Control/nutrition/exercise exam review

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"to look back" examines peoples past exposures to explain why some people are affected by a condition and not others


"to look forward" follows groups of healthy people into the future and looks for factors that may have contributes to change in their health

solid fats

- Beef fat, butte fat, stick margarine, shortening, - Unhealthy fats

nutritive sweeteners

- Contribute energy to foods • Provide 4 kcal/g

sodium toxicity

- UL = 2,300 mg/day - average intake approx. 3400mg/day high sodium at risk for hypertension (high blood pressure; increase potassium intake)

vitamin B-6 deficiency

- rarely occurs but signs and symptoms include: dermatitis, anemia, convulsions, depression, and confusion

high-quality protein (complete protein)

-Contains all 9 essential amino acids in amounts that support growth -Most animal products -High-quality plant foods: quinoa and processed soy

Light or lite compared to referenced food

-at least 1/3 fewer calories -contains at least 1/2 the fat of the referenced food

Who's at risk for a Vitamin D deficiency?

-elderly -dark skinned people -breastfed infants without supplementation -lack of sunlight -live above the 40* hemisphere -not using fortified milk

Vitamin B-12 deficiency disorders

-food cobalamin malabsorption -pernicious anemia

plants sterols and stanols:

-plants make small amounts of sterol -plant sterols and stannous aren't well absorbed by the human intestine track, but they can compete with cholesterol for absorption -plant S and S have may reduce cholesterol absorption, which would be beneficial

vitamin B-12 absorption

1.) B-12 bound to animal protein is swallowed and enters the stomach 2.) hydrochloric acid (HCL) separates B-12 from animal protein 3.) stomach secretes IF 4.) B-12 and IF exits the stomach 5.) B-12 binds to IF in duodenum, forming IF-B12 complex 6.) IF/B-12 complex enters pleas cell. IF binds to carrier molecule for transport in the blood stream

Vitamin E; antioxidant function

1.) a cell needs a healthy cell membrane to function properly 2.) free radicals can damage polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes. such damage can weaken the membrane 3.) vitamin E donates a stabilizing particle to the free radical, so it is no longer destructive

vitamin K: blood clotting

1.) liver needs vitamin K to make certain clotting factors 2.) normal conditions 3.) injury to blood vessels; tissues posed 4) inactive platelet and interactive clotting factors in blood activated 5.) prothrom bin-> thrombin 6.) fibrinogen-> fibrin (clot)

scientific steps: basic steps

1.) make observations that gratis questions 2.) formulate hypothesis to explain events 3.) review current published scientific studied that relate to questions 4.) design studies, perform tests, and collect data 5.) analyze data and draw conclusions 6.) share results with peers 7.) conduct more research, the result of which may confirm or refute previous finding

when benson has his blood pressure tested it was normal. based on this info, what's his blood pressure? 70/120, 118/69, 245/60, 80/120


a serving of food supplies 100 kcal from protein. based on this info, how many grams of protein are there in a serving? 25, 400, 125, 100


elsa is a 22 year old women who weights 152 lbs. using the "rule of thumb" method, what is her estimated 34 hr basal energy needs 2469, 1490, 3282, 1056 kcal

1490 kcal

in 2009-2010, protein comprised about __% of the typical Americans total energy intake 10, 15, 20, 5


women dietary adequacy for women


according to my plate, Donovan should consume 3 cups of dairy products daily. which of the following foods should he eat to replace one cup os milk. 1.5 cups bakes beans, 1.5oz cream cheese, 1 cup cottage cheese, 2 oz American cheese

2 oz American cheese

Al for Chloride

2300 mg/day

Maria limits her sodium intake to 2.3 g/day. This amount is equivalent to? 2300, 230, 23,000, 23 mg/day

2300 mg/day

leading caner sites and death: women

25% lung 14% breast 7% pancreas 8% colon/rectum 4% uterus 5% ovary 37% all other cancers

cy is 22 yr old college stucden. According to recommendations of the acceptable macronutrients distribution range, fat should compromise ____% of his total energy each day 15-25, 25-35, 5-15, 35-45


leading causes of death

25.8% all other cases 23.4% heart disease 22% cancer 5.7% chronic lower respiratory infection 5.4%accidents 5.2% stroke

leading cancers sites and death: Men

27% lung 7% panaceas 9% colon/rectum 6% liver 8% prostate 43% all other cancers

the label on a bag of salt-free pretzels indicates that the chips are "low-fat". This means the pretzels provides ___ g of fat or less per serving size: 3, 7, 1, 5


according to the dietary guidelines for Americans, 2010, Americans should limit their cholesterol intake to ____ mg/day less than 50, 100, 200, 300


dietary adequacy for potassium

4700 mg/day

How much iron does the digestive track absorb?


how much of body weight is water?


men dietary adequacy for iron



A clot that breaks lose and travels through the bloodstream.


A collection of similar cells that perform a particular function.

Fat soluble vitamins

A, D, E, K

which of the following Americans have the highest risk of hypertension? non-hispanic Americans, again Americans, Native American, farina Americans

African Americans


All of the chemical reactions that occur within a living organism

bulimia nervosa (BN)

An eating disorder characterized by repeated cycles of bingeing and purging.

water solube vitamins

B and C

Thiamin deficiency

Beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

vitamin A plant sources


systolic pressure

Blood pressure in the arteries during contraction of the ventricles.

vitamin B-6 function

Coenzyme in amino acid metabolism

hereditary hemochromatosis

Common hereditary disorder resulting in excess iron absorption

zinc deficiency

Delayed wound healing, hypogonadism, decr adult hair (axillary, facial, pubic). May predispose to alcoholic cirrhosis.

gestational diabetes

Develops during pregnancy and usually goes away after the baby is born; At rish for type 2 diabetes later in life

Vitamin _____ protects polyunsaturated fatty acids from being damaged by free radicals. D, E, K, B-12


daily protein requirement for healthy adults

EAR= .66g/kg body weight

the __ is responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness or medications. FDA, FTC, NRC, EPA


the ___ is responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of meds? FDA, EPA, NRC, FTC


which of the following substances carries cholesterol away from tissue? insoluble fiber, insulin, LDL, HDL


subcutaneous fat

Helps insulate Protects muscles and bones from injury

iron toxicity


vitamin K deficiency

May occur in newborns or people with impaired liver function or absorption, on long term antibiotic therapy -vitamin K injections is routinely given to newborns

what is BMI?

