CPL120 Exam 2

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To apply path-goal theory, a leader must carefully assess the followers and their tasks, and then choose an appropriate leadership style to match those characteristics.


Transactional leadership refers to the bulk of leadership models.


Unlike many of the theories that we have discussed in this book, authentic leadership is still in the formative phase of development.


Transactional leadership

a process that focuses on achieving common goals by means of the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers

Contingent reward

an exchange process between leaders and followers in which effort by followers is exchanged for specific reward


refers to the personal insights of the leader

George (2003) found that authentic leaders have strong ____. Because of this, they have the capacity to open themselves up and establish a connection with others. They are willing to share their own story with others and listen to others' stories.


Individualized consideration

the factor representative of leaders who provide a supportive climate in which they listen carefully to the individual needs of followers

Brett's values-based actions instill a strong sense of community and ethics within all levels of the organization he leads. Brett is demonstrating ______.

transformational leadership

The charismatic effects on followers are more likely to occur ______.

when followers are in distress

The Full Range of Leadership Model contains how many transactional factors?


In path-goal theory, ____ leadership is characterized by a leader who challenges followers perform work at the highest level possible.


Among leadership scholars, there is a single accepted definition of authentic leadership.


Because servant leaders maintain authority, they exercise more institutional power and control.


Path-goal theory is an approach to leadership for which many management training programs have been developed.


Path-goal theory promotes follower involvement in the leadership process.


Path-goal theory puts much of the onus on followers in terms of designing and facilitating a healthy and productive work environment to propel the organization toward success.


Servant leaders subconsciously choose to serve first - to place the good of followers over the leaders' self-interests.


The George approach identifies compassion and heart as insignificant aspect of authentic leadership.


Originating in the seminal work of ____ (1970), servant leadership is a paradoxical approach to leadership that challenges our traditional beliefs about leadership and influence.


Which leadership approach is not leader centered?


A criticism of transformational leadership is that it treats leadership as a personality trait.


A strength of the transformational model is the emphasis it places on followers' needs, values, and morals.


According to Bass, charisma is a necessary but not sufficient condition for transformational leadership.


According to George (2003), self-discipline is a dimension of authentic leadership, which is the quality that helps leaders reach their goals & gives leaders focus and determination.


Authentic leadership is shaped and reformed by critical life events that act as triggers to growth and greater authenticity. Being sensitive to these events and using them as springboards to growth may be relevant to many people who are interested in becoming leaders who are more authentic.


Authentic leadership represents one of the newer areas of leadership research.


Authentic leadership was identified earlier in transformational leadership research but never fully articulated.


Charismatic leadership is often described in ways that make it similar to, if not synonymous with, transformational leadership.


In LMX theory, the dyadic relationship is the focal point of the leadership process.


In their description of the intrapersonal approach, Shamir and Eilam (2005) suggest that authentic leaders exhibit genuine leadership, lead from conviction, and are originals.


LMX challenged the assumption that leaders treated followers in a collective way, as a group, using an average leadership style.


LMX in its initial formation runs counter to the basic human value of fairness.


LMX theory is unique in that it is the only leadership approach that makes the concept of the dyadic relationship the centerpiece of the leadership process.


LMX theory warns leaders to avoid letting their conscious or unconscious biases influence who is invited into the in-group (e.g. biases regarding race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or age).


LXM is a strong descriptive theory because it makes sense to describe work units in terms of those who contribute more than those who contribute less.


Path-goal theory discusses how leaders motivate followers to accomplish designated goals. The stated goal of this theory is to enhance follower performance and follower satisfaction by focusing on follower motivation and the nature of the work tasks. At the time, it was incredibly innovative because it shifted attention to follower needs and motivations, and away from the predominant focus on tasks and relationships.


Path-goal theory is a contingency approach to leadership because effectiveness depends on the fit between the leader's behavior and the characteristics of the followers and the task.


Research findings to date do not support a full and consistent picture of the claims of path-goal theory.


Servant leaders attend fully to the needs of followers, are concerned with the less privileged, and aim to remove inequalities and social injustices.


Servant leaders build strong relationships with others, are empathetic and ethical, and lead in ways that serve the greater good of followers, the organization, the community, and society at large.


Servant leadership is unique because it makes altruism the main component of the leadership process.


Servant leadership provides a counterintuitive and provocative approach to the use of influence wherein leaders give up control rather than seek control.


