Cross-Sectional Ch.20 Female Pelvis Definitions, Location, Gross Anatomy, Blood Supply, and Physiology

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Extends laterally from the uterus to the ovaries, within the true pelvis. The tubes course within the peritoneal folds so the broad ligaments. they are lateral to the uterus, anteromedial to the ovaries, and posterior to the urinary bladder

Uterine tubes location

Branches off the _________________ artery the supply blood to the cervical portion of the uterus anastomose (join with) branches of the __________ artery to form the anterior and posterior azygos arteries of the vagina

Uterine, vaginal

Extends from the posterior aspect of the cervix around the lateral walls of the rectum to the sacrum

Uterosacral ligaments

After the stage in which we see the oocyte float freely within the enlarged follicular antrum of the graafian follicle, the follicular cells of the cumulus oophorus completely surround the ______________________ and the _______________________ and are called the _________________-.

zona pellucida, secondary oocyte, corona radiata

Uterine size is directly related to the

# of years post menarche

Throughout meiotic division, the ovum continues to mature, forming the secondary oocyte. Now the oocyte...

...floats freely within the enlarged follicular antrum of the graafian follicle

Ovulation occurs ____________ after follicle formation

14 days

At day ____ of the ovarian cycle, ovulation occurs when the ____________ is expelled into the ____________.

14, mature ovum, genital tract

In women between ages ________________, ovarian volumem is 6.8mL

15 - 55yrs

The luteal phase of the ovarian cycle begins at days ________


The fallopian tube, round ligament, ovarian ligament, and vascular structures of the uterus and ovaries are positioned between the

2 layers of each broad ligament

How long is the menstrual cycle?

28 days average

At ovulation, how many mL of follicular fluid is released into the peritoneal cavity?


After what age does age-related growth of the ovaries usually begin?

5-6 years

The cervical portion of the uterus enters the vagina and lies ________ to it

90 degrees

In the absence of fertilization, the production of LH, estrogen, and progesterone diminished resulting in what?

A new cycle begins on day 1 with menses

What happens during the menstrual cycle?

A single ovum reaches maturity and is released into the genital tract

Each primordial follicle is composed of what?

A single primary oocyte and surrounding follicular cells that form an encasement

The region of the true pelvis posterior to the broad ligaments


Two important factors influencing uterine size and shape

Age and parity

After age 5-6, ___________ related growth beings, associated with an increase in _________________________.

Age, cystic functional changes

Ovarian size varies during the life span depending all what 5 things?

Age, menstrual status, pregnancy status, body habitus, and menstrual cycle phase

In what segment of the uterine tube does fertilization most often occur?

Ampulla segment

the isthmus segment of the uterine tube widens laterally, forming the __________________ and ______________ sections

Ampullary, Infundibular

When the bladder is empty and the cervix and vagina form a 90 degree angle, and the uterine body and fundus are bent at a great anterior angle UNTIL the fundus is pointing INFERIORLY and resting on the cervix

Anteflexed uterus

Area between the uterus and pubic bone, AKA the vesicouterine pouch

Anterior cul-de-sac

Hormones secreted by the _____________ and the ____________ control changes in the ovaries and the uterine endometrium throughout the menstrual cycle

Anterior pituitary gland, ovaries

The ovaries can be located anywhere within the adnexa, EXCEPT

Anterior to the uterus or broad ligaments

When the bladder is empty and the cervix and vagina form and 90 degree angle, and the uterine body and fundus are tipped or tilted ANTERIORLY

Anteverted uterus

Arteries that loop around and encircle the periphery of the uterus and branch into the radial arteries.