Numerical value of relationship between body weight and risk of certain chronic health problems

The amount of vitamin C that meets about 98% of the population's need for the nutrient is the _____ for the vitamin. ERA, RDA, UL, % DV


daily protein recommendation (RDA) for healthy adults

RDA= .8 g/kg bosy weight

allergic reaction

The body's exaggerated immune response to an internal or surface agent.

taste buds

The specialized sensory receptors for taste that are located on the tongue and inside the mouth and throat.

endogenous amino acids

Those available from the amino acid pool

last week, Colin didn't consume the recommended amount of vitamin C for a couple of days never less, he's unlikely to develop scurvy, the vitamin C deficiency disease


dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)

Uses multiple low-energy x-rays to scan body Provides detailed "picture" of internal structures Problems: Very expensive and not widely available outside of clinical settings

Dorthy is a 65yr old woman with pernicious anemia. what treatment would her Dr. recommend? Vitamin B-12 injections, vegan diet, Vitamin C supplements, iron supplements

Vitamin B-12 injections


Vitamin D deficiency in children results in soft bones that don't grow properly and become deformed

Anna is 17 years old and pregnant. she has difficulty earning enough money to support herself and she was diagnosed with iron deficiency. Anna should enroll in the ____ program. FDA, FDIC, WIC, HWHB



a coenzyme used in fatty acid synthesis, amino acid metabolism, and the formation of glucose


a collection of tissue that performs a specific function

iron (Fe)

a component of hemoglobin and myoglobin


a condition characterized by excessive deposits of fat on the body

fatty liver

a condition in which fats build up in the liver and cannot be broken down can be reversible if the person avoids alcohol

peer review

a critical analysis of the study and its findings conducted by another group of scientists in the same field


a food or beverage that contains more key beneficial nutrients in relation to its total calories


a lipid consisting of a glycerol bound to two fatty acids and a phosphate group.


a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is


a persons usual way of living, influences risk if chronic disease


abnormally low level of sugar in the blood

how many mineral elements are essential nutrients?

about 15


accept hydrogen ions


acid inactive salivary amglase


addition of any nutrient to a food to boost its level of nutrient

dietary supplement health and education act of 1994 (DSHEA), a dietary supplement

adds to a persons dietary intake and contains one or more dietary ingredient, including nutrients or botanicals (herbs or other plant materials)

total body fat

adipose tissue, essential fat in cell membranes, certain bones, and nervous tissue

which of the following menu items doesn't contain complementary protein? kidney beans mixed with rice, pita bread dipped in mashed chickpeas, salad made with apples, pears, and grapes, whole wheat crackers spread with soy nut butter

alad made with apples, pears, and grapes


altering a protein's natural shape and function by exposing it to conditions such as heat, acids, and physical agitation

exogenous amino acids

amino acids from dietary sources

physiological dose

amount of a nutrient that is within the range of safe intake and enables the body to function optimally


amount of a vitamin or mineral that is at least 10 times the recommended amount of the nutrient

Niacin Toxicity

amounts (megadoses) can cause GI ulcers, vision loss, and liver damage

alpha-linolenic acid

an essential omega-3 fatty acid

muscle dysmorphia

an unhealthy preoccupation with the body being too small or not muscular enough

what is the highest mortality rate of any psychological disorder?

anorexia nervosa

An _____ is a substance that protects vulnerable molecules from free radicals? irons, oncogene, enzyme, antioxidant


chemical bond

attraction that holds atoms together to form a molecule

type 1 diabetes

autoimmune disease beta cells stop making insulin source of insulin (usually injections) is regarded

EER *estimated energy requirement)

average daily energy intake that meets needs of a healthy person who is maintaining his/her weight

absorption of dietary B-12

b-12 in foods is bound to protein

low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

bad cholesertol carries cholesterol to tissue contibues to arterial plaque, especially if oxidized

the __ of a food describes the extent to which the body is able to absorb yer nutrients from the food and use them: digestively, essentiality, homeostasis, bioavailability


mechanical digestion

biting and grinding actions break and mash food into smaller pieces

which of the following had a higher pH than the pH of pure water? gastric juice, orange juice, tomato juice, blood



blood clot

lipoprotein profile

blood test that determines total cholesterol, HDL, & LDL cholesterol, triglyceride levels

according to the "set point theory" body fat level is genetically determined and difficult to alter, saturated sat is strongly includes the rate ar which he or she loses wight, body wight is influences primarily by environmental factors, metabolic rate remains the same-regardless of environmental factors or physical factors

body fat level is genetically determined and difficult to alter

iron deficiency

body iron stores are Lowe interferes with hormonal growth, behavior, immune function, cardiovascular function and energy metabolism

fat-free mass

body tissue, mineral-rich tissue, and protein-rich tissue


body water depiction

calcium (C) functions

bone formation and maintenance, blood clotting, nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, cell metabolism

skeletal system

bones provides support, movement, and protection. Bones also store certain minerals and reproduce red blood cells

the ___ is the base on the relationship between weight and the risk of chronic health problems associated with excess body fat adjusted adiposity factor, VO2 max, body mass index, waist/hop variable

bosy mass index


breaking down molecules

basal metabolism includes energy weeds for digesting food, maintaining muscle tone, breathing, performing physical activity



building up molecules

which of the following substances is a mild diuretic? calcium, caffeine, iron, phenylalanine


which of the following substances is a phytochemical? caffeine, zinc, glucose, pantothenic


