Crime Scene Investigations

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__, latent prints result from body residues left behind when the friction ridges of the hands or feet make contact with a surface.

Although generally invisible to the naked eye

__ should never try to fit a suspect's tool into a mark.

An officer

__ documents found in a crime scene to preserve their condition.

An officer must carefully handle all

5) ___ is to protect and preserve the scene to avoid contaminating evidence.

An officer's first priority

They examine bullets recovered from a crime scene to identify the make and type of weapon involved.


__ and often testify in court regarding the results of their analyses.

Analysts prepare reports of their findings

__, the laboratory will determine through chemical testing whether blood is possibly present and if it is of human origin.

For blood evidence

__ are lifted from the original surface with clear or frosted tape, which is then attached to a small note card.

Found prints

There is no crime scene exception to the ___ search warrant requirement.

Fourth Amendment

What are persons who furnish police with information about crimes, either from a sense of civic duty or in the expectation of some personal benefit or advantage?


__ must be taken from innocent parties who may have been at the crime scene in order to eliminate their prints from the scene.

Inked fingerprints

A few examples of evidence that might be found and collected at a crime scene are ___.

fingerprints, shoe prints, blood fibers, hair, tool marks, paint scratches broken glass, body fluids

weapons, projectiles, gunshot residue, cartridge cases, tools marks, database information

firearms evidence

Analysts can examine __ to determine if the suspect's weapon fired them.

fired bullets cartridge cases shotgun shells

When there are injured persons at the scene, responding officers have additional responsibilities such as providing ___.

first aid

The actions of the ___ on the scene have a significant impact on the success of an investigation. a) paramedic responding officer

first responding officer

If during the course of a burglary the offender commits assault or battery, the burglary is punished as what degree of crime?

first-degree felony.

Holding a __ to create side light and using a magnifying glass may help an officer to spot fiber evidence.


It overlaps a series of lanes in a cross pattern, making the search more methodical and thorough.

grid search pattern

__ often used indoors; a variation of the strip/line search pattern.

grid search pattern

When physical evidence is correctly ___ it cannot give false results.

handled preserved, maintained scientifically analyzed

The witnesses should not be allowed to talk among themselves in order to prevent them from discussing the incident and coordinating __.

have no risk of contaminating evidence

3) An officer must also know how to get __ in searching the scene when necessary.


An officer should approach the scene in a way that will protect __.

him- or herself other officers the public

When collecting evidence, an officer should wear gloves to prevent leaving __.

his or her own latent prints

What is the goal of the attorney when trying to repeat and rephrase questions?

hoping officers will give inconsistent or conflicting answers

2) An officer must be aware of __ based on the evaluation of the incident or type of crime.

how to conduct a warrantless legal search of a crime scene know different search patterns how to identify types of evidence that might be present at a scene

An ___ begins upon the officer's arrival at the scene of a reported crime and usually ends with him or her filing the initial report or turning the matter over to a detective or investigator.


all 7) An ___ occurs when an officer makes detailed and systematic inquiries or observations.


In some cases, an officer may field test a substance before collecting and packaging __.

it as evidence

What is a major feature of FCIC?

it connects to the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS)

Information about the original condition of the evidence and the events leading to __.

its damage or destruction should be included

It is important to keep a list of all officers involved at the crime scene and __.

keep track of their movements

firearms, knives, explosives

known weapons

Some common threats that may be present due to conditions at the scene include __.

known weapons potential weapons natural elements

___ factors affect the number of officers responding to a scene.

known weapons potential weapons natural elements

Crime scene perimeters should be ___ rather than ___.


All objects pictured must be material or ___ to the scene.


If a suspect or another witness attempts to coerce or interfere with another witness's testimony, an officer may need to ___.

remove one or more subjects from the scene

A crime scene sketch supplements an officer's field notes and photographs and helps with ____.

report writing

The size and type of search dictates the number and type of personnel or __.

resources needed for crime scene processing

Alert officers help protect the scene and the evidence it contains __.

rom unnecessary intrusion or handling

The sketch should show,

room by room the size and relationship of entrances exits, and contents

When gathering initial information about the call and arriving at the scene, ___.

safety is the highest concern

There is a high likelihood of __ being present in bite marks.


The ___ evidence located inside a temperature-controlled house would not require the same level of protection.

same evidence

If possible, when hospitalization is not required, an officer of the ___ should observe and photograph injuries to sexual organs.

same gender as the victim

Inside a vehicle that is part of a crime scene, an officer should examine the __.

seat belts, airbag steering wheel and other components for fibers

What degree of crime is open house party?

second degree misdemeanor

If it is not possible to submit the entire damaged surface as evidence, agency policy and procedures __.

should be followed for proper processing

An officer should be able to identify a wide variety of controlled substances and drug paraphernalia by __.

sight or smell

In ___, that responsibility may fall to the responding patrol officer.

smaller agencies

A transfer of fibers between the clothes of the victim and the assailant __.

sometimes takes place

An officer should try to identify possible __ found at a crime scene.

sources of evidence

All objects at a crime scene should be considered possible __.

sources of fingerprints

The searcher begins at a certain point and walks in increasingly larger circles to the outermost boundary of the search area.

spiral search pattern

___usually used outside by one person.

spiral search pattern

The search area is divided into lanes that are searched by one or more people in both directions until the entire area has been examined.

strip/line search pattern

___ usually used outside by several people.

strip/line search pattern

Some __ may contain contaminants that require expert processing.


Working edges of tools leave distinct marks on __.


measuring and documenting


A ___ is a person believed to have committed a crime or offense.


A person initially identified as a witness may become a ___ as the investigation progresses.