Arcuate arteries

The obturator internus muscles are muscles that originate along the _________ line of the __________________ and course ___________ to the lateral walls of the true pelvis. They narrow __________ to pass through the lesser sciatic notch

Arcuate, Innominate bones, parallel, inferiorly

Bicornuate uterus is best appreciated in the _____ or _______ ______ sections

Axial, short axial

Arteries formed by anastomosed uterine and vaginal arteries to supply blood to the anterior and posterior portion of the vagina

Azygos arteries

Recognized sonographically by the presence of two endometrial canals that usually communicate at the level of the cervix

Bicornuate uterus

The vagina forms the distal portion of the _________ ___________

Birth canal

Specifically speaking, the infundibulum passes through the posterior aspect of the ________ _____________ to reach the ________

Broad ligament, ovary

Double folds of peritoneum that extend from the uterine cornua to the lateral pelvic walls

Broad ligaments

Supplies blood to the common iliac lymph nodes


Ligaments that maintain the normal axis of the cervix, approximately perpendicular to the vaginal canal.

Cardinal and Uterosacral ligaments

Extend from the upper cervix and isthmus to the obturator fascia at the lateral walls of the pelvis

Cardinal ligaments

The deep or basal layer of the endometrial canal is composed of __________________________ and _______________________

Cellular stroma, mucosal glands

A highly vascular portion of the ovarian stroma, located in the center of the ovary, that communicates with the parametrium of the broad ligament at the ovarian hilum. Contains ovarian vasculature, lymphatics, and nerves supported by fibrous connective tissue.

Central medulla

Before puberty the ________ accounts for a significantly greater portion of the organ than it does in adulthood


Lower cylindrical portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina


At the level of the _________ the uterine artery gives rise to the vaginal artery, which courses ___________.

Cervix, inferiorly

The days of the endometrial or menstrual cycle are numbered according to what?

Changes in the endometrial lining of the uterus

What aids in the transport of the ovum

Cilia propelling a gentle current of secreted fluids

The mucosal lining of the uterine tubes consist of _____ _____________ _____ and ___________ ______

Ciliated epithelial cells, secretory cells

The most posterior muscle pair of the pelvic diaphragm extending from the ischial spine to the sacrum and coccyx

Coccygeus muscles

____________ __________ ___________ can result in anatomic variations of the uterus, cervix, and vagina resulting from the incomplete fusion or agenesis of the mullerian ducts

Congenital uterine malformations

The outer layer of the primary follicle composed of _______________ tissue, and includes the _____________ and the ___________

Connective, theca interna, theca externa

The part of the uterus that lies between the uterine fundus and cervix


The remaining follicular structure that contains a central blood clot surrounded by the theca granulosa luteal cells, theca luteal cells, and the theca externa

Corpus luteum

Because of LH stimulation, the ______________________ eventually regresses and only a fibrous tissue mass, called the ______________________, remains in the ovary

Corpus luteum, corpus albicans

hHG allows the _____________ to continue secreting estrogen and progesterone throughout the _________________ of pregnancy

Corpus luteum, first trimester

A layer of follicular cells continuous with the zona granulosa

Cumulus oophorus

Ovarian volumes is only MARGINALLY effected by __________

Cyclic changes

Follicular phase occurs during

Days 1-14 of the ovarian cycle

The sigmoid colon is continuous with the _____________ _________ in the LLQ of the abdominopelvic cavity, and is loosely secured to the posterior pelvic wall by the __________.

Descending colon, mesocolon

During puberty the __________ of the uterus and endometrial __________ markedly increase, and the corpus and fundus portions of the uterus enlarge, changing the uterus from ____________ to ______________ shaped

Diameter, thickness, tubular, pear

When are the lowest ovarian volumes are observed?

During the luteal phase

When are the highest ovarian volumes observed?

During the preovulatory phase

Supplies blood to the external iliac lymph nodes


What supplies the pelvic lymph nodes with blood?


Cervical canal extending 2-4cm from its internal os, where it joins the endometrial canal to its external os, which projects into the vaginal vault

Endocervical canal

Proximal portion of the birth canal that is formed by the uterine endometrium. It is continuous with the endocervical canal

Endometrial canal

The thin, bright, reflective sonographic appearance of the central, linear, opposing surfaces of the endometrium that form the endometrial canal.

Endometrial stripe

The _________, __________, and __________form a continuous channel through which the fetus passes at birth.