nonessential amino acids

can be made by the body; there are 11/20

essential fatty acids __ be made in the body


essential amino acids

cannot be manufactured by the body; must be obtained from food; there are 9/20

Generally, epidemiological studies establish causation without experiment, cannot determine cause-effect relationship, involve in-vitro experimentation, prove pros correlation

cannot determine cause-effect relationship

a serving of food supplies 18 protein, 20g carbohydrate, 7g fat, 18 mg vitamin e, 2 mg iron, and 100 g water. which of the following statement is true about a serving of the food? carbohydrate provides the most food energy, fat provides the most food energy, vitamin e provides the most food energy, fat provides about 75% of total calories

carbohydrate provides the most food energy

6 classes of nutrients

carbohydrate, lipids proteins vitamins minerals water

Eric's waist circumference is 42 inches. Based on this information, he has a high risk of Low LDL cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, Addison's disease, elevated HDL cholesterol

cardiovascular disease

which of the following foods inset usually responsible for causing allergic reactions? wheat and shellfish, fish/shellfish, peanuts and other nuts, carrots and celery

carrots and celery

Chromium deficiency

causes impaired glucose tolerance

the __ is the smallest living functional unit of an organism atom, mitochondrion, organelle, cell


if extracellular water has an excess of sodium ions extracellular fluids mores into cells, cells lose intracellular fluid and shrink, sodium ions move into cells, excess zinc and fluoride ions are eliminated in feces

cells lose intracellular fluid and shrink

epithelial tissue

cells that form lining and coverings (skin)

connective tissue

cells that hold together. protect and support organs (bone, fat, and blood)

Which of the following statements is true? in children Vitamin A deficiency is called rickets, Vitamin A is necessary for calcium and phosphorus absorption, certain carotenoids are precursors for performed Vitamin A, retinol is only found in plant foods

certain carotenoids are precursors for performed Vitamin A

disordered eating

chaotic and abnormal food-related practices occurs when a person is under stress or wants to loss weight quickly

Jeremy would like to know the amount of vitamin C that's recommended for his life stage group. He can obtain this info by: checking the RDA label for vitamin c, reading the ingredients list on a food label, using an exchange list developed by nutrition experts, reading nutrition facts panels to determine the %DV for vitamin C

checking the RDA label for vitamin c

Freddy is a lactovegetarian. which of the following foods does he eat? cheese, eggs, chicken, fish


the atoms of a compound, such as sugar, are held together by chemical bonds, osmotic attraction, basic solutes, active enzymes

chemical bonds


chemicals in food become airborne and stimulate nasal passages, contributing to sense of taste


chemicals necessary for proper body functioning


chronic condition characterized by abnormally high blood pressure levels


chronic disease characterized by low bone masses and reduced bone structure

which of the following characteristics is a risk factor for hypertension? again ancestory, underweight, high-potassium diet, cigarette smoking

cigarette smoking

cardiovascular system

circulate blood throughout the body

Hillary would like to add more soluble fiber to her diet. Which of the following foods should she add? margarine, red meats, white bread, citrus fruits

citrus fruits

Vitamin B-12 as medicine?

claims include help for symptoms of PMS

Riboflavin function

coenzyme for metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid, and amino acid

which of the following kinds of studies would be the best to use when investigating whether cig smoking influences weight gain? conventional, double-blind, cohort, single-blind


cohort study

collects information about people, analyzes the information, and measures changes in variables of a group of people over time

Marasmic Kwashiorkor

combination of chronic energy deficit and chronic or acute protein deficiency

Having a control group enables researchers to compare findings of the control group with those of the experimental group, avoid using harmful interventions when testing control subjects' repose, explore possible hypothesis for future research efforts, provides specific treatments to participants of the group

compare findings of the control group with those of the experimental group

underwater weighing

compares weight on land to weight when completely submerged in a tank of water


complex carbohydrates contains more than 10 monosaccharides


complex organic compound -isnt made by the body made in amounts are enough to maintain good health -occurs naturally in common foods -causes a deficiency disorder when its missing from the diet -resorts health, if the deficiency disorder is treated early by supplying the missing substance

what are proteins

complex organic molecules composed of carbon hydrogen and oxygen sometimes nitrogen

manganese (Mn)

component and activator for many enzymes play a role in wound healing, metabolism, bone and cartilage formation and antioxidant functions

pantothenic acid

component of coenzyme A, which is critical for energy metabolism and fatty acid production in the Boyd

Sulfur (S) Functions

component of the amino acid methionine and cysteine, and the vitamins biotin and thiamin essential for the activity of many enzymes and as part of antioxidant molecules


composed of 3 fatty acids attached to glycerol "backbone" 95% of lipids in the body are in the form (fats and oils)

in vivo experiments

conducted in whole living organisms, such as lab rodents

in intro experiments or "test tube" experiments

conducting on parts derived from living, organisms, such as cells

which of the following statements is true? foods that are high in simple carbohydrates are fattening bc they usually contain a lot of protein, people can gain body fat when they consume more micronutrients in relation to their macronutrient intake, high fiber diets are associated with greater weight gain in adults bc fiber-rich foods are less filling than foods that contain sugar, consuming more protein that you need can result in any increase in your body fat

consuming more protein that you need can result in any increase in your body fat

omega 6 fatty acids actions

control inflammation and blood clotting role in heart disease is controlled

pyloric sphincter

controls rate of chyme release into small intestine

which if the following food is naturally a rich source of polyunsaturated acids? ground beed, raw carrots, whole milk, corn oil

corn oil

EAR (estimated average requirement)

daily amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 50% of healthy people who are in a particular life stage/sex group

good source of riboflavin

dairy foods, liver, and enriched grains

dehydration can cause cirrhosis, death, hypoglycemia, diabetes


Al (Adequate Intake)

dietary recommendations for nutrients that systems don't have enough info to establish RDA