As soon as possible, the officer should determine whether any person at the scene has ___.

sustained injuries and the extent of the injuries

When searching a scene for evidence, an officer should use a __ or established pattern.

systematic approach

Referred to as Locard's Exchange Principle, this contends that everyone who enters a crime scene will both bring something into and ___.

take something from it

Types of computer equipment and media may include __.

tapes digital cameras other data storage media

Other materials compare by microanalysis are __.

textile fibers, plastics duct tape, lamp filaments fractured, torn, or cut items

The officer posted at the crime scene access point must document in the crime scene log __.

the entry and exit of all persons to the scene

A protected, well-managed crime scene allows the production of credible evidence in court that can establish ___.

the guilt or innocence of a suspect

Vice crimes are sometimes called...

victimless crimes" vice crime

Who are excluded from being categorized as an informant?

victims of a crime who openly report a crime

The interviewing officer should ensure that while giving statements, no victims or witnesses can be intimidated ___ by anyone.

visually or verbally

is when two or more persons may jointly have possession of an article, exercising control over it.

Joint_ possession

___ have investigators who will conduct all interviews in major cases.

Larger agencies

___ have specialized crime scene units that can process the scene and collect evidence.

Larger agencies

_ are among the most valuable types of physical evidence and one of the most common types of evidence an officer will recover at crime scenes.

Latent prints

__ is a basic skill of law enforcement, and the ability to lift a latent print directly relates to an officer's attention to detail.

Lifting latent prints

What degree of crime is criminal mischief if there is interruption or impairment of a business operation or public communication, transportation, water, gas or power supply, or other public service that costs $1,000 or more in labor and supplies to restore?

Third-degree felony

___ on the scene can be counterproductive due to the increased possibility of contaminating evidence.

Unnecessary people (officers, bystanders

__ designate one point of access to the crime scene and assign an officer to maintain a crime scene log at that location.

The primary officer or investigator will

What degree of crime is criminal mischief if a person willfully and maliciously defaces, injures, or damages a sexually violent predator detention or commitment facility?

Third-degree felony

What degree of crime is criminal mischief if there is Destruction or damage to a public pay telephone with posted warnings that renders the instrument inoperative or illegally opening the body of the telephone?

Third-degree felony

Florida Statute §918.13 states that to ___ with the purpose to impair its verity or availability in such proceeding or investigation is a felony.

alter, destroy conceal remove any record, document or thing

Document analysts use a variety of scientific methods to examine documents for ___.

alterations, obliterations, handwriting analysis indentations, ink comparisons machine impressions

The most common method of sketching is using the ___ or downward observation perspective.


Items used to construct a sketch includes

blank sheet of paper or graph paper pen/pencil, tape measure template or ruler

Blood evidence may include __ or the suspect after the incident

blood pooled on the floor a wet or dried stain on upholstery or carpet or a sample collected from the victim

Biological evidence specimens could be __.

blood, saliva, urine, semen perspiration, vaginal secretions feces, vomit

In addition, if a suspect or victim is near a piece of glass when it breaks, the person's __ may become contaminated with glass fragments.

body shoes clothing

At times, an officer may need __ depending on the type of evidence being collected.

booties, facemasks goggles, aprons other protective clothing or gear

In the sentencing hearing, who has the opportunity to present evidence and/or testimony to recommend an appropriate sentence to the judge?

both the defense and the prosecution

First-aid procedures should be applied and appropriate medical assistance should be requested through ___.


In responding to a potential crime scene, an officer will receive pertinent information regarding the incident from the 911 ___.


also known as the public safety telecommunicator


An officer should also identify the most __.

distant pieces of evidence

A ___ is anything containing a mark to convey a message.


T/F it is important to know who administered the Miranda warning.


Petit theft_ is taking something valued at less than


What crimes fall under a Breach of Peace?

- Disorderly intoxication - Affray - Open house party - Disorderly conduct - Loitering and prowling

Crime laboratory experts in __ can identify these body fluids and, if needed, conduct further testing using DNA analysis.

* serology

What are some confidence games officers may encounter?

- "pigeon drop" - the bank examiner swindle - three card Monte - shell games

What are the tasks of the NLETS?

- A message switching system - high-speed - nationwide - communications network - allows for interstate and interagency information exchange - It supports inquiries into out-of-state motor vehicle data files, Canadian criminal histories, aircraft tracking and registration, agency identification information, and out-of-state weather information

What degree of crime is Petit theft?

- A misdemeanor - A Third conviction for petit theft will be punished as a third degree felony

How can prosecuting attorney determine if physical evidence was legally obtained?

- By asking: who discovered and collected the evidence - how the chain of custody was maintained

What is the goal of the attorney by mispronouncing an officer's name, forgetting his or her title, or verbally demoting the officer?

- Cause officer to lose concentration - focus on the error, not the question

What are some types of white collar crime?

- Fraud - Embezzlement - Forgery - Uttering - Passing worthless checks - Other computer crimes

What is organized crime often associated with?

- Gambling - loan sharking - Narcotics - Prostitution - human trafficking - extortion - pornography - white-collar crime - fencing - unions - corruption - numbers games - auto-theft - drive-by shootings - adult entertainment - money laundering

What are the benefits of FALCON?

- It is fast - Comprehensive - well-formatted reports - accurate

What basic information must be given to check for stolen property?

- Make - Model - manufacturer's name - year of manufacture - serial number (if the item has one)

When does a suppression hearing occur?

- after the defense - alleging that an officer's improper actions violated their client's rights - files a motion to suppress - to exclude certain testimony and/or evidence from trial

What are types of informants?

