Cranial nerves

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cranial nerve IV is a) vagus b) trochlear c) optic


How to remember cranial nerves

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Cranial Nerve VII is a) Facial b) vagus c) abducens


Which cranial nerve innervates the muscles involved in shoulder shrugging and in turning the head? A. CN IV B. Accessory C. Abducens D. CN XII


cranial nerve VI A) trigeminal B) Facial C) Abducens


Cranial Nerve X is a) vagus b) facial c) olfactory


cranial nerve X function a) gland secretion, peristalsis, phonation, taste, visceral and general sensation of the head, thorax and abdomen. b) the function of digestive enzyme production, breakdown of food and creation of toxins c) this nerve has no functions


How to test cranial nerve IX and X a) look for nasalness or hoarseness b) test gag reflexes and swallowing c) elevates symmetrically when the patient says "ah"

all of these

cranial nerve II is a) olfactory b) optic c) facial


Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter More

cranial nerves 1-12 sensory motor or both

How to test cranial nerve VII. Facial a) Test facial symmetry (smile, frown, puffed cheeks, wrinkled forehead) b) Taste in the anterior two thirds of the tongue can be tested with sweet, sour, salty, and bitter solutions applied with a cotton swab c) Hyperacusis, indicating weakness of the stapedius muscle, may be detected with a vibrating tuning fork held next to the ear. d) all of the above


What is the responsibility of the hypoglossal nerve? A. Controls tongue movement B. Taste of the extreme posterior portion of the tongue C. Taste of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue D. Taste of the posterior 1/3 of the tongue


A 59-year-old man went to his doctor unable to close his right eye. The physical examination also revealed asymmetry in his smile and an inability to wrinkle the right side of his forehead, as seen in the figure. What cranial nerve is affected in this patient? (A) Trigeminal nerve (B) Facial nerve (C) Glossopharyngeal nerve (D) Vagus nerve (E) Hypoglossal nerve


An MRI of the right internal carotid artery reveals atherosclerotic plaques causing stenosis of the vessel's lumen within the cavernous sinus. The stenosis is causing increased pressure within the internal carotid artery as it courses through the cavernous sinus, resulting in an aneurysm. Given its location, what cranial nerve would most likely be damaged? (A) Trochlear nerve (B) Abducent nerve (C) Maxillary nerve (D) Ophthalmic nerve (E) Oculomotor nerv


Which cranial nerve is responsible for smell? A. Accessory B. Olfactory C. Trigeminal maxillary division


A 23 year old female presents complaining of hearing changes and balance issues. Which cranial nerve is most likely involved with her problems? A. CN V B. CN XI C. CN IX D. CN VIII


A 23-year-old man reports to physician due to shoulder weakness and instability. After removing his shirt, his left shoulder appears to reside lower than his right shoulder, asymmetry noted in the figure. During an examination, the patient is unable to abduct his left arm over his head and shows an inability to shrug (or elevate) his left shoulder against resistance. What nerve was most likely damaged in this patient? (A) Facial nerve (B) Glossopharyngeal nerve (C) Vagus nerve (D) Accessory nerve (E) Hypoglossal nerve


Which cranial nerve is responsible for sight? A. Trochlear B. Cranial nerve four C. Oculomotor nerve D. Optic


Cranial Nerve 1: Olfactory sensory, motor, or both a) sensory (smell/ nasal mucosa) b) motor (smell/ nasal mucosa) c) both (smell/ nasal mucosa)


Cranial Nerve III: Oculomotor: function a) enables eye movement, constriction of the pupil (miosis) and lens accommodation (focusing of the eye) and upper eyelid position b) enables sense of smell, creates nose bleeds, and keeps nose dry c) enables eye movement, constriction of the eyelids and lens accommodation.


cranial nerve II: optic: sensory, motor or both a) sensory b) motor c) both


cranial nerve VIII is a) occular b) Vestibulocochlear c) facial


how to test cranial nerve V trigeminal a) assess the muscles of mastication by palpating the temporal and masseter muscles as the person clenches their teeth. b) use the cotton test to test their sensation, by putting it on the forehead, cheek and mandible to check the three segments of the trigeminal nerve c) all of these


how to test cranial nerve XI a) shrug shoulders and rotate shoulders b) bend elbows and rotate head against resistance c) shrug shoulders and rotate head against resistance