Which of the following statements is true? dietary supplements may interact negatively without substances a person takes, physical and dietitians don't recommend dietary supplements for their patients, people who develop side effects after taking dietary supplements can report their experience to the GAO, according to the legal definition developed by the FDA "dietary supplements" is a food that influences metabolism

dietary supplements may interact negatively without substances a person takes

carotenoids as medicine>

diets rich in fruits and veggies are associated with lower risk of certain cancers, CVD, and age-related muscular degeneration (AMB)


diffusion of a solvent such as water, through a selectively permeable membrane

a sugar composed of 2 monosachharides



disease process; lipid-containing plaques build up listed arteries

Which of the following statements is true? binge eating disorder is the most serious eating disorder bc 36% of people commits suicide, according to the DSM-5- their are 3 main types of eating disorders, young women are more likely to develop muscular dysmorphia than young men, disordered eating practices are usually temporary and occur when under stress

disordered eating practices are usually temporary and occur when under stress

signs of anorexia nervosa

distorted body image severely restricts food intake overly concerned about becoming fat/gaining weight avoids "fattening foods" after eating, engages in one or more purging effort

Vitamin C as medicine?

doesn't prevent common cold but may reduce the duration and severity of the infection reduces oxidation of LDL cholesterol (mixed) results. more research needed to determine whether high doses help reduce CDV risk


donate hydrogen ions

neutral tube defects

during the first few weeks after conception, the neutral tube forms neutral tube developed into the brain and spinal cord

which of the following vitamins have antioxidant activity? k, e, b-6, d


saturated fatty acid

each carob atom within chair hold 2 hydrogen atoms

Which of the following statements is true? protein-energy malnutrition affects babies while breastfeeding, edema is a major source of protein-energy malnutrition, compared to children in other parts of the world-impoverished children on the us have the highest risk of gluten-energy malnutrition, in the un=s teens have the greatest risk of protein-energy malnutrition

edema is a major source of protein-energy malnutrition

placebo effect

effect that occurs when a person reports a positive reaction to a treatment even through they received the placebo

example of bases

eggs baking soda ammonia

iron, calcium and carbon are: solvents, compound its, elements, bases



energy (fats), physical growth and functioning components and maintenance


energy (most forms)

empty calories

energy supplied by unhealthy solid fats, added sugars and/or alcohol

energy density

energy value off a food in relation to the foods weight


enzymes that break down lipids

acid-base balance

equilibrium between acid and base concentrations in the body fluids

major miners

essential mineral elects required in amounts of 100 mg or more per day

trace minerals

essential mineral elements required in amounts that are less than 100 mg per day

the exchange system allows you to: interpret nutrition info on food labels, estimate protein intake, calculate your DRIs, predict your risk of serious chronic diseases such as diabetes

estimate protein intake


evenly distributed mixture of 2 or more compounds

Vitamin E toxicity

excess may interfere with vitamin K's role in blood clotting sign: uncontrolled bleeding

central body obesity

excessive abdominal (visceral) fat

in their effort to avoid regaining the wight they have lost, member of the national weight registry tend to eat high-protein diets, skip meals- especially breakfast, exercise on average 60 minuets daily, weigh themselves once a month

exercise on average 60 minuets daily

double-blind study

experimental design in which neither the participants nor the researchers are aware of each participants group assignment


fake treatments, such as a sham pill, injection, or medical procedure

Ounce per ounce, cottage cheese contains more calcium than plain yogurt. T F


People can nourish their hair by using shampoo that contains protein.


according to results of most scientific research, megadoses of vitamin C don't prevent the common cold


according to the latest US department of agriculture foos guide, fruits and veggies are combined into one food group


animal foods such as meat and eggs are almost 100% protein


as people age, their muscle cells turn into fat cells


cellulite is a unique type of fat that can be eliminated by taking certain dietary supplements


compared to table sugar, honey is a natural and far more nutritious sweetener


digestion begins in the stomach


in general, plants are good sources of iron because the plant pigment chlorophyll contains iron


in most instances, natural vitamins have the same activity in the body as synthetic vitamins


increasing your intake of saturated fat will reduce your risk of heart disease


on average, Americans consume 60% of their calories from fat


once per once, sugar provides more energy than starch


popular health related magazines typically publish articles that have been peer-reviewed


registered dietarian nutritionist generally recommend that healthy people take amino acid supplements to increase their protein intake


scientists use anecdotes as scientific evidence to support their findings


the average American consumes 80% of his or her energy intake as refined sugars


the food and drug administration developed dietary guidelines for Americans


the safest way to loose a lot of wright and keep it off is to follow a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, such as the Atkins diet


to lose weight, use regular, stick margarine instead of butter because it has 25% fewer kilocalories per teaspoon


undigested foods rots in your stomach, causing toxic materials to build up in your tissues


visceral fat

fat stored within the abdominal cavity in association with the internal abdominal organs

which of the following food is the most nutrient-dense per serving?soft margarine, cheese nachos, fat-free milk, iceberg lettuce

fat-free milk

what do saturated fats to to HDL and LDL?

fats increase

omega 3 sources

fatty fish, canola oil, walnuts, flaxseed

vitamin D rich foods

fatty fish, fish liver oils, and fortified milk


flap that folds down over the trachea (windpipe) during swallowing

the atom is the smallest living unit in the body


the human intestinal can't digest certain combinations of foods, such as mixtures if simple carbohydrates and protein


the results of clinical studies indicate that eating too much sugar makes children hyperactive


vitamins aren't a source of kilocalories


ketone bodies

forms as a result of incomplete fat breakdown fasting or staving

the human body needs vitamin K to: release the energy stored in glucose, synthesis DNA, absorb phosphorus from blood, from active blood clotting factors

from active blood clotting factors

"fruit sugar" or "levulose"


which of the following is true? most forms of fiber are easily digested in the human small intestine, fruits and veggies are sources of fiber, people may increase their risk of type 2 diabetes by eating more fiber-rich foods, the typical American consumes recommended amounts of fiber

fruits and veggies are sources of fiber

Part of milk sugar (lactose)


Katies is pregnant. she has type 1 diabetes and often has difficulty controlling her blood-glucose level. based on this, Katies is most likely too give birth to a baby that has birth defects, requires more vitamin b (calcium) and iron than a pregnant women without diabetes, require more glycogen than she needed before becoming pregnant, have a lower risk of gestational hypertension

give birth to a baby that has birth defects

primary energy source for cells referred to as "dextrose" or "blood sugar"


which is the primary fuel for active muscles? lactose, fructose, sucrose, glucose



glucose + fructose


glucose + galactose


glucose + glucose

High-density lipoprotein (HDL)

good cholesterol transports excess cholesterol away from tissues and arteries to the liver for removal from the body.