Endometrial, endocervical, endovaginal

Innermost, mucosal layer of the uterine wall that is continuous with vaginal epithelium inferiorly and uterine tube mucosa superolaterally


Hormone produced by the ovaries that promoted proliferation or preparation of the uterine endometrium for possible implantation by a zygote


During the secretory phase of the endometrial cycle the continued production of ________ and now ___________ by the corpus luteum promotes continues _____________ and ____________ of the endometrium.

Estrogen, progesterone, thickening, swelling

To prepare a suitable environment for implantation the ____________ glands of the endometrial lining secrete a _______________ mucus.

Exocrine, glycogen-rich

Portion of the endocervical canal that projects into the vaginal vault

External Os

A gonadotropin produced by the anterior pituitary gland


What all lies between the two layers of each broad ligaments?

Fallopian tube Round ligament Ovarian ligament Vascular structures of the uterus and ovaries

TRUE OR FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Although many follicles develop in the ovaries in response to FSH, only two follicles mature completely and rupture to release an ovum at ovulation.

False (why?)

Descriptive area given to the area SUPERIOR to the pelvic inlet (linea terminalis) and inferior to the iliac crests.

False pelvis

Defined as the more superior aspect of the pelvic cavity , extending from the iliac crests (superiorly) to the linea terminalis (inferiorly)

False pelvis location

Iliopsoas muscle Rectus abdominus Transverse abdominus

False pelvis muscles

TRUE OR FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The corpus and fundus of the uterus show considerably less variation is size than the cervix

False, complete opposite actually

TRUE OR FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Broad ligaments are considered true ligaments because they provide the maximum support for the uterus

False, if you don't know why review it.

TRUE PF FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The spiral arteries supply all the uterine endometrium, except for its first layer of branches which receives its blood from small branches off the spiral arteries called the straight arteries

False, switch them

True or False ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During first pregnancy, it is uncommon for the ovaries to become displaced and never return to their original position.

False, this is a common occurrence

Production of LH, estrogen, and progesterone diminishes in the absence of ___________


At day 14 of the ovarian cycle ovulation occurs, and the __________ of the uterine tube draw the released egg into the ___________.

Fimbria, infundibulum

Fringelike extensions that overlie the ovary and direct the released ovum into the uterine tube


Ovarian encasements containing an immature ovum, and the site of ova maturation


The breakdown of ovarian follicle cells, which consist of an oocyte surrounded by granulose cells and internal and external theca cells

Follicular astresia

A fluid filled cavity that forms between the cellular layers of the zona granulosa

Follicular atrium

The developing oocyte rests along the wall of the ____________________ and is surrounded by the ____________________

Follicular atrium, cumulus oophorus

What are fimbriae of the uterine tube?

Fringelike extensions of the infundibulum which overlie the ovary and direct the released ovum into the uterine tube

What can cause subtle displacement of the uterus

Full bladder or rectum

The superficial layer is referred to at the __________ layer or zone because it increases in size during the menstrual cycle and partially sloughs off at the time of menses


Situated between the insertion of the uterine tubes at the level of the uterine cornua


The infundibulum is the ________-_________ end portion of the uterine tubes

Funnel shaped

The vagina, ovaries, uterus, and uterine tubes are all a part of the ___________ _________ anatomy

Genital tract

Uterine tubes conduct a mature ovum from the ovaries to the uterus through ______________ of their smooth muscle walls

Gentle peristalsis

A single layer of epithelial calls lining the outer surface of the ovary

Germinal epithelium

One secondary follicle continues to mature to become a ____________ or dominant follicle before ovulation.


While the remaining secondary follicles undergo atresia, the _______________ migrates to the surface of the ovary

Graafian follicle

Slow and steady compression of the bowel between the anterior and posterior abdominal wall

Graded compressions

The false pelvis can also be referred to as the ___________ or __________ pelvis

Greater or major

The obturator internus is secured to the medial aspect of the

Greater trochanter

The piriformis muscles are attached to the superior aspect of each

Greater trochanter

After implantation of a fertilized egg, the developing placenta secretes _________

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

The vagina sits in the __________ region of the _________ cavity

Hypogastric, Peritoneal

Supplies blood to the internal iliac lymph nodes


What all supplies the vagina with blood?