A 25-year-old professional boxer loses a fight when he is rendered unconscious by his opponent. After he regains consciousness, the ringside physician notes the boxer has a severe headache, nausea, and even vomiting. Being concerned about intracranial trauma, what cranial nerve can be observed by the physician, without the aid of radiographic imaging, to gain more information on whether the boxer has increased intracranial pressure? (A) Optic nerve (B) Oculomotor nerve (C) Olfactory nerve (D) Trigeminal nerve (E) Trochlear nerve


An 18-year-old male skier is brought to A the emergency room after a high-speed collision with a tree. His forehead absorbed much of the impact, resulting in multiple fractures and lacerations. His ER physician noted a clear nasal discharge, which tested positive for glucose. Given the patient's presentation, what cranial nerve was most likely damaged? (A) Olfactory nerve (B) Optic nerve (C) Abducent nerve (D) Facial nerve (E) Hypoglossal nerve


how to test cranial nerve I ( olfactory) A) The patient is asked to identify foods (chicken, pasta, carrots,) presented to each nostril while the other nostril is occluded. B) The patient is asked to identify odors (eg, soap, coffee, cloves) presented to each nostril while the other nostril is occluded. c) The patient is asked to identify colors (pink, red, blue) presented to each nostril while the other nostril is occluded.


What are cranial nerves?

I. Olfactory II. Optic III. Oculomotor IV. Trochlear V. Trigeminal VI. Abducens VII. Facial VIII. Vestibulocochlear IX. Glossopharyngeal X. Vagus XI. Accessory XII. Hypoglossal

Cranial Nerve XI: a) spinal Accessory b) vagus c) hypoglossal


Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal: function a) tongue movement b) tear creation c) tongue taste


Cranial nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear: sensory, motor, or both a) sensory (Spiral organ (of Corti), macula of utricle, macula of saccule, ampullae of the semicircular canals) b) motor ( to chew) c) both


cranial nerve III is a) oculomotor b) optic c) vagus


cranial nerve IV: trochlear: function a) eye movement. b) eye sense c) eye color


cranial nerve IX a) Glossopharyngeal b) vestibulocochlear c) facial


how to test Cranial Nerve XII a) have them stick out their tongue, look for it to deviate to one side/tongue strength b) have them wiggle their ears c) neither


Cranial Nerve VI: Abducens: function a) eye movement up and down b) eye movement to the sides ( lateral movement) c) eye movement closed


Cranial Nerve VI: Abducens: sensory, motor, or both a) sensory (Lateral rectus muscle) b) motor ( Lateral rectus muscle) c) both (Lateral rectus muscle)


cranial nerve I is: a) optic b) olfactory c) oculomotor


A 10-year-old boy underwent surgery, a bilateral palatine tonsillectomy. During a postoperative examination, the doctor noted the boy did not possess a gag refl ex on the right side on the posterior tongue. He also complained of abnormal taste sensations in the back of his oral cavity. The soft palate elevated symmetrically when the gag reflex was tested. No other signs or symptoms were noted. What cranial nerve was damaged during the tonsillectomy? (A) Trigeminal nerve (B) Facial nerve (C) Glossopharyngeal nerve (D) Vagus nerve (E) Hypoglossal nerve


A 27-year-old woman with green eyes comes to her physician with noted asymmetry in her pupils (as seen in the figure). Her right pupil is abnormally dilated, and on examination, the right eye is slow to respond to light stimuli. Her visual acuity is not impaired, and no other signs and symptoms are noted. What structure is most likely affected in this patient? (A) Superior cervical ganglion (B) Optic nerve (C) Oculomotor nerve (D) Trochlear nerve (E) Abducent nerve


The superior oblique is controlled by which cranial nerve A. CN 1 B. CN 10 C. CN 4 D. CN 5


What function is associated with the oculomotor nerve? A. Eye movement via the lateral rectus B. Eyesight C. Eye movement and pupil constriction D. Eye movement via the superior oblique

C Question 3 Explanation: The oculomotor nerve (CN III) is responsible for controlling the superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique muscles of the eye. It is also involved in controlling the levator palpebrae muscle for opening the eyelid. CN III is also used to control pupil constriction and accommodation.

A middle aged man expresses to you that he is concerned that he cannot taste anything on the anterior portion of his tongue. What nerve innervates this portion of the tongue? A. Trigeminal nerve B. Glossopharyngeal nerve C. Facial nerve D. Hypoglossal nerve

C Question 2 Explanation: The facial nerve (CN VII) senses taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue. The Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) does the posterior 1/3, and the Vagus (CN X) nerve senses taste from the extreme posterior.