Since it first appeared more than 30 years ago under the title "vertical dyad linkage (VDL) theory," leader-member exchange theory has been and continues to be a much-studied approach to leadership.


The practical approach to authentic leadership provides basic "how to" steps to become an authentic leader. George's (2003) approach identifies 5 basic dimensions of authentic leadership and the corresponding behavioral characteristics individuals need to develop to become authentic leaders.


The basic principles of path-goal theory are derived from expectancy theory, which suggests that followers will be motivated:

- if they feel competent - if they think their efforts will be rewarded - if they find the payoff for their work valuable

According to Linden, Panaccio, et al. (2014), ____ conditions likely to impact servant leaders include context & culture, leader attributes, and follower receptivity.


A consensus exists on a common theoretical framework for servant leadership. Especially clear is the "conceptualizing" characteristic of servant leadership.


Follower characteristics determine how a leader's behavior is interpreted by followers in a given work context. Researchers have focused on followers' needs for affiliation, preferences for structure, desires for control, and self-perceived level of "relationship" ability.


Path-goal theory accounts for gender differences in how leadership is enacted and perceived.


The acronym VDL stands for variation dependent leadership.


According to ____ [last name] (2002), there are 10 major characteristics of servant leadership.


Which of the following is not a criticism of Transformational Leadership theory?

There has been little research done with the theory.

According to House and Mitchell (1974), leadership generates motivation when it increases the number and kinds of payoffs that followers receive from their work. Leadership also motivates when it makes the path to the goal clear and easy to travel t through coaching and direction, removing roadblocks to staining the goal, and making the work itself more personally satisfying.


After the first set of studies, there was a shift in the focus of LMX theory. Whereas the initial studies of this theory addressed primarily the nature of the differences between in-groups and out-groups, a subsequent line of research addressed how LMX theory was related to organizational effectiveness.


Authentic leadership describes leadership that is transparent, morally grounded, and responsive to people's needs and values.


Based on an idea from Hermann Hesse's (1956) novel The Journey to the East, Greenleaf argued that the selfless servant in a group has an extraordinary impact on the other members.


Graen and Uhl-Bien (1991) advocated that leaders should create a special relationship with all followers, similar to the relationships described as in-group relationships.


Herman and Troth (2013) found that high-quality exchanges are described by followers as mentoring, respectful, and based on good communication.


LMX is noteworthy because it directs our attention to the importance of communication in leadership.


LMX theory addresses leadership as a process centered on the interactions between leaders and followers.


LMX theory describes and prescribes leadership.


LMX theory makes the leader-member relationship the pivotal concept in the leadership process.


LMX theory suggests that it is important to recognize the existence of in-groups and out-groups within an organization.


Path-goal theory informs us about when to emphasize certain leader behaviors including clarifying goal behavior, lending support, and enhancing group decision-making processes, among others.


Path-goal theory is useful because it continually reminds leaders that their central purpose is to help followers define their goals and then to help followers reach their goals int he most efficient manner.


Path-goal theory provides a set of general recommendations based on the characteristics of followers and tasks for how leaders should act in various situations if they want to be effective.


Taking a developmental approach, Walumbwa et al. (2008) conceptualized authentic leadership as a pattern of leader behavior that develops from, and is grounded in, the leader's positive psychological qualities and strong ethics.


Transformational leadership

a process that changes and transforms people by creating a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leadership and the follower


a special gift that certain individuals possess that gives them the capacity to do extraordinary things

Management by exception-active is ______.

a transactional leadership factor

Path-goal theory offers a large set of predictions for how a leader's s style interacts with followers' needs and the nature of the task. Among other things, it predicts that... achievement-oriented leadership

achievement-orientated leadership

In path-goal theory, if a task is ambiguous, challenging, and complex + followers have high expectations and a need to excel, which leadership behavior should you use?


Laissez-faire approach

also called non leadership, in this style, the leader abdicates responsibility, delays decisions, gives no feedback, and makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs

According to House, which of the following specific types of behaviors are commonly exhibited by charismatic leaders?

arousing motives

According to Linden, Panaccio, et al. (2014), seven servant leader ____ are central to the servant leadership process (conceptualizing, emotional healing, putting followers first, helping followers grow/succeed, behaving ethically, empowering, and creating value for community).