- Mercenary - Rival - plea-bargaining - anonymous - self-aggrandizing - false - fearful

When requesting a records check, the officer should provide basic information to include: - wanted/missing person identification check,

- Name - date of birth - race - sex

What are E-mail facilitated crimes?

- Phishing - Fraud - cyber-stalking - threats - harassment

What are two types of information?

- Records of privately owned businesses or organizations - Public records of government entities and publicly owned utilities

What is the purpose of FALCON, Florida's new Integrated Criminal History System?

- To effectively cross-match fingerprints and criminal histories; - include photographs (faces, tattoos) - search national and other criminal justice databases - allow instantaneous updating of criminal justice information systems

What is the goal of the attorney when trying to fire questions at an officer in quick succession?

- To give him or her no time to think about or answer the question properly - hopes to confuse the officer into giving inconsistent answers

What are motivational factors that may cause an individual to be an informant?

- Vanity - civic-mindedness - Fear - repentance - avoidance of punishment - gratitude - competition - revenge - jealousy - monetary or other material gain

Before the having the pre- trial meeting, the officer should thoroughly review...

- all the available case documentation and case notes - investigative and violation reports - the victim, witness, and suspect statements - any supplemental reports such - photographs and other physical evidence - file information from related cases - discuss the case with appropriate agency personnel/supervisor

What is the goal of the attorney when trying to be belligerent or badger an officer?

- cause him or her to become angry - affect logic and calmness - reveal the officer's temperament

What information does FCIC include?

- criminal history records - data about driver's licenses - wanted and missing persons - stolen guns, vehicles, and other property - domestic violence injunctions - parole statuses - registered sexual predators and offenders

Ordering and eating a meal in an eating establishment or occupying a room in a public lodging and then refusing to pay is the crime of what?

- defrauding an innkeeper - or theft of services by failure to pay

DAVID can be used to view?

- driver images and signatures - applications - driving history and vehicle history for motorists - plus identification documents used by non-citizens

Where might giving a testimony take place?

- in an attorney's office - in the judge's chambers - on the witness stand

What are some motives of embezzlers?

- intend only to borrow the money temporarily to help them with personal cash shortage and plan eventually to return it - Others feel unfairly compensated or mistreated by their employers and use embezzlement as a means to compensate. - steal to support drug or gambling habits

Why is it important to testify truthfully and accurately?

- keeps testimony consistent - makes it effective and credible - keeps officers out of trouble

Who has the authority to use DAVID?

- law enforcement - the judicial system - various state agencies

What are some things officer should not do when giving a testimony?

- never volunteer unsolicited information (only answer the questions asked) - they should never answer with a guess

When should the officer plan to attend the first appearance hearing?

- only when the state attorney requests his or her appearance - agency policy and procedure permits attendance - when there is a need to clarify or supplement the affidavit - when the officer has information that was not included in the arrest affidavit

What will the reply to the vehicle or vessel check include?

- owner's name and address.

When testifying officers should use...

- plain, professional terminology (not slang or police jargon) - use good posture, be attentive, and place their hands on their knees or the arms of the chair and never over their mouth - avoid derogatory statements, sarcasm, witty comments, or ridicule (unprofessional) - try to convert times to A.M. or P.M. - convey confidence, not arrogance, or evasion, - avoid fidgeting or showing others signs of nervousness - be courteous and use proper title (yes ma'am, yes sir)

What does the DHSMV system contain?

- records of vehicles or boats registered in Florida - driver license information - Insurance information - manually processes driver history - checks the FCIC/NCIC database for stolen vehicles or vessels

How might notification for a pre trial be given to officer?

- telephone call - Subpoena

Who administers the oath or affirmation to the officer?

- the clerk of the court - a court reporter - the judge - other designated court personnel

What happens at the first appearance hearing?

- the judge appoints counsel if the defendant is qualified and desires it - the judge reviews the probable cause affidavit and other information to decide if probable cause exists that the defendant committed the alleged offense

If it is a jury present, what does the jury do?

- the jury will receive instructions - decide the verdict

What is the goal of the attorney when trying to reverse or rephrase an officer's words?

- to confuse him or her - show the jury that the officer lacks confidence in his or her own statement

Why do Attorneys use a variety of tactics during a criminal trial?

- to discredit - misrepresent - confuse the officer giving testimony

Why should the officer discuss the case with the State Attorney's Office?

- to identify and understand areas of weakness relevant to testimony - to clarify any concerns the state attorney may have

What basic information should be given for a vehicle/vessel identification check?

- vehicle tag number - identification number (VIN) - registration decal number and year - vessel registration number from side of vessel - hull identification number (HIN) - title number

What are the elements of loitering and prowling?

1- any person to loiter or prowl 2- in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals 3- under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity

What are the elements of lewd or lascivious battery?

1- involves engaging in sexual activity with a person 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years of age 2- encouraging, forcing, or enticing any person less than 16 years of age to engage in sadomasochistic abuse, sexual bestiality, prostitution, or any other act involving sexual activity.

What are the elements of Lewd or lascivious molestation?

1- occurs when a person intentionally touches in a lewd or lascivious manner... a. the breasts, genitals, genital area, or buttocks, or the clothing covering them 2- of a person less than 16 years of age 3- or forces or entices a person less than 16 years of age to so touch the offender

When is FCIC available?

24 hours a day, seven days a week (24/7)

According to the National Runaway Switchboard, what percent of runaways remain at large for two or more weeks will become involved in theft, drugs, or pornography, while one out of every three teens on the street will be lured into prostitution and/or child trafficking within 48 hours of leaving home?

75 %

In which lineup must officer arrange for a video or still photo record?

