences and similarities in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background

social captial

the economic or productive potential of strong, trusting, and cooperative relationships


the global network of independently operating but interconnected computers, linking hundreds of thousands of smaller networks around the world.

insider trading

the illegal trading of a company's stock by people using confidential company information.


the info about the reaction of the environment to the outputs that affect the inputs

glass ceiling

the metaphor for an invisible barrier preventing women and minorities from being promoted to top executive jobs.

corporate social responsibility (CSR)

the notion that corporations are expected to go above and beyond following the law and making a profit.

Transformation Processes

the organization's capabilities in management and technology that are applied to converting inputs to outputs

value systems

the pattern of values within an organization


the people whose interests are affected by an organization's activities.


the people, money, information, equipment, and materials required to produce an organization's goods or services whatever goes into a system

quality assurance

the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for zero defects less successful bc employees don't have complete control over the design of the work process

Which of the following is a generation in the United States that belongs entirely to the mature market?

the pre-Depression generation


the products, services, profits, losses, employee satisfaction or discontent, and the like that are produced by the organization whatever comes out of the system


the total ability of a product or service to meet the customer needs most important way of adding value

The principal organization that provides low-interest loans to developing nations for improving, for example, their transportation or education systems is

the world bank

A decision tree is a graph of decisions and

their possible outcomes

an optimistic view of workers that envisions them as capable of accepting responsibility and working in a self-directed manner is representative of

theory Y

execution 178

they say is not simply tactics it is a central part of any company's strategy. It consists of using questioning, analysis, and follow-through to mesh strategy with reality, align people with goals, and achieve the results promised.

Lewin's change model consists of

three stages: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.

Contemporary Perspective

three viewpoints, systems, contingency, and quality-management

To be effective means?

to achieve results, to make the results, to make the right decisions, and to successfully carry them out so that they can achieve organizational goals

Why are demographics frequently used by marketers?

to segment and describe their market

cascading objectives: MBO from the top down

top management must be committed, it must be applied organization wide, objectives must cascade

Which of the following is NOT one of the primary areas that must be well understood in order to bridge cross-cultural gaps?

trade barriers

Big Data refers to stores of data so vast that conventional database management systems cannot handle them and so very sophisticated analysis software and supercomputing-level hardware are required.


Relaxed change is a form of satisficing used as a response to problem recognition.


first line management

unit managers, team leaders, first line supervisors. Direct daily tasks of nonmanagerial personnel; decisions often predictable, following well defined set of routine procedures

Characteristics of the American _______ class include lack of education, marginal housing in unsafe neighborhoods, and high levels of injurious consumption


The American social class that is composed of poorly educated individuals with very low incomes who work as unskilled laborers, mostly in minimum-wage jobs, is the _____ class


The American social stratum that is composed of families that neither have high-status heritage nor unusual wealth but has independent business people, corporate managers, and successful professionals who are typically college graduates is known as the _____ class


Aristocratic families that form the social elite in the Untied States belong to the _____ class


To be efficient means?

use resources; people, money, raw material and the like-wisely and cost-effectively


using the Internet to facilitate every aspect of running a business

In considering a large-scale layoff, a manager performs a cost-benefit analysis and determines that profits will be greatest if she proceeds. She is using the ______ approach to guide her decision regarding an ethical dilemma.


Which ethical approach are managers using when among alternatives they prefer the option that results in the best financial performance?

utilitarian approach

______ reflects the extent to which a person focuses on either task and technical concerns or people and social concerns when making decisions.

value orientation

quality management viewpoint

which includes quality control, quality assurance, and total quality management

quality-management viewpoint

which includes quality control, quality assurance, and total quality management, deserves to be considered because of the impact of this kind of thinking on contemporary management perspectives.

Americans with disabilities act

which prohibits discrimination against the disabled and requires organizations to reasonably accommodate an individual's disabilities.

human relations movement

which proposed that better human relations could increase worker productivity

Ariel is an employee in a manufacturing plant who works the graveyard shift, midnight to 8am. One night, she saw one of her managers dumping some chemicals down a storm drain in the parking lot. When she confronted him, he said this was standard procedure for some waste materials to avoid other costly disposal measures. When Ariel wrote a letter about it to the local newspaper she was a(n)


A ______ is a foreign subsidiary that is totally owned and controlled by an organization.

wholly owned subsidiary

GO Sun was a small solar research company in Colorado. It was recently purchased by a much larger alternative energy firm in Germany. Go Sun is now a ______ of the German corporation.

wholly owned subsidiary


working at jobs that require less education than they have

Administrative management

• Concerned with managing the total organization • improve productivity by improving organization

Kohlberg's Theories

• Level 1, pre conventional - follows rules • Level 2, conventional - follows expectations of others • Level 3, post conventional - guided by internal values

Total Quality Management

• Makes continuous improvement a priority • get every employee involved • listen to and learn from customers and employees • use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems

Mary Parker Follett (social worker and social philosopher)

• Organizations should be operated as "communities" -Conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences and find solutions that would satisfy both parties

Multinational corporation

• business firm with operations in several countries

What is different vs. domestic management

• currencies • local taste/preferences • channel of distribution • political risk • 24/7 management • cultural barriers

The Global Economy (positive effects)

• more markets for exports • lower prices • specialization • more competition • growth in emerging markets

Multinational organization

• nonprofit organization with operations in several countries

The Global Economy (negative effects)

• outsourcing • pain in local communities • reliance on foreign countries/government • loss of sovereignty

Theory X- type of managers (McGregor)

• represents a pessimistic, negative view of workers • workers are irresponsible, resistant to change, lack ambition, hate worker, and want to be led

Theory Y- type of managers (McGregor)

• represents an optimistic, positive view of workers • workers are considered capable of accepting responsibility, self-direction, self control, and being creative

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

• self-actualization • esteem • social • safety • physiological • incentives to get a raise for food and water/ provide more so that workers can life a more fulfilling life

Barriers to Diversity

• stereotypes and prejudices • fear of reverse discrimination • resistance to diversity program priorities • unsupportive social atmosphere • lack of support for family demands •lack of support of career building steps

Global economy

• the increasing tendency of the economies of the world to interact with one another as one market instead of many national markets


• the trend of the world economy toward becoming a more interdependent system

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