Cranial Nerves

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carotid sinus

At the branching of internal and common carotid is the BLANK BLANK- a baroreceptor that provides barometric pressure info to help regulate bp

Mandibular (V3)

BLANK division of trigeminal nerve conducts sensory impulses from ant. 2/3 of tongue, meninges, skin of chin, lower jaw, lower teeth; 1/3 sensory axons of auricle of ear

Opthalmic (V1)

BLANK division of trigeminal nerve conducts sensory impulses from cornea, nose, forehead, ant. scalp, and meninges

Maxillary (V2)

BLANK division of trigeminal nerve conducts sensory impulses from nasal mucosa, palate, gums, cheek, and meninges

taste from ant. 2/3 of tongue

CN VII Facial sensory function


Damage to the olfactory nerve causes what condition

CN I Olfactory

Description of what nerve: Conducts olfactory sensations to brain

CN VII Facial

Innervates muscles of facial expression; lacrimal gland, and most salvary glands; conducts taste sensations from ant. 2/3 of tongue

CN XI Accessory

Innervates trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles

spinal cord

Origin of spinal root of CN XI Accessory

Receptors in olfactory mucosa of nasal cavity

Origin of the Olfactory nerve

innervates sphincter pupillae muscle of iris to make pupil constrict. Contracts cilliary muscles to make lens of eye more spherical

Parasympathetic motor function of CN III Oculomotor

Innervates smooth muscle of thoracic and most abdominal organs, cardiac muscle, and glands of heart, lungs, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and most abdominal organs

Parasympathetic motor function of CN X Vagus

Visceral sensory information from heart, lungs, and most abdominal organs. General sensory information from external acoustic meatus, eardrum, laryngopharynx and larynx

Sensory function of CN X Vagus Nerve

Innervates most pharynx muscles and all larynx muscles

Somatic motor function of CN X Vagus

Innervates intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles

Somatic motor function of CN XII hypoglossal

CN III Oculomotor

This nerve innervates the upper eyelid muscle and four of the six extrinsic eye muscles

CN I Olfactory

What CN has the only type of nervous tissue to regenerate?

CN XI accessory

Which CN loops up from the spinal cord into the cranium and out the jugular foramen


condition caused by damage to the optic nerve

loss of hearing

conditions from damage to cochlear branch

loss of balance, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness

conditions from damage to vestibular branch

ptosis, paralysis of most eye muscles, diplopia, focusing difficulty

conditions if CN III oculomotor is damaged

dry eye, dry mouth, loss of taste sensation ant. 2/3 of tongue, and bell palsy

conditions of damaged facial nerve

trigeminal neuralgia

conditions of nerve damage for CN V trigeminal

paralysis of superior oblique, diplopia

conditions possible if trochlear nerve is damaged

CN VIII Vestibulocochlear

conducts equillibrium and auditory sensations to brain


damage to the ethmoid bone may cause BLANK if it damages the nerve receptors

CN XII Hypoglossal

innervates intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles

CN VI Abducens

innervates lateral rectus eye muscle, which abducts the eye

I Olfactory II Optic III Oculomotor IV Trochlear V Trigeminal VI Abducens VII Facial VIII Vestibulocochlear IX Glossopharyngeal X Vagus XI Accessory XII Hypoglossal

list all cranial nerves in order

Oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, Accessory, and Hypoglossal

list the motor only nerves

Trigeminal, Facial, Vestibulocohlear, Glossopharyngeal, and vagus

list the nerves that do both motor and sensory function

Olfactory and optic

list the sensory only nerves (no numbers needed)

temporalis, masseter, lateral and medial pterygoids

muscles of mastication innervated by CN V trigeminal include

superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique

name the 4 extrinsic eye muscles included in the somatic function of the CN III oculomotor

temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, and cervical

name the 5 major branches of the facial nerve


origin of CN III oculomotor


origin of CN V trigeminal


origin of CN VI abducens


origin of CN VII facial

motor nuclei in medulla oblongata

origin of CN X Vagus

Hypoglossal nucleus in medulla oblongata

origin of CN XII hypoglossal

cochlea of the inner ear

origin of cochlear branch of CN VIII vestibulocochlear

Medulla oblongata

origin of cranial root of CN XI Accessory

retina of the eye

origin of the optic nerve


origin of trochlear nerve

hair cells in the vestibule of inner ear

origin of vestibular branch of CN VIII vestibulocochlear

increases secretions of lacrimal gland as well as submandibular and sublingual salivary glands

parasympathetic motor function of CN VII Facial


sensory function of CN II Optic

vestibular branch conducts impulses for equilibrium, cochlear branch conducts impulses for hearing

sensory function of CN VIII vestibulocochlear

touch, temperature, and pain

sensory types of information for the trigeminal nerve are

supplies 4 extrinsic eye muscles to move eye and supplies levator palpebrae superioris muscle to elevate eyelid

somatic motor function of CN III Oculomotor

innervates muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, ant. belly of digastic, tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini

somatic motor function of CN V trigeminal

innervates lateral rectus for eye abduction

somatic motor function of CN VI abducens

5 major motor branches innervate the muscles of facial expression, the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, and the stylohyoid and stapedius muscles

somatic motor function of CN VII Facial

travels with CN XI Accessory to pharynx

somatic motor function of cranial root for CN XI Accessory

motor nuclei in spinal cord

somatic motor function of spinal root of CN XI Accessory


the optic nerve passes through which bone via the optic foramen

CN V Trigeminal

this nerve consists of 3 divisions: opthalmic (V1) Maxillary (V2), and Mandibular (V3); receives sensory from face, oral cavity, nasal cavity, meninges and anterior scalp. Innervates muscles of mastication

CN IV trochlear

this nerve innervates 1 extrinsic eye muscle that loops through a pulley shaped ligament

CN X Vagus

this nerve innervates structures in the head and neck and in the thoracic and abdominal cavities

CN II Optic

this special sensory nerve of vision if an outgrowth of the brain; more appropriately called a brain tract

inferiorly and laterally

what directions does the superior oblique move the eye

superior oblique

what is the 1 extrinsic eye muscle innervated by the trochlear nerve


what type of neurons are the receptors for the olfactory nerve

junction of pons and medulla oblongata

where does the vestibulocochlear nerve enter the brainstem

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