5 general food group

grains dairy protein-rich foods fruits vegetables

glycemic load (GL)

grams of carbohydrate in a serving of food multiplied by the food's glycemic index

vitamin K rich foods

green leafy veggies

control group

group being studied that does not receive the treatment

treatment group

group being studied that receives a treatment

organ system

group of organs that work together to perform a specific function

diabetes mellitus ("diabetes")

group of serious chronic disease characteristics by abnormal glucose, fat, and protein metabolism


hardening of the artery

unsaturated fatty acid

hate acid that's missing hydrogen atoms, and as a result, the molecule has 1 or more double bond in the carbon chain


have carbons arranged in rings, which marks them a more chemically complex type of carbon

enriched grain

have specific amount of iron and 4 b vitamin added to them

risk factor for eating disorders include perusing a college career, having a history of frequency attempts to lose wight, training to become a master chief, being a physically active-adolescent male

having a history of frequency attempts to lose wight


having extra weight from bone, muscle, body fat, and/or body water

male % body fat

healthy: 13-21% overweight: 22-25% obsessed:26-31% extremely obese: 32% and above

Female % body fat

healthy: 23-31% overweight: 32-37% obsessed: 38-42% extremely obese:43% and above


help transport lipids in the lymphatic/immune system and in the blood stream

lymphatic system

helps maintain the fluid balance, absorbs many fat-soluble nutrients, and defends the body against diseases


helps mix chyme from the stomach to the small intestine


high blood pressure

Niacin as a medicine

high doses can lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol

UL (Tolerable Upper Intake Level)

highest average amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to harm most people when the amount is consumed daily

the tolerable upper limit for a nutrient is the: amount needed to meet the needs to 98% of the population, precise amount proven to cure nutrients deficiency disorders in humans, highest average amount that is unlikely to harm most people when consuming, minimum amount of the nutrient that can be tolerated on an empty stomach when consumed as a dietary supplement

highest average amount that is unlikely to harm most people when consuming

which of the following is true? sucrose consists of 1 molecule of glucose and 1 molecule of galactose, most animal foods are good sources of carbohydrate, honey is naturally a rich source of fructose, high glucose corn syrup is commonly used to sweeten foods- such as regular soft drinks

honey is naturally a rich source of fructose


hormone secrete by small intensive that reduces hunger


hormone, secreted by adipose cells, that reduces hunger and inhibits fat storage in the body


hormone, secreted mainly by stomach, that stimulates eating behavior

Certain organs and tissues use _____ to send messages to target cells lacteals, bonds, enzymes, hormones



how easily a substance (solute) dissolves in a solvent, such as water

Vitamin E deficiency

impaired immune system function nerve damage - loss of neuromuscular -blindness

fluoride (Fl-)

in addition to its function in bone, its prsence in plaque and saliva inhibits demineralization and enhances remineralization of early carious lesions (cavaties); found in Fluoridated water/tea

Which of the following statements is true? in the US a person can obtain a PhD in nutrition by only graduating from an accredited institution of higher learning, pseudoscience is the practicing of medicine of peoer training and credentials, in general registered dietarians are reliable sources of nutrition information, people who describe themselves as nutritionists are dietarians

in general registered dietarians are reliable sources of nutrition information

Which of the following statements is true? many fatty acids in food are water soluble, a fatty acid is a polymer of glucose molecules, in nature fatty acids typically have even number of carbon atoms, the omega g end of a fatty acid molecule is the acid partition of the molecule

in nature fatty acids typically have even number of carbon atoms

substancial agriculture

includes farming methods that meet the Demond for more food without depleting nutritional resources of harming the environment

what do trans fats to to HDL and LDL?

increase LDL but lower HDL

food insecurity

individuals and families concerned about running out of food or not having enough money to buy more

case-control study

individuals who have a health condition are compared with individuals with similar characteristics who do not have the condition


infant in abruptly weakened from breast milk and given low-quality protein diet when younger siblings are born

evidence based

information that is based

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)

involuntary skeletal muscular activities such as fidgeting


iron-containing protein in muscle cells that controls oxygen from RBC


iron-containing proteins in RBCs that transports oxygen to tissues and come CO2 away from tissues


irreversible condition affecting infants born to women who were iodine deficient during pregnancy

liver cirrhosis

irreversible hardening of the liver; can cause liver failure

compared to unsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acid is less likely to undergo oxidation, is comprised of glucose molecules, contains no double bonds, has a kink in its molecular structure that keeps it from being straight

is less likely to undergo oxidation

which of the following periodicals features peer-review articles? National Geographic magazines, journal of the Americas medical association, mens journal, ladies home journal

journal of the Americas medical association

vitamin C toxicity

kidney excrete excess amounts of the vitamins and exudate a by-product of vitamin C metabolism

urinary system

kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra kindly filters out unneeded substances from blood and help maintain proper fluid balance

folate early deficiency

lack of folate affects cells, such as red blood cells (RBCs) that rapidly divide

iron-deficiency anemia

lack of hemoglobin in RBCs, poor oxygen transport

low-quality protein (incomplete protein)

lacks or has inadequate amounts of 1 or more of the essential amino acids. Most plant foods and gelatin (animal tissue byproduct)

a substance has a pH that's lower than the pH of water but higher than the pH or gastric juice. Based on this info, the substance is household ammonia, egg whites, lemon juice, baking soda

lemon juice

example of acids

lemon juice alcohol tomatos milk

Dietary recommendations for saturated fat?