What are two palpable external landmarks that aid in evaluating the pelvis

Iliac crests and pubic/pubic symphysis

Located lateral to the pubococcygeus muscles. This pair extends from the obturator fascia and ischial spine anteriorly to the coccyx posteriorly.

Iliococcygeus muscles

The psoas major muscles join the iliacus muscles at the level of the iliac crests to form the ____________ _____________ of the false pelvis

Iliopsoas bundles

Muscles that courses anteriorly along the linea terminalis, to travel over the pelvic brim and insert into the lesser trochanter of the femur

Iliopsoas muscles

Bones included in the "innominate bones"

Ilium, Ischum, Pubis

The 5-10 mL released into the peritoneal cavity at ovulation end up settling where?

In the posterior cul-de-sac

Two paired ligaments supporting the ovaries and maintaining their relative positions in the adnexal regions

Infundibulopelvic and ovarian ligaments

Extends from the infundibulum and the lateral aspect of the ovary to the lateral pelvic wall

Infundibulopelvic ligament

Segment of the uterine tube that terminated at the fimbriated end of the infundibulum and opens into the peritoneal cavity adjacent to the ovary

Infundibulum segment

What does FSH do?

Initiates follicular development

Bones that encircle most of the pelvic cavity, forming its lateral and anterior margins.

Innominate bones

Iliac crests are a portion of ___________ bones the define the most ____________,_____________aspect of the pelvic cavity.

Innominate, superior, bilateral

The middle layer of the myometrium

Intermediate spiral bands

Portion of the endocervical canal that joins or opens into the endometrial canal

Internal Os

The transverse abdominis muscle group lies deep to the

Internal and external obliques

Continuation of the CIA with multiple branches including the uterine artery

Internal iliac artery

What supplies the uterus with blood?

Internal iliac artery, uterine artery, arcuate arteries, radial arteries, straight arteries, and spiral arteries.

Segment of the uterine tube enclosed within the muscular wall of the uterus.

Interstitial or intramural segment

The four segments of the uterine tubes

Interstitial or intramural, isthmus, ampulla, and infundibulum

The narrowest portion of the uterine tube

Intramural or interstitial segment

The corpus is continuous with the uterine cervix at a point marked by a constriction of the uterus called the ___________


Constricted portion of the uterus where the body or corpus meets or is continuous with the uterine cervix

Isthmus (uterine)

Segment of the uterine tube immediately adjacent to the uterine wall, and is short, straight and narrow.

Isthmus Segment

What happens to the ruptured follicle after the mature ovum ins expelled into the genital tract?

It collapses, fills with blood, and is transformed into a temporary endocrine gland beginning the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle

What happens to the corpus luteum after the placenta takes over it's function

It regresses and forms the corpus albicans

Hormone that promotes the secretion of estrogen and progesterone by the ovary


The corpus is considered the body, and __________ part of the uterus


Ligaments that extend to fuse with the tendinous arch of the obturator internus muscles

Lateral ligaments

What is the formula for calculating ovarian volume?

Length x height (AP thickness) x width x 0.523

The true pelvis is also referred to as the

Lesser or minor pelvis

A hammock across the floor of the true pelvis formed by the pubococcygeus and the iliococcygeus muscles

Levator ani muscles

What muscles provide primary support to the pelvic viscera and aid in the contraction of the vagina and rectum?

Leviator ani muscles ( pubococcygeus and the iliococcygeus muscles)

Where the rectus sheath fuses with the transverse abdominis muscles in the midline of the body

Linea alba

Imaginary arcuate line drawn along the inner surface of the pelvic bone -- from the pubic or pubis symphysis (anteriorly) then to the sacral promontory(posteriorly) -- that marks the plane separating the false from the true pelvis.

Linea terminalis

the location of the true pelvis is defined as extending from the ___________________ to the ____________________ inferiorly. It is a ________-_________ cavity aligned _______________ and _____________ within the skeletal framework.