A LIVE - Line Up

What is the term used for when describing an exact match?

A hit

Who presides over a trial?

A judge or magistrate

What degree of crime is loitering and prowling?

A misdemeanor (second degree misdemeanor)

What degree of crime is fencing?

A second-degree felony

__ will dictate specific evidence handling procedures.

Agency policies and procedures

___ will dictate how far the responding officer should continue investigating the incident before turning the scene over to specialized investigators.

Agency policy and procedures

___ should be immediately asked if the suspect is on or near the scene or if he or she knows if someone on the scene is armed.

Any person on the scene

While driving to the scene, the officer should formulate some key questions to ask to help assess the situation adequately:

Are additional services needed? Is special equipment needed? How many officers are necessary to safely contain or control the situation?

While driving to the scene, the officer should formulate some key questions to ask to help assess the situation adequately:

Are any special concerns and/or dangers associated with the call? Has the complainant indicated the suspect's location? Are additional services needed?

__, the victim and the suspect usually leave or take away some sort of evidence.

At any crime scene

How does the judge determine probable cause?

Based on the arrest affidavit

__, officers should refer to their agency policy and procedures regarding the available equipment and familiarize themselves with that equipment.

Before lifting latent prints

How can AMBER BE activated?

By calling FDLE Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse (MEPIC)

__ left at crime scenes may contain DNA.

Biological evidence

__ may also contain saliva.

Bite marks

__ should be photographed and documented according to agency policy and procedure as soon as possible.

Bite marks

__ identification is also possible with a sufficient blood sample.

Blood type and DNA

Personal protective equipment is essential

Chemical or biological substances

Where is NCIC housed at?

Clarksburg, West Virginia

__ is a complex task that requires highly specialized training.

Computer evidence recovery

__ are commonly found at crime scenes and can often store vital evidence.


means the article is in a place over which the person has control, or in which the person has concealed it.

Constructive_ possession

The ___ must be protected until it can be photographed and documented.

Crime scene

hese sketches are usually admissible in court.

Crime scene

___ should not be allowed to enter the secured crime scene area.

Curious, unauthorized people can damage contaminate destroy evidence at a scene

___ is sometimes analyzed by document experts.


Alcohol or drugs cases usually result from investigations of

DUI sexual assault death

Why shouldn't officers address or refer to the defense counsel as a public defender?

Doing so can cause a mistrial since it may make the jury and/or judge aware that the defendant cannot afford other representation.

Supervisor or investigator

Dr. Edmond Locard

What does DAVID stand for?

Driver and Vehicle Information database

__ allow fingerprint analysts to distinguish between prints belonging to the victim or witnesses and possible suspects.

Elimination prints

What is necessary to continue the criminal proceedings?

Establish probable cause

If packaged improperly, wet items will deteriorate to a point where they have no evidentiary value.


___ is anything that tends to prove or disprove an alleged fact.


__ include broken glass or pry marks around doorways.

Evidence of entry or exit might

Larger agencies

FDLE's crime scene personnel

__ can reveal the manufacturer and other information about the source item

Fiber analysis

Field notes will be used to create reports and refresh the officer's recollection when testifying. a) Electronic device

Field notes

__ are used to apply dust to the surface on which prints are suspected.

Fine brushes

What degree of crime is robbery with a weapon?

First degree felony with weapon

What degree of crime is criminal mischief if the property damage is greater than $200 but less than $1,000?

First degree misdemeanor

__ handles incidents involving possible terrorist acts.

Florida Department Law Enforcement

__ are individualizing evidence because they can link a suspect to a crime by matching an impression at the scene with an object in the suspect's possession.

Footwear impressions and tire tracks

While driving to the scene, the officer should formulate some key questions to ask to help assess the situation adequately:

How many persons are involved? What is the location? Are any weapons involved?

What type of burglar is opportunistic, capitalizing on easy targets?

Impulse burglars

___, for example, separation of certain family members from each other may be unavoidable.

In a child abuse incident

__, the crime scene officer must document the incident in a contamination list or crime scene log.

If evidence is contaminated or altered in any way

__, officers should follow agency policy and procedures for evidence recovery.

If other weapons are found

__, witnesses can be isolated within one large room by being placed on opposite sides of the room

If separate rooms are not available

__ , they should have an adequate supply of materials on hand and be trained in how to use them.

If they are authorized to lift prints

__ about alcohol or drug use on the part of the suspect or the victim, an analysis by the toxicology section of a laboratory may be performed.

In any criminal investigation in which a question arises

__, a supervisor should be contacted so that agency policy and procedures can be followed in processing the scene.

In the event an officer discovers human skeletal remains

What degree of crime is criminal mischief if the offender has one or more prior convictions for criminal mischief?

It is punished as a felony, regardless of the amount of damage

___ one than to expand to a larger scene as the investigation progresses.

It is easier to adjust from a large scene to a smaller

Questions to determinate what extent the crime will be investigated.

Is it a major crime? Department policy requires notifying a supervisor? Department policy requires notifying an investigator?

___, or a scale of the diagram, are also important information.


__ determine a possible source or origin.


__ is the process of microscopically analyzing trace evidence.


This enables an officer to write a thorough report later.

Questioning Recording Listening

What degree of crime is Luring and enticing?

Misdemeanor 1st degree - Felony 3rd degree previously convicted

Do officers usually need to attend a first appearance hearing?

No; Usually do not need to attend

__ transfer can be useful evidence in solving crimes such as a hit-and-run crash.


__ are transferred from the friction ridges on fingers by a foreign substance

Patent prints

__, a supervisor or investigator assigned to the case may decide to adjust the original boundaries or perimeter of the crime scene based on the size and type of the structure or property to be searched.