less than 10% of total calories

LDL cholesterol

less than 100 mg/dL


less than 150 mg/dL

Total Cholesterol

less than 200 mg/dL

Sodium intake according to American Dietary Guidelines.

less than 2300 mg/day


lesser component that is dissolved in the solvent

which of the following foods contain the most water by weight? lettuce, stick margarine, avocados, baked white potato skin


the ___ is the primary site for nonessential amino acid production in humans pancreas, pituitary gland, small intestine, liver


vitamin A toxicity

liver damage teratogen- birth defects excess beta-carotene (carotenemia)

gastroesophageal sphincter

located at the end of the esophagus; controls opening and closing of stomach

what do polyunsaturated fats to to HDL and LDL?

lower LDL and lower HDL in some people

what do monounsaturated fats to to HDL and LDL?

lower LDL but not HDL

Folic acid, B-6, B-12, as medicine?

lowers blood homocysteine levels when they're taken togwthwe


lubricates and protects stomach wall

respiratory system

lungs enable the body to exchange gases, mainly oxygen and carbon dioxide

partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs)

made by a manufacturing process that adds hydrogen atoms to unsaturated fatty acids

Table Sugar (sucrose)

made from refining sugar cane or sugar beets


main phospholipid in foods, such as egg yolks, liver, wheat germ, peanut butter, and soy

in the body, vitamin A helps reduce collagen synthesis, insulin enters cells, the small intestine absorbs calcium and phosphorus, maintain epithelial cell

maintain epithelial cell


maintenance of fluid balance, regulation of body temp, transports and elimination of substances, participant in many chemical reactions

potassium (K) function

major positively charged ions intracellular fluid needed for nerve impulse, contracting muscles, and kidney functions


matter that forms when 2 or more atoms interact and are held together

very low density lipoproteins (VLDL)

may contribute to atherosclerosis carry triglycerides to the cells

chromium (Cr)

may enhance insulins action on cell membranes holds the door open for glucose entry into cells

vitamin E as medicine?

may increase risk of prostate cancer (men) and hemorrhagic stroke

sodium deficiency

may occur when more than

selenium deficiency

may occur with severe digestive tract conditions

bioelectrical impedance

measures conduction of a weak electrical current through the body

glycemic index (GI)

method of classifying carbohydrate-rich food by comparing the rise in blood glucose


mixture of gastric juice and partially digested food


molecules that contain 2 or more different elements

the simplest sugar


HDL cholesterol

more than or equal to 60 mg/dL

type 2 diabetes

most common type insulin resistance cells

where does digestion begin?


simple diffusion

movement of substances from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration

muscular systen

muscles enables movement to occur snd they provide support snd protection


muscular contractions that move small amounts of foods and beverages through the intestinal track

GI track

muscular tube that extends from the mouth to the anus



vitamin B-6 toxic (megadose)

nerve damage

what does sodium (Na) conduct?

nerve impulses

nervous system

nervous system cells (neurons) in the brain, spinal cord, and throughout the body transmit info and responses by electrical snd chemical signals

megadoses of __ may be used to reduce elevated LDL cholesterol levels thiamin, Vitamin K, biotin, Nicotinic acid

nicotinic acid

Vitamin A deficiency

night blindness certain cells produce too much keratin xerophthalmia- "dry eyes"

vitamin K toxicity

non known for natural forms synthetic forms are toxic

chromium toxicity


dietary supplements are regulated as food ____ not as drugs



not able to be changed age genetics

vitamin C functions

not part of a concenzyme but needed for collagen synthesis antioxidant activity other major roles

essential nutrient

nutrient that must be supplied by food

Mason would like to compare the saturated fat contents of salad dressings. To obtain this information, he should read the ___ on the products' labels. nutrition facts pannel, country of origin, structure/functions, claims, list of ingredients

nutrition facts panel

Vitamin E rich sources

nuts, seeds, and plant oils


obtaining adequate amounts of nutrients while balancing calorie intake with calorie expenditure

chronic undernutrition

occurs when a persons long-term energy and nutrition intakes are insufficient

which of the following is true? the bladder makes bile and stores it in the liver, older adults generally have fewer taste buds than children, foods that taste bitter are generally good energy sources because of their high carbohydrate contents, segmentation enables chyme to move through the esophagus

older adults generally have fewer taste buds than children

in the U.S., food insecurity is most likely to affect?

older adults on fixed income

linoleic acid

omega-6 fatty acid


only made by animals, including the human liver the body uses it to make vitamin D, bile, and steroid hormones

endocrine system

organs and tissues that produce hormones

Which of the following statements is true? oxidized LDL contributes to arterial plaque build-up, a diet that is high in saturated fat helps reduce high blood cholesterol levels, food that contains cholesterol should be avoided because the substances are toxic to human cells, high levels of HDL cholesterol are associated with increased risk of heart disease

oxidized LDL contributes to arterial plaque build up

which of the following hormones acts to increase calcium absorption and decrease urinary calcium excretion? insulin, glucagon, antidiuretic hormone, parathyroid hormone

parathyroid hormone

niacin function

part of 2 coenzymes needed to obtain energy for macronutrients

vitamin B-12 functions

part of coenzymes needed for: folate metabolism maintenance of myelin sheaths

thiamin function

part of involved in release of energy from carbohydrates metabolism of certain amino acids synthesis of neurotransmitters

selenium (Se)

part of several proteins called selenoproteins many are antioxidants may reduce risk of certain cancers

magnesium (mg) function

participates in more than 300 chemical reactions regulates muscle and nerve function maintenance of strong bones strength in immune system

which of the following good is a poor source of essential amino acids? peanuts, fat-free milk, sesame seeds, peach


which of the following foods are legumes? potatoes, onions, peanuts, mushrooms


niacin deficiency

pellagra: dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, death


people with diabetes manipulate body weight by skipping insulin injections or using less insulin than prescribed

