Crowds, Movements, and Social Change
Revolutionary Movements
Seek complete change in all aspects of society
Motivational Framing
A call to action in social movements
Social Change
Change in society through social movements and external factors
Social Movement Industry
Collection of social movement organizations with similar goals
Acting Crowds
Crowds of people focused on a specific action or goal
Expressive Crowds
Crowds sharing opportunities to express emotions
Emergent Norm Theory
Emphasizes social norms' importance in crowd behavior
New Social Movement Theory
Explains postindustrial and postmodern movements
Resource Mobilization Theory
Explains social movements' success through resource acquisition and mobilization
Fairly large number of people in close proximity
Value-Added Theory
Functional perspective on preconditions for collective behavior
Flash Mob
Large group engaging in spontaneous, time-limited activity
Social Movement Sector
Multiple social movement industries in a society
Nongovernmental organizations working globally for humanitarian and environmental causes
Collective Behavior
Noninstitutionalized activity where people voluntarily engage
Obtaining services, ideas, or content from a large group
Social Movement
Organized group working toward a common social goal
Conventional Crowds
People gathering for a regularly scheduled event
Casual Crowds
People in close proximity without interacting
Process increasing specialization and differentiation in societies
Religious/Redemptive Movements
Promote inner change or spiritual growth in individuals
Frame Alignment Process
Recruiting participants using bridging, amplification, extension, and transformation
Relatively large group sharing a common interest
Reform Movements
Seek to change specific aspects of the social structure
Resistance Movements
Seek to prevent or undo changes to the social structure
Social Movement Organization
Single group within a social movement
Alternative Movements
Social movements limited to self-improvement changes in individuals
Prognostic Framing
Social movements stating clear solutions and means of implementation
Diagnostic Framing
Stating a social problem clearly and understandably
Assembling Perspective
Theory viewing crowds as rational thinkers engaging in purposeful behavior
Unorganized group sharing ideas