Once a survey of the area is completed

__, an officer must not allow unauthorized removal or alteration of any evidence.

Once the crime scene perimeter is established

___ must be used whenever evidence is handled or collected.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

__ is essential for an officer who encounters any chemical or biological substances.

Personal protective equipment is essential

Where is NLETS located?

Phoenix, Arizona

In which lineup must officer find photographs of each participant?

Photographic Line Up

___ should take place before any detailed investigation begins.


___ the crime scene allows the court and jury to obtain an accurate understanding of how it looked on the day the officer responded.


___ of injuries should be made as appropriate.


___ provide a visual record that may be stored indefinitely and is readily available when needed.

Photos and videos

___ consists of objects

Physical evidence

fingerprints, blood, or tire tracks

Physical evidence

blood, semen, saliva, bones, teeth, body tissues, hair, DNA

biological evidence

__ are molded or imbedded fingerprints created by touching an impressionable surface such as wet paint or mud and are easily seen.

Plastic prints

__, interviewees should be far enough apart that they cannot hear or see each other.


___ is designed for the use and enjoyment of the public and is open to the public.

Public property

What degree of crime is robbery without a weapon?

Second degree felony

What degree of crime is criminal mischief if the property damage is less than $200?

Second degree misdemeanor

__ cases may require an examination of semen.

Sexual assault

__ are not given access just because they are law enforcement officers.

Sightseeing officers

Because of the nature of the evidence, a medical examiner or a trained forensic specialist should see the bones at the site as they are discovered.

Skeletal remains

___ can show relative positions of objects within the crime scene that are not readily seen in photographs.


__ will also assign shifts for officers, taking weather and staffing limitations into consideration.

Supervisor or investigator

This can be done by visually inspecting the scene and reviewing field notes and statements from victims or witnesses.

Suspect entry to and exit

is used for specific decision making or problem solving to deal with an immediate situation or crisis.

Tactical_ intelligence

__ are as unique as fingerprints for identification and evidence.


__ in the form of bite mark impressions that can lead to the identity of the suspect.

Teeth can provide dental evidence

___ is gathered from witnesses.

Testimonial evidence

__ analyzes substances submitted to the laboratory to determine the presence or absence of any controlled substance as listed under Florida Statute.

The crime laboratory's chemistry section

__ of a laboratory examines firearms for function and safety.

The firearms section

What is the goal of the attorney if they draw a conclusion, make an assumption, or suggest a response and then ask an officer if the conclusion, assumption, or response is the officer's answer.

The goal is to confuse or mislead the officer.

__ will guide the officer in the types of evidence to expect at a scene.

The type of crime committed

What degree of crime is criminal mischief if the property damage totals $1,000 or more

Third degree felony

What degree of crime is theft of services?

Third degree felony

What degree of crime is Uttering a false, forged, or altered record, deed, or other instrument with the intent to injure or defraud someone?

Third-degree felony

__ can also be identified by the analyst.

Tool marks after-market modifications serial number restoration

__ used to gain illegal entry into buildings and safes can leave paint residue.


___ also analyzes suspected chemicals in alcoholic beverages.


paint, glass, and cloth fibers

Trace evidence

T/F Officers should also assume that the defense counsel knows everything the officer knows.


What degree of crime is trespassing?

Trespass is 2nd degree misdemeanor - Trespass with person present is 1ste degree misdemeanor - Trespass with firearm is 3rd degree felony

___ is the most common method of surveying objects within the crime scene.


___ should be asked to stay at the scene for further interviewing.

Vital witnesses

__, an officer should package sharp objects such as needles or syringes in puncture-proof packages clearly labeled with the words WARNING: SHARPS.

When collecting drug paraphernalia

__, they should follow agency policy and procedures for handling the evidence.

When officers recover firearms or ammunition

If the victim does not require immediate first aid, the officer should ask direct questions about how the victim sustained the injury.

Where were you hit? Where did you stand when hit? How were you hit? Why were you hit?

If the victim does not require immediate first aid, the officer should ask direct questions about how the victim sustained the injury.

Who hit you? What did the suspect use to hit you? When were you hit?

They may want to help the suspect by diverting any possible evidence of involvement away from him or her.


This will also help officers validate all statements.


Working together, they may come up with accounts that differ from the facts.


__ should be asked if anyone else was involved and what their roles were.


___ like to stay around for the excitement but will often try to leave or remain in the background when police attempt to ask them questions concerning their knowledge of the event.


___ may also try to pass evidence, such as a weapon or contraband, to each other in order to hide it from officers.


____ are often hesitant to get involved.


If an arrested suspect is not released from custody by posting bail, he or she must have...

a hearing before a judge

An officer should obtain information from the following resources on what basis?

a right to know need to know basis

Even though an area is a crime scene, __.

a search warrant may still be needed

Officers will use one or more of the following search patterns:

a spiral search pattern, grid search pattern zone/quadrant search pattern pie/wheel search pattern

When photographing specific items such as ___, an officer should place an identifier with the evidence to establish the original positions for photographing and sketching.

a) blood drops b) weapons c) tire marks

The photographing officer should include

a) his or her name b) the case number, time c) date in order to identify all photographs

6) The second priority in a crime scene is the officer must _.

a) identify, protect, collect, preserve b) maintain the physical evidence c)or the prosecution of the suspect may be in jeopardy

An officer should share pertinent data with his or her supervisor or investigator to include ___.

a) scene's boundaries and protection b) plan for the continued investigation of the incident and the search for evidence c) identity of the public information officer who is communicating with the media

An officer can begin determining what evidence belongs to the criminal by talking to witnesses __.

about the evidence at the scene

Most ___ provide cards with a ruler printed on them.