A patient presents with concerns about his vision. He states that he is experiencing double vision. Upon evaluation you conclude that he has lateral rectus palsy. Which cranial nerve is most likely lesioned in this young man? A. Trochlear B. Occulomotor C. Trigeminal D. Abducens

D The lateral rectus muscle is innervated by CN VI (abducens nerve). Remember "LR6 SO4 the rest 3". (Lateral rectus innervated by CN VI, Superior oblique innervated by CN IV, the rest of the eye muscles are controlled by CN III)

how to test cranial nerve II (optic) a) Visual fields are tested by directed confrontation in all 4 visual quadrants. Direct and consensual pupillary responses are tested. Funduscopic examination is also done. b) Color perception is tested using standard pseudoisochromatic Ishihara or Hardy-Rand-Ritter plates that have numbers or figures embedded in a field of specifically colored dots. c) using a Snellen chart for distance vision each eye is assessed individually, with one eye covered. d) none

a b and c

Cranial Nerve XI: Spinal Accessory: function A) brain impulse sent B) shoulder movement and head rotation C) Spine movement and shoulder rotation


Cranial Nerve XI: Spinal Accessory: sensory, motor, both a) sensory ( taste) b) motor (Laryngeal muscles, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius) c) both


Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal: sensory, motor, both a) sensory (taste salt) b) motor ( Intrinsic tongue muscles, extrinsic tongue muscles TOUNGE MOVEMENT) c) both


cranial nerve I: olfactory what is its function? a) to see b) to smell c) to taste


cranial nerve IV: trochlear: sensory, motor, or both a) sensory ( Superior oblique muscle) b) motor (Superior oblique muscle) c) both (Superior oblique muscle)


cranial never III :oculomotor: is a sensory, motor, or both a) sensory (all extraocular muscles except for the lateral rectus and superior oblique (GSE); ciliary muscle, sphincter pupillae muscle (GVE) b) motor (all extraocular muscles except for the lateral rectus and superior oblique (GSE); ciliary muscle, sphincter pupillae muscle (GVE) c) both (all extraocular muscles except for the lateral rectus and superior oblique (GSE); ciliary muscle, sphincter pupillae muscle (GVE)


how to test cranial nerve III, IV, VI (3,4, AND 6) A) test eyes by pointing a light in both eyes at the same time for 1 min then do it again for another 2 min one eyes at a time B) test eyes for symmetry of movement, globe position, drooping eyelids (ptosis); extraocular movement is tested by following a moving target with (finger or penlight) to all 4 quadrants (including across the midline) and toward the tip of the nose c) test eyes for ptosis and see if they can roll to the back of the head and move side to side very fast.


how to test cranial nerve VIII vestibulocochlear a) Hearing test (Wisper with one ear closed) and chewing test (eating food fast) b) Hearing tests (Wisper with one ear closed) and Vestibular function tests (movement of eyes) c) neither


Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal: function a) provide sense of hearing b) provide sense or smell c) provide sensory innervation to the face


Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal: sensory, motor, both a) sensory ( Scalp, face, orbit, paranasal sinuses, anterior two-thirds of the tongue) b) motor ( Muscles of mastication) c) both


Cranial Nerve VII: Facial: function a) control expression and sweat b) control sweat and hunger c) control facial movement and expression


Cranial Nerve VII: Facial: sensory, motor, or both a) sensory ( middle ear, nasal cavity, soft palate (GVA); anterior two-thirds of the tongue (SVA); external auditory meatus (GSA) b) motor (lacrimal, submandibular, sublingual, basal, palatine glands (GVE); muscles of facial expression) c) both


Cranial Nerve X: Vagus: Sensory, motor, or both a) sensory ( heart, lungs, bronci, GI tract, larynx, pharynx external ear) b) motor ( heart, lungs, bronci, GI tract) c) both


Cranial Nerve XII: a) olfactory b) vagus c) Hypoglossal


cranial nerve II: optic what is its function? a) brings food information to the brain. (taste) b) brings smell information to the brain. (smell) c) brings visual information to the brain. (vision)


cranial nerve IX Glossopharyngeal: function a) enables the feeling of hunger b) enables hearing and site c) enables swallowing, salivation, and taste sensation,


cranial nerve IX Glossopharyngeal: sensory, motor, both a) sensory (taste) b) motor ( Swallow and secretion) c) both


cranial nerve V is a) abducts b) facial c) Trigeminal


cranial nerve VIII vestibulocochlear: function a) hearing, seeing, motion b) motion and eating c) hearing, balance, motion


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