Linea terminalis, pelvic diaphragm, bowl-shaped, posteriorly, inferiorly

Can be defined as that part of the peritoneal cavity extending from the iliac crests superiorly to the pubic diaphragm inferiorly

Location of the pelvis

What hormone is produced throughout the ovarian cycle by the anterior pituitary hormone?

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

The central medulla contains what?

Lymphatics, ovarian vasculature, and nerves supported by fibrous connective tissue

At birth, the ovaries are relative large as a result of ___________________

Maternal hormone stimulus

The pubococcygeus muscles are the most ________________ and _____________ muscle pair of the pelvic diaphragm muscles. These muscles extend from the ______________ to the ____________, encircling the ____________________

Medial, anterior, pubic bones, coccyx; urethra, vagina, and rectum

Onset of menstruation


The timing of __________ and _____________ in the endometrial cycle corresponds to the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle. ( days ____ to ____)

Menses, proliferation, 1, 14

Days 1-5 of the menstrual cycle usually correspond to what?

Menses, when the thickened superficial layer of the endometrium is shed in the form of blood through the vagina

Monthly sloughing off of the endometrial lining of the nonpregnant uterus


The monthly cyclical the female reproductive system normally undergoes between the age of puberty and menopause

Menstrual cycle

Double layer of visceral peritoneum that wraps around a bowel segment and attached it to the posterior abdominal wall


A short, double fold of peritoneum extending from the posterior aspect of the broad ligament to the ovarian hilum


Which layer of the bladder folds when the bladder is empty, and descends and becomes smooth then the bladder is full?


Multiple viable births


Muscle layer that forms the bulk of the uterus


The ring-like structure of the pelvis surrounds and protects the lower intestines, the reproductive organs the urinary bladder and important components of the

Nervous and circulatory systems

The ________________ ___________ is located in the hypogastric portion of the peritoneal cavity, between the urinary bladder (anteriorly) and the rectum (posteriorly)

Nonpregnant uterus

No viable births


The ovaries in ______________ ___________ lie in a craniocaudal long axial direction on the iliopsoas muscle of the lateral pelvic walls between the eternal iliac vessels anteriorly and the internal iliac vessels and uterus posteriorly

Nulliparous women

The tough muscle layer that covers the internal surface of the obturator internus muscles

Obturator fascia

Muscles that originate along the acute line of the innominate bones and course parallel to the lateral walls of the true pelvis. They narrow inferiorly to pass through the lesser sciatic notch

Obturator internus

True pelvis muscles

Obturator internus Piriformis Pelvic diaphragm muscles

The production of female gametes (egg cells)


Arteries that branch off the abdominal aorta at a level inferior to the renal artery branches

Ovarian arteries

Ligament that supports the medial aspect of the ovary to the uterine cornu

Ovarian ligament

Consists of the peripheral cortex and the central medulla; AKA the body of the ovary

Ovarian stroma

Paired organs lying on the posterior surface of the broad ligaments *HINT* ~~~~~~~ These organs are almond-shaped


Normally lie posterolateral to the uterus within the adnexa, are quite mobile, and influenced by the condition of the surrounding structures. Usually never move anterior to the uterus or broad ligaments

Ovaries location

Occurs when the ovarian follicle bursts and releases the mature ovum


Each ovarian artery courses anterior to the _________ and ___________ muscles within the retroperitoneum. They travel medially along the __________________________ ligament to reach the _______________________.

Psoas, iliopsoas, infundibulopelvic, ovarian hilum

Anterior fusion of the innominate bones

Pubic/ pubic symphysis

The most medial and anterior muscle pair of the pelvic diaphragm muscles. These muscles extend from the pubic bones to the coccyx, encircling the urethra, vagina, and rectum

Pubococcygeus muscle

The iliococcygeus muscles are located lateral to the ___________________ muscles. This pair extends from the ____________________ and _________________ anteriorly to the _____________ posteriorly.