When dealing with the media or designating an assigned authorized spokesperson on the scene, the officer should refer to ___.

agency policy and procedure

An officer should share pertinent data with his or her supervisor or investigator to include ___.

all evidence gathered or specific items that are still the focus of a search descriptions of all property involved in the incident names and descriptions of victims, witnesses, and possible suspects

Officers must record the names of medical personnel who provide services to the victim because __. a) they may be called as victims

all evidence gathered or specific items that are still the focus of a search descriptions of all property involved in the incident) names and descriptions of victims, witnesses, and possible suspects

When conducting an investigation, an officer should look for ___ about the crime.

all sources of information

An __ may also examine the crime scene for the presence of gunpowder and shot pellet spread to determine firing distance.


Microanalysis is also used to __

analyze identify compare other materials

When establishing which people to interview at a crime scene, an officer should __.

ask those present where they were how they were involved in the incident

Where does FCIC reside?

at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in Tallahassee.

An officer must pay particular ___ to the proper collection of evidence.


Document analysis may answer questions about the document's ___ and authenticity.


Fibers can come from clothing, carpet, rope, __.

automobile carpeting upholstery other common articles

Handling wet evidence, such as items soaked with body fluids or living plant material, must either

be air-dried packaged in breathable containers such as paper bags or both

In a crime scene investigations the officer must __.

before beginning interviews secure persons to be interviewed separate all persons to be interviewed

An officer should not attempt to reconstruct the items or to process latent prints from the pieces __.

before submitting them

Areas where blood spattered, dripped, or flowed, or where someone tracked through an area leaving footprints or handprints, ___.

began and ended

Officers should look for the places where the crime or incident __.

began and ended

What "Stockholm syndrome,"?

behavior favorable toward or empathic to victim's captors.

A few examples of evidence that might be found and collected at a crime scene are ___.

broken or damaged materials tire tracks documents, and bones

__ may snag fibers during a subject's entry into or exit from a building.

broken windows torn screens or other sharp edges

Comparing fracture sites of two or more parts of a __ object and determining whether they were once whole can be strong evidence in court.

broken, torn, or cut

An officer should follow agency policy and procedure regarding documenting the ___ to help eliminate ethical and legal concerns about the handling and preservation of evidence.

chain of custody

blood alcohol, levels, drugs, poisons, etc.

chemistry or toxicological evidence

Other pieces of evidence that may contain saliva and require examination are __.

cigarette butts, drinking straws soda and beer cans masks, bottles, etc.

A larger crime scene also helps keep crowds back if ___ gather.


Sometimes, soil from the crime scene attaches to a suspect or victim's __.

clothing, shoes tires, or other objects the person transports it to another location

The crime laboratory can analyze the glass pieces and compare characteristics such as __ to match and identify its origin.

color, density thickness type of glass

Additional information to include in the sketch information is

compass direction relevant items of physical evidence location of the items

A ___ is a person who alleges that a crime has been committed.


For example, the victim may also be the ___.


At the scene of an incident, all parties involved, including __, must be identified.

complainants, victims suspects witnesses

An officer should follow agency policy and procedure for __.

computer evidence recovery

A few examples of evidence that might be found and collected at a crime scene are ___.

controlled substances electronics equipment and computers firearms

A chain of custody documentation also proves that the evidence submitted in ___ is the same evidence that was collected at the crime scene.


The job of a ___ is to determine what evidence at the scene belongs to the criminal and not to the victims or witnesses.

crime scene analyst

Boundaries should be established for the crime scene and guarded against unnecessary entrance by cordoning off the area with __.

crime scene barrier tape

The responding officer's supervisor will make the decision to request __.

crime scene or investigative assistance

Officers have the authority to arrest any individual who crosses an area marked by ___ after being warned.

crime scene tape

a willful, malicious crime where the offender injures or damages property belonging to another.

criminal mischief.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will protect the evidence from contamination and protect the officer from exposure to ___.

dangerous substances

At an outside crime scene involving ___

degradable, easily destroyed biological trace evidence

An officer should share pertinent data with his or her supervisor or investigator to include ___.

description of the suspect's vehicle, if applicable and if known special concerns on the scene such as biohazards, a hostile crowd, at-large suspects, and severe injuries how the scene is being handled and protected

An officer should __ with enough detail to stand alone and include measurements for use in preparing a more formal sketch.

draw an initial sketch at the crime scene

computers, cell phones, PDA, thumb drives, external hard drives, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, digital cameras, answering machines, digital recording devices

electronic evidence

The state attorney will ask the officer to relate relevant details and major facts of the case, including:

elements of the crime - witness, victim, and suspect statements - information including criminal history - local records, FCIC/NCIC - past offenses (reported and unreported) - information in the offense report - supplemental reports - information in other agency documents - internal affairs reports - use of force reports - use of canine reports - type and location of physical evidence - past experience with or knowledge of the defense counsel - past experience with or knowledge of any witnesses, the victim, or the defendant

If a wooden object or other material contains an __, officers should not attempt to remove it.

embedded bullet

The direction of force or the sequence of glass breakage can determine on which side of the glass the suspect stood, thus __.

establishing the suspect's entry or exit path

Officers should record each relevant item, including __.


The supervisor or investigator will usually coordinate duties such as __.

evidence collection scene perimeter securing other assignments

An officer should first attempt to locate and identify the point of the suspect's entry to and ___ from


Once a survey of the area is completed


The first responding officer should make an initial determination regarding the type of crime committed and defines the appropriate ___ of the crime scene.


