conversion and somatic symptom disorder

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illness anxiety

individual vigilantly monitors own health believes normal bodily functions are serious physiological issues

somatic symptom disorder

involves having a significant focus on physical symptoms — such as pain or fatigue — to the point that it causes major emotional distress and problems functioning.

anorexia nervosa

keeps body weight 15% below normal, often via starving, 3 months of missed menstrual cycle

pain disorders

long-term pain in specific body area that can migrate , no organic issue

conversion disorder

sudden, dramatic, short-term impairment of some neurological or sensory function with no organic issue

weight set point

Genetics Physical activity levels Diet Hormone profile (sex, appetite, and stress hormones in particular) A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered ideal, with a number lower than 18.5 being underweight and over 25 being overweight

the role of hypothalamus in eating and satiation

LH creates feeling of hunger VMH tell us we are full

differences between anorexia and bulima

The main difference between diagnoses is that anorexia nervosa is a syndrome of self-starvation involving significant weight loss of 15 percent or more of ideal body weight, whereas patients with bulimia nervosa are, by definition, at normal weight or above.

personality types and medical problems

Type A (also known as the coronary-prone behavior pattern) are individuals who are hard-driving, competitive, and try to overachieve. The stereotype of the driven and overworked executive who one day keels over with a heart attack, has some basis in fact, as Type A individuals are more prone to coronary heart disease. Type B individuals are laid-back, never rush, and tend to take things easy. While Type As are focused on competing and attaining measurable goals, Type Bs are more about living in the moment. Type D (also known as "distressed" or "disease-prone") persons tend to be worried, irritable, and express a great deal of negative emotions. Also linked to coronary heart disease, there is a tendency for Type Ds to experience illnesses (particularly stress-related illnesses) in clusters.

explanations of eating disorders

begins after a teen diets & loses weight (sense control) most women overestimate their body size, men involved in ED are involved in sports

enmeshed family patterns

enmeshment, rigidity, lack of conflict resolution, and overprotectiveness

psychophysiological disorders and immune system

existing physiological issue that worsens with psychological/social stressor(s) overloaded immune system- norepinephrine, hormones, cytokines bind to lymphocytes (infected by virus/bacteria)

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