Pubococcygeus, obturator fascia, ischial spine, coccyx

Ligaments that extend anteriorly from the bladder neck and attach to the pubic bones

Pubovesical ligament

Arteries the penetrate the uterine myometrium and give rise to the straight arteries

Radial arteries

The posterior cul-de-sac can also be referred to as the __________ pouch or pouch of ___________

Rectouterine, Douglas

Situated posterior to the vagina, is fixed in position, and is largely retroperitoneal


Paired muscles that extend from the sixth ribs and the xiphoid process down to the pubic symphysis.

Rectus abdominis

Much of the anterior wall of the abdominopelvic cavity is formed by the _____________

Rectus abdominis muscles

The rectus abdominis muscles are intersected by the transverse tendinous bands and are wrapped in a muscular sheath called the

Rectus sheath

In the _________ state the vaginal walls collapse together, and the epithelial lining folds into ______________

Relaxed, transverse ridges

When the bladder is empty and the cervix and vagina are linearly oriented, and the uterine body and fundus are bent at a great posterior angle until the fundus is pointing inferiorly, adjacent to the cervix

Retroflexed uterus

When the bladder is empty and the uterine body and fundus are tipped posteriorly and the angle of the cervix and vagina increases, making them more linearly orientated

Retroverted uterus

Both estrogen and LH peak when?

Right before ovulation

Which ligaments maintain the forward bend of the uterine fundus


Ligaments that originate at the uterine cornu and courses with in the broad ligaments to the anterolateral pelvic wall; pass over the pelvic brim, through the inguinal canal, and is secured at the labia majora

Round ligaments

Ligaments that provide structural support to the uterus

Round, cardinal, and uterosacral ligaments

The descriptive REGIONS of the pelvis

Rt Iliac, Hypogastric, Lft Iliac

The most superior surface on the body of the first sacral vertebrae

Sacral promontory

An arbitrary division defined by the ______________ _______________ and _____________ _____________ designates the true and false pelves.

Sacral promontory, Linea terminalis

Bones that constitute the distal segment of the vertebral spine and form the posterior border of the pelvic cavity

Sacrum and coccyx

Bones of the pelvic skeleton

Sacrum, coccyx, innominate bones

Ovulation, at/near the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, marks the beginning of what phase of the endometrial cycle?

Secretory phase

The _____________ phase of the endometrial cycle corresponds to the luteal phase of the ____________ cycle. (days _____ to _____)

Secretory, ovarian, 15, 28

Thin membrane the covers the myometrium and forms the outer layer of the uterus


Descends toward the rectum in the inferoposteior aspect of the pelvis at the level of the third sacral vertebra, and is somewhat variable in length and position.

Sigmoid colon

________________________ give rise to the arcuate arteries

Small uterine artery branches

The cervix is composed of _________________ fibers interlaced with _______________ fibers, creating a more rigid framework

Smooth muscle, collagen

Space that separated the anterior bladder wall from the pelvic symphysis and is typically filled with extraperitoneal fat

Space of Retzius

Arteries that perfuse the proliferating uterine endometrium, with blood flow that is responsive to hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle

Spiral arteries

Blood is supplied to the urinary bladder by the ___________ and _______________ ___________ arteries, tributaries of the internal iliac arteries

Superior, inferior vesicular

The uterine artery continues ___________ toward its termination at the ________________________

Superiorly, fundus of the uterus

The ovarian helium is located along the _______________ aspect of the ovary.


TRUE OR FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The uterine artery is one of two separate vascular pathways that maintain the blood supply to each ovary


The piriformis muscles are muscles that originate in the _________________________ of the true pelvis, along the lower portion of the ___________, posterior to the __________. They travel _________________, narrowing to pass through the greater sciatic notch

Posterior aspect, Sacrum, uterus, anterolaterally

Any fluid collection within the peritoneal cavity often drains into this space

Posterior cul-de-sac

Space between posterior to uterus and anterior to rectum

Posterior cul-de-sac

The mesovarium is a.....

Posterior extension of the broad ligament that serves to suspend, but does not surround, the ovaries

The coccygeus muscles are the most ____________ muscle pair of the __________________ extending from the ____________ to the ___________ and _________

Posterior, pelvic diaphragm, ischial spine, sacrum, coccyx

The innominate bones join __________ at the sacrum and coccyx and fuse _______________ at the pubis or pubic symphysis

Posteriorly, anteriorly

What causes, marked displacement of the uterus


After menopause, uterine size reduces significantly and the uterus assumes a _________________ shape


What are all the stages of follicle maturation during the normal menstrual cycle?

Primordial follicle Primary follicle Secondary follicle Graafian follicle Ovulation Corpus luteum Corpus albicans

At menarche the ovaries contain thousands of _________________

Primordial follicles

A hormone that promotes glandular secretion of the endometrium


What hormone negatively inhibits the production of LH?


What is the second phase of the endometrial cycle?


Prominent paired muscles that originate at the lateral aspect of the lower thoracic vertebrae and course anterolaterally in their descent to the iliac crest. somewhat triangular in shape; situated vertically in the body

Psoas major muscle

What muscles compose the Iliopsoas muscles

Psoas majors, Iliacus muscles

The true pelvic contains

The urinary bladder, various loops of small bowel, the genital tract, and the ovaries

Which cells differentiate into estrogen-secreting cells to fulfil an endocrine function?

Theca interna cells

Forms the anterolateral borders of the abdominopelvic cavity

Transverse abdominis muscles

TRUE OF FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the follicular cells undergo follicular atresia beyond the stage of the secondary follicle


TRUE OR FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A bicornuate uterus is the most common of the congenital malformations of the female genital tract


TRUE OR FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During late pregnancy the isthmus is taken up into the corpus to form the lower uterine segment,


TRUE OR FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The name germinal epithelium arose from the mistaken belief that the germ cells originated from the tissue layer (germinal epithelium of the ovary)


TRUE OR FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ovaries are the only organs within the abdominopelvic cavity NOT lined with visceral peritoneum


Two COMPARTMENTS that make up the pelvic cavity area

True and false pelvis

Descriptive term given to the region DEEP to the pelvic inlet (linea terminalis)

True pelvis

Defined as extending from the linea terminalis to the pelvic diaphragm inferiorly. It is a bowl-shaped cavity aligned posteriorly and inferiorly within the skeletal framework.

True pelvis location

TRUE OR FALSE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The uterine tube and the ovary are not intimately connected.

True; thus the genital tract creates a channel between the outside and the peritoneal cavity

A fibrous connective tissue capsule found beneath the epithelial layer of the ovary

Tunica albuginea

Fixed inferiorly at its base in the true pelvis, posterior to the pubic symphysis and anterior to the uterus and vagina. Location of superior portion is variable.

Urinary bladder location

The vagina is between the __________ and __________ (anteriorly) and the _____________ (posteriorly)

Urinary bladder, urethra, rectum

What arteries supply the ovaries with blood?

Uterine and ovarian arteries

Branch of the internal iliac artery that supplies blood to the reproductive organs of the pelvis.

Uterine artery

Round ligaments originate at the ______________ and course with in the __________________ to the ___________________ pelvic wall; pass over the pelvic brim, through the _________________, and is secured at the ________________

Uterine cornu, broad ligaments, anterolateral, inguinal canal, labia majora

The ovarian artery branched off the uterine artery at the level of the ______________ to travel laterally within the broad ligament to reach the ______________

Uterine cornu, ovarian hilum

The straight arteries supply all the ______________________, except for its first layer of branches which receives its blood from small branches off the straight arteries called the ______________

Uterine myometrium, spiral arteries

Coiled, muscular, bilateral tubes emerging from the cone-shaped cornua of the uterus, which are located at the junction of the superior and lateral uterine margins

Uterine tubes

The fundus is the __________ and most __________ portion of the uterus

Widest, superior

Proliferating follicular cells are collectively called ____________________ encircle the zona pellucida

Zona granulosa

A primary follicle contains a primary oocyte surrounded by a membranous protein layer, called the ______________

Zona pellucida

What are the four layers of the urinary bladder?