Officers should use their best judgment in assessing whether separation of __.

family member is necessary

The officer should view the victim's injuries and record detailed observations in __.

field notes

An ___ is a label used to illustrate size and provide scale and other valuable information relevant to the scene.


pens, Miranda cards, dollar bills or coins, or rulers.


Based on the type of crime committed and the kind of evidence consistent with the crime, an officer should be able to __.

identify the type and category of each item of evidence

The crime scene unit or laboratory can assist in __ such evidence.

identifying comparing interpreting

With experience and training, an officer will become skilled at detecting crimes and __.

identifying relevant evidence

At a burglary scene, an officer should look for evidence of __.

illegal entry pry marks on a doorframe or broken windows

Officers should study the whole scene first, keeping in mind that the relationships of the items' positions may be ___.


fingerprints, tire tracks, footwear impressions, bite marks, tool marks

impression evidence

When handling money taken from crime scenes or seized from suspects, an officer should be very careful to avoid any appearance of ___.


It is extremely important to keep witnesses separated __.

in crime scene investigations

An officer may also learn from dispatch if someone is ___.


The officer should note whether the information the victim provides appears to be consistent with the ___ and evidence at the scene.


Another possible controlled area is __, though because of space limitations, only one interviewee should be placed in each car.

inside a patrol car

Separating witnesses helps each of them focus on what they saw or heard and maintains the ____ of their statements.


Footwear impressions and tire tracks can be found in __.

muds oil other pliable material

The most common way to process __ is by dusting with one of several types of powder, which develops the print and makes it visible.

latent fingerprints

By examining the submitted evidence, the __ section of the laboratory may be able to determine the presence of __ and determine if they are identifiable.

latent prints

Care should be taken to avoid smudging or smearing existing __ when handling and packaging evidence.

latent prints

Specially trained crime scene and laboratory personnel use numerous other methods for processing __.

latent prints in a controlled environment

Most agencies provide officers with a basic latent fingerprint kit that includes

latex gloves black and light gray powder a brush, tape, and cards

The __ provides proof of security and validates the evidence collected.


Listing Of Outlaw Treachery Clearinghouse (LOOT)

lists prosecuted cases of looting and vandalism of archaeological resources

Personal observations and statements from the victims, witnesses, and suspects should be used to learn the ___.

location of evidence

The officer notes should describe specific information regarding the __.

location size type of injury is required

If a person takes flight upon appearance of a law enforcement officer, and refuses to identify him- or herself, or manifestly endeavors to conceal him- or herself or any object, what crime may that person be committing?

loitering or prowling

Separation of family members during a crisis might ___.

make a bad situation even worse

Some witnesses ___ others into giving officers false information.

may try to intimidate

Additional information to include in the sketch information is

measurements from at least two fixed points or other methods a legend of the symbols used to identify objects points of interest on the sketch

Different crime scenes may require different __ of protecting the evidence they contain.


What degree of crime is it if the value of property taken during a retail theft is less than $300?


An officer who finds ___ at a crime scene should follow agency policy and procedures for handling it as evidence.


The same person can represent ___ category.

more than one

Biological evidences are usually found at __.

murder, aggravated battery sexual assault, hit-and-run burglary scenes

The crime scene log should include the ___ and the reason the person was at the scene.

name, rank agency of each person entering or leaving the scene the date and time of the person's entry or exit

fire, electricity, water hazards, rain

natural elements

Dispatch will identify the __.

nature and location of the alleged crime complainant's name relationship to the crime scene location

Multiple witnesses who have viewed or experienced the same event ___ recall the same details.


Sketches should include a statement "__" unless the officer is prepared to testify that every item is precisely drawn to scale on the sketch.

not to scale

When must the first appearance hearing take place?

occur within 24 hours of arrest

An ___ will need to be able to testify that the photographs are a true and accurate representation of the scene as it appeared when the pictures were taken.


Witnesses who feel intimidated by an ___ or others may say little or nothing so they can leave the scene quickly.


The sketching ___ should be included in the sketch information.

officer's name and rank, the case number, location and type of crime

There are special considerations for handling specific types of evidence based __.

on the type of evidence

Lifting a print is often a "__" opportunity and should be treated as such.

one shot

When determining the extent of a crime scene to secure, it is better to ___ the perimeter.


A witness ___ describe the same event may be tempted, even unconsciously, to reiterate the other witness's version of the crime.

overhearing another person

What will the reply to the vehicle or vessel check include?

owner's name and address.

What is the goal of the attorney when demanding a "yes" or "no" answer to a question that needs explanation?

prevents the judge or jury from considering pertinent facts and mitigating details

Certain types of evidence are typically associated with __.

particular crimes

Testimonial evidence is generally less reliable than physical evidence because people ___.

perceive events differently do not remember accurately or lie

The officer should visually scan the crime scene using a systematic approach, trying to observe the total scene while determining where to establish the ___.


Photographing ___ ensures its documentation.

perishable fragile transitory evidence

Types of computer equipment and media may include __.

personal computers, various network systems personal digital assistants (PDAs) various floppy and removable disks

An officer should follow agency policy and procedures regarding __ and determining the best method to collect and preserve the evidence.

photographing visible prints

Officers should avoid including bystanders or pets in crime scene _____.