the chemical attraction between the acid group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid can form a fatty acid chain, partially hydrogenated protein, glycoside linkage, peptide bond

peptide bod


peptide secreted by intestines that reduces hunger

Night Eating Syndrome (NES)

person consumes considerable amount of calories during evening and overnight


personal characteristics or other feature that changes and can influence an outcome

nitrogen balance (nitrogen equilibrium)

positive nitrogen balance: body retains more nitrogen than it loses

which of the following foods in not nutrient-dense? orange juice, fresh strawberries, romaine lettuce, potato chips

potato chips

according to the U.S. department todays Americans eat more ___? whole grains, poultry, red meats, eggs



pressure in artery when heart contrasts to pump blood throughout the body


pressure in artery, in between beats, when heart is not contracting


processes and store many nutrients

organic foods

produced without the use of antibiotics, hormones, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides


produces and secretes many digestive enzymes and bicarbonate ions

reproductive system

producing children


promoting useless medical treatments


protein that catalyzes (speeds up) chemical reactions but isn't altered during the process

eating disorder

psychological disturbance that lead to certain physiological changes and serious health complication Anorexia nervosa bulimia nervosa bindge-eating disorder

riboflavin deficiency

rarely occurs

bindge-eating disorder (BED)

recurrent episodes of overeating that are NOT followed by purging


red raised bumps on skin

omega 3 actions

reduces inflammation, blood clotting and blood pressure may reduce risk of heart disease and stroke

vitamin D is needed for

reducing urinary calcium excretion increasing calcium and ohisohate absorption

parathyroid hormone (PTH)

regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism

in the human body, water is involved in regulating body temp, protecting DNA from oxidizing agent, making mineral nutrients, providing energy for physical activity

regulating body temp


regulation of body process


regulation of fluid balance, structural and functional components

catabolic reactions __ energy


absorptive cells

remove nutrients from chyme and transfer them into intestinal blood or lymph

to reduce her intake of added sugars, Isabella should consume energy drink instead of coffee, consume more refines sources of carbohydrates, replace regular soft franks with plain water, increase her intake of beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup

replace regular soft franks with plain water


replacement of some nutrients that are lost driving processing


report of personal experiment

iodine (I)

required for normal thyroid function and production of thyroid hormone

anabolic reaction __ energy


single-blind study

researchers know which subjects are in the treatment and control group


resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland

protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)

results when diet lacks energy and high-quality protein

vitamin A animal sources

retinol most active form -liver and fish oils

which os the following kinds of studies would be the best to use to id lifestyle factors that relate to the development of liver cancer in an adult population? single-bind study, double-blind, experimental, retrospective study

retrospective study

which of the following is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process riboflavin, vitamin D, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid


chemical digestion

saliva mixes and lubricates food


salivary amylase digests some Starch


saturated fats and trans fats added sugars and sodium


scaly skin rash


scientific study of nutrients and how the body uses them

possible essential minerals

scientists have not fully determined their roles in the body

Vitamin C deficiency

scurvy, hemorrhagic diathesis, poor wound healing

chyme is

semi-solid liquid formed by the partial digestion of food in the stomach


sense that enough food was eaten

Daily Values (DV)

set of nutrient intake standards developed for labeling purposes

anorexia nervosa (AN)

severe psychological disturbance characterized by self-imposed starvation

calcitonin enhances bone tissue loss, signals osteoblasts to remove calcium from blood, increases the body's rate of potassium excretion, enables glucose to enter cells

signals osteoblasts to remove calcium from blood

integumentary system

skin nails and hair

where is most nutrients digested and absorbed?

small intestines


small molecules that regulate chemical reactions by interacting with enzyme-coenzyme complex that enables the reaction to occur


smallest amount if a nutrient that maintains a defined level of nutritional health


smallest living functional unit in an organism

which of the following is a polysaccharide? high-fructose corn syrup, soluble fiber, laces, glucose

soluble fiber

large intestine

some soluble fiber and undigested carbohydrates are fermented

RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance)

standards for recommended daily intakes that meet needs of 98% of healthy people


starving= extreme weight loss

deficiency disease

state of health that occurs when a nutrient is missing from the diet

subcutaneous fat doesn't: protect against minor bruising, stimulate red blood cell production, insulate the body against cold temps, store energy

stimulate red blood cell production

where does chemical digestion of protein begin?



storage form of carbohydrate (glucose) in plants


storage from carbohydrate (glucose) in humans and other nails


stores bile that aids in fat digestion

the primary function of an adipose cell: transporting cholesterol within tissue, storing fat, making insulin, metabolizing glycogen

storing fat


structures within a cell that perform specific functions


study of cells and body structures functions


study of cells and other body structures


study of composition and characteristics of matter


study of how a person's genetic makeup affects the way his or her body responds to food


study of how nutrients and other food components can affect one's genetic expression


study of how the composition and characteristics of matter and changes that can occur to it

human physiology

study of how the human body functions`

what kind of fat insulates the body and protects muscles and bones from bumps and bruises? intracellular, cellulite, viscerale, subcutaneous



substance found in plants that are not classified as nutrients (nonnutrients) but may be beneficial to humans health

the simplest form if a carbohydrate


bariatric surgery

surgical reduction of gastric capacity to treat morbid obesity

When she sampled a spoonful of hot soup, Bekha burnt the tip of her tongue. During the 24 hours that followed the injury, Bekha had difficulty detecting foods that tasted meaty, cold, sweet, sour