inner mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, outer serosa

The space within the vaginal canal encircling the cervix forms the ________________________________ of the vagina

anterior, posterior, and lateral fornices

The innermost layer of the myometrium is composed of

circular and longitudinal fibers

The theca interna cells of multiple secondary follicles fulfil an endocrine function as they differentiate into ______________-_____________ cells


"egg cell"


This hormone has an analogous function to LH, maintaining the corpus luteum allowing it to continue to secrete estrogen and progesterone throughout the first trimester of pregnancy


Volume = length x ________(_________________) x width x __________

height (AP thickness), 0.523

The endometrial canal is also know as the

proximal portion of the birth canal

Fat and cellular connective tissue surrounding the two layers of each broad ligament and the structures they contain


Number of viable offspring


The fundus, corpus, isthmus, and cervix are all

Parts of the uterus

Act of giving birth


A group of skeletal muscles lining the floor of the true pelvis and supporting the pelvic organs

Pelvic diaphragm muscles

Pubococcygeus Iliococcygeus Coccygeus

Pelvic diaphragm muscles

The linea terminalis is an imaginary line drawn from the symphysis pubis around to the sacral promontory, marking the dividing plane between the true and false pelvis. The circumference of this plane is termed the

Pelvic inlet

Broad, Round, Cardinal, Uterosacral, Infundibulopelvic, Ovarian, Pubovesical, and Lateral are all

Pelvic ligaments

Part of the axial skeleton which links the lower extremities to the rest of the body through the lumbosacral spine


The ovarian stroma consists of the ____________ ___________ and the ___________ _____________.

Peripheral cortex, central medulla

The ____________ constitutes the bulk of ovarian tissue and is the site of _______________ ( the production of female gametes)

Peripheral cortex, oogenesis

The pelvis is part of which body CAVITY?


Uterine tubes course within the _________ along the superior free margin of the ____________________, until they reach the __________

Peritoneum, broad ligament, ovaries

Muscles that originate in the most posterior aspect of the true pelvis, along the lower portion of the sacrum, posterior to the uterus. They travel anterolaterally, narrowing to pass through the greater sciatic notch

Piriformis muscles

Responsible for the dramatic enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy and the radial muscle contractions necessary to expel the fetus at parturition

The combination of myometrial fibers

Which layer of the endometrial canal is not significantly influenced by the menstrual cycle?

The deep or basal

During this phase of the ovarian cycle 10-20 primordial follicles begin to mature. This initial maturation process results in the development of several primary follicles

The follicular phase

Each innominate bone is formed by _________________ between the Ilium, Ischium, and pubis.

The fusion of three ossification centers

What cells enlarge and secrete progesterone during the ovarian cycle

The granulosa luteal cells of the corpus luteum

Describe the mucosal lining of the ampulla segment of the uterine tube

The mucosal lining folds into complex matrices, filling much of the tubular lumen

What can influence ovarian volume parameters

The presence of large follicle(s) or pathology

During this phase of the endometrial cycle, between mense and ovulation, the endometrium thickens under the influence of estrogen, preparing the uterine cavity to receive the fertilized egg

The proliferation phase

The __________ extends superior to inferior, from the external os of the uterine cervix to the external genitalia. The external orifice is located posterior to the urethral orifice between the labia minora


Artery that branch inferiorly from uterine artery to supply blood to the vagina and the fundus of the bladder

Vaginal artery

Composed of a mucosal lining of epithelial cells, a thin smooth muscle wall, and an outer adventitia.

Vaginal walls

Formed by anastomosed uterine and ovarian arteries to pass through the mesosalpinx of the broad ligament, to meet the uterine tubes

Vascular arch

What arteries supply the urinary bladder with blood?

Vesicular and vaginal arteries

What triggers the shedding of the endometrial lining of the uterus?

When estrogen and progesterone diminish

At which state is the developing oocyte and its surrounding structures called secondary follicules

When the developing oocyte rests along the wall of the follicular atrium and is surrounded by the cumulus oophorus cells and internal and external theca cells

The ampulla is the __________ and most ___________ segment of the uterine tube.

longest, coiled

The outer layer of the myometrium is composed of

longitudinal fibers

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