__ entails dividing the area into a number of pie-shaped sections, which are usually searched using

pie/wheel search pattern

__ should used for extremely large search areas.

pie/wheel search pattern

Officers must always be aware of ___ to the crime scene area.

potential threats

broken glass, stones, sticks, baseball bats, branches

potential weapons

If necessary, another officer can stay with each witness to ensure control and safety until the ___ can complete the interviews.

primary officer

Prior to searching a potential crime scene, an officer should determine if the scene location is ___.

private or public property

A person occupying ___ has an expectation of privacy that may not be violated without a search warrant or a valid exception to the warrant requirement.

private property

___ belongs to an individual and is not open to the public.

private property

4) The single most significant part of the initial stage of a criminal investigation is __.

processing the crime scene

__ help prevent contamination and degradation issues for each particular type of evidence.

proper tools equipment appropriate containers and packaging

Officers should always __ the weapon or ammunition.

properly secure

) There is a sequence of steps to initiate upon arriving at an incident or crime scene to __.

protect all parties, gather information to identify separate, and interview subjects successfully complete the initial investigation

Once the nature of the scene and type of crime being investigated are determined, an officer can decide how best to ___.

protect the scene

checks, bank statements, address books, wire transfers, credit cards, phone bills, photographs or cameras, photo copies

questioned documents evidence

Crime scene sketches are a means of documentation that aid in the ___.

reconstruction explanation permanent recording of an incident

When making a request for a stolen property check, an officer should provide basic information only if...

recovering stolen property to identify suspected stolen property

It is easier to __ the size of a perimeter than to __ it.


How far the investigation will be made in part by __.

the nature of the crime severity of the crime incident and available resources

Specific concerns to consider for officer safety are __.

the number of entrances and exits suspects, bystanders, natural and manmade dangers and the physical size of the scene

The officer should also determine the degree of direct or indirect involvement and __.

the role each person played in the incident

The size of the crime scene depends on __.

the type of crime the type of evidence and the location of evidence

If a substance appears to be blood, he or she should identify whether anyone at the scene had a bleeding injury. Also, if __.

the victim was not injured, the perpetrator might have been.

If the judge sustains the objection, what happens?

the witness may not answer the question

If the objection is overruled, what happens?

the witness must answer the question

The officer should ensure that there is enough distance between witnesses so __.

they cannot have physical contact with each other

What degree of crime is criminal mischief if any person willfully and maliciously damages any place of worship or religious article and damage is over $200?

third degree felony

If an interviewee is suffering from physical or mental trauma, the officer should make a note to interview __.

this person later when he or she has recovered

An officer's recognition of __ to the evidence will determine the appropriate method of protection.


If more than one point of access is designated, an officer must be assigned __.

to each location

The primary officer or investigator will

to each location

The victim or complainant who was present during the crime or offense should be asked __.

to name any potential witnesses to the incident

What is the goal of the attorney when trying to use condescension?

to try to give the impression that an officer is inept, unreliable, or lacking confidence

The ___ section of a laboratory analyzes samples of blood and urine to detect alcohol and other impairing drugs or chemicals.


hairs, fibers, clothing, paint chips, transfer evidence, glass, wood, soil, dirt

trace evidence

What is the goal of the attorney when trying to get as much information as possible and to lull officers into a false sense of security,

try to build rapport to create answers that favor the defense

An officer will collect ___ kinds of evidence at crime scenes.


The method measures objects from at least __.

two fixed points forming a triangle

The ___ will help dictate the type of search pattern.

type of crime scene

tempered window, non-tempered, headlight, bottle

type of glass

Some evidence will be __ to the responding patrol officer.


Officer safety and evidence preservation requires the __.

utmost care

To prevent intrusion by anyone who knowingly or unknowingly approaches the crime scene perimeter, an officer should use ___.

verbal commands and directions

A ___ is a person harmed by a crime.


The relationship of fiber evidence to the __ is crucial evidence in many cases

victim suspect or the crime scene

The officer should tell the victim that if bruising intensifies, further documentation may be required, and ___.

victim should notify law enforcement

The direction of blood spray or spatter can be analyzed by experts to determine the type of

weapon direction of attack and relative size of the attacker

If the __ is part of the crime scene, officers should avoid evidence contamination.

weapon or ammunition

officers must protect at outside crime scene evidence from ___.


The first step in preparing to interview victims, complainants, or witnesses at a crime scene is to determine to__.

what extent the crime will be investigated

When can entrapment occur?

when officer induces or causes a suspect to commit a crime so that the officer may then make an arrest of the suspect

An officer should share pertinent data with his or her supervisor or investigator to include ___.

when the incident occurred how the incident occurred where the incident occurred

The chain of custody is documentation of everyone who handled the evidence as well as ___.

when, why what changes were made to it

The officer may not have the time or resources to interview all subjects at the scene, so he or she should determine __.

who has the most information and knowledge of the incident

An officer should begin taking field notes as he or she discovers the

who, what when, where why, and how of the incident

If an officer leaves something out of a sketch, such as a ___, he or she must be prepared to explain the omission at the deposition or trial.

window piece of furniture light fixture

Officers should never handle evidence __.

with their bare hands

A ___ is a person who sees, knows, or vouches for something and makes a sworn statement about that information.


All ___ should be told not to discuss the incident until after they have all been interviewed.


Some ___ may have an unknown motive to mislead officers.


An officer can use crime scene sketches during interviews with

witnesses victims suspects to correlate testimony

For safety reasons, officers must always maintain visual contact with ___.

witnesses complainants suspects and always follow agency policy and procedures

The officer should document in his or her field notes all __.

witnesses, victims, complainants, suspects present by name date of birth, address, sex, race home and work telephone numbers

Surface footwear impressions or tire prints can remain on __.

wood, tile, paper paint, in dust blood, or grease

The area should be divided into four different sections and searched using one of the patterns above.

zone/quadrant search pattern

__ used outdoors or for an area that is large.

zone/quadrant search pattern

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