COP3014 - Chapter 7 Multiple Choice

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Arrays must be __________ at the time they are __________.

compiled, typed

An array can easily be stepped through by using a

for loop

An array with no elements is

illegal in C++

This following statement shows an example of ___________. int grades][ ] = {100, 90, 99, 80};

implicit array sizing

A(n) __________ can be used to specify the starting values of an array.

initialization list

Which of the following is a valid C++ array definition?

int scores[25];

Unlike regular variables, __________ can hold multiple values.


The individual values contained in an array are known as


Although two-dimensional arrays are a novel idea, there is no known way to pass one to a function.


An array initialization must be all on one line.


The name of an array stores the __________ of the first array element.

memory address

When you pass an array as an argument to a function, the function can modify the contents of the array.


C++ limits the number of array dimensions to two.


If you attempt to store data past an array's boundaries, it is guaranteed to cause a compiler error.


In C++11 the range-based for loop is best used in situations where you need the element subscript for some purpose.


The following statement is a valid C++ definition: double money[25.00];


Given the following declaration, where is the value 77 stored in the scores array? int scores[] = {83, 62, 77, 97, 86}


By using the same ___________ you can build relationships between data stored in two or more arrays.


To access an array element, use the array name and the element's ___________.


What is the last legal subscript that can be used with the following array? int values[5];


Subscript numbering in C++

begins with zero

An array's size declarator must be a __________ with a value greater than __________.

constant integer expression, zero

Assume array1 and array2 are the names of two arrays. To assign the contents of array2 to array1, you would use the following statement: array1 = array2;


The range-based for loop in C++11 is designed to work with a built-in variable known as

the range variable

Which of the following is a valid C++ array definition?

int sizes[10];

It is _________ to pass an argument to a function that contains an individual array element, such as scores[3].

legal in C++

An array can store a group of values, but the values must be

the same data type

A vector object automatically expands in size to accommodate the items stored in it.


An individual array element can be processed like any other type of C++ variable.


Each individual element of an array can be accessed by the array name and the element subscript.


If an array is partially initialized, the uninitialized elements will be set to zero.


In C++11 you cannot use a range-based for loop to modify the contents of an array unless you declare the range variable as a reference variable.


The amount of memory used by an array depends on the array's data type and the number of elements in the array.


If you leave out the size declarator in an array definition

you must furnish an initialization list

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