5 tastes

sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami

folic acid

synthetic form of folate

air displacement

technique to assess body composition by calculating the body volume from the air replaced by an individual sitting inside a small chamber

skinfold thickness

technique to assess body composition by measuring a double thickness of skin at specific body sites

which of the following is true? the FDA can recall a dietary supplement when there is evidence its harmful, the EPA regulates the labeling of dietary supplements, manufavtures of dietary supplements inform the FTC about negative health reports that may have resulted from use of their product, medical herbs must undergo testing for safety and effectiveness by the FDA before they may be marketed

the FDA can recall a dietary supplement when there is evidence its harmful


the action of causing something

which of the following statements is true? a group of scientists at the academy of DRIs-recommended dietary allowances meets the nutrient needs of 5% of healthy people, the adult AMDR for carbohydrates is 45-60% of total energy intake, nutrient requirements are the same, regardless of a persons age or sex

the adult AMDR for carbohydrates is 45-60% of total energy intake

copper (Cu)

the body uses copper to make several enzymes that act as antioxidants copper is also involved in iron metabolism, immune function, and collagen production

Which of the following statements is true? hydrolyzed HDL is toxic lipoprotein that contributes to CVD, all forms of LDL cholesterol are considered unhealthy because they increase the risk of diabetes, VL LDLs transport most cholesterol in blood to the liver for disposal, the cholesterol carried by oxidized LDL is taken up by certain arterial cells and deposited into plaque

the cholesterol carried by oxidized LDL is taken up by certain arterial cells and deposited into plaque


the class of lipoproteins from absorptive call and enter lacteal of villus

nutritional genomics

the complex interactions amount gene functioning, dietary choices, and the environment


the extent to which the body can absorb and use a nutrient


the form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides the major source of energy for body tissues. When its level is low, we feel hunger.

night blindness

the inability to see in dim light or at night early sign of deficiency of vitamin A

nutrition facts panel

the label on a food package that contains the nutrition information required by the FDA.- energy and nutrient contents on packaged foods

basal metabolism

the minimum amount of calories used for vital physiological activities after fating and resting for 12 hours

which of the following statements about food labels is true? the nutrition facts panels provides info about total carbohydrates in a serving of food, the nutrition facts panel includes info about a food glycogen content, the list of ingredients on food packages

the nutrition facts panels provides info about total carbohydrates in a serving of food

chloride (Cl-) function

the primarily negatively-charged ions found in extracellular fluid essential for maintaining proper fluid and acid-base balance


the primary component


the process by which molecules in food are broken down into smaller ones; requires decomposition reactions

chemical reaction

the process that changes the atomic arrangement of molecules


the relationship between variables


the removal of nitrogen-containing group from an inner amino acid


the smallest functional structure in a living organism


the study of the occurrence, distribution, and determinants of health and disease in a population

which of the following statements is true? the traditional American-American diet often contains unhealthy amounts of fat and sodium, according to Islamic dietary law; chicken is a prohibited food, the typical asain diet usually inculses plenty of milk and milk products, according to jewish dietary laws; caffeinated beverages shouldnt be consumed

the traditional American-american diet often contains unhealthy amounts of fat and sodium


the use of living things- plants, animals, microfiber- to manufacture new products

metabolic water

the water formed as a by-product of our body's metabolic reactions

the__ gland produces the primary hormone that controls the metabolic rate hypothalamus, adrenal, thyroid, salivary



tiny projections that line the small intestine and have absorptive cells

water intoxication

too much water consumed at a time or conditions in which kidneys have difficulty filtering water from blood


tough protein found in hair, nails, and outmost layer of skin excess keratin: skin becomes bumpy and tough

if the RDA/Al for a mineral is 30mg/day, how should it be classified? nonessential mineral, trace mineral, major mineral, possible essential mineral

trace mineral


transfer of the nitrogen-containing group from an unneeded amino acid to a carbon skeleton to form an amino acid

what can plaque result in?

trombus, an asbolus, and cardiovascular disease

Americans typically consume more protein from animal sources than from plant food


By conducting a prospective epidemiological study, medical researchers can determine risk factors that may influence health.


Egg yolks are a rich source of cholesterol


Taking too many fish oil supplements may be harmful to health.


Vitamin E is an antioxidant


Your body constantly loses water through insensible perspiration, a form of water loss that is not the same as sweat.


according to the recommendations of the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans, its acceptable for certain adults to consume alcoholic beverages in moderation


certain vitamins are toxic


dietary supplements includes vitamin pills as well as products that contain enhances, ginseng, and garlic


eating a high-fiber diet may reduce your blood cholesterol level


foods made from soybeans can be sources of high-quality protein


potassium, sodium, and chloride ions are involved in fluid balance


selenium is an essential mineral


the nutrition facts panel on a food label provide into concerning amounts of energy, fiber, and sodium that are in a serving of the food


the stomach produces gastric juice that contains hydrochloric acid


when a person consumes more protein than needed, the excess can be converted to fat and store in fat cells


you can determine whether you have an unhealthy amount of body fat simple by measuring your waistline



tube continuing pharynx to stomach

which of the following conditions is not a leading cause of death in the U.S.? stroke, tuberculosis, cancer, heart disease


in general, registered dietitian nutritionists are reliable sources of food and nutrient information


inverse correlation

two variables change in opposite directions

direct correlation

two variables change in the same direction


uncomfortable feeling that drives a person to consume food

vitamin D deficiency

uncommon in the us fluid milk is often fortified with vitamin D

what is cancer?

uncontrolled cell growth and division


unhealthy diet hypertension pre-diabetes or diabetes high blood cholesterol (esp LDL) excess body fat lack of physical activity tobacco use sleep apnea

selenium toxicity

upper limit= 400 mg/day known as selenosis


usual eating patter of food choices

Omega 6 fatty acid sources

vegetable oils, whole grains

arica is a vegan. to avoid developing a serious nutritional deficiency, she needs to include a source of __ in her diet folate, vitamin B-12, magnesium, fiber

vitamin B-12

kristen uses % DV's to help plan nutritious menus with various packaged foods. she should try to obtain at least 100% of the DVs for which of the following nutrients? sodium, cholesterol, fat, Vitamin C

vitamin C

total water intake

water in beverages and foods

intracellular water

water inside the cells (2/3 of body water)

extracellular water

water surrounding the cells or in the fluid portion of blood (plasma)

BMI formula

weight (kg) / height (m^2) x 703

zinc (Zn) function

wound healing healthy skin growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence

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