Select the four key positive psychological attributes that have an impact on authentic leadership.

confidence hope optimism resilience

Which factor in the Full Range of Leadership model includes providing incentives that the follower wants when the job is done well?

contigent reward

The idealized influence factor in the full range model is considered more effective than ______.

contingent reward

Authentic leadership can be defined from a ____ perspective, which is exemplified in the work of Avolio and his associates. This perspective views authentic leadership as something that can be nurtured in a leader, rather than a fixed trait. Authentic leadership develops in people over a lifetime and can be triggered by major life events, such as a severe illness or a new career.


In path-goal theory, ____ leadership is similar to the "initiating structure" concept described in the Ohio State studies and the "telling" style described in Situational Leadership. It characterizes a leader who gives followers instructions about their task, including what is expected of them, how it is to be done, and the timeline for when it should be completed.


Pseudotransformational leadership ______.

focuses on the leader's own interests rather than the interests of others

Research has suggested that a transformational leadership approach is especially effective in work environments where ______.

followers are focused on learning and mastery

Carlos is captain of his club soccer team. The night before each match, he sends a unique text message to each player detailing how he thinks they should approach the game and what accomplishments he is expecting from them. Carlos is demonstrating which factor of transformational leadership?

individualized consideration

Which factor of transformational leadership encourages followers to think and problem solve in innovative ways?

intellectual stimulation

Which is not one of Kouzes and Posner's five exemplary practices of leadership?

intellectual stimulation the five real ones are: -Model the Way -Inspire a Shared Vision -Challenge the Process -Enable Others to Act -Encourage the Heart

According to Northouse, leader-member exchange theory conceptualizes leadership as a process that is centered on the ____ between leaders and followers.


The perspective that defines authentic leadership as a(n) ___ process outlines authentic leadership as relational, created by leaders and followers together.


One of the viewpoints of authentic leadership is the ____ perspective, which focuses closely on the leader and what goes on within the leader.


Path-goal theory offers a large set of predictions for how a leader's s style interacts with followers' needs and the nature of the task. Among other things, it predicts that... supportive leadership

is effective for repetitive tasks

Path-goal theory offers a large set of predictions for how a leader's s style interacts with followers' needs and the nature of the task. Among other things, it predicts that... participative leadership

is effective when tasks are unclear and followers are autonomous

Path-goal theory offers a large set of predictions for how a leader's s style interacts with followers' needs and the nature of the task. Among other things, it predicts that... directive leadership

is effective with ambiguous tasks

The active form of management by exception ______.

is more effective than the passive form

Pseudotransformational leaders

leaders who have strong inspirational talent but are self-consumed, exploitive, and power-oriented, with warped moral values (Bass & Riggio, 2006)


leadership that involves corrective criticism, negative feedback, and negative reinforcement

According to Spears (2002), there are 10 major characteristics of servant leadership. Select all 10.

listening empathy healing awareness persuasion conceptualization foresight stewardship commitment to the growth of people building community

According to Linden, Panaccio, et al. (2014), the ____ of servant leadership are follower performance and growth, organizational performance, and societal impact.


In path-goal theory, ____ leadership consists of inviting followers to share in the decision making.


According to Northouse, ____ theory discusses how leaders motivate followers to accomplish designated goals.


In his interviews, George (2003) found that authentic leaders have a real sense of ____.


internalized moral perspective

refers to a self-regulatory process whereby individuals use their internal moral standards and values to guide their behavior rather than allow outside pressures to control them

balanced processing

refers to an individual's ability to analyze information objectively and explore other people's opinions before making a decision

relational transparency

refers to being open and honest in presenting one's true self to others

According to your book, ____ leadership emphasizes that leaders should be attentive to the needs of followers, empower them, and help them develop their full human capacities.


In contrast to the ____ approach, which suggests that a leader must adapt to the developmental level of followers, path-goal theory emphasizes the relationship between the leader's style and the characteristics of the followers and the organizational setting.


In path-goal theory, ____ leadership resembles the consideration behavior construct that was identified by the Ohio State studies. This kind of leadership consists of being friendly and approachable as a leader and includes attending to the well-being and human needs of followers.


Idealized influence

the factor describing leaders who act as strong role models for followers; followers identify with these leaders and want very much to emulate them

Inspirational motivation

the factor describing leaders who communicate high expectations to followers, inspiring them through motivation to become committed to and a part of the shared vision in the organization

Intellectual stimulation

the factor that stimulates followers to be creative and innovative and to challenge their own beliefs and values as well as those of the leader and the organization

Which type of leadership is concerned with raising morality in both the leader and the follower?

transformational leadership

According to George (2003), authentic leaders understand their own ___ and behave toward others